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I don't think anybody should be giving Larry a hard time. He wasn't interested and he dismissed it at the time. It doesn't matter what he thought about the offer. He has come on and given his honest account of what was offered and what Lemon told him about the hunt. I have always appreciated Larry's honesty and willingness to discuss things openly. | |||
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Thanks Drummond. I have thought about this some more. I don't see how anyone can be taken on a high fence hunt and not know it. After all, at some point you have to drive through the gate. The client HAD to know. Thinking back about it, that "home range" comment MIGHT have been a joke. I am not sure. We were cutting up pretty hard at the time. It seems that nothing has been done wrong at this point. However, those with knowledge perhaps should have kept quiet about the matter to see if Wade would hang himself. Obviously, he isn't going to do that now. The hunt was not for me whether it was free range or not. I didn't pursue the details because I had zero interest. | |||
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Larry is a standup man who has always said it how it is on this forum and in the correspondence I've had with him. He has been straight forward on this thread. As far as the deer is concerned, I have seen many bucks from Old Mexico which are touted as high scoring and even records. Problem is so many are listed as SCI scores. I take that most of the time to mean they are high fence or not fair chase. So this deer may very well have been a record in SCI. I'm no fan of high fences or selling hunts based on inches. | |||
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This was the stance I was taking. I was waiting until after the season but once it was out there I posted it up. There are still some details they better have paid attention to or they may have already hung themselves but who knows I still feel that by not coming out and saying what it is it's a blatant misrepresentation of facts and I find it funny that just a few days prior to this going public there were people associated with the Lemons claiming that they never hunted behind a fence. I also find it a bit disingenuous that they have video of a buck on their promotional video that lives in a 10 acre pen and had a tag in its ear at one point. It's misleading and IMO it's fraudulent as potential clients see that and may think its free range. I could not find any information on their website pertaining to pen raised deer and if you're doing it you damn sure better be honest about it | |||
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In the final analysis, a high fenced deer should never be sold as free ranging nor ever entered in the record book as free ranging. If they have done something wrong, they should be punished. | |||
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Unfortunately, as long as SCI or any other group continue giving recognition of any kind to the people shooting these animals, things are not going to change. Whether it is a 2 acre enclosure or a 50K acre enclosure, if it is surrounded by a high fence animals killed inside of that fence should be identified as such. Both before and after the kill. JMO. Even the rocks don't last forever. | |||
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I might consider supporting high fenced killing, if the record book is maintained by 4H and it lists only the farmer who raised it. After all they supply the land, they maintain the fence, they choose the genetics and they choose and maintain the feed program and do all the work to raise it, so they deserve the credit. No need to credit the guy with the bolt gun in my opinion. | |||
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No -06, this is what you said and this is what you got dumped on for. Did I miss your retraction? | |||
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***I will definitely offer an apology to Larry and the members here and now after this thread went further down the road and it seems that some things said were taken out of context. I've exchanged PMs with a couple of them that I feel know Larry pretty well and their comments hold him in the highest regard. That's good enough for me. Sorry Larry and I hope you have a prosperous and great 2014!!! One further thing, as was stated by CHC, and that is as long as there is a "BOOK" of any sort, especially like the SCI one that lists these animals in a section with the shooters name, and that's all they are is shooters, this shit will continue because there are obviously enough people out there that want their name in lights and will do anything it takes to turn on the switch! | |||
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Nice comment TopGun. I agree. As long as there are "books" and awards, people will be obsessed with recognition. I am not against someone receiving an award, I am against the 5% of hunters that are obsessed with the recognition and and care little about the hunt. I have seen it get worse, 10 fold here in Utah in the past 20 years. Its now out of hand IMO. | |||
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Maybe Wade was trying to sell this big deer and get a "finders fee." I can absolutely see him asking someone if they are interested but not mentioning the high fence if there is no initial interest. I agree with everyone that there is too much emphasis on the record book. There shouldn't even be an "estate" class. | |||
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I have had other people try and sell me large animals in a high fence. They always got a finders fee. In broad terms, I see no problem with a record book. I do see a problem with those who will do anything to be in it. | |||
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Let me clarify that I have never bought one of those hunts. However a few have been offered over the years . | |||
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Amazing that a few of you pegged Larry as some kind of villain on this thread when all he did was decline an offer on a hunt he had no interest in. Thankfully, it would appear most have come to their senses. | |||
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I don't believe all the "heat" in most of these posts have anything to do with personal attacks, but they look like it for sure. I think the truth of the matter is that a small but significant number of hunters are absolutely repulsed by high fenced horn hunting and the current record book and rings of doom obsession. Some of us would hang up our guns before being any part of it. A smaller number of us actually believe that this growing trend, (see "the Hunting Report") wherein it is estimated that more than half of the Nelson's (as well as both deer) in Sonora are now farmed game, is a *#%#*^^*# disaster to the future of hunting. Yes it's true. Some people (maybe just me apparently) think that how we hunt will have a big friggin impact on how long we will get to hunt. With that being said, you can understand why some comments get heated. I care what happens so you can expect more of the same from me. I apologize in advance and will not take offense if you put me on ignore. | |||
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***I agree 100% with that assessment, so you're not alone Sir! | |||
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Like Larry - I've done numerous hunts over the years with Wade. Black bear, mountain lion, mule deer and bighorn. I was guided by 2 of the guys in the picture. I can promise you that these boys know how to hunt. The black bear (with dogs)that I took with them was one of the most physically difficult hunts I've ever done. (I've done 6 mountain sheep hunts) These guys were some of the best guides I've had in the last 20 years and they know how to work and hunt hard. Fenced hunting is not for me and I don't know anything about the buck in question. But I've never know Wade or any of his guys to be anything but trustworthy. Just my 2 cents. Doug | |||
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+1. These guys are real serious big game hunters. Some of the hunts are extremely physical that have been on with them. | |||
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FROM THE JANUARY ISSUE OF THE HUNTING REPORT Mexico TRIP-PLANNIN g FILE Ray Lee Correspondent How the Rise of Hunting Enclosures in Sonora Affects Your Next Desert Sheep or Deer Hunt Editor’s Note: Corre - spondent Ray Lee checks in this month with this report on Sonora . Lee, the former president of FNAWS, the Founda - tion for North Ameri - can Wild Sheep (now the Wild Sheep Foundation) is a wildlife biologist who recently participated in an aerial wildlife survey covering the entire state of Sonora. He gives us the details on the current hunting scene there and what traveling hunters need to know before booking a trip. H unting in Sonora has changed in recent years. Human encroachment in some of the best free-range hunting areas has pushed game into smaller or less ideal habitats. Trophy quality and game numbers in various areas are down and many landowners and operators are now raising game and conducting hunts behind a fence. In fact, more than half of the desert sheep in Sonora live behind wire. Historically, Sonora has offered free-range hunting for trophy Coues white-tailed deer, desert mule deer, desert bighorn sheep and javelina. While free-range hunting is still available and good trophies can still be found, hunters need to be aware of developments that may impact their hunting experience in Sonora and their ability to enter trophies from there into the record books. More than ever, hunters must ask the right questions before venturing south of the border. On the positive side, more hunting permits than ever before are available in Sonora and prices for sheep hunting have come down. Permits issued for desert bighorn sheep, for example, have increased from 97 in 2009 to 123 in 2012. For the 2012 season, there were 1,330 javelina, 1,623 mule deer, and 2,584 white-tailed deer permits issued. This is due in large part to the development of enclosures. The roots of many of the changes in Sonora are found in the development of Mexico’s UMA system in 2000. UMA stands for Unidad de Manejo para la Conservación de la Vida Silvestre , which roughly corresponds to a registered private hunting ranch in the US. Most land in Mexico is private and even many comunidades and ejidos , communal lands originally allotted to private individuals for farming, have reverted to private ownership. Starting in 1997, Mexico decentralized wildlife management. What evolved was the UMA system, in which private landowners themselves are responsible for wildlife management. For sporthunting to take place on their properties, landowners must register their lands as a UMA. They must then conduct annual wildlife surveys and request authorization for specific hunting permits. As in Europe (and unlike in the US), the game on private land belongs to the landowner. This has had a significant effect on the hunting in Sonora. While plenty of truly free-range hunting remains, the UMA system has led numerous landowners to high-fence their lands. Enclosures ensure that the animals technically “owned” by landowners remain in their possession. Enclosures are particularly prevalent for bighorn sheep due to the significant monetary value of the species. Some of the bighorn sheep enclosures encompass many thousands of acres. The upside of this is increased game numbers because managers can propagate and control populations more effectively. On many properties, a smaller enclosure (a criadero, or breeding area) is used to rapidly increase the numbers of animals. In many cases, select animals are released from the enclosures onto the landowner’s property outside the enclosure. This area can be game- fenced or simply cattle-fenced, with outfitters using water and feeders to keep animals on their properties. Hunters may then pursue the game in this “free-range” environment. As in Texas, outfitters construct blinds overlooking feeders and water supplies. In my recent aerial survey of Sonora I saw many blinds. Many hunters are very happy with this arrangement, as they will get to look at more animals than they would tracking game in the desert. So, if you are booking a hunt in Sonora, be sure to ask how the game is managed and hunted. As you might imagine, trophy quality of animals raised in enclosures is excellent and has propped up the overall trophy quality for Sonora for some years now. The average scores and ages for free-ranging animals have declined slightly due to pressure on habitat and in some cases overhunting and/ or poaching. Human populations are growing in Sonora. The result is that game is pushed into areas of less suitable habitat. Game numbers, age-class and trophy quality are all affected. With this pressure, enclosures and criaderos have helped to preserve game in Sonora and assure that hunting opportunities continue. Of course, record keeping organizations such as the Boone and Crockett Club do not recognize animals harvested on estate enclosures. Neither does OVIS Grand Slam Club nor the Wild Sheep Foundation. SCI distinguishes between free-range and estate hunts, adjusting the minimums and medal scores accordingly. All organizations are aware of the gray areas in Sonora, and review individual cases. The inability to enter trophies in some books has discouraged (continued) | |||
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I have just spoken to Wade on this matter. I questioned him specifically on the nature of the hunt. He said the following: 1- It was a high fenced hunt and the client knew it when he bought the hunt. 2- The score sheet (presumably SCI, I didn't ask) has a place to mark if it was an estate hunt. The score sheet was clearly marked "estate" according to Wade. Based upon my past experiences with the guy, I believe him. He has never misrepresented anything to me or anyone I know who has hunted with him. The client knew. The score sheet was properly filled out. I fail to find fault with that. The picture doesn't contain a misrepresentation. It (arguably) has an omission by not including the word estate. I have seen many similar pictures of trophies taken by Wade's clients. They all are the same format and contain similar information. At this point, my opinion is that Wade did nothing wrong. Some may not like the high fence hunt. It is up to everyone to decide whether that is acceptable to them personally. It isn't for me but I am not going to fault others that go on such hunts. | |||
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***How can you say in one sentence that the picture doesn't contain a misrepresentation and then turn around in the next and say it has an omission and see nothing wrong with that? By omitting that word it is made to appear that it is a new fair chase world record. I was in consumer protection with the State of MI for over 30 years and one part of my job was looking for adds and signs that misrepresented what a customer might be purchasing. Sir, when there are a number of different record books and this deer would only qualify as an estate animal in the SCI book it most certainly was a misrepresentation to not have that on the picture, no ifs, ands, or buts and I believe that is exactly why Drummmond started this thread. As others have stated, what was Wade going to say when faced with the picture of that drugged deer? | |||
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You are just dying to find something wrong. If this is a pending estate hunted word record, what is wrong? You are interpreting this as representing this as free ranging . It says that no where. Please show me one word on that picture that is wrong. It seems that you are assuming that you think you know what was meant when they sent the picture. You don't . | |||
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Welcome to TopGuns world. He runs from one "Buddy" to another trying to find someone that he can develop an on-line friendship with. Looking back on TopGuns activity, he is a lot like a ribbon blowing in the wind, whichever way the wind blows, so blows TopGun until he finds someone else that he thinks he can align himself with. I have no dog in this fight, but if the outfitter offered this as anything other than a high fence shoot, he was wrong. Even the rocks don't last forever. | |||
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Sorry if you can't understand plain English because I stated exactly what is wrong with the picture when it doesn't state exactly what record it will break. It's what's NOT on the picture that's the big problem!!! That's exactly what Drummond has stated about the picture if you would read his posts closer. Here is one quote of his that he's made that's exactly what I'm saying, so don't jump on me unless you jump on him too!!! Drummond stated: "I still feel that by not coming out and saying what it is it's a blatant misrepresentation of facts and I find it funny that just a few days prior to this going public there were people associated with the Lemons claiming that they never hunted behind a fence." It's just like a sign out on the road for gasoline that states a price per gallon that sounds great and when you get into the station you find out you have to pay cash and/or buy a certain amount before you qualify for that price. If you took a poll of people that look at that picture I'd bet money that the majority would figure it's a fair chase B&C record because that's the biggy of them all. As far as the CHC post, I have no idea what that gibberish is that he posted because it makes no sense at all. It's also funny that he said I was being placed on his ignore list, but obviously he read what I wrote and then must have put me right back on so I couldn't send him a PM. Seeing as that's the case, I'll just tell him to take a hike on this post and see if he says anything more, LOL! | |||
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So if I don't "Come out and say,..." its dishonest? I've never referred to any of my Alaskan hunts as "Free Range" or "Low Fenced", so I take it you figgered them to be High Fenced and therefore by my omission I've lied? I've never specifically mentioned stopping my bird hunts once I've taken the legal daily bag limit and so you assume I've gone over and am an outlaw? I've never acknowledged being left handed and so you presume me to be right handed, therefore I misled you? "Pending World Record" or whatever it said,.......who cares? Apparently you. Roland Ward, Pope & Young? Scott's Dillingham Exclusive Finest? Topgun, are you worried about your spot being bumped? I don't believe Teddy Roosevelt and the rest of the founders of the Boone &Crockett Club would be any prouder of you and your shrill, hysterical demand for conformity that they would be about the farmed deer. | |||
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Mr King: You hit the nail on the head sir. | |||
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I agree with you completely. I don't bother saying it much because if you are on this short list you generally receive as much negative attention as if you shoot canned lions or like MS. ______________________________________________ The power of accurate observation is frequently called cynicism by those who are bereft of that gift. | |||
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***First off, your smartass comment about "my spot" was just that when I've openly stated a number of times that all these "books" ought to be burned!!! I and a lot of others, including Drummond, who started the thread and posted the picture care!!! Again I will refer you to what Drummond stated and it's the exact same thing as I posted. Jump all over his ass and not just mine if you disagree, but the crap you just posted is as far from what we're talking about and stretching things that it shouldn't have even been posted! The picture is outright misleading if it doesn't say what record it's talking about and don't tell me that the word estate couldn't have easily been put on the picture to correctly say that it was canned. Larry Shore's post was absolute BS trying to back up his buddy that he's hunted with many times and I could care less how much of an upstanding guy he is on this site! Whether the word was left out intentionally or unitentionally is only known by who did the picture and caption. The fact that it's out there is what is being discussed and the other comments made by drummond that guides were saying they don't hunt high fences makes it look like it was posted that way intentionally. | |||
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You got that Sir. Look at the attention I'm getting in this thread!!! | |||
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![]() This is like talking to a rock. | |||
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See TopGun, I can have you on ignore and just by reading other peoples posts and responses, see that you are still the same POS. You try to buddy up with people as long as they view things your way and agree with you. When they finally get wise to your little game, you fall out with them and look for a "New Best Friend". Even the rocks don't last forever. | |||
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TG, just so you won't frustrate yourself anymore, I put your email address on the list of spam. Now I don't know that the PTB's of AR can do anything about members harassing other members via there private email sites, but I can damn sure block your pathetic assed nonsense from showing up in my personal, NON AR, email. If you had any brains, you could have sent the same lame assed message by pm here on the site, but your too much of a titty baby to do that. You have a wonderful life you pathetic fool. Oh yes, be sure and send all the emails to my address you want to, they are all going to be chit canned anyway. Even the rocks don't last forever. | |||
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***Look, I'm not dying to find anything and the previous comment is also incorrect because more than one of us has the same feelings about the picture, or can't you read what others have also stated?! I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this, but just remember your statements would also have to include Drummond because my statement is doing nothing more than echoing what he posted and stated when he started this thread and has reiterated more than once since then!!! Have a good evening! | |||
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Stay the hell out of other's business and quit posting BS and you wouldn't have to worry about getting PMs or emails from anyone! FYI Mr. Smartass, when you have a person on ignore like you do me the site will not allow that person to send you a PM because that was the first thing I tried. Now continue to be a chickenshit out on the site where everybody can see what you are MR. PH Hunting Consultant, LOL, and I'll just post out on the site so everybody can read them and laugh!!! | |||
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Sounds to me like you should follow your own advice. You are opening your mouth when you have no knowledge of the facts, a common occurrence on your posts . Wade says: 1- the client in was a high fence hunt. Seems to me it is kind of hard to have a high fence hunt and NOT know it. Do you have any evidence to the contrary ? 2- the scoring sheet is checked as "estate". Do you have any evidence to the contrary? Is this just another case of you talking shit AGAIN? | |||
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Funny thing, a normal/reasonably intelligent human would have the capability to understand that if they are blocked from sending someone a pm on this or any other site, then sending them harassing emails on their private addresses would be totally out of the question. Of course I guess that common sense does not apply to trolls. Even the rocks don't last forever. | |||
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***For a fellow that appears to have made it well in your profession and a standup guy as some stated, you have a complete lack of reading comprehension and are still not addressing what is being discussed after making a contradictory post about the picture in one of your initial posts. One more time: #1---We are not talking about the client not knowing it was a high fence hunt and nobody, including myself, said he did or didn't know until your post saying what Wade told you. #2---Nobody said anything contrary to what you also said about the way the score sheet was filled out. ***The only "fact" and thing being discussed is the lack of the word estate on the picture that went out all over the internet. Now go tell Drummond he's talking shit because when you tell me that you're telling him that because all I'm doing is repeating what he posted more than once. What is your problem? It appears that since maybe you know Drummond in some capacity that you're skirting the fact that he said the same thing I am! | |||
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***Look you big, dumbass chickenshit! A normal, intelligent person wouldn't be posting your BS. You're just mad because I called you out on several things when I disagreed and like I told you before I'll continue doing that and if I agree with something I'll tell you that too! That's the way debates and big men discuss things or haven't you figured that out yet? Your last post is showing exactly what I stated because nobody posted up my last one for you to read, so you are obviously taking me off ignore just long enough to read my posts and then putting me right back on so I can't respond by PM and now you've put me on the spam list on your email. If that isn't a chickenshit way of doing things, I don't know what is! Go fill your f***ing deer feeders and STFU!!! | |||
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For what it is worth, which isn't much, SCI always announces "New Word Records" as just that. The fact they are estate records is normally documented in the caption. In fact, when I read the thread title I thought, "Hmmm...estate or free range?" Hey,I know it has been cold outside, but some off you guys need to push back from that keyboard. ![]() | |||
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AZ---That is the whole problem with this picture and why Drummond and I feel it misrepresents the animal. It was not put out by SCI and anyone that knows how they operate would pretty much figure what the scoop was on that deer. The fact is that it was put out on the internet by the Outfitter without anything saying it was an estate kill or that it was an SCI pending record. To top it off Drummond stated that the guides were all saying they never hunt high fence, so that even makes it look more like it was done intentionally IMHO and that's all it is, my opinion! Have a Happy New Year guy!!! | |||
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