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What Frightens You Most?
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Picture of Michael Robinson
This from a vintage issue of Sports Illustrated:

Sports Illustrated, May 30, 1955
The Question: What Frightens You Most? (asked Of Adventurers And Explorers)
Jimmy Jemail

Narrator and explorer
"Fright depends on thought. If you've no time to think you are not afraid. Danger is not a thing long drawn out. Two Frenchmen and I crashed in a small plane on our way to Africa. We had no time for anything but reflex action. Our lives saved, we stood there weak in the knees."

President Adventurers' Club
"Two things petrify me. The first is a single engine plane that sputters in flight. The second is a crazy man. And I'm talking from actual experience. The crazy man was violent and unpredictable. I didn't know what he was going to do. He was more frightening than a violent wife."

World famous detective
"A holdup. I was held up in Los Angeles. Up went my hands, my knees shook violently I and I stammered 'Oh no.' With the gun in the hand of that degenerate-looking young jerk, nothing was worth more than my life. I did just what comes naturally, but believe me, I was plenty scared."

In command of atomic submarine "Nautilis"
"I grew up in Holtville, Calif., then a town of 1,500. New York bewilders me. The thing I that frightens me most is driving a car in this dense traffic. It makes me yearn for the peace you find at sea. When the sun comes out of the ocean, it always reminds me of sunrise on the farm."

Author, adventurer, foreign correspondent
"In Brazil's 'Green Hell,' savages sent curare poisoned arrows whining in my direction. During World War II I was escorted out of forbidden Russian territory with bayonets at my back. I've visited leper colonies; been shot out of a cannon. What frightens me most? BOREDOM!"

SASHA SIEMEL, Green Lane, Pa.
"My specialty is hunting jaguar with only a spear. That's dangerous enough, but what actually frightens me the most is the Piranha. They're killers. I saw two men blunder into a school of these fish. They were reduced to skeletons in three minutes. I made the same blunder but got away in time."

Big game hunter
"Crazy Sunday drivers. Speeding in their souped-up cars, they are a greater danger than all the rhinos, lions and Cape buffaloes I've encountered in four major safaris. A good rifleman can stop a charging tusker with a leg shot, but there's no way to stop a maniac who jumps the white line."

PETER FREUCHEN, Copenhagen, Denmark
Arctic explorer
"They say that nothing frightens me, that I once sawed off my frozen leg. That's not true. I only chopped off my toes with a chisel. The doctor sawed the leg off. Ice cap crevasses frighten me most. You can fall 1,000 feet or more. I once fell and hung by my sled traces, swinging back and forth."

Flier and adventurer
"Snakes. They petrify me. I was once night flying at 14,000 feet over a hilly country. The engine failed, but I was afraid to bail out because I thought there were rattlesnakes on the ground. So I deliberately crashed and wrecked my plane at 4 a.m. There I sat with the cockpit closed until daylight."

CLYDE BEATTY, Fillmore, Calif.
World famous animal trainer
"Lions and tigers in the same act. They're natural enemies. But I don't dare show fright. Once, while working 32 lions and tigers in one ring, 28 got into the worst gang fight I ever saw. A tiger knocked me down and was clawing at my throat when a lion sprang on him, enabling me to escape."

LEWIS COTLOW, Beverly Hills, Calif.
Big game photographer
"I've just come back from eight months in Africa. I have been chased by a 450-pound gorilla. A rhino over-turned my jeep. A mother elephant charged me. I lived where Mau Mau were killing white men. So what frightens me? Walking alone through New York's Central Park at night."

Next? Big Grin Cool


Wilderness is my cathedral, and hunting is my prayer.
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Thanks MR! That's very interesting! thumb For me, being in a room full of liberal democrats! dancing
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my wife-when she's pissed off Eeker

nothin sweeter than the smell of fresh blood on your hunting boots
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Marrying some one who ends up not supporting my love of hunting and travel and keeps me from doing it (until we get devoriced that is).


Life Member SCI
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Rhyme of the Sheep Hunter
May fordings never be too deep, And alders not too thick; May rock slides never be too steep And ridges not too slick.
And may your bullets shoot as swell As Fred Bear's arrow's flew; And may your nose work just as well As Jack O'Connor's too.
May winds be never at your tail When stalking down the steep; May bears be never on your trail When packing out your sheep.
May the hundred pounds upon you Not make you break or trip; And may the plane in which you flew Await you at the strip.
-Seth Peterson
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Picture of Big Bore Boar Hunter
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Being in thick cover, 5 feet from a cape buffalo with the smell of buffalo filling the nostrils, bringing the rifle to bear, dropping the safety, squeezing the trigger, and click. Of course I would imagine it would be worse with elephant or lion, with a uninjured buffalo you stand a 40% chance of survival.

Posts: 1343 | Location: Northern California | Registered: 15 January 2006Reply With Quote
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I'm scared to death of snakes, but I think the things I worry about the most are light aircraft and bad roads!
Posts: 265 | Location: central california | Registered: 28 July 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of tendrams
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I have had elephant bluff charges reduce my legs to jelly, nearly been arrested at third world protests, illegally traveled into "restricted" military areas, slept outside in lion country, watched hippos swim under my boat, and politely waved at "war vets" while hunting. What scares me? Sitting in an Air Zimbabwe flight and smelling smoke!
Posts: 2472 | Registered: 06 July 2008Reply With Quote
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Being too ill, or under political restriction, or law to ever hunt again.

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks"
Hamlet III/ii

Posts: 423 | Location: Eastern Washington State | Registered: 16 March 2006Reply With Quote
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Preying Mantis's bloody hate em! Eeker

A mate of mine has just told me he's shagging his girlfriend and her twin. I said "How can you tell them apart?" He said "Her brother's got a moustache!"
Posts: 7986 | Location: Bloody Queensland where every thing is 20 years behind the rest of Australia! | Registered: 25 January 2001Reply With Quote
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Death by crocodile. Frowner

Posts: 12415 | Registered: 01 July 2002Reply With Quote
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A letter from my ex-wife's lawyer. Eeker

And any snake I see while I'm crawling around on the ground hunting.

.395 Family Member
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Political correctness is nothing but liberal enforced censorship
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Picture of retreever
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I dont like snakes, death by croc Wow!!! been less then 20 feet from buf in heavy cover...
Did that firing pin break after the last shot on the range sighting in...

Oh yea, Have read Shasha Siemel stories of jaguar hunting and his nephew is a member here on AR..


Michael Podwika... DRSS bigbores and hunting " MAKE THE SHOT " 450#2 Famars
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Dream it...Discover it...Experience it...

Patrick Reynecke
Outfitter and Professional Hunter
Bushwack Safaris
Box 1736

North West Province
South Africa
Cell: +27 82 773 4099

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And I am booked with Buzz for 2 ele in 3 weeks.
No rifle, just a bloody skinny bow.

J B de Runz
Be careful when blindly following the masses ... generally the "m" is silent
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Snakes above all, especially African/Australian ones.

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Picture of Dave Bush
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Without a doubt.... LIONS! Lions just scare the hell out of me.

Chapuis 9.3X74
Chapuis "Jungle" .375 FL
Krieghoff 500/.416 NE
Krieghoff 500 NE

"Git as close as y can laddie an then git ten yards closer"

"If the biggest, baddest animals on the planet are on the menu, and you'd rather pay a taxidermist than a mortician, consider the 500 NE as the last word in life insurance." Hornady Handbook of Cartridge Reloading (8th Edition).
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Walking on slippery shale on steep mountain sides and a LONG WAY DOWN! People trying to text while driving and I am on my bike.

Posts: 3256 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 January 2009Reply With Quote
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Picture of MJines
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Originally posted by craig boddington:
I'm scared to death of snakes, . . .


Posts: 21340 | Registered: 03 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Been charged by buff, ele. and hippo.
Shot the hippo on a charge Thrilling. Buff and ele. were bluffing. I hate snakes and spiders.
What scares me is something bad happing to my daughter or my wife. That scarers me.

Posts: 1366 | Location: SPARTANBURG SOUTH CAROLINA | Registered: 02 July 2008Reply With Quote
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Being eaten alive, by anything! Not real fond of snakes either, not even the nonpoisonous varieties.

"Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading".
Posts: 830 | Location: Randleman, NC | Registered: 07 April 2005Reply With Quote
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Tough question. Some interesting answers. I think I'm most afraid of an in-flight fire.
Posts: 11729 | Location: Florida | Registered: 25 October 2006Reply With Quote
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Becoming decrepted and usless in my old age.

Ill take death from any of the above over sitting in a chair and wasting away.

I have walked in the foot prints of the elephant, listened to lion roar and met the buffalo on his turf. I shall never be the same.
Posts: 813 | Location: In the shadow of Currahee | Registered: 29 January 2009Reply With Quote
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Like the first example in the original post, the things that happened to me in the past that should have really scared me happened so fast that there was no time to be afraid. Close calls with single engine planes, buffalo charges, stepping over venomous snakes,etc.

What I fear the most is my body wearing out while my mind is still good enough to know what miserable shape the body is in.

We seldom get to choose
But I've seen them go both ways
And I would rather go out in a blaze of glory
Than to slowly rot away!
Posts: 1370 | Location: Shreveport,La.USA | Registered: 08 November 2001Reply With Quote
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Unhappy elephants.

Jim "Bwana Umfundi"

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Not being able to hunt! On second thought not being allowed to hunt would be worse.
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the notion of a stroke and being paralyzed and unable to communicate while my mind is whole. I saw that in a man I admired once.

Posts: 23062 | Location: SW Idaho | Registered: 19 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Flying, spiders and wasps.

Posts: 3085 | Location: Uruguay - South America | Registered: 10 December 2001Reply With Quote
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What I fear most depends on time and circumstance. At one point it was being captured by the NVA, being too close to a rattle snake, trying to stop your slide on the side of a mountain, and a few others. Picking what I think would be the most unpleasant demise would be becoming part of the food chain for some animal.
What I worry about most, now that I have reached senior status is continued good health and the future for my children and grandchildren. I think I have lived in the best of times.
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My ex-wives going in to a lawyers office together!
Posts: 12005 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: 26 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Flying and dying. Not necessarily in that order
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I think the only time I got REALLY scared was when we followed a herd of buffalo, and found them lying down in a dry river bed.

Somehow they sensed us, and ran off to the other side into some high grass and some very thick bush. The area they went into is like a two-sided triangle, with mountains on two sides, and the dry river the third side. This wasn't a very big area, may about 200 yards at its longest distance.

We went after them into that thick area, and after realized that THAT wasn't such a great idea.

The herd kept running from one end to the other, turning as they met the mountain. They refused to get out in the open - the dry river bed!

We could hear them, and see the grass moving very close to us - at one point I think they muct have passed less than 5 yards from us.

There was no way in hell we could have saved ourselves with our rifles, as there would not have been anything visible before one is empaled on a horn!

We made a slow retreat out of that area.

Nelson stood with his legs tight together.

When asked why was he doing that, he answered "I did not want a buffalo to pass between me legs"
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There are different types of, political or physical. The first two have been present in the U.S. from and in my opinion as the result of the election year of 2008. Before it's over physical terror will come too. In the end it's the only way to make people give up everything they possess and roll over for a demagogue socialist regime that as each day passes is gradually dropping its mask and revealing its true nature. In my opinion the particular individual at its center will rank amongst history's most cruel, despotic tyrants.

In essence there are some forms of dying more terrible to the thought than others, but it's all just death no matter how. And I prefer any form of that over living out one's life as a slave.
Posts: 2999 | Registered: 24 March 2009Reply With Quote
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Breeding herds of elephant just scare the crap out of me.

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Picture of Frostbit
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A good rifleman can stop a charging tusker with a leg shot

From initial post....

"A good rifleman can stop a charging tusker with a leg shot"

You buy that?

Hunt Reports

2015 His & Her Leopards with Derek Littleton of Luwire Safaris - http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/2971090112
2015 Trophy Bull Elephant with CMS http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/1651069012
DIY Brooks Range Sheep Hunt 2013 - http://forums.accuratereloadin...901038191#9901038191
Zambia June/July 2012 with Andrew Baldry - Royal Kafue http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/7971064771
Zambia Sept 2010- Muchinga Safaris http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/4211096141
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Picture of Bahati
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Originally posted by craig boddington:
I'm scared to death of snakes, but I think the things I worry about the most are light aircraft and bad roads!

Now you tell me ... Big Grin

Is it worse when you have to ask the pilot where the hell you just landed?!

Posts: 506 | Registered: 29 May 2006Reply With Quote
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Mark,you REALLY ought to leave that to the elephant bulls Roll Eyes
but if you feel the need again i'd like to watch

being able to smell the grizzly and not able to spot it
Posts: 2141 | Location: enjoying my freedom in wyoming | Registered: 13 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of SGraves155
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Originally posted by MARK H. YOUNG:
Breeding herds of elephant just scare the crap out of me.

You? What about the young cows? Big Grin

A big shark circling, and single engine planes quitting in the mountains.

"He wins the most, who honour saves. Success is not the test." Ryan
"Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything." Stalin
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Spiders and hights.
In that order. I hope never to encounter a spider while on a ladder.

- Lars

A.k.a. Bwana One-Shot
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Picture of BrettAKSCI
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Originally posted by ravenr:
Mark,you REALLY ought to leave that to the elephant bulls Roll Eyes
but if you feel the need again i'd like to watch

being able to smell the grizzly and not able to spot it


Life Member SCI
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Life Member WSF

Rhyme of the Sheep Hunter
May fordings never be too deep, And alders not too thick; May rock slides never be too steep And ridges not too slick.
And may your bullets shoot as swell As Fred Bear's arrow's flew; And may your nose work just as well As Jack O'Connor's too.
May winds be never at your tail When stalking down the steep; May bears be never on your trail When packing out your sheep.
May the hundred pounds upon you Not make you break or trip; And may the plane in which you flew Await you at the strip.
-Seth Peterson
Posts: 4551 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 21 February 2008Reply With Quote
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I should have added, going hunting with Brett in that God awful climate. rotflmo

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