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Homage to Dave Estergaard: 500 Mbogo aka .50-08 Login/Join
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Click this and scroll down to see a cartridge drawing of the 500 Mbogo:

I notice that jeffeosso has posted the 500 AR there too. thumb

The actual shoulder angle on the 500 Mbogo is 35-degrees, not 35-degrees-32', and the gross water capacity is well over the 139 grains that this cartridge creator program generates.

Now if only Stuart Satterlee could get an action ready for it ...


I see that someone has corrected the shoulder angle to 35-degrees: thumb

Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Keep up the good work.. Dave handed me a 500 Mbogo the first time I met him, in 04 I think. way more than enough shoulder to work with!!

I should have some fireforming done on the 500 AR this weekend, and might shoot it in august, weather and workload permiting

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
What is an AR round? Case Drawings 416-458-470AR and 500AR.
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Hi Jeffe,
Looks like your cartridge is #607 and mine is #608 at What a coincidence. You beat me to it, and they are sequential in time.

I see you are using .534" as neck-1 and neck-2.
I am using .532" as neck-1 and neck-2 diameter.

If I have to neck turn, so be it. It is the way it worked out for me. My chamber reamer has .535" as neck-1 and neck-2, so .003" for neck expansion.

What is your reamer neck-1 and neck-2?

From Ken Howell's book, there is and interesting comparison below (both made from 460 Weatherby brass).
500 Van Horn Express: Gil Van Horn used a .532" brass neck diameters.
500 Weatherby Magnum: Weatherby used .534" brass neck diameters:

Further comparing notes:

Throat for the 500 Mbogo:
.5110" diameter freebore
.5000" length parallel-sided freebore
1.5-degree leade

The 500 Mbogo is meant for target loads with 700 to 750-grain bullets at ~2150 fps as well as 570 to 600 grainers at 2500 fps in a 24" barrel.

10" twist.

What is your throat like?
and your twist? Wink

I could be shooting a CZ 550 Magnum 500 Mbogo by the end of August.

Those Satterlee actions are scarce.

Your cartridge will be suitable for rebarrel of a .375 Ruger Hawkeye, eh?
Nice. thumb
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Satterlee says "In Stock and available for quick delivery" on his site.

I beat ya' both on Ammoguide! #489 - had Mike enter the drawing manually - application won't make LARGE sizes........ Big Grin
Posts: 13301 | Location: On the Couch with West Coast Cool | Registered: 20 June 2007Reply With Quote
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The stainless magnum Mauser with square bridges milled to Weaver-cross-slot/picatinny ain't in stock, not yet, still waiting for the first one.

And your cartridge: S&H 2-Bore Black Powder Express

I only have one other there: #603, .395 Tatanka

The Forty-Ought-Seven
and the Fifty-Aught-Eight. Wink

I think jeffeosso has more there than both of us put together.
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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With the 500 AR neck being made closer to the base (2.650" brass length) than the 500 Mbogo (3.000" brass length), thicker brass would be expected in the neck of the 500 AR.

The ability to blow out .338 Lapua Mag. brass to .510 caliber neck will be interesting to see with the 500 AR.

I am stuck with necking down cylindrical 3" .416 Rigby basic brass, or blowing out 2.900" .416 Rigby brass and having a short neck.
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Picky! Picky! I thought all those big M98 Type Schnauzer Actions were the same! hillbilly

Look Here:

Waffenfabrik Hein

And Here:

Granite Mountain


Posts: 13301 | Location: On the Couch with West Coast Cool | Registered: 20 June 2007Reply With Quote
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In the white or nickel-plated? No thanks.
I want something unique, like a

Serial Number: SSMM0001 Wink
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Stainless??? shocker

What's that gonna cost? More than his regular price? Must be a premium to get SN-oooooooooooooooooooooooooo1
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that action is so sexy and clssy it needs a dame's name.

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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You must be very proud of yourself rip...what a grand idea to steal my 510KX and claim it as an all new design of your own.

For the rest of you, who doubt rip would do this, especially after badmouthing my KX just over a year ago here in these threads. He crowed to high heaven that:
1. it had insufficient shoulder to work.
2. that I could not have used 416 Rigby cylindrical MAST Technology brass, who was bought by Jamison in the spring of last year because it was the wrong base diameter.

JeffeOsso, where are you and not pointing out this basis thievery? I sent you some of the very cases rip said would not work for you to use in your 500 shortie. You and I corresponded on this 510KX for weeks here and in Emails.

For the rest of you who may doubt me, check in the archives under 500KX. Type in 510KX and hit the go button. Better yet, call Dave Kiff at Pacific Tool and ask him what the date is on the reamers he made for me. Didn't your mother teach you stealing is a sin?

What a guy, now I know why you have spent the past few months subtly nitpicking me when the opportunity arose.

Posts: 23062 | Location: SW Idaho | Registered: 19 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Didn't have to wait long to return this to you Rich:

Originally posted by Idaho Sharpshooter:
GET A LIFE...even if you have to rent one. It will be interesting to see if there is any brain stem activity when the swelling goes down.

Watch out RIP, he might try to go "Rick Jamison" on you.

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Thanks for the warning.
We have been hashing around the 500 Mbogo long before any blowhard from Idaho took the belt off a .510 Wells. jeffeosso and I have just been taking our time distracted by other projects.

I tried running .416 Rigby brass into a 500 A-Square die long before the blowhard told us about his similar attempts. I scraped a pseudo belt into my brass, ruining it. I stand by that statement. That is all.

The 500 Mbogo is not stolen from anybody. It gives full credit to Dave Estergaard. I am just the first to order a reamer for it, finally. I finalized the drawing for it on March 4, 2006, and sat on it for a year before getting Dave Manson to make the reamer.

A search of this forum will find that I announced intention to do so on February 12, 2006.

Distractions have come from .338 Lapua Mag. cats, and the .395 cats.

The blowhard is on ignore.
Let him blow.
I don't care.
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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We've got a couple different things going on here...
the 510KX can be made from existing rigby brass, or turning the belt off weatherby cases .. a cool idea, to use a beltless 510wells

the 500 Mbogo requires custom brass to "make spec".. Dave had mocked up a 500mbogo from his 470mbogo.. which, btw, is the foundation 'cat for alot of us... and is a cool idea, about the largest case we can get from any type of rigby brass

500 AR .. MIGHT not require basic unformed brass, short enough to fit in a standard length action, though I suggest an enfield or such due to width (feed geometery).. this one got stalled waiting on a barrel (which, as it turns out never was done) and I had to go a different direction..

510KX - use wells' load data - heck, use a2 data if you are "brave enough" .. IMHO, A@ data is too hot

500mbogo - use wells'/a2 load data to get started
500AR - use 10% LESS than 495 A2 starting loads... this one won't be the fastest .510 out there... but it will make 535/2350 and 600/2150, which is all I want it to do

Ron, remember, the van horn drawing shows bad dims on the casehead ... the brass is nominal .589, not .579... and, no offense to Ken, who I think is an awesome person, the water specs on those drawings is about 40 grains too large ... so, i ignored the vanhorn, more or less, when we discussed it some time ago..

any twist that the user wants, is my new mantra.. i have my prefrences, but, well, Ginger or Marrianne?

So, let's recall that Dave (and at least a 100 other guys) had the idea to get a .510 and a rigby.. Rich got his running, from start to bang, before the rest of us, the 500AR is coming behind his, and the 500 Mbogo will belch fire probably in 08... then we need to all get together with our "ridiculous" wildcats and shoot!


opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
What is an AR round? Case Drawings 416-458-470AR and 500AR.
Posts: 41209 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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I concur with RIP. The 500 Mbogo has been mentioned here for years (and there was some Swedish version even before that IRCC). I also concur with RIP that if one runs 416 Rigby cases through a 500 A^2 or 510 Wells die (that is of the correct dimensions) one will get a "shoulder" scratched into the base of said 416 Rigby case. This is due to the Rigby case head being about 0.007" larger in diameter than the Weatherby.

Jeffeosso, there is nothing wrong with the case dimensions shown in the drawings posted by RIP. The Weatherby mag case is nominally .582" at the base! The case capacity on those drawings if too large by 45 to 50 grains however!!!
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You are off ignore. No monkey business please.thumb

The Van Horn brass is 460 Weatherby brass with the belt turned off so of course it is smaller than .416 Rigby head size.

Howell uses a method of brass volume measuring that is different: weight of a solid brass cartridge of the external dimensions of the cartridge.
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turning the belt off weatherby cases

my idea... hillbilly

well turning them off a2

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Not to hijack the thread (ok, I'm doing just that), but is ammoguide good for anything other than crappy, cluttered web pages filled with advertising?

I registered for a demo account and so far find the site utterly useless. What's the point to it?


It takes character to withstand the rigors of indolence.
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still butting in the grownups conversations I see...I'll use small words so your pea brain can absorb this.

The deal is: more than twenty-five years ago I bought a P17 Remington chambered for John Buhmillers 450 Magnum.
He had found a source of Rigby brass and built a couple 45 caliber rifles based on that case back in the 1950's. This was one of them. At that time I had to have a machinist friend chuck Wbee 460 cases up in the lathe one at a time and cut the belts off. He thought anybody shooting something that big was crazy...he may have been right. He said "as much as you like recoil, when the barrel gets shot out, you should make a fifty...". Does he get the credit? Later on, I got one of the first Krieghoff .500 NE 3" doubles and enjoy it for awhile. When I sold it I had plans to build a 505 Gibbs, but the brass and bullets were unobtainium at that time...1998.

The rest of the story is about eighteen months ago, when I called Dave Kiff and ordered my 510KX reamer. It was announced here when the gunsmith had the barrelled action ready to go into a "try stock", and I shot it the first time. Somewhere here there are pictures that a local guy posted, complete with the duct tape holding the whole thing together. It was shortly after that that "the homeless person also known as rip" jumped into the thread to announce to all and sundry that what I was doing was impossible because his measurements proved the basic brass would not work. We had quite a chuckle over that at the gunshop where the barrelled action had been built; since we had been loading and shooting that impossibility for nearly two weeks by then. The brass we were using was Mast Technology 416 Rigby cylindrical with no headstamp. Jamison had purchased the business and was still in the process of moving everything from 'Vegas to it's current location and setting up. I sent Jeff some in January of this year for his 500 project, it is likely what he is shooting now to test his concept.

rip's only posted contribution as of today is to "think" about building one. Save time rip; I'll let you use the reamer and you can still tell everybody it's your it what you want.

You have made some incredible contributions here, pulling an entirely new caliber out of your hat with the 395 is probably the best one. This plagiarism just does not suit you very well.

Posts: 23062 | Location: SW Idaho | Registered: 19 December 2005Reply With Quote
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I do appreciate the fact that you have not denied "borrowing" my design; but attacking me in an attempt to deflect criticism from the deal by talking a low-grade of trash cannot hide or deny what you have done here.

I'll try and post the things I already have on tap for the rest of the year and for first-half 2008 so you can begin thinking of what you will steal from me in the coming twelve months...

Posts: 23062 | Location: SW Idaho | Registered: 19 December 2005Reply With Quote
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RIP and I did more than post there results of calculations.

I scrapped out three 416 Rigby cases, made my Norma (two bought in ~ 1993 and the other bought in ~ 2005) and posted pictures of the "belted" scrapped into the case head by the CH4D 500 A2 full length sizing die. As I recall RIP did the same using his RCBS dies. My dies are too proper 500 A2 specification. It is possible your 510 Wells dies are OVERSIZED, I guess.
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To All,
I guess Rich just wants someone to pay homage to his backside. moon
He is crying like a baby wanting attention.

The thread is about the 500 Mbogo, a homage to Dave Estergaard's 470 Mbogo, not the .510 KX, which he developed long after we had batted around the .510 Rigby/Lapua for years.

Jeffeosso's 500 AR I find very interesting, and it deserves a place on this thread, as it came about simultaneously as he, and I (and yes Rich too) discussed this subject before the .510 KX was a gleam in Rich's eyes.

The 500 Mbogo is not an original idea, except for Dave Estergaard alone.

My contribution is merely to grow the cartridge to a full 3.000" max brass length and to have the gumption to order a reamer. I am still hoping to do it on a Satterlee action ... but a CZ will make a nice shop Mule in the mean time.

It will be built by the end of August '07 or September '07 however Kevin Jenkins can oblige with the smithing. It will still be called the .50-08, as a pet cartridge progression on this list of my personal favorites:

.30-06 Springfield
.40-07 Tatanka
.50-08 Mbogo
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IS, RIP...

Wow, you guys were a lot more amiable about this in May of 2006....510 Kayser Express unveiled


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I don't need to look at that, I know it by heart, and it is printed out in hard copy in the 500 Mbogo file. The date is subsequent to my 500 Mbogo "announcement." Why do you think I post here about my wildcats? It is to get a print version of developments to file in my little library.
IS is showing his CRYBABY baby moon for no good reason except to have a hissy fit over his fictional soap opera of wildcat espionage.

Hell hath no fury like a spurned woman. He is acting like a little old woman gossiping over the backyard fence, trying to start a rumor of infidelity to his moon

Enough of this already. rotflmo

All credit for originality to Dave Estergaard.
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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there's enough to go around..

a weatherby case is a REBATTED rim, but in front of the belt, it is more or less .585-.589 .... and trimming it to .579 is what its an error... no one, in their right mind, would willingly cut .01 off the base of a case...

or, if they did, good on em, i'll stick with rigby cases...

which is what the entire thread is about... rigby based (beltless) .510 cases...

at least, that's what I want to talk about... as that what Rich, Ron, and I are working...

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
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talking about anything does not get things done. I still don't really know who this Estergaard guy is, the Westergaards I know, like Augie shoot schuetzen matches in the midwest. Augie is nearly ninety, did this other guy steal his nam? That's how dumb your arguement sounds.

The deal is NOBODY contacted anybody in the business and I had a thought about this and talked with Buhmiller in the late 1970's-early 1980's before his death. So if merely ever have had any thoughts is as good as actually "doing something" where do we line up to patent our thoughts? Sheesh, in 1965 I was thinking about having a totally steamy sex filled weekend with my 10th grade student teacher a lot of the time in her class. I almost had sex with her one night; I had an erection but couldn't find her! This is not a situation of paraphrasing the old quote "...I think therefore I am..." into "...I thought about it so it exists and is mine...". If that is true let me lay one out for you: I am thinking about a whole family of cartridges from .12 caliber to 1.5" on case lengths from 1/2" long to 10" long, and up to 2" in diameter. The post Canuck put up shows clearly WHO did WHAT and WHEN.

All of "...well I did once have some vague thoughts about it..." garbage rip is spewing notwithstanding; and his childish use of emoticons here: Canuck's post shows who the bigmouth is and who DID something. Coming in now and trying to play "Me Too!" can't change the past. If rip had any balls and sense of honor and fairplay he would post that others had the idea, others already have guns they are shooting (for over a year now)and he is just trying to grab onto my coattails and get a free ride. He's disingenuous at best, and an out and out liar and thief at worst. The only thing he has not done, is acknowledge that somebody else did it more than a year ago. His fragile ego is not strong enough to admit he is wrong. Unfortunately for him, everybody does know, thanks to Canuck.

Pick a better hero, this one has feet of clay, and no testicles either. Like Ozymandus (sp?) laying in the sand in pieces.

1st 50 caliber rifle on the Rigby case.
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The Swedes necked up the Rigby many many years ago. I can recall having conversions on this board about it before Jeffeosso, RIP, or yourself ever posted here. Dave's handle here at AR is 470MBOGO. Since I remember him mentioning before you were here I will agree with RIP and give him credit for the 500 MBOGO concept.


Believe me (if not me every load manual, CIP and SAAMI) when I say that the base diameter of the 378, 416, 460, etc Weatherby magnums is maximum (not nominal I misspoke in my last post) 0.582". I can measure my ~ 100 460 Weatherby magnum cases and you can use that data for statistical analysis, if you wish, just let me know.

The fact remains that one CANNOT take a 416 Rigby case, that is TO SPECIFICATION, and full length size it in a 510 Wells, 500 A2 sizing die, that is to specification, without gettting the "belt" scrapped into the base of the Rigby case.

For this reason, everything that Rich posts is suspect to me (and I would think to anyone else with any experience with both Rigby and Weatherby cases).
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AR has been around for quite some itme now, in a few different incarnations...Probably baou t8 years or so now.

It's not unreasonable to think that someone discussed a cartridge like this prior to Dec 19, 2005.


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Originally posted by ScottS:
...Believe me ... when I say that the base diameter of the 378, 416, 460, etc Weatherby magnums is maximum (not nominal I misspoke in my last post) 0.482". I can measure my ~ 100 460 Weatherby magnum cases and you can use that data for statistical analysis, if you wish, just let me know.

you mean, of course, .582...

which sorts of deflates your position...

go measure your 100 cases (LOL) and let us know how many where .482 or less

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
What is an AR round? Case Drawings 416-458-470AR and 500AR.
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Yes Jeff I meant 0.582". Sorry for the typo, I realize you NEVER have any typoes yourself. Roll Eyes
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Originally posted by ScottS:
Yes Jeff I meant 0.582". Sorry for the typo, I realize you NEVER have any typoes yourself. Roll Eyes

but you SAID .482...until you edited your post to make it look like you knew what you meant

yet you have made moutains out of molehills over such matters.. thanks for making it clear you will never use this annoying tactic again.

begone, scott, you, of all persons, have no value in this conversation, and less experience, by your own statements

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
What is an AR round? Case Drawings 416-458-470AR and 500AR.
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i hereby do claim the long neck 500/416 rigby...
the 500 P.H.

3/4" neck and the rest pretty much the same.

not much point in having a short neck with long shank bullet usng the 510 bullet and the 416 rigby case.

there will only be about 10 thou between the bullet and the case body if the shank goes beneath the shoulder anyway.

when i am rich i can make one.

i think it is the being unique that makes this fun not realy the performance since they will be pretty much the same that regard.

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OK I'll play your pathetic little game (afterall that is all this is). Here is my original (first post your have been referring to the second). It hasn't been edited!

I concur with RIP. The 500 Mbogo has been mentioned here for years (and there was some Swedish version even before that IRCC). I also concur with RIP that if one runs 416 Rigby cases through a 500 A^2 or 510 Wells die (that is of the correct dimensions) one will get a "shoulder" scratched into the base of said 416 Rigby case. This is due to the Rigby case head being about 0.007" larger in diameter than the Weatherby.

Jeffeosso, there is nothing wrong with the case dimensions shown in the drawings posted by RIP. The Weatherby mag case is nominally .582" at the base! The case capacity on those drawings if too large by 45 to 50 grains however!!!

I clearly state the correct diameter albeit, it should have said MAXIMUM not nominal!

You then replied:

there's enough to go around..

a weatherby case is a REBATTED rim, but in front of the belt, it is more or less .585-.589 .... and trimming it to .579 is what its an error... no one, in their right mind, would willingly cut .01 off the base of a case...

or, if they did, good on em, i'll stick with rigby cases...

which is what the entire thread is about... rigby based (beltless) .510 cases...

at least, that's what I want to talk about... as that what Rich, Ron, and I are working...

opinions vary
band of bubbas, STC Hunting Club

You clearly WRONGLY state that the Weatherby magnum case is; "a weatherby case is a REBATTED rim, but in front of the belt, it is more or less .585-.589".

Unlike you Jeff I haven't edited any of YOUR post! I also DID NOT take it out of context!

I realize these are foreign concepts to you, but I believe there are some here at AR that understand them.

By the way, the CAPS are for EMPHASIS not because I am upset or "melting down". I will leave the melting down to you and especially to IdahoSharpshooter.

I sure hope I didn't typo anything (as I don't typically proof read).

I still concur with RIP, the credit goes to Dave!
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You guys are not reading the fine print.
Ken Howell's book drawings are giving brass weight for a SOLID brass dummy of designer specs, as if the brass was turned from SOLID brass rod. He then converts that brass weight to water weight. It is the amount of water that the solid brass case would displace with its external dimensions. No hollow cartridge case filled with water. Not gross water capacity of a real cartridge!!!

Hence the "500 Van Horn Express" made of SOLID brass weighs 1,412 grains. If it were made of SOLID water at standard conditions it would weigh 166 grains.

Likewise, the 500 Weatherby Magnum:

1,624 grains brass
190 grains water

It would indeed have been nice if Ken had given gross water capacities of all those cartridges, but that is only an average figure for various makes of brass. His method is absolutely/scientifically/precisely correct. No room for argument in comparing the external volumes of all the cases.

And ScottS is absolutely correct on the brass.

460 Weatherby max brass diameters:
rim: .579"
belt: .603"
head adjacent to belt: .582"

.416 Rigby max specs:
rim: .590"
head: .589"

I knew this by heart long before puzzling over IS's oversized dies and undersized brass that fortuitously allowed him to run .416 Rigby brass through a .510 Wells die without scraping or "scrapping" a psuedo belt onto the brass, thus scrapping it for sure.

Gil Van Horn would have used .416 Rigby brass if he had it, instead of turning belts off the 460 Wby. Ken Howell's dimensions are correct on the page shown. But it is odd that the 500 Weatherby Magnum uses a .512" bullet diameter, while the 500 Van Horn Express uses a .510" bullet. Nevertheless, the expressed water displacement for each inch of bullet shank is a handy figure when it comes time for estimating net water capacity of a real case. The book is loaded with these figures.

Some typos in Dr. Howell's book have been pointed out here before. They are rare. It is one of the best sources for cartridge dimensions.

Saeed was using a .475/.416 Rigby Improved long before Dave Estergaard made the 470 Mbogo famous.

The Norsemen have been doing a .510/.338 Lapua Mag. before us here.

Dave Estergaard did the maximum .475/.416 Rigby Improved that can be done. I have no alternative but to copy his case for a maximum performance 500 on the Rigby case. My only bold move is to give it a slightly longer neck so I approach a caliber length neck with mine more closely.

Brass length:
470 Mbogo: 2.945" (from heart, correct me if wrong)
500 Mbogo: 3.000"

BTW Jamison International is doing a big military contract of brass now and likely won't be taking any new orders from us nuts until 2008.

Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Quick! Somebody kiss IS's moon and make it better.
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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you're still a thief and a liar, and no cutesy usage of emoticons to try and trivialize your dishonesty will cover up those two known personal attributes you have been shown, by your own words of a year ago and now this week, to possess. You are such a small person you'd need to stand on your mother's shoulders to reach high enough to kiss my moon. I do appreciate your offer, but I'll just stick to toilet paper if you don't mind.

I repeat: you are still a THIEF and a LIAR, and nothing is going to change that. Your efforts to slime your way out are beyond pathetic. I'm casting some more bullets, and will be shooting my real 50 caliber wildcat on the 416 Rigby cylindrical brass next week. If you want, I could send you a twice-fired case so you could post dimensions...or you could just call Dave Kiff and see if he will change the name on the original reamer prints.
My oversized brass mikes within .001 of the CIP specs and Jeffe can attest that there is NO scraper belt. It FL sizes, it feeds, it shoots and I am shooting it every week since June of 2006.


Posts: 23062 | Location: SW Idaho | Registered: 19 December 2005Reply With Quote
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No takers. I understand. Maybe he can pull the corn cob out himself, since he put it there. Self-help is the only way out of self-pity.

But wait, delusions about theft of his ideas ... That is psychotic. He may be beyond self-help, getting messages from outer space beamed in through the corn cob in his moon ...

Get help.
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Stand by for a reamer drawing posting: 500 Mbogo.
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of fireball168
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Originally posted by Idaho Sharpshooter:

If rip had any balls and sense of honor and fairplay he would post that others had the idea, others already have guns they are shooting (for over a year now)and he is just trying to grab onto my coattails and get a free ride. He's disingenuous at best, and an out and out liar and thief at worst. The only thing he has not done, is acknowledge that somebody else did it more than a year ago. His fragile ego is not strong enough to admit he is wrong.

Originally posted by Idaho Sharpshooter:


You are such a small person you'd need to stand on your mother's shoulders to reach high enough to kiss my

I repeat: you are still a THIEF and a LIAR, and nothing is going to change that. Your efforts to slime your way out are beyond pathetic.

Originally posted by Idaho Sharpshooter:


still butting in the grownups conversations I see...I'll use small words so your pea brain can absorb this.

Originally posted by Idaho Sharpshooter:

the two areas every man considers himself well developed in are:
1. a great sense of humor
2. every woman's dream in bed.

Obviously fb168 is lacking in at least one of these areas, and possibly the other as well

For someone who self admittedly claims to be older, wiser and more worldly...

Why is it that you have such a hard time communicating without resorting to personal attacks?

Perhaps you can explain exactly has been "stolen" from you here? It seems very obvious within the confines we all operate under - available calibers, basic brass and suitable actions, that there is not an infinite number of cartridges that can be designed with totally "new" ideas.

Variations in neck length, shoulder diameter, belted or non-belted and the dimensions of the available brass at the time the reamer is cut has filled numerous print books over the years at the custom die makers and reamer manufacturers.

Practically every idea I've come up with has already been on the books between Kiff, Manson and CH4D in some iteration. Perhaps not exactly what I wanted or was looking for, but close enough to work - or with only minor modifications.

My latest, the 500 BFG - is really nothing more than a .050" lengthened 500 Phantom. I surely don't claim to be the "first" to come up with a short 500 Jeffrey, Marty may not be able to claim that either - but due to brass and reamer availability, it was more economically sound and quicker to make the changes I WANTED to the cartridge and have it made to my specifications for the available Jamison brass.

But, I digress. The only thing I can see, or possibly imagine at this point, that has been stolen from Idaho is his ego.
Posts: 1332 | Location: IN | Registered: 30 April 2004Reply With Quote
Picture of jeffeosso
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Originally posted by ScottS:
...I am upset ... "melting down". I will leave ..

Originally posted by ScottS: 8 nov , 2006
...I would personally rebore the barrel since it has the integral rib (that is what I did anyway).

wow, this guy changes his story pretty fast....

Originally posted by ScottS: 26 july 07
I don't own any big bores, and I really don't think I could handle that 416 Taylor. That is why I won't be shipping anything to Pac-nor.

i guess his 500a2/#1 (yeah, #1, keep reading) kicked him too hard?

Originally posted by ScottS: 16 july 07
...By the way, my 500 A^2 is a converted Ruger M77 MkII RSM (formerly a 416 Rigby).

there some quick turn around on a rebore and gaining a tons of shooting experience..

46 days from asking if it can be done to being an expert on it

Originally posted by ScottS: 23 may 07
Reworking a Ruger M77 mkII RSM in 416 Rigby into a 500 A Square / 510 Wells. Can it be done with a rebore of the stock barrel and how much work would be required to get it to feed? How many rounds would the magazine hold? Sumbuddy who knows.


Wow, he's not really a fast learner, is he, as he must have been kicked too hard by his reworked #1 to 500A2
Originally posted by ScottS: 15 feb 04
700 nitro, The rifle in this thread is a 500 AHR (lengthened 500 Jeffery). I did once own a 500 A Square, and may again. It was a rebarreled Ruger No1 416 Rigby. The barrel length was 27". The ballistics of my 500 A Square Ruger No1 were only slightly less impressive than the 500 AHR. Scott

but WAIT
Originally posted by ScottS: 08 nov 06
Anyway, if you go with a 500 A Square you can fit three down. .... I would personally rebore the barrel since it has the integral rib (that is what I did anyway).

IN november 2006 he had already done what he was asking about if it was possible in may 07...

As usuall, when it involves scotts posting about his ACTUAL experience, well, it becomes a little vague

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
What is an AR round? Case Drawings 416-458-470AR and 500AR.
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