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458 winchester magnum Login/Join
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Originally posted by RIP:
Ah ha! I see!

I want to keep the standard SAAMI chambers, for the two standard cartridges,
and put the cartridges in any action length that will accept both,
either 3.6" or 3.8".

But you want to quibble over easily changing the throats?
That creates a new cartridge, which steals the SAAMI .458 Win.Mag.'s "Longclaw" thunder.
You want to make a Non-SAAMI .458 Lott "Longclaw," eh?
I've got a couple of those, and one of them is getting turned back into a SAAMI .458 Win.Mag.,
with a 3.8" box length.
Standard SAAMI chambers only.

I will keep the 3.6"-boxed .458 Lott "Longclaw" as a conversation piece, a reminder of what not to do to a SAAMI .458 Win.Mag., maybe use it as a gunshow exhibit to educate kids.
And besides it is so ugly it is cute.

Anyone who claims the .458 Winchester Magnum is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own sheepishness.

A long throat on a Lott, or any other chambering, is extremely easy to do and does NOT make it a different chambering. Specifying throat dimensions is a COMMON part of building a rifle and tweaking a factory rig. When I measured the throat on my Lott and found .375” freebore with the 500 TTSX and .500” with the DGS, I asked Wayne a AHR if that was odd. He said it was common.

Sometimes a picture best illustrates a concept for quibblers like yourself. Wink This is the most favorable situation for 458 Win Mag vs the Lott. The round on the left has a 2.49” case (Win Mag) and the round on the right has a 2.79” long case (Lott). Both have a 500 grain TSX seated. The one on the left needed to be seated to the fourth groove (your numbering) in order to seat straight, as I have come to expect from TSXs in straight walled cases. The one one the right needed to be seated at the third groove to fit the magazine. The one on the left has a COL of 3.665” so it’s iffy if a M-70 could not take this round without a new magazine box. The round on the right has a COL of just under 3.85”, easily fitting my CZ magazine.

So the Lott wins again. More case capacity, no fussing with a minimally seated bullet, etc. With conventionally shaped bullets and lighter weight bullets the Lott spanks the Winny even more.

So the moral here is beginning of time level “hat”. More case capacity equals more velocity, and we need a long magazine box and proper throating to take full advantage of case capacity with really long bullets.....that actually me be before the dawn of time “hat.” Oh yeah, I am pretty sure someone who chooses a 458 Win over a Lott and then claims the Winny has better performance is morally inferior, but since I have only found ONE guy who tries to say that, it may be more of an insanity issue than a moral failing............ Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

In seriousness, good discussion. It shows how it’s pointless to take an M-70 in 458 Win, rechamber it to Lott, and use 500 grain TSXs without also installing one of Kevin Wyatt’s 3.85” M-70 boxes and one of his modified extractors. If a shooter is unwilling to do that he would gain nothing over the Wnny. CZ 550 Safaris are a different matter as are the big Mk-5s, big Rugers, etc.
Posts: 3701 | Location: Oregon | Registered: 27 May 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by ALF:

We had Somchem and Somchem powders only and that brought about a plethora of 458's based mostly on 404 and 416 cases, long ones short ones and inbetween.
The search was one for a 458 Win alternative that could achieve the magical 2200 and if it could be done in a standard Mauser action the better


Firstly, I know Ron is having some fun with the 458 thread. However, lots of people reading the thread won't know that.

You highlight powder. Ron has to bear in mind that there are people who shoot and don't live in the great US of A and great it is, if not for the US of A I would be typing this Japanese.

As a side note, the Hodgdon powders as you know are made in Australia but are cheaper and much more available in American than Australia. Gun law bullshit.

But even if you have the powders the 458 Lott/450 Ackley just do the 2100 plus easier.

Having a 458 Win with 3.6" magazine and seating bullets way out is a pain if someone wants to shoot say 500 grain Hornadys and crimp them. Even if they don't want to crimp the loaded ammo will look like shit.

at back in the thread D'Arcy Echols said he had made dozens of Legends in 458 Lott but not one in 458 Winchester and because no one had requested one. Blokes that have bought Echols Legend rifles have been well down the rifle road. After spend in that much money .... and for a fibreglass stock gun ... they don't want to stuff about with 458 Win with bullets seated way out or worry about powder selection etc. and etc.
Posts: 7046 | Location: Sydney Australia | Registered: 14 September 2015Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by INTJ:
A long throat on a Lott, or any other chambering, is extremely easy to do and does NOT make it a different chambering. Specifying throat dimensions is a COMMON part of building a rifle and tweaking a factory rig. When I measured the throat on my Lott and found .375” freebore with the 500 TTSX and .500” with the DGS, I asked Wayne a AHR if that was odd. He said it was common.

OK, I stand corrected.
As long as that "special throating" is longer and/or wider than the SAAMI or CIP "MINIMUMS" for the chambering,
it passes. Make it shorter or narrower and you have violated the standard, and that would be a "new cartridge"
that should be so designated as a "special" on the rifle's chamber identification.
For example, ".458 Winchester Magnum Special" for a tight-throated rifle meant for cast-bullet accuracy.
That is just common sense, basic safety.

Sometimes a picture best illustrates a concept for quibblers like yourself. Wink This is the most favorable situation for 458 Win Mag vs the Lott. The round on the left has a 2.49” case (Win Mag) and the round on the right has a 2.79” long case (Lott). Both have a 500 grain TSX seated. The one on the left needed to be seated to the fourth groove (your numbering) in order to seat straight, as I have come to expect from TSXs in straight walled cases.

Sheep Crap or just BS?
You can seat the 500-grain TSX on the 5th groove and "straight" in the .458 Win.Mag.

The one one the right needed to be seated at the third groove to fit the magazine. The one on the left has a COL of 3.665” so it’s iffy if a M-70 could not take this round without a new magazine box. The round on the right has a COL of just under 3.85”, easily fitting my CZ magazine.

Some more BS here. If the Lott brass is 2.79" in length, and the TSX is seated on the third groove, it is going to be longer than 3.840".
That is not functional in the CZ 550 Magnum box, which is not 2.85" long inside.
It is closer to 2.84".
When I use 2.775"-long Lott brass and seat as deeply as possible on the third groove of the TSX,
COL is 3.840" and it hangs up in the box, rubs the front wall of the box if you force it in.
This would be a malfunction waiting to happen.
You need more than 0.000" clearance of COL by the box length to function.

So the Lott wins again. More case capacity, no fussing with a minimally seated bullet, etc. With conventionally shaped bullets and lighter weight bullets the Lott spanks the Winny even more.

Not so fast! You are wrong again. That is baaaa-aaa-d poop.
I am not a sheep that will allow the wool to be pulled over my eyes just because you say so!
The longest COL usable in the CZ .458 Lott, due to box length and groove locations on the TSX is crimping on the second groove.
That is 3.730" COL with 2.775" brass, and 3.755" COL with the maximum allowable 2.800" brass length.
The .458 WinMag brass at 2.495" can have the same bullet crimped on the fifth groove, and crimped STRAIGHT, Roll Eyes
for 3.780" COL, or 3.785" with the maximum allowable 2.500" brass length.

Note that the minimum nose projection of the 500-gr TSX is about 0.840", seated on first groove.
If you add that to a 2.800" case, you get 3.640" for a COL, and that violates the SAAMI COL for the .458 Lott.
You need to trim the brass down to make it fit, like with Hornady's factory .458 Lott ammo.
With the .458 WinMag at spec trim-to-length of 2.490", the COL with first-groove seating is 3.330",
no violation of SAAMI 3.340" maximum COL.
Right at 3.340" if maximum brass length of 2.500" is used.
A very minor, inconsequential "win" for the .458 Win.Mag. vs the .458 Lott.
Not nearly as big a win as the longer COL and better throat conformation derived from using the 500-gr TSX
in a .458 Win.Mag. CZ 550 Magnum, instead of the Johnnie-come-lately .458 Lott.

So the moral here is beginning of time level “hat”. More case capacity equals more velocity, and we need a long magazine box and proper throating to take full advantage of case capacity with really long bullets.....that actually me be before the dawn of time “hat.”

You are going to have to design some new bullets and resort to seating to longer COL than the CZ box allows
if you ever hope to beat the .458 Win.Mag. with the .458 Lott. It cannot be done with the 500-gr TSX.
That is reality, no "hat" required, just a brain.

Oh yeah, I am pretty sure someone who chooses a 458 Win over a Lott and then claims the Winny has better performance is morally inferior, but since I have only found ONE guy who tries to say that, it may be more of an insanity issue than a moral failing............ Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

Sir, I may resemble that remark, but it is just a resemblance that only denial of reality, i.e., ignorance, allows.
You are wrong. It is just the truth, that is the only "morality" involved here.
Insanity? What is wrong with a little crazy? We all must be crazy about something to enjoy life in this crazy world.
Crazy is good.

In seriousness, good discussion. It shows how it’s pointless to take an M-70 in 458 Win, rechamber it to Lott, and use 500 grain TSXs without also installing one of Kevin Wyatt’s 3.85” M-70 boxes and one of his modified extractors. If a shooter is unwilling to do that he would gain nothing over the Wnny. CZ 550 Safaris are a different matter as are the big Mk-5s, big Rugers, etc.

I have one of those boxes or something like it purchased from Brownells', extra long and windowed.
"Winchester 70 Extended Magazine Box" part# 100-000-568 on the plastic bag label.
It is a tight 3.840" length inside the box.
Just like the CZ 550 Magnum.
3.840" COL would be too long to work in that one too.

Some pics that show THE TRUTH:

Anyone who claims the .458 Winchester Magnum is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own sheepishness.
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Above was about the obvious and well known facts.
Below is news to me, to be shared for THE MISSION.
Four-Five-Eight Brothers take note.
I did not know that the CZ-USA stamped rifle chambered for .458 Lott had the same throat as the .458 Win.Mag. holycow
CZ had special reamers made up to create this monstrosity,
or do they just hammer-forge the chambers into the rifle barrels?

It is impossible to fix stupid! Wink

Throat gages made by reverse seating a North Fork .458/450-gr SP.
The CZ .458 Lott rifle is not one of those re-chamber jobs done at the factory.
No XXX-ed-out markings.
"Cal. .458 Lott" is the only marking on the barrel:

So, the throat satisfies SAAMI minimums for sure!
Useless if the .458 case length is 2.8".
Magic if the .458 case length 2.5".
The .458 Winchester Magnum wins this horse race.
A full discussion of the implications of the above could fill many more pages.
Anyone who claims the .458 Winchester Magnum is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own sheepishness.
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Fury01
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Well you caint say Ole Rip don't show his cards alongside his money and say "What'ca got?"
Well done sir.

"The liberty enjoyed by the people of these states of worshiping Almighty God agreeably to their conscience, is not only among the choicest of their blessings, but also of their rights."
~George Washington - 1789
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Thanks. Good poop. tu2
Preserved for THE MISSION:

Originally posted by ALF:
RIP bud, you gotta quit sniffing the Cool Aid man ! Wink

The whole "seeking" for the holy grail in 458 cals in the good old RSA sprung from one little overlooked issue and that issue alone! :

The lack of suitable powders to achieve the mythical 2200 fps on a 500 gr 458 bullet !

The aim of the exercise was always this 2200 fps ! Whether there is really merit in it or not ?

No matter how much you now tout the “modern 458 Win” fact is the original rifle offerings and their original factory loads did not achieve the claimed paper velocities they were sold at !

Ollie Coltman formerly of Rhodesia later to settle in the Northern Transvaal chrono'd randomly selected Winchester Western ammo from various batches and not a single load achieved the advertised velocities. Most barely broke 2000 fps and many were below ! ( After Rhodesia Ollie moved to the Northern Transvaal where he was the go to guy for magna porting . He modified my 44 Ruger Redhhawk for me )

The anecdotal reports from various sources about WW's red and yellow packs of ammo with the big red W, velocities on the box were not wrong ! There was a lot of urban myth bandied around in gun shops about how poorly the 458 Win did, most were a gross exaggeration but so was the claimed velocities in the ads. ( and if you believe this not to be true PMP ran into the lack of velocity problem with their PMP Super ammo to the extent that they dropped the bullet weight to 480 gr to bring the velocity up)

Now nowhere does it say your 458 cant kill at 2000 fps but for the time in place and the "rules of the bush " at the time the grail was 2200 fps on a 500 gr bullet, not a 480 gr bullet not a 400 gr bullet , the lack of SD of the latter two was sharply criticized.

The 458 was exclusively used as DG rifle or back up for DG. It was not seen as a kudu gun or a wildebeest gun or some rifle to shoot mice with ( ammo was simply to expensive and to scarce to waste on bullshit )

We had Somchem and Somchem powders only and that brought about a plethora of 458's based mostly on 404 and 416 cases, long ones short ones and inbetween.
The search was one for a 458 Win alternative that could achieve the magical 2200 and if it could be done in a standard Mauser action the better

Every dog and their mate was on a roll to get their cartridge immortalized, there were even duplications of the same thing bearing different names.

The 3 inch 458 was simply the logical end result of where one could go with a 375 type cylindrical case ! Then also likely the limit because the charge mass for the 458 reached the pressure limit for the case ! The 458 in 3 inch then also reached the limit in how long a bullet bearing surface this genre of cartridge could bear given this pressure limit.

Mono's without grooves or ribs or whatever you wish to call them very quickly added to the pressure limit so 500 gr was the absolute limit.

Trying to add bullet mass meant the velocity had to be dropped and any benefit to the long case was lost.

Ted Whitfield in the KNP was turning 458 bullets for their use ( they were singularly likely the biggest institutional users of the 458 Win in the RSA) These bullets were very long a produced a whole whack of added pressure ! PMP in Pretoria later took this bullet and dropped the weight to 480 grain to compensate for the loss in velocity brought about by having to load to pressure.

The overriding issue was always pressure and not just theoretical pressure real time cases sticking and primers popping pressure.

Loads that would work fine on the highveld and then produce pressure issues in the low veld.

With advice from Johan Laubscher at Somchem ( formerly as he now works and resides in the USA ) we went duplex on our loads in an attempt to get the right burn profile .

The cartridge on the right Prof Koos Badenhorst's 3 inch ( I believe he is now very old and is not doing well ) Koos worked and lived in Pietersburg where met him when I was a medical officer in the government hospital

On the left Jurie Majoor's Short Majoor. That short Majoor was a 2200 fps cartridge but very prone to pressure using Somchem powder.

The pre "480 gr" 500 gr PMP bullet showing the problem of the long brass bullet.

Anyone who claims the .458 Winchester Magnum is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own sheepishness.
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of 416Tanzan
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The problem with the 458Win is that it uses a skinny little .511" case body (Lott too).

Now think about a 458AccRel in a CZ Safari, seating long (like a 338Norma, 6.5Creed, 458Ripper-claw). Or short, Rigby-size caseheads. You do the math.

I can see the advantages of a big, relatively heavy CZ when the energies are over 6000ft#.

The reasonable aim here would be 500grain at 2400 or 450 grain at 2525.

Incidentally, I'm toying with those levels for my 500. Something comfy. I'm not sure I want to always have to shoot 450gn at 2654fps for impala and wildebeest. Kawabunga, buffalo Bob.


"A well-rounded hunting battery might include:
500 AccRel Nyati, 416 Rigby or 416 Ruger, 375Ruger or 338WM, 308 or 270, 243, 223" --
Conserving creation, hunting the harvest.
Posts: 4253 | Registered: 10 June 2009Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Mike McGuire:
Originally posted by ALF:

We had Somchem and Somchem powders only and that brought about a plethora of 458's based mostly on 404 and 416 cases, long ones short ones and inbetween.
The search was one for a 458 Win alternative that could achieve the magical 2200 and if it could be done in a standard Mauser action the better


Firstly, I know Ron is having some fun with the 458 thread. However, lots of people reading the thread won't know that.

Mike:I am dead serious about all this, and having fun too. Truth, Justice, and the .458 Winchester Magnum Way!. tu2

You highlight powder. Ron has to bear in mind that there are people who shoot and don't live in the great US of A and great it is, if not for the US of A I would be typing this Japanese.

I knew that mention of South African reprobates,
with no mention of the powder issues, would draw Alf out to add some insight to the subject of the .458.
Yep, 2200 fps with a 500-grainer, that is what the .458 Win.Mag. does easily nowadays, short or long COL.

As a side note, the Hodgdon powders as you know are made in Australia but are cheaper and much more available in American than Australia. Gun law bullshit.

That is a pity! Frowner

But even if you have the powders the 458 Lott/450 Ackley just do the 2100 plus easier.

Easy is easy for the .458 WinMag too. Like pregnant is pregnant. No half-way about it.

Having a 458 Win with 3.6" magazine and seating bullets way out is a pain if someone wants to shoot say 500 grain Hornadys and crimp them. Even if they don't want to crimp the loaded ammo will look like shit.

Not a pain, and look nifty. CH4D Cantool if bullets don't have the correct cannelure location, and don't forget the Lee Factory Crimp Die.

at back in the thread D'Arcy Echols said he had made dozens of Legends in 458 Lott but not one in 458 Winchester and because no one had requested one.

Now THAT IS FUNNY! animal

Blokes that have bought Echols Legend rifles have been well down the rifle road. After spend in that much money .... and for a fibreglass stock gun ... they don't want to stuff about with 458 Win with bullets seated way out or worry about powder selection etc. and etc.


Anyone who claims the .458 Winchester Magnum is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own sheepishness.
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Fury01:
Well you caint say Ole Rip don't show his cards alongside his money and say "What'ca got?"
Well done sir.


Thank you, thank you very much.
Or as we say in Afrikaans:
Buy a, buy a donkey.

Anyone who claims the .458 Winchester Magnum is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own sheepishness.
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by 416Tanzan:
The problem with the 458Win is that it uses a skinny little .511" case body (Lott too).


Now think about a 458AccRel in a CZ Safari, seating long (like a 338Norma, 6.5Creed, 458Ripper-claw). Or short, Rigby-size caseheads. You do the math.

7 - 1 = 6

I can see the advantages of a big, relatively heavy CZ when the energies are over 6000ft#.

Picture of sub-9-pound CZ .458 Win.Mag.-to-be here, the SUPER-LONG-THROATED, factory-chambered .458 Lott CZ is a different one, in a black stock, but it weighs the same as this one:

Come to think of it,
if for some strange reason one simply must have a CZ .458 Lott,
one is better off buying a CZ .458 Win.Mag. and having it re-chambered to .458 Lott,
with a short-throated SAAMI .458 Lott reamer,
than to buy a current factory .458 Lott straight from CZ.
With the re-chamber you get a .458 Lott with a slightly extended leade, a Longclaw Lott.
With the CZ factory job you get a .458 Lott with a leade that stretches 0.300" longer from breech bolt face than a .458 Win.Mag. does.

The reasonable aim here would be 500grain at 2400 or 450 grain at 2525.

In the .458 Win.Mag. we shall see ...I have not even warmed up yet, all low pressure work so far.
I will put the pedal to the metal eventually.

Incidentally, I'm toying with those levels for my 500. Something comfy. I'm not sure I want to always have to shoot 450gn at 2654fps for impala and wildebeest. Kawabunga, buffalo Bob.

Anyone who claims the .458 Winchester Magnum is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own sheepishness.
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by RIP:
Originally posted by INTJ:
A long throat on a Lott, or any other chambering, is extremely easy to do and does NOT make it a different chambering. Specifying throat dimensions is a COMMON part of building a rifle and tweaking a factory rig. When I measured the throat on my Lott and found .375” freebore with the 500 TTSX and .500” with the DGS, I asked Wayne a AHR if that was odd. He said it was common.

OK, I stand corrected.
As long as that "special throating" is longer and/or wider than the SAAMI or CIP "MINIMUMS" for the chambering,
it passes. Make it shorter or narrower and you have violated the standard, and that would be a "new cartridge"
that should be so designated as a "special" on the rifle's chamber identification.
For example, ".458 Winchester Magnum Special" for a tight-throated rifle meant for cast-bullet accuracy.
That is just common sense, basic safety.

Sometimes a picture best illustrates a concept for quibblers like yourself. Wink This is the most favorable situation for 458 Win Mag vs the Lott. The round on the left has a 2.49” case (Win Mag) and the round on the right has a 2.79” long case (Lott). Both have a 500 grain TSX seated. The one on the left needed to be seated to the fourth groove (your numbering) in order to seat straight, as I have come to expect from TSXs in straight walled cases.

Sheep Crap or just BS?
You can seat the 500-grain TSX on the 5th groove and "straight" in the .458 Win.Mag.

The one one the right needed to be seated at the third groove to fit the magazine. The one on the left has a COL of 3.665” so it’s iffy if a M-70 could not take this round without a new magazine box. The round on the right has a COL of just under 3.85”, easily fitting my CZ magazine.

Some more BS here. If the Lott brass is 2.79" in length, and the TSX is seated on the third groove, it is going to be longer than 3.840".
That is not functional in the CZ 550 Magnum box, which is not 2.85" long inside.
It is closer to 2.84".
When I use 2.775"-long Lott brass and seat as deeply as possible on the third groove of the TSX,
COL is 3.840" and it hangs up in the box, rubs the front wall of the box if you force it in.
This would be a malfunction waiting to happen.
You need more than 0.000" clearance of COL by the box length to function.

So the Lott wins again. More case capacity, no fussing with a minimally seated bullet, etc. With conventionally shaped bullets and lighter weight bullets the Lott spanks the Winny even more.

Not so fast! You are wrong again. That is baaaa-aaa-d poop.
I am not a sheep that will allow the wool to be pulled over my eyes just because you say so!
The longest COL usable in the CZ .458 Lott, due to box length and groove locations on the TSX is crimping on the second groove.
That is 3.730" COL with 2.775" brass, and 3.755" COL with the maximum allowable 2.800" brass length.
The .458 WinMag brass at 2.495" can have the same bullet crimped on the fifth groove, and crimped STRAIGHT, Roll Eyes
for 3.780" COL, or 3.785" with the maximum allowable 2.500" brass length.

Note that the minimum nose projection of the 500-gr TSX is about 0.840", seated on first groove.
If you add that to a 2.800" case, you get 3.640" for a COL, and that violates the SAAMI COL for the .458 Lott.
You need to trim the brass down to make it fit, like with Hornady's factory .458 Lott ammo.
With the .458 WinMag at spec trim-to-length of 2.490", the COL with first-groove seating is 3.330",
no violation of SAAMI 3.340" maximum COL.
Right at 3.340" if maximum brass length of 2.500" is used.
A very minor, inconsequential "win" for the .458 Win.Mag. vs the .458 Lott.
Not nearly as big a win as the longer COL and better throat conformation derived from using the 500-gr TSX
in a .458 Win.Mag. CZ 550 Magnum, instead of the Johnnie-come-lately .458 Lott.

So the moral here is beginning of time level “hat”. More case capacity equals more velocity, and we need a long magazine box and proper throating to take full advantage of case capacity with really long bullets.....that actually me be before the dawn of time “hat.”

You are going to have to design some new bullets and resort to seating to longer COL than the CZ box allows
if you ever hope to beat the .458 Win.Mag. with the .458 Lott. It cannot be done with the 500-gr TSX.
That is reality, no "hat" required, just a brain.

Oh yeah, I am pretty sure someone who chooses a 458 Win over a Lott and then claims the Winny has better performance is morally inferior, but since I have only found ONE guy who tries to say that, it may be more of an insanity issue than a moral failing............ Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

Sir, I may resemble that remark, but it is just a resemblance that only denial of reality, i.e., ignorance, allows.
You are wrong. It is just the truth, that is the only "morality" involved here.
Insanity? What is wrong with a little crazy? We all must be crazy about something to enjoy life in this crazy world.
Crazy is good.

In seriousness, good discussion. It shows how it’s pointless to take an M-70 in 458 Win, rechamber it to Lott, and use 500 grain TSXs without also installing one of Kevin Wyatt’s 3.85” M-70 boxes and one of his modified extractors. If a shooter is unwilling to do that he would gain nothing over the Wnny. CZ 550 Safaris are a different matter as are the big Mk-5s, big Rugers, etc.

I have one of those boxes or something like it purchased from Brownells', extra long and windowed.
"Winchester 70 Extended Magazine Box" part# 100-000-568 on the plastic bag label.
It is a tight 3.840" length inside the box.
Just like the CZ 550 Magnum.
3.840" COL would be too long to work in that one too.

Some pics that show THE TRUTH:

Anyone who claims the .458 Winchester Magnum is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own sheepishness.

I don’t think I don’t think I have ever seen anyone go to such lengths to claim the exception is the rule. Then again, when you start with a faulty premise all of your conclusions will be faulty—as you so aptly illustrate. You are simply not worth the effort........
Posts: 3701 | Location: Oregon | Registered: 27 May 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by INTJ:
I don’t think I don’t think I have ever seen anyone go to such lengths to claim the exception is the rule. Then again, when you start with a faulty premise all of your conclusions will be faulty—as you so aptly illustrate. You are simply not worth the effort........

Live and learn, INTJ.
Don't be a sore loser.
I derive no joy from crushing your argument.
I just like winning another one for THE FOUR-FIVE-EIGHT BROTHERHOOD, for THE MISSION.

Anyone who claims the .458 Winchester Magnum is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own sheepishness.
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of 416Tanzan
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The problem with the 458Win is that it uses a skinny little .511" case body (Lott too).


Now think about a 458AccRel in a CZ Safari, seating long (like a 338Norma, 6.5Creed, 458Ripper-claw). Or short, Rigby-size caseheads. You do the math.

7 - 1 = 6

Try fps and ft#.
I can't use but three cartridges. A first shot, one more if charging, one more for spitting distance.
If the buffalo does not charge, then reload back to three.
I'd much rather hit harder on the first shot than have extra in the magazine. But then again, I'm not an elephant culler.
PS: it's always good to load a fresh bullet on top. Rounds in the magazine can get banged up and can be used up close and as finishing shots.


"A well-rounded hunting battery might include:
500 AccRel Nyati, 416 Rigby or 416 Ruger, 375Ruger or 338WM, 308 or 270, 243, 223" --
Conserving creation, hunting the harvest.
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Dear Ol' 416Tanzan,

For a man of your age, I'd think you would appreciate a 500-grainer at an easy 2200 fps.
Easier to get back on target for those second and third shots.
That is plenty of fps and ft# for any job at close range.
Six of those in the magazine plus one of whatever you want in the chamber, for longer range work when you have time to fiddle
with selecting the proper PG or varmint load.
I would keep those in the buttstock carrier and zero the scope for them.
The 500-grainers from the magazine will hopefully hit close enough at 25-yards.
Those blunts in the magazine will not suffer from magazine battering,
but of course should be checked frequently for some freak accident,
as critical as that could be, as you "point" out.
Load on Sunday and shoot all week.
Anyone who claims the .458 Winchester Magnum is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own sheepishness.
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Now I know why my "SAAMI" .458 Lott from CZ-USA is so inaccurate.
Fooled me once, shame on them.
Fool me twice ... shame on me.
THE MISSION continues.
Anyone who claims the .458 Winchester Magnum is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own sheepishness.
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Originally posted by RIP:
Originally posted by INTJ:
I don’t think I don’t think I have ever seen anyone go to such lengths to claim the exception is the rule. Then again, when you start with a faulty premise all of your conclusions will be faulty—as you so aptly illustrate. You are simply not worth the effort........

Live and learn, INTJ.
Don't be a sore loser.
I derive no joy from crushing your argument.
I just like winning another one for THE FOUR-FIVE-EIGHT BROTHERHOOD, for THE MISSION.

Anyone who claims the .458 Winchester Magnum is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own sheepishness.

You misunderstand. You are making a foolish argument based on erroneous info and a false premise, and that argument has been repeatedly refuted. I say that as I close my CZ bolt on a 500 grain TSX round loaded to 4.100” COL, something you said isn’t doable in a CZ Lott. Crud, 3.84” clears my magazine, and you said 3.84” wouldn’t work.

Now if you were saying the 458 Win Mag is underrated and unfairly maligned, I would agree with that. But to say the 458 Win outperforms the 458 Lott is rubbish not to be taken seriously.

Perhaps that helps you better understand why I have lost interest in what you say. You are wrong and have been shown to be wrong, yet you persist with the fool’s idea anyway.

I just hope no one pays serious attention to you and gets hurt trying make a 458 Win run with a Lott........
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Originally posted by INTJ:
Originally posted by RIP:
Originally posted by INTJ:
I don’t think I don’t think I have ever seen anyone go to such lengths to claim the exception is the rule. Then again, when you start with a faulty premise all of your conclusions will be faulty—as you so aptly illustrate. You are simply not worth the effort........

Live and learn, INTJ.
Don't be a sore loser.
I derive no joy from crushing your argument.
I just like winning another one for THE FOUR-FIVE-EIGHT BROTHERHOOD, for THE MISSION.

Anyone who claims the .458 Winchester Magnum is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own sheepishness.

You misunderstand. You are making a foolish argument based on erroneous info and a false premise, and that argument has been repeatedly refuted. I say that as I close my CZ bolt on a 500 grain TSX round loaded to 4.100” COL, something you said isn’t doable in a CZ Lott. Crud, 3.84” clears my magazine, and you said 3.84” wouldn’t work.

Now if you were saying the 458 Win Mag is underrated and unfairly maligned, I would agree with that. But to say the 458 Win outperforms the 458 Lott is rubbish not to be taken seriously.

Perhaps that helps you better understand why I have lost interest in what you say. You are wrong and have been shown to be wrong, yet you persist with the fool’s idea anyway.

I just hope no one pays serious attention to you and gets hurt trying make a 458 Win run with a Lott........

INTJ, you really don't get it do you?
And you really don't want to get it either, eh?

I am on the ready to dodge any sloshes from your drool bucket. Here goes again:

No, I do not misunderstand.
The 3.840" COL is a totally nonfunctional COL in a CZ box. I have tried that repeatedly.
I cannot push it into the box parallel to bore, it will only go in diagonally and jams the rifle if I try to fill the box.
It will chamber fine as will a 4.050" COL dummy.
I have not found the end of the throat on the CZ 550 Magnum ".458 Lott" from CZ with any bullet I own.
I am giving up on that and sticking to the .458 Win.Mag. with easily fathomable throat.
That is a throat I can find the end of, and which can be made to shoot like a SAAMI .458 Lott that has a throat that closely approximates the SAAMI MINIMUMS.
And that can be done in total safety at same or slightly lower pressure:
If the throats are right at the SAAMI minimums for both, for then the .458 Win.Mag. has more bullet free-travel in throat, if both are loaded to same COL.
And with the 500-grain TSX a longer COL is functional through the magazine using the 5th crimping groove and the .458 WinMag. brass,
with adequate throat to spare.
The .458 Win.Mag. equals or beats the .458 Lott by a small amount,
at equal or lower pressure.

No, I cannot safely equal YOUR CZ-USA .458 Lott with any of my .458 Win.Mags.
Thank God for that!
Kids, don't try that at home, even WITH ADULT SUPERVISION.

Anyone who claims the .458 Winchester Magnum is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own sheepishness.
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The WinCzechster barrel (CZ) was shortened 1/8" and rechambered with a SAAMI .458 Win.Mag. reamer.

Previous .458 Lott throat check was done by me on a stainless/laminate Ruger No.1 .458 Lott
that I subsequently had re-chambered to .450 Nitro Express 3.25" Thin Rim.

Apparently Ruger has proper reamers, or hammer-forges chambers to SAAMI minimum dimension throats,
unlike CZ-USA.
I am shocked all to hell by that, and grateful to have been goaded into checking that CZ .458 Lott throat.
Anyone who claims the .458 Winchester Magnum is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own sheepishness.
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Next in the WinCzechster .458 Win.Mag.:

450-grain North Fork monometal copper, drive-banded solids
AA-2230 76.0 grains
H4895 76.0 grains
and work up each of those in 1-grain increments
to 2400 fps
or pressure signs
or can't get anymore powder in the case
with COL 3.5".

Speed first then accuracy with LongCOL loads.
ShortCOL loads later.

Anyone who claims the .458 Winchester Magnum is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own sheepishness.
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Picture of jwp475
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RIP, this isn’t a new concept, shorten brass the enhance bullet seating in the constraints of the magazine. The 338 Norma is an example, despite the shortened case the bullet seats farther out and the ballistics equall the 338 Lapua.
This should not be difficult to under stand.


A 9mm may expand to a larger diameter, but a 45 ain't going to shrink

Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.
- Winston Churchill
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Originally posted by jwp475:
RIP, this isn’t a new concept, shorten brass the enhance bullet seating in the constraints of the magazine. The 338 Norma is an example, despite the shortened case the bullet seats farther out and the ballistics equall the 338 Lapua.
This should not be difficult to under stand.

Yes, special cases do make exceptions to the rules of the dogmatic and sheepish.

Anyone who claims the .458 Winchester Magnum is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own sheepishness.
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Buyers of the Echols Legend are hardly sheep.

On forums over many years they are continually blasted.

.. My M70 was just worked over by a gunsmith and feeds perfectly while buried in mud and only cost $300 over the factory rifle price ... I have an M70 that with gunsmith work only cost $2000 and it shoots 1 inch groups at 1 mile ...and on it goes

How close are we to page 27 Smiler
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For a man of your age, I'd think you would appreciate a 500-grainer at an easy 2200 fps.

If only I had a white beard fuller than ZedZedTop, I might be happy with 2200fps. rotflmo


"A well-rounded hunting battery might include:
500 AccRel Nyati, 416 Rigby or 416 Ruger, 375Ruger or 338WM, 308 or 270, 243, 223" --
Conserving creation, hunting the harvest.
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Originally posted by ALF:
RIP, this isn’t a new concept, shorten brass the enhance bullet seating in the constraints of the magazine. The 338 Norma is an example, despite the shortened case the bullet seats farther out and the ballistics equall the 338 Lapua.
This should not be difficult to under stand.

shame shame shame

No not at all !

The original 458 Win was not designed with this in mind !

The case was designed to be 63.5mm long with a COL of 84.8mm

The cartridge was originally offered with a 500 gr solid and a 510 gr Soft and nothing else !

The bullet had a cannelure set so that when the bullet was seated and crimped ( they were all crimped to prevent bullet extrusion under recoil ) it did not exceed the COL of 84.8mm !

This meant a fixed pre determined powder capacity limit and not this claimed larger capacity because of short seating of the bullet ! There is no where to go with this ! Unless of course you make shorter bullets which was and is still done !

This in essence was the 458's achilles heel and is stil to this day its limiting factor ! The majority of factory offerings currently in production in the USA from Federal, Winchester and Norma still do not break the 2200 fps barrier ! Some reach it most do not ! The 2040 fps number is the norm and the minute you go short on the barrel the velocity drops to below 2000 fps

Now reloaders can do as they please factories who are bound by conventions can not ! So after 61 years nothing has really changed. The majority of factory offerings bar 3 are exactly where they were 61 years ago !

Now this does not equate to the cartridge being less effective. a 500 gr bullet at 2000 fps will and does knock the snot out of anything that walks or crawls this earth !

Around 1971 I had the Ohler Model 10 chronograph, with the paper screens and also the M70 458 Super Grade.

500 grain FMJ did 1960 f/s. Did not have any of the 510 grain soft point.

As I remember we melted the lead out of a couple of the 500 grain FMJs and the jacket weighed just over 220 grains. Of course it would still have had some lead there, so its true weight would have been less.

I have owned four 458s, three M70s Super Grades with the 22" barrel and one Ruger Number 1.

With 500 grain bullets I would put them at 2050 f/s. By that I mean working up loads that will be accurate in a particular rifle etc. then 2050 f/s is a velocity I would guarantee but no higher. That is from 22" barrel.

Why anyone would buy a 458 Win today ....excluding a particular rifle they might just love ... I have no idea.

Can any 458 Win promoter give me any reason ANY REASON ... why if you were getting a rifle made ... like an Echols Legend ...why you would choose a 458 Win over the 458 Lott? Really a simply question.
Posts: 7046 | Location: Sydney Australia | Registered: 14 September 2015Reply With Quote
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Heck yes I would choose a .458 Winchester Magnum! One with 3.6" box on a Model 70
and another with a 3.8" box on a Magnum Mauser 98.

Next page, page 27, for the details on the bullet seating.
Anyone who claims the .458 Winchester Magnum is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own sheepishness.
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BTW, the Barnes manual, No.3 gives 76.0 to 81.0 grains of H4895 as the .458 Lott load for their old 450-grain X-Bullet Cannelured.
In a 26" barrel it was supposed to give 2453 fps with the Barnes bullet.
I am gong to see what the North Fork 450-grainer does in my .458 Win.Mag. WinCzechster with 24-7/8" barrel.

The Western Powders data has no listing for 450-grainers.
But for the .458 Lott with 500-grain Hornady RNSP in 24" barrel, 3.600" COL, 82.0 grains of AA-2230 (not compressed) gave 2275 fps at 60,000 psi.
Very believable.
Same bullet in the .458 Win.Mag. with 24" barrel, 3.305" COL, 72.0 grains of AA-2230 (not compressed) gave 2159 fps at only 53,808 psi.

Should be some interesting results from the 36 rounds I have loaded, 3 shots for each powder charge,
1-grain increments from 76.0 to 81.0 grains
with both H4895 and AA-2230.

81.0 grains of AA-2230 is about a 100% volumetric load with the 450-grainer seated as shown above, 3.485" COL: Fills case, not compressed.
76.0 grains of H4895 is also about 100% fill,
so at 81.0-grain charge it is about 107%, a compressed load.

Aside: Kids, don't try this at home without adult supervision.

Anyone who claims the .458 Winchester Magnum is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own sheepishness.
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Originally posted by RIP:

Heck yes I would choose a .458 Winchester Magnum! One with 3.6" box on a Model 70
and another with a 3.8" box on a Magnum Mauser 98.

So Ron, if you were getting an Echols Legend and therefore Model 70 based, you would choose the 458 Win over the 458 Lott.

I would love to know why.

I think we will be entering the pixel dust and fairies at the bottom of the garden area Big Grin
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If you gotta ask then you would not understand.
Hang in there and maybe 27 more pages from now you will get it.
Anyone who claims the .458 Winchester Magnum is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own sheepishness.
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The standard .458 Win.Mag. digests .458 Lott loads with ease.

MV of 2411 fps with a 450-grainer is not too shabby.
That is 5808 ft-lbs KE.

The most accurate load of the day (0.52 MOA) was 2335 fps MV, 5447 Ft-lbs KE.
That is not too shabby either.

The scope is still zeroed for the 300-gr TTSX at 2640 fps, letting the other loads group where they may.

When I get done with the 600-grainers I will try the TTSX again and see if the scope is still zeroed.

AA-2230 remains my velocity champion, and as the bullets get heavier it might be getting more accurate too.
It's compactness will be useful with the heavier/longer bullets.
Anyone who claims the .458 Winchester Magnum is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own sheepishness.
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36 shots fired in the latest outing.
I will big bore y'all only with the best two 3-shot groups and the top end velocities with the two powders tried with 450-grain bullet.
See above.

Temperatures during session averaged 59 degrees F.
Sunny and calm wind, barely a breeze.
Barrel length 24-7/8" (Chimera WinCzechster).
She's a good ol' girl.
SlugHunter scope on 9X.
Hornady brass 2.490".
GM215M primer.
COL 3.485".
Old North Fork .458-cal./450-grain Ogived Flat point Solid (FPS) which might be called a RNFN solid of monometal copper.

To estimate the BC I used the BC that Barnes quotes for their .458/450gr monometal brass "banded solid."
That BC is .362 and that is probably higher than the BC for the North Fork.
So the addition of 12 fps to correct 5-yard velocity to MV is conservative, IMHO,
does not over-state the corrected MV.
Anyone who claims the .458 Winchester Magnum is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own sheepishness.
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The .458 Win.Mag. Longclaw says to the .458 Lott:

"Bring it on."

Anyone who claims the .458 Winchester Magnum is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own sheepishness.
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Picture of 416Tanzan
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Originally posted by RIP:
The .458 Win.Mag. Longclaw says to the .458 Lott:

"Bring it on."

You need to add a couple hundred fps.


"A well-rounded hunting battery might include:
500 AccRel Nyati, 416 Rigby or 416 Ruger, 375Ruger or 338WM, 308 or 270, 243, 223" --
Conserving creation, hunting the harvest.
Posts: 4253 | Registered: 10 June 2009Reply With Quote
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Why anyone would buy a 458 Win today ....excluding a particular rifle they might just love ... I have no idea.

Can any 458 Win promoter give me any reason ANY REASON ... why if you were getting a rifle made ... like an Echols Legend ...why you would choose a 458 Win over the 458 Lott? Really a simply question.[/QUOTE]

I reckon I can answer that question.

I've owned 4 .458WM's - 2 CZ550's, a Zastava M70 and a Winchester M70 (my favourite).

The reason I've always owned the Win Mag version over the Lott is simply because I just like the WM round more than the Lott.
The Lott although a fine round just doesn't interest me while the WM does.

When reloading the WM I ended up getting a fraction over 2200fps with the 500gn Woodleigh but finally settled on the 480gn Woodleigh on top of 74gn of 2206H. This gave me spot on 2150fps which is exactly what I was after. It also had little or no compression, wasn't to bad on the shoulder and would drop anything that walks.
This load ticked all the boxes for me without having to go to the Lott (which as I said before is a fine round).

So there you go, my honest answer to your question. I chose - and would choose again the WM over the Lott simply because I like the WM version better.



You'll probably never NEED a gun. In fact I hope you never do. BUT IF you do, you will probably need it worse than anything you've ever needed before in your life...
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Originally posted by 416Tanzan:
Originally posted by RIP:
The .458 Win.Mag. Longclaw says to the .458 Lott:

"Bring it on."

You need to add a couple hundred fps.

Dear Ol' 416Tanzan,

Yours are the words of a bitter man whose disdain for the .458 Win.Mag. has been shown to be mere petulance.

Look at the latest Barnes Reloading Manual Number 4.
They have updated it from the No.3 version which featured a 26" barrel. Now they show a 24" barrel:
450-grain Barnes Banded Solid (brass)
H4895 81.0 grains
105% Load Density
2390 fps

Jesus H. Roosevelt Tecumseh Sherman!
The same Barnes Number 4 shows a 24"-barreled .458 Win.Mag. doing this at 3.340" COL or shorter:
450-grain Barnes Banded Solid (brass)
H335 79.0 grains
102% Load Density
2385 fps


With that bullet, I can do better than that in the .458 Win.Mag., I am sure,
with just a little bit extra COL.
What I have done most recently in a 24-7/8" barrel with the .458 Win.Mag.:
450-grain North Fork Flat Point Solid (copper)
H4895 81.0 grains
107% Load Density
2411 fps

Wait until I get my 3.8"-boxed .458 Win.Mag. back from the Spa for Wayward Rifles,
and I'll even be able to load it as a magazine-fed seven-shooter with about 3.7" COL.
That brass Barnes Banded Solid will be moving a lot faster than 2390 fps plus 25 fps from the 25" barrel.
Until then, I can single-shot load them.

Anyone who claims the .458 Winchester Magnum is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own sheepishness.
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by badboymelvin:
Why anyone would buy a 458 Win today ....excluding a particular rifle they might just love ... I have no idea.

Can any 458 Win promoter give me any reason ANY REASON ... why if you were getting a rifle made ... like an Echols Legend ...why you would choose a 458 Win over the 458 Lott? Really a simply question.

I reckon I can answer that question.

I've owned 4 .458WM's - 2 CZ550's, a Zastava M70 and a Winchester M70 (my favourite).

The reason I've always owned the Win Mag version over the Lott is simply because I just like the WM round more than the Lott.
The Lott although a fine round just doesn't interest me while the WM does.

When reloading the WM I ended up getting a fraction over 2200fps with the 500gn Woodleigh but finally settled on the 480gn Woodleigh on top of 74gn of 2206H.

AR2206H = H4895 EXTREME
500 GR. HDY JRN Dia: .458" Col: 3.310"
H4895 74.0 Grs. >>> 2161 fps <<< 50,300 CUP
in a 24" barrel according to Reloading Hodgdon 2017 Annual Manual

This gave me spot on 2150fps which is exactly what I was after. It also had little or no compression, wasn't to bad on the shoulder and would drop anything that walks.
This load ticked all the boxes for me without having to go to the Lott (which as I said before is a fine round).

So there you go, my honest answer to your question. I chose - and would choose again the WM over the Lott simply because I like the WM version better.




I feel the same way about it.
But I doubt your good words will satisfy Mike.
He suffers from the same disorder as 416Tanzan: .458 Winchester Magnum Derangement Syndrome

Anyone who claims the .458 Winchester Magnum is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own sheepishness.
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Ah ha!
The GSC .458-caliber/400-grain HV is on the way.
Stand by for a spectacular "Gamefield Domination Load" for the .458 Win.Mag.:

400-grain HV at 2500 fps


holycow What a sexy bullet!

Anyone who claims the .458 Winchester Magnum is ineffective has either not tried one, or is suffering from .458 Winchester Magnum Derangement Syndrome.
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