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Originally posted by BigFiveJack:
I am curious why you are picking the more expensive
12 GFH over the less costly 700 HE, which is also
based on the 50 BMG. Not being critical, just trying to
follow your train of thought.

Like Ed said mate, just a matter of the 12GFH is easier for me to obtain parts/components for at present, that is until Ed goes into production with the 700 Wink .


458AR & 500AR owner (yes it is done dancing )
12GFH in the pipeline(but not a real one, just a "mini one"!!
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Colonel Townsend Whelen
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Ok,I'm now looking at this from a different direction.
So does anyone know a barrel maker that will rebore a 50 BMG barrel to 12 ga ??
Found an LAR with a bad barrel. Big Grin

Cheers, John

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Oh I'm making 700 long and short now.
But no way can I pay Commerce Dept thousands
of dollars, plus money to all the other crats to export.
May be easier for them there to find
importer allready setup, and let him bear the work.
But if guys get together and do a bunch of
guns their guy Bertram, will make cases.
And he can make them with BMG primer pockets
as all last run of 700NE he did has BMG pockets.

Delta Rebore will do it 1-509-684-5855.Ed

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PhatMan in Austin,

Clearwater Reboring seems to be a subdivision of Delta Gun Shop based on

the web site. is very reputable. I really believe your

50 BMG barrel will need to measure at least .929" outer diameter at the muzzle.

Being in the USA again I suggest the 700 HE design instead of the 12 GFH, un-

less you have a cheap source for Boys cases.


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I think your right about the 700.
I'm not going any where with this untill the police can assure me that the gun is not stolen. They have the serial numbers and we will see.
After all, have you ever seen a 50 BMG rifle go for $400 buck?
It is no beuty queen by far but its worth a lot more than that in just parts.

As R.Reagan said: Trust but Verify


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Mr. Hubel,

Know anyone that will do the rebore for the 8ga?
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We are trying to find someone. I thought we had
a fellow back east , but he is just about
disabled with heart problems. But I am going to
talk to Delta this week. and see if they will do them.
Tooling to do a good job is expensive so I don't know.
I got couple others that want NEFs redone to 4 bore.Ed

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Re: 499 HE in the 450 #2 NE brass, is there a 570 grn

bullet in this diameter that's been used? If none this

heavy, how heavy have we gotten? With a 570 grn bullet

what will the OAL be?

Beside RCBS AmmoMaster and Hornady clone, and LEE

Classic Cast, which presses will be big enough to load this

E.H. creation? It's got to measure 4.5" - 4.7" is my guess

using 570 grainers like


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Now these are .500 caliber not .510 like other
50 cals use. Normal use is the 500 S&W slugs
made by Hornady and many others. I have heard of
guys casting clear up to 700 gr in the .500"
bullet diameter. You can go on cast forum here
and find out. A 570 gr one would give you a
overall length of about 4.6", with a full
powder load. Putting them in singleshots length is
no restriction. And I have loads set up for
full powder and to change speed, we change
the powder.The biggest Lyman press will work.Ed

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Could the 50 BMG be necked wide open, and a .729" diameter projectile

loaded, have walls straight and tapering in and use the mouth to head-

space on like the 50 B&M? If not at full length of brass what about cut

shorter? How Short?


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700 bmg has been done!

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
What is an AR round? Case Drawings 416-458-470AR and 500AR.
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Well, the 700BMG will not be redone be me. The LAR Grizzly was stolen property.
All the right people are in jail and the owner of it came down from Dallas to pick it up.
Poor man, his weapon looks like it was drug behind a truck.
So I'm out $400, but I got it out of the hands of scumbags. So its all good. Big Grin

John coffee

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Jack -- yes I have couple 3 inch ones here that is
setup to headspace the mouth. They are actually the first
I made in early 90s before I started putting belts on.
And many others have done this also as far as
making something to look at.Cutoff at shoulder,
expand a little, and stick in a 12ga slug.
Then guys started talking 700 caliber and that was next
It took a while for me to perfect my belting process,
which come out just right with 700 caliber.
As it takes big diameter action and there wouldn't
numbers of them like 22s, I figured that case could
be best with a belt, worth doing a little more work
on making cases. The belted at high hunting speeds and
moderate pressures will never wear out. I always figured it
was best to go belted if straight sided and that process
could make them last long time. And my first smallest
belted wildcat proved that they would last many firings
in my testing. And then it was off to the races,
as they say.And for 12ga is still best with rim
for all around use; which is why Rob's idea
of taking bmg case and putting rims on, has
really captured folks' interest and it facilitates
using shotguns, which are a savings over big rifle
actions.I've done both and doing the equivalent of
DG guns in a Savage, NEF, Mossberg, heavy barreled
pumps, etc realy makes it easy...Ed

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Ed you have probably answered this before, but just how do you put a belt on the cases?


458AR & 500AR owner (yes it is done dancing )
12GFH in the pipeline(but not a real one, just a "mini one"!!
The single shot on fine and beautiful lines built by a master craftsman is indeed a gentleman's piece...
Colonel Townsend Whelen
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Paz- Ok I start a belt step or shoulder on
my case spinner lathe. This lathe deal holds the
case by the mouth with a center on other end in primer
pocket. This gets case bottom out in the open to work
on it. The belt step is done with case spinning slow
with a multi-faceted cutting tool(A File).I use a guide
on the center to run file against for accuracy.This step on
bmg case is in the heavy thick part of the corner,
and it is angled out, so case isn't thinned above belt.
That leaves case with a convex or rounded out
side above the belt. Then I swage sides straight with die.
And then either fireform case or use expanders to
straight whole case out to whatever bore I want..Ed

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Thanks mate thumb, really not as hard as i was imagining, sort of.

Tell me, when you hold the cases by the mouth for this, or any other type of modifications on a case with a lathe, do you use a spigot or some type of plug to stop the chuck from crushing the brass?


458AR & 500AR owner (yes it is done dancing )
12GFH in the pipeline(but not a real one, just a "mini one"!!
The single shot on fine and beautiful lines built by a master craftsman is indeed a gentleman's piece...
Colonel Townsend Whelen
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The bmg and big cases don't crush in the
small 3" chuck. I use a plug in making my
585HE cases.The belt step is only .012"
on bmg case, which gets the base ahead of the
belt down to .775". It doesn't turn that hard
so I don't need a real hard tightening
on the chuck.ED

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Thanks again Ed.

Paz thumb

458AR & 500AR owner (yes it is done dancing )
12GFH in the pipeline(but not a real one, just a "mini one"!!
The single shot on fine and beautiful lines built by a master craftsman is indeed a gentleman's piece...
Colonel Townsend Whelen
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Heat Crimping
I wonder if this would work for the From Hell series.
A lot of good info on the sight, just in a smaller size.

John coffee

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Headspacing off the case mouth is OK in a pistol case, but a invitation to a real big Kaboom in a rifle. If the case is too long pressures will go through the roof and if too short your headspace is screwed! Only a real Neophyte would even think of it. You cant do a .729 on a .50BMG case without either a rim or a belt to effectively and reliably headspace off of. If you want a shoulder, you need a 20mm case.-Rob

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How about necking that Russian case down to .729" for a 10/12 bore AKA 12-10 Gauge? A bottlenecked shotgun from hell. Those cheap surplus powders should toss those Darwins "Hell" a fast Wink

The 12 Gauge forcing cone could be extended and widened to act as the shoulder.

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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I found my thrill in Twelve Gauge Hell.
It's a barrel of gorilla for sure!
Backing down to Twenty Gauge Purgatory.
Hoping for as much fun as a barrel of monkeys.
No word from RMC on 3.5" 20 gauge brass yet. Frowner
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Has anyone tried any black powder loaded 12 GFH rounds for shits and giggles?
Should take a few min for the smoke to clear but would look cool.


Instant smoke screen lol

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I know guys who love black powder ,but I don't
like the cleaning and cleanup.A case full
would be a smoke screen.

Rob is right about headspacing on the mouth if cases
get too long, To easy for problems.
And then you'd still need a good tight
extractor if the case is kept short.
Like I do wirh my 585 Short HE.

The Russian 50 cal is more valuable for making the
latest creation, the 10GA FH, shown above.
Brass empties in one place is 15 bucks another more.
I'm working out a deal to get them for
about half in a third place.
That is the brass ones I use. Steel cases
are less but too hard to work with.Ed

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Ed I would sure hate to pay your gun powder bill for the month!!! It would surely cut into my beer money !!! Big Grin

John coffee

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When Rob takes his 12 GFH hunting he can have one chamber smokeless and the back up shot black powder so if the elephant is still charging after the second shot Rob could hide behind the smoke while he reloads Smiler

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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Originally posted by Robgunbuilder:
Headspacing off the case mouth is OK in a pistol case, but a invitation to a real
big Kaboom in a rifle. If the case is too long pressures will go through the roof
and if too short your headspace is screwed!

Only a real Neophyte would even think of it.

You cant do a .729 on a .50BMG case without either a rim or a belt to effectively and
reliably headspace off of. If you want a shoulder, you need a 20mm case.-Rob

You've accurately described me Rob. I like the education that I get here. Some-
times it's posted politely, sometimes not, but either way I learn a bit more.


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Here is a neat idea for a 5 shot 12ga,
a 12ga revolver. Nice looking gun.
Also I found a company that would rebore 10ga
NEF heavy barreled guns to 8ga, if they can
get 5-6 guys lined up to do it, so that they can
make tooling and charge less than
300 bucks to do it. Delta Reboring.
Let me know and we'll get arrangements made
if enough are interested.I have two now.ED

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Cool rig!
I wonder what preasures it can take and also not getting burned by escaping gasses.

Originally posted by hubel458:
Here is a neat idea for a 5 shot 12ga,
a 12ga revolver. Nice looking gun.
Also I found a company that would rebore 10ga
NEF heavy barreled guns to 8ga, if they can
get 5-6 guys lined up to do it, so that they can
make tooling and charge less than
300 bucks to do it. Delta Reboring.
Let me know and we'll get arrangements made
if enough are interested.I have two now.ED

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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Is anybody selling this revolver shotgun or is it a one off?
It would be neat to have just for the fun of it. Smiler
John coffee

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Picture 3 years old, gun made in russia
he said, picture i think from
company site.I'd like one also.Ed

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Now a 12GaRevolving shotgun would actually be damn near perfect for the 12GaFH.It could be built stout enough and for-ever eliminate the terror of a double discharge in a double rifle. I thought about this before in a kinda .500 S&W super magnum for hunting DG. Maybe I should scale the idea up. Imagine 24 quadracones as fast as you can pull the trigger. Why you could eliminate 6 Civics full of Gangstas at one time. Now thats what I call a STIMULUS PLAN!

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Na,just make the cylinder 4 inches long for the 499 HE and rock on ! Smiler

Dont forget speed loaders Wink

John coffee

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It would be great in both
499HE and 12GA FH, just to cover all
bases, we need one of each.
12ga FH speed loaders, be the balls
to watch my buddy Jerry do that.Ed

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I'm up for a 8ga rebore/rechamber, maybe 2.
Rifled or smoothbore?
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Ralf- Smoothbore. PM me and I'll put
you on the list. Then when we get enough
guys I'll let Delta know so they can
do tooling.ED

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Two Presses From Heaven! (or 2PFH Big Grin)

Originally posted by Lissauer:
Tell us more about your gargantuan presses!

I live in the land of fruits and nuts; we have a ban on lead hunting bullets.

So I bought the big press (Corbin CSP-2) to swage solid copper bullets. Love

it, but for reloading it is cumbersome. The blue press is a Walnut Hill from RCE

(Corbin's brother). I bought this one to load 510 DTC since 50 BMG is outlawed

in CA. For reloading big bore the Walnut Hill works well. I didn't want to spend

$1,500 on a Hollywood press so I went with the Walnut Hill. It is basically a

smaller version of the big press.


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Anyone know how the "Ultragon" rifling will go in the H&R or NEFS in the 12g FH?

Is it any different to the normal H&R or NEF rifling?

Had a look at one today and to me it seemed just like normal rifling.


458AR & 500AR owner (yes it is done dancing )
12GFH in the pipeline(but not a real one, just a "mini one"!!
The single shot on fine and beautiful lines built by a master craftsman is indeed a gentleman's piece...
Colonel Townsend Whelen
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Your shop is WAY too clean... Big Grin
Anyone else have such a clean reloading bench?
Is that a Corbin press?

Originally posted by BigFiveJack:
Two Presses From Heaven? (or 2PFH Big Grin)

Originally posted by Lissauer:
Tell us more about your gargantuan presses!

I live in the land of fruits and nuts; we have a ban on lead hunting bullets.

So I bought the big press (Corbin CSP-2) to swage solid copper bullets. Love

it, but for reloading it is cumbersome. The blue press is a Walnut Hill from RCE

(Corbin's brother). I bought this one to load 510 DTC since 50 BMG is outlawed

in CA. For reloading big bore the Walnut Hill works well. I didn't want to spend

$1,500 on a Hollywood press so I went with the Walnut Hill. It is basically a

smaller version of the big press.

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Not my place sad to say. Read BELOW the
pic to get the deal on the two big presses.


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