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Don't let the door hit you, where the good loard split you.


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Originally posted by jorge:
Dutch: While your historical accuracy is valid, I think Allen's reply is in response to the inexorable onslaught against Christmas over the last couple of years.

While it might have been expressed tongue-in-cheek, given today's climate, I believe it to be the equivalent of joking about a bomb at an airport. It's called taking a principled position and I respect that. jorge

great post beer thumb thumb

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Originally posted by allen day:
I've been a part of AR for quite a few years, but this morning's greeting at the top of the page flies in the face of everything I believe in.

Therefore, I resign myself from AR as of this morning, and I won't be back.........


Dutch: While your historical accuracy is valid, I think Allen's reply is in response to the inexorable onslaught against Christmas over the last couple of years.

While it might have been expressed tongue-in-cheek, given today's climate, I believe it to be the equivalent of joking about a bomb at an airport. It's called taking a principled position and I respect that. jorge

Wether the banner was meant as a joke or not (no one is fessing up to that fact), Pagans, witch craft, and other cults are no Joke. This stuff is real, and as JBabcock said, "it has a scource". I do not belive that scource to be our creator, but rather pure evil incarnate.
My low tolerance level, years ago was called "convcition", and I stand by my convictions just as Allan has. To call right; right, and to call wrong; wrong. To call evil what it is. Why must people of faith check there convictions in at the door everytime they enter a School, courthouse, job site, or internet forum??? It's not going to happen guys. Get over it. Ridicule if you must, (Jesus told us you would), but get over our narrow minds.

Thanks, Mark G
Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything. Genesis 9:3

All of the above are quotes of other posts...

Great topic - When I saw this, I thought - "a joke in poor taste", much like a racially oriented story that downgrades one race over another. Then I read several of the differing posts. I line up with Mark G on this- I have seen first hand 2 suicides at high schools in my home town of kids that were heavily involved in witch craft and the Gothic lifestype that is a spin off of some modern day Druid-types and self professing "pagans". The focus of the "Goths", witchcraft, satan worship, paganism is not about life- it is about death and evil. It is self centered and bent on self gratification. This runs contrary to the many fundamental standards/beliefs in Christianity, Judaism and Islam.

The pagan/wiccan/druids do not believe in a loving God, redemption or heaven as do the Christians, Jews and Moslems.

I am not offended by this banner and what it respresents, but am on guard.

To Allen, rather than leave - be a light in the darkness and salt on the earth.

Merry Christmas - a birthday for the Babe and King.....
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Gentlemen: I was just commenting that it was Allen's decision to make and I respected it. My panties were not in a wad until the comment regarding the Patriot Act and the LEGAL searches conducted on the President's authority ( Just like former President's Carter and Clinton did respectively) in order to prevent another 9/11.

I guess I bit of enlightening is in order: ALL the Patriot Act does is extend the SAME methods to international/domestic spies & terrorists that we have been doing to criminals under the RICO and other legislation for years. No more no less. Second, since it's inception, there has not been a SINGLE incident ( a case could be made though for the so-called "dirty bomber, Jose Padilla) where the Patriot Act has "violated" the rights of a SINGLE U.S. Citizen. If it had, do you think for one moment that democrats and others would not have been all over the press whinning about it.

But I guess the price of freedom is a value the protected shall never know. jorge


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Originally posted by Fjold:
Originally posted by allen day:
but this morning's greeting at the top of the page flies in the face of everything I believe in.

Freedom of Religion?

i think he is objecting to multiculturalism gone ammock

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Originally posted by allen day:
I've been a part of AR for quite a few years... AD

Long enough to know there was no offense intended.
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false religion

Perhaps this should go into the political forum, but the thread is here, so I'll address it here.

Mark G, and JBabcock,

Why and from where do you base your statements that "Wicca", "Pagan", or "Druidic" religions are evil, and on what grounds and sources?

I personally find myself with a lot of concern over satanism, and demonology and the like, but those are radically different from Wiccan, Druidic, or other classical "Pagan" beliefs.

So what if someone wants to celebrate nature and go hug holly bushes and the like in aura's of positive energy or some-such. I think possibly your "evil" biases are coming in from either over-generalization and/or an inaccurate "lumping" of everything into the same "other" category, and therefore is "evil" by association.

At the heart, most religions, even those that pre-date Christianity in it's present form, all share the same core concepts and beliefs. Those being: A core requisite to treat other people with respect, a belief in a benevolant higher power and creator, and a fundamental set of guidelines to conduct ones self in accordance with for the betterment of the person and society.

Aside from that, most religions just change the names and/or structure of diety around a bit, some considering the angelic host as angels, and some considering the angelic host almost as sub-dieties. Archangel Michael = Asatru Thor for example. Jesus dies on the cross to bring salvation for mankind and rises 3 days later. Odin is impaled on Yggdrasil and dies for 9 days to bring wisdom to man. There are shared correlations and symbolism throughout all classical religions, inclusive of Wicca and Druidism, and the Pagan religions.

It's frustrating, because somewhere along the way there was some mud-slinging by the Church, which is understandable to a degree when multiple organizations are fighting for the same finite population to increase their membership base.

Take a coin for example, say a quarter to represent diety. Any two given people looking at that quarter from opposite sides, will see 2 different things. One person sees a man's head, with specific writing, another person sees an eagle (or these days any number of different things on the back), with different writing.

Both men are looking at the same quarter, just as both men are looking at the same God, yet without the ability to understand or accept what the other person sees, both men will argue to the death that what THEY see on the coin is correct.

The sad realization is that both men are correct, only they can't see it or comprehend that because they limit themselves by not opening their minds that there might be more to the "whole" than their limited perceptions can show them.

Cleachdadh mi fo m' féileadh dé tha an m' osan.
Posts: 2172 | Location: Highlands of South Alabama, USA | Registered: 28 October 2004Reply With Quote
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D99 said,
Christ was born in the summertime.

Actually, according to the PBS show last night, Christ was born April 17 in the year 6 BC because of the alignment of planets to form the Christmas star seen in the East by the wise men.
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Are you going to start your own forum

there is a good point here...

an american site that will cater to those who want to talk hunting and leave some of the socio-politacal stuff out of it. there is a lot saeed posts that i disagree with vehemently in the political forum but understand his position without hating him. the only thing is who would host it and what would it be called...hmmm

the great thing about a.r. though IS the world community and the different opinions. we could have both and be all the better.

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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even saeed likes christmas

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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Why and from where do you base your statements that "Wicca", "Pagan", or "Druidic" religions are evil, and on what grounds and sources?

Well, if you ask those who are heavy believers in one religion or another, they will tell you that ALL other religions are evil!! Confused

So that would make every religion on earth is evil!

Sometimes I wonder myself if that is not true! By the number of innocents killed throughout the ages under the pretext of complying with God's orders!!
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good points saeed...

a religion should never violate the law of conscience or natural law and we should always examine how we live our religion. if a religious leader says "kill them" it is he that is wrong. religions should be judged by its regulations AND its practitioners.

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It's just human kind's age old quest to explain why they exist. Let's just talk hunting!

The reality is that hunting by humans explains why we really exist, not religion.

Considering that hunting and meat eating by hominids has had far more of an influence on hominid ecology, anatomy and social behavior than any other factor.

What we need is a day that celebrates our historic carnivory. That will reflect REAL human history, not the contrived holidays of some cultures.

Pagans, witch craft, and other cults are no Joke. This stuff is real,

Maybe Alan believes they're the ones who put a quality control curse on the Model 70's built by USRAC !!

But the whole Pagan thing about a Spring Sex Festival has a lot of merit to it.

Bring on the naked dancing girls !!!!!!!

To dance around the wild game roasting on the fire.
Posts: 4516 | Registered: 14 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by belaw:
Originally posted by Brad:
Uh, am I missing something here... I thought it was funny.

Geez, first Saeed gets slammed for being narrow minded, now it's because he's too open minded.

Is it just me, or does anyone else think its possible that the site administrators are trying to make a humorous point after the flare-up a few months ago over the banner for a Islamic holiday?

You think?

Posts: 26549 | Location: Where the pilgrims landed | Registered: 08 January 1998Reply With Quote
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Don, keep up the good work and thanks for some holiday levity... sheesh.

Merry Festivus!
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Originally posted by Brad:
Don, keep up the good work and thanks for some holiday levity... sheesh.

Merry Festivus!

It is always amazing how people have to overreact to everything.

Anyone who would tie this morning's banner to an attack on Christmas is more than a little paranoid.

Posts: 26549 | Location: Where the pilgrims landed | Registered: 08 January 1998Reply With Quote
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Anyone who would tie this morning's banner to an attack on Christmas is more than a little paranoid.

C'mon Don, that's not giving the great AD any wiggle room to come back into the fold.
Posts: 4799 | Location: Lehigh county, PA | Registered: 17 October 2002Reply With Quote
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it has come to light that don has done a culture war prank poking at the people who are upset at the dejesusification of christmas...religion bating shame

so if you get upset at the war on christmas as it is called it is realy intollerance on the side of christians and you should poke fun at them? where is the "tollerance"

i dont make fun of muslims at you don?

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Boom Stick, do you have medication's you're not taking... seriously.
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Here's what wrong with people today. They aren't in touch with the Natural World around them. Too plugged in (internet forums maybe?)

I've observed the Solstice for the last 4 years. We did it on Monday this year due to evening schedules. Had a big bonfire with friends on the beach, ate venison stew, had warm cider, listened to the whales singing out on the ocean. Watched the stars, saw some faint northern lights, lit candles.

Allen ought to know that living in the northern latitudes is tough for a lot of folks. SAD is a real affliction for some - not me thankfully, but I think my wife suffers from it to some degree. It's a turning point for the winter blahs. It was recongnized before Christianity even friggin existed!!! Don't even think about bringing your modern-day religion into this.

Another thing. How many people here actually go out and cut their own Christmas tree anymore? I've done this more years than not. Again, it gets you back to nature. Buying a farmed tree!! I love looking over 100's of "natural" trees to find one that's just "right." Sure, they're never as nice as a farmed tree, but I like them sooo much better.

Bah, humbug to all the Christian whiners on this board. Please leave your self-centered "I'm being discriminated against" views at the door as you leave!!! [hope the slam doesn't hurt]


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How many people here actually go out and cut their own Christmas Holidaytree anymore?

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Picture of DRG
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Originally posted by onefunzr2:
Anyone who would tie this morning's banner to an attack on Christmas is more than a little paranoid.

C'mon Don, that's not giving the great AD any wiggle room to come back into the fold.

He has all the wiggle room he wants. His account is fully functional and he knows we feel he is totally entitled to state his opinion whether we agree or not. I never thought in a million years a banner celebrating the winter solstice would offend ANYONE.

Having said that, it remains up and will be here again next Dec. 21.

Posts: 26549 | Location: Where the pilgrims landed | Registered: 08 January 1998Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by boom stick:

it has come to light that don has done a culture war prank poking at the people who are upset at the dejesusification of christmas...religion bating shame

Religion bating? what is bating?

Anyway, the celebration of Winter Solstice predates Christ. Evidence suggests it was celebrated by American Natives, Vikings, Pre Christian Germanics etc.

It has NOTHING to do with Christmas other than the fact that Christians celebrate Christmas around the same time.

I surely hope our Druid members don't take offense Sunday when we put up our Christmas banner.

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sorry...baiting not bating...i need to proof what i type

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Originally posted by boom stick:
Hmm, maybe this photo of you with a dead buffalo in your "hero" won't be back.

d99 i think his is one of the best post hunt pics around...does his macho immage offend you? who is a biggot?

No it doesn't affend me. I am just tired of seeing it. I don't see the point of including your "hero photo" on the bottom of every post you make. You have your little photo under your name for that.

I have included my photobucket website on mine. I think it's better than force feeeding everyone my ugly mug with a dead monkey, zebra, or whatever.

Just like those assholes that right 10 lines of script at the bottom of their post.

Freedom of Religion for you have a right to choose what religion you practice, not that I have to listen to you practice it.

More importantly it means that your beleifs never interefere in my personal rights. And that your beleifs are yours for you to hold privately.

It doesn't mean that your allowed to break the law.
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Originally posted by Saeed:
Why and from where do you base your statements that "Wicca", "Pagan", or "Druidic" religions are evil, and on what grounds and sources?

Well, if you ask those who are heavy believers in one religion or another, they will tell you that ALL other religions are evil!! Confused

So that would make every religion on earth is evil!

Sometimes I wonder myself if that is not true! By the number of innocents killed throughout the ages under the pretext of complying with God's orders!!

Makes sence to me.


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But I guess the price of freedom is a value the protected shall never know. jorge


Marines kick ass, nice quote Jorge!

The Navy learns alot of the Marine Corps, it's hard for some to appreciate but it's true. We have the same corps values: Honor, Courage, and Committment.

And now we have a similar motto: Semper Fortis (which I have understood to be two things "Always Courageous", and "Eternal Vigillence").

I figure that either is fine, I always say the price of freedom is Eternal Vigillence.

If you've never stood the watch, then it probably means very little to you.
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Originally posted by onefunzr2:
D99 said,
Christ was born in the summertime.

Actually, according to the PBS show last night, Christ was born April 17 in the year 6 BC because of the alignment of planets to form the Christmas star seen in the East by the wise men.

Not exactly correct. The early day astronomers knew the difference between stars and planets. This was not an alignment of planets.
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Wow! Whatever happened to freedom OF religion (it does not say freedom FROM religion)

Personally, I worship the Idaho outdoors and an occasional wildcat (lately I have been idolizing the 6mm-300WSM......)

I think other religions (no matter how obscure) are interesting, I am not much of a "religious" person but it does seem like throughout history more people have been killed "in the name of God" than for any other reason.

So lets pick on those smaller and less known religions until the body count gets up to some historical standard I guess....... Smiler


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(for all the times I should have just kept my mouth shut......)
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Isn't April Fools Day in April?????


minus 300 posts from my total
(for all the times I should have just kept my mouth shut......)
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Everyone is in SUCH a good mood today I just can't help but fan the fire a little.....the liberal commie pinko bastards that voted against the Patriot Act have their heads so far up their ass trying to hurt Bush they have no clue what they are doing to US capabilities and the person(s) who leaked the info regarding the monitoring of foreign persons in the US should be shot for treason!!

Have a happy shortest day of the year and to all a good night!!

The year of the .30-06!!
100 years of mostly flawless performance on a new one!!
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Originally posted by Saeed:
Why and from where do you base your statements that "Wicca", "Pagan", or "Druidic" religions are evil, and on what grounds and sources?

Well, if you ask those who are heavy believers in one religion or another, they will tell you that ALL other religions are evil!! Confused

So that would make every religion on earth is evil!

Sometimes I wonder myself if that is not true! By the number of innocents killed throughout the ages under the pretext of complying with God's orders!!

It is amazing how people of one faith dislike people of another faith and it appears to me that it mostly out of ignorance. When I told my Mother that my fiance was Muslim she thought it was horrible and she knows nothing of the Muslim faith. She loves my wife now and still knows nothing about the Muslim faith. Hopefully one day we can all live peacefully together without so much ignorance and fear.
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Originally posted by IdahoVandal:
Isn't April Fools Day in April?????


NICE!!! Big Grin
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My, my, my....what little it takes to get some folks whipped up. For the record, I'm a card-carrying Lutheran from Minnesota and I don't care what you believe, as long as you aren't trying to force it on me.

It was obvious to me that the banner was a joke. I had a good laugh and then went to find the thread I knew would be building up about it.

Reminds me of the line from Spaceballs: "Funny, she doesn't look Druish"

Anyone here take offense to the whole movie Blazing Saddles? Talk about a racial poke, and hilarious too. You have to take things for what they are, not for what you think they are.

"I'd love to be the one to disappoint you when I don't fall down" --Fred Durst
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Don, keep up the good work. It seems that some of our Christian friends seem to still believe that theirs is the only way, period, and that their God isn't the same for multiple religions. Some forget that Jesus hung around with whores and tax collectors and that God told Joshua and Caleb to kill every man, woman and child of other tribes multiple times. I bet those tribes didn't think so highly of Him. Wasn't Christianity once a cult and even outlawed? My, haven't they come so far in a short period as to be so superior?

Now I will say I am a Christian and the thing I don't care for about the INTOLERANT Christians is the same as I hate about the gay and lesbian movement...I don't care what you believe, just don't shove it in my face. Maybe the Christians are getting a taste of what the Jews have seen since their beginnings, intolerance and persecution. Now they have started on the Muslims.

And regarding the Goth suicides...there are 4000 christian suicides for every Goth or Druid, or Wiccen. I guess that makes it evil?

I agree with Jorge on the Patriot Act.

"Don't let the door hit you, where the good lord split you." Now that was good!


"Peace is that brief glorious moment in history, when everybody stands around reloading" -- Thomas Jefferson
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Dang it, why'd you have to get me started remembering that ....

The rest of my day at work is as good as ruined now.


All right! Nobody move or the ****** gets it!

Oh Lourday Lourd, Lourday Lourd!! Do what he say, do what he say !!


More beans Mr. Taggart?

I'd say you've had enough.


No no. Don't shoot him. If you shoot him, you'll just make him mad.


Bart, but they said you was hung ?

And they was right!

Cleachdadh mi fo m' féileadh dé tha an m' osan.
Posts: 2172 | Location: Highlands of South Alabama, USA | Registered: 28 October 2004Reply With Quote
Picture of Canuck
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Originally posted by dogcat:
Originally posted by onefunzr2:
D99 said,
Christ was born in the summertime.

Actually, according to the PBS show last night, Christ was born April 17 in the year 6 BC because of the alignment of planets to form the Christmas star seen in the East by the wise men.

The early day astronomers knew the difference between stars and planets.

Maybe so, but did the wise men (or the authors of the books of the Bible) know the difference?

Also, did early astronomers just know that some stars rotated around the sky while other "stars" followed a path around the sky? (in other words, did they really understand the difference between a star and a planet without the aid of telescopes?)

Just curious as to your take on buddies and I mull these things over under the stars in hunting camp all the time.

Smiler Canuck

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I signed on this morning, saw the banner, and laughed like hell. This afternoon I saw this thread, read the posts, and am laughing even harder.


"Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life." Terry Pratchett.
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Anyone here take offense to the whole movie Blazing Saddles?

No! But that was one of the funniest movies of all time!

Originally posted by Ben589:
Dang it, why'd you have to get me started remembering that ....

The rest of my day at work is as good as ruined now.


All right! Nobody move or the ****** gets it!

Oh Lourday Lourd, Lourday Lourd!! Do what he say, do what he say !!


More beans Mr. Taggart?

I'd say you've had enough.


No no. Don't shoot him. If you shoot him, you'll just make him mad.


Bart, but they said you was hung ?

And they was right!

Hey! That's what I was thinking!!

"Excuse me while I whip this out."

"To the people of Rockridge...."

I had 2 movies back to back that I used to watch years ago: Blazing Saddles and Caddy Shack.

Mel Brooks, what a guy...

Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than my guns
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Picture of Fjold
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Originally posted by Ben589:

All right! Nobody move or the ****** gets it!

Oh Lourday Lourd, Lourday Lourd!! Do what he say, do what he say !!

More beans Mr. Taggart?
I'd say you've had enough.

No no. Don't shoot him. If you shoot him, you'll just make him mad.

Bart, but they said you was hung ?
And they was right!

It's Twue! It's Twue!


The only thing that I can't stand is intolerance!



"I don't know what there is about buffalo that frightens me so.....He looks like he hates you personally. He looks like you owe him money."
- Robert Ruark, Horn of the Hunter, 1953

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