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Moderators: Aaron Neilson, ledvm
Lion Skull Size vs. Lion Age!
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Originally posted by 505 gibbs:
this has turned into a terrific thread.


Now I understand why I see you and STU on so many threads all over the AR forums stirring up shit and playing the devil's advocate.

You two brothers are just like a couple older nomad lions with out a pride...just wondering around stirring up shit. I have watched y'all on many a thread.

Dang, I go to work for a couple of hours and come back and realize I missed all the fun.
Pardon me for being blunt, but your statement above is chickenshit.

Speaking the truth ain't chickenshit.

I posted my statement in complete honesty. The little guy eating popcorn was put up because I looked forward to coming back and reading ALL sides of this debate. This had and has remained an excellent thread. Tremendous points have been made by some, and some foolishness has been spewed by others. I have seen where STU has fallen into some of the same traps he has accused others of and consequently am suspect of that data. You on the other hand, have yet to make a logical arguement in my opinion.

Sir, I am one of the most logical people that walks on the Earth. All I do all day in my business is advise people on logical approaches to maintaining sound athletic horses. If you think I am illogical you may want to explore the logic in your own decision making.

Your posts are laden with emotion and personal offense and do not further the cause of the LCTF or the lion for that matter.

For the life of me...I do not see it your way here. And I am not really looking for your approval. If you don't like with Aaron...if you don't like either...I guess we can't bring you on board.

It is easy to say that killing young lions is bad, but anyone with any sense and a little experience realizes that the issue is much more complicated than that.

Really it IS just that simple...nothing all that hard about it.

If anyone wants to have an honest discussion about lion hunting and management, they should take the emotion out of it, compile, organize and disseminate masses of factual data, come up with a management quota, adhere to it religiosuly, document and examine the results, adjust the management quota accordingly and get the numbers where they need to be. You present this data to the powers that be and as the old saying goes, "the numbers don't lie". What you and others on these threads are doing is fighting a PR battle riddled with emotion.

You and your brother express as much emotion as any 2 posters I have ever seen on AR.

Those battles are ALWAYS "no win" situations for those in the right (which I believe your cause is) because the facts are never considered. You and the others freaking out everytime a pic of a "young" lion shows up and starting a multi-page tirade about how fucked up recent lion hunting is, does nothing positive for hunting or lions. One of the signs of a true zealot is when one refuses to concede that a point of view from any other angle could be valid. I would challenge you to give me an example in history where zealotry has ended in anything other than defeat.

Here my friend is classic example of your emotion and zealotry. How much more emotion and opinion can on inject into a paragraph than the above???

Lane above in Red.

Now, can we please stop talking about how I am a chickenshit, lying, ignorant, dumb-ass zealot and talk about something to do with lions.

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
Posts: 39242 | Location: Gainesville, TX | Registered: 24 December 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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you are a genius so shoot the shit out of the them post them on AR and speed up the process to eliminate hunting lions. I do give UP you are SMARTER THAN ANYONE


never give up. This prize is certianly worth fighting for. I just want the people who have decided they are going to represent the hunting comunity to fight the real fight. With real data and kick the hell out of the antis. Don't give into a devicive ploy that will only divide hunting groups and keep CITES and USFWS from having to deal with the truth. Whether a 3 year old lion is killed or not is a drop in the bucket to the thousands that get slaughtered because the uneducated masses of africa place no value on them, and that is the problem that needs to be adressed and fought. Right now we look like rape victims and all the cops want to know is why we dressed like sluts instead of catching the rapist.
Posts: 2826 | Location: Houston | Registered: 01 May 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Whether a 3 year old lion is killed or not is a drop in the bucket to the thousands that get slaughtered because the uneducated masses of africa place no value on them, and that is the problem that needs to be adressed and fought.

This is fianlly something I can side with you on. I agree whole-heartedly.

But before you can go throwing have to make sure your home is NOT of glass.

That my friend is all we are trying to do. I can tell you for sure that before we (LCTF) one, besides Mr. Jackson, was fighting and we were losing the battle.

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
Posts: 39242 | Location: Gainesville, TX | Registered: 24 December 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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For the life of me...I do not see it your way here. And I am not really looking for your approval. If you don't like with Aaron...if you don't like either...I guess we can't bring you on board.

That pretty much summed it up. Who gives a damn about a differing opinion and another hunter but you dance like a puppet for the antis.

Arron I know we have disagreed on things but I always felt I was capable of learning things off of you and feel we can always have discussions based in logic, but your boy here Easter will be like an anchor around the neck of your cause with that crappy attitude. I know I have no business representing people in politics, I am as abrasive as a piece of fifty grit, but Easter is attacking someone just because he is my brother and that is childish logic.
Posts: 2826 | Location: Houston | Registered: 01 May 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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CITES will deal with the easiest way and that is stop the importation. They are dealing with real numbers in teir eyes because those numbers are the only ones there. We need money to fund thses studies and I assure you leaving this age promblem will result in listing the lion and when that happens we can yak all we want but it will never come off. This is the fight right now and if we don't win there will be no more on the lion and the fight will move to the next animal. I assume you have met with Mr. Salazar or have given him personal information so that he can make a well informed decision. It must have been after us because his real concern was the young lions he was getting pictures of off our site. i feel like you are misinterpeting Lane, he is trying to help lions and lion hunting and he like myself is frustrated with what we have come up against from within.
Posts: 1396 | Registered: 24 September 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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But before you can go throwing have to make sure your home is NOT of glass.

That my friend is all we are trying to do. I can tell you for sure that before we (LCTF) one, besides Mr. Jackson, was fighting and we were losing the battle.

Your home isn't made of glass. Hunters as a whole stand on an impecable record of conservation. The vast majority of conservation success stories are because of hunters, to defend yourself now would be viewed by the non-hunting community as shame and weakness. When the antis or non-hunters want to argue about whether a young lion got shot you should be visibly insulted. How dare a person attack our record of conservation instead of dealing with the greater issue. Keep those monkeys scrambling on their heals. Ask them how why they aren't spending money protecting lions in agriculture areas. Ask them when the last time they did a mortality study of lions in regions where there is no hunting. Ask them what percentage of their dollars are spent building habitat and preserving prey for lions in non-hunting areas. And when they have no answer at all you can look them in the eye and tell them they have no desire to save a lion but only a desire to gnaw away at men's freedoms.
Posts: 2826 | Location: Houston | Registered: 01 May 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by smarterthanu:
you are a genius so shoot the shit out of the them post them on AR and speed up the process to eliminate hunting lions. I do give UP you are SMARTER THAN ANYONE


never give up. This prize is certianly worth fighting for. I just want the people who have decided they are going to represent the hunting comunity to fight the real fight. With real data and kick the hell out of the antis. Don't give into a devicive ploy that will only divide hunting groups and keep CITES and USFWS from having to deal with the truth. Whether a 3 year old lion is killed or not is a drop in the bucket to the thousands that get slaughtered because the uneducated masses of africa place no value on them, and that is the problem that needs to be adressed and fought. Right now we look like rape victims and all the cops want to know is why we dressed like sluts instead of catching the rapist.

SMU - If you think we're wrong, going about it wrong, etc, that's your right. Obviously you think we are all missing the point, don't know what we are saying, and are pandering to the antis, the leading lion scientists included. And so far, the only thing I've seen you say, prove or do, is tell us how wrong we all are!

When your science/data/personal experience says different, please present it and I'm sure everyone will be happy to listen and consider it. Until then, likely the vast majority of those involved will follow the data, thus far presented.


My "personal" experience with her, both in the field and elsewhere, observing her data, and listening to the science tells me, she's "smarterthanu", when it comes to the lion, lion habitat, lion management, and all things lion. So for now, I'll just go along with her, Dr. Colleen Begg (Niassa Carnivore Project - Pro Hunting), and the rest of em, as well as BWANAMICH who has tons of data/pictures and years of field experience, to back up his claims. Might I disagree with some listed above? Yep, but I can't say so, simply because they have no experience from which they draw their conclusions. And I certainly can't just tell them blantantly, that they're wrong!

Aaron Neilson
Global Hunting Resources
303-619-2872: Cell

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That pretty much summed it up. Who gives a damn about a differing opinion and another hunter but you dance like a puppet for the antis.

Arron I know we have disagreed on things but I always felt I was capable of learning things off of you and feel we can always have discussions based in logic, but your boy here Easter will be like an anchor around the neck of your cause with that crappy attitude. I know I have no business representing people in politics, I am as abrasive as a piece of fifty grit, but Easter is attacking someone just because he is my brother and that is childish logic.

I am a lot like you in some respects. Once I decide what I believe in...I never give in, rarely keep my mouth shut, and have fought to bitter-end many times.

I have tried to see your points...and some I have agreed with. I just don't see where you are coming from with this "dancing for anti's thing". I am as about a far right winged hard-nosed fighter of anti-hunters as just about anyone I know. But I am smart enough (maybe not smarterthanu) to see we as hunters need improvement as well.

It would not hurt us to clean our own house as we move forward and combat the lions real problems.

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
Posts: 39242 | Location: Gainesville, TX | Registered: 24 December 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I assume you have met with Mr. Salazar

Mr. Salazaar thinks he needs to base a political decision effecting tens of thousands of lions based on a photo of a couple of shot lions, then he is a f!*king idiot and he wouldn't have the balls to call me.

Why don't yall post pictures of poisoned lions. Lets start a new thread showing picture of snared and trapped lions. If it just takes a couple of pictures to decide the fate of your hunting tradition, we should start posting poached and poisoned lions by the hundreds. Lets see your pics. Time to show these mo-mos the real face of their lion issue. Lets show them shocking. Then ask them how a importation ban will save those lions. Ask them what they are doing about those pictures. Get in their face. let them know you are more serious about that problem than you are about a 3 year old lion getting killed by a paying hunter who brought revenue to an area and the population dynamics of the hunting are aren't changing because the quotas are carefully controlled and managed.
Posts: 2826 | Location: Houston | Registered: 01 May 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Hunters as a whole stand on an impecable record of conservation. The vast majority of conservation success stories are because of hunters, to defend yourself now would be viewed by the non-hunting community as shame and weakness. When the antis or non-hunters want to argue about whether a young lion got shot you should be visibly insulted. How dare a person attack our record of conservation instead of dealing with the greater issue. Keep those monkeys scrambling on their heals. Ask them how why they aren't spending money protecting lions in agriculture areas. Ask them when the last time they did a mortality study of lions in regions where there is no hunting. Ask them what percentage of their dollars are spent building habitat and preserving prey for lions in non-hunting areas. And when they have no answer at all you can look them in the eye and tell them they have no desire to save a lion but only a desire to gnaw away at men's freedoms.

Again...I agree with just about every word in that statement. If you were giving it as a speech...I would stand and clap.

But the truth lies somewhere in the middle and while our house may not be of certainly has some big plate-glass windows.

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
Posts: 39242 | Location: Gainesville, TX | Registered: 24 December 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Why don't yall post pictures of poisoned lions. Lets start a new thread showing picture of snared and trapped lions. If it just takes a couple of pictures to decide the fate of your hunting tradition, we should start posting poached and poisoned lions by the hundreds. Lets see your pics. Time to show these mo-mos the real face of their lion issue. Lets show them shocking.


Another common piece of ground. The LCTF along with Osprey Filming...has plans to do just that...make a small documentery on poaching with real pics.

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
Posts: 39242 | Location: Gainesville, TX | Registered: 24 December 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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then he is a f!*king idiot

But...he is still going to make the call.

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
Posts: 39242 | Location: Gainesville, TX | Registered: 24 December 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Why Arron? Why? They all say that but no one has said why. They are all slinging a broad brush and no one is contemplating the exceptions nor are they contemplating the interspecies translation this can have on your industry. I have asked here twice why and have yet to get an answer. Have you ever asked them why? Then ask them why we are spending all that thought and money on a minor issue that might be a problem and no one has an answer to solve the real lion conservation issue.
Posts: 2826 | Location: Houston | Registered: 01 May 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Another common piece of ground. The LCTF along with Osprey Filming...has plans to do just that...make a small documentery on poaching with real pics.

Then pay for commercial time and stick it all over the television just like they do, and I'm not talking about the hunting chanel. This Salazaar dude needs a picture in front of him every day of a machete hacked lion cub and a note asking where this trophy is getting exported to and how CITES saved him. These people need a daily dose of truth everytime they turn their head. They should be so sick of the real problem the only way to improve their day is to fix it. Make threads here and post your poached lion pics. And then lets all talk about how disgusting the real issue is. I bet you will get every hunter on these forums beating your drum louder than you have ever heard it.
Posts: 2826 | Location: Houston | Registered: 01 May 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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But...he is still going to make the call.

You learn how to control an idiot and not play at their level. Out smart him, and let him beleive it was his idea all along.
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