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Nice floor plate. If you ever offer them to fit a Parker-Hale I'll have to put it on my Christmas list and you on my Christmas Card list.


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Brno ZP-149 45-120 NE

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Stradling, Thanks for posting this floor pate info. I want to do that with my CZ Lott. ( I have a cnc vertical mill.)
Any tips? How deep did you mill it out? Does much else have to be changes?
Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Brian

IHMSA BC Provincial Champion and Perfect 40 Score, Unlimited Category, AAA Class.
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That is what some call a coffin floor plate eh?
Nice work!
Are you making the entire integral magazine and bottom metal works or just the coffin floor plates?
The Mauser rifle shown looks to have a proper drop belly stock to fit the drop bottom metal.
Are you ever going to sell the coffins separately or just make them as part of the whole rifle package?
A dream addition to many rifles. tu2

Originally posted by Les Staley:
Nice work, Stradling. "I know what you're thinking, did he shoot five, or was it six? But being that this is a 458 Winchester Magnum, which used to be the most powerful gun........." What ever. Powerful enough for me!


Got it on the other cast bullet details. tu2
Linotype casts about .002" bigger than pure lead, maybe .0015" bigger than WW, in a .458-caliber bullet, IIRC.
Lighter but bigger.Just thinking.

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Ron, was talking about the nose cylindrical part of the bullet at .450. The driving bands size out at .459, groove dia. The bore dia. Would be .450. Hence, bore rider.
Posts: 432 | Location: Wyoming/ Idaho, St Joe river | Registered: 17 November 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Les Staley:
Ron, was talking about the nose cylindrical part of the bullet at .450. The driving bands size out at .459, groove dia. The bore dia. Would be .450. Hence, bore rider.

Yeah, I got that. But I am thinking of the full bearing part of the bullet.
My bullets cast in Lyman No.2 come out about .4595".
Cast in Linotype might be .4605", guessing.
If made of harder stuff and bigger diameter, might grab the rifling better, instead of skidding.
The bore-rider nose is going to help get it into the rifling straighter, I reckon,
a good feature too,
but the more full diameter bearing, the merrier, I reckon.

Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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folks the rifle is a prototype built being now built in J P Smithson gun maker rifle shop

work all done by Joe Smithson I sweep the floor and run the clean up and as such definitely a major part of the overall design build and creation of the commercial hunting rifle in 458 win mag

the bottom metal is just one small part of how to get 5 down in a clean functional rifle

acton was a 1909 argentine mauser large ring 98

bottom metal was swifts 17 x floor plate was shop fabricated in house

the stock shown is a custom NEW in house design and is the pattern for the straight grain walnut stock to be duplicated off this pattern then crafted

all the work shooting and building has been and will be a part of the specific rifle development process

finished rifle will be in wood include a five down magazine and a reflex mount for the NEW delta reflex sight -- CUSTOM QUICK RELEASE SNAP OFF LIKE THE SMITHSON SCOPE MOUNTS NOW USED ON FINE GUNS

will include iron sights with a grip cap that holds an extra front blade to allow for a lion / leopard load in addition to the big game iron front sight installed on the rifle

it will have a double release for the floor plate

it will be around 9 pounds all done

granite mountain action may commercially produce floor plates that fit the swift bottom metal as well as the base rear sight combination as was posted early pages of this thread

next a CARBON FIBER composite stock will be made from an in house mold as an alaskan option for wet weather hunting conditions

it will feed 550 grain 500 grain and 350 grain bullets

the rifle is a full on design for the professional hunter with the game department the ph the alaskan guide as the primary end user

it will be classic no frills full function and dangerous game reliable weapon THE PROFESSIONALS STOPPING RIFLE IN 458 WIN MAG

not necessarily the first time safari guys gun

not the high gloss all show hunting gun as are many other rifles


not every man's gun but rather one that the responsible party can count on to sort things out as needed

quick to come to battery light to carry and when loaded up heavy with stopping rifle loads-- will deliver significant recoil-- so in that application-- not for-- just any one- everyone- and all game

it is light clean and powrful

if you need to run a repeater it will repeat reliably 6 time before a reload is needed

that's the main thing

and with the modern loads and reflex sight it can run with the new boys out there no matter the gauge

offered at a fair price

Anyway it matters not, because my experience always has been that of---- a loss of snot and enamel on both sides of the 458 Win----
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Thanks for the update.
Joe Smithson, in one word: Quality.
I get it now.
Sounds like a good reason to look about at SCI. tu2
One of these days I need to get some of those four-figure Smithson scope mounts cut into a double-square-bridge Mauser.

It is an uncut Prechtl-actioned beauty from SIG/Mauser Banner, holds 4 down, one up, of 450 Dakota,
and I fret over sending it out, like going to a dentist.

I do believe it would be impossible to damage (in transit of any kind, even UPS) my current favorite rifle,
the .458 WinMag Chimera WinCzechster.

Chimera and I went groundhog hunting again today.
But it was late and the yayhoos on the adjoining farm were making a lot of racket with some heavy machinery.
So I just did some shooting at the soybean patch.
This soybean patch is equipped with a benchrest, and target frames at 25 and 100 yards. Cool

We only fired 11 rounds today, Chimera and I, but it was quality time we spent together, as the sun was setting over the bush-hogging noise.
Each shot a gentle love tap.
She is sweet.
I think she is wanting to get stuffed with some GSC 400-grainers.
We are hoping for a precocious 2500 fps with AA-2230 and the 400-grain GSC HV.

That will be a fine groundhog and brown bear load. tu2

BTW, I fired my last two rounds of 1980s vintage factory Winchester 510-grainers in Chimera today.
Average MV from her 24.875" barrel was 2023 fps. 2-shot Sd = 5 fps.
Those two old RN bullets were shown in the picture below:

Also the last 9 rounds of my A-Square 465-grain Monolithic solids were fired with Ms. WinCzechster today.
5 over the chronograph to zero the 2.5X Leupold Ultralight.
Average MV was 2157 fps and 5-shot Sd = 4 fps.
Then fresh targets: Three shots at 25 yards, and one shot at 100 yards.
R.I.P. A-Square. beer

Compare this to the velocity for same ammo from Ms. Whitworth with 23.75" barrel:
Average MV was 2139 fps and 5-shot Sd = 11 fps

Ms. WinCzechster, with 1-1/8" (1.125") longer barrel, was only 18 fps faster, than Ms. Whitworth.
Temperature was identical, 76 degrees F, amazingly, at both chronograph sessions. Big Grin

Ms. WinCzechster may be more accurate than Ms. Whitworth, but both are cute as a buttons.
You might be a redneck if you like looking at this as much as I do:

She also got a brand new set of Pre-'64 Winchester M70 action screws today, arrived from Brownells.
It sure was nice re-screwing her. tu2

I am going to have to run some numbers on a 400-grainer at 2500 fps, out to 500 yards!
Not so high at 100 yards for a better trajectory.
The 9-3x42.5mm Nikon Slug Hunter is going to get its BDC reticle checked for that load too,
if it will fit on the current Warne Maxima bases,
with Burris X-treme Tactical rings, medium height. tu2

The .458 WinMag is more than just a 250-yard groundhog rifle, afterall.
It has become the hottest new DGR/varmint rifle since 1956.
Everything old is new again, sometime.
And that old Pre-'64 M70 trigger breaks clean and crisp at 28 ounces.

Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Idea: Convert Ms. WinCzechster to 3.6" box length using the Duane Wiebe XRM box and make her a 5-shooter (4 +1).
I have one more of those boxes left.
I used one to convert a .400 Whelen-Petrov-Berry from 3.4" box to 3.6" box, and gained one round of magazine capacity.
The .400 Whelen is so fat at the bullet end,
that the usual .30-06/270WCF capacity of 5-down is reduced to 4-down.
On a Classic Winchester M70 I could do this conversion mostly myself, shorten ejector (files and Dremel),
open up magazine well of stock for new box (files, rasps, chisels, Dremel), and install new, non-blocked XRM box.
But I need a gunsmith for a Pre-'64 M70, which is not already stretched like a Classic.
The Pre-'64 M70 Winchester is .30-06 length, period.
It was opened at the factory for .300 H&H/.375 H&H.
Also I need a smith to add the steel plate reinforcement to the front of the XRM box,
and maybe do some bullet-nose cuts on the ejection port,
after it is opened up to front and rear for action length.

Front and rear of the trapezoidal XRM box that is wider at bottom than at top:

Sharpie marker to show an angle in the XRM box sidewall:

Alas, I would hate to mutilate Ms. WinCzechster by stretching her Pre-'64 M70 action.
It sure is easy with a Classic to add an XRM box:

But if Ms. WinCzechster will do 2500 fps with a 400-grainer, I would see no need to stretch her.
Heck, I can single load 3.6" COL varmint cartridges and just fill the box with 3.4" backup rounds.
It usually only takes one shot anyway,
when I am doing the shooting (famous last words).
Or re-barrel a Winchester M70 Classic to .458 WinMag-3.6", with an XRM box.

.458/400-grainers at 2500 fps MV, from a standard .458 Winchester Magnum, here I come.

Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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If the Nikon SlugHunter holds up it will be fun:

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How much do those stainless Model 70 S go for new I wonder. .
Not to make another 458 , but to make an 18" barreled 400 W.B. that will give 2100 fps with a 400 gr bullet.
Now That would be something SWEET !! A 7 lb ramblin carbine that will consistently knock a bear down. BOOM

Phil Shoemaker : "I went to a .30-06 on a fine old Mauser action. That worked successfully for a few years until a wounded, vindictive brown bear taught me that precise bullet placement is not always possible in thick alders, at spitting distances and when time is measured in split seconds. Lucky to come out of that lesson alive, I decided to look for a more suitable rifle."
Posts: 1934 | Location: Eastern Central Alaska | Registered: 15 July 2014Reply With Quote
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Over 5500 ft-lbs of muzzle energy,
and supersonic to 840 yards.
Ms. WinCzechster is going to ring some gongs at 600 yards.
Originally posted by Cold Trigger Finger:
How much do those stainless Model 70 S go for new I wonder. .

I looked and seems the only one new-made now is the "Extreme Weather" version with fluted barrel and B&C Medalist-type stock. They offer it in .338 WinMag.
That is a sweet rifle. MSRP is +$1300, might find one for closer to $1000 if you look around.
They quit making the Tupperware-stocked, non-fluted barreled version.
Look for used ones or old stock.
You might find one of those for half the price of an "Extreme Weather," maybe $500-$700.

Not to make another 458 , but to make an 18" barreled 400 W.B. that will give 2100 fps with a 400 gr bullet.
Now That would be something SWEET !! A 7 lb ramblin carbine that will consistently knock a bear down. BOOM

Yes, to make another .458 WinMag! Cool

I need one to go with my 400 WPB 3.6" Featherweight. tu2
It will have to be a .458 WinMag-B (3.6").
I could take a stainless .338 WinMag Extreme Weather and use my last XRM box.
Even an old Tupperware-stocked .30-06 could be used, with bolt face opened up.

I can feed 3.6" cartridges off the top of Ms. WinCzechster's magazine, even with 3 of the 3.4" .458 WinMag-A cartridges in the box.

And, the 3.6" loaded cartridges eject just fine!
The ejection port needs no cuts for bullet tip clearance!
There is no doubt I will get to 2500 fps with 400-grainers in this rifle.

Thanks again to .416Tanzan for suggesting the Nikon SlugHunter, with 5" eye-relief and BDC reticle. beer
They were only $199.95, now on sale for $169.95 at a local Academy Sports store,
and maybe at Midway USA too.
If that scope holds up to the .458 WinMag,
I have a new favorite scope, on my new favorite rifle, at least for this week, maybe longer. Cool
The only thing bothersome about it is the short length for ring spacing.
Can't have everything.
But it just so happens that the base overhang on Ms. WinCzechster is perfect for this.
Just 1-2mm to spare!
A tight fit, but a good fit, as shown below,
in Burris X-treme Tactical rings of Medium height.
30mm Medium height:

1" Low height:

Low: 0.250"
Medium: 0.500"
High: 0.750"
Extra-High: 1.000"
That is the distance from bottom-of-ring/top-of-base to scope tube gripped.
I cannot go any lower than Medium height due to ocular bell clearance of bolt handle.
Plenty of room with the medium rings:

Yes those rings are Quick-Detachable,
for those rifles not yet equipped with Smithson rings. Wink
For the Burris rings, you carry the QD-QD Lever in your pants pocket:
1/2" socket and a mini-ratchet. tu2

The nuts and crossbolts/recoilstops are steel.
Remainder of ring is aluminum alloy, except for steel Torx screws,
six screws in each ring top.

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I just received a couple of the reproduction "African" micrometer-adjustable rear sights from Jim Wisner.
Turns out he is indeed the guy making them for Weatherby to use on their Mark V DGR.
I got a couple of these from him about 20 years ago and built two rifles around them:
.510/460 Wby Improved Jenkins And Berry (.510 JAB) BRNO ZKK 602,
and a .358 Shooting Times Alaskan Whitworth Mark X.
I am glad Jim Wisner is still working.
I am going to build another couple of rifles around my latest acquisition of two masterpiece "African" rear sights,
Lord willin' and the creeks don't rise.

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Could you post a close up photo of those sights?

I'm a trophy hunter - until something better comes along.

*we band of 45-70ers*
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Excerpt for book review, an excellent book by Roger Rule:

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How black bears relax:

Anyone ever feel compelled to build a rifle just because he has a rear sight?

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I used the Wisner version of the old 375 mod.70 sight on lots of big bore rifles..What I like most is they are adjustable, so best of both worlds..I love the drop box wood stocked rifle by Smihison Im thinking..I built a 404 or 416 Rem with such a drop box on an enfield action, you could load it on Sat. and shoot til the following Sat. beer

Ray Atkinson
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Thanks. tu2

I have read the sights on Weatherby DGR rifles don't have a way to lock the elevation adjustment down. Since this is the same sight is this true?

Saying that I don't put much credence in most of the Weatherby myths that go round. But I've always liked the looks of that sight.

I'm a trophy hunter - until something better comes along.

*we band of 45-70ers*
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The elevation can be locked with the set screw sticking out of the side of the sight,
see the one on the right above.
Great sight, I like better than the heir-apparent two-leaf flipper.

No filing with the African.
Dial it up or down and set the screw.
You could use LocTite or epoxy if you must, assuming you will stick with one load only.

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Yes I saw that but wasn't sure if it was the windage adjustment screw.

Darn another Weatherby myth dispelled! Wink

I'm a trophy hunter - until something better comes along.

*we band of 45-70ers*
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Compare a later Winchester Model 70 Super Grade Safari Rifle's "2-Leaf Flipper" rear sight on a .458 WinMag ...

... to the Wisner reproduction "African" rear sight found on my .450 Ted Williams Thumper (.458/.338 Lapua Magnum) ...

I forgot I had that third one already on the .450 Thumper (have them on .510 JAB and .358 STA also).
Well, my next Wisner "African" rear sight is finally going on a .458 Winchester Magnum!
A .338 WinMag M70 Extreme Weather (stainless and synthetic "Alaskan Queen") or
a .416 RemMag M70 Classic Safari Express (matte-black/blue and walnut "African Queen")
or both!
Both could be re-barreled to .458 WinMag 3.6" aka the .458 Winchester Magnum Longclaw.
The former utilizing a Duane Wiebe XRM box,
the Winchester web site says it weighs 7#4oz (must be generic weight for many calibers),
but the one I have (.338 WinMag) came out of the box weighing 6#14oz, with no scope bases added.
Field ready and loaded it would be close to 9.0 lbs:

... and the latter needs only a re-barrel and addition of the Wisner "African" rear sight plus a fancy-banded front sight.
Field ready (scoped and loaded) this one would be close to 11.0 lbs as a .458 WM Longclaw:

And we all know that would be superior to a .458 Lott, in many ways.
Of course the XRM box could be used on either,
but do I want the light one to be a 5-shooter or should the heavier one get the one extra round capacity?
Decisions, decisions ...

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I now have the powder-coating supplies as per Les: Harbor Freight Red and plastic BBs.
Lee sizers .459" and .460" also arrived. tu2
Woodelle Whitworth is feeling neglected and wants to try some powder-coated 500-grain cast bullets.
Will do.

Also Chimera WinCzechster is expected to duplicate Bob's .458 WinMag loads, from his 25"-barreled CZ.
He loaded long, and I can too, as needed.
He got the 350-grain TSX up to 2760 fps MV with 80 grains of H4198.
He got a 500-grain conventional RN bullet up to 2283 fps MV using H4895.

This may mean nothing, but if you plot bullet weight on the X axis and velocity on the Y axis, using Bob's data,
then look at where the 400-grainer's velocity lies on that line, it is 2600 fps. holycow
That line is probably supposed to be a parabola concave upward, not just a straight line of negative slope.
So the 400-grainer velocity is probably a wee bit less than 2600 fps.

But with what powder?

I will try Hodgdon powders from H4198 to H4895.

Also from the Western Powders RELOADING & LOAD DATA GUIDE Edition 6.0:

24" barrel, 1:14" twist
F-215 primer, Win. case,
COL 3.140"
Bullet: 400-grain Barnes Original SSSP

AA-2015 76.0 grains >>> 2468 fps <<< 57,584 psi

AA-2230 80.0 grains >>> 2457 fps <<< 53,690 psi

AA-2460 80.0 grains >>> 2452 fps <<< 52,746 psi

All those AA loads are compressed.
Here too, I can load to longer COL and use more powder,
enough for higher pressure as needed (plenty of room to play),
to get the higher velocity needed for .458 WinMag Longclaw varmint and moose loads.

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Ron, the color of the plastic BBs seems to make a difference, BLACK being the charm. Seems silly, I know, but I stuck to the exact recipe found on Cast Bullets web sight.
On a different tack, found two boxes of Remington 500 gr SP ammo at a Gunshow in Post Falls. Scored them for $50 a box. A little later found two boxes of new brass, both Reminton, new, never loaded for $20 a box..grabbed 'em. Will email you pics. Post em if you want to
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OK Les,

I'll post any pictures if you send them,
but in exchange you must further specify the powder-coating recipe.

The Airsoft BBs I grabbed are orange, MATCH GRADE, .12g, "double-polished, seamless, accurate."
They were the lightest weight on the shelf.

Specifics of your recipe?

1. Airsoft plastic BBs: Black in color, but what weight? .12g, .20g, .25g, etc.

2. How many of the ~500-grain lead bullets do you shake in the plastic tub at a time?

3. What volume measure or count of BBs is a good number for the number of bullets in 2. above?

4. How much of the powder to add to 2. and 3. above?

Just double checking before I proceed.

The Find:


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Just before our bear season started last week I decided maybe I should try some new factory ammo for my 458, even though my 10 year old reloads of 70 gr IMR 3031 behind 500 gr Woodleigh soft points are still showing an honest 2050fps.
I have two new boxes of Norma 458 African loads with 500 gr Swift bullets so thought they should work great. Shot across my chrono they averaged only 1850 fps !?!
Anyone else had any similar experiences?

Anyone who claims the 30-06 is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own marksmanship
Phil Shoemaker
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Phil, just to play it safe, better use the '06..Ron, thank you for posting my pics. the BBs I have are .25 gram, didn't count but 1 layer just enough to cover the bottom of the plastic bowl, 15 or 20 bullets at a time starting with a teaspoon of HF red powder. Shake, rattle and roll for 30-45 seconds should give them a good coat. If not, do it again. Powder should do A couple bowls of bullets. When it starts to look thin, add more powder. Not exact science. I use a long nose needle nose hobby pliers to set the bullets base down on a non stick cookie sheet. I'll take some pics next time I coat.
Posts: 432 | Location: Wyoming/ Idaho, St Joe river | Registered: 17 November 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by 458Win:
Just before our bear season started last week I decided maybe I should try some new factory ammo for my 458, even though my 10 year old reloads of 70 gr IMR 3031 behind 500 gr Woodleigh soft points are still showing an honest 2050fps.
I have two new boxes of Norma 458 African loads with 500 gr Swift bullets so thought they should work great. Shot across my chrono they averaged only 1850 fps !?!
Anyone else had any similar experiences?

That's terrible . I would never have expected such a low velocity. I thot it was bad when I Chrony'd some Rem Safari ammo loaded with the 450 gr Swift that only clocked 1950 fps.
A guy would think the factories would do A lot better job.

Phil Shoemaker : "I went to a .30-06 on a fine old Mauser action. That worked successfully for a few years until a wounded, vindictive brown bear taught me that precise bullet placement is not always possible in thick alders, at spitting distances and when time is measured in split seconds. Lucky to come out of that lesson alive, I decided to look for a more suitable rifle."
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Gotcha! tu2
I have a little jug of the .25g black ones now, from Academy Sports,
same make, "Maximum Precision" brand, "double polished, seamless, accurate."
Not surprisingly, the same size little jug of .12g orange ones are a lot lighter,
weigh about half as much. Wink

I'll try the black ones on the first batch.
Might be interesting to see if the orange ones work any different.


Good on you for checking that Norma factory load with a Swift A-Frame.
In my experience, commercial ammo makers do seem to have trouble getting usual velocities with the Swift bullets, at usual pressures.
Norma seems to have gone the normal pressure/low velocity route with the A-Frame load for the .458 WinMag.

Remington had some problems with 300-grain Swift A-Frames in their Premier line of ammo for the .375 H&H.
They recalled it and loaded it slower.

I would use Swift A-Frames only in a handload, verified over the chronograph.

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Originally posted by 458Win:
Just before our bear season started last week I decided maybe I should try some new factory ammo for my 458, even though my 10 year old reloads of 70 gr IMR 3031 behind 500 gr Woodleigh soft points are still showing an honest 2050fps.
I have two new boxes of Norma 458 African loads with 500 gr Swift bullets so thought they should work great. Shot across my chrono they averaged only 1850 fps !?!
Anyone else had any similar experiences?

Not surprising because 1) They are factory loads 2)They have Swift’s, which historically I’ve found harder to get up to speed by as much as a hundo. I do like the Woodleigh 500s and 480s. When you could get them I liked the old Win 510s.

I am back from a long Hiatus... or whatever.
Take care.
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A few years ago I built myself a 404 I had Dennis Olson install the guts of the Wisner sight in the quarter and tossed that base...It was pretty neat..someone posted a picture of that set up on AR as I recall...Palmer, who posts here may have bought that rifle, I know he bought my 404 on a magnum action, and it may have been the one with that sight..

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
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Originally posted by Atkinson:
... I had Dennis Olson install the guts of the Wisner sight in the quarter and tossed that base ...

Interesting idea, would just require that 1-3/4" long dovetail cut in quarter rib ...

I would never dream of tossing a Wisner "African" rear sight base though!
Parts is parts! Especially Wisner parts!

Speaking of parts, my latest cartoon:

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Jack Lott's first edition of BIG BORE RIFLES,
here is an excerpt from the book for book review purposes.
Book review: Good book, containing a Lott of good reading. tu2

I bought this book in 1983, and read it. Big Grin
Got my first .458 WinMag in 1984, from John Wall Mercantile, in Blairstown, MO.
Jack Lott had nothing derogatory to say about the .458 WinMag in 1983.
He tells THE story, in this "excerpt," about his badly placed first shot on a cape buffalo using a .458 WinMag in 1959:

(Book review continued)
My favorite Jack Lott quote from above chapter of the book is this:

"By using plenty of rifles with 22-inch and shorter barrels, I have found that these can also catch in vegetation, which never grows according to one's shooting position or barrel length ... Professional hunters like Wally Johnson and Harry Manners who always used 25-inch barreled .375 Model 70s never complained about them for dense cover." (J. Lott, 1983)

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Thanks for posting that. I may have that issue stashed away in a box somewhere.

Too bad they don't still do those special issues anymore. I guess their just one more victim of the internet.

The article also pretty much dispels the theory that Jack Lott abandoned the .458 WM for the Lott.

I'm a trophy hunter - until something better comes along.

*we band of 45-70ers*
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Jack also wrote that all he wanted when he designed the 458 Lott was a way to consistently get 2150 fps with a 500 gr bullet

Anyone who claims the 30-06 is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own marksmanship
Phil Shoemaker
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Originally posted by Cold Trigger Finger:
Originally posted by 458Win:
Just before our bear season started last week I decided maybe I should try some new factory ammo for my 458, even though my 10 year old reloads of 70 gr IMR 3031 behind 500 gr Woodleigh soft points are still showing an honest 2050fps.
I have two new boxes of Norma 458 African loads with 500 gr Swift bullets so thought they should work great. Shot across my chrono they averaged only 1850 fps !?!
Anyone else had any similar experiences?

That's terrible . I would never have expected such a low velocity. I thot it was bad when I Chrony'd some Rem Safari ammo loaded with the 450 gr Swift that only clocked 1950 fps.
A guy would think the factories would do A lot better job.

I had a box of Remington ammo that was only getting 1900 fps and thought that was bad but these new Norma's are pathetic

Anyone who claims the 30-06 is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own marksmanship
Phil Shoemaker
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Originally posted by RIP:
Jack Lott's first edition of BIG BORE RIFLES,
here is an excerpt from the book for book review purposes.
Book review: Good book, containing a Lott of good reading. tu2

I bought this book in 1983, and read it. Big Grin
Got my first .458 WinMag in 1984, from John Wall Mercantile, in Blairstown, MO.
Jack Lott had nothing derogatory to say about the .458 WinMag in 1983.
He tells THE story, in this "excerpt," about his badly placed first shot on a cape buffalo using a .458 WinMag in 1959:

(Book review continued)
My favorite Jack Lott quote from above chapter of the book is this:

"By using plenty of rifles with 22-inch and shorter barrels, I have found that these can also catch in vegetation, which never grows according to one's shooting position or barrel length ... Professional hunters like Wally Johnson and Harry Manners who always used 25-inch barreled .375 Model 70s never complained about them for dense cover." (J. Lott, 1983)



Thanks for posting that. A few prolific writers still like to claim Jack was bashed by a buffalo due to the fault of the 458 rather than his poor shot placement

Anyone who claims the 30-06 is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own marksmanship
Phil Shoemaker
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Picked up a DVD "Robert C Ruark's Africa Adventure". (Safari Press). Filmed in 1954 B&W Jack Lott makes a brief appearance in the early minutes of the film, horseplaying in front of a bar. 1954, pre-458 Winchester they hunt with Harry Selby and get 'er done. Would loan it to any of you guys that would like to see it. (Would kinda like to get it back).
Posts: 432 | Location: Wyoming/ Idaho, St Joe river | Registered: 17 November 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Les Staley:
Picked up a DVD "Robert C Ruark's Africa Adventure". (Safari Press). Filmed in 1954 B&W Jack Lott makes a brief appearance in the early minutes of the film, horseplaying in front of a bar. 1954, pre-458 Winchester they hunt with Harry Selby and get 'er done. Would loan it to any of you guys that would like to see it. (Would kinda like to get it back).

That’s Jack BLOCK, not Lott. Jack Block and his father Abhram were hoteliers in Nairobi. Jack at one time owned Mowingo which he sold to become the MtKenya safari club. Jack Block (Block Hotels) took over administration of Ker and Downey, which is why he was in the film.
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Thanks for preventing me from going to storage to dig through the old VHS tapes.
I think I saw that movie on late-night TV and VHS-taped it many moons ago.
Apparently Les has gun-ears like me, without closed captioning, and Jack Block sounded like Jack Lott.


Have you noticed that high-pitched, nagging female voices are harder to understand than a low-pitched male hunting buddy. Wink
If so: Gun-ears.

I am getting nostalgic about my first purchase of a .458 WinMag, hope to find info on the scene where it went down, in 1984,
Blairstown, Missouri.

The 1984 storefront of John Wall Mercantile was similar to that of his grocery store across the street.
Here is the grocery store in 1985, after lightning struck a business nextdoor:

John wall continued his gun business through most of the Twentieth Century, then sold it and former employees carried on.
He was well remembered even after his death,
as here is the modernized storefront in Blairstown, MO, before or after new ownership,
I don't know.
In the old days, railroad freight cars stopped very close to the rear of the building,
and the place was mostly a warehouse of guns and ammo:

Here it is after John Wall's passing, appears things were heading south:

I think it is closed now.
John Wall was the FFL who brought joy and .458 WinMags, as well as 460 Weatherbys, to rural Missouri.
I think he passed away at age 95 in 2006.
R.I.P. John Wall.

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Ended up with two Mark Xs in 375 H&H so I had my gunsmith re-barrel one to 300 H&H. Added a Wisner "African" rear sight, NECG banded ramp with a big ivory bead and topped it off with the old Kimber QR rings for a MINOX scope. We threw on a 3-position safety just because. Add-ons may be more valuable than the rifle. I love Wisner & Blackburn parts.

In Alaska now but originally from Kentucky,


fur, feathers, & meat in the freezersalute
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How much did the prize-winning pumpkin weigh at the Alaska State Fair in Palmer? Wink

What? No .458 WinMag?
You need to take that to "The Ultimate 2-Rifle Safari Battery?" thread ...

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