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Originally posted by billrquimby:

I have no idea whether this applies here, but I remember hearing about a case wherein an Australian outfitter sued the Northern Land Council for defamation and won a big settlement. One of the findings in that case, I heard, was that the NLC's permission was not needed to hunt on an indigenous landowner's land, only the permission of the landowner. Could it be that this outfitter had a landowner's permission to take his banteng hunters there?

Bill Quimby
Bill the Commonwealth law has changed again since then and you cannot commercially hunt on the aboriginal landowners permission alone - doubly so if that area is already covered by an existing safari permit - because then you would be creating a conflict - as we see here now.

Originally posted by larryshores:

My understanding is that 2 entities can legAlly hunt banteng. One is Karl Goodhand. The other is a privately owned herd at Mary River or something like that.
Larry: That is a simplistic way of looking at it - but you have to remember that the banteng are spreading and that they do find themselves in other (outfitters) hunting areas. Peter Lorman would be a good example of that. No big deal... just sayin...

Multiple outfitters hunt banteng on Mary River ranch too - just to be clear about that as well. tu2

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Posts: 4456 | Location: Australia | Registered: 23 January 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by mdstewart:
Originally posted by Saeed:
Originally posted by mdstewart:
Originally posted by larryshores:
Originally posted by mdstewart:
"Embrace the Suck"

That's just what everyone is having to do here.

1) No one, not AIG, Craig Boddington, all the other dozens of bankrupt banks, me personally, or any of you, deserve the right to file for bankruptcy. But that is not the American Way. We have bankruptcy laws in place that provides for the alleviation of bad decisions on the part of the bankruptor, the alleviation of bad decisions on those who lended to the bankruptor, and so that the American economy continues to move in a positive direction with the least amount of harm to all involved.

2) As a reminder, no one, not Larry Shores, Mike Jines, the Australian outfitter that claims his rights have been violated, or the Australian Government itself, has filed any charges against Craig Boddington, Donna Boddington, or anyone else associated with the aforementioned hunt.

3) This is all about character assassination, as no evidence has been shown otherwise regarding CB's or his wife's participation in an illegal event, and those accusers continue to talk about unsubtantiated events.

4) If there were substantiated violatons of the law, then by this time, warrants would have been issued, and arrests would have been made. As CB stated in his early post on this thread, the Australian authorities have not found any wrongdoing, and have not made any legitimate charges.

5) This still boils down to competing outfitters in Australia in a pissing contest with one another, and Larry Shores continued effort to destroy Craig Boddington. I still say there's a quid pro quo there.

6) To Larry S., Mike J., Trax, and others who wish to destroy CB, then your efforts probably have been effective, if not in fact, but in the old adage, "Tell a lie a hundred times, and it becomes the truth". You have accomplished your mission. Congrats. Well done.

7) Thank God, I don't have to interact with you guys on a personal basis. That Would Suck.

"Enbrace the Suck"

Wow! Brother, you need to wake up.

First off NONE of this would have ever happened except for an ill advised effort to raise money for a website and attempting to sell dirty shirts. Last time I checked, that was CB's decision. Further, if CB had not started the illegal hunting thread , none of this information would not have come out . This action was, once again, I'll advised .

I didn't start the bankruptcy discussions in spite of the fact that I knew MONTHS before it ever hit AR. What part of those disclosures is not factual? Did be or did he not make a chapter 7 filing? He is most certainly entitled to make such a filing under our laws. Have you read the filing? I have. I see things which I question. This obviously doesn't mean that the filing are incorrect.

As far as the alleged illegal hunt , do you think the letter from the Australian authorities is not real? I will tell you one thing. I have been on a hell of a lot of international hunts all over the world . Granted, no where as many as CB. However, not once EVER have I received an inquiry from the authorities in the countries I hunted. CB has. If you will take the time to read my posts you will see that I wrote that I didn't believe CB knew this was an illegal hunt. Do you think the authorities sent the letter to Pennicott due to Karl being jealous? If you do, I think you are sadly mistaken.

I will agree with you on one thing. Some problem tell themselves something long enough that they believe it.

Wow, I'm awake, and I still don't see any credible reason for your involvement in this event. ????? I don't know you personally, I'm sure we would get along just fine, but your obsession with this needs to halt. Stop. It does you and your friends no good.

Do you think you're going to get the Congressional Medal of Honor for bashing your hunting brethren, even if there is something fishy.

Not in my mind. I wouldn't trust you as far as I could throw you.

As an outsider who has absolutely nothing to do with this very sad episode.

A hunt was conducted which was thought to have been done illegally.

It was filmed and shown on TV.

I assume - and still believe - neither Craig or his wife was aware of it being conducted illegally.

Penicot either knew full well what he was doing, or might have made a mistake of hunting in an area he was not supposed to.

Someone found out about this and notified the authorities.

The authorities at least looked into it.

We as the general hunting public found out all this, and are discussing it, as each of us think MIGHT have happened.

I don't see anyone putting the blame squarely on CB or his wife. They were both there, they did participate in an alleged hunt.

But, ultimately, the blame is 100% falls on the outfitter who conducted the hunt.

And I am very glad this has come out.

Because at least some of us, who might consider hunting in that part of the world, would have the choice of avoiding that outfitter.

I certainly would not, ever, consider hunting with any outfitter who I hear about getting involved in any illegal activity.

CB has fallen on hard times, and I am very sorry to see it happen to him.

But trying to blame that on anyone else here as things are being discussed is totally wrong.

As an aside, I understand that he has an ongoing legal issues with others who might post here.

None have posted anything which is not publicly available - including CB bankruptcy filing.

And having that brainless nutter Conrad, who thinks we are all "douchenozzels" getting involved in all this does not help matter either.

I am very sad to see Conrad disappear from here, as he promised to teach us a few things to bring us up to speed into the real world.

I was looking forward to getting a few lessons to enlighten us.

For those who miss Conrad, here is what he said.


Originally posted by ConradEvarts:

Firstly, thanks to the folks who withheld judgement and showed respect to Craig Boddington. He's a great guy, friend, father, hunter and veteran. I was trying to do something nice for him by creating the campaign and the subsequent website.

This is Conrad Evarts. A cameraman who you can Google and find out much of my professional background. Novel idea right? Instead of just gazing wet eyed into this clunky, outdated website populated by graybearded paranoids who don't realize the internet evolved. No, seriously this website sucks The fact that you nuts are on here gives me a great deal of insight into your mindset.

School is now in session. Let's start by taking our tinfoil hats off and putting our thinking caps on. Hopefully when we're done the paranoids here can get their nurse to administer their meds, put them to bed and unplug their computers and the rest of the haters can return to their bunkers to polish their 30,000 rounds of ammo.

I am real. I was trying to do something nice for someone I respect. Craig Boddington was not terribly savvy on my effort because he spends all his time in the boonies but trusted me to try and make this work.

More importantly, outside of your antiquated worlds crowd funding sites like and are very acceptable ways to raise money for business endeavors. There are many for profit businesses using them. These include everything from musicians and movie studios to bakeries and websites.

Set down your tattered Jack O'Connor bible, get in a friggin' time machine and blast yourself to 2013. All sorts of businesses are using crowd funding. It's not strange at all.

So, in conclusion:
-I am real. Google me.
-This was not a scam and is totally normal these days.
-Craig Boddington was not entirely savvy because he is of your generation. This was not his fault and besides that if it wasn't for you crusty old haters this would be totally cool and worked and created something great for a new generation of hunters.
-Craig Boddington did not take a vow of poverty to be who he is. If someone like me can help him raise money to create a site that would only be judged by a total commie.

If you don't like the idea of me raising funds to put together a totally positive and interesting website as a favor to a friend you don't have to contribute to it.

Craig asked me to disable the campaign. I did so out of respect for him not to placate you blood sucking, paranoid savages. You haters are pathetic.

And "Lonestar 2075"...Tim, I know who you are. You know who I am. I've been to your crappy little shop in Texas to repair an episode your operation screwed the pooch on years ago. You're a coward and an embarrassment. Grow a pair and put your name up.

Finally, I've stepped in the ring with you ladies now. Go warm up a stack of Hot Pockets and get your mommy to ice down your 12 pack of Mountain Dew because I don't tangle on the internet often but when I do, it isn't pretty.

Thanks again to everyone who showed respect to Craig. I meant what I said, I spent a great deal of time with him in the field. I respect him and he's a good person.


Conrad Evarts (proud friend of Craig Boddington)

Anyone who does not fit in Conrad's description of us above, please this site, you are in the wrong company clap


In all due respect to you as the owner of this forum and as a reknown hunter, this is far more than your post has explained. Larry Shores has made it his personal mission to destroy CB regardless of facts or gentlemanly efforts to police our own within the hunting community.

We all have fallen short of the ultimate goals in life. I don't personally know Larry, but I assure you, just as I can assure you of myself, we both have failed on many occasions in life. Anyone who claims otherwise is just a liar.

My problem is that he has taken his personal grievances and made it national on this forum. And I might remind all, that Larry's accusations regarding Australia is totally heresay, no charges ever filed, yet he continues to make this an issue.

Once, if ever, charges are filed, then Larry can speak up; otherwise, shut the f--k up, and have some GD respect for your hunting brethren.

There is some kind of personal vendetta Larry has for Craig, I don't get it, but's it's obvious.

We have to stop cannibalizing our own. If they have been "PROVEN" to do something in violaton of the hunting statutes, then yes, we should donounce them.

But it appears Larry is seeking hard to find a way to discredit CB. And in my eyes, he is discrediting himself in the effort. And I am hearing the same from fellow hunters all over.


No one on AR will destroy CB any more than someone who criticizes sports stars on ESPN will destroy LeBronJames.

Don't Ever Book a Hunt with Jeff Blair

Posts: 7578 | Location: Arizona and off grid in CO | Registered: 28 July 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Matt Graham:
Originally posted by billrquimby:

I have no idea whether this applies here, but I remember hearing about a case wherein an Australian outfitter sued the Northern Land Council for defamation and won a big settlement. One of the findings in that case, I heard, was that the NLC's permission was not needed to hunt on an indigenous landowner's land, only the permission of the landowner. Could it be that this outfitter had a landowner's permission to take his banteng hunters there?

Bill Quimby
Bill the Commonwealth law has changed again since then and you cannot commercially hunt on the aboriginal landowners permission alone - doubly so if that area is already covered by an existing safari permit - because then you would be creating a conflict - as we see here now.

Thanks, Matt.

Bill Quimby
Posts: 2633 | Location: tucson and greer arizona | Registered: 02 February 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by AnotherAZWriter:
Originally posted by mdstewart:
Originally posted by Saeed:
Originally posted by mdstewart:
Originally posted by larryshores:
Originally posted by mdstewart:
"Embrace the Suck"

That's just what everyone is having to do here.

1) No one, not AIG, Craig Boddington, all the other dozens of bankrupt banks, me personally, or any of you, deserve the right to file for bankruptcy. But that is not the American Way. We have bankruptcy laws in place that provides for the alleviation of bad decisions on the part of the bankruptor, the alleviation of bad decisions on those who lended to the bankruptor, and so that the American economy continues to move in a positive direction with the least amount of harm to all involved.

2) As a reminder, no one, not Larry Shores, Mike Jines, the Australian outfitter that claims his rights have been violated, or the Australian Government itself, has filed any charges against Craig Boddington, Donna Boddington, or anyone else associated with the aforementioned hunt.

3) This is all about character assassination, as no evidence has been shown otherwise regarding CB's or his wife's participation in an illegal event, and those accusers continue to talk about unsubtantiated events.

4) If there were substantiated violatons of the law, then by this time, warrants would have been issued, and arrests would have been made. As CB stated in his early post on this thread, the Australian authorities have not found any wrongdoing, and have not made any legitimate charges.

5) This still boils down to competing outfitters in Australia in a pissing contest with one another, and Larry Shores continued effort to destroy Craig Boddington. I still say there's a quid pro quo there.

6) To Larry S., Mike J., Trax, and others who wish to destroy CB, then your efforts probably have been effective, if not in fact, but in the old adage, "Tell a lie a hundred times, and it becomes the truth". You have accomplished your mission. Congrats. Well done.

7) Thank God, I don't have to interact with you guys on a personal basis. That Would Suck.

"Enbrace the Suck"

Wow! Brother, you need to wake up.

First off NONE of this would have ever happened except for an ill advised effort to raise money for a website and attempting to sell dirty shirts. Last time I checked, that was CB's decision. Further, if CB had not started the illegal hunting thread , none of this information would not have come out . This action was, once again, I'll advised .

I didn't start the bankruptcy discussions in spite of the fact that I knew MONTHS before it ever hit AR. What part of those disclosures is not factual? Did be or did he not make a chapter 7 filing? He is most certainly entitled to make such a filing under our laws. Have you read the filing? I have. I see things which I question. This obviously doesn't mean that the filing are incorrect.

As far as the alleged illegal hunt , do you think the letter from the Australian authorities is not real? I will tell you one thing. I have been on a hell of a lot of international hunts all over the world . Granted, no where as many as CB. However, not once EVER have I received an inquiry from the authorities in the countries I hunted. CB has. If you will take the time to read my posts you will see that I wrote that I didn't believe CB knew this was an illegal hunt. Do you think the authorities sent the letter to Pennicott due to Karl being jealous? If you do, I think you are sadly mistaken.

I will agree with you on one thing. Some problem tell themselves something long enough that they believe it.

Wow, I'm awake, and I still don't see any credible reason for your involvement in this event. ????? I don't know you personally, I'm sure we would get along just fine, but your obsession with this needs to halt. Stop. It does you and your friends no good.

Do you think you're going to get the Congressional Medal of Honor for bashing your hunting brethren, even if there is something fishy.

Not in my mind. I wouldn't trust you as far as I could throw you.

As an outsider who has absolutely nothing to do with this very sad episode.

A hunt was conducted which was thought to have been done illegally.

It was filmed and shown on TV.

I assume - and still believe - neither Craig or his wife was aware of it being conducted illegally.

Penicot either knew full well what he was doing, or might have made a mistake of hunting in an area he was not supposed to.

Someone found out about this and notified the authorities.

The authorities at least looked into it.

We as the general hunting public found out all this, and are discussing it, as each of us think MIGHT have happened.

I don't see anyone putting the blame squarely on CB or his wife. They were both there, they did participate in an alleged hunt.

But, ultimately, the blame is 100% falls on the outfitter who conducted the hunt.

And I am very glad this has come out.

Because at least some of us, who might consider hunting in that part of the world, would have the choice of avoiding that outfitter.

I certainly would not, ever, consider hunting with any outfitter who I hear about getting involved in any illegal activity.

CB has fallen on hard times, and I am very sorry to see it happen to him.

But trying to blame that on anyone else here as things are being discussed is totally wrong.

As an aside, I understand that he has an ongoing legal issues with others who might post here.

None have posted anything which is not publicly available - including CB bankruptcy filing.

And having that brainless nutter Conrad, who thinks we are all "douchenozzels" getting involved in all this does not help matter either.

I am very sad to see Conrad disappear from here, as he promised to teach us a few things to bring us up to speed into the real world.

I was looking forward to getting a few lessons to enlighten us.

For those who miss Conrad, here is what he said.


Originally posted by ConradEvarts:

Firstly, thanks to the folks who withheld judgement and showed respect to Craig Boddington. He's a great guy, friend, father, hunter and veteran. I was trying to do something nice for him by creating the campaign and the subsequent website.

This is Conrad Evarts. A cameraman who you can Google and find out much of my professional background. Novel idea right? Instead of just gazing wet eyed into this clunky, outdated website populated by graybearded paranoids who don't realize the internet evolved. No, seriously this website sucks The fact that you nuts are on here gives me a great deal of insight into your mindset.

School is now in session. Let's start by taking our tinfoil hats off and putting our thinking caps on. Hopefully when we're done the paranoids here can get their nurse to administer their meds, put them to bed and unplug their computers and the rest of the haters can return to their bunkers to polish their 30,000 rounds of ammo.

I am real. I was trying to do something nice for someone I respect. Craig Boddington was not terribly savvy on my effort because he spends all his time in the boonies but trusted me to try and make this work.

More importantly, outside of your antiquated worlds crowd funding sites like and are very acceptable ways to raise money for business endeavors. There are many for profit businesses using them. These include everything from musicians and movie studios to bakeries and websites.

Set down your tattered Jack O'Connor bible, get in a friggin' time machine and blast yourself to 2013. All sorts of businesses are using crowd funding. It's not strange at all.

So, in conclusion:
-I am real. Google me.
-This was not a scam and is totally normal these days.
-Craig Boddington was not entirely savvy because he is of your generation. This was not his fault and besides that if it wasn't for you crusty old haters this would be totally cool and worked and created something great for a new generation of hunters.
-Craig Boddington did not take a vow of poverty to be who he is. If someone like me can help him raise money to create a site that would only be judged by a total commie.

If you don't like the idea of me raising funds to put together a totally positive and interesting website as a favor to a friend you don't have to contribute to it.

Craig asked me to disable the campaign. I did so out of respect for him not to placate you blood sucking, paranoid savages. You haters are pathetic.

And "Lonestar 2075"...Tim, I know who you are. You know who I am. I've been to your crappy little shop in Texas to repair an episode your operation screwed the pooch on years ago. You're a coward and an embarrassment. Grow a pair and put your name up.

Finally, I've stepped in the ring with you ladies now. Go warm up a stack of Hot Pockets and get your mommy to ice down your 12 pack of Mountain Dew because I don't tangle on the internet often but when I do, it isn't pretty.

Thanks again to everyone who showed respect to Craig. I meant what I said, I spent a great deal of time with him in the field. I respect him and he's a good person.


Conrad Evarts (proud friend of Craig Boddington)

Anyone who does not fit in Conrad's description of us above, please this site, you are in the wrong company clap


In all due respect to you as the owner of this forum and as a reknown hunter, this is far more than your post has explained. Larry Shores has made it his personal mission to destroy CB regardless of facts or gentlemanly efforts to police our own within the hunting community.

We all have fallen short of the ultimate goals in life. I don't personally know Larry, but I assure you, just as I can assure you of myself, we both have failed on many occasions in life. Anyone who claims otherwise is just a liar.

My problem is that he has taken his personal grievances and made it national on this forum. And I might remind all, that Larry's accusations regarding Australia is totally heresay, no charges ever filed, yet he continues to make this an issue.

Once, if ever, charges are filed, then Larry can speak up; otherwise, shut the f--k up, and have some GD respect for your hunting brethren.

There is some kind of personal vendetta Larry has for Craig, I don't get it, but's it's obvious.

We have to stop cannibalizing our own. If they have been "PROVEN" to do something in violaton of the hunting statutes, then yes, we should donounce them.

But it appears Larry is seeking hard to find a way to discredit CB. And in my eyes, he is discrediting himself in the effort. And I am hearing the same from fellow hunters all over.


No one on AR will destroy CB any more than someone who criticizes sports stars on ESPN will destroy LeBronJames.

Really, you must not follow US politics. It is very common in our society to tell a lie over and over until most folks believe it to be the truth. That's how elections are won here in the US.

And on AR, it only takes a few to say something over and over until everyone else believes those that post it are not only telling the truth, but are the sole experts on the subject at hand.

Nevertheless, it is for those of us who possess critical thinking to discern between those who have legitmate information to share and those who are just illiterate idiots. What a great challenge.!!!!

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Alright kids, I want you to close your internet connections and go outside and play.
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Picture of Todd Williams
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Originally posted by jdollar:
actually, i am not buying your shit. in numerous past posts, Larry's info has been straight up factual.


Lets all remember Mr. Shores did NOT start this thread! Mr. Boddington himself started this discussion and now that it has turned against him, his supporters now want it to just die and be forgotten? Personally, I've got nothing against CB other than the dirty T-shirt sales to support his own website was a bit cheesy ... alright, it was downright sharp cheddar to be exact.

I do know Larry a bit and I'll say without hesitation that what I know of him is 100% stand up! I don't see that Larry has done anything here other than offer some insight and fleshing out of information that was originally brought to light by Mr. Boddington himself.
Posts: 8523 | Registered: 09 January 2011Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Bwana Bunduki:

I assure you that all of us wish we had Mr. Shores reputation. It damn sure does't need saving.


+1 Jeff, I have ploughed through the thread a second time and I agree with your post.jc

Posts: 1138 | Registered: 24 September 2011Reply With Quote
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Well, I don't know too much about all this other stuff - but I do know Larry Shores pretty well. He is a stand-up guy, helpful to others (as he has been to me) honest, successful (good for him) experienced hunter, and generous for causes he believes in (i.e - Stu Taylor) Pretty hard to say a bad word about the guy, IMO. Frankly, guys like Larry help all of us do what we love to do. And no, he's NEVER booked a hunt with me, ever!

Aaron Neilson
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Originally posted by Aaron Neilson:
Well, I don't know too much about all this other stuff - but I do know Larry Shores pretty well. He is a stand-up guy, helpful to others (as he has been to me) honest, successful (good for him) experienced hunter, and generous for causes he believes in (i.e - Stu Taylor) Pretty hard to say a bad word about the guy, IMO. Frankly, guys like Larry help all of us do what we love to do. And no, he's NEVER booked a hunt with me, ever!

I'll stand by Larry Shores as addition to his own trips, which have been many, I believe he is just as concerned about the future of the we all should be.
Posts: 1924 | Location: St. Charles, MO | Registered: 02 August 2012Reply With Quote
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Actually, you and I prove my point perfectly. Suppose the hunt conducted by Pennicott was illegal. Fine. I personally don't hold CB accountable because you pay an outfitter to conduct legal hunts. I know I trust the outfitter for everything. Now, if you know the guy is conducting is conducting illegal hunts, that is completely different. But it defies reason and common sense that CB would book a hunt knowing it was illegal. So even if P was conducting hunts illegally, I personally don't hold CB accountable, just as I don't hold him accountable for his daughter's conduct.

I mentioned LeBron James, but an even more controversial figure is Tiger Woods. The guy slept around with a ton of women. The golf world still loves the guy, even if they have no respect for his personal conduct. All of the negative content on the web and in other forms of media didn't derail his career. In fact, many in the black community throw the race card around when Woods is criticized, just like many here, you included, throw around the jealousy card.

BK is not an ordinary event in most people's lives. Before you toss it around as a non event, read the filing. You might change your mind. CB owes money to those in the hunting community (does that qualify as eating your own?) and more than one mortgage that he apparently doesn't want to pay. Yet he wanted keep both his California house and his Kansas place and walk away from his debts. Is it legal? I don't know; I am not a lawyer. Is it fair to the rest of us? Hell no.

CB could write books from now until the day he dies based on his achievements to date. Insolvency doesn't happen overnight. This guy made a conscious decision to spend money he knew he owed other people and he spent it on hunting.

You keep talking about lies, but there are certain facts here that you don't see as relevant about his character, just as many don't see Tiger's actions as having anything to do with golf. And that is your right.

It is good that if Pennicott is conducting illegal hunts that we know about it so we can book with others who conduct themselves accordingly. And if he is, then maybe CB can write a story about who we shouldn't go hunting with. But then we have never seen that before from him or anyone else in the outdoor media, have we?

Don't Ever Book a Hunt with Jeff Blair

Posts: 7578 | Location: Arizona and off grid in CO | Registered: 28 July 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Steve Ahrenberg
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Originally posted by AnotherAZWriter:

Actually, you and I prove my point perfectly. Suppose the hunt conducted by Pennicott was illegal. Fine. I personally don't hold CB accountable because you pay an outfitter to conduct legal hunts. I know I trust the outfitter for everything. Now, if you know the guy is conducting is conducting illegal hunts, that is completely different. But it defies reason and common sense that CB would book a hunt knowing it was illegal. So even if P was conducting hunts illegally, I personally don't hold CB accountable, just as I don't hold him accountable for his daughter's conduct.

I mentioned LeBron James, but an even more controversial figure is Tiger Woods. The guy slept around with a ton of women. The golf world still loves the guy, even if they have no respect for his personal conduct. All of the negative content on the web and in other forms of media didn't derail his career. In fact, many in the black community throw the race card around when Woods is criticized, just like many here, you included, throw around the jealousy card.

BK is not an ordinary event in most people's lives. Before you toss it around as a non event, read the filing. You might change your mind. CB owes money to those in the hunting community (does that qualify as eating your own?) and more than one mortgage that he apparently doesn't want to pay. Yet he wanted keep both his California house and his Kansas place and walk away from his debts. Is it legal? I don't know; I am not a lawyer. Is it fair to the rest of us? Hell no.

CB could write books from now until the day he dies based on his achievements to date. Insolvency doesn't happen overnight. This guy made a conscious decision to spend money he knew he owed other people and he spent it on hunting.

You keep talking about lies, but there are certain facts here that you don't see as relevant about his character, just as many don't see Tiger's actions as having anything to do with golf. And that is your right.

It is good that if Pennicott is conducting illegal hunts that we know about it so we can book with others who conduct themselves accordingly. And if he is, then maybe CB can write a story about who we shouldn't go hunting with. But then we have never seen that before from him or anyone else in the outdoor media, have we?

Great point AAZ. I would add, he is offering on his website, Hunt consultation for a fee. He, at that point, becomes responsible for KNOWING the legalities of hunts he recommends or offers.

Formerly "Nganga"
Posts: 3558 | Location: Phoenix, Arizona | Registered: 26 April 2010Reply With Quote
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Trust me fellas Larry could write a book or two himself
Posts: 6080 | Location: New York City "The Concrete Jungle" | Registered: 04 May 2003Reply With Quote
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I have never said Larry is not a standup guy to many, and most, in the hunting world. But I can tell you I have made dozens of contacts with hunters around the country, and asked them to review this thread. Some know Larry, many do not. Some are AR members, some are not, and I have no responses from several others. The overwhelming feeling amongst hunters that I know is that Larry has crossed the line of personal persecution of a fellow hunter, with no credible evidence that CB has violated any laws, had knowledge of any laws being violated, and that Larry has somehow made this a personal vendetta.

For the 10th time, I ask Larry to explain why, in honesty, what is his beef with CB. He should never have gone the direction he has. He should have kept his mouth (fingers) shut, let the authorities in Australia get to the bottom of this, and leave his personal vendetta against CB at home. He has been wrong on every turn in making this a national issue without any charges or valid legal actions taken against CB.

Any of us could be accused of violating hunting laws at the whim of an adjacent landowner or competing leasor, but accusations are just that. Until there is hard evidence, and charges have been filed, then mouths should stay silent. There's always a story behind the story. And for some reason, Larry has been forwarded all these emails and correspondence from an "acquaintance" outfitter in Australia, out of what? Courtesy? News story? Vendetta?

I don't get it, and none of you should either. This is not about whether Larry is a stand up guy. I'm sure he normally is, but he has stepped on it here when he probably otherwise would not have done so. We all make mistakes, but this is his mistake to explain, and to make amends for.

First, an apology to CB would be in order, privately. Second, an apology to this forum would also be in order. Larry has violated a sacred trust amongst hunters, and none of us would appreciate it if he did the same to us. If charges get filed against CB, Donna, or another hunter in their party, then that's news. Otherwise, all else is character assassination.

It's time Larry gets off the obsession about destroying CB. There's hatred there somehow; who knows why? But it's not appropriate for this or any other public forum without convicting proof of a violation.

I hope to someday meet Larry. I sure we would get along just fine,, as do most hunters. It's time for the character assasinations of our hunting celebrities to stop, and that includes Mark Sullivan. We can learn a lot from these folks if we open our eyes, and listen.

JP Sauer Drilling 12x12x9.3x72
David Murray Scottish Hammer 12 Bore
Alex Henry 500/450 Double Rifle
Steyr Classic Mannlicher Fullstock 6.5x55
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Posts: 1857 | Location: Chattanooga, TN | Registered: 10 August 2010Reply With Quote
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Picture of gryphon1
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Originally posted by mdstewart:

First, an apology to CB would be in order, privately. Second, an apology to this forum would also be in order.

Gee,dont forget to add " an apology to Pennicot" too!..Get real!

Posts: 87 | Location: Victoria Australia | Registered: 07 September 2002
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Picture of MJines
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Larry does not owe Craig a damn thing, least of all an apology. That is just absurd. Craig started this thread for heaven's sake.

How about you be forthcoming with some information? To come on here and suggest that I had "dozens of contacts" with folks that share my view, how about naming names? Or better yet, where are their posts? To hide behind some notion of just asserting I have talked to "dozens" of people and I am right, is bull hockey.

Posts: 21719 | Registered: 03 January 2006Reply With Quote
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So basically you are saying that people like Craig Boddington and Mark Sullivan can display their hunts as they see fit, but us as viewers are not allowed to state our opinions of them?

Both CB and MS have chosen a public life, and make their living of this, so they should be able to face up to whatever criticism they get.

How did Larry violate ANY sacred trusts between hunters?

What is this sacred trust?

I for one have never heard of it.

Are we supposed to turn a blind eye to idiotic behavior such as Mark Sullivan seem to produce with each video he makes.

A behavior that some of us believe is utterly disgusting?

Larry, like everyone posting on this thread, including you, are stating THIER opinions.

Nothing else.

If any of us dislikes to hear others state opposing opinions to our own, are we supposed to silence them?
Instagram : ganyana2000
Posts: 68793 | Location: Dubai, UAE | Registered: 08 January 1998Reply With Quote
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I want to thank Larry Shores for his PM to me today. I received it after my last post, and he was gracious and honest. We may not agree on everything, but that's OK. My sentiment to him was that we need to keep the troubles of other fellow hunters off AR. Let the authorities and organizations conducting the investigation do their job. Once the outcomes have been made, then we can all add our comments.

Thank you Larry for that PM.

Merry Christmas from the Stewart family to everyone reading. I put my wife and daughter on a plane for Morocco this morning, this last all girl vacation before the daughter starts her 5 year Army commitment after West Point. So the Stewart boys will do Christmas alone this year. Some hunting will be in order.

JP Sauer Drilling 12x12x9.3x72
David Murray Scottish Hammer 12 Bore
Alex Henry 500/450 Double Rifle
Steyr Classic Mannlicher Fullstock 6.5x55
Steyr Classic Mannlicher Fullstock .30-06
Walther PPQ H2 9mm
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Posts: 1857 | Location: Chattanooga, TN | Registered: 10 August 2010Reply With Quote
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Picture of Steve Ahrenberg
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Originally posted by Saeed:
So basically you are saying that people like Craig Boddington and Mark Sullivan can display their hunts as they see fit, but us as viewers are not allowed to state our opinions of them?

Both CB and MS have chosen a public life, and make their living of this, so they should be able to face up to whatever criticism they get.

How did Larry violate ANY sacred trusts between hunters?

What is this sacred trust?

I for one have never heard of it.

Are we supposed to turn a blind eye to idiotic behavior such as Mark Sullivan seem to produce with each video he makes.

A behavior that some of us believe is utterly disgusting?

Larry, like everyone posting on this thread, including you, are stating THIER opinions.

Nothing else.

If any of us dislikes to hear others state opposing opinions to our own, are we supposed to silence them?

I see what you did there. Wink

Formerly "Nganga"
Posts: 3558 | Location: Phoenix, Arizona | Registered: 26 April 2010Reply With Quote
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I hope to someday meet Larry. I sure we would get along just fine,, as do most hunters. It's time for the character assasinations of our hunting celebrities to stop, and that includes Mark Sullivan. We can learn a lot from these folks if we open our eyes, and listen.
Instagram : ganyana2000
Posts: 68793 | Location: Dubai, UAE | Registered: 08 January 1998Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by MJines:
Larry does not owe Craig a damn thing, least of all an apology. That is just absurd. Craig started this thread for heaven's sake.

How about you be forthcoming with some information? To come on here and suggest that I had "dozens of contacts" with folks that share my view, how about naming names? Or better yet, where are their posts? To hide behind some notion of just asserting I have talked to "dozens" of people and I am right, is bull hockey.

+1 Boddington started the thread. Larry provided information that refuted his claims of total innocence. Larry did not judge, just provided information that something was amiss. Your lithmus test is "Charges filed". Something stinks about this whole deal.

Posts: 2857 | Location: FL | Registered: 18 September 2007Reply With Quote
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Please keep in mind that I clearly stated that I did not believe that CB was aware of the issues with the hunt. It would take a total idiot to knowingly put an illegal hunt on TV. Unfortunately, I do believe that Pennicott had to be aware. That is my OPINION. We will see what happens with the on going investigation.

Also, please remember who started this thread. Had this thread not been started, none of this would have ever been posted. Had I not been bashed repeatedly by the true believers over and over saying this was not true, it was impossible, I would never have posted this. It is pretty clear to me that the authorities are investigating what they believe to be a potentially illegal hunt.

The letter from the Northern Land Council was no fabrication. It is very obviously the result of an on going investigation. If Pennicott is guilty, I hope they throw the book at him. I think the authorities In Australia would be ill-advised to charge CB and/or his wife with anything if Penicott is the true culprit even though they could conceivably be technically in violation for being where they should not be.

My understanding is that the Hunting Report is making inquiries for an article on hunting banteng. As I understand it, the gist of the article is how to not get yourself in trouble on one of these hunts. Perhaps that is timely.

I think we all take for granted that the outfitters we retain have all legal authorizations to hunt where they take us. Has any one of us ever checked? I know I have not. I am reminded of seeing our good friend Zahir Mulla a couple of miles inside of our concession in TZ in 2007. I decided to talk to the clients. They told a horror story about their hunt with Zahir (no surprise). They had absolutely no idea they were in the wrong concession. If we had not chanced along, they would never have known. I wondered if I had ever been in the same situation and had no idea.

Rest assured no apology is necessary in my book.

Happy holidays gentlemen!
Posts: 12105 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: 26 January 2006Reply With Quote
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May be Zahir Mulla and Pennicott should start a new safari company? clap
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Originally posted by Saeed:
May be Zahir Mulla and Pennicott should start a new safari company? clap

Screw You Safaris?

Posts: 2857 | Location: FL | Registered: 18 September 2007Reply With Quote
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All hero worship as well as criticism aside...dosent 4 marriages and a bankruptcy put up a red flag for any of you blindly defending CB's character?

I have allot of respect for what he has accomplished and for what he has done for our sport, but the aforementioned dosent sit well with me. Until it is resolved one way or the other I will keep a suspicious eye on CB.

I'm sure he is aware of what's going on lately with this thread lately so maybe it's time for CB to speak up and put it all to rest.
Posts: 6080 | Location: New York City "The Concrete Jungle" | Registered: 04 May 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Bwana Bunduki:
Originally posted by Saeed:
May be Zahir Mulla and Pennicott should start a new safari company? clap

Screw You Safaris?


I think "You Will Be Screwed Safaris" would be appropriate especially for Zahir. Or how about Z LAST. Zahir's Lost Australian Safari Tours.
Posts: 12105 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: 26 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by larryshores:
Originally posted by Bwana Bunduki:
Originally posted by Saeed:
May be Zahir Mulla and Pennicott should start a new safari company? clap

Screw You Safaris?

one of us
posted 01 December 2013 05:08 Hide Post
May be opening a can of worms with assumptions (not good) but it could be that CB took fiscal responsibility for the accident that occurred while his daughter was leopard hunting. That could have been a significant sum.
Let me say it is nothing more than an assumption.

I think "You Will Be Screwed Safaris" would be appropriate especially for Zahir. Or how about Z LAST. Zahir's Lost Australian Safari Tours.

BOHICA Safaris


Posts: 2857 | Location: FL | Registered: 18 September 2007Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Saeed:
So basically you are saying that people like Craig Boddington and Mark Sullivan can display their hunts as they see fit, but us as viewers are not allowed to state our opinions of them?

Both CB and MS have chosen a public life, and make their living of this, so they should be able to face up to whatever criticism they get.

How did Larry violate ANY sacred trusts between hunters?

What is this sacred trust?

I for one have never heard of it.

Are we supposed to turn a blind eye to idiotic behavior such as Mark Sullivan seem to produce with each video he makes.

A behavior that some of us believe is utterly disgusting?

Larry, like everyone posting on this thread, including you, are stating THIER opinions.

Nothing else.

If any of us dislikes to hear others state opposing opinions to our own, are we supposed to silence them?


If you want to critique their hunting styles (CB and MS), and lend some credence to how those styles agree or disagree with your norm, I see no problem with that.

But when one makes allegations of illegal hunting before the charges have been made, then there's no place for it here on AR. We could accuse one another of hunting violations all the time without formal charges, and in fact damage one another in the act.

If you want to criticize CB for selling t-shirts, that's appropriate. If you want to challenge his technique for leopard hunting, that's also appropriate. What is not appropriate is to make accusations of illegal hunting activities against anyone until legal authorities have filed charges and the exact facts of the case has been found credible in court.

As the owner of this forum, you should not tolerate that in an effort to protect hunters around the world from being convicted in the AR court before real charges have been filed by the real authorities.

Please put a stop to this. I know you want this to be a free flowing forum of information. But unsubstantiated charges against one of our own is not a free flow of information. That is trial by AR. Please put a stop to this. Craig may be guilty of any and all of the issues suggested in this thread, but we should wait until the authorities have made their final decision to weigh in on it. No one gets bonus points for bringing these issues to our attention, especially when there are no formal charges filed.

And to those who want to know of the dozens I have communicated with, there are dozens in the two hunt leases I am a member of, SCI here locally (all of whom think CB is a great guy), my family who are hunters from birth, and my business associates who don't want anything to do with MJ (they despise attorneys). If you have a history in military service, then they might give you the light of day. So f--k you.

One of our SCI members, who is a top rated gunsmith nationally, and has an autographed photo of CB at the entrance to his shop, thinks you CB haters are off your rocks. The number of you who are CB haters are far overwhelmed by those who continue to read Petersens, buy his books and videos, and have been educated by him for 20 years. So just because you have a couple of youtube videos, that doesn't make you a hunting legend.

JP Sauer Drilling 12x12x9.3x72
David Murray Scottish Hammer 12 Bore
Alex Henry 500/450 Double Rifle
Steyr Classic Mannlicher Fullstock 6.5x55
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Picture of jdollar
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i don't think Craig is guilty of illegal hunting and never have- only bad business judgement( i.e.-overspending). and if he he is selling's so many books and videos, where is the shortfall?

Vote Trump- Putin’s best friend…
Posts: 13449 | Location: Georgia | Registered: 28 October 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by mdstewart:
Originally posted by Saeed:
So basically you are saying that people like Craig Boddington and Mark Sullivan can display their hunts as they see fit, but us as viewers are not allowed to state our opinions of them?

Both CB and MS have chosen a public life, and make their living of this, so they should be able to face up to whatever criticism they get.

How did Larry violate ANY sacred trusts between hunters?

What is this sacred trust?

I for one have never heard of it.

Are we supposed to turn a blind eye to idiotic behavior such as Mark Sullivan seem to produce with each video he makes.

A behavior that some of us believe is utterly disgusting?

Larry, like everyone posting on this thread, including you, are stating THIER opinions.

Nothing else.

If any of us dislikes to hear others state opposing opinions to our own, are we supposed to silence them?


If you want to critique their hunting styles (CB and MS), and lend some credence to how those styles agree or disagree with your norm, I see no problem with that.

But when one makes allegations of illegal hunting before the charges have been made, then there's no place for it here on AR. We could accuse one another of hunting violations all the time without formal charges, and in fact damage one another in the act.

If you want to criticize CB for selling t-shirts, that's appropriate. If you want to challenge his technique for leopard hunting, that's also appropriate. What is not appropriate is to make accusations of illegal hunting activities against anyone until legal authorities have filed charges and the exact facts of the case has been found credible in court.

As the owner of this forum, you should not tolerate that in an effort to protect hunters around the world from being convicted in the AR court before real charges have been filed by the real authorities.

Please put a stop to this. I know you want this to be a free flowing forum of information. But unsubstantiated charges against one of our own is not a free flow of information. That is trial by AR. Please put a stop to this. Craig may be guilty of any and all of the issues suggested in this thread, but we should wait until the authorities have made their final decision to weigh in on it. No one gets bonus points for bringing these issues to our attention, especially when there are no formal charges filed.

And to those who want to know of the dozens I have communicated with, there are dozens in the two hunt leases I am a member of, SCI here locally (all of whom think CB is a great guy), my family who are hunters from birth, and my business associates who don't want anything to do with MJ (they despise attorneys). If you have a history in military service, then they might give you the light of day. So f--k you.

One of our SCI members, who is a top rated gunsmith nationally, and has an autographed photo of CB at the entrance to his shop, thinks you CB haters are off your rocks. The number of you who are CB haters are far overwhelmed by those who continue to read Petersens, buy his books and videos, and have been educated by him for 20 years. So just because you have a couple of youtube videos, that doesn't make you a hunting legend.

Both CB and Pennicott are free to post THEIR version of events.

What has been posted are reports of illegal activities by both, and proof is provided by copies from the relevant government department.

If this is untrue, both CB and Pennicott should stand up and say what they wish to say.
Instagram : ganyana2000
Posts: 68793 | Location: Dubai, UAE | Registered: 08 January 1998Reply With Quote
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Picture of Michael Robinson
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As a foreigner, I can be charged with knowledge of where I am hunting. But only to a point.

Generally, only the nation, the state or province, and, in a general way, the area.

And the date. And the time. And whether it is hunting season in the general area where I am hunting.

But I cannot rightly be charged with knowledge of the precise boundaries of the hunting block or concession where I am hunting.

There is little or no protection, for the foreign hunter, from outfitter fraud in this regard.

And the authorities, and all of us, need to understand, appreciate and guard against that.


Wilderness is my cathedral, and hunting is my prayer.
Posts: 13675 | Location: New England | Registered: 06 June 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Saeed:
Originally posted by mdstewart:
Originally posted by Saeed:
So basically you are saying that people like Craig Boddington and Mark Sullivan can display their hunts as they see fit, but us as viewers are not allowed to state our opinions of them?

Both CB and MS have chosen a public life, and make their living of this, so they should be able to face up to whatever criticism they get.

How did Larry violate ANY sacred trusts between hunters?

What is this sacred trust?

I for one have never heard of it.

Are we supposed to turn a blind eye to idiotic behavior such as Mark Sullivan seem to produce with each video he makes.

A behavior that some of us believe is utterly disgusting?

Larry, like everyone posting on this thread, including you, are stating THIER opinions.

Nothing else.

If any of us dislikes to hear others state opposing opinions to our own, are we supposed to silence them?


If you want to critique their hunting styles (CB and MS), and lend some credence to how those styles agree or disagree with your norm, I see no problem with that.

But when one makes allegations of illegal hunting before the charges have been made, then there's no place for it here on AR. We could accuse one another of hunting violations all the time without formal charges, and in fact damage one another in the act.

If you want to criticize CB for selling t-shirts, that's appropriate. If you want to challenge his technique for leopard hunting, that's also appropriate. What is not appropriate is to make accusations of illegal hunting activities against anyone until legal authorities have filed charges and the exact facts of the case has been found credible in court.

As the owner of this forum, you should not tolerate that in an effort to protect hunters around the world from being convicted in the AR court before real charges have been filed by the real authorities.

Please put a stop to this. I know you want this to be a free flowing forum of information. But unsubstantiated charges against one of our own is not a free flow of information. That is trial by AR. Please put a stop to this. Craig may be guilty of any and all of the issues suggested in this thread, but we should wait until the authorities have made their final decision to weigh in on it. No one gets bonus points for bringing these issues to our attention, especially when there are no formal charges filed.

And to those who want to know of the dozens I have communicated with, there are dozens in the two hunt leases I am a member of, SCI here locally (all of whom think CB is a great guy), my family who are hunters from birth, and my business associates who don't want anything to do with MJ (they despise attorneys). If you have a history in military service, then they might give you the light of day. So f--k you.

One of our SCI members, who is a top rated gunsmith nationally, and has an autographed photo of CB at the entrance to his shop, thinks you CB haters are off your rocks. The number of you who are CB haters are far overwhelmed by those who continue to read Petersens, buy his books and videos, and have been educated by him for 20 years. So just because you have a couple of youtube videos, that doesn't make you a hunting legend.

Both CB and Pennicott are free to post THEIR version of events.

What has been posted are reports of illegal activities by both, and proof is provided by copies from the relevant government department.

If this is untrue, both CB and Pennicott should stand up and say what they wish to say.

In all due respect, there is absolutely NO PROOF that CB participated in any illegal activity. I have read all the documents carefully, and they have been filed on behalf of a competing outfitter, whom I am not sure we can trust any more than Pennicott. Who knows. Regardless, there is absolutely no evidence, from any documentation, that CB had any knowledge of hunting in an unapproved area.

I thought you to be bigger than this. Please do not continue down this road. Reputations of hunters all over can be jeopardized at a whim if you support this.

And be careful to acknowledge private info you receive behind the scenes. My bet is that no charges will ever be filed against CB or his party, and that all the other allegations will result in nothing of substance as well. Be careful to fall for the crap, it might hit you right in the face.

JP Sauer Drilling 12x12x9.3x72
David Murray Scottish Hammer 12 Bore
Alex Henry 500/450 Double Rifle
Steyr Classic Mannlicher Fullstock 6.5x55
Steyr Classic Mannlicher Fullstock .30-06
Walther PPQ H2 9mm
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Cogswell & Harrison Hammer 12 Bore Damascus
And Too Many More
Posts: 1857 | Location: Chattanooga, TN | Registered: 10 August 2010Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Saeed:
Originally posted by mdstewart:
Originally posted by Saeed:
So basically you are saying that people like Craig Boddington and Mark Sullivan can display their hunts as they see fit, but us as viewers are not allowed to state our opinions of them?

Both CB and MS have chosen a public life, and make their living of this, so they should be able to face up to whatever criticism they get.

How did Larry violate ANY sacred trusts between hunters?

What is this sacred trust?

I for one have never heard of it.

Are we supposed to turn a blind eye to idiotic behavior such as Mark Sullivan seem to produce with each video he makes.

A behavior that some of us believe is utterly disgusting?

Larry, like everyone posting on this thread, including you, are stating THIER opinions.

Nothing else.

If any of us dislikes to hear others state opposing opinions to our own, are we supposed to silence them?


If you want to critique their hunting styles (CB and MS), and lend some credence to how those styles agree or disagree with your norm, I see no problem with that.

But when one makes allegations of illegal hunting before the charges have been made, then there's no place for it here on AR. We could accuse one another of hunting violations all the time without formal charges, and in fact damage one another in the act.

If you want to criticize CB for selling t-shirts, that's appropriate. If you want to challenge his technique for leopard hunting, that's also appropriate. What is not appropriate is to make accusations of illegal hunting activities against anyone until legal authorities have filed charges and the exact facts of the case has been found credible in court.

As the owner of this forum, you should not tolerate that in an effort to protect hunters around the world from being convicted in the AR court before real charges have been filed by the real authorities.

Please put a stop to this. I know you want this to be a free flowing forum of information. But unsubstantiated charges against one of our own is not a free flow of information. That is trial by AR. Please put a stop to this. Craig may be guilty of any and all of the issues suggested in this thread, but we should wait until the authorities have made their final decision to weigh in on it. No one gets bonus points for bringing these issues to our attention, especially when there are no formal charges filed.

And to those who want to know of the dozens I have communicated with, there are dozens in the two hunt leases I am a member of, SCI here locally (all of whom think CB is a great guy), my family who are hunters from birth, and my business associates who don't want anything to do with MJ (they despise attorneys). If you have a history in military service, then they might give you the light of day. So f--k you.

One of our SCI members, who is a top rated gunsmith nationally, and has an autographed photo of CB at the entrance to his shop, thinks you CB haters are off your rocks. The number of you who are CB haters are far overwhelmed by those who continue to read Petersens, buy his books and videos, and have been educated by him for 20 years. So just because you have a couple of youtube videos, that doesn't make you a hunting legend.

Both CB and Pennicott are free to post THEIR version of events.

What has been posted are reports of illegal activities by both, and proof is provided by copies from the relevant government department.

If this is untrue, both CB and Pennicott should stand up and say what they wish to say.


You keep bringing up your military background. Do you think CBs conduct is becoming? Before you answer you should read the BK filing. I know when i was in if I fathered a child outside of marriage (or maybe he has been married five times but having documented his marriages in his writing I don't think so)and declared BK I would never have made it past 1st LT.

I don't think he hunted illegally but virtuous he is not.

Beat Navy

Don't Ever Book a Hunt with Jeff Blair

Posts: 7578 | Location: Arizona and off grid in CO | Registered: 28 July 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by AnotherAZWriter:
Originally posted by Saeed:
Originally posted by mdstewart:
Originally posted by Saeed:
So basically you are saying that people like Craig Boddington and Mark Sullivan can display their hunts as they see fit, but us as viewers are not allowed to state our opinions of them?

Both CB and MS have chosen a public life, and make their living of this, so they should be able to face up to whatever criticism they get.

How did Larry violate ANY sacred trusts between hunters?

What is this sacred trust?

I for one have never heard of it.

Are we supposed to turn a blind eye to idiotic behavior such as Mark Sullivan seem to produce with each video he makes.

A behavior that some of us believe is utterly disgusting?

Larry, like everyone posting on this thread, including you, are stating THIER opinions.

Nothing else.

If any of us dislikes to hear others state opposing opinions to our own, are we supposed to silence them?


If you want to critique their hunting styles (CB and MS), and lend some credence to how those styles agree or disagree with your norm, I see no problem with that.

But when one makes allegations of illegal hunting before the charges have been made, then there's no place for it here on AR. We could accuse one another of hunting violations all the time without formal charges, and in fact damage one another in the act.

If you want to criticize CB for selling t-shirts, that's appropriate. If you want to challenge his technique for leopard hunting, that's also appropriate. What is not appropriate is to make accusations of illegal hunting activities against anyone until legal authorities have filed charges and the exact facts of the case has been found credible in court.

As the owner of this forum, you should not tolerate that in an effort to protect hunters around the world from being convicted in the AR court before real charges have been filed by the real authorities.

Please put a stop to this. I know you want this to be a free flowing forum of information. But unsubstantiated charges against one of our own is not a free flow of information. That is trial by AR. Please put a stop to this. Craig may be guilty of any and all of the issues suggested in this thread, but we should wait until the authorities have made their final decision to weigh in on it. No one gets bonus points for bringing these issues to our attention, especially when there are no formal charges filed.

And to those who want to know of the dozens I have communicated with, there are dozens in the two hunt leases I am a member of, SCI here locally (all of whom think CB is a great guy), my family who are hunters from birth, and my business associates who don't want anything to do with MJ (they despise attorneys). If you have a history in military service, then they might give you the light of day. So f--k you.

One of our SCI members, who is a top rated gunsmith nationally, and has an autographed photo of CB at the entrance to his shop, thinks you CB haters are off your rocks. The number of you who are CB haters are far overwhelmed by those who continue to read Petersens, buy his books and videos, and have been educated by him for 20 years. So just because you have a couple of youtube videos, that doesn't make you a hunting legend.

Both CB and Pennicott are free to post THEIR version of events.

What has been posted are reports of illegal activities by both, and proof is provided by copies from the relevant government department.

If this is untrue, both CB and Pennicott should stand up and say what they wish to say.


You keep bringing up your military background. Do you think CBs conduct is becoming? Before you answer you should read the BK filing. I know when i was in if I fathered a child outside of marriage (or maybe he has been married five times but having documented his marriages in his writing I don't think so)and declared BK I would never have made it past 1st LT.

I don't think he hunted illegally but virtuous he is not.

Beat Navy


I get your point. I'm not arguing on virtues. I have been married to the same woman for 27 years. Sometimes it sucks, sometimes it's great. That's marriage for me. Who knows, she may divorce my ass next month. I kmow she doesn't think I'm that superhero she thought I was when she married me. Now I'm just the Father of her children. But I've always been there, been loyal, and did the best I could.

I cannot speak for Craig, and wouldn't want to. What I don't want is for Craig or anyone else in our hunting fraternity to be convicted in the court of AR until the proper authorities have decided whether they will press charges. CB will never be charged with anything regarding the shooting of cows in Australia. I'll put money on that.

As to the bankruptcy, I just don't want to get that involved in the finances of CB, of AZ, or anyone else on this forum. We all are trying to find ways to remain fluid in finances; some are doctors who heal, others are business men who create, some are attorneys who leech off all the others, and some are just survivors, doing whatever it takes.

Bankruptcy is not in and of itself a sign of moral failure. It can be, if those involved are vindictive. I would suggest the theory of wait and see what the BK courts say. If Craig is being dishonest on his filings, then they will be found out. Let's not make judgement until the Courts have made their decisions.

Is that unfair to ask of you?

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Let me be crystal clear.

My comments and postings relate to the ALLEGATION that CB participated in an illegal hunt. There clearly has been an ALLEGATION.

Once again, I SERIOUSLY DOUBT HE KNEW. It would be one of the stupidest moves ever to put a hunt on TV that he knew was illegal. Is he that stupid? I doubt it.

IF CB & wife were in the wrong place because of the outfitters, the Australian authorities would be equally stupid to charge them. Think about it. Would you go to Australia to hunt knowing that someone got charged like that? Hell no, I wouldn't. It would be a little like giving a ticket for speeding to a passenger in the car because the driver was speeding.

I do think the hammering of Karl is totally wrong as well. He is running a business. He has put a lot of time, money and effort into his business. He is protecting his business as any of us would. If one had exclusive right to sell a particular product in a particular state then found out someone else was selling it without authorization, what should be done? That is pretty simple to me.
Posts: 12105 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: 26 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by larryshores:
Let me be crystal clear.

My comments and postings relate to the ALLEGATION that CB participated in an illegal hunt. There clearly has been an ALLEGATION.

Once again, I SERIOUSLY DOUBT HE KNEW. It would be one of the stupidest moves ever to put a hunt on TV that he knew was illegal. Is he that stupid? I doubt it.

IF CB & wife were in the wrong place because of the outfitters, the Australian authorities would be equally stupid to charge them. Think about it. Would you go to Australia to hunt knowing that someone got charged like that? Hell no, I wouldn't. It would be a little like giving a ticket for speeding to a passenger in the car because the driver was speeding.

I do think the hammering of Karl is totally wrong as well. He is running a business. He has put a lot of time, money and effort into his business. He is protecting his business as any of us would. If one had exclusive right to sell a particular product in a particular state then found out someone else was selling it without authorization, what should be done? That is pretty simple to me.

Thank you Larry.

Here we have it all in a nutshell.
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I have been reminded of something.

I have to wonder why CB went on another hunt with Pennicott after all of this had started. That is really odd to me. I would have avoided him like the plague.
Posts: 12105 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: 26 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Has there been any action against Pennicott?

Has there been any further development from the authorities?

How long does it normally take for the authorities to take action in cases like these?

I am jut trying to get a clear picture of all this, because if there is no action taken, or being taken, then could the original claim that an illegal hunt was conducted was false?
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Just a comment, nothing more.

Saeed wrote:
I am jut trying to get a clear picture of all this, because if there is no action taken, or being taken, then could the original claim that an illegal hunt was conducted was false?

Should the above somehow prove out to be the case, it will be interesting to see if those condemning Boddington so vociferously, will be just as quick and vigorous to proclaim his innocence?

Even the rocks don't last forever.

Posts: 31014 | Location: Olney, Texas | Registered: 27 March 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Saeed:
Originally posted by mdstewart:
Originally posted by Saeed:
So basically you are saying that people like Craig Boddington and Mark Sullivan can display their hunts as they see fit, but us as viewers are not allowed to state our opinions of them?

Both CB and MS have chosen a public life, and make their living of this, so they should be able to face up to whatever criticism they get.

How did Larry violate ANY sacred trusts between hunters?

What is this sacred trust?

I for one have never heard of it.

Are we supposed to turn a blind eye to idiotic behavior such as Mark Sullivan seem to produce with each video he makes.

A behavior that some of us believe is utterly disgusting?

Larry, like everyone posting on this thread, including you, are stating THIER opinions.

Nothing else.

If any of us dislikes to hear others state opposing opinions to our own, are we supposed to silence them?


If you want to critique their hunting styles (CB and MS), and lend some credence to how those styles agree or disagree with your norm, I see no problem with that.

But when one makes allegations of illegal hunting before the charges have been made, then there's no place for it here on AR. We could accuse one another of hunting violations all the time without formal charges, and in fact damage one another in the act.

If you want to criticize CB for selling t-shirts, that's appropriate. If you want to challenge his technique for leopard hunting, that's also appropriate. What is not appropriate is to make accusations of illegal hunting activities against anyone until legal authorities have filed charges and the exact facts of the case has been found credible in court.

As the owner of this forum, you should not tolerate that in an effort to protect hunters around the world from being convicted in the AR court before real charges have been filed by the real authorities.

Please put a stop to this. I know you want this to be a free flowing forum of information. But unsubstantiated charges against one of our own is not a free flow of information. That is trial by AR. Please put a stop to this. Craig may be guilty of any and all of the issues suggested in this thread, but we should wait until the authorities have made their final decision to weigh in on it. No one gets bonus points for bringing these issues to our attention, especially when there are no formal charges filed.

And to those who want to know of the dozens I have communicated with, there are dozens in the two hunt leases I am a member of, SCI here locally (all of whom think CB is a great guy), my family who are hunters from birth, and my business associates who don't want anything to do with MJ (they despise attorneys). If you have a history in military service, then they might give you the light of day. So f--k you.

One of our SCI members, who is a top rated gunsmith nationally, and has an autographed photo of CB at the entrance to his shop, thinks you CB haters are off your rocks. The number of you who are CB haters are far overwhelmed by those who continue to read Petersens, buy his books and videos, and have been educated by him for 20 years. So just because you have a couple of youtube videos, that doesn't make you a hunting legend.

Both CB and Pennicott are free to post THEIR version of events.

What has been posted are reports of illegal activities by both, and proof is provided by copies from the relevant government department.

If this is untrue, both CB and Pennicott should stand up and say what they wish to say.

That is true Saeed. Especially true since one of them did start the thread. Now would be a good time to stand up and refute the proffered documents.
Posts: 306 | Registered: 06 March 2010Reply With Quote
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Yes, Craig did start this particular thread but, as I remember it, it was in response to critics who already had tried, drawn and quartered him for his alleged wrongdoings in Australia on other threads on this site.

The question is, why was this thread revived now and not the others?

I'm not defending my friend Craig -- he is more than capable of doing that himself -- but there has been much made about the fact that he launched this thread and the record needs to be set straight.

Bill Quimby
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