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Cutting Edge Bullets: 49-Bore/.500-Caliber/.338LM Improved of 2010 ... 12.7x68Magnum Login/Join
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I picked up another RUM rifle, delivered today. Stainless, and slick as can be. Well used, but all I want is the action of course.


The New Word is "Non-Conventional", add "Conventional" to the Endangered Species List!
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Posts: 8426 | Location: South Carolina | Registered: 23 June 2008Reply With Quote
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Grab those M70 RUM rifles whenever you can. tu2
Page 5!
This ain't terminal ballistics, but it keeps me out of trouble. animal

Doc M,
Good luck on your safari.
If you can shoot a .600 from the bench, you are ready. Two months after I had the male hysterectomy through my belly button I was off to Tanzania for a month. old
Saeed and crew are a long suffering, friendly lot. wave
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Yeah, I pick one of the RUM Winchesters up when I can. Just stack them off to the side for later use. Since that is the only Winchester the 500 MDM can be built on, easy without issues, then I figure I should have some off to the side for that purpose should someone want one. Gees, I now have 4-500 MDMs , I can't imagine why I might need another, but you never know? LOL.......

I must confess that last day of 600 OK was getting a little aggravating, and the last two rounds fired for test work, I was happy to get to and finish.

I feel pretty much RTG (Ready-To-Go)now. Another confession, I had been running the 460 NonCon at 2560 fps in the 500. It was shooting great, but it was a little hateful as well. After completing and feeling confident with POI--I decided to change up altogether with that load. I dropped the charge down, and velocity to 2450 fps, and I started handling the gun a lot better at that point, and with more confidence. Figure if a buffalo has an issue with that, I will just send one of the 500 gr solids up his arse to settle it! But I have doubts that old buff will complain about a 100 fps, and if I am handling the gun better, well so be it! World of difference in 100 fps on my end, not much on the other end I think! To begin with the only reason I wanted extra velocity is to put that bullet to the test, but 2450 should do as well.

Both rifles are shooting incredibly well. I am very pleased I decided to tote the little 458 B&M too. Shooting the 420 NonCon at 2250 followed by the 450 Solid at 2215 in the 18 inch gun. Followed by several other bullets with close or very close the same POI we can get some good work done while there, with the 458 and the 500.


The New Word is "Non-Conventional", add "Conventional" to the Endangered Species List!
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Posts: 8426 | Location: South Carolina | Registered: 23 June 2008Reply With Quote
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Just to be a repetitious attention seeker:

I have ordered Duane Wiebe's XRM box (and his machined stainless steel follower) that is a drop-in fit for the Winchester M70 Classic Stainless 300/375 H&H length.
XRM stands for "Xtra Round Magazine."
Gets 4 down in .375 H&H with the original stock and floorplate.
It has got to be a little wider than the original, same height and lengtIh.
The old Pre-64 H&H M70 box was wider than the current one, Mauser cosine perfect for 4 H&H cartridges in the box.
They should have never changed it.
The RUM action simply windows the Connecticut Classic box.
Maybe it will be big enough for me to get 3-down in .500/.338LM.
It certainly should be if I have Rusty window one of those boxes like he re-windowed the original RUM box.
Will see how the feeding is then.
Other mods included a Williams extractor shaped just right for the Rigby rim of the .338LM, and rail and ramp carressing.
We live in exciting times,
if it is this simple to get an M70 working for a .500/.338LM 4-shooter,
that will be very exciting. Cool
If it works, Duane makes a one-piece bottom metal unit for XRM,
as well as a deeper unit of the usual M70 width,
for a drop belly stock.
The box alone is only $47.
The one-piece units are $420.

A hybrid of the XRM width and the extra depth might be the cat's meow for me.
Might fit in the McMillan drop belly stock.
Accurate Innovations might be able to make a drop belly stock with bedding chassis,
bamboo laminate?

Might be an improvement for a RUM-based cartridge, steel follower instead of aluminum, no windows required, and use the original type RUM follower spring with no "loop."
Might be an easy way to convert any long action M70 to .375 RUM, 500 MDM, or 404 Jeffery.
Will report on how it works for RUMs and 404 Jeffery, and .338 Lapua cats.

It will be nice to not have to do all the Lapua cats on CZ 550 Magnum or Dakota 76 actions.
M70s are sexy: Pre-64, Classic, and Myrtle Beachers from SC. Cool

Don't everybody rush to buy these up. Duane only has about 30 in stock. There is a blocked one for 30-06 and short magnums. Wink
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And, it appears after they started building the Classic in the 90s, they changed things several times with the standard action. Finally, we got the 5 Win M70s that we built in 458 Lott up and running proper, but it took some work. Sent Brian 5 different Win M70s, all 300 Win that I had picked up over the years, with hopes of building 500 MDM on. These even give us a fit with 458 Lott, much less the bigger 500 MDM. Many changes in the box and related things, and just getting the right parts was a pain. But finally we have all 5 running, feeding, and functioning now.

This Duane box might have solved all those issues! In fact, I think it would have.

Oh please keep us informed on how this works, a very very important issue on the M70 when converting to something bigger than the HH case.

Winchester M70, or just forget about it--A M70, or stay at home!


The New Word is "Non-Conventional", add "Conventional" to the Endangered Species List!
Live Outside The Box of "Conventional Wisdom"

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Posts: 8426 | Location: South Carolina | Registered: 23 June 2008Reply With Quote
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The 49-10 Saga creeps along.

The rain held off and the temperature abated to a balmy 84 F at start and 88 F at finish. Skies were sunny/cloudy, wind of no consequence.

First 4 shots to get on paper at 50 yards with the 92-grain charge of Benchmark, with the 500-grain/.500 caliber CEB DGBR FN solid.

I like to limit myself to 20-shots between barrel cleanings.
That's how I break them in. Wink

Test fired yesterday for brass full-formed:

Notice that the faster the bullet, the lower it hits (POI) on target at 50 yards,
just like with a double rifle or handgun,
less barrel time as the muzzle is rising in recoil.
A heavier bullet load with more recoil and slower velocity would shoot higher, at this close range,
of course.

The velocities were faster than QuickLOAD predicted.
However I measured the CEB bullet at .501" diameter and 501 grains weight, not .500" and 500 grains. bewildered Smiler
I'll post the QuickLOAD scan in another post.
My 97-grain load may be closer to the QuickLOAD 100-grain load for velocity and pressure.
OK. thumb

The 94-grain load gave 2381 fps and 0.401" at 50 yards, ought to be close to 0.8 MOA for three shots.

97-grain load gave 2473 fps, 0.637", about 1.3 MOA.

The brass and rifle are good to 68,000 psi.

The powder charges were weighed with a cheap MTM Case Gard digital scale, and the sample sizes are low, wild Sds. Low statistical value.
Highest Sd was most accurate load. BOOM

Recoil from the 9 pound 3 oz., scoped, rifle was noticeable, but tolerable.
I did discover that the RUM follower spring has a tendency to batter in the box and make the follower spring slip forward in its retaining slot on the bottom of the floor plate.
Will need to get a little recoil stop made on the bottom of the floor plate inside surface,
to keep it from slipping forward and putting bind on the follower in the box.
Must intrude little on box capacity!
That is a new one for me! Eeker
R&D for the 49-10.
Still gets 3 down in the box but won't close without loading that top one into the chamber.
2-down, 1-up for now.
Still waiting on the XRM box, possibly even to be windowed also, if necessary.

The Leupold 2.5x-8x is an old and proven scope.
I shall test it some more. One of those has survived long on Saeed's .375/404J.
The Tupperware stock on this shop mule is doing great, but is subject to replacement.
New bottom metal and iron sights may be added.

Will get a pic of the brass and bullets used.
The brass is ready to send to Redding to get dies made.

The 49-10 Saga: Another "Mjolnir, Hammer of Thor" using the "Uru" metal cases from Finnland Vikings.
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of capoward
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Very nice RIP, the 49-10 is coming along right nicely!

Jim coffee
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Donkey, buy a donkey, buy a buy a donkey! Smiler

You and 2RECON (Michael of Germany) might be interested to see the fully formed brass, still smokey, ready to be cleaned up for a trip to Redding.
Also two of those CEB .500/500gr DGBR bullets, one showing the 3.503" COL/seating depth that worked well, feeds great in Winchester M70.
That CEB bullet length is 1.326".
Thanks to Michael of South Carolina, that great philanthropist aka Doc M. tu2

This wildcat is easy to load with spare parts from home:

1. Fire a standard, new-brass, .338 Lapua Magnum load in the 49-10 rifle, using the claw extractor to maintain headspace.
2. Use a universal de-capping/de-priming die to remove the spent primer.
3. Re-prime with whatever priming tool you like.
4. Use .500 S&W dies to neck size the brass.
5. Use the bottom of a .308 WCF full-length sizing die to put a pseudo-crimp on the case mouth after the bullet is seated.
6. Go hunting or target shooting.

Above load is the elephant load.
450-grainers (NonCon soft and FN solid) at higher velocity will be for buffalo and such.
300-grain varmint bullets too.
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Powder lots vary.
Bullet is either .500" or .501" diameter.
Bullet is either 500 grains or 501 grains.
But it looks like my top load is only about 60,000 psi, and my most accurate load is only 50,000 psi,
and my rifle and brass are 68,000 psi capable,
but only if the rifleman is that capable. Wink
Recoil is in the 90 to 95 @ 25 to 25.5 fps range.
I do not like it much if recoil is over 100 or over 30 fps. hilbily

The 92.0, 94.0, 96.0, 98.0 and 100.0 grain loads are in this table.
92 grains: 2300 fps @ 47,511 psi
94 grains: 2342 fps @ 50,499 psi
96 grains: 2385 fps @ 53,661 psi
98 grains: 2426 fps @ 57,007 psi
100 grains: 2467 fps @ 60,551 psi

The 97.0 grain load is here:
97 grains: 2405 fps @ 55,307 psi

My mileage may vary with powder lot of Benchmark, and actual bullet properties of CEB's DGBRs versus modeling of QuickLOAD.
However, I think I have found the perfect powder for the "49-10" with 450 to 500-grain bullets.
Benchmark is similar in burning rate to IMR-3031, for those like me who cut there reloading teeth on IMR powders.
I may need a faster powder for the varmint loads. coffee
IMR-4198/RL-7 burn rate or pistol powders? BOOM
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
Picture of jeffeosso
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try TAC or h335, brother - add alot of FPS if you want it...

on fireforming.. identical to my results with teh 500 AccRel -- save i used a 45 LC sizer to crimp

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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H335 was one of the first powders I found through QuickLOAD, and it does look better than Benchmark, for this application, but Benchmark is a sentimental favorite, and an Extreme powder with temperature insensitivity.

jeffeosso, did you say you had problems with .338 Lapua Brass in the 500 AccRel?
In the 49-10 it is as trouble free as possible. bewildered
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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i may have used too little pistol powder.. though the lapuas gave me inconsistent results in fireforming.. wasn't happy happy with them. of course, a sacrifical bullet would have helped .. i like taking out the expander, rough forming, and then fireforming hornady rigby brass .. tried that you? its like butter!

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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Originally posted by jeffeosso:
i may have used too little pistol powder.. though the lapuas gave me inconsistent results in fireforming.. wasn't happy happy with them. of course, a sacrifical bullet would have helped .. i like taking out the expander, rough forming, and then fireforming hornady rigby brass .. tried that you? its like butter!

It's nice to listen to RIP and Jeffeoso talk.

There seems to be something appealing at the level of about 6800-7000 ftlbs, .49"-.51" diameter, and a 9 lb rifle.
Let's see--
49 Lapua, 49 AcR, 500 AcR, 500MDM, and if one wants more kthwap, a 500 Mbogo in a heavier stick.


"A well-rounded hunting battery might include:
500 AccRel Nyati, 416 Rigby or 416 Ruger, 375Ruger or 338WM, 308 or 270, 243, 223" --
Conserving creation, hunting the harvest.
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"There seems to be something appealing at the level of about 6800-7000 ftlbs, .49"-.51" diameter, and a 9 lb rifle."

416 Tanzan,
Yep, there is definitely some appeal there, as long as the recoil stays below 100 ft-lbs and less than 30 fps recoil velocity. The 49-10 will do that. Wink

Ok, I got it, and you got it.
Use enough powder and enough "plug" when fire forming Lapua,
or use the right sizing die to form .416 Rigby cylindrical into the "500" brass.
Easy either way.
Yep. I just need some proper dies to do it the latter way. tu2
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I like it. Especially your use of existing spare parts for reloading pending receipt of your RCBS reloading dies…which haven’t yet been ordered!

Jim coffee
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With the stubby .500" bullets you could shoehorn that elephant slayer in a Ruger MKII like Jeffeosso's 500 AR!

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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Originally posted by capoward:

I like it. Especially your use of existing spare parts for reloading pending receipt of your RCBS reloading dies…which haven’t yet been ordered!

We do what we must, pending Redding dies, so of course I have not ordered RCBS dies yet! Wink
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Originally posted by boom stick:
With the stubby .500" bullets you could shoehorn that elephant slayer in a Ruger MKII like Jeffeosso's 500 AR!

Ah, yes, but then it would not be a Winchester, and it would shorten my powder column by a full 0.2 inch! Wink

H4198 Extreme for varmint bullets! tu2
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Uh, sorry. I just knocked on the door to see if I could use the phone. Didn't mean to intrude. I'll be going now. Just had a flat tire. Didn't mean to bother y'all. Uh, what are those shiny things?
Posts: 2827 | Location: Seattle, in the other Washington | Registered: 26 April 2006Reply With Quote
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Come on in brad, er Brice.

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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Originally posted by RIP:
Originally posted by capoward:

I like it. Especially your use of existing spare parts for reloading pending receipt of your RCBS reloading dies…which haven’t yet been ordered!

We do what we must, pending Redding dies, so of course I have not ordered RCBS dies yet! Wink
LOL... I'll blame it on the paint fumes, but at least I got the starting letter correct. Roll Eyes

Jim coffee
"Life's hard; it's harder if you're stupid"
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Damn RIP,
That baby has some serious horsepower even at the low levels.
It's even good looking tu2

Cheers, John

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Originally posted by RIP:
The 49-10 Saga creeps along.

The rain held off and the temperature abated to a balmy 84 F at start and 88 F at finish. Skies were sunny/cloudy, wind of no consequence.

First 4 shots to get on paper at 50 yards with the 92-grain charge of Benchmark, with the 500-grain/.500 caliber CEB DGBR FN solid.

I like to limit myself to 20-shots between barrel cleanings.
That's how I break them in. Wink

Test fired yesterday for brass full-formed:

Notice that the faster the bullet, the lower it hits (POI) on target at 50 yards,
just like with a double rifle or handgun,
less barrel time as the muzzle is rising in recoil.
A heavier bullet load with more recoil and slower velocity would shoot higher, at this close range,
of course.

The velocities were faster than QuickLOAD predicted.
However I measured the CEB bullet at .501" diameter and 501 grains weight, not .500" and 500 grains. bewildered Smiler
I'll post the QuickLOAD scan in another post.
My 97-grain load may be closer to the QuickLOAD 100-grain load for velocity and pressure.
OK. thumb

The 94-grain load gave 2381 fps and 0.401" at 50 yards, ought to be close to 0.8 MOA for three shots.

97-grain load gave 2473 fps, 0.637", about 1.3 MOA.

The brass and rifle are good to 68,000 psi.

The powder charges were weighed with a cheap MTM Case Gard digital scale, and the sample sizes are low, wild Sds. Low statistical value.
Highest Sd was most accurate load. BOOM

Recoil from the 9 pound 3 oz., scoped, rifle was noticeable, but tolerable.
I did discover that the RUM follower spring has a tendency to batter in the box and make the follower spring slip forward in its retaining slot on the bottom of the floor plate.
Will need to get a little recoil stop made on the bottom of the floor plate inside surface,
to keep it from slipping forward and putting bind on the follower in the box.
Must intrude little on box capacity!
That is a new one for me! Eeker
R&D for the 49-10.
Still gets 3 down in the box but won't close without loading that top one into the chamber.
2-down, 1-up for now.
Still waiting on the XRM box, possibly even to be windowed also, if necessary.

The Leupold 2.5x-8x is an old and proven scope.
I shall test it some more. One of those has survived long on Saeed's .375/404J.
The Tupperware stock on this shop mule is doing great, but is subject to replacement.
New bottom metal and iron sights may be added.

Will get a pic of the brass and bullets used.
The brass is ready to send to Redding to get dies made.

The 49-10 Saga: Another "Mjolnir, Hammer of Thor" using the "Uru" metal cases from Finnland Vikings.

Nice pictures and shooting, RIP,

Just a little check up and confirmation:
Your handwritten notes list a barrel contour of "PacNor sporter #6".
By my reckoning, that #6 is listed as having a .750" muzzle. A page or so back you listed .785" as the muzzle diameter.

Do you actually use a .750" muzzle?
Or is .785" the result of where the contour ends up when cut off from on the way to 28" length?
Does that mean that a 22" barrel would be about .800"?

In any case, .785" is apparently enough metal, si?
How does it balance? Nice, huh?


"A well-rounded hunting battery might include:
500 AccRel Nyati, 416 Rigby or 416 Ruger, 375Ruger or 338WM, 308 or 270, 243, 223" --
Conserving creation, hunting the harvest.
Posts: 4253 | Registered: 10 June 2009Reply With Quote
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Very nice RIP...
But what is the difference of this cartridge compared to Jeffes 500 AccRel (besides a .510" bullet in the 500 AccRel)?? Should be about the same case volume, length etc right??

Posts: 873 | Location: Denmark | Registered: 04 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by buffalo:
Very nice RIP...
But what is the difference of this cartridge compared to Jeffes 500 AccRel (besides a .510" bullet in the 500 AccRel)?? Should be about the same case volume, length etc right??


My guess is about the same, too.


Nice pictures and shooting, RIP,

Just a little check up and confirmation:
Your handwritten notes list a barrel contour of "PacNor sporter #6".
By my reckoning, that #6 is listed as having a .750" muzzle. A page or so back you listed .785" as the muzzle diameter.

Do you actually use a .750" muzzle?
Or is .785" the result of where the contour ends up when cut off from on the way to 28" length?
Does that mean that a 22" barrel would be about .800"?

In any case, .785" is apparently enough metal, si?
How does it balance? Nice, huh?

And it would be good to hear when there will be headstamped brass for travel to the fun places.
Right now we have 500AccRel and 500Mbogo from Quality, if'n I remember.

PS: what is the max cartridge OAL when using the Ruger Hawkeye 375 Ruger as a base for building a 500 AccRel? (I assume that the those Hawkeyes do not open up for the Mbogo length without serious gunsmithing?)


"A well-rounded hunting battery might include:
500 AccRel Nyati, 416 Rigby or 416 Ruger, 375Ruger or 338WM, 308 or 270, 243, 223" --
Conserving creation, hunting the harvest.
Posts: 4253 | Registered: 10 June 2009Reply With Quote
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These two cases, accrel and Tornado, are very much alike in capacity. Results will be what the loader is willing to take in recoil, rather than case limits
4.1" in a ph action, means loading milsurps from the mag in an AccRel. But I digress

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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416 Barrett bullets mag fed from a PH action chambered in 416 Rigby?

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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I know Michael sent you a good sampling of bullets, did he send you any of the 460gr CEB BBW#13 Brass FN Hollow Base bullets? If not I can send you a box to try out.

Jim coffee
"Life's hard; it's harder if you're stupid"
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416 Tanzan wrote:

"Just a little check up and confirmation:
Your handwritten notes list a barrel contour of "PacNor sporter #6".
By my reckoning, that #6 is listed as having a .750" muzzle. A page or so back you listed .785" as the muzzle diameter.

.750" was the diameter at 26" length. When cut back to 24" length it was .785". That is a taper of 0.0175"-diam. for each inch of length, at that point in the barrel. Apparently the taper gets slightly less for the next two inches. At 22" the barrel is 0.805" diameter by my hasty measure.

Do you actually use a .750" muzzle?
Or is .785" the result of where the contour ends up when cut off from on the way to 28" length?
Does that mean that a 22" barrel would be about .800"?

Close. 0.805" as noted above.

In any case, .785" is apparently enough metal, si?

Si. Even 0.750" at the muzzle would be enough. 0.785" is more than enough. The minimum muzzle diameter I would use is indeed 0.750" for a .500"-grooved barrel.

How does it balance? Nice, huh?"

It balances perfectly, on the front action screw when it is a bare/empty/dry rifle of 7-pounds 15.5 ounces, call it 8 pounds even. With scope and rings it is 9 pounds even. Add the slip-on recoil pad to give my desired 14.5" LOP, and to ease my shoulder, and it is 9.1875 pounds. BOOM

About the Brass for the 49/.338 Lapua Magnum.
I will fit a "49" on the bottom of the real deal .338 Lapua Magnum brass:

"49/.338 Lapua Magnum."
Engraving can be done as needed.
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by buffalo:
Very nice RIP...
But what is the difference of this cartridge compared to Jeffes 500 AccRel (besides a .510" bullet in the 500 AccRel)?? Should be about the same case volume, length etc right??


It is nearly identical to jeffeosso's 500 AccRel, except my neck diameter is 0.010" smaller.
Thus by inside neck diameter alone, jeffeosso's case capacity is a little bigger.

My brass is heavy .338 Lapua Magnum. That may reduce the capacity a bit too, compared to some other .416 Rigby basic makes.

I did not set out to copy jeffeosso's cartridge, but there is not much room for difference from his if I wanted to blow out a .338 Lapua Magnum for .500 bullets.
My shoulder and neck diameters are more of a variation on my 500 Mbogo, which worked perfectly.
1/3" shorter and 20-degree instead of 35-degree shoulder, and necked down from .510" to .500" bullets.

Now this brings me to a confession.
I was using jeffeosso's suggestion of 136 grains of water gross for my case capacity when I did the above QuickLoad.
Having now measured my fully fire-formed brass (Lapua):

131.45 grains gross water

This gets QuickLoad closer to what I chronographed, higher velocities AND PRESSURES.

Now I have the right case capacity for these next loads.

Also after jeffeosso's suggestion of H335 (spherical), I settled for H322 Extreme (extruded).
That gave higher velocities and acceptable pressures with the CEB .500/500-grain DGBR,
as well as the 450-grain North Fork CP and FP.
H322 was also my favorite powder for the 6mmPPC.
Accurate. tu2

By making the COL 3.395" for the FP, and 3.457" for the CP (North Fork monometal copper), I get identical velocities and recoil with the same 99.0 grains of powder for both bullets.
Near 7000 ft-lbs. in a 9-pound rifle. and under 90 ft-lb. recoil at only 25 fps recoil velocity.
These duplicate the 500 Mbogo reduced-load ballistics with .510/450gr GSC HV using 105 grains of Benchmark, and Dacron filler (2654 fps).
Indians vow to endeavor to persevere in using filler no more forever. Wink

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Originally posted by capoward:

I know Michael sent you a good sampling of bullets, did he send you any of the 460gr CEB BBW#13 Brass FN Hollow Base bullets? If not I can send you a box to try out.

Thanks, Doc M did send some of those, and I will get to it eventually.
Those may be my next test fire, with H322 Extreme. tu2
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Originally posted by RIP:
Originally posted by capoward:

I know Michael sent you a good sampling of bullets, did he send you any of the 460gr CEB BBW#13 Brass FN Hollow Base bullets? If not I can send you a box to try out.

Thanks, Doc M did send some of those, and I will get to it eventually.
Those may be my next test fire, with H322 Extreme. tu2
tu2 You might want to try some RL-10x as much as Michael likes IMR4198 he gets very good results with H322 and RL-10x in his 500 MDM.

I've been stocking up on both, along with IMR3031, in anticipation of my 500 MDM LN (Long Neck - original neck length) being completed sometime this summer. Then I'll start on a matching 40 caliber.

Jim coffee
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blessings on a long time coming.

And as Jeffeoso implies, you can load it up to as high a level as you feel comfortable. Ammoguide lists 500 grain with 2600 fps! 7600 ft lbs. Pressure-wise that sounds like it is a bit on the high end.

Recoil-wise, that level should be doable or tolerable, with a special kind of enjoyment: 'not bad'. 'Real guns' Joe Alessandro once said that the 416 Rigby was about the highest-energy calibre that he could honestly say he enjoyed shooting without lying through his teeth. (The Rigby will do 450 grain at 2450fps easily. 2500fps is probably max.) It will be interesting to hear your perspective and reports.


"A well-rounded hunting battery might include:
500 AccRel Nyati, 416 Rigby or 416 Ruger, 375Ruger or 338WM, 308 or 270, 243, 223" --
Conserving creation, hunting the harvest.
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Originally posted by RIP:
Here are the feed dummies for the 49-10:

North Fork 375-grain CP copper: 3.337"
North Fork 450-grain CP copper: 3.351"
SSK/Lehigh 450-grain HP brass: 3.494"
CEB/BBW 500-grain FN brass: 3.258"
North Fork 450-grain FP copper: 3.481"
SSK/Lehigh 510-grain Ogived-FN copper: 3.494"

All of these could be seated to shorter than 3.4" to fit in a standard mauser length box.
Some, and other bullets too, could be seated out to 3.6" and still fit the M70 Winchester box.
Thanks to michael458, Doc M of MIB, for "sample" bullets aplenty!
Thanks to Rusty McGee, Master Gunsmith and Mechanical Engineer for accepting this mission!

Trimmed to 2.647" brass, max brass 2.657".
Loaded brass neck diameter is 0.527", using Lapua brass.
Chamber reamer neck diameter is 0.531": Perfect thumb

I neck-sized the initially foreformed brass using .500 S&W dies.
Then trimmed it with a .495" diameter pilot from Forster, marked ".500" as for the .500 S&W.
Chamfered case mouths with a 50BMG handtool.
Seated spent primers below flush.
A semi-crimp was put on by using the base of a castoff .308 WCF seating die only on the case mouth.

OD of brass neck before seating bullets was .523", and ID was .495".
No puny-thin blown out case neck wall thickness here, it is about 12 or 13 thou per side.
No sign of dreaded donuts yet either...
Hum…Was just pondering, I wonder whether if it would require one of Duane’s coffin floorplate to fit 4 down in his 6MX bottom metal (it fits 3 down with .500 Jeffery)?

Being a M98 Mauser buff, I decided to play around with the .338 Norma Magnum case (almost identical to the .338 Lapua case – just shorter with a .571” shoulder diameter) in QD/QL and ran it up to .500 caliber. Keeping the original 2.492” case length and 1.881” length to shoulder it looks like 120.5 grs water capacity for the case; 11grs less than the 49/338 Lapua case. It also appears to work well very well with the 500gr CEB bullet new 4-band placement for a 3.340” COAL seating in the lower seating groove (perfect for a standard length M98 Mauser action) and it gives 3.126” COAL using the upper seating groove (appears it would work in a M98 Intermediate length action). A quick run up in QL with 24” barrel and 500gr CEB BBW #13 FN Brass Solid indicated 2401 fps with 6398 ft-lbs at 63186 psi using 91gr Benchmark…and it only drops about 20fps per barrel inch so still on the plus side of 2300fps with a 20” barrel.

These shortened 416 Rigby cases are most definitely interesting animals!

Jim coffee
"Life's hard; it's harder if you're stupid"
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Originally posted by RIP:
The 49-10 Saga creeps along.
Test fired yesterday for brass full-formed:

Notice that the faster the bullet, the lower it hits (POI) on target at 50 yards,
just like with a double rifle or handgun,
less barrel time as the muzzle is rising in recoil.
A heavier bullet load with more recoil and slower velocity would shoot higher, at this close range,
of course.

shhhhh, the unwashed will get all up in arms looking at PROOF of this!

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
What is an AR round? Case Drawings 416-458-470AR and 500AR.
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Originally posted by jeffeosso:
Originally posted by RIP:
The 49-10 Saga creeps along.
Test fired yesterday for brass full-formed:

Notice that the faster the bullet, the lower it hits (POI) on target at 50 yards,
just like with a double rifle or handgun,
less barrel time as the muzzle is rising in recoil.
A heavier bullet load with more recoil and slower velocity would shoot higher, at this close range,
of course.

shhhhh, the unwashed will get all up in arms looking at PROOF of this!
As well as the importance of identifying the “correct powder” and “optimum volume of powder” for your individual rifle.

Keep up the good work RIP!

Jim coffee
"Life's hard; it's harder if you're stupid"
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I have been rebuffed by Redding:

"We don't make 50 caliber rifle dies now ..."

The former, helpful, staff engineer there has moved on to greener pastures.

A request is in to Hornady where the custom die business is booming under Dan Syring now.
I just need some reloading dies for this simple little thing:

(above "49-10" cartridge drawing from Cartridge Creator tool ... compare to the "500 AccRel" below)

Michael in Germany: check your "L2" dimension on the CIP-Like drawing you did!

If I get some dies, I will be able to form my brass from Hornady .416 Rigby
(like jeffeosso does for the 500AccRel) as well as use the Hornady .338 Lapua Magnum brass.
I can use .500-caliber/500-grain Hornady "pistol bullets" in this rifle.
Hornady sales will go up if they make my dies. tu2
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ok, check it out and let ya know....where´s the problem ??

Please let me know what the Hornady Guy´s answer.Got some of Michael458 "50"-Dies of Hornady Brand. REALY nice made........

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A la Doc M's MIB extractor headspacing research:

Using the extractor of a Winchester M70 and the rimless-rim of the case for headspace on fireforming:
Just touch off a standard .338LM in a 49-10 chamber.

The .500/.338 Lapua Magnum brass that results ends up 2.707" long.
This extends well beyond the max spec brass length of 2.657", trim to 2.647".
You can see that the fireformed case extends beyond the chamber case mouth, which is about 0.012" longer than the max brass length.
Chamber minimum: 2.669"
Brass maximum: 2.657"

The CIP maximum case length for the .338 Lapua Magnum is 2.724”, what is the factory case length of the .338 Lapua Magnum ammunition that you used for your fireforming? Just trying to deduce whether there was any chance in the case length during fireforming.


Jim coffee
"Life's hard; it's harder if you're stupid"
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Originally posted by capoward:
A la Doc M's MIB extractor headspacing research:

Using the extractor of a Winchester M70 and the rimless-rim of the case for headspace on fireforming:
Just touch off a standard .338LM in a 49-10 chamber.

The .500/.338 Lapua Magnum brass that results ends up 2.707" long.
This extends well beyond the max spec brass length of 2.657", trim to 2.647".
You can see that the fireformed case extends beyond the chamber case mouth, which is about 0.012" longer than the max brass length.
Chamber minimum: 2.669"
Brass maximum: 2.657"

The CIP maximum case length for the .338 Lapua Magnum is 2.724”, what is the factory case length of the .338 Lapua Magnum ammunition that you used for your fireforming? Just trying to deduce whether there was any chance in the case length during fireforming.


NOt having played the above games, I wonder about the barrel results. Does fire-forming damage the rifling, assuming that the projectile bounces its way down the barrel and may hit the rifling at funny angles and considerable speed down the tube?

I suppose that one could fire-form Lapua in a 500 AccRel, too. But one probably wouldn't be able to stamp them 500AccRel/338 Lapua because of printing space on the Lapua-stamped rounds.


"A well-rounded hunting battery might include:
500 AccRel Nyati, 416 Rigby or 416 Ruger, 375Ruger or 338WM, 308 or 270, 243, 223" --
Conserving creation, hunting the harvest.
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