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204 beats 220 swift proven fact
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I'm not going to edit one damned thing.

Fuck political correctness.
Posts: 985 | Registered: 06 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by HP Shooter:
I'm not going to edit one damned thing.

Fuck political correctness.

If someone said anything about political correctness I missed it. I'm not poilitcally correct either and I dont give a damn.
but making fun of retarted people is stooping down very low.
It's ok man just leave it there and show the world, or at least everyone who reads this forum what kind of person you really are.

I bet you wouldnt like it if you had a brother or sister, or any family member that was retarted and people were making fun of them would you?

"Science only goes so far then God takes over."
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low power shouter: You are a very small man!
This has nothing to do with political correctness! It has to do with manners, maturity and manliness!
You have never exhibited ANY of these positive features but for pity's sake BOY, making fun of afflicted people who can NOT help themselves is below contempt!
Please set yourself in another direction from your present march on self destruction - edit your post!
It HAS NOTHING TO DO with the subject of the initial posting or the merits of the arguments pro or con posted since!
You edit your immature, repulsive and undignified post regarding the Downs Syndrome folks and I will edit every denunciation of your horrendous reference in that regard that I have made.
Long live the Magical 204 Ruger!
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Posts: 3067 | Location: South West Montana | Registered: 20 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Varmint guy: I bought a 204, and have not started to load for it, or read the specs yet.

How many grains of powder is commonly used with the 40's?

I am using 40's in my 223AI, and 30 grains of H335 at 3850fps. Is that close to 204 stats with 40's?

I see your point about the Swift needing more powder, and more recoil, but it is also achieving those speeds with a heavier bullet.
Posts: 525 | Registered: 21 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Dogcatcher: I have not handloaded any of my 204 Rugers with 40 grain bullets. I have made bullets for them though using various 32 grain bullets and 35 grain Berger bullets only, so far.
My latest 223 by the way is using 27.3 grains of H 335 powder and 52 grain bullets and that is a splendidly accurate loading in my standard 223. Apparently that H 335 is a good powder in the 223's!
I am attempting to link the Hodgdons site with load data for the 204 Ruger and the 39 grain bullets and H 335 (Max load = 26.8 grs.).

here comes the link:

Hope you can make connection. Sierra also has some very EYE OPENING loads for the 204's! I have a hard copy of that which they sent to me. I am not sure if its online anywhere as yet.

My latest Remington catalog shows their 204 Ruger ammunition with the 40 grain AccuTip V Boattail having a muzzle velocity of 3,900 F.P.S.!

And we also know or must consider that the Swift produces more barrel heat, throat wear and sight picture ruining recoil than many smaller cartridges - like the 204 Ruger!
Yeah the almost 20 grains more of powder and the 23 grains more bullet weight of a normal Swift load than my 32 grain Sierras in my 204's - thats 43 grains more weight entering the recoiling equation!
Like we all know its quite difficult to maintain sight picture with the Swifts we use - NOT SO with the 204's!
Best of luck with your 204!
Please let us all know how it shoots for you and how it performs in the field!
Long live the wonderful new 204 Ruger!
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Posts: 3067 | Location: South West Montana | Registered: 20 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Can someone please, if possible, post a pic of a Swift Cartridge and a 204 Cart, I am just interested to see the design.
All the best

Rhodesian in UK Armed forces.
They stole my Farm, but not my African Spirit!
Posts: 42 | Location: Rhodesian in Wiltshire UK | Registered: 19 September 2005Reply With Quote
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Most big bullet makers have the cartridge drawings on their websites

I am one gun away from being happy
Posts: 906 | Location: NW OH | Registered: 19 January 2003Reply With Quote
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Have you shot any 65 to 150 pound Kangaroos with the 40 grain 204 Ruger projectiles?
Do you think a 65 to 150 pound Kangaroo would NOT die if I shot him with a 40 grain 204 Ruger projectile "at 300 to 350 yards"?
I think it would!

VarmintGuy, I know this question wasn't directed at me, but I HAVE seen the 204 used in the Oz field, and to answer your question, NO, roos hit by a 204 don't die... (not immediately, anyway...) even at 150 yards... if it's a head shot, they do... but a 22mag will do that.

223 runs rings around the 204 in practical terms... 204 is great for rabbits and foxes, but not for anything larger... as to feral dogs, forget it... it simply doesn't have enough grunt to drop 'em... don't even contemplate goats, unless a screaming dying animal lights your fire...

The crap about 300 - 350 yards is fine in theory, but in the real world it's nothing more than B/S... sorry to burst your balloon... Cool

Edited to clarify the definition of dogs... out here, feral dogs are often the offspring of pig hunting dogs (ridgeback/mastiff, etc., etc and dingos and farm dogs... kelpies, border collies, etc...) they ain't little, and they ain't afraid of humans, and they do immense damage to stock... friend of mine lost $30,000 worth of stock in ONE NIGHT to feral dogs... would I use a 204 on them? Nope! Neither my stud breeder mate, nor I give a rats about the so called 'magical properties' of the 204, we like to see the ferals dead... and a 223 does the job.

Oh, and by the way, he owned a 204 (the one that I've seen used on roos...) he sold it and bought a 243.

A gun is a tool. A moron is a moron. A moron with a hammer who busts something is still just a moron, it's not a hammer problem. Daniel77
Posts: 1275 | Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia | Registered: 02 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Rugeruser: My bubble is still completely intact regarding the 204 Ruger! I have not used the 204 Ruger on Kangaroos and PROBABLY never will!
I still have a sneaking feeling that if Kangaroos were capable of rational thought concerning the 204 Ruger and 40 grain bullets - they would not want either VarmintGuy or Rugeruser (or Rugerusers friend!) taking CAREFUL aim at them with said ammunition!
Your experiences then vary from the poster above who contends to the contrary of you regarding Kangaroos.
So be it!
And your contention that the limit of lethality of the 204 Ruger stops at the Fox creatures... well you are simply amazingly incorrect in that position! I know better as I have killed many creatures of several species MUCH Larger than Fox with my 3 204's over the last 19 months!
I am certain that if the Varmints and small game I were to Hunt all weighed 150 pounds and only allowed approach to 350 yards I would prefer one of my other Rifles as well!
Those parameters are probably not the rule in every case though, are they?
The 204 Ruger DOES POSSESS the accuracy to make head shots at 300 to 350 yards AT LEAST as well as the 223. So if you were EVER to be burdened with owning your OWN 204 then I would suggest you simply shoot the Roos - in their heads! Perceived problem solved then, eh mate!
Now to your "dogs" situation. I have killed a number of Coyotes with my various 204's and they have all been one shot kills. Some of the kills were at extended ranges by the way. I killed an adult Coyote just this past week with one of my 204's! One shot kill, this was.
I have complete confidence in the lethality of the 204 on Coyote (dog?) size animals BASED on my own - in the field experiences.
Are you saying that the 204 Ruger your friend had would not kill feral dogs? Your posting was not quite clear in that regard. If so your friends experience is just the opposite of mine!
Best of luck down under there with your 223. But do not attempt to sell the 204 Ruger way short, just yet.
Long live the magical 204 Ruger!
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Posts: 3067 | Location: South West Montana | Registered: 20 August 2002Reply With Quote
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" which case a Benneli is better than the 204 or Swift..."

Yeah, I heard that Brad! Damn thing about the 747, the windows don't fold up...or down. Guess you could hang out in the wheel well, but for 'yote control they are the pits! thumbdown Now wait a minute...Pitts..there's an idea I hadn't considered...a Pitts and a Benneli 12, what a combo that would be! rotflmo

What a perfect world, where every target is 50' wind drift, no drop, no debate!

Is this thread STILL goin' on? I still ain't bought a .204 and the last .22-250 turned into a .250 savage before I shot it....Guess I'll never know the truth of it all. bewildered

If yuro'e corseseyd and dsyelixc can you siltl raed oaky?

Posts: 9647 | Location: Yankeetown, FL | Registered: 31 August 2002Reply With Quote
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When and why did you land a plane in the bob marshal? Or was it just a hypothetical situation? Curious minds want to know.
Posts: 59 | Registered: 21 September 2003Reply With Quote
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This has to be oe of the funniest threads I have read in years.... pissers

Dunno what you guys do in the field (ie, real world), but out here, we don't use a benchrest to shoot roos... it's usually done over the bonnet of a vehicle, or a similar rest...

Head shots on a roo? Well, I'm a grazier, and have pro roo shooters come onto the place to cull them... (the roos, not graziers.. Big Grin )

350 yards is a looooong way when you're trying to nail something the size of a tennis ball that's moving...

How 'bout next time you're down under you drop me a line, and you show me just how effective the 'Miracle 204' is...

Ball's in your court...

A gun is a tool. A moron is a moron. A moron with a hammer who busts something is still just a moron, it's not a hammer problem. Daniel77
Posts: 1275 | Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia | Registered: 02 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Here's the location of the post over on the Ruger board by the Aussie culling some roos with a 204 .

By the way , it seems he was mostly shooting them in the lungs .

Also , here;s a post from a guy on the East coast culling whitetails with a 204

"Chalk up deer #3 for the .204 for me this year! Already shot a buck in the neck, a doe behind the shoulder, and now a doe in the head! She came out at about 175yds and I bleated to get her to stop and look at me. Touched off between her eyes and got a good wind reading from the mist that came off her head! That .204 sure does make a distinct pop when it hits!
Major accomplishments with my gun so far:
Longest kill shot-425yds on a crow
2nd longest kill shot-400yds on a coyote
Best group-.102" @ 200yds
Deer killed: 6pt buck in neck at 75yds, doe behind shoulder at 75yds, doe in head at 175yds "

Being a Ruger fan , you ought to go check out that board anyway .

Neither the 204 or the 223 would be my choice for such culling , or for 100 lb dogs I wanted DEAD either . It just goes to show you what can be accomplished with a small caliber and careful shot placement . But beaucoup folks have had zero problems killing coyotes at reasonable ranges with 204 s , so I have a hard time swallowing your assertion that a 204 won't reliably put down border collie sized stuff .

Any big difference in killing power between the 223 and 204 is going to be strictly a matter of bullet construction and shot placement .
Posts: 1660 | Location: Gary , SD | Registered: 05 March 2001Reply With Quote
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and your point is?

I note that TANKMAN also states that:

"Going through my records (required by law) i have found that of the 472 (rabbits , hares and feral cats not included ) animals taken with my .204 , more than 40% of these required either a follow up shot or ran more than 20 yds . these animals were either dogs , dingoes , goats , pigs , red or fallow deer . I feel that the margin for error is so slim that i have stopped using the .204 for any thing larger than small dogs ."

More than 40% didn't instantly succumb to the Magical Mystery 204... ummm... maybe I'm missing something here, but it sure as shit don't sound like the be all and end all of killers to me!!

Most of the feral dogs I shoot are considerably larger than a a border collie... TANKMAN's own observations support my stance...

As to many of his other assertions, I can assure you that as a grazier, my father, his father, myself, and my son regularly use a 22 rf to cull roos... it's not our preferred option, but when you have over 120000 acres to look after, 6 cents a shot seems a lot better than 30-40 cents a shot... yes, we do reload, but we don't have the time...

A gun is a tool. A moron is a moron. A moron with a hammer who busts something is still just a moron, it's not a hammer problem. Daniel77
Posts: 1275 | Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia | Registered: 02 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by rugeruser:

and your point is?

I note that TANKMAN also states that:

"Going through my records (required by law) i have found that of the 472 (rabbits , hares and feral cats not included ) animals taken with my .204 , more than 40% of these required either a follow up shot or ran more than 20 yds . these animals were either dogs , dingoes , goats , pigs , red or fallow deer . I feel that the margin for error is so slim that i have stopped using the .204 for any thing larger than small dogs ."

More than 40% didn't instantly succumb to the Magical Mystery 204... ummm... maybe I'm missing something here, but it sure as shit don't sound like the be all and end all of killers to me!!

Most of the feral dogs I shoot are considerably larger than a a border collie... TANKMAN's own observations support my stance...

As to many of his other assertions, I can assure you that as a grazier, my father, his father, myself, and my son regularly use a 22 rf to cull roos... it's not our preferred option, but when you have over 120000 acres to look after, 6 cents a shot seems a lot better than 30-40 cents a shot... yes, we do reload, but we don't have the time...

I am just about to leave the Armed Forces here in the UK , Reluctant to return home to Zimbabwe as we no longer have our farm ....... I was wondering ..... do you happen to have any jobs going???
I work hard and do as I am told, (I am in the Infantry)
Sorry to hijack the thread and seem a bit cheeky but you never know unless you ask sofa

Rhodesian in UK Armed forces.
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I thank you for your posts on this subject. I think some of the primary posters here are, bullshitters. Here's an example of some of the same SHIT, I have listened to over the last 35 or so years.

I had a friend Galen Cole, real nice guy, but prone to a little BS. It seems he went over to Nevada to shoot mules and donkeys with the then "Magical" 17/223 Rem. He came back with all these stories of how when shot, the donkey,burro's,etc, sides turned "blue" when hit. When we asked him how many ran or had to have follow up shots, He went into a hole and hid. All these little guns, including the GREAT 220 Swift, have limitations, and I don't like having an animal run off and suffer because I didn't use enough gun.

A couple of years ago, my friend Jeff Orr and I shot 75 coyotes, mostly with 243 caliber guns. One shot I remember was 406yds Jeff made with a 6MM Rem. The coyote dropped in his tracks. WE wouldn't have taken the shot with any lighter gun. Coyotes shot with 22's and smaller, will run off unless they are close, spined, or head shot.


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I have seen many, many whitetails shot with far heavier calibers than we are talking about here "run more than 20 yards" or "require follow up shots" , so what is your point ?

My point is , again , there is going to be little difference in killing power between the 223 and 204 , while you are making the 223 out as the magic one.....there is also going to be little margin for error on 100lb plus game with a 223 .....

I've killed one hefty whitetail myself with a 223 ......but he ran a good hundred yards after a perfect lung shot. Have also seen yotes run off after SEVERAL 223 hits and also hits from even bigger calibers. Hit them where they live , at a reasonable distance , and with a proper bullet and the 204 will do OK.


All bullshit aside , I know of a number of folks that prefer the 40 gr ballistic tips out of some sort of .22 caliber cartridge for their yote shooting . Do you seriously believe , if you make that same 40 gr bullet into a 20 caliber ,and run it at about the same velocity , it's not going to do about the same job , given equal construction ?

I haven't seen anyone here claim the 204 will turn a mule blue (1000 lb. animal for cripes sake) , or petrify them or paralize them either LOL . But the 204 is NOT a 17 caliber , and a few hardheads can't seem to discern the difference.........
Posts: 1660 | Location: Gary , SD | Registered: 05 March 2001Reply With Quote
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The story I posted about the 17 and the burros, was only a story to illustrate, at least in my opinion 'STUFF" I have been hearing since 1969 or 70. As to 40 grain bullets, it won't make a tinkers damn which caliber it comes out of if the vels are about the same. I have no axe to grind with any particular bullet, or the 204 for that matter. As to magical, there is only one magical cartridge, and that is the 270 Winchester, but we will save that for another time, LOL! My comments on this thread, have been in regard to general experience shooting coyote size critters. There are lots of opinions, but in general practice, and at the longer ranges, for sure fire humane results, Calibers larger than 22 are required.


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If I made a "perfect lung shot" on a deer and it ran several hundred yards, I'd sure as hell be packing something else next time I went deer hunting. By the same token, I've never had to shoot a coyote "several" times to get him to lay still.
That sounds kinda like the fellow that has a "bullet failure" "'cause I made a "perfect heart shot" with my superpooper and the deer ran away never to be found."

I think its about time to throw the Bullshit flag on this whole thread. It started out with a bunch of confrontational bullshit and hasn't improved.
Posts: 367 | Location: WV | Registered: 06 October 2005Reply With Quote
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. Do you seriously believe , if you make that same 40 gr bullet into a 20 caliber ,and run it at about the same velocity , it's not going to do about the same job , given equal construction ?.

To get the majical trajectory from the 204 you need the 32gr bullet

I am one gun away from being happy
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I have seen many, many whitetails shot with far heavier calibers than we are talking about here "run more than 20 yards" or "require follow up shots" , so what is your point ?

Well, first thing crosses my mind is that maybe 'roos don't go 20 yards horizontally. What if it gets stuck up in a tree? What if the damn thing lands on ya? Confused

I watched an elephant drop from a single shot from an M-16 once. Doesn't mean I'd recommend the .223 for the purpose though. FWIW, trying to make a cartridge something it ain't...well, it's a fool's mission. Sooner or later the fool will try something else.

I'm starting to root for this thread BTW. Got a side bet as to whether it or the Energizer Bunny runs out of gas first. Wink

If yuro'e corseseyd and dsyelixc can you siltl raed oaky?

Posts: 9647 | Location: Yankeetown, FL | Registered: 31 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Ive got 25 acres to graze and 3 wild hogs i'd like to trade for 20,000 acres and some roo's to cull. Whats roo sausage taste like?
Posts: 195 | Location: Athens Texas "The Black-Eye'd Pea Capitol of The World" | Registered: 25 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Digital Dan says...
"I'm starting to root for this thread BTW. Got a side bet as to whether it or the Energizer Bunny runs out of gas first. "

Well, maybe theorizing the use of Sierra MatchKings for hunting with a 204 Ruger will make the thread live on in perpetuity...
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How about you read my last post and quit the BS. You are all special and so are you cartriges.

Pay close attention to this question.


Originally posted by sierrabravo45:

I just want to know one thing....

How old are all of you????

I have been reading these forums off and on since the 23rd of November 2002. I only have around 230+ posts....

You guys want to know why????

Because I was in college learning but also getting laid, thats what I was doing with my time (instead of being on the computer).....

The reason I was wondering about your age is that I had a few other questions.

When you get older does arguing on the internet get you off??

Is arguing on the internet better than sex???

From the amount you guys are arguing, I think it does....

Now if you do have a problem (For you older gentlemen such as Getting the big E) There are products to help you out. I have also heard (from friends) that there is some good porn out there on the internet Wink.....You guys might to check that out. People argue less and are more relaxed after sex. Some of you might want to try it... clap

I just hope that in 30 years I will not be turning on my computer instead of turning on my wife. Smiler

Not trying to get a rise out of anyone Smiler.

Just wanted to have some fun in the new year!!!!

I actually heard that the guys who visit the "Big Bore Forum" are just there to compensate. jumping

Mink and Wall Tents don't go together. Especially when you are sleeping in the Wall Tent.
DRSS .470 & .500

Posts: 1051 | Location: The Land of Lutefisk | Registered: 23 November 2002Reply With Quote
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Hairtrigger: Have you shot a 204 with 40 grain bullets as yet?
Or have you looked at the wonderful trajectory of that bullet in published sources?
Over typical Hunting ranges the 204 Ruger is an amazingly flat shooting cartridge!

And for the aussie that is shooting at Kangaroos heads as they bound along at 350 yards distance - I have news for you MATE! You could hit that bounding Kangaroos head much easier with a 204 than with a 223!
Why, you may not understand, so I will explain it to you!
The 204 shoots much faster than the 223! Therefore the bullet gets to the Kangaroo quicker! Less chance for sighting errors and leading time (leading distance) to take effect and cause misses! Also the faster, flatter shooting 204 makes for less holdover (guesswork as the Roo is bounding along!) and the 204 is also much better in the wind than the 223 so AGAIN hits with the 204 Ruger are more easily made!
Personally I do not make it a habit of shooting at bounding game at 350 yards! I bring to bag all the game I care to by being patient, picking my shots and NOT shooting at "bounding" game!
A hit in the head with the 204 on a bounding Kangaroo is obviously going to be more easily done with the 204 Ruger than with 223's and most other guns by the way! But I would still not recommend Hunters make this a first choice situation!
It sure does sound though like others have found the 204 Ruger to be "effective" on larger game - head shot or lung shot!
Maybe one should not become overly involved in critiquing the 204 Ruger until they have a season or two of in field use "under their belts" with it?
Long live the Magical 204 Ruger!
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Jerry Eden: You have obviously misspoke or are trying to bullshit us with your completely baseless and ERRONEOUS contention that "Coyotes shot with 22 centerfires (or smaller) - will run off unless close, spined or head shot"!
I will contain my full contempt for your blazingly ridiculous comment until you clarify it!
But let me give you a hint up front here Jerry! I have been killing Coyotes at "long distances" for more than 40 years now with centerfire 22's and since somewhat more recently with 17 caliber centerfires and for the last 19 months now with 20 caliber Rifles!
I never aim for their spines and I have shot EXACTLY one Coyote in the head in recent memory. And I do not recall the last Coyote that I lost!
Sheesh, man you are simply (if I understand you correctly) not in touch with reality regarding the lethality of the 22's, 20's and 17's!
I need not use the plural in relaying MY experiences Jerry (like you do - "we simply would not have taken the shot with less than a 6mm") as I PERSONALLY have the experiences I need to make judgements regarding lethality on long distance shots.
Read some of my recent posts for distance and lethality sit reps (situation reports).
If you want to speak for others thats fine but when I correct you I will also have to correct "the others" - thats not a big problem but I find sometimes that when folks are speaking for others things get off base, distorted, not relayed correctly and on and on. If your friend wishes to relay his experiences to me regarding the 22's and smaller calibers on Coyotes I would love to hear them, and if need be, critique them according to MY extensive experiences!
300 yards is not an unusual or rare shot in my Coyoting haunts here in the Rocky Mountains and the high plains. And your 406 yard shot is one that I have bested many times on Coyotes with 22 caliber Rifles. I have killed Coyotes in 300 yards ranges many times with my 17's and a couple of times with my 204's I have been pushing 300 yards for one shot kills.
Its simply a matter of time for my 204's til they get some 400 yard kills on Coyotes!
I know I won't hesitate to shoot one at 400 yards with my 204's.
We will see if they run off once shot with a 204 bullet - but I have a VERY strong sense that they won't run far!
Long live the new and Magical 204 Ruger!
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Posts: 3067 | Location: South West Montana | Registered: 20 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Mandebvu, no worries mate, as you say, "...if you don't ask...."

Much as I'd like to help you out, I simply can't. The drought has hit pretty hard out here, and I've had to get work in Sydney to keep from going under. I have caretakers on both my places who are good, old friends and know the areas well.

That, and drought relief grants from our gov't are the only things keeping me going...

My Dad spent a bit of time in Rhodesia when I was a LOT younger, and returned with many happy memories. I have watched the insanity that seems to have engulfed your country with great sadness. I genuinely wish you well in your quest.

A gun is a tool. A moron is a moron. A moron with a hammer who busts something is still just a moron, it's not a hammer problem. Daniel77
Posts: 1275 | Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia | Registered: 02 May 2002Reply With Quote
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sdgunslinger... I have also seen heaps of animals run off when hit by larger bullets... so? Anyone who has actually hunted from anything other than an armchair will have seen the same thing...

You state that " are making the 223 out as the magic one..." did I? I certainly don't recall saying that...

VarmintGuy... I had a hunch you had one hand where you shouldn't, now I KNOW....

You talk about "...shooting at Kangaroos heads as they bound along at 350 yards distance - I have news for you MATE! You could hit that bounding Kangaroos head much easier with a 204 than with a 223!..."

Let's do a reality check.... a roo can do up to about 30-40 mph... it's head is reasonably stable, but it still moves up and down... you obviously have more time than I to play with the figures (among other more personal appendages Wink)... a tennis ball sized target at that range and cross speed would require... how much lead, how much hold over? I'm sure your armchair expertise could enlighten us all on that count... having worked those figures out, just how would you compensate for the vertical (and horizontal) movement of the roo's head?

Don't get me wrong, the 204 is a good cartridge, but it sure as hell doesn't have magical powers...

Like Digital Dan, I'm enjoying this thread, I love it when my b/s alarm goes off!! I love it even more when it's so easy to point out the b/s... most wankers are a bit more cagey... it's kinda like huntin'... it ain't sport when the game's easy pickins'...

A gun is a tool. A moron is a moron. A moron with a hammer who busts something is still just a moron, it's not a hammer problem. Daniel77
Posts: 1275 | Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia | Registered: 02 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Thanks very much for the reply.
Buddy, that sounds very hectic man. I hope to god you manage to come right and fortune and blessing find the rain that you so desperately need. If I could just send you a cloud or two from over here on Mud Island, you would be sorted.
I have family dotted here and there in Aus, I want to try and get into pig hunting side of things. Just gotta keep saveing and make up the £40 000 I need to qualify to come over.
Send my regards to your dad .... hope his memories continue for many years to come.
I truely hope your year gets better my friend.
All the very best,

Rhodesian in UK Armed forces.
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Originally posted by Mandebvu:
Thanks very much for the reply.
Buddy, that sounds very hectic man. I hope to god you manage to come right and fortune and blessing find the rain that you so desperately need. If I could just send you a cloud or two from over here on Mud Island, you would be sorted.
I have family dotted here and there in Aus, I want to try and get into pig hunting side of things. Just gotta keep saveing and make up the £40 000 I need to qualify to come over.
Send my regards to your dad .... hope his memories continue for many years to come.
I truely hope your year gets better my friend.
All the very best,


I know we're hijacking the thread, but thank you so much for your kind comments... unfortunately my Dad passed away in '74, so his memories live on in me...

The drought has been putting the pressure on, but nothing like the divorce/custody battles my ex has institued... in comparison to the 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned', the drought's nothing... Roll Eyes

As it happens, it's raining in Sydney as I type this!!

Oh, and btw, I won the custody battle... my boy now lives with me... Big Grin

If ever you're in Oz, drop me a line... I'd be delighted to meet you.

(Gotta admit, it's more interesting than the b/s on this thread... rotflmo

A gun is a tool. A moron is a moron. A moron with a hammer who busts something is still just a moron, it's not a hammer problem. Daniel77
Posts: 1275 | Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia | Registered: 02 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Sorry mate, I did not realise your situation.
You will be a better man at the end of the day for it all I guess, you will cope with alot more than you thaught you could.
Good news on the custody case bud!!!! That is a real blessing.
Stick with those memories bud, and make sure you pass them on to your boy. He will come to appreciate them very dearly, I know I did.
I will possibly look you up one day if I ever make it to your wonderful country. I will not even come to your country for a holiday to visit family and friends as it would be too much of an upset when the time came to leave.!!!
I hear stories all the time of Rhodies haveing braai's (BBQ's) on the beaches and all the other get togethers.I have looked at joining up with the Aussie Army. Wink
As I said bud, I hope the farm picks up for you, you are doing the best you can and thats all you can do, just remember that.
I am sorry for the thread Hi-jack, I will end it here and PM you if neccessary.
All the very best of luck mate,

Rhodesian in UK Armed forces.
They stole my Farm, but not my African Spirit!
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Well, you guys let him do stir the pot.

He proves superiority between two differant calibers, shot from two differant guns, and guesses at what grain bullets the other guy was shooting. When one proves something, it is usually after much research and "fair" comparison. At bare minimum, they should have been the same model and lenght rifles. One thing I didn't see was reference to centerline of scope in relation to centerline of barrel. If you had some 50mm and the comparison was a 40mm, that's a pretty good difference in ring height requirements. Then figure differances in barrel contours in relation to recievers (as I recall, the Ruger requires 2 differant height rings) and suddenly just in ring height we may be making an apple/orange comparison.

We should have just told him to come back when he had "real" proof.

But I'll give him one thing, he got a lot of folks active in his thread.

./l ,[___],
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Picture of Jerry Eden
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You know Varminguy, I have come to the conclusion, that you are just full of shit. It is more than obvious that you could care less about the game at which you shoot. Rugeruser got it right when he said, if you like a dying screaming animal use some of the lighter calibers. You must like the thought of that. Because, I don't give a damn what sub 24 you shoot, some of those hit are going to run and die suffering. If you haven't witnessed any of this, you either are the greatest shot alive, or you have no fuckning experience. I think the latter is the case. You may take your last shot at me, now. Because this is the last time I am going to waste any more time on this issue!


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Rugeruser: You have missed out on who is proposing and doing the shooting of Kangaroos at 350 yards while running! It wasn't me - reread the above posts for that!
I though still contend, and you failed to address, that it would be EASIER to do this type shot with the 204 Ruger than with a 223!
Would it not?
So reread the above posts and take up your well founded contention regarding shooting Roos at 350 yards while running - with the author!!!
I am not "taking you wrong" regarding the 204 Ruger. I am basing my high opinion of it based on my field usages, my range use, and those of experienced Hunters that I have shot right along side! As well as from the ballistic tables and charts!
Yeah the 204 Ruger is in fact the closest thing to a factory "Magical Cartridge" that I am aware of. It has wonderful properties and does wonderful things in the field!

Jerry Eden: You are as wrong about me as you are about the 22 calibered Rifles and their lethality when being used on Coyotes!
Those are your problems!
A word of warning though to you Jerry - don't try to sluff off half truths and blather on folks that know better! ESPECIALLY on folks that have actually DONE what you say CAN'T BE DONE!
I won't put up with it and if that somehow brings you to profane language and attempts at insults then again - thats your problem, to bad for you!
Your "waste of time" is trying to disprove something you obviously have NO experience in and by using snide and immature comments to bolster your failing case! Again that is your real waste of time!
I have the experience Jerry and won't waste my time insulting you personally other than by saying in public and with the backing of decades of experience that you know not of what you speak! You are wrong.
Your guess's as to how the creatures I harvest die are just that - uninformed and wild assed guess's! And for the record again Jerry, you are wrong!
Sheesh man come up with something substantive or do what you have been forced into doing - slink off and think harsh thoughts at someone who has corrected you!
Real mature there Jerry!
I am not taking shots at you Jerry I am correcting your ill founded, baseless and erroneous contentions!
There are legions of Hunters who use the centerfire 22's on Coyotes (LIKE I DO!) and they won't quit using them based on anything factual you have mentioned - BECAUSE - you have not mentioned anything factual!
Slink off and stew now Jerry as that is about all you have left in your bag of blather!
By the way Jerry, the wait is ongoing for your "clarification" regarding the 22's being ineffective on Coyotes!!!
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Five pages on, VarmintBlowhard keeps on babbling.......

pissers Piss into the wind!
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I though still contend, and you failed to address, that it would be EASIER to do this type shot with the 204 Ruger than with a 223!
Would it not?

VarmintGuy, make a valid point... just as valid as saying it would be EASIER to step of the window of my 8th story office window, than wait for a lift... doesn't make it a good idea...

Are you sure you're not my ex? She argued the same way in Court for custody of my boy....

and lost. Big Grin

A gun is a tool. A moron is a moron. A moron with a hammer who busts something is still just a moron, it's not a hammer problem. Daniel77
Posts: 1275 | Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia | Registered: 02 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Rugeruser: Sounds like you have overwhelming issues with your dominating ex-wife down there Rugeruser?
Shame that, but what in the world does she have to do with elevators and your erroneous contentions and the flight of bullets?
I will ask you again Ruger user - would it NOT be easier to hit a moving target with a bullet that is travelling faster, flatter and straighter than with a bullet that is moving slower, has a less flat trajectory and has more wind drift?
See its not such a tough question?
And I (perhaps like your ex-wife!) am insisting you answer it!
No more dancing around the issue Rugeruser - answer the simple question.
Long live the Magical 204 Ruger!
Hold into the wind
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low power shouter: Go hide you face in shame you pathetic piece of dog shit!
You owe the handicapped people on this forum and everyone who loves and knows a handicapped person an apology!
Of course an apology is what a MAN would do after such a vile thing as you came up with!
And you are just a pimply faced BOY!
So obviously you are stuck in pathetic person limbo.
The bottom line is no one gives a rats ass anymore what a common turd like yourself opines anyway!
low power shouter - the perfect name and the perfect description of a perfectly pathetic turd of a human being!
Save your breath til you grow up some.
If you had any common sense you would be overwhelmed with shame!
Obviously you don't.
Long live the Magical 204 Ruger
Hold into the wind
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Big Grin clap clap pissers rotflmo

VarmintWanker... 'dominating' ex? Erroneous assumption...

Have a try at 'critical thinking' AKA 'critical analysis'... if that fails you... try using 'conceptual analysis'...

If THAT fails you, try reality... one of the promoters of the 204 (a professional shooter) has already said it for me...

Big Grin clap clap pissers rotflmo

Over to you...

A gun is a tool. A moron is a moron. A moron with a hammer who busts something is still just a moron, it's not a hammer problem. Daniel77
Posts: 1275 | Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia | Registered: 02 May 2002Reply With Quote
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To utter a meaningless confusion of words or sounds: Babies babble before they can talk.

To talk foolishly or idly; chatter

To utter rapidly and indistinctly.

To blurt out impulsively; disclose without careful consideration.

In my opinion, what VarmintGuy has been saying is not babble at all. In fact, it is the exact opposite. He has tried, to the best of his ability, to expound the attributes of the 204. If you don't agree with him, make your case for something better.

If you can't...

then do what others have done, call him names, and insult people with disabilities.
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