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Moderators: Canuck
<allen day>
I've been a part of AR for quite a few years, but this morning's greeting at the top of the page flies in the face of everything I believe in.

Therefore, I resign myself from AR as of this morning, and I won't be back.........

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Hmm, maybe this photo of you with a dead buffalo in your "hero" won't be back.

How much of a hipocrit do you have to be to not accept one religion, but accept others.

Jehovah, God, Thor, Alah, Budda, whatever, let's talk about hunting.

I could care less if someone is screwing sheep as their personal relgion. That's what freedom of religion means.
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What's the matter? Can't accept the fact that there are hundreds of Christian beliefs incorporated from Durid/Peggan

Freedom of religion for all, no exceptions!
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Don't let the door hit you, where the good lord split you.
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I agree with you Allen. I thought it was Christmas?
Posts: 611 | Registered: 18 December 2002Reply With Quote
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It is the Christmas season, but today is the winter solstice...a big day, apparently, for some.

I don't have the hubris to tell others who they can and can't pass good wishes on to. Apparently others don't mind being exclusionary.
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Uh, am I missing something here... I thought it was funny.
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How can the winter solstice possibly be against everything you stand for?

Does that mean you believe the seasons don't exist? Flat Earth Society?

Don't know Allan, but I have a feeling life is tough for you.

Christmas was put on the calendar in the 5th Century (IIRC), in an attempt to co-opt the existing mid-winter festivals. Seems that the Winter Solstice has been an excuse to party heartily throughout the Northern Latitudes. Any excuse to party this time of year is OK by me.... JMO, Dutch.

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Dutch: While your historical accuracy is valid, I think Allen's reply is in response to the inexorable onslaught against Christmas over the last couple of years.

While it might have been expressed tongue-in-cheek, given today's climate, I believe it to be the equivalent of joking about a bomb at an airport. It's called taking a principled position and I respect that. jorge

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Interesting. Ostensibly there are many who participate on this forum that are not Christian or American and don't take offense to the header when it mentions US or Christian holidays. Or if they take offense are big enough to look past it. Perhaps their religions allow them to be more tolerant and respectful to the beliefs of others. Allen, with all due respect, if everyone took your position, there would be nobody on AR to converse with. Moreover, if it did offend me, which it doesn't, I could care less. There are many things that are mentioned on this site that I don't always agree with, but I am able to simply filter it out.

Isn't freedom of religion, speech, and the right to bare arms mentioned somewhere within the same document?

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WINTER SOLSTICE ??? It's not winter solstice down in OZ !!!
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I believe the average IQ of this board just went up! rotflmo

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Originally posted by allen day:
but this morning's greeting at the top of the page flies in the face of everything I believe in.

Freedom of Religion?


"I don't know what there is about buffalo that frightens me so.....He looks like he hates you personally. He looks like you owe him money."
- Robert Ruark, Horn of the Hunter, 1953

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Are you going to start your own forum along with Ray, Judge G and Pierre?

Merry Christmas

And I thought Don made a funny, too.
Posts: 4799 | Location: Lehigh county, PA | Registered: 17 October 2002Reply With Quote
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Jorge, last time I checked this was an international board, not a US board. The site is owned and operated by an Arab Muslim and overseen by a New England Jew (I personally like the sound of that!). The membership is comprised of people from all over the world, from a variety of backgrounds and religous persuasions as expressed by a variety of banners during a variety of holidays. I also think Don is having a little joke IN LIGHT OF TODAYS CLIMATE... I think everyone needs to take a deep breath, extricate the rod and laugh a little, at least at ourselves for starters...
Posts: 3523 | Registered: 27 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Well I believe a man has to stand for something, or he stands for nothing.

You all are absolutely free to believe whatever you choose to believe, and if you think that a little fun with witches is a good thing...

I guess that's also your right. Personally I believe there is a source for evil in this world that we live in.

I try to stay away from evil, and those who practice occultic religion.

Part of the problem with America today is that we've allowed all of these different religions to direct our culture and thinking. They have the right to practice them, unfortunately, it's effecting our culture in a negative way.

I personally like this statement...

"If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served which were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15

And this one even better.

Jesus *said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. John 14:6

I guess that's pretty narrow minded, but I'd rather stand with those who believe the same way.

For the rest of you who choose to allow false religion to have it's way in our culture, (or don't have the courage or discerment to recognize it on this forum and call it as such, joke or not...) Merry Christmas!

Act 17:22-31
So Paul stood in the midst of the Areopagus and said, "Men of Athens, I observe that you are very religious in all respects. "For while I was passing through and examining the objects of your worship, I also found an altar with this inscription, 'TO AN UNKNOWN GOD.' Therefore what you worship in ignorance, this I proclaim to you. "The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands; nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things; and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, 'For we also are His children.' "Being then the children of God, we ought not to think that the Divine Nature is like gold or silver or stone, an image formed by the art and thought of man. "Therefore having overlooked the times of ignorance, God is now declaring to men that all people everywhere should repent, because He has fixed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness through a Man whom He has appointed, having furnished proof to all men by raising Him from the dead."

See ya guys!
Posts: 611 | Registered: 18 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Point taken Brad and I know it's not a {sic} US Board, but just to give you some insight on the sensitivity of this issue, on board U.S. Navy warships, Commanding Officers have to allow for Wiccam "worshippers" to congregate and Chaplains are being pressured to be "discrete" with current Judeo-Christian teachings. I can see his point. Witches and druids? jorge

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Originally posted by jorge:
, I think Allen's reply is in response to the inexorable onslaught against Christmas over the last couple of years.


It's called taking a principled position and I respect that. jorge

Sorry, Jorge, it's called Pedantic Posturing, and I do NOT respect it.

First and foremost, if you are a Christian, research the text for instructions on how to treat non-believers.

Second, the "onslaught on Christmas" is political bull-sh**. Five years ago, the same exact groups were organizing boycotts and letter writing campaigns targeting the large department stores for using "Christmas" in their advertising and materials.

The ostensible argument was that the Christian loony right did not want "Christmas" commercialized or use in commerce.

The stores learnt quickly, and responded by removing all references to Christmas.

So, are the loonies happy? Heck no! They got EXACTLY what they campaigned for five years ago, and look at the hullabaloo!

It's a schizophrenic bunch of nutcases that drive this sort of lunacy, and weak-minded followers that buy into it.

Flame away!

JMO, Dutch.

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Originally posted by Brad:
Uh, am I missing something here... I thought it was funny.

Geez, first Saeed gets slammed for being narrow minded, now it's because he's too open minded.

Is it just me, or does anyone else think its possible that the site administrators are trying to make a humorous point after the flare-up a few months ago over the banner for a Islamic holiday?
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The winter Solstice doesn't necessarily have to have anything to do with religion, although it can. Some people mark the day because it means the days start getting longer and thats it.
I am a Christian but there is no harm in wishing a Jew a happy hannuaka(sp?) or a Muslim during ramadan.
Lighten up people and lets get back to argueing about which caliber is the best for killing which ever animal we're discussing.

The Hunt goes on forever, the season never ends.

I didn't learn this by reading about it or seeing it on TV. I learned it by doing it.
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If you can't take a joke, then one probably needs to do some serious introspection, not to mention AWFC time. Lighten up, Allen et al, its Christmas even if I don't believe all the associated fairy tales. Wait, I still believe in Santa Claus. thumb

When considering US based operations of guides/outfitters, check and see if they are NRA members. If not, why support someone who doesn't support us? Consider spending your money elsewhere.


I have come to understand that in hunting, the goal is not the goal but the process.
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Curious how a subject like this quickly separates the wheat from the chaff when it comes to broadly supporting the Bill of Rights. Like our so-called "Liberal" friends who seem to conveniently overlook the second amendment, some of our self-annointed "Christian" friends seem to forget that our (U.S.) Constitution also guarantees freedom of religion.

I think it behooves us to support all of our civil liberties. And by the way, my hat's off to our Senators from both parties who have resisted extending the "Patriot Act" and who are calling for the president to obey the laws against unreasonable search and siezure just like everybody else.
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I try to ignore religion entirely. It's just human kind's age old quest to explain why they exist. Let's just talk hunting! Confused

Rich Elliott

Rich Elliott
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Jorge, I also hear your point and it's well taken. As an aside, "genuine" nature worshipers (kinda sad to me) like Pagans, Wiccans and Druids are a pretty harmless bunch as opposed to bonafied satan worshipers.

Regardless, my point was we live in an increasingly tense and divisive world and I tend to think a healthy sense of humor would serve us all well. That doesn't mean I won't defend my faith when I see the necessity, but it does mean I can coexist in a tolerant fashion with those that don't embrace my values.

Babcock, America has always been about immigration, opportunity and freedom... FOR ALL. It just so happens that the bulk of the founders embraced, at least partly, a judeo-christian world view. Our country, however, is not static and has rightfully diversified... that's entirely in keeping with what America REALLY IS, not what a few white christians THINK IT should be.
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I think it's all in what you're committed to. If AD wishes to leave then so be it. I do not have a problem with folks expressing what their beliefs are. I took the header as comical myself.

What I don't like is what I've witnessed in my lifetime. Patients walking into our office and ASKING "can we still say Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, or should we just tell you all Happy Holidays?"

We politely say to them, "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year."

Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than my guns
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Stonecreek, typing at the same time... I heartily agree with EVERYTHING you wrote, and that coming from a white christian.
Posts: 3523 | Registered: 27 June 2000Reply With Quote
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I think Allen's reply is in response to the inexorable onslaught against Christmas over the last couple of years.

While it might have been expressed tongue-in-cheek, given today's climate, I believe it to be the equivalent of joking about a bomb at an airport. It's called taking a principled position and I respect that. jorge


I think it was pretty obvious that Don was poking a little fun at today's PC climate and some of the recent threads we have seen on religous holidays lately. I thought it was hilarious.

That said, even if it was serious, how is acknowlegement of the solstice an attack on Christmas??

Is recognizing Jewish holy days an attack on Christmas too?

I am sure a Christmas banner will be up for the rest of us in a day or two (or was that Festivus for the rest of us???). Smiler

No offence, but you guys need to lighten up a bit.

Best of the season,

Posts: 7122 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by JBabcock:
Well I believe a man has to stand for something, or he stands for nothing.

You all are absolutely free to believe whatever you choose to believe, and if you think that a little fun with witches is a good thing...

I guess that's also your right. Personally I believe there is a source for evil in this world that we live in.

I try to stay away from evil, and those who practice occultic religion.

Part of the problem with America today is that we've allowed all of these different religions to direct our culture and thinking. They have the right to practice them, unfortunately, it's effecting our culture in a negative way.

I personally like this statement...

"If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served which were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15

And this one even better.

Jesus *said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. John 14:6

I guess that's pretty narrow minded, but I'd rather stand with those who believe the same way.

For the rest of you who choose to allow false religion to have it's way in our culture, (or don't have the courage or discerment to recognize it on this forum and call it as such, joke or not...) Merry Christmas!

Act 17:22-31
So Paul stood in the midst of the Areopagus and said, "Men of Athens, I observe that you are very religious in all respects. "For while I was passing through and examining the objects of your worship, I also found an altar with this inscription, 'TO AN UNKNOWN GOD.' Therefore what you worship in ignorance, this I proclaim to you. "The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands; nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things; and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, 'For we also are His children.' "Being then the children of God, we ought not to think that the Divine Nature is like gold or silver or stone, an image formed by the art and thought of man. "Therefore having overlooked the times of ignorance, God is now declaring to men that all people everywhere should repent, because He has fixed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness through a Man whom He has appointed, having furnished proof to all men by raising Him from the dead."

See ya guys!


I am afraid we have to accept that many of our friends believe in one religion or another - not necessarily the ones we believe in ourselves.

That does not stop us respecting their beliefs - or none if they so wish.

You believe in Jesus Christ, and you are not alone. And I belief in Mohamed, and I am not alone either.

But, I do hope that we have at least one thing in common.

And that is our total disgust for those who use religion to further their own very narrow aims - like many in the world are doing right now.

I believe each of us has the right to worship any God he deems right for him. And that is between that individual and his chosen God.

Not for any of us to interfer with.

Here at AR we celebrate all the celebration people participate in in many parts of the world.

We do not support one religion over another.
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Canuk, a lot of us have a Christmas Tree and a Festuvus Pole... Wink
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I hope your joking. I find you kind of an ego maniac and I don't necessarily mean that as a insult but your contributions here on AR are straightforward, informative and based on a good amount of in field experience. We need that sort of member. My suggestion would be to "Take a red" figuratively of course and reconsider. You'll be missed. Hey! You love Nosler Partitions so you must know what's up.



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Originally posted by onefunzr2:

Are you going to start your own forum along with Ray, Judge G and Pierre?

Merry Christmas

And I thought Don made a funny, too.

Naa, AD is joining forces (and forums) with Carmello
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Wether the banner was meant as a joke or not (no one is fessing up to that fact), Pagans, witch craft, and other cults are no Joke. This stuff is real, and as JBabcock said, "it has a scource". I do not belive that scource to be our creator, but rather pure evil incarnate.
My low tolerance level, years ago was called "convcition", and I stand by my convictions just as Allan has. To call right; right, and to call wrong; wrong. To call evil what it is. Why must people of faith check there convictions in at the door everytime they enter a School, courthouse, job site, or internet forum??? It's not going to happen guys. Get over it. Ridicule if you must, (Jesus told us you would), but get over our narrow minds.

Thanks, Mark G
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Hmm, let me see Christmas was changed to coinside with the Winter solstice (to convert heathens) by the first Christian Romans. Christ was born in the summertime.

Hmm, Easter was also a Pagan spring sex holiday. Christ birthday was also changed to coniside with this spring pagan holiday.

Hope you like your Pagan holidays.
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Holy shit!!!! I laughed when I saw "happy winter solstice" We should be happy that the sun will return for another year and bless us with warmth and life. I'm flummoxed, totally. All over the world we've celebrated the solstice. And I might add that many of Europe's greatest cristian churches are also built and situated.......yes to observe and mark the solstice.

Lighten up


the chef
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Jorge, JBabcock,

The things that get some folks' knickers twisted is truly laughable. Your posts read like a transcript of a floor debate from our state legislature, where there is an unusually high incidence of thin-skinned self-righteous yahoos. Your lives must be far less troubled and complicated than most folks' if a little joke can get you so riled. Have a glass of eggnog and chill!
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I am still not sure if I would consider myself to be a Christian. I tend to follow the 7th day adventist, Jehovah's whitness, World Wide Church of god, old Judiac teachings.

However, I have had the pleasure of knowing a lot of folks in the military that were everything from Hitlerites, Wiccans, Buddist, Taoist, Hindu, and everything else. All of them serving their country, doing what they beleive is right, and most importantly could count on them to save my life on the flight deck or in the field. Religion means nothing in combat, and I don't beleive it should mean anything here. Same as race!

And Jorge, while I admire your Christian values. I dissagree with the prior force feeding of Christianity on the boat. I have no disrespect for Chaplains, and think they do a world of service. However, I think there is entirely too much free rain on what they control. Like not allowing Security to enter the library, or chapel with weapons? What the hell is that?

My first cruise could have been called death by episcapalianism! I was glad to see by 2002 (my last cruise) that things had shifted away from it.
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allen i addressed this issue and to everyone i think this post makes my point

here is my post from there

o.k. my point here that fairness is doing things proportionaly...

it this site were visited by %90 wiccans this would make sense...i have nothing against wiccans pagans or druids though i disagree without hating them or thinking they are mean bad people...i actualy know some pagans in the true sense... some people like here in the ever increasing p.c. world of america trip over themselves to celebrate every holiday to make evryone feel "comfortable" actualy make most people feel uncomfortable by trying to put big and important holidays holidays celebrated my the majority on the same level as "goat farmers day" and lessen the importance with all things are equal and the same nonsensical post modernism relativistic thinking that does not work in the real world. i am cool with ramadan and the jewish high holy days being celebrated because they bring out the best in the practitioners of those religions. it just makes no sense to put it on the same level as diabetes awareness week. remeber sometimes fairnes is to do things proportionaly. im not a biggot but i do not like forced equality that puts a burden on the majority that i see here a lot in the u.s. nowadays. i know this is an international site and i have no power to weild but i go tisk tisk tisk when i see multiculturalism gone wild. but i do think the moderator had his toung in his cheak when he posted it thinking it would make for some good posting. on the extreme end is the "take that muslim crap off" poster who i denounce and shame and i shun biggots and racists and do realize that the majority can be too oversteping sometimes too. balance and proportion! just my 2 cents

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Hmm, maybe this photo of you with a dead buffalo in your "hero" won't be back.

d99 i think his is one of the best post hunt pics around...does his macho immage offend you? who is a biggot?

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Freedom of religion for all, no exceptions!

yes freedom of religion for all but read my post in the political forum...forced equality that puts a burden on the majority is a form of tyrany

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