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Discussion Topic  Could trump possibly be more stupid? (in The Political Forum) by LongDistanceOperator
Throws a temper tantrum after Ontario slaps a retaliatory tariff on energy to northern US states. Th...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > The Political Forum

Discussion Topic  EARLY Whitney Kennedy Lever in .44-40 (in Classified - FIREARMS ONLY) by Ultraman
This has been stored in a private collection for decades. A VERY early, 3 digit serial number Kenned...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > Classified - FIREARMS ONLY

Discussion Topic  New Canadian PM tells trump to stuff it (in The Political Forum) by Mike Mitchell
So much for trump's fantasies about Canada.... “We didn’t ask for this fight, but Canadians are alw...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > The Political Forum

Discussion Topic  wtb - any Brevex Mauser any caliber (in Classified - FIREARMS ONLY) by buckstix
wtb - any Brevex Mauser any caliber - pm or email me - > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > Classified - FIREARMS ONLY

Discussion Topic  Conservative? (in The Political Forum) by ledvm
One thing about these days…it is obvious to see who actually is a small government conservative and ...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > The Political Forum

Discussion Topic  The South African Nazi calls Mark Kelly a traitor (in The Political Forum) by Mike Mitchell
Mark Kelly....Navy pilot, flew multiple combat missions in Desert Storm, two Distinguished Flying Cr...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > The Political Forum

Discussion Topic  25 WSSM AMMO & .300 WSM AMMO AUSTIN TX (in Classified) by Ultraman
you can click on link below to see all details WITH photos, just to difficult for me to post PICS he...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > Classified

Discussion Topic  7x57 Brass (in Classified) by DKim
11 0X fired Remington brass 26 1X fired Rem brass 9 1X fired Federal brass $20 shipped to lower 48... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > Classified

Discussion Topic  A Non Hunting Video Some Of You Might Enjoy (in African Big Game Hunting) by Saeed
...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > African Big Game Hunting

Discussion Topic  Bullets - 6mm, 6.5mm, .277 (in Classified) by talentrec
Cleaning off the bench. 6mm 58 grain Hornady V-Max (50) - $10 60 grain Sierra HP (100) - $25 70 gra...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > Classified

Discussion Topic  The US is actively working to get Ukraine pilots killed (in The Political Forum) by HerrBerg
Are there any decent americans left? "The U.S. administration is doing everything they can to dest...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > The Political Forum

Discussion Topic  Well how about coffee brands? (in Recipes for Hunters) by custombolt
Nothing fancy here. Just eight o clock beans ground medium. No black. Got to have half n half. Not i...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > Recipes for Hunters

Discussion Topic  trump's economy (in The Political Forum) by Mike Mitchell
How about that sell-off, eh? MAGA! Fucking idiots. ...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > The Political Forum

Discussion Topic  Custom Lamented Stock Options? (in American Big Game Hunting) by LHeym500
I think Serengeti Rifles, with their stocks went out of business. Any recommendations for a custom l...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > American Big Game Hunting

Discussion Topic  A two rifle journey (in Medium Bore Rifles) by TASK1
I offer this this short story to someone whose thoughts on trimming down their rifle battery might m...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > Medium Bore Rifles

Discussion Topic  New Model-70 Winchester, Portugal (in Custom Built Rifles) by SDH
Since there is no Bolt Action Rifles category, I'm posting this here. Looking for owner evaluation:...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > Custom Built Rifles

Discussion Topic  Meindl Vakum Boots size 14D (in Classified) by BigBBear
I have a fairly new pair of these boots that have been worn fairly little. Due to an injury on left ...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > Classified

Discussion Topic  Loving those tariffs . . . your 401K not so much (in The Political Forum) by MJines
The stock market has a rightful aversion to new taxes. The GOP did too at one time. I guess when T...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > The Political Forum

Discussion Topic  Is there something in the White House water supply ... (in The Political Forum) by nute
...that makes grown men in a position of responsibility act like petulant children? Musk said on X ...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > The Political Forum

Discussion Topic  March 6, 1836 (in The Political Forum) by Mike Mitchell
188 years ago. At 10 p.m. on March 5, the Mexican artillery ceased their bombardment. As Santa Anna...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > The Political Forum

Discussion Topic  Long Eye Relief (in Optics) by Michael Robinson
Does anyone know the longest eye relief quality scope now being made made for hunting purposes? Mi...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > Optics

Discussion Topic  6.5x57R RWS Brass Ammo (in Classified) by sageraxe
RWS New Brass 6.5x57R unprimed 4 boxes 80 pieces. 1 Box 2 rounds short 18 rounds factory loading. I ...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > Classified

Discussion Topic  Best Low Light Scope (in Optics) by Austin Hunter
Looking for a good low light scope for a leopard hunt. I was thinking the S&B 1.5-6x42, but then wo...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > Optics

Discussion Topic  AOC (in The Political Forum) by theback40
I laughed at her when she said something stupid, so only fair I mention when she has a good idea. S...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > The Political Forum

Discussion Topic  UPDATE FIELD TEST - Custom built FN in 458 Win Mag (in Custom Built Rifles) by buckstix
UPDATE FIELD TEST - Custom built FN in 458 Win Mag 458 Win Mag is my second most favorite caliber....... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > Custom Built Rifles

Discussion Topic  Homer big game transporter sentenced for transporting unlawfully taken black bears (in Alaska Hunting Forum) by Kathi
...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > Alaska Hunting Forum

Discussion Topic  The Week in Pictures (in Humor) by BNagel
...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > Humor

Discussion Topic  Henry single shot rifles..? (in Single Shot Rifles) by Brittman
Just wondering if any of our AR members have dealt w/ the Henry single shot rifles? Any opinions app...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > Single Shot Rifles

Discussion Topic  Kennedy doubles down on stupid (in The Political Forum) by Mike Mitchell
Yes, indeed...that is our Health & Human Services secretary uttering all kinds of demonstrably stupi...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > The Political Forum

Discussion Topic  Roe deer hunt in Bulgaria (in Outfitters - Offered and Discounted Hunts) by BulgarianHunt
Roe deer hunting prices for season 2025 in Bulgaria. I offer you roe buck trophy hunt and roe buck ...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > Outfitters - Offered and Discounted Hunts

Discussion Topic  Fascinating How Stupid Some People Are (in Travel Forum) by Saeed
Just saw a report that a flight was delayed because all passengers had to disembark for security che...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > Travel Forum

Discussion Topic  DOGE working for the taxpayers! (in The Political Forum) by JTEX
...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > The Political Forum

Discussion Topic  A few deer (in Australian and New Zealand Hunting) by gryphon1
...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > Australian and New Zealand Hunting

Discussion Topic  30-06 factory 200 or 220 gr (in Medium Bore Rifles) by ElCaballero
Is there anybody producing factory 30-06 ammo loaded with a sturdy big game bull in 200-220 gr? Some...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > Medium Bore Rifles

Discussion Topic  DSC update from the new CEO (in African Big Game Hunting) by dogcat
Just got this. Seems things did not go well, but cannot really tell... To Our Valued Partners, As ...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > African Big Game Hunting

Discussion Topic  Smoothest Mauser Action in the World (in Gunsmithing) by dpcd
Answer; the 1891. Smoothest operating and smoothest feeding of any Mauser. Here is an Argentine 91...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > Gunsmithing

Discussion Topic  .275 Rigby (in Medium Bore Rifles) by Michael Robinson
For anyone in need, it appears that Hornady has made a fresh run of .275 Rigby ammunition. I’m see...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > Medium Bore Rifles

Discussion Topic  Trump's Boyfriend Has A Plan! (in The Political Forum) by Saeed
...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > The Political Forum

Discussion Topic  Wall Street Journal slams trump on tariffs (in The Political Forum) by Mike Mitchell
That bastion of liberal reporting....Says somebody ought to sue him. “He’s treating the North Ame...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > The Political Forum

Discussion Topic  trump threatens fed funding cutoff to schools that allow protests (in The Political Forum) by Mike Mitchell
This guy is losing his fucking mind. Threats designed to abridge rights guaranteed by the Constitut...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > The Political Forum

Discussion Topic  Lightweight 375 H&H rifle (in Big Bores) by Onty
Lightweight 375 H&H rifle, anybody hunting with it? No “Big Five” in my neck of woods, just wild bo...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > Big Bores

Discussion Topic  Budapest Memorandum, article 3. (in The Political Forum) by HerrBerg
3. The United States of America, the Russian Federation, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > The Political Forum

Discussion Topic  If It Walks Like a Russian Asset, and Talks Like a Russian Asset, and Quacks Like a R (in The Political Forum) by Jefffive
...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > The Political Forum

Discussion Topic  hakeem denies dems are paying for protestors (in The Political Forum) by jeffeosso
uhmm.. dude.. you REALLY need to do a quick fact check inside your party before talking quemala pai...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > The Political Forum

Discussion Topic  Hey Saeed. New Daystate airrifle comming out!. (in Air Rifle) by jens poulsen
Daystate have announced a new gun will be revealed the 14th of Feb at the British Shooting show. Tho...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > Air Rifle

Discussion Topic  ZIMBABWE ELEPHANTS '25-'26 (in Outfitters - Offered and Discounted Hunts) by MARK H. YOUNG
Lin Stanton has some relatively inexpensive elephant hunts available in Marula on the Botswana borde...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > Outfitters - Offered and Discounted Hunts

Discussion Topic  What optic on your LH .375 H&H? (in Lefties) by gsganzer
I have a M70 LH .375 H&H that is turning into a bugger to put glass on. I'm wanting to mount using ...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > Lefties

Discussion Topic  Kudos to the Brits (in The Political Forum) by MJines
They seem to have the best grasp on how to play Trump. They feed his ego, then do things that send ...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > The Political Forum

Discussion Topic  maybe don't fill a fridge with tannerite (in Fun Shooting) by jeffeosso
...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > Fun Shooting

Discussion Topic  Hagn and Farquharson action availability? (in Custom Built Rifles) by ColoradoMatt
I recently got to hold a Holland farquharson 30 Super flanged single shot rifle in my own two hands,...... > The Accurate Reloading Forums > THE ACCURATE RELOADING.COM FORUMS > Custom Built Rifles

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