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Been flamed by the Garret 45/70 crowd??? Login/Join
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Picture of El Deguello
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Originally posted by makeminestainless:
Easy marketing. I would say a large minority if not the majority of gun owners (not people on this forum by and large) use too much pride and not enough physics when thinking about their own guns. Not that there is anything wrong with the calibers, but the 270, 7mm RM, 30-06 and 45-70 rifles and 45 ACP and 44 mag pistols make me cringe when they show up at a range or hunting camp. They are very often attached to a big a$$hole who tells (loudly) how much better they are than any other choice and everyone who doesn't own one is a fool. The 45 acp can kill someone by hitting them in the foot or hand and saved the Marines in the Philippines (the 38 specials the Pentagon issued them wouldn't kill the natives high on LSD or angle dust and just bounced off of curved windshields), the 1911 pistol design has never jammed...ever in history, and won't even if driven over with a truck in the mud. The Rem 7400 in '06 with an "Ironsighter" mounted 3x9 Tasco loaded with accelerators is every bit as good as a 220 Swift in an HB varmint gun and can, just by changing to heavy bullets, be great for Grizzly (somehow the guy next to him with the 300 win mag would be a fool to walk around in bear country with that over bored "God awful kicking" joke of a gun). The 270, also with a look under 3x9 Tasco can take game at 1000 yards easy, the 7mm can take really big game at 1000 yards, also with ease. Actually the '06 can do this too with boat tail bullets. The 44 mag "in a Ruger" is still the worlds biggest handgun and appropriate for all game that would need a 338 or 375 if you were fool enough to use a rifle (when this guy started walking a screw out of his Ruger with his own special hand loads I must admit I was impressed!). And of course our current topic that the 45-70 is way more of a gun than the Lott, little alone the puny 458 Win mag and could probably take on some wussy 505 Gibbs.

Thanks! It felt good to rant. wave

Garret's claims may be BS, but he's a smart guy....

The .45 ACP did NOT save the Marines in the Philippines, and the .38 they had been using was NOT a .38 Special! What saved the troops in the Philippines was the re-issue of the "obsolete .45 COLT Peacemaker they had replaced with the useless .38 Colt BP load which by any measure was a wimpy load. The .45 ACP did not come along until at least 9 years after the Philippine Insurrection was over.

And it was another 40 years before the Pentagon was built!

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Posts: 4386 | Location: New Woodstock, Madison County, Central NY | Registered: 04 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of El Deguello
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Originally posted by Aglifter:
Ehh. Garretts are fun to shoot, in a painful way. They do have about the same ballistics as a 405 Win. but w. a larger bullet... which actually had a decent African rep, once upon a time... Whenever I finally get to Africa, I'm taking it along, don't know quite what I'll use it on, but I'll take it.

The .405 Win. did have a decent rep. for African hunting, but NOT as an elephant/rhino/Cape Buffalo rifle, but good for thin-skinned stuff. If they'd used a 400-grain bullet in it, it might have been different.....

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Originally posted by El Deguello:
I have never hunted in Africa, and my dogs do a creditable job of keeping the elephants, rhinos, and Cape Bufflao out of my back yard here.

It seems to me that there is a specific velocity range withing which a .458", 500-grain solid bullet will penetrate deepest. Assuming this is true, then the size, shape, and powder capacity of the cartridge case that'll give such a bullet the required velocity does not matter. I will not pretend to know what this cartridge is, however, a .458 Lott, a .460 WM, a .45/70, or whatever. I leave that to people who should know based on experience.

If I ever have an opportunity to shoot at such game, however, I will probably select the .416 Rigby in my safe vs the .45/70 that sits there beside it.....

The fallacy of this arguement, as it applies to either real game or ballistic geletin, ie rellevant media, is that all faster bullets end up in the same "velocity window" as all slower bullets, if they haven't already exited.


Free 500grains
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Originally posted by El Deguello:
The .45 ACP did NOT save the Marines in the Philippines, and the .38 they had been using was NOT a .38 Special! What saved the troops in the Philippines was the re-issue of the "obsolete .45 COLT Peacemaker they had replaced with the useless .38 Colt BP load which by any measure was a wimpy load. The .45 ACP did not come along until at least 9 years after the Philippine Insurrection was over.

And it was another 40 years before the Pentagon was built!

I know you have run into one of these guys!! I have heard several of them spout off about the 45 ACP saving the Marines in the Philippines over the years! All of them included the 38 Special and even included the Pentagon. Big Grin
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Originally posted by ScottS:

Not Boomie, but I have seen the effects of a 45-70 on whitetail. It works about as well as the 12 ga slug when said 45-70 is loaded with 405gr Remington SP at 1900 fps and the range is kept under 75 yards. So it does work OK for whitetails at shorter ranges. Smiler

I guess if it has been loaded with 540gr HC Garretts it would have been much better though.

I shot a mule deer doe with a 45-70 at 300 yards using 400 gr Speer flat nose bullets. There was about 5 feet of bullet drop. Hopefully I am not as stupid now as I was then.
Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Rusty
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Let's check the facts about the 45/70.
  • It is a hold over black powder cartridge.
  • It has a straight wall case.
  • It is a Hell of a man killer out of a Trapdoor Springfield or a Gatlin Gun.
  • It is adequate for Whitetailed deer out to 100 yards.
  • It will kill bears if you are close enough and the bears ain't coming for you and you don't need to stop them in a hurry!

Other than that there is no amount of Magical Wide Meplats, or hard enough cast bullets at minie ball speeds, to make this antiquated old round the terrible "kill anything that walks just by looking at it" round that all our 45/70 Marlin brethren wish it could be!

To try to convince them of the truth of the matter is useless. Their ignorance cloaks them in such a state of bliss they are oblivious to the truth.

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Posts: 162 | Registered: 26 March 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of boom stick
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Has anyone here read the August issue of handloader magazine? diggin holycow

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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I love ya man..

My advice to you is still to get your sorry .45-70 worshiping ass out to Africa and put your money where your mouth is.

The end.

Posts: 5210 | Registered: 23 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Rick R
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Nope, never been flamed but they have convinced me to wear steel toed shoes when I'm reloading for mine. Wink
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Too funny! (There's that turn of a phrase again!)


DRSS, Womper's Club, NRA Life Member/Charter Member NRA Golden Eagles ...
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Picture of boom stick
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Originally posted by surestrike:

I love ya man..

My advice to you is still to get your sorry .45-70 worshiping ass out to Africa and put your money where your mouth is.

The end.

All i said was has anyone read it...

Here now you can all read it.

For informational purposes only. Not for pissing. not read if you have high blood preasure.

This is not my opinion just reporting the magazine article so dont shoot the messenger...or drop a hard cast flat point on my head.

OK I amgoing to post t in the leverguns board a post a link for those interested in the info.

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

*we band of 45-70ers* (Founder)
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Dude I read that article when it came out. Like most gun rags it was inaccurate.

One thing that there little article forgot to mention....

The .45-70 in a lever gun does not meet the minimum FPE required for DG hunting in Tanzania or Zimbabwe.

Of course the author would have to have had some of that there knowledge shit to have realized it and not made an ass of himself in print.

I happen to know a guy who has killed three buff in Ta with his lever gun in .45-70. That is about 300% closer to the actual event than 99.9% of the internut .45-70 worshipers out there.

Either book a hunt or shut your mouth. Sorry Boomy but I am just not in mood for this crap today. No hard feelings.


Posts: 5210 | Registered: 23 July 2002Reply With Quote
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No doubt in my mind the 45/70 with Garrett ammo can kill any of the big five, it has been there and done that.

The simple physics are, if you knock a .458 hole in the vitals of ANY animal, it will die, does not matter if it is from a 45/70, a 458 Win or my beloved 450 No2.

The big five have been killed with a 308 as well.
I think Roy Weatherby killed a cape buff with his 257.

I do not know why so many get upset by this, it has been done.

I think hunting cape buff with a 45/70 [with proper ammo, and Garrett's stuff is some of the best there is] might be falling in the area of a stunt hunt, not as big a stunt as using a handgun or a bow...

The only cape buff I have killed with one shot, and it was my biggest in body and horn, waqs killed with a 286gr Woodleigh Soft from a 9,3x74R.

Many people consider the 9,3 on the marginal side as well.

I will say this, I have found Garretts cast bullets to be the toughest I have seen.

I have shot Garretts from a 4" 44 Mag into the brain of an elephant, side brain.

Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
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please take it easy with the pics! Man, not all of us live in urban areas and mongo pics really are a pain on slower nervices. We know you love the .45-70 and that is great, so please don't feel the need to post whole magazine articles for us here. Not menat to be angry, just asking for your assitance.

Also, can you put the picture in your signature on its side? It is very tall when viewing threads and kinda screws up the spacing of everything.

Again, not meant to be mean or anything, just asking for your consideration.

Posts: 2509 | Location: Kisatchie National Forest, LA | Registered: 20 October 2004Reply With Quote
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There ya go...

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

*we band of 45-70ers* (Founder)
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To kill an animal, you simply have to pop a hole through it just like you would a can of Lonestare beer, when it goes empty the animal dies, it runs out of gas..

Normally I can slowly drink a few cool ones faster than a .45-70 kills a deer with a hot handload, but when the animal runs out of gas it will die, but you may have to walk a ways to find him.

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
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So I’m Guessing a 450 Marlin is out of the Question? Wink
Posts: 426 | Registered: 09 June 2006Reply With Quote
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Back in the 1980s and early 1990s, before Garret and the guide gun craze, the 45-70 had a minor cult following amoung the deer hunters in PA, VA and WV. This was mainly because of the way it killed deer so quickly, in these crowded woods a deer that goes very far after being shot is likely to be found being tagged by another hunter. Almost everyone who had one, including myself (a marlin-all anyone could afford), used one of the 300g factory hollowpoints (I used the rems). Not a particularly powerful load number wise but I cant imagine any other rifle load/combination that can drop a deer as quickly as they do. Not a lot of thought went into it, the idea was to zero your rifle an inch/maybe two inches high at 100 yards and shoot out to about 150. Very practical in that hunting situation. I've also killed a few deer with medium loads using 400g speers and barnes Os with similar results. Other guys have had great success with 405g rem handloads. I dont think anyone really used the factory 405g loads, maybe thats why people get the idea that its only a 100 yard rifle.

Would I use a 45-70 on African big game, no way, and no need to. I wouldnt be afraid to use it on moose though, especially in the thicker parts of eastern Canada, maybe next time.
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Had some 250XFN's going over 2600 FPS but never killed anything but paper with them. Can't imagine any deer going anywhere but down after being hit with one of those rounds at 50-100 yards.
Posts: 13301 | Location: On the Couch with West Coast Cool | Registered: 20 June 2007Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Marc_Stokeld:

please take it easy with the pics! Man, not all of us live in urban areas and mongo pics really are a pain on slower nervices. We know you love the .45-70 and that is great, so please don't feel the need to post whole magazine articles for us here. Not menat to be angry, just asking for your assitance.

Also, can you put the picture in your signature on its side? It is very tall when viewing threads and kinda screws up the spacing of everything.

Again, not meant to be mean or anything, just asking for your consideration.



Just put him on 'ignore' as so many others have.


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Picture of El Deguello
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Originally posted by GeorgeS:
Originally posted by Marc_Stokeld:

please take it easy with the pics! Man, not all of us live in urban areas and mongo pics really are a pain on slower nervices. We know you love the .45-70 and that is great, so please don't feel the need to post whole magazine articles for us here. Not menat to be angry, just asking for your assitance.

Also, can you put the picture in your signature on its side? It is very tall when viewing threads and kinda screws up the spacing of everything.

Again, not meant to be mean or anything, just asking for your consideration.



Just put him on 'ignore' as so many others have.


Dammit! I told you not to confuse me with facts! Y'all know my mind is made up!

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Picture of MacD37
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Originally posted by Whitworth:
I'm a handgun hunter who likes his big-bore rifles, who thinks Randy Garret has a drug problem or simply a distorted grasp of physics! Big Grin

NOW! Here's a man I can agree with! thumb

....Mac >>>===(x)===> MacD37, ...and DUGABOY1
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Originally posted by Atkinson:
To kill an animal, you simply have to pop a hole through it just like you would a can of Lonestare beer, when it goes empty the animal dies, it runs out of gas..

Normally I can slowly drink a few cool ones faster than a .45-70 kills a deer with a hot handload, but when the animal runs out of gas it will die, but you may have to walk a ways to find him.

That's probably the stupidest thing I've ever read on these forums.
Posts: 42 | Registered: 04 March 2006Reply With Quote
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The whole idea of using a short and weak 458 for DG in africa is laughable. lets not dignify it with propaganda by gun writers.

Originally posted by boom stick:
Originally posted by surestrike:

I love ya man..

My advice to you is still to get your sorry .45-70 worshiping ass out to Africa and put your money where your mouth is.

The end.

All i said was has anyone read it...

Here now you can all read it.

For informational purposes only. Not for pissing. not read if you have high blood preasure.

This is not my opinion just reporting the magazine article so dont shoot the messenger...or drop a hard cast flat point on my head.

OK I amgoing to post t in the leverguns board a post a link for those interested in the info.
Posts: 523 | Location: wisconsin | Registered: 18 June 2007Reply With Quote
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Only if its not coming at you at 40 mph!

Originally posted by Atkinson:
To kill an animal, you simply have to pop a hole through it just like you would a can of Lonestare beer, when it goes empty the animal dies, it runs out of gas..

Normally I can slowly drink a few cool ones faster than a .45-70 kills a deer with a hot handload, but when the animal runs out of gas it will die, but you may have to walk a ways to find him.
Posts: 523 | Location: wisconsin | Registered: 18 June 2007Reply With Quote
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I don't want to put Boom Stick on my "ignore" list. I just wanted to be able to load the page before the computer timed out and gave me a white screen.

THanks for your consideration BS! And I am glad you took it just as I wrote it and understood I was not hammering on you or anything.
Posts: 2509 | Location: Kisatchie National Forest, LA | Registered: 20 October 2004Reply With Quote
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I`m feeling depressed, must load up some 450 NE loads at ca 2350 fps and shoot them to get better,.....
Posts: 1196 | Location: Kristiansand,Norway | Registered: 20 April 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of El Deguello
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I have read the article in Handloader. Frankly, I don't know if one bullet from a .45/70 went through both shoulders of two cape Buffalo or not, but I see no reason to doubt the author's statement. I assume it can be verified by witnesses.

However, if the day ever comes that I have the privilege of hunting African game, I don't believe my dangerous game rifle would be my .45/70. This is despite the fact that, since it is a Ruger No. 1, it can deliver ballistics that are an improvement over the 1895 Marlin.

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I guess I ticked you off by failing to support your case for the .45-70, in which case if you post a question, never expect only answers that agree with you, it won't ever work..

Perhaps I should have asked how much game you have shot with the 45-70. If you had you would know game travels a great deal after receiving a shot from those big overly slow bullets. Animals shot with it basically bleed to death and in many instances that takes awhile.

Sorry, I didn't understand you had no since of humor. I will try to be more serious from now on.

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
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Anyone reading this who owns a .45-70 in a Ruger #1 or long barrel Encore and is absolutely going to hunt deer or larger with it soon? If so let me know and I'll send you a handful of those "special" loads to use if you'll post the photos and a few words about the result. Not taking a position here on the applicability of the .45-70 - just looking for some empiricle evidence. Don't be a knucklehead and blow up your levergun and your cabeza - you have to have a #1 or an Encore to shoot these loads.

Posts: 13301 | Location: On the Couch with West Coast Cool | Registered: 20 June 2007Reply With Quote
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Yes! They are Free and I will ship them to you for free too.
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Picture of jackfish
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Originally posted by Atkinson:
Perhaps I should have asked how much game you have shot with the 45-70. If you had you would know game travels a great deal after receiving a shot from those big overly slow bullets. Animals shot with it basically bleed to death and in many instances that takes awhile.
My 45-70 experience with deer, black bear and hogs has been that a 300 grain hollow point traveling 2150 fps pretty much drops these animals where they stand. Only a couple went more than 10 feet before falling. With high shoulder shots on deer they drop at the shot. The moose I shot with a 405 grain jacketed soft point at 1950 fps took maybe five steps and fell over. 300 grain bullets at 2350 fps, 350 grain at 2150 fps and 400 grain bullets at 2000 fps are hardly "big overly slow bullets" that are slow to kill animals. That said, I'd take my Win M70 375 H&H over my Marlin 1895 for DG. There is a proper place for the 45-70 and hunting dangerous game in Africa isn't it.

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Excuse my ignorance, but how compressed does a 45/70 load need to be to run a 350 grain bullet to 2150 or a 400 grain bullet to 2000 fps??

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Conley precision has a 400 @ 2150 for ruget #1's

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Here is another great excuse to post some pics. This elk ran about.......4 steps; bullet velocity about 1700, would I hunt africa with my marlin...NO, because i've got a 458ar now.

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ptaylor...that is some good shoot'n!

the softer 45-70 bullets in the 458 A.R. will be expolosive

The 458 A.R. is a waaaay cool cat and damned practical being a 45-70 user...

I went impractical with the 470 A.R. but it has its charms hillbilly

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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Whitworth, it depends on how you seat the bullets and what powders, of course. In a standard marlin 2.55 inch loads, typical powders like Varget, and H4895 will give you 1800 FPS/400g with only slightly compressed loads, and are relatively mild at or just above the saami 28,000 CUP . 2000 FPS loads with the same powders would be compressed a bit but not too much, and be above SAAMI, but Marlins are supposed to be able to take it. If you modify your marlin to take longer cartridge overall length you could probably get 2000 FPS with something like H4895 with little compression and surprisingly low pressure. Of course if you go to a Ruger #1 you can seat your bullets out and load more powder, or switch to a faster powder like RE7. In this case 2100 FPS would be doable with only slightly compressed loads.

Case capacity is higher in the 45-70 than you might think, thin walls. Definitely safe to say that you could get 2000 FPS from a 400g with less compression than typical 458wm loads or 458 Lott 2300fps loads.
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I thought that regardless of projectile, to kill an animal, the idea is to shut down the central nervous system, the circulatory system, or the respiratory system. I'm not sure what is meant when someone says the animal "bled out". I thought that deflating both lungs, or shredding the heart to uselessness was the point of large arrow broadheads, and rifle bullets. I also understand that some larger animals that may come for us need big bullets to break through shoulders, or brain pans, to keep them from gettin closer, but still, one of the three systems still needs to be shut down, regardless of method. Correct?
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