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A Bigger Texas Buck has been Killed???
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Originally posted by perry:
Your wrong in your assumptions and ascertations of why some people pay hunt. Nice deer though, your blessed to have a place to go.


my assumption is based on the problem with the whole of our country and is not incorrect.
"WE" are a nation without impulse control. we want what we see others with. we are a vending machine society because of it.
our crime rate is due in part from it as is our mass compulsion to consume with no end.
we want want want.
when a man sees another man who has hunted for 30 years with a nice deer he wants the same thing. he wants it today. he does not value the time and effort that went with the years of coming home empty handed, he wants "the deer" and he is willing to pay for it.
that mentality devalues you and I as "hunters" with time and experience under our belts.
Posts: 3986 | Location: in the tall grass "milling" around. | Registered: 09 December 2006Reply With Quote
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That deer was shot in Sonora Mexico. Get your facts straight.

Once again, I've hunted both trophy ranches and in the wild and I get just as much enjoyment out of both, no more no less. I like killing shit-period. Don't disparage a hunter because you are envious is all I say. No matter how much you protest, or how you attempt to justify your position it really comes out sounding like sour grapes. (Actually you sound like my wife- she's an animal lover.) After all, a pat on the back and saying nice deer goes a long way, whether or not you feel that inside.............

Is that a nice deer? Yes.

Do I wish I shot that deer? Hell yes

Am I jealous? No

Do I care how he was shot? No, good for him that's what I say.

Besides, the main argument behind bait is that you are altering the behavior of the deer by manipulating his sense of taste.

If indeed that is your basis for arguing against baiting, one can make the argument that cow calling, bugling, grunting and rattling is just as unethical as baiting. After all, in so doing you are altering the behavior of the game by manipulating his sense of hearing.

Anyone who's hunted a moose or elk can atttest to that.

Once again, pat the guy on the back, say nice deer and mind your own business. That'll get you a beer just as quick as an expletive after you leave......

P.S. You don't even know what type of deer that is do you? That is a B&C Coues deer, shot in Sonora Mexico, no bait, no feed, no fences.

There are two types of people in the world: those that get things done and those who make excuses. There are no others.
Posts: 1439 | Location: El Campo Texas | Registered: 26 July 2004Reply With Quote
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This is a proverbial can of worms that tend to divide us......the brotherhood of outdoorsman that enjoy the sports of hunting and fishing....regardless of weapons, methods, tactics, etc.

This kind of talk simply divides us all as hunters. We get enough grief and backlash from the anti's. No need to divide ourselves and aid in their efforts.

Nobody says you must hunt from a stand or blind, use a feeder, scents, camo, grunt calls, rattle antlers, hunt a high, low, or no fenced place, use a scoped rifle, muzzle loader, bow, spear or rock. Choose whatever legal method floats your boat.

Stalk naked through the mesquite and prickly pear and use your bare hands if that's how you want to hunt. I won't belittle anyone for their chosen legal methods. We should all give each other the same courtesy.
Posts: 1181 | Location: Texas | Registered: 23 July 2004Reply With Quote
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Agreed on the view of society but you have to take it to the human race level, people are always gonna want what others have. Lowest level is tribal warfare in Africa over a water hole or pasture.
As far as that pertains to hunting I think it is a good thing. Most hunters would have killed that deer as a 2.5 year old but because there are people with the resourses and patiences to let him grow up you have a buck reaching his full potiential. Take your buck for example. That is a far greater trophy than this buck would have been if it were harvested at 2.5 due to the fact you shot a mature deer. Most high fences are in place to allow deer to get old, age is factor 1 in trophy class bucks.
Pay hunters are guided and subsequentyly educated as they hunt making for a better hunter. That is a good thing.
Sure we are a wanten society. But better is the man that pays for a hunt and has to pass on bucks and gets educated than the man who hunts public land and continually kills immature deer. You tell me who the better hunter is?

Posts: 2249 | Location: South Texas | Registered: 01 November 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by perry:
But better is the man that pays for a hunt and has to pass on bucks and gets educated than the man who hunts public land and continually kills immature deer. You tell me who the better hunter is?


Great point. Most of the bubbas that hunt public land kill the shit out of immature deer. Three or 4 years ago, our county put an antler restriction in order to promote/skew the harvest of mature deer. It gave all the little basket horned 4 or 6 pointers (1 1/2 y/o deer) a chance to reach maturity. Before that any deer with horns would get slaughtered by bubba, his cousins and/or one of the other 16 guns on a 4 acre tract. Smiler

Oh, I nearly forgot, speaking of ignorance,paying by the inch also applies to non high fenced ranches. I hunted elk at the Hill ranch (which borders the Forbes ranch). They are a fair chase, low fenced ranch that charge by the inch as well. When I hunted it (4 years ago): $5k to hunt, kill fee for 300-350in $5K, 350-380 $7,5K, 380+ $10K. I guess you wouldn't hunt that either as you have to pay by the inch, huh? Good, because it is one of the premiere elk ranches in the country.

There are two types of people in the world: those that get things done and those who make excuses. There are no others.
Posts: 1439 | Location: El Campo Texas | Registered: 26 July 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by perry:
Whats cheap about letting an animal reach its full potential?
Supplement feeding is done at free choice feed stations out in the pasture, no more contolled than a corn field.
Breeding for horn size is sound management that has absolutly nothing to do with a deer being wiley or not.
All of this maximizes the resource, thats it.
These deer are still just that...deer.


Well I doubt we will reach an agreement,we didnt last year,probably not this year either.
Breeding for antler size is good business,no doubt.But where I hunt,bucks dont live long enough to get big antlers unless their "wily".Thats why they are such a trophy,they are not easy to come by.Down your way ,you need 10-20 big bucks a year for the clients to "take".
Here, they are out there, somewhere,maybe,if there is any,if your smart enough to find them.There is no limit where they can go.They are not bred for antler size,they dont get fed supplements ,they dont get saved till their antlers are big enough for the customer from back east to pay $10,000 to shoot him.There is no guarantee he is anywhere on the property your on.He can be anywhere,from bedded down 100yds from the house,to 5 miles away chasing does.Maybe someone else put a tag on him,maybe not.Maybe he chased a doe onto the highway and got run over last night.He is wild and free to roam.He has lived long enough,in spite of everthing ,to be the dominant buck in the area.He knows where your stand is.He lets the does lead the way to find out if you are there.He is difficult to bag.Hes not walking around the ranch,protected from the real world.
Why do you think whitetail ranching is such big business in Texas?Because its easier to get a big racked buck.Much easier.When you can show up and just pay for one and not have to put in the time and effort needed to even find one,it has to be much easier.It easier because you make it easier.Its a business.You raise deer for people to pay to shoot.Its better for business if the john shows up on tuesday and is home by the weekend,a happy man with antlers,and maybe some meat,too.Sure as HELL dont want him crawling around in the swamp for the full ten days,tieing up half the ranch,and only shooting a $1500 6 point, now would we?The more and bigger bucks per year,the more the ranch makes!
And to me,and I think,alot of other people here,there is a huge difference between the two.Sorry.Your deer ranching, bullholycow , I'm hunting. popcorn stir


Posts: 2937 | Location: minnesota | Registered: 26 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by KSTEPHENS:
..ignorant is not being able to see things from any perspective than your own.

i hunt elevated...
i hunt .. feeders on certain areas.
i can see putting up fences

Originally posted by KSTEPHENS:
..the ranch?
ElJasons backyardo'. an 88 acre peice of private land a budy lets me hunt

a trophy none the less, all for the price of a single 30-06 180 gr hornady SP.

these posts basicaly stand by themselves.. apparently when kstephens does it, it is okay, but no one else has the judgement to determine if it is ethical.

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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Originally posted by jeffeosso:
Originally posted by KSTEPHENS:
..ignorant is not being able to see things from any perspective than your own.

i hunt elevated...
i hunt .. feeders on certain areas.
i can see putting up fences

Originally posted by KSTEPHENS:
..the ranch?
ElJasons backyardo'. an 88 acre peice of private land a budy lets me hunt

a trophy none the less, all for the price of a single 30-06 180 gr hornady SP.

these posts basicaly stand by themselves.. apparently when kstephens does it, it is okay, but no one else has the judgement to determine if it is ethical.

Pretty weak rebuttal,if you ask me.


Posts: 2937 | Location: minnesota | Registered: 26 December 2002Reply With Quote
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i remember hearing a guide tell a hunter on a managment hunt that he wanted him to kill a certain buck because the buck, while not a huge racked trophy was dominant and keeping the big racked deer they wanted to propagate from breeding.
so they were basicly using the "hunter" as a cock block for a deer who own his own didnt have what took to be dominant.
the moral? rack size doesnt dictate who is the dominant buck (read, just cause you have a big deer head doesnt make you a hunter).
now, i dont know how often this happens but i cant see how letting a non dominant deer breed the does is helping the species in any way other than giving the offspring a big rack to sell to the highest bidder.
at some point i am sure the same thing was done to bulls and cows to lessen thier aggresivness so they could be kept as livestock.
this will be what happens to the deer.
non dominant non agressive, even stupid, deer allowed to breed the does so they can produce big antlers are going to produce what?

but from the perspective of someone who feels his personal worth can be displayed by his watch or his car or his home , this wont bother them much.
for those people size "IS" all that matters.
Posts: 3986 | Location: in the tall grass "milling" around. | Registered: 09 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by KSTEPHENS:
i remember hearing a guide tell a hunter on a managment hunt that he wanted him to kill a certain buck because the buck, while not a huge racked trophy was dominant and keeping the big racked deer they wanted to propagate from breeding.
so they were basicly using the "hunter" as a cock block for a deer who own his own didnt have what took to be dominant.
the moral? rack size doesnt dictate who is the dominant buck (read, just cause you have a big deer head doesnt make you a hunter).
now, i dont know how often this happens but i cant see how letting a non dominant deer breed the does is helping the species in any way other than giving the offspring a big rack to sell to the highest bidder.
at some point i am sure the same thing was done to bulls and cows to lessen thier aggresivness so they could be kept as livestock.
this will be what happens to the deer.
non dominant non agressive, even stupid, deer allowed to breed the does so they can produce big antlers are going to produce what?

but from the perspective of someone who feels his personal worth can be displayed by his watch or his car or his home , this wont bother them much.
for those people size "IS" all that matters.

And your point? This is just normal management procedure, and has nothing to do with the argument at hand. Actually this is practiced quite heavily in Texas. Many leases allow 4 deer: two doe, one cull buck and one trophy buck. In fact many ranches make you shoot the does and/or the cull before you shoot a trophy. Truth be known, after I bought my hunting land, my outlook on does did a 180 degree turn. Now I wouldn't shoot one period.

Herd management: slop matters (killing it).
Trophy hunting: size matters.

Not everyone trophy hunts, for those that do, that is what they want and can do.....who cares how/what/where/why. That is their business.

As I said earlier, nice deer, congratulations you lucky bastard- leave it at that. Keep your envious thoughts to yourself (and yes you have every right to think that way, after all we are not communists), and everyone goes away a winner.

no bugling/rattling/cow calling

There are two types of people in the world: those that get things done and those who make excuses. There are no others.
Posts: 1439 | Location: El Campo Texas | Registered: 26 July 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by FMC:
Truth be known, after I bought my hunting land, my outlook on does did a 180 degree turn. Now I wouldn't shoot one period.

Just curious, why in the world would you not shoot does? I'm so very confused by this decision........ bewildered


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Originally posted by Eland Slayer:
Originally posted by FMC:
Truth be known, after I bought my hunting land, my outlook on does did a 180 degree turn. Now I wouldn't shoot one period.

Just curious, why in the world would you not shoot does? I'm so very confused by this decision........ bewildered

they dont impress down at the club?
Posts: 3986 | Location: in the tall grass "milling" around. | Registered: 09 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by KSTEPHENS:
at some point i am sure the same thing was done to bulls and cows to lessen thier aggresivness so they could be kept as livestock.
this will be what happens to the deer.
non dominant non agressive, even stupid, deer allowed to breed the does so they can produce big antlers are going to produce what?

I have been reading this thread and trying to understand everyone's side but after the quoted comment above I became unable to hold my tongue any longer.
KSTEPHENS: You have one of the most distorted views of others I have ever read. Let me tell you about me and the folks I grew up hunting with, and the way we used to do it. I am from central Pennsylvania, about 65 miles south of Williamsport. As a teen I hunted with men that were 1000 yard world record holders, so naturally I grew up admiring those that could whack something a long damn way off. My first rifle that I purchased with my own money was a Remington 700 police in 300 win mag. I bought a 16x Unertl programmer for it and made shots beyond 900 yards on game including deer. I'll give you some examples.

One overcast evening, I was setting over my family's alfalfa fields watching for deer to come out and browse the late season alfalfa. about 15 minutes before dusk a buck stepped out at 850 yards. I settled the rifle's butt into my shoulder, the other end supported by the bi-pod. The rifle recoiled as the 12oz trigger broke and a few seconds later, the buck collapsed as the 180 grain Sierra pro hunter ripped trough his chest and shoulders, breaking both shoulders as it penetrated to the off side and then into the ground behind him. I walked back up over the hill to the barn and jumped in the skid steer. When I rolled up to the deer, I noticed that he had a mouthful of alfalfa still in place. He died so quick and unknowing of the danger that he didn't even have a chance to finish the last bit he would ever take. Did the deer have a sporting chance? Hell no he didn't. And I like it that way. I was shooting him for the meat. Would I have prefered that he have the rack of the deer in question? Hell yes I would. Do I give a damn about the other jackasses that condemn me because I shoot game that far away? Hell no, looks like jealousy to me. Which brings me to you. Stop whining and bitching like a damn anti or a woman and leave the good people of Texas be. It's their way, just as hunting at long distance is mine.

I went to a ranch in Texas and hunted all kinds of things. It was west of San Antonio and it was high fenced. This was an archery hunt and man did I kill a pile of meat. Funny thing was that it was just as hard to get a whitetail within 30 yards there as it is here in northwestern Wisconsin. The hogs were easy and stupid, and tasty, just the way they should be. those folks down there have huge operations and huge bills. They have to contend with a global cattle market that doesn't always pay them what it costs to raise cattle. Would you then tell them that since they have found a new way to make a living by raising horns that they are wrong and harming the species as a whole? I can damn well promise you that if I have two bulls and one sires daughters that milk more than the others bulls daughters, but is also not the dominate bull, the dominate bull will soon find his head on a hook at Abbyland packing in Green bay.

I once hunted boar in the great state of Tennessee with some boys that looked like the mountain men they descended from. Long shaggy beards and tobacco stained t-shirts. It wasn't until we started running those hills chasing the hounds that I gained a respect for them and how vastly better conditioned to running up and down those hills they were compared to myself. I had never hunted with dogs before and to be honest thought I would hate it. Seems to me that if hogs can be cornered by dogs and then shot by me, then God wanted it that way or he wouldn't have given me control of the dogs.

We bait bears and hunt them with dogs here in the Badger state. But until you hunt up here and get an idea of how vast the timber is, you'll have no idea why we do it that way. They feed deer in Texas to bring them out of the brush. It's called being a reasoning predator you damn idiot. They feed deer in Texas to make a profit and feed their families. I have news for Mr. High and Mighty, those ranches don't make a damn dime unless someone is working their ass off to manage them and bring revenue in. Do you have any idea what the costs and expenses are on a place like that? I'm not sure of the tax structure there but I bet its more than most of us make in a year. The kid had a Rolex, great, I had a professional grade sniper rifle when I was 16 because of my family. I bet the kid earns that watch and the deer, keeping that ranch up in the future. I have yet to hunt the state of South Carolina, but I did have occasion to fish for cat fish on San Tee Cooper. What an adventure that was. They did it a lot differently then we back in PA did, and I came home and told everyone how much fun it was and about the way those damn rebels do it down there. Why does the entire hunting world have to prescribe to your way of seeing hunting. You come across as a man who has never been anywhere and experienced little of what this world has to offer. Why don't you go to Texas and meet the people and see how they live. Get an idea of what it takes to be in the ranching business today and maybe you'll understand why they make money when and where they can.

Can you please tell me why you see this kid and his deer as such an expression of a hunting problem? In this world of instantaneous gratification, this kid had the balls to set there and watch this deer for years before killing it. I'll come to South Carolina and show each kid, the same age as the one in question, a photo of that buck and then tell them that they can't shoot anything until they see him. We'll see how many make to the end of the season without a deer. If I would have seen a deer half that big when I was that age, I would have blown him in half and bragged to everyone I knew about it. And god help the person that told me to let him go, he'll be bigger next year. "WHAT????!!!!"

KSTEPHENS before you respond to this or any other post, please get out of your house and go experience something besides the computer. Go to Washington and hunt the rain forest, then head to Northern California for hogs, then maybe up to Saskatchewan for whitetails in the severe cold. Then drag your ass down to Texas(if they'll let you in) and set in a tripod and show us all how easy it is for such a great hunter. Show us why Texas style hunting should be outlawed because its breeding inferior deer that just stand there and grow antlers. And then go do some research about the percentage of deer in the CONUS that are feed and managed for antler growth. Then find the total number of high fenced acres in the CONUS and compare it to the total number of acres that deer inhabit here. Until then, we'll all pray that you learn something about the ways of other people.

As a final note(and this is personal) Keep your comments about how deer and cattle are bred to yourself. You don't know one damn thing about breeding cattle, breeding deer, or making a living doing either of them. I'm sure those folks on that ranch know what they are doing breeding deer and you can bet your ass that I know what I'm doing breeding cattle.


P.S. Just the part of your text that I quoted had three spelling errors. Would it then be your judgment that no one in South Carolina can spell worth a shit. I just wonder if you all realize the damage your doing to the English language and what the future could be if you keep this up.

"I can't be over gunned because the animal can't be over dead"-Elmer Keith
Posts: 551 | Location: Northwestern Wisconsin | Registered: 09 April 2007Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by KSTEPHENS:
they dont impress down at the club?

LOL, good one. I don't belong to a club though. Exactly what is a club (and no I am not joking)? Is it a group of guys on a lease?

I hunt a 2 buck county: 1 spike and one branched antler buck. No does. I couldn't if I wanted to.

My outlook has changed from shooting does for meat to making sure I get spikes off my land. Does produce fawns. Being a land owner this hits home.

Also, my 160 acres has plenty of browse and is surrounded by rice and soy fields, so food is not an issue at all. The buck to doe ratio is probably OK. The surrounding acreage is lightly hunted. No need to kill does from a management point of view.

The one point you guys are missing out is that supplemental feeding (protein= which is done after and before the season- not bait [corn]) improves the health of the whole herd. Does do better, makes the fawn crop more bountiful (more twins) and overall healthier.

My taxidermist/friend manages a ranch in South Texas. 3800 acres. They put out 40 tons of protein and 20 tons of corn a year. Do the math, it ain't cheap.

There are two types of people in the world: those that get things done and those who make excuses. There are no others.
Posts: 1439 | Location: El Campo Texas | Registered: 26 July 2004Reply With Quote
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I used to get all wadded up arguing with the "it ain't fair to fence the deer" crowd until it finally dawned on me that this is the rational for poaching. A pox on all of them.

"Experience" is the only class you take where the exam comes before the lesson.
Posts: 11142 | Location: Texas, USA | Registered: 22 September 2003Reply With Quote
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I bought a years worth of corn last month on the open market. I took 350 tons and got it for $115.00 a ton delivered to the elevator.

Soybean meal is the base of most protein products and it traded for $259.00 at market close on Friday.

Just to give some real world prices to FMC's post

"I can't be over gunned because the animal can't be over dead"-Elmer Keith
Posts: 551 | Location: Northwestern Wisconsin | Registered: 09 April 2007Reply With Quote
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what does the price of livestock feed have to do with anything?This is the north american HUNTING forum,isnt it?
Maybe this is part of the problem,the line between wild game and livestock is being smudged by some people for profit.


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Posts: 3986 | Location: in the tall grass "milling" around. | Registered: 09 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Man its really threads like this that make me realize how good I have it around here. Yee Haw i'm going moose, elk, deer, and black bear hunting in the morning fifteen minutes from my door on all crown land.
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What was your objective in posting that picture? there's one of the entrances to the Diamond S what?


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Wade Abadie - Wild Shot Photography
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Diamond S Ranch?????

I think I missed something.

Posts: 2249 | Location: South Texas | Registered: 01 November 2005Reply With Quote
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Joe Miller:

Good post and you sound like a good man to go hunting with.

Down here in Texas, for out pasture cattle, in the winters, most of us feed hay and some kind of protein, but not usually corn (which is pretty low protein anyway), although a few of the surviving dairies (talk about an endangered species) use it in their mix or chop it up green for silage. I have been using liquid feed in tubs, but this year am going to switch to solid feed/lick in tubs, at least to try it. I hear they make whiskey out of corn in some places.....

You must have hunted a ranch with virgin hogs, mine are tougher to see than deer unless you've got night vision glasses on. They've developed a strong aversion to dying. Man, can they screw a pasture up!


I'm not sure where you are located, but almost everywhere in Texas shooting a reasonable number of does is a necessity if you want to have a better quality of deer herd. The more you research it, the more you'll figure this out. I could go into many of the reasons why, but the most obvious is that there is only so much quality forage available, and if you allow the maximum number of does on a given area, then the general level of nutrition available to all deer will be just above the survival level. This does not promote better bucks or general body size and can lead to a major die off in bad years.

Obviously in your situation, there is not much you can do anyway, but in general, the old "We don't shoot our cows, why should we shoot our does?" attitude is DEAD wrong.

When considering US based operations of guides/outfitters, check and see if they are NRA members. If not, why support someone who doesn't support us? Consider spending your money elsewhere.


I have come to understand that in hunting, the goal is not the goal but the process.
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I think the picture is because there are deer on the gate instead of cattle.


Posts: 2937 | Location: minnesota | Registered: 26 December 2002Reply With Quote
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theres no reason someone who can afford these prices cant afford to do a lease somewhere.
its just there are no guarantees with a lease and noone will pack your lunch, drag your deer and treat you like a big shot.

how can it be clssified as hunting when "We pride ourselves in the fact that 99.9% of our hunters have harvested the largest buck of their life."


Does $750.00
Bucks 120 - 129 Gross B&C $2,000.00
Bucks 130 - 139 Gross B&C $2,500.00
Bucks 140 - 144 Gross B&C $3,500.00
Bucks 145 - 149 Gross B&C $4,000.00
Bucks 150 - 154 Gross B&C $4,500.00
Bucks 155 - 159 Gross B&C $5,000.00
Bucks 160 - 169 Gross B&C $7,500.00
Bucks 170 - 179 Gross B&C $10,000.00
Bucks 180 - 189 Gross B&C $12,500.00
Bucks 190 - 199 Gross B&C $15,000.00
Bucks 200+ Gross B&C Ind. Priced
Posts: 3986 | Location: in the tall grass "milling" around. | Registered: 09 December 2006Reply With Quote
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You are 100% correct in saying that the people who can afford to pay these prices can also afford to do a lease. HOWEVER, not everybody has the time to devote weeks and weeks to hunting throughout the season. Don't criticize others just because you're jealous and would like to have the extra money to spend on hunting that these guys have.


Hunt Report - South Africa 2022

Wade Abadie - Wild Shot Photography
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Posts: 3109 | Location: Hockley, TX | Registered: 01 October 2005Reply With Quote
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A lot of "big shots" have numerous responsibilities that keep them from having the time to take care of a lease. The "big shots" love to hunt and a 5 day outing is perfect for their schedules.

Posts: 2249 | Location: South Texas | Registered: 01 November 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Joe Miller:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by KSTEPHENS:
P.S. Just the part of your text that I quoted had three spelling errors. Would it then be your judgment that no one in South Carolina can spell worth a shit. I just wonder if you all realize the damage your doing to the English language and what the future could be if you keep this up.

jumping jumping

Your post was a real read, for sure! I doubt it will affect Mr. Stevens much, however.

The PS: above, is the only thing that worries me about your opinions. If spelling set one aside,I'm in trouble, because you certainly better not read one of my posts. I'm not only dyslexic, but don't spell worth crap. Big Grin

The fact is, Texas is 890 miles across, any direction you want to travel, and the altitude runs from sealevel to 10,000 ft ASL, and the farther west you go the larger the properties become. That said the state has 5 of the seven temperate zones of the world, with the resulting different habitats that require different ways of hunting. There are zones that encompass everything from tropical swamp, to bald top 10,000 ft mountains. as I said, before, only 1% of the ranch land in Texas is high fence, but that fact is lost on the close-minded Mr. S.

Mr. Stevens assumes that all of Texas hunts the same way, and that is not true. El Paso on the west end of the state, is 4000 feet above sea level,in the city and is high desert, requiring the climbing of seven to nine thousand foot mountains, that the city surrongds, to get to the MULE DEER, and other game there, NO FEEDERS! One must use rifles that will buck wind, and shoot flat, for cross canyon shooting, are required. Along with that a working knowledge of Mule deer habits, is needed, and lungs that can climb in high altitude.

The Davis Mountain area of Southwest Texas in the Big Bend area, are wooded mountains with Juniper, and desert willow, and hold Whitetail, and mule deer both, and you will never find a feeder there either. It's horseback, or shanks mare, way up where the air is thin, and hard on flatlanders like Mr. Stevens. That is understandable where MS is concerned, but in this string it have become evident, that a couple of TEXANS, need to learn there are other ways being utilized in the hunting fields in Texas,they seemingly are not aware of. So they paint the State with the same broad brush as Mr. Stevens. The brush country of South Texas, as Ray said, is so thick you will not see a deer at more than 30 feet, and if you see him at all you will need to hunt from a tower stand, or use a feeder to draw them out. This country works well with rattling in the rut, but at other times is useless.

I agree with Mr. Stevens on many things, but he seems to me to be talking from a position of ignorance, where Texas, as a whole, is concerned. Hell, there are even different accents, and dialects in this state, depending on what part of the state you go to. It stands to reason the hunting methods are going to be different in the different zones. One thing that is consistent in this state is, the land is private, and if you hunt on the private land, you will pay a trespass fee, or you will not hunt, In Texas.

I say, I don’t bad mouth your state, or the way you hunt, and I believe Texas deserves the same respect. Hunt the way you want, and leave everyone else alone. Till you see ALL of Texas hunting, then you simply do not know of what you speak, so it would be wise to come see, or shut up! Mad

....Mac >>>===(x)===> MacD37, ...and DUGABOY1
DRSS Charter member
"If I die today, I've had a life well spent, for I've been to see the Elephant, and smelled the smoke of Africa!"~ME 1982

Hands of Old Elmer Keith

Posts: 14634 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: 08 June 2000Reply With Quote
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your right, my poor spelling is a great excuse for people who are lazy deer shooters.

please continue.
i'd love to hear some more about how you need high fences and feeders because its so hard to hunt in TX.
It would really be fun to hear that from some of you who claim to hunt in AK, MT and Africa.
Im sure that that TX bush makes Africa look like Kansas.

rough country...
jeeesh look at that bush. why, you couldnt walk thru that barefoot for very long.

wow. you surely wouldnt get that buck out of the thick stuff without a pile of corn...

look how thick. you can barely see 200 yards...

well thats got me sold on high tower blinds...
Posts: 3986 | Location: in the tall grass "milling" around. | Registered: 09 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by KSTEPHENS:
your right, my poor spelling is a great excuse for people who are lazy deer shooters.

please continue.
i'd love to hear some more about how you need high fences and feeders because its so hard to hunt in TX.
It would really be fun to hear that from some of you who claim to hunt in AK, MT and Africa.
Im sure that that TX bush makes Africa look like Kansas.

Man! There is simply no hope for this asshole!

Those pictures are not of South Texas Brush country! you wouldn't be able to see far enough to take a picture of that buck, with the trees far enough in the background to be out of focus!

That is simply mesquite pasture, but I'd sure like to watch you walk across that pasture barefoot!! It is evident that mesquite pasture is something else you DON'T KNOW ANYTHING about! The South Texas brush country is worse that any bush I've ever seen in Africa, and I've hunted Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, RSA, and mosambique! On that note what's with the insinuation with the word "CLAIM"(in red) in your quote above? Addtionally, you don't read well either, because I never said anywhere, that I had hunted Montana! I haven't hunted Montana, but have hunted it's neighbor Wyoming.

The high house looks more like South Carolina to me! That thing is a joke that has been going around the net for years, and nobody knows where it is, but it gets a big laugh, and provides fake evidence for hard heads like you!

Some day,you may realize what a fool you are makeing out of yourself, but I don't hold out much hope. As I said quite reading the PeTAhead propaganda, and repeteing it, it makes you look like a fool! Your posting of pictures of one thing and insinuating it is something else is right out of the PeTAhead , and anti hunting playbook! They will likely nominate you for an award this year, at the Peta convention!

The fact is, you simply do not know what you are talking about! Case closed!

I doubt there is a state in the union where hunting is allowed, that doesn't have hunting reserves with big lodges, and South Carolina is one that has a lot of "put, and take" bird hunting for rich people, like the plantation near Charleston, that advertizes in all the up scale publications like Double Gun Journal, for rich people to see. Now if I went only by what is advertized in South Carolina, then I'd be posting just like Mr. Stevens, and tasunkawitko,for Montana, that this is the way everyone in the state hunts. I don't do that because I realize the places that advertize, and a very small percentage of the hunting that is done by residents! All I'm asking for is the same courticy, and honesty, rather than paint a place with the same broad brush.

That is the problem, these guys read these adds, in the magazines, and pull up the high fence operations on the internet,of 1% of the hunting, and assume all of Texas is hunted that way. I say Texas is a big place and with only around 1,000,000 acres of public huntable land, which is restricted to residents, for the most part. I'd like you guys to think about something for a second! 1,000,000 acres may seem like a lot of land to you, till you understand the 1,000,000 acres scattered all over a state that is 300,000 sq miles of land area, is just about no public access at all, in comparison. For all practical purposes, if you hunt in Texas, you will hunt private land, and if you hunt private land, you will pay a trespass fee, or you will not hunt. That fact, in no way, indicates that though private, it is high fence, or geneticlly altered deer, or somehow not fair chasse!

NOW! I'm through with this witch hunt, brought about by folks who have never set foot in Texas, and even if they had, wouldn't be able to stand on one ranch, and see both ends of Texas! I've lived in Texas, most of my 71 yr life, being born here, and I haven't seen it all yet. However I've seen a hell of a lot more of it than Mr. Stevens, or tasunkawitko, and have hunted all the zones. I'm telling you two you speak from a very un-informed position, and thaough you may brelieve waht you say, you are simply wrong!
..................... wave BYE!

....Mac >>>===(x)===> MacD37, ...and DUGABOY1
DRSS Charter member
"If I die today, I've had a life well spent, for I've been to see the Elephant, and smelled the smoke of Africa!"~ME 1982

Hands of Old Elmer Keith

Posts: 14634 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: 08 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Gatogordo. The surrounding 3000 acres is not hunted. I can apply for LAMPS doe permits. A few of the bigger ranches nearby have had the biologists come out. So far they haven't said it was necessary to shoot does.

There are two types of people in the world: those that get things done and those who make excuses. There are no others.
Posts: 1439 | Location: El Campo Texas | Registered: 26 July 2004Reply With Quote
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Yes, there is hope. That this will be the last post (corn fed) for this troll to chew on!
Posts: 1324 | Registered: 17 February 2004Reply With Quote
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the last resorts of people who refuse to face reality...
attack you spelling,
call you an asshole,
refer to you as a troll.

go shoot some more live stock killers... Unabridged (v 1.1) -
–noun 1. an establishment maintained for raising livestock under range conditions.

2. Chiefly Western U.S. and Canada. a large farm used primarily to raise one kind of crop or animal.

live·stock –noun (used with a singular or plural verb) the horses, cattle, sheep, and other useful animals kept or raised on a farm or ranch.

I may well be a smug asshole, but at least im a right smug asshole.
Posts: 3986 | Location: in the tall grass "milling" around. | Registered: 09 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Man that is one nice gate! I can't tell if the art work is metal or wood but either way, that's one damn nice gate!


"I can't be over gunned because the animal can't be over dead"-Elmer Keith
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Originally posted by Ropes:
If you ever want to know how the Texas deer are doing just check here.. or Google Texas deer breeder:

I grew up in Havre, Montana it is not what is used to be, the influx of people from out of state has really started to screw things up. Montana Fish and Game issued way to many Antelope tags in the 80s and the herds still suffer. hunting access in the west is going to be an issue soon enough, and the problems will move east.

i was raised in chinook and still live there, working in havre. you're right to an extent but it is not nearly as bad as it could be. with the millions of acres of public and block management land, i don't see it getting as bad as the flathead etc. but there is always the chance....i've seen the beginnings of it around lewistown but once again, the availability of public and block management land more than made up for it.
Posts: 51246 | Location: Chinook, Montana | Registered: 01 January 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by KSTEPHENS:

attack you spelling,
call you an asshole,
refer to you as a troll.

The truth hurts, sorry.

Oh, and for some fun......

370in free range Colorado elk- $12,500

185in free range Sonora mule deer $7,500

Laughing at your "trophy".......priceless.....

There are two types of people in the world: those that get things done and those who make excuses. There are no others.
Posts: 1439 | Location: El Campo Texas | Registered: 26 July 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of MacD37
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Originally posted by MacD37:
Originally posted by KSTEPHENS:
your right, my poor spelling is a great excuse for people who are lazy deer shooters.

please continue.
i'd love to hear some more about how you need high fences and feeders because its so hard to hunt in TX.
It would really be fun to hear that from some of you who claim to hunt in AK, MT and Africa.
Im sure that that TX bush makes Africa look like Kansas.

Man! There is simply no hope for this asshole!

Those pictures are not of South Texas Brush country! you wouldn't be able to see far enough to take a picture of that buck, with the trees far enough in the background to be out of focus!

That is simply mesquite pasture, but I'd sure like to watch you walk across that pasture barefoot!! It is evident that mesquite pasture is something else you DON'T KNOW ANYTHING about! The South Texas brush country is worse that any bush I've ever seen in Africa, and I've hunted Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, RSA, and mosambique! On that note what's with the insinuation with the word "CLAIM"(in red) in your quote above? Addtionally, you don't read well either, because I never said anywhere, that I had hunted Montana! I haven't hunted Montana, but have hunted it's neighbor Wyoming.

The high house looks more like South Carolina to me! That thing is a joke that has been going around the net for years, and nobody knows where it is, but it gets a big laugh, and provides fake evidence for hard heads like you!

Some day,you may realize what a fool you are makeing out of yourself, but I don't hold out much hope. As I said quite reading the PeTAhead propaganda, and repeteing it, it makes you look like a fool! Your posting of pictures of one thing and insinuating it is something else is right out of the PeTAhead , and anti hunting playbook! They will likely nominate you for an award this year, at the Peta convention!

The fact is, you simply do not know what you are talking about! Case closed!

I doubt there is a state in the union where hunting is allowed, that doesn't have hunting reserves with big lodges, and South Carolina is one that has a lot of "put, and take" bird hunting for rich people, like the plantation near Charleston, that advertizes in all the up scale publications like Double Gun Journal, for rich people to see. Now if I went only by what is advertized in South Carolina, then I'd be posting just like Mr. Stevens, and tasunkawitko,for Montana, that this is the way everyone in the state hunts. I don't do that because I realize the places that advertize, and a very small percentage of the hunting that is done by residents! All I'm asking for is the same courticy, and honesty, rather than paint a place with the same broad brush.

That is the problem, these guys read these adds, in the magazines, and pull up the high fence operations on the internet,of 1% of the hunting, and assume all of Texas is hunted that way. I say Texas is a big place and with only around 1,000,000 acres of public huntable land, which is restricted to residents, for the most part. I'd like you guys to think about something for a second! 1,000,000 acres may seem like a lot of land to you, till you understand the 1,000,000 acres scattered all over a state that is 300,000 sq miles of land area, is just about no public access at all, in comparison. For all practical purposes, if you hunt in Texas, you will hunt private land, and if you hunt private land, you will pay a trespass fee, or you will not hunt. That fact, in no way, indicates that though private, it is high fence, or geneticlly altered deer, or somehow not fair chasse!

NOW! I'm through with this witch hunt, brought about by folks who have never set foot in Texas, and even if they had, wouldn't be able to stand on one ranch, and see both ends of Texas! I've lived in Texas, most of my 71 yr life, being born here, and I haven't seen it all yet. However I've seen a hell of a lot more of it than Mr. Stevens, or tasunkawitko, and have hunted all the zones. I'm telling you two you speak from a very un-informed position, and thaough you may brelieve waht you say, you are simply wrong!
..................... wave BYE!

....Mac >>>===(x)===> MacD37, ...and DUGABOY1
DRSS Charter member
"If I die today, I've had a life well spent, for I've been to see the Elephant, and smelled the smoke of Africa!"~ME 1982

Hands of Old Elmer Keith

Posts: 14634 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: 08 June 2000Reply With Quote
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mac -

if a montanan, a south calinky man, a minnesotan and several others from across the country can agree long enough to say that what's going on in texas borders on unethical, then perhaps you should at least pause long enough to consider it.

it may not be going on everywhere in texas, nor is it being done by everyone in texas, but it is ruining the sport; all i am asking of you is that you project some of these practices 50 years into the future and think about it.
Posts: 51246 | Location: Chinook, Montana | Registered: 01 January 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by tasunkawitko:
mac -

if a montanan, a south calinky man, a minnesotan and several others from across the country can agree long enough to say that what's going on in texas borders on unethical, then perhaps you should at least pause long enough to consider it.

it may not be going on everywhere in texas, nor is it being done by everyone in texas, but it is ruining the sport; all i am asking of you is that you project some of these practices 50 years into the future and think about it.

High fences have been around in Texas since the 1920's and a couple actually before then. Those properties seem to be doing fine still. Here's a 50 year projection for you: 50 years from now, Texas will still have a bunch of high fenced and low fenced ranches that practice intensive game management. Our deer will be bigger and healthier than ever before. We will still have the best Whitetail hunting in the country. And narrow-minded pricks will still be bitching at us because we do things differently. How's that for a projection?


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Posts: 3109 | Location: Hockley, TX | Registered: 01 October 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by FMC:
Originally posted by KSTEPHENS:

attack you spelling,
call you an asshole,
refer to you as a troll.

The truth hurts, sorry.

Oh, and for some fun......

370in free range Colorado elk- $12,500

185in free range Sonora mule deer $7,500

Laughing at your "trophy".......priceless.....

FMC - you're living up to the stereotype of a rich texas-sized asshole who thinks he's hunting.

tag - 16$.
gas - 5$.
timex - 30$
proud dad photographing sons with their first deer - priceless.

Posts: 51246 | Location: Chinook, Montana | Registered: 01 January 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by tasunkawitko:
mac -

if a montanan, a south calinky man, a minnesotan and several others from across the country can agree long enough to say that what's going on in texas borders on unethical, then perhaps you should at least pause long enough to consider it.

No, it just proves that some people are out of touch with reality, that's all.

Baiting bear in Minnesota was mentioned earlier. Oh, but that's OK, huh.....

Once again, bugling, cow calling, horn rattling, doe piss.......or corn.....whatever you use to alter the behavior of an animal by manipulating their sense of smell, hearing or taste should be considered unethical............let's call a spade a spade...

Thank christ most of the assholes live in minnesota, montana, south carolina and NOT Texas. Smiler

There are two types of people in the world: those that get things done and those who make excuses. There are no others.
Posts: 1439 | Location: El Campo Texas | Registered: 26 July 2004Reply With Quote
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