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No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicRe: Mr Hubel ?Grandpasez1285 
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicRecoil comparison .416 Taylor and .404 Jeffreygwindrider110578 
by vapodog
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicWhich double rifle to buy???holland46513462 
by 500grains
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicRuger 416 Rigby/375 H&H MagnumHondo15908 
by 475Guy
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicUSRAC is letting CZ capture the big-bore marketBigBrass12240 
by lawndart
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion Topic"Red" vs "Black" recoil pad on stock replacement?MHC_TX5282 
by BlackHawk1
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicHorneber 450 #2 brass<Timberghost>1235 
by Copper Country
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion Topic45 caliber big bores, info neededM1Tanker10276 
by congomike
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicRe: What .45 calibers can a #1 45/70 be turned into?Thebear_788355 
by Minkman
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicRe: Winchester safety on the wrong side.Gringo Cazador4264 
by nopride2
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicNosler ammunition poll: .376 SteyrHunterJim3171 
by HunterJim
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicRe: What .45 calibers can a #1 45/70 be turned into?fla30066227 
by M1Tanker
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicRe: USRAC is letting CZ capture the big-bore marketfireman6182 
by BigBrass
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicRe: 12 bore rifle barrelGeorgeS1284 
by tonto
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicRe: USRAC is letting CZ capture the big-bore marketFjold1377 
by Grandpasez
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicRe: sick thought or who has a 450 NE /NE#2 reamertiggertate1209 
by Bill/Oregon
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicRe: Hogsback or American 375 H&amp;H CZ550?RIP2200 
by PC
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicRe: sick thought or who has a 450 NE /NE#2 reamerjeffeosso2139 
by sharps54
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicRe: sick thought or who has a 450 NE /NE#2 reamertonto1201 
by jeffeosso
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicRe: Zimbabwe Professional Hunter Proficiency Exam-Purdey4211 
by Saeed
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicRe: How much accuracy does a 458WM loose in a 458Lott?RIP3155 
by Ganyana
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicRe: How stout can a .405 Win. be loaded?LoneEagle13370 
by Smoker*
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion Topicsick thought or who has a 450 NE /NE#2 reamerjeffeosso5292 
by jeffeosso
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicRe: Win M-70 Super express or Safari?GeorgeS8408 
by Wink
No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicWHICH .416 Rigby to buy based on your experience?LAWCOP38644 
by Frans Diepstraten
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