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Homage to Dave Estergaard: 500 Mbogo aka .50-08 Login/Join
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Originally posted by RIP:

Not for whining about imaginary self-hurt over "wildcat espionage." animal

Wildcat Espionage!!

I love it!!

rotflmo rotflmo

375 Ruger- The NEW KING of the .375's!!
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Originally posted by Canuck:
Originally posted by RIP:
All hail Dave Estergaard's 470 Mbogo, a unique cartridge never before done until he did it in the 1990's (exact date ???).


I think the date on the 470 Mbogo JGS reamer print is 1996, but I don't have it on my work computer.

Correction: it is November 1997.

Forgive the gratuitous photo posting. Big Grin


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does "wildcat espionage..." mean that rip-off is finally admitting he had no original thought, and that he did use my design without offering me any credit?

It's amazing, he continually posts he has me on "Ignore" but quotes me frequently in responses. Another mark of a pathological liar at work. Trying to defend the indefensible often leads to trying to justify one's omission of the immediate person responsible or plagiarizing. In this instance, he is now trying to give the credit for John Buhmiller's wildcats to Fred Barnes.
I can quote you that timeline as well... Dunno if any of you know "Mick" McPherson from Colorado. He gives credit to A&M Rifles in Prescott, AZ.
Quote: this monster round was developed... in 1958-59".
Quoting again: "Editor's Note: around 1960 Fred Barnes built himself a 475 A&M-chambered rifle (emphasis on 475 A&M-chambered...this means that A&M did the barrel and fit it to the action, and chambered it for FRED...Barnes stocked it).".

Fred Barnes made his reputation making bullets, not rifles. His talents extended to being able to stock a barreled action as far as print media reflects.

SO: LYING, THIEVING DOG rip-off, YOU ARE LYING AGAIN, and still trying desperately to find somebody, anybody, to attempt to steal the credit for the 450/475/500 caliber wildcats on the basic Rigby case from John Buhmiller. When I say Rigby here I include the Wbee 378/416/460, since they are merely the Rigby case with a belt and goofy shoulder, and do not differ markedly.

Correction for moron rip-off: there are actually three kinds of people in the world. 3. Born have that title wrapped up.

Keep trying to find somebody that pre-dates John won't slug!

Setting the record straight, one lying post by the LYING, THIEVING DOG rip-off.

Oh, yeah, the old adage applies to your schoolyard-level name calling; the old "...sticks and stones...".
Nothing you have said to date establishes any credibility here for your sorry...self.


Posts: 23062 | Location: SW Idaho | Registered: 19 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Idaho Sharpshooter:

does "wildcat espionage..." mean that rip-off is finally admitting he had no original thought, and that he did use my design without offering me any credit?


I don't know, and I don't care...

What I do think is funny is your increasingly hostile rants about someone, who doesn't really claim to take much credit for himself (hence the title of this thread)

What makes it even more amusing is that this cartridge isn't going to have a huge market, and if there are ever more than 100 rifles ever chambered in 50 Mbogo I'd be surprised.

But what makes it even FUNNIER still is that you are giving this issue so much importance that it is consuming you enough to make an ass out of yourself on the intraweb, with your childish name calling rants towards this person that you don't know, probably will never meet and will have no impact on your life.

Now THAT is funny rotflmo

375 Ruger- The NEW KING of the .375's!!
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Ah thinks its now Baseball Bats at dawn time. Winner fishes the car keys from the bloody remains.RIPO vs IdahoS. ScottS as Bat Boy! It's a Cage Match! Jeffe and I will take all bets. Now this would be down right interesting!-Rob

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Picture of boom stick
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how about working on something new...

long necked 510 on the rigby.

no similar rounds out there claimed or real.

jeffeosso is getting the short end with the 500 a.r. now the new one with a long neck and virtualy identical capacity as the mbogo/k.e./j.b. with a smidge better shoulder.

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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Now that sounds like a great idea!
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It really does...can we meet in Vegas for the brawl? Set a date and I can be there in ten hours.

Posts: 23062 | Location: SW Idaho | Registered: 19 December 2005Reply With Quote
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how about a simple round of paintball wearing tank tops and shorts so it will hurt like hell but nobody goes to jail.

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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I think I can get it booked at the Venetian or Bellagio no problem. The bloodier the better! Heck the winner assuming he's conscious and not a paraplegic following the match will be treated to the " Mustang Ranch". Am I right in assuming IdahoS is laying the challenge down to RIPO and thus has first choice of weapons?
This match will NOT BE deceided on the AMOUNT or STRENGTH of the BULLSHIT being SLUNG ALONE!
RIPO PAY ATTENTION- you been called out. SHOW us your STUFF -Rob

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers to do incredibly stupid things- AH (1941)- Harry Reid (aka Smeagle) 2012
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I am holding out for Mandalay Bay. I really do not think there is enough money in Vegas to get rip-off to show, but if he does I'll bring a cold iron and put my brand on him and ear-notch that little dogie.

Posts: 23062 | Location: SW Idaho | Registered: 19 December 2005Reply With Quote
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IdahoS- Ata Boy! Good smack talk! Lets see if RIPO has the sand! Mandalay Bay? OK, I can arrange it!-Rob

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers to do incredibly stupid things- AH (1941)- Harry Reid (aka Smeagle) 2012
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I still read your posts. The Ripper vs. The Idaho Zephyr, sounds like fun.

Set it up for mid to late October 2007. I had been planning a vacation then anyway. I wanted to do some pig hunting then and this will be the next best thing.

You will have to pay all my travel expenses. I would not waste a dime on the Idaho Zephyr, and
I will not be held liable for his medical bills afterwards either.

My honor has not been impugned. He is the one whining about some imaginary slight, and needs to have an attitude adjustment with a baseball bat, as you suggest. I will gladly oblige him.
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This is getting good ... Cool
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Mid to late October would mean that I would have to bow out as "bat boy". Elk hunting is calling. Also, the later part of November and beginning of December be deer killing time.

Please video tape it, I think it would be a great seller, I know I would pick up a copy.
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Originally posted by Canuck:
Originally posted by Canuck:
Originally posted by RIP:
All hail Dave Estergaard's 470 Mbogo, a unique cartridge never before done until he did it in the 1990's (exact date ???).


I think the date on the 470 Mbogo JGS reamer print is 1996, but I don't have it on my work computer.

Correction: it is November 1997.

Forgive the gratuitous photo posting. Big Grin


Thanks for that.
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Pardon my interruption but...


This is approaching low Romper Room orbit!

Hey Rich! Is this crap even worth the keystrokes? Clearly, judging by your vocabulary, you're a reasonably intelligent guy. Who the hell cares about who invented some minor esoteric variation on a common theme? If you like I'll draw up something special and you can call it whatever you want. Like maybe the 500 TMMF (That's Mine Mo Fo) or (The Monster Mbogo Flattener) Hey I made one for RIP-a-tista.

Really, give it a rest you're torturing the rest of us.

(Next time Copyright and patent your work so there's no question)
Posts: 13301 | Location: On the Couch with West Coast Cool | Registered: 20 June 2007Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by RIP:
Thanks for that.

No prob.

I think I feel a 10th Anniversary party coming on. Big Grin


Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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I've got it figured out.
The Idaho Zephyr was not breastfed long enough as an infant. After our square dance, Rob should fix him up with this hottie to nurse him back to health:

I'll take the Mustang or the Bunny Ranch. Wink
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Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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That Zamphir guy is always STEAMED up!!!

He just needs some relaxation time in the Jacuzzi and a good meal.

Posts: 13301 | Location: On the Couch with West Coast Cool | Registered: 20 June 2007Reply With Quote
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Maybe some tasty biscuits for an apetizer!

Posts: 13301 | Location: On the Couch with West Coast Cool | Registered: 20 June 2007Reply With Quote
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He's just confused!!!

Posts: 13301 | Location: On the Couch with West Coast Cool | Registered: 20 June 2007Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Macifej:

That Zamphir guy is always STEAMED up!!!

He just needs some relaxation time in the Jacuzzi and a good meal.

Idaho Zamphir, Idaho Zephyr, whatever.
You really think IZ could get a patent on a ".510 Keester Express?" A .510 Wells with the belt taken off of it and headspacing on a 30-degree/.012" shoulder: homer

.510 Keester Express sounds like his favorite rectal suppository.

He really needs to stick it where the sun don't shine, right alongside his corn cob.
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Survey Says.........not likely other than a form patent which protects the shape of something. Why bother (your point) the next guy can change the dimensions a tad and avoid your claim.
Posts: 13301 | Location: On the Couch with West Coast Cool | Registered: 20 June 2007Reply With Quote
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ok.. wave.can this thread be about 50's on the rigby case again?

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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The form of a 500 Mbogo is vastly different from the form of a .510 Keester Express, as is their function.
The former is a serious rifle cartridge, the latter is ...

Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by RIP:
The form of a 500 Mbogo is vastly different from the form of a .510 Keester express, as is their function.
The former is a serious rifle cartridge, the latter is ...


soooooooooo if you want more shoulder, have a longer neck .75" to be exact for the "cool retro look" and have the same capacity -1 grain.

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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Dropping the shoulder of the 500 Mbogo down baseward another .2578" (.4922" length neck becomes .7500" length neck) will increase the shoulder step from .0200" to .0217".

That adds .0016632" to shoulder step or .0033264" to shoulder diameter.

Go for it boom stick.

My die is cast: 500 Mbogo, Fifty-Aught-Eight.

I won't whine about you doing this new cartridge of yours, but you may have to take a baseball bat to the gas bag over this development.

What was that new cartridge name again? thumb

Sounds like an excellent idea. If I had thought of it, and I did, sure as O.J.'s "if I did it," the gas bag would be no more flatulent than he is now.

This is a homage to the Mbogo of Dave Estergaard.
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i was calling it the 500 P.H.

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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Originally posted by boom stick:
i was calling it the 500 P.H.

And I hope it is 3.000" max brass length.
The stubby nose and long shank of the .510 caliber hunting bullets allows that in a 3.750" COAL with room to spare.

The 500 P.H. really would be an improvement on the 500 Mbogo.
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My height is 71", my arm span is 73", I weigh 220 pounds naked. My shoe size is 12.5 Wide, USA. Perfect for deep boot rectal therapy of a gas bag. Put a cork in it! rotflmo

I am a former college varsity cross country and track runner, veteran of Army and Air Force of the USA, and ex marathon runner and ultra-marathon runner who is in perfect health except too fat. I know what it takes to lose 20 pounds in 3 months. I have done it before. I will be ready. Oh yeah, I used to play baseball too, and know how to swing a bat.

They call me "Doctor Death" when I hunt pigs with a spear in Tennessee. The bat will be an interesting simplification of pig hunting.

Put the Idaho Zephyr's height, weight and arm span up so Rob can start making book, taking odds, and getting an estimate on The Idaho Zephyr's life and major medical insurance policies ... be sure to include catastrophic coverage, disability, and long term nursing home coverage. Get his "Living Will" in order, and appoint a legal guardian (he may already have one of these).

The Ripper vs. The Idaho Zephyr

Baseball Bat Extravaganza
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Is there a limit to how many wildcats you can make up in a calendar week, or not?

I'm guessing this is Boom Stick's answer:

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Originally posted by Charles_Helm:
Is there a limit to how many wildcats you can make up in a calendar week, or not?

I'm guessing this is Boom Stick's answer:

it takes work but i keep up...if i had the means i would be dangerous Big Grin

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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Originally posted by RIP:
Originally posted by boom stick:
i was calling it the 500 P.H.

And I hope it is 3.000" max brass length.
The stubby nose and long shank of the .510 caliber hunting bullets allows that in a 3.750" COAL with room to spare.

The 500 P.H. really would be an improvement on the 500 Mbogo.


i was thinking 2.9"ish so it could be made with factory rigby cases but if rigby basic gets made 3" would be doable.

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

*we band of 45-70ers* (Founder)
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Gents, don't forget to bring Barbie!!


(Crap, there I go enabling again!) animal

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RAW SMACKDOWN 2007 it will be! thumb
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Zamphir VS The Ripper

"Beyond Blunderdome"

Will Tina Turner be officiating?

Watch out Ripper! The Pan Flute can be deadly in the right hands.
Posts: 13301 | Location: On the Couch with West Coast Cool | Registered: 20 June 2007Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by RIP:
RAW SMACKDOWN 2007 it will be! thumb

May the best Mankind win!

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This is deteriorating into an episode of
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