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204 beats 220 swift proven fact
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Ksmirk: Jesus man! You make cummins cowboys and my point in your own VERY FIRST ballistic numbers! Did you intend that to be the case?
I assume then you concede the point of the original posting with your posting? The 204 is ballistically superior to the 220 Swift (and the 22-250!)?
Now if you are contending that the 22-250 has no recoil then I suggest you go shoot one!
I have many of them and virtually all of them produce enough recoil to loose sight picture through my scopes at the shot - enough recoil to loose the ability to spot ones own shots! The 204 Ruger handily beats the 22-250 in this VERY important to Varminting, attribute of a cartridge!
The 204 Ruger is flatter shooting than the 22-250! This also is a very important aspect of Varmint shooting. Flatter trajectories mean more hits in the field! More hits equals more fun - more success in other words. The 204 excells over the 22-250 in this regard!
The 204 is a much more efficient cartrdige than the 22-250 in that it achieves a flatter trajectory for its bullets with much less powder! The 204's projectiles fly straighter in the wind than does the 22-250's projectiles again adding to an improved hits to misses ratio in the field! Again more hits equals more fun and more first shot success!
I have some rather accurate 22-250's but the nod goes to the 204 Ruger in the inherent accuracy category! AGAIN in my experience the 22-250 is a fine cartrdige but it is definitely not better than the 204 Ruger as an all "around Varmint Cartridge"!
I have taken all manner of Varmints and small game with my 204's including Coyotes, Badgers, large Rock Chucks, Porcupines, feral cats, Ground Squirrels, Weasels, Jack rabbits, Prairie Dogs, Skunks, Raccoon, Cottontailed Rabbits, flying Varmints of many species and probaly some others I have forgotten! Based on my extensive, in the field experiences with the 204 Ruger this fine, accurate, efficient and ballistically superior cartrdige has plenty of lethality on Varmints! I find it lacking in lethality for NONE of the species I Hunt anyway!
Again if one is gonna get ridiculous and include Fallow Deer (and Elephants!) in the Varmint Class then I say enjoy what your smokin! Cause once reality sets back in and real life is upon you the 204 Ruger will serve even the ditziest of pot heads VERY well for small game and Varmints!
By the way remember that a lot of folks Hunt Ground Squirrels and Prairie Dogs! Your "best choice" 22-250 in a Ground Squirrel or Prairie Dog colony will heat its barrel MUCH quicker than a 204 Ruger will! And thus make it difficult and detrimental to shoot with it well before the 204's barrels achieves that same status!
I just checked my loading log and I am presently handloading for 5 (five) Varminters in 22-250. It looks like the average comparsion in loadings uses 9+ grains less of powder in the 204 vs. the 22-250! Efficiency and cost savings go to the 204 - wouldn't you say?
I may add to this already overwhelmingly in favor of the 204 Ruger "listing" shortly!
My man from up north is coming up the drive to pick up a Rifle I mounted a scope on for him.
More in a bit!
Long live the wonderful and efficient 204 Ruger!
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Posts: 3067 | Location: South West Montana | Registered: 20 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Ksmirk: Money earned and I am back!
I do have to commend you for at least answering my question that I posed to you and others (none of which so far have answered)!
Good for you!
Sorry I had to prove you wrong!
I want to refer you to page 85 of the May 2,005 issue of "Rifle" Magazine.
It is on this page (page 85) of the 10 page article that John Barsness wrote, that I will quote from!
Quote: "The only problem with the 22-250 is that in a standard 10 to 12 pound Varmint Rifle it kicks to hard to spot your own shots"!
Mr. Barsness goes on to describe how a 22-250 needs to be in the 18 pound range to achieve "spot your own hits" capability!
Neither Mr. Barsness nor I are "attacking" anyones 22-250's for Varmints or small game - but - reality is reality and one can not sweep under the rug any detrimental attributes of the 22-250 or the 220 Swift!
22-250's and 220 Swifts are fine Varmint cartridges and Rifles but they factually do not measure up to what can be done better, quieter and more efficiently with a 204 Ruger!
And again I reiterate the slightly "subjective" experiences and observations I have regarding the accuracy edge going to the 204 over both the 22-250 and the 220 Swift! Now that is my opinion based on facts I have seen in the field and at the range (regarding accuracy). If one wants to pooh-pooh that observation and contention (regarding the accuracy edge) of mine please do so with your factual observations publicly posted please!
Let me say up front it will take some doing to convince me the typical 220 Swift Varmint Rifle is more accurate than a comparable and comparably equipped 204 Ruger Varminter!
Long live the 204 Ruger cartridge and Rifles!
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Posts: 3067 | Location: South West Montana | Registered: 20 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Well now that this thing has hit 9 pages and nothing has come out of it good for anyone, lots of facts about ballistics, velocity, what one calls a varmint and what someone else thinks is a varmint I say let's kill this thread and leave VarmintGuy to find someone else to preach his vitues of the almighty 204 Ruger! I don't give up but this I feel is an argument that will never end, hell it has gone 9 pages! I can see VarmintGuys point that what everyone else thnks is wrong, I think that some of what I or someone else would consider a varmint does not fit in the wolrd of VarmintGuy so we are wrong to consider say a Fallow deer a varmint? VarmintGuy says no so should we bow down and argree with him on his statements? a varmint is a critter that does damage or is just a pain in the but so should we consider VarmintGuy a varmint? would the great 204 Ruger work on him? I'll have to hand it to VarmintGuy that while he has posted a lot of known facts that the manufactures put out in the world to pull people in he must have every thing ever written n the 204 Ruger so I'd have to say he has way to much time to read, why I have a couple of ideas that come to mind, very few friends that agree with what he says, people around him feel he is to arrogant and don't wish to be around him, he gets his jolly's off on arguing with people even when he is wrong he just won't let up. It must be a misserable life to live and I really feel sorry for him.
VarmintGuy I'll tell you what would you go away if I told you that the 204 Ruger is the best all around varmint killer out there? if to save everyone on this site your mindless carrying on about something that 95% of the people on this board could give a shit less about then the 204 is king in the varmint world. I'm still not going to go out and buy one nor am I going to get a Swift they don't fit the bill for what I WANT in a rifle! simple I have the rifles I feel accomplish my varmint shooting just fine and I just really don't want a 204 or a Swift. Now to end this post, one of the smartest people I knew once told me "Wise men learn more from fools that fools from the wise"

Posts: 166 | Location: Right in the middle of Oklahoma, USA | Registered: 04 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Ksmirk: Kirk, you mean you have been denigrating and bad mouthing the 204 Ruger and you do not even own one!!!
Nor have you ever used one in the field or at the range!!!
Then, again, Kirk you make my point!
You are not dealing in reality or facts! You have a "mind set" and you "try" to arrange things to fit that end!
Open mindedness is a virtue Kirk! Close mindedness is not.
Number of pages don't mean shit to me!
Facts, figures, reality, real life experiences and ballistic charts do!
Your failure to prove cummins cowboys contentions wrong is no ones fault but your own!
Claim now, sour grapes if it makes you feel better! Your arguement is fallacious and thats no ones fault but yours.
I am only pointing out the baseless errors you make! Bad mouthing me won't change reality.
Yeah! I will define Varmints according to the laws of the states, regions and country in which I live!
Fallow Deer are not Varmints in any of them!
You are being absurd in claiming they are!
I would guess the true number of Varmints killed by typical Varminters out numbers the Fallow Deer by about 25,000 to 1! Maybe 100,000 to 1?
Kirk you may cast aspersions as to who you think may be a fool BUT you have been proven foolish with your baseless and error filled postings!
And by baseless I mean you do not even HAVE either a 204 Ruger Rifle NOR a 220 Swift Rifle! Sheesh!
Man - you are foolish!
Stick to things you are at least somewhat familiar with or don't try and besmirch factual observations and experiences by those that do have them!
Maybe you can pick up some "wise" information easier if YOU don't partake of publicly making a fool of yourself!
I own both 22-250's and 220 Swifts and have no reason to state anything but truths about them!
One of the truths I state is that the 204 is ballistically superior (both trajectory wise and in wind bucking capabilty), also its more accurate, more efficient, heats barrels slower, has less recoil, saves money compared to the 220 Swift and 22-250! And the 204 Ruger is very lethal on all manner of Varmints and small game!
I hope you ingest some of this factually based "wisdom" in the manner it is meant to be taken by you! If you contend the 220 Swift is superior to the 204 Ruger YOU are "FOOLING" only yourself!
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Posts: 3067 | Location: South West Montana | Registered: 20 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by VarmintGuy:

I own both 22-250's and 220 Swifts and have no reason to state anything but truths about them!
One of the truths I state is that the 204 is ballistically superior (both trajectory wise and in wind bucking capabilty), also its more accurate, more efficient, heats barrels slower, has less recoil, saves money compared to the 220 Swift and 22-250! And the 204 Ruger is very lethal on all manner of Varmints and small game!
I hope you ingest some of this factually based "wisdom" in the manner it is meant to be taken by you! If you contend the 220 Swift is superior to the 204 Ruger YOU are "FOOLING" only yourself!
Hold into the wind

LOL I have to agree with VG. I have rifles in all three calibers quoted above!!! I can shoot 5 rounds through the swift then let it cool. I can shoot 5-6 rounds through the 22-250, then let it cool. I can shoot 13-15 rounds through the 204 then let it cool. All three barrels were within 15 degrees F. of each other....To me this is the biggest advantage,IMO...This means more dead p-dogs... as for other vermin...I never get that many shots in a row...

Ksmirk, this is in reply to your comment...listed as follows!!!

I can see VarmintGuys point that what everyone else thnks is wrong,

I am thinking you need to speak for yourself....I do not think VG is wrong....He is very opinionated, but you know what..... He has the right to his geesh...

Tell me something!!!! Do you own a 204 ruger? Do you own a 220 swiftt? Do you own a 22-250?

What calibers do you own?


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Ok since you can't seem to get your head out of your ass long enough to actually READ a post I'll point out a couple of them for you,

While I'm not a Swift fan nor a 204 fan I have shot them both and I still go back to my little ol' 17 Remington. You can read this from a post on page 8.

Now while you tried to read into my post some other things to get your argument chubby I never tried to say anything bad about either of the rounds nor did I say anything to support one or the other (read it again) now as far as the perfect varmint round I would have to say the 22-250 Remington! why you ask, light recoil but it is more than your 204, you can buy rounds for it about anywhere in the nation, it does a heck of job and has proven itself for anything up to and including hogs, deer, and I'm sure many more so called varmints. another post from page 8.

Now if you can find some information for your 204 Ruger with some 55gr. bullets please post it so that a true compairison between the 204 and Swift can be made! hell my 17 Remington has the same ballistics as my 22-250 but the 17 is firing a 20gr. V-Max and the 22-250 is firing a 55gr. bullet so does that mean due to less powder the 17 Remington is better than the 22-250? another post from page 8.

I could see where you could possibly be set in your ways and are probably used to getting what you want so if you would like to argue the point of the 204 being superior to anything do a compairison with apples to apples, put a 32gr. pill in a Swift and then compair the 2 or stick a 40gr. pill in each (yes they make 40gr. for both) then lets see what the numbers come out to? Another post from page 8.

Now find out where I am badmouthing the 204! find out where I am badmouthing the Swift! then I'd like to see some data compairing your 204 to the 17 Remington?

Oneshot_onekill while I do not own a 204 (I don't care to) I have never badmouthed the round! I don't feel it fits into what I do, the reason I don't own a 22-250 anymore is the barrel heating up factor you mentioned (I have owned 3) the Swift has the same problem of heating up quick also the reason I don't own one, I shoot a 223 for pasture moggots and I also use a 17 Remington and it will do the same as the 204 as far as heat goes. As far as posting "I can see VarmintGuys point that what everyone else thinks is wrong" read some of the post before posting, you will see that everything anyone has said about caliber, varmint description, or thought is wrong to him. I am very much for the rigth of opionion but to tell me my opioion is wrong cause it does not go along with your opinion? come on now. As far as calibers I own, 17 Remington, 223, 6.5x55, 308. these are the rounds I feel best suits my needs, are they the best? for me I feel they are just like VarmintGuy feels his 204 is the cats meow, I have owned 3 22-250's and they are great rounds, I used them from blackbirds all the way up to deer but they did not fit my needs or wants so I don't have them anymore, 8x57, 7x57 Mauser in military and sporterized versions and are great rounds also, but I have figured out that I only use the ones I have now so why have an arsenal? I don't collect I use them and why have something around that I don't use? another argument in itself. So Oneshot_onekill please go back and read some of the post and let me know where I was badmouthing any round, if any badmouthing was there it was toward VarmintGuy in his lack of ability to read a post and then turn around and post trash. Now it's a Friday and ol' St. Patrick is to be honored so if I don't post anything back it's due to the celebrating of a good drinking day and night so the best to you all.

Posts: 166 | Location: Right in the middle of Oklahoma, USA | Registered: 04 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Ksmirk: AKA (also known as) "204 Ruger naysayer"!
I also have a fair amount of experience with the 17 Remington. I presently own (2) two Varmint Rifles in this caliber.
Again I give the nod to all around better Varmint caliber to the 204 Ruger!
Be patient Ksmirk, the ballistic evidence will soon fall upon your hapless head!
Seperate discussion this may be - the 204 Ruger vs. the 17 Remington, and more pertinent on another posting perhaps?
We still have not gotten you and some others to unmask your unbased and biased negativism toward the 204 Ruger!
The 204's proven and obvious factual ballistic superiority over the Swift does not dwindle one iota when you try to "dance around" in your 55 grain bullet "red herring" DODGE!
Typically folks shoot 32, 35, 39 and 40 grain bullets from their 204's! Virtually all of the Varmint and small game Hunters I companion with and have seen afield use 50, 52 and 55 grain bullets in their 220 Swifts! Yes both cartridges have other weight bullet offerings but these are the most popular and by far the most used!
I have NEVER seen anyone shoot even a 50 grain bullet out of a 204 Ruger!
These "common usage weights" are the comparisons I cite in the superiority of the 204 Ruger vs. the 220 Swift and the 22-250 as well!
Now again for you slow learners (or early St. Patricks day imbibers!) I contend, and prove, that the 204 is the better cartridge ballistically and in an all around proven (factual) manner! More efficient, more economical, slower to heat barrels, less recoil etc etc etc!
I interject my "OPINION" only in the realm of the 204 Rugers accuracy edge over the 220 Swift! My opinion is based on EXTENSIVE decades long use of the Swift and going on two years use of my three 204 Ruger Varmint Rifles AND observations of many other 204 Rugers performing in the field and at the range over the last two years!
That again is opinion - I invited Ksmirk to compare his opinions (observations) with mine BUT it turns out he has never owned a 204 Ruger NOR a 220 Swift!
I invite anyone else to provide their input regarding my "opinion" (based on extensive field and range work!) regarding the comparative accuracy of their 204 Rugers and 220 Swifts.
Nope the "red herring" Ksmirk that you burp up regarding the 55 grain bullets in the 204 Ruger is not going to fly either. I rank that cannard right up there with Fallow Deer being Varmints!
Ksmirk you want data comparisons for the 17 Remington vs. the 204 Ruger then simply find a free 2,006 Remington catalog and refer to the trajectory table titled Centerfire Ballistics! This table is on page 79 of this publication!
The 204 Ruger shows clear superiority (and astounding superiority in many respects!) over the 17 Remington!
Pay close attention Ksmirk to the FACTS contained in both the Short Range Trajectory table (out to 300 yards) and to the Long Range Trajectory table (out to 500 yards)!
For instance, there Ksmirk, you will find in the long range table the FACT that the 204 Ruger when sighted in at 200 yards shoots 15 inches flatter at 500 yards than one of the 17 Remington offerings! All the while that 17 Remington offering is sighted in at 250 YARDS! Or 50 yards further downrange than where the 204 Ruger offerings are sighted in at! The 204 Ruger still best it by that much! Astounding superiority there!
Yeah, Ksmirk, I contend (and am again proven correct by published data!) that the 204 Ruger is ballistically superior to ANOTHER very fine Varmint caliber (the 17 Remington) besides the original topic of this thread - the 220 Swift!
In fact in a quick perusal of ALL the Rifle cartridges that Remington loads I see NO cartridge that has a flatter 500 yard trajectory when sighted in at the same distance as the 204 Ruger is in this table!
As I double check that lengthy listing of calibers I do see that the 6.8 Remington Special in the 115 grain weight does best the 204 Ruger by 1.9" at 500 yards (28.1" drop for the 204 vs. 26.2" drop for the 6.8 RS). I am not familiar with this new cartridge but I will say this - it is a flat shooter with the 115 gr. bullet (recoil though?)!
Anyway go ease your pain with some green beer and don't go away mad just go away with the KNOWLEDGE that the 204 Ruger is a splendid performer ballistically!
And its accurate!
And its efficient!
And its economical!
And it has VERY light recoil!
Etc etc etc!
Long live the wonderful new 204 Ruger!
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VarmintGuy, I am going to point out the fact that I really don't care! my whole point I was trying to make is that the 204 is not the best for EVERYONE! is this a short enough post to figure it out?

Posts: 166 | Location: Right in the middle of Oklahoma, USA | Registered: 04 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Can't help myself....

If the definition of a 'varmint' is 'vermin', then here in Australia (not Austria) Fallow Deer are classified as vermin by landowners, but by Gov't regs, as 'game animals'.

VG, I would have thought that you would at least have had the intellect to notice where I'm from... Doh!!

Having said that, I had a epiphany last night!!

The Good Lord Himself!!! Praise His Almighty Righteousness!!!

He Came to me in a Dream!!!

And told me!!!

The 204 is indeed the Best!!! Varmint cartridge ever made!!! It shoots everything!!! It kills everything!! The shooter can see!! by the grace of the good lord almighty what he has done!! (Funny, never been a problem for me, but then, I don't flinch...)!!!

Yes indeedy folks, the Good Lord has sayeth to me IN PERSON, (well, it was a dream) that the 204 IS INDEED so far superior to the 220 that He will, without any notice, SMITE !!!! all those who deny the real truth!!!!!

VG, my apologies!! I now see the error of my misbegotten ways!! Thank you, and Praise The Lord for helping me see the True Light!!

We got 11 pages yet?

A gun is a tool. A moron is a moron. A moron with a hammer who busts something is still just a moron, it's not a hammer problem. Daniel77
Posts: 1275 | Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia | Registered: 02 May 2002Reply With Quote
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I'm surprised that I haven't seen much about the 22-250AI.
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Originally posted by rugeruser:
Can't help myself....

If the definition of a 'varmint' is 'vermin', then here in Australia (not Austria) Fallow Deer are classified as vermin by landowners, but by Gov't regs, as 'game animals'.

VG, I would have thought that you would at least have had the intellect to notice where I'm from... Doh!!

Having said that, I had a epiphany last night!!

The Good Lord Himself!!! Praise His Almighty Righteousness!!!

He Came to me in a Dream!!!

And told me!!!

The 204 is indeed the Best!!! Varmint cartridge ever made!!! It shoots everything!!! It kills everything!! The shooter can see!! by the grace of the good lord almighty what he has done!! (Funny, never been a problem for me, but then, I don't flinch...)!!!

Yes indeedy folks, the Good Lord has sayeth to me IN PERSON, (well, it was a dream) that the 204 IS INDEED so far superior to the 220 that He will, without any notice, SMITE !!!! all those who deny the real truth!!!!!

VG, my apologies!! I now see the error of my misbegotten ways!! Thank you, and Praise The Lord for helping me see the True Light!!

We got 11 pages yet?

I'm glad you've finally seen the light, Brother.
Can I get an A-Men?

Shhh, or before you know it everybody will want one.I know I sure like mine, both of them.


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Stepchil' ...

A'men Brother... Big Grin

A gun is a tool. A moron is a moron. A moron with a hammer who busts something is still just a moron, it's not a hammer problem. Daniel77
Posts: 1275 | Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia | Registered: 02 May 2002Reply With Quote
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I own the 22-250 that shoots a 55 gr bullet at 3660 fps and I own the 257 WBY Mag that shoots the 85 gr bullet at 3779 fps. I'm not in compation with anyone except the ground hogs.
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Ksmirk: You can try to change subjects here mid thread IF you want to but that still does not change any facts regarding the superior 204 Ruger vs. the 220 Swift!
If you say its not right for everyone then thats your contention!
I have never made mention ever that the 204 Ruger is the best for everyone!
Some folks (and I have seen them trying to accomplish this!) like to shoot Varmints at extreme ranges - 1,000+ yards! I personally think its boring and ineffective, a waste of time and does not often result in cleanly killt Varmints! Nope the 204 Ruger would make things even worse out past 1,000 yards. But on the corollary side one of those 1,000+ yard Rifles (manglems!) would not be suited very well for 98% of the Varminting that does go on in North America! Like an 18 pound 300 RUM being used as a night calling Rifle, a close quarters calling Rifle, as a walkabout Varminter, as a sage Rat Rifle, as a truck Gun and etc!
But I do find that my 204 Ruger Rifles work quite well for virtually all the Varminting I partake in!
Indeed I had one of my 204's out in the SNOW with me all day today! Yes, its snowing in SW Montana and it is wet snow! We need the moisture but it sure made our day Safari suck!
I would say though Ksmirk that a 204 Ruger Varmint Rifle with a variable power scope on it would work pretty darn well for 98% of North American Varminting!
Long live the wonderful 204 Ruger!
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Rugeruser: You have proven yourself not as a prophet of God - but only as a fool!
You say foolish things, you sound foolish and you are bereft of valid argument yet you blather on!
I noticed where you are from and I also noticed how you are failing at convincing anyone but yourself that the 220 Swift is choice #1 on Fallow Deer at 400 yards!
If anyone is doing such tripe as you infer then that person has a host of better calibers that would work better and more humanely than the 220 Swift for that application! The Fallow Deer I have been in the field near were not difficult at all to get within 100 yards of!
Maybe you should try "stalking" a little closer to them!
Poor choice (example) in other words there Rugeruser - and another failed attempt at throwing "red herrings" at an argument YOU have already lost!
It makes you appear stupid and petty there Rugeruser to try to define a large, antlered, cloven hoofed, Big Game Animal as a Varmint!
I quickly perused the threads on the "Varmint Hunting" portion of this VERY site and not once is the Fallow Deer mentioned as a Varmint that I could find!
Your lack of valid and credible argument has failed you - don't further humiliate yourself with stupid attempts at word play!
Fallow Deer and Elephants as Varmints - LOL enjoy your mushrooms, MATE!
Long live the wonderful, popular, efficient, accurate, ballistically superior and economical 204 Ruger!
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30+ years ago when I got ahold of my very first 22-250(A Remington Varmint Special with 24" barrel) I thought that it was GOD'S gift to varminting!! And it was probably then!!! Yes I had shot the 17Remington and it was absolutely fun to shoot varmints with out to 250 yards ......unless a housefly farted within 3 feet of the bulles trajectory while making its travel!! The 17 Remington does not even need to be considered in this discussion but somebody brought it up! The 17 Remington does not a wart on a .204's butt make!!! I have shot thousands upon thousands of rounds with various 22-250's and hold an inborn fondness for what that cartridge is capable of!! HOWEVER!! I have also shot thousands of rounds from various .204 Rugers(I actually typed that word Ruger!!!...first time in a long time!!!....I prefer just .204!!!) and after EXTENSIVE paper testing and also mailing groundhogs and crows hundreds of airmail invitations home, am confident in agreeing with VG that the .204 is the best varminting choice to come down the pike! The lack of recoil (in the same model,Model 12VLP, Model 12,VLS, whatever configuration you choose, reduced powder charges, absolute WINNING external ballistics, make the .204 the choice for most practical varminting out there!! AND just today while conversing with a fellow varmint hunter and discussing the .204, he brought out the fact that in a "deer depopulation"(whitetails are varmints too around here!!!!!!!!) hunt this winter, that he had taken my lead and used the .204 to dispatch several old "nannys" using the 32 grain Hornadys!! His revalation to me was the .204 at ranges of 320 -350 yards with well placed, bullet placement was unbeleivable in dispatching the large varmints with humane and repeatable performance!!
Long live all us varmint hunting accurate rifle loving gun nuts!!! GHD

Groundhog Devastation(GHD)
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Originally posted by VarmintGuy:

I noticed where you are from and I also noticed how you are failing at convincing anyone but yourself that the 220 Swift is choice #1 on Fallow Deer at 400 yards!

VG, where did I say that I regard any 22 cal as suitable for fallow??

Simple question, requiring nothing more than a simple answer... are you up to it?

A gun is a tool. A moron is a moron. A moron with a hammer who busts something is still just a moron, it's not a hammer problem. Daniel77
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VarmintGuy, I will have to give it to you that is one of the most down to earth post you have made. Now what I have been trying to say from the get go is that the 204 ain't the cats meow for everyone! I have never bad mouthed any cartridge talked about and if anyone thinks so please show it to me. I try to make a point of this and you seem to take it as negative and take off a different direction, you have made me out to be a 204 hater which is ridiculous! if it goes boom I like them but I don't always buy me one. Now if you think that I'm changing the subject please show me how? I'm still pointing out the same fact that I have from my fisrt post that while the 204 might be great for some we all don't really care about owning one! is it better than the Swift, 22-250, 17 Remington? who really cares? I don't. There is one thing that I don't care who you are, well maybe some folks may not think the same but you put me in a hot p-dog town mgun with any of the metioned rounds and I'm gonna have FUN Big Grin if I pay attention none of the calibers will heat up to bad and when they do I can sit back drink a beer and give my buddies a hard time animal Now can I get an Amen!

Posts: 166 | Location: Right in the middle of Oklahoma, USA | Registered: 04 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by groundhog devastation:
unless a housefly farted within 3 feet of the bulles trajectory while making its travel!! The 17 Remington does not even need to be considered in this discussion

You are ignorantly hilarious.
Your perfect material for the marketers of the Ruger/Hornady duo.
You are exactly what they are looking for.
Please, no .220 swift fire next to the sheep, or they'll bolt and scatter.

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HELL YES Ksmirk on having fun not this bickering bs that has been going for 9 pages. Go shoot what you want and enjoy, Long live the swift!
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Originally posted by Ksmirk:
VarmintGuy, I will have to give it to you that is one of the most down to earth post you have made. Now what I have been trying to say from the get go is that the 204 ain't the cats meow for everyone! I have never bad mouthed any cartridge talked about and if anyone thinks so please show it to me. I try to make a point of this and you seem to take it as negative and take off a different direction, you have made me out to be a 204 hater which is ridiculous! if it goes boom I like them but I don't always buy me one. Now if you think that I'm changing the subject please show me how? I'm still pointing out the same fact that I have from my fisrt post that while the 204 might be great for some we all don't really care about owning one! is it better than the Swift, 22-250, 17 Remington? who really cares? I don't. There is one thing that I don't care who you are, well maybe some folks may not think the same but you put me in a hot p-dog town mgun with any of the metioned rounds and I'm gonna have FUN Big Grin if I pay attention none of the calibers will heat up to bad and when they do I can sit back drink a beer and give my buddies a hard time animal Now can I get an Amen!



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I may get flamed for this, but..

Why argue over which is better? As long as the varmint turns into a red vapor cloud it doen't matter whether you use the .204, .220, 22-250, or whatever..

Use what you like regardless of what the next guy prefers.

If you have to track your animal, you aren't using a big enuff gun.
Posts: 31 | Location: Brookville, PA | Registered: 11 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by knight0334:
I may get flamed for this, but..

Why argue over which is better? As long as the varmint turns into a red vapor cloud it doen't matter whether you use the .204, .220, 22-250, or whatever..

Use what you like regardless of what the next guy prefers.

Welcome to the VARIBAN Gov. Convert to 204 or DIE! Infedel!
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Originally posted by knight0334:
I may get flamed for this, but..

Why argue over which is better? As long as the varmint turns into a red vapor cloud it doen't matter whether you use the .204, .220, 22-250, or whatever..

Use what you like regardless of what the next guy prefers.

Pretty much what several other people have pointed out
If there was one caliber that was BEST, they would only make rifles in one caliber

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Being a .225 Winchester fan, I'm sure I'll feel the "love" here soon..

If you have to track your animal, you aren't using a big enuff gun.
Posts: 31 | Location: Brookville, PA | Registered: 11 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by knight0334:

Being a .225 Winchester fan, I'm sure I'll feel the "love" here soon..

I bought a 225 because when I was a kid and easily impressed my neighbor had a 225.
I like mt Winchester 70 in 225 with a varmint barrel but do not shoot it as much as I should

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Let's hear it for the .225 Win.

I say we all just settle on it as being the best ever, and this discussusion is over. Wink

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Thanks to a recently received off line E-mail message I must correct a previous posting of mine!
The 204 Ruger does indeed retain its ballistic superiority over EVEN the new 6.8 Remington Special!
Emphatically so.
Apparently the Remington 2,005 catalog is in error as the Remington Arms Online Ballistic Site shows an obvious and impressive superiority to the 204's trajectory!
The Remington on line site show when compared side by side (with the same 200 yard sight in for the 204 and the 6.8) out at 500 yards the 204 does in fact have a 25" FLATTER trajectory than the 6.8! Again this is according to the Remington on line ballistic comparsion!
I think I have discovered the root of that posting error on my part! I was quoting from the 2,005 Remington catalog thinking it was the 2,006 catalog, and it had the erroneous trajectory number for the 6.8 Remington Special!
In fact now that I have the 2,006 Remington catalog back on top of "the stack"! It shows the 204 Ruger having a 40" flatter trajectory than the 6.8 Remington Special!
Sorry for any confusion that may have ensued after I quoted the 2,005 catalog with its obvious erroneous numbers for the 6.8.
Long live the wonderful and ballistically superior 204 Ruger!
Its in a class by itself!
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one thing to learn from this- never argue with an idiot they will beat you down with experience!!!!!
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Originally posted by VarmintGuy:
ballistically superior 204 Ruger!

Do you do stand up comedy on the side.

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Savage dud: You are obviously to stupid to be able to discern facts from fraud!
Make your case why don't you, oh wise one!
Where has any poster here stated anything that is not true? Prove them wrong - if you can?
I respect a good give and take and if you call that idiocy then what in the world are you doing here on an open forum board???
Make your opinion known and make your case or entertain yourself somewhere else!
Your brand of sniping is specious (without merit) and detracts only from yourself!
Experiences are interesting and that is part of what forum's are about.
If your experiences differ from some on this forum, then state them and make your case - if you don't have the cajones to do that then again your childlike sniping is unimpressive and pointless - "dudlike" in other words.
Long live the 204 Ruger!
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17 Rem: I thought with the "ass whooping" Groundhog devastation recently gave you, you would realize the error of your ways and slink off - like a tiny, red, unthinking, godzilla like creature.
Obviously you also have no idea what the 204 Ruger is capable of!
Pity that.
Again just like I chastised profoundly the immature and empty "super dud" - show up with some facts and experiences where the 220 Swift (and the 17 Remington if you believe in it?) surpasses the 204 Ruger with safe, realistic, commonly used loadings and or with factory loads!
You may try to make fun of the experiences small game and Varmint Hunters that HAVE lots of trigger time with the cartridges in question but that is not an effective argument! In fact its just immature and imbecilic. State your facts and figures and "real life experiences" if you can?
Somehow I don't think you have it in you and you obviously would not make a pimple on Mr. Groundhog devastation's ass - "small caliber" experience wise that is!
Long live the wonderful and superior 204 Ruger!
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VarmintGuy, are we good on the fact that the point I have been trying to make since my first post that all rounds are fine that one round just does not fit into everyones nitch? do you agree that I never said anything bad about the 204 or Swift for that fact? I'm not giving up I just don't want to be touted as disliking any round out there!
Now I will admit to the fact that I don't see the use of the 6.8 as a hunting round, while it may be good for close up combat in the AR platform (I'm ready for flaming) I just don't think the 270 caliber based rounds are worth much! none were exploited as much as the 270 and if it weren't for that people listened to the press and (I'm not that old) the guy that pushed the 270 as the do all round of the world (Yes I did own a 270) where would it be now?
Now I'm gonna get ready to go to bed so all the 270 fans can cuss me if you want but remember this is an opinion and my opinion. Yes VarmintGuy I admit this is one round that I do dislike. Later,

Posts: 166 | Location: Right in the middle of Oklahoma, USA | Registered: 04 December 2003Reply With Quote
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And the Varmintgirl tirade continues....

Surely you must be out handloadin your SuperWannabe 2040 Rugermatic Express too busy to check right back in here to type out another 1,200 word reply. [I'd recommend you try a good bit of blackpowder this time, but do stand back and detonate by remote.]

Or, more likely, you're probably planning the next Super Varmintgirl gay varmint safari, getting all ready and prepped (with vasoline) to lead (from the rear) gay varmint hunters after the elusive, rarely spotted pink panthers, which habitat only you, the great VG, know and frequent so well.

I'm sorry. You make me nauseous by your blathering.
Posts: 128 | Location: Rio Arriba County, NM | Registered: 27 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Well. VarmintGuy tries to do you all a favour by alerting you all to a great new calibre to buy, and what thanks does he get for showing his enthusiasm? It's a damn shame, that's what it is.
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I've just read the entire nine pages of this thread, post by post, and I feel really crappy; Crappy for a couple of reasons, the first being that I evidently have no life, because if I did I surely would never have considered spending the better part of an hour reading it.

The second reason I feel crappy is because after the 3rd page I knew that this thread was just like a train wreck...horrible, but difficult to turn away from, and I didn't have the wherewithal to avert my gaze.

Damn my weakness for endless debate!

"Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto. "

"Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you."

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Originally posted by VarmintGuy:
17 Rem: I thought with the "ass whooping" Groundhog devastation recently gave you, you would realize the error of your ways

I posted ballistic fact.
GD posted wives tale rhetoric.
We clearly see which one you accept as truth.

Originally posted by VarmintGuy:
show up with some facts and experiences where the 220 Swift (and the 17 Remington if you believe in it?) surpasses the 204 Ruger with safe, realistic, commonly used loadings and or with factory loads!

I already posted the ballistic data,completely ignored by you and GD,you came up with some complete fantasy velocity figures just to try and make the .204 competitive, but were unable to do so.
The .17 showed it's vast superiority for all the world to see.
you can lead a horse's asz...
Well you get the picture.

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Originally posted by 17rem:
Originally posted by VarmintGuy:
17 Rem: I thought with the "ass whooping" Groundhog devastation recently gave you, you would realize the error of your ways

I posted ballistic fact.
GD posted wives tale rhetoric.
We clearly see which one you accept as truth.

Originally posted by VarmintGuy:
show up with some facts and experiences where the 220 Swift (and the 17 Remington if you believe in it?) surpasses the 204 Ruger with safe, realistic, commonly used loadings and or with factory loads!

I already posted the ballistic data,completely GD,you came up with some complete fantasy velocity figures just to try and make the .204 competitive, but were unable to do so.
The .17 showed it's vast superiority for all the world to see.
you can lead a horse's asz...
Well you get the picture.

Religion is for those who fear hell, Spirituality is for those who have been there...
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Religion is for those who fear hell, Spirituality is for those who have been there...
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Originally posted by VarmintGuy:
17 Rem: I thought with the "ass whooping" Groundhog devastation recently gave you, you would realize the error of your ways

I posted ballistic fact.
GD posted wives tale rhetoric.
We clearly see which one you accept as truth.

Originally posted by VarmintGuy:
show up with some facts and experiences where the 220 Swift (and the 17 Remington if you believe in it?) surpasses the 204 Ruger with safe, realistic, commonly used loadings and or with factory loads!

I already posted the ballistic data,completely ignored by GD,you came up with some complete fantasy velocity figures just to try and make the .204 competitive, but were unable to do so.
The .17 showed it's vast superiority for all the world to see.
you can lead a horse's asz...
Well you get the picture.

Religion is for those who fear hell, Spirituality is for those who have been there...
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