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I would say all of them will be useful for hunting. I think you could market the Left Column of 400's. Phil would compelled to buy some and shoot something big and toothy, or baleen-ed in the case of another blue whale washing up on his beach.

I also would expect that all of the 480's have improved the 500 Tsx. We need a herd of big bovines that need reduced...

"The liberty enjoyed by the people of these states of worshiping Almighty God agreeably to their conscience, is not only among the choicest of their blessings, but also of their rights."
~George Washington - 1789
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Picture of boom stick
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That middle 400 grain one loaded to the back band would be a heck of a hog hammer!

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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Picture of Bill73
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I am sold on this bullet technology Smilerthe master has shown the way,I am going to trim my Tsx's to the weight of 400 gr or a little less,trim it from the bottom or trim it from the top,drill the nose & voila the "Rippster" shall be born,the Rippster should be a hammer when fired from my 450 Alaskan & my 45-90 lever actions patriot

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Picture of boom stick
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The filed down bullets like the middle one are not an X bullet but an O bullet with its circular non expanding tip. Barnes O bullets or RIP O bullets. RIP O Flat Filed or RIP OFF bullets for short. Big Grin

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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Picture of crshelton
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I still have 30+ Kodiak 450 grain FMJ .45-90 rounds. These are the ones loaded to 2150 fps by Grizzly. These are way overkill for anything short of the largest bovines, hippo, bear, bison, and should be good for ele body shots.

I would really like to try them on Gaur!
IIRC, there some Gaur -like monsters on some Texas exotic ranch. mmm ?? Rather try that than hogs? Smiler

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Picture of Bill73
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Originally posted by crshelton:
I still have 30+ Kodiak 450 grain FMJ .45-90 rounds. These are the ones loaded to 2150 fps by Grizzly. These are way overkill for anything short of the largest bovines, hippo, bear, bison, and should be good for ele body shots.

I would really like to try them on Gaur!
IIRC, there some Gaur -like monsters on some Texas exotic ranch. mmm ?? Rather try that than hogs? Smiler

I had to look up the description of what a Gaur was Eeker man that is a big bovine & I mean bigger than the two cape buffs that I have shot so far,you might be setting another 45-90 record shooting one with your lever Big Grin I would be honored to back you up with another 45-90 using a Rippster bullet or a Kodiak 405.

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Picture of sambarman338
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Well RIP,
if you put up with some of the stuff we've had here lately, like a lot of previously unconvinced Australians, you just might change your mind. Consider Oz a kind of canary in the coal mine; our forests might burn more easily than yours but when it gets hot enough yours will go up, too. Much as I have been happy to help try to get this thread to 461 chapters by whatever jocular posts occurred to me, I'm afraid I don't see the future of our children and grandchildren as a joke. In your country and mine there are vested interests telling us man-made climate change is crap but, unless we speak up against them and get some action very quickly, many people are likely to suffer and die from it.

Thinking of Republican presidents, I'd like to put in a word for Richard Nixon. Tricky, he may have been but I think he was a better man than his most famous rival, ended the Vietnam War and opened up dialogue with China. Also, he had the decency to do the right thing when caught out over Watergate.

Mike, (home but battered from shooting the big 'roos in the top paddock with his 460WM) has not explained how degrees Kelvin fitted into the figures mentioned in the Myth-Busters YouTube - and I understand the average temperature around the planet is closer to 14 degrees Celsius - and rising.

The words ding-a-ding ding-ding, are used here as a reminder of the duelling banjos in Deliverance and the benighted folk sometimes found in those parts.
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The 2 C I was referring was global warming reference.

By the way, just think how many places have a 2 C higher temperature than other places and what difference does it make.

There will be places that are perhaps at a threshold point where 2 C increase makes a difference. However, that will cut both ways. One place will benefit greatly from a 2 C increase and another place will lose because of a 2 C increase.
Posts: 7046 | Location: Sydney Australia | Registered: 14 September 2015Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by sambarman338:

In your country and mine there are vested interests telling us man-made climate change is crap but, unless we speak up against them and get some action very quickly, many people are likely to suffer and die from it.

Don't know about America but here the vested interests are for climate change bullshit. AGL advertises all the time on Foxtel how they are making windmills and saving the world. My Origan electricity bill always has the bullshit about how much CO2 I produced etc. and etc.

Leave aside radio 2 gb and Sky News and all the media push climate change like a religion.

I could go on and on BUT when they wheel a 16 year old school girl out to lead the parade then you know the bullshit is at full fucking flow. Big Grin

Even is better with The Greens and lots of Labor party wanting to ban our coal exports. They must actually want increased emissions or a fucking idiots. We are the biggest coal exporter and if exports were stopped then China, Japan and India would get the low energy high emission brown coal. What Bob Brown leading the big car parade before the election in protest on the Adani. He and his crew by wanting to stop Adani opening must want that company to use brown coal.

It is about getting the international carbon credits going. Do you really believe when the money goes from countries like Australia, America, England etc. to Bangladesh etc. they are actually going to close down the old diesels and get windmills. No, they are going to buy Apple phones, Toyota Corollas, Windows PCs etc. Massive immigration is building to a pressure point and international carbon credits will get business to Apple etc. from those countries.

Massive immigration is why he have the big never ending push of "everyone loves every one etc" to make people less likely to cause trouble on the streets due the immigration.
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Another one. If all the ice at the Antarctic, which is 1000s feet thick and way below 0 C, all slid into the ocean then what would happen to the temperature of the ocean. Also factor in latent heat of fusion.

If the ocean drops in temperature it contracts.
Posts: 7046 | Location: Sydney Australia | Registered: 14 September 2015Reply With Quote
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I did not read/see the stuff that brought up C and K.

However, a quick glance looks like saying 14 C to 16 C is A 1/7th increase in temperature. However, that is really going from 287 K to 289 K
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Originally posted by Mike McGuire:

I did not read/see the stuff that brought up C and K.

However, a quick glance looks like saying 14 C to 16 C is A 1/7th increase in temperature. However, that is really going from 287 K to 289 K

You are showing a Greta Thunberg-like purposeful ignorance of climate science (all emotion, no understanding) if Mike and I have to explain the Kelvin temperature scale, AGAIN !
I cannot add anymore than what Mike is telling you.
But it has been good for THE MISSION, thanks.
Note also, ding-a-ling is not at all related to the movie DELIVERANCE.
No "fightin' words" implied.
Rip ...
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Some quotes from boom stick's link(s):

Steven Bowers: 'What is the best all around rifle cartridge for a large bore rifle? Also, what is the best test to determine that top candidate? I would like to expand on a statement by Finn Aagaard (Safari Rifles, Craig Boddington – Pg 378), where he says, "I have never been able to detect any difference in the field on game, between the .458 and .500/.450, .465, .470, or even the .500 Nitro Express." '

Alan Bunn: "The 450 Nitro Express calibers were the first of their kind, and when it came out, it was viewed by many experts as the best in its class for hunting the most dangerous game. Guess what? It still is."
Rip ...
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Picture of Todd Williams
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Originally posted by sambarman338:
In your country and mine there are vested interests telling us man-made climate change is crap but, unless we speak up against them and get some action very quickly, many people are likely to suffer and die from it.

And you think those telling us man-made climate change is real aren't "vested interests"?

Good lord man. Are you for real?

Here's a clue for you. The globalists factions of governments want to redistribute the world's wealth. There is no debate about that. These government entities are the ones pushing for "carbon" taxes. These government's also hand out the grant monies to universities for climate research. So if you are a "climate scientist" and you know your funding comes from entities that want to push the agenda for their tax scams, are you going to be biased in your findings?

I easily recognize the fossil fuel companies scientists are biased. Climate Crisis advocates refuse to recognize the bias of government funded scientists. I'm skeptical of both sides and want to ask more questions. I want to ask more questions because the scare tactic reports used to support AGW seems to leave a lot of holes in the logic where the dots just don't connect. Not to mention as much anecdotal evidence against as there is for. And the biggest red flag is we are told we can't ask questions, need to just shut up, and accept what we are being told. To that I say: Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining!!!

Be careful RIP. Advocating those long COAL 458 WM rounds burning more powder and producing higher velocities are just the type of thing certain types will try to convince us are adding to the global warming thing.

For the mission of course!!

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Noted, about increased carbon emissions,
but remember we are trying to curtail the use of bigger bores than .458, which are worse !
Rip ...
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Will the 378 based calibres be banned because of increased emissions. Big Grin They will end up attracting a carbon tax to be sent to Bangladesh etc. Big Grin
Posts: 7046 | Location: Sydney Australia | Registered: 14 September 2015Reply With Quote
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The 400-grainers and 480-grainers are my favorites, filling the gaps in the Barnes TSX line.
I gotta think a bit to see if I can get it down to one (or two) types in each weight, and start stock-piling them.
I have plenty of 450 grainers, Barnes and North Fork.

Bill73 and crshelton,

Go for it. I am sure you can make good use of 500-grain TSX-FB bullets, even Bubba can do it.

To avoid any surprises, just be sure to check all the bullets by length to sort them into same lots before you get started on production,
whether one of Bubba's or something you dream up to suit your needs.
I have found those 500-grainers to exist (so far) in two varieties: 1.650" and 1.667"
You will get them sorted out quite easily.

Economy of elbow grease is the next consideration.
A tip for the tips:
A set of standard drill bits (1/8" and larger in 1/64" increments of diameter of bit) will remove metal from inside the hollow points of the TSX much more easily than the Irwin Unibit #1.
Be careful or those things will take out more metal than you want, drill a hole right through to the base before you know it.
When getting within 2 grains of desired weight,
stop the standard drill bit,
and switch over to the Unibit or a cartridge chamfering tool, which will remove copper in 0.1 grain increments.

Keep us posted if you come up with something good.
Rip ...
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Picture of crshelton
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Thanks for your comments about radical global warming/climate change extremists.
Like you, many of us remember when the climate extremists were screaming about the earth cooling and the new ice age. Now that the sun has been cooling for a while and we are well on our way into another global minimum, no crazies have picked up on it. Maybe because of the money being handed out to sponsor "warmer earth" theories? I wonder what they will do when our Canadian friends begin moving south to escape worsening winters? Eeker

Fortunately, the American public seems better informed on this than some of our political class.

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Picture of boom stick
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RIP... the ones you filed off the ass end of those bullets should we call them Ass RIP’d bullets?

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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Picture of sambarman338
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Originally posted by RIP:
Originally posted by Mike McGuire:

I did not read/see the stuff that brought up C and K.

However, a quick glance looks like saying 14 C to 16 C is A 1/7th increase in temperature. However, that is really going from 287 K to 289 K

You are showing a Greta Thunberg-like purposeful ignorance of climate science (all emotion, no understanding) if Mike and I have to explain the Kelvin temperature scale, AGAIN !
I cannot add anymore than what Mike is telling you.
But it has been good for THE MISSION, thanks.
Note also, ding-a-ling is not at all related to the movie DELIVERANCE.
No "fightin' words" implied.
Rip ...

Where to begin? Notwithstanding your obvious mathematical skills, RIP, I fear you haven't read Mike's posts too closely. In any case poo-pooing the feared increase in world temperatures because it only amounts to two degrees on the 287K from absolute zero is a red herring because life on earth is dependent on water and only a few critters and plants can exist when the temperature get much below its freezing. Therefore, the changes in temperature should rightfully be considered in Celsius or Fahrenheit, which begin at least around the levels life can handle. And, as I mentioned earlier, warming from 14 to 17C constitutes an increase of more than 20 per cent on this life-meaningful scale.

It amazes me you can denounce Greta as ignorant while lionising a certain climate-change denier who has the emotions of an even younger child and little understanding of anything that may not profit himself. His egregiousness goes on and on but I was particularly struck, yesterday, when I heard he'd had no idea about the historic importance of Pearl Harbor until he visited Hawaii, asking someone there why his group was going to visit the USS Arizona Memorial.
Posts: 5246 | Location: Melbourne, Australia | Registered: 31 March 2009Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by sambarman338:

And, as I mentioned earlier, warming from 14 to 17C constitutes an increase of more than 20 per cent on this life-meaningful scale.

Paul you should check temperatures across the world throughout the year and they will be a long way from 14 C to 17 C.

As to global temperature increase in average, at what places were the measurements taken. Only 1 mile form where I live in Sydney the temperature is 2 C hotter, sometime 1.5 C hotter.

Also, if this was pure science you would not see the great political divide between left and right.

I think you also should look into international carbon credits and you will soon see why Apple, Microsoft (Windows PCs), Toyota etc. push the climate change thing.

Do you really believe if an American, Australian, English etc. company sends money to Bangladesh etc. they are going to throw out diesel generators etc. and put up fucking wind mills and solar panels and battery storage. Of course not, they will buy Apple phones, Toyota Corollas etc. which in turns will allow the massive immigration (which is building to a pressure point) to be backed off.
Posts: 7046 | Location: Sydney Australia | Registered: 14 September 2015Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by boom stick:
RIP... the ones you filed off the ass end of those bullets should we call them Ass RIP’d bullets?

boom stick,

I know we have "ripped you a new one" over your wild-assed ideas many times around here. If your smart ass is still smarting, try putting some ice on it.
Rip ...
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Where to begin ?
Wherever you like. I won't be jumping on the solar-powered sailboat with you and Greta.
Most of us come here to get away from that crap, to play, and not take ourselves so seriously.
Let us not be pathetic, eh?
The thread might die if the .458 WIN to .177 Thunberg ratio gets below 1.0, sort of like the tooth to tattoo ratio in diagnosing sociopathy,
a bad sign.
To get the tooth to tattoo ratio of this thread back up (going for infinity):

The hollow point depth is same as the substrate 500-grain TSX-FB, about 0.640",
which is about exactly 50% of the bullet length.
With so little SD (0.245) driving expansion,
impact velocity needs to be high,
if good expansion is desired.
That is easy with the shorter seating depth than possible with the 350-gr TSX-FB, assuming one demands a crimp in a cannelure.
2700 to 2800 fps MV is desired.
Rip ...
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I love your idea and practical use of the bullets. You are a tinkerer of the highest bubba order. I have had many bad or not great ideas... but you only need one good idea in your lifetime and the ability to recognize it. It is the optimist in me that keeps me going.

Originally posted by RIP:
Originally posted by boom stick:
RIP... the ones you filed off the ass end of those bullets should we call them Ass RIP’d bullets?

boom stick,

I know we have "ripped you a new one" over your wild-assed ideas many times around here. If your smart ass is still smarting, try putting some ice on it.
Rip ...

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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That 360 grainer would be something in a 460 Big Grin
Posts: 7046 | Location: Sydney Australia | Registered: 14 September 2015Reply With Quote
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your work here on bullets will spawn much good thought among the thoughtful and that is the group of people who build the future of anything. With a bushel basket of 500 tsx bullets a few drill bits, drill and a bastard file, one could produce about any level of terminal ballistic performance one could want in a 458wm. All because you said why not instead of why.
A good lesson here me thinks.
Sharpsguy would want us to know that with the same amount of thinking, we could do the same with a pot of alloyed lead, a mould and a fine hold on the front sight.

“Never cast your pearls before the swine” also applies to Ripped Monometal me thinks.

"The liberty enjoyed by the people of these states of worshiping Almighty God agreeably to their conscience, is not only among the choicest of their blessings, but also of their rights."
~George Washington - 1789
Posts: 2136 | Location: Where God breathes life into the Amber Waves of Grain and owns the cattle on a thousand hills. | Registered: 20 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Bill73
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I am going to shoot some of these modified bullets from both a .45 & a .416 lever action rifle,these bullets remind me of the NF cup point solids.

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Your 360 grain .458 version reminds me of the North Fork .411 360 grain FPS that was one of the finalists for the buffalo bullet of my 1895 .405 WCF. I was too far down the 400 grain Woodleigh path to change but the 360 looked to be a good "heavy" best fit for the .405 WCF.
It would have fit into the velocity gap between the 300 grain at 2250 and the 400 grain at 2076; likely dropping in at about 2150 fps.
When NF bullets are available from Sweden, I may try the .411 360 grain FPS to see how it works.

However, it may not be needed when compared to the performance of the NF 300 grain CPS on a 1500 pound water buffalo( destroyed both shoulders, turning bones into bone meal). That was the most dramatic bang-flop that I have ever witnessed from close up (40 yards); Dead in the air and hit ground so hard that the head bounced off the ground. Unknown to me, the landowner was watching from back in the mesquite and he also said that the "dead in the fall" was new to him too.

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Picture of Huvius
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Using something similar to a machining setup block with .459" holes would make quick work of shortening the tips - that is, if you have a mill and a big end cutter.

One comment about AGW that I think is quite common here in the US is how temperature excursions are vigorously reported if they are higher, yet lower temperature excursions are either under reported or simply ignored.
One example here from CO is there was much to do about the high temp on New Years Day - which was about 68F but fail to mention that the day after topped out at 30F. February has been 10-15deg colder than average every day and we are in the second snowiest February on record so far.
Just as the high temperature on the Antarctic Peninsula on Feb. 9th has been touted as a sure sign of climate catastrophe while ignoring the improper method of that particular reading (measured 1.5m above the ground rather than the standardized 2m) and that it was a two day excursion and the temperatures have returned to what is expected this time of year as well as the permafrost temps remaining in expected temp ranges.
The news just yells "RECORD HIGHS IN ANTARCTICA!!!"
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Originally posted by Huvius:

One comment about AGW that I think is quite common here in the US is how temperature excursions are vigorously reported if they are higher, yet lower temperature excursions are either under reported or simply ignored.

Same thing in Australia.

Also a hot week is climate change but a cold week is the weather.
Posts: 7046 | Location: Sydney Australia | Registered: 14 September 2015Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Mike McGuire:
Originally posted by Huvius:

One comment about AGW that I think is quite common here in the US is how temperature excursions are vigorously reported if they are higher, yet lower temperature excursions are either under reported or simply ignored.

Same thing in Australia.

Also a hot week is climate change but a cold week is the weather.

Seattle is famous for this. When it’s hot they go to pike place and everyone cries about climate change, when it’s freezing, it’s just a normal cycle.
Posts: 7850 | Registered: 31 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Fury01
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.458 Winchester Magnum

300 TSX @ 2,770 FPS / 5,110 LBS / TKO=54 (20 Rounds) (+$90.00)

350 Hard Cast Flat Point @ 2,650 FPS / 5,456 LBS / TKO=60 (20 Rounds) (+$85.00)

350 TSX @ 2,625 FPS / 5,354 LBS / TKO=60 (20 Rounds) (+$92.50)

450 CE-BS @ 2,500 FPS / 6,243 LBS / TKO=73 (20 Rounds) (+$130.00)

480 DGX @ 2,350 FPS / 5,884 LBS / TKO=75 (20 Rounds) (+$92.50)

500 DGS @ 2,100 FPS / 5,384 LBS / TKO=73 (20 Rounds) (+$95.00)

550 Hawk SP @ 2,100 FPS / 5,384 LBS / TKO=75 (20 Rounds) (+$110.00)

550 GR HC-HP @ 2,200 FPS / 5,909 LBS / TKO=79 (20 Rounds) (+$90.00)

575 Hard Cast @ 2,100 FPS / 5,629 LBS / TKO=80 (20 Rounds) (+$90.00)

730 Wide Hard Cast @ 1,650 FPS / 4,412 LBS / TKO=78 (20 Rounds) (+$105.00)

Take a look at this site Rip. Somebody is running their .458WM ammo at full steam.

"The liberty enjoyed by the people of these states of worshiping Almighty God agreeably to their conscience, is not only among the choicest of their blessings, but also of their rights."
~George Washington - 1789
Posts: 2136 | Location: Where God breathes life into the Amber Waves of Grain and owns the cattle on a thousand hills. | Registered: 20 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Nice find, Fury01!!! Why have I not heard of this company? Holy cow--their stuff looks like the hot stuff I load in my own guns. Nice to have smokin' factory options though.

Originally posted by Fury01:
.458 Winchester Magnum

300 TSX @ 2,770 FPS / 5,110 LBS / TKO=54 (20 Rounds) (+$90.00)

350 Hard Cast Flat Point @ 2,650 FPS / 5,456 LBS / TKO=60 (20 Rounds) (+$85.00)

350 TSX @ 2,625 FPS / 5,354 LBS / TKO=60 (20 Rounds) (+$92.50)

450 CE-BS @ 2,500 FPS / 6,243 LBS / TKO=73 (20 Rounds) (+$130.00)

480 DGX @ 2,350 FPS / 5,884 LBS / TKO=75 (20 Rounds) (+$92.50)

500 DGS @ 2,100 FPS / 5,384 LBS / TKO=73 (20 Rounds) (+$95.00)

550 Hawk SP @ 2,100 FPS / 5,384 LBS / TKO=75 (20 Rounds) (+$110.00)

550 GR HC-HP @ 2,200 FPS / 5,909 LBS / TKO=79 (20 Rounds) (+$90.00)

575 Hard Cast @ 2,100 FPS / 5,629 LBS / TKO=80 (20 Rounds) (+$90.00)

730 Wide Hard Cast @ 1,650 FPS / 4,412 LBS / TKO=78 (20 Rounds) (+$105.00)

Take a look at this site Rip. Somebody is running their .458WM ammo at full steam.
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Originally posted by Mike McGuire:

That 360 grainer would be something in a 460 Big Grin

For sure it would be a whiz-bang bullet for the Big Red Roo in the .460 WBY.
At 3170 fps, 8013.6 ft-lbs,
or reduce-load it down to .458 WIN-V level: 2740 fps, 6001.2 ft-lbs.

You might be better off just going with the .458 WIN for quicker followup shots from the back of bouncing bakkie.
Rip ...
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Fury01:
Sharpsguy would want us to know that with the same amount of thinking, we could do the same with a pot of alloyed lead, a mould and a fine hold on the front sight.

“Never cast your pearls before the swine” also applies to Ripped Monometal me thinks.

Hmm, OK, buy a buy a donkey for those flowers, and flowers to Sharpsguy too.

You know that shooting monometal copper allows you a lead offset, just like a carbon offset,
not that I feel guilty at all about "non-green" lead bullets.
I will never powder-coat-paint a lead bullet green.
Just the opposite, RED !
Just a little free-association-stream-of-consciousness there, for THE MISSION.
Rip ...
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Originally posted by Bill73:
I am going to shoot some of these modified bullets from both a .45 & a .416 lever action rifle,these bullets remind me of the NF cup point solids.

Figure out how much nose projection your throat and magazine can handle, and then how deep you are willing to seat.
Cut, file, drill and chamfer to perfection.
Rough cut to slightly long length, then file to exact length desired.
Drill for weight reduction and hollow point "improvement."
Final touches with chamfering of base and meplat to simply smooth any sharp or rough edges,
in 0.1 grain increments.
Be careful with the drill bits, they remove a lot of weight really quickly.

Speaking of .416" copper monometals, I always thought a .416"/ 450-gr TSX was excessive,
and Bubba could really do some stuff with those !
Any of your pioneering work there would be instructive for Bubba Bullet Metamorphosis technical info.
Rip ...
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by crshelton:
... buffalo bullet of my 1895 .405 WCF ...
... 300 grain at 2250 ...
... performance of the NF 300 grain CPS on a 1500 pound water buffalo( destroyed both shoulders, turning bones into bone meal). That was the most dramatic bang-flop that I have ever witnessed from close up (40 yards); Dead in the air and hit ground so hard that the head bounced off the ground. Unknown to me, the landowner was watching from back in the mesquite and he also said that the "dead in the fall" was new to him too.

Well now !
.411"/ 300-gr SD = 0.254, 2250 fps MV, 3372 ft-lbs
.458"/ 360-gr SD = 0.245, 2740 fps MV, 6001 ft-lbs ... might work on buffalo and roo.
Of course it would be easy to come up with a BBM T6 360-grain SS (CPS nose function) for the buffalo, use the current 360-gr HP for the roo.
Or just stick with the BBM T6 400-gr BP (Big Meplat Hollow Point) at 2500 fps for the buffalo,
at a mere 5552 ft-lbs.
SD = 0.272 for the .458"/ 400-grainer, which is nothing to sneeze at for copper monometal.
Rip ...
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Huvius:
Using something similar to a machining setup block with .459" holes would make quick work of shortening the tips - that is, if you have a mill and a big end cutter.

Settle on a Metamorphosis you just gotta have, and take a few hundred TSX bullets to the machinist.
Rip ...
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by BaxterB:
Originally posted by Mike McGuire:
Originally posted by Huvius:

One comment about AGW that I think is quite common here in the US is how temperature excursions are vigorously reported if they are higher, yet lower temperature excursions are either under reported or simply ignored.

Same thing in Australia.

Also a hot week is climate change but a cold week is the weather.

Seattle is famous for this. When it’s hot they go to pike place and everyone cries about climate change, when it’s freezing, it’s just a normal cycle.

All excellent examples of the pathetic.
Plumb insidious.
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Fury01:
.458 Winchester Magnum

300 TSX @ 2,770 FPS / 5,110 LBS / TKO=54 (20 Rounds) (+$90.00)

350 Hard Cast Flat Point @ 2,650 FPS / 5,456 LBS / TKO=60 (20 Rounds) (+$85.00)

350 TSX @ 2,625 FPS / 5,354 LBS / TKO=60 (20 Rounds) (+$92.50)

450 CE-BS @ 2,500 FPS / 6,243 LBS / TKO=73 (20 Rounds) (+$130.00)

480 DGX @ 2,350 FPS / 5,884 LBS / TKO=75 (20 Rounds) (+$92.50)

500 DGS @ 2,100 FPS / 5,384 LBS / TKO=73 (20 Rounds) (+$95.00)

550 Hawk SP @ 2,100 FPS / 5,384 LBS / TKO=75 (20 Rounds) (+$110.00)

550 GR HC-HP @ 2,200 FPS / 5,909 LBS / TKO=79 (20 Rounds) (+$90.00)

575 Hard Cast @ 2,100 FPS / 5,629 LBS / TKO=80 (20 Rounds) (+$90.00)

730 Wide Hard Cast @ 1,650 FPS / 4,412 LBS / TKO=78 (20 Rounds) (+$105.00)

Take a look at this site Rip. Somebody is running their .458WM ammo at full steam.

Thanks. Saved to favorites.
They load some of those hotter than I do !
450-grainer at 2500 fps for 6246 ft-lbs.
And to think that I expected only 2450 fps from my 450-grainers.
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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