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Picture of vapodog
I'll be the first to admit that I know relatively nothing about Woodleighs. The only Woodys I've ever bought are some .423 Diameters in 350 grain for my 404 Jeffery....just to get started!

The question; are all woodleighs bonded or just those they call weldcore?.....How do you rank them with A-Frames and Nosler Partitions?

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Picture of chuck375
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The protected point bullets have the same bonded "weldcore" construction. Their jackets are a bit thicker so they expand a bit slower.



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I have shot a lot of game with the 286gr 9.3, the 400gr .408, and the 480gr .458.

All have given excellent performance.

In my 450 No2 I have shot cape buff and eland with 480gr Woodleigh Softs and some with the 500gr Swift A Frame. They both gave similar penetration and exansion at my double rifle velocities.

If I was shooting a 458 Lott, 460 Weatherby, etc I would pick the 500gr Swift, as I think it will hold up better at the higher velocities.

I have used a lot of Nosler Partitions over the years, including using the 285 NP side by side with the 286 Woodleigh in the 9,3x74R.
The Partition gives a little more penetration.

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I have used the 350grPP in the 375H&H on 2 buff, wildebeest and waterbuck. Not a statistical sample but they worked great.

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Picture of ShortandFat
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They are a great bullet IF driven at their suggested velocity.

Can be a bit soft if driven quicker.

Posts: 463 | Location: Victoria, Australia | Registered: 26 September 2007Reply With Quote
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All bonded except the Hydro's.

EARLY Woodleigh's were not bonded.
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I've used them on 2 side brain shots on Elephant. Penetration was good, Elephant DRT, but recovered bullets showed fishtailing.
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Biebs, what picture/tips did you use for where to place your side brain shot?

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Will's first book has an excellent photo section on brain shot placement from different angles. Buzz Charlton's DVD is the best footage I've seen on this subject. They show the animal, freeze and superimpose an aiming point, continue on to the shot, freeze again to show where the shot hit vs the aiming point, and then the result. On a side shot, look for the gland on the cheekbone that weeps moisture....hit midway between that and the earhole and you'll have a DRT Jumbo.
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Picture of JBoutfishn
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Excellent results with 500 grain soft point on buff. Hear is a pic of a solid and soft both loaded to 2185 FPS

Jim "Bwana Umfundi"

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Picture of Michael Robinson
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Originally posted by ShortandFat:
They are a great bullet IF driven at their suggested velocity.

Can be a bit soft if driven quicker.


x2 to S&F.

Woodleigh is great about specifying maximum impact velocities and they MUST be observed.

I have used their softs and solids to kill Cape buffalo, elephant and hippopotamus, and all with excellent results.

I would use them again without hesitation, but only if driven to recommended velocities, and no faster.


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An interesting note: They recommend impact velocities of 1900-2500 for the 350gr PP .375. Then they say that the muzzle velocity should not exceed 2380 in a 375 H&H.

Did I miss something???? Does this seem odd to you?? DoubleTap loads them to 2450. In the H&H.

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( Edit....sorry guys, discovered after I posted that this is the big bore forum, so pleace bear over with me.... Frowner )

I have used 250 grn Woodleigh RN in 338 Winmag both on moose here in Norway, and on PG in South Africa.
Only two bullets recovered.


Nyala left and waterbuck right.
The one from the nyala got a beating hitting a twig before entering the shoulder blade on the nyala. Found under the skin on the oposite side. Went 10 feet before toppling over

Waterbuck was hit in front of chest and the bullet found in the liver.

The 250 grn RN is also my "go to" bullet for the 35 Whelen and have accountet for many red deer and and a moose.
No bullets found.

Same goes with the 308 Win, where the 150 grn PP is my favourite for roe deer.
So far no bullets found here eighter.

The Woodleigh has become my most used bullet based on perfomance, accuracy and price.

Arild Iversen.

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Picture of ShortandFat
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Originally posted by drewhenrytnt:
An interesting note: They recommend impact velocities of 1900-2500 for the 350gr PP .375. Then they say that the muzzle velocity should not exceed 2380 in a 375 H&H.

Did I miss something???? Does this seem odd to you?? DoubleTap loads them to 2450. In the H&H.

No it doesn't suprise me because, Woodleigh make bullets for specific guns as well. They understand that there are LARGER 375'S out there than a H&H. In 458 they make bullets for the Socom, the win mag and the bigger WBY.

So its not just about the weight with Woodleighs, look at the speeds and the gun is recommend for.

Regards S&F
Posts: 463 | Location: Victoria, Australia | Registered: 26 September 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of chuck375
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Originally posted by ShortandFat:
Originally posted by drewhenrytnt:
An interesting note: They recommend impact velocities of 1900-2500 for the 350gr PP .375. Then they say that the muzzle velocity should not exceed 2380 in a 375 H&H.

Did I miss something???? Does this seem odd to you?? DoubleTap loads them to 2450. In the H&H.

No it doesn't suprise me because, Woodleigh make bullets for specific guns as well. They understand that there are LARGER 375'S out there than a H&H. In 458 they make bullets for the Socom, the win mag and the bigger WBY.

So its not just about the weight with Woodleighs, look at the speeds and the gun is recommend for.

Regards S&F

My guess is that the warning not to drive the 350g Woodleighs faster than 2380 fps in the 375 H&H is based on pressure not expansion. That was max in my 375 H&H. Best bet is to email Geoff at Woodleigh. It may take him a few days to get back to you, but his advice will be spot on.



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Picture of ozhunter
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Originally posted by vapodog:
...How do you rank them with A-Frames and Nosler Partitions?

Woodleigh Round Nose Softs are quite a bit softer than the Swift A Frames.
They are ideal for PG and the Predators but I prefer the A Frames for Buffalo .

2 x FMJs, 1x Swift and one Woodleigh RNS.

2x Woodleigh RNS, 1 x FMJ and 2 x Swift A Frames
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A few months ago I recovered 2 525gn Woodleigh RNSN bullets from a couple of pigs I shot with my 505 Gibbs. They were both around 70 to 80 kG and shot at 25 to 30 m with the Woodleigh bullets driven at 2500fps.
These bullets were absolute devastation on the pigs. Both were angling shots that stopped on the thick fighting shield on the other side of the pig. I have never seen pig internals so mushed. Even though driven at 300fps faster than recommended they still held together well, retaining 384gn 73% and 434gn 83% (from left to right) of their original weight. Both expanded to around 1 1/4 inches. So even if they are driven fast they still hold together, but for best pentration an impact velocity within the design range specified on their web site is necessary. I didn't think it would really matter on pigs though!
Posts: 424 | Location: Australia | Registered: 11 August 2007Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by drewhenrytnt:
An interesting note: They recommend impact velocities of 1900-2500 for the 350gr PP .375. Then they say that the muzzle velocity should not exceed 2380 in a 375 H&H.

Did I miss something???? Does this seem odd to you?? DoubleTap loads them to 2450. In the H&H.

Their are a lot of other much bigger 375 Magnums out there, even above the Weatherby.
Posts: 3191 | Location: Victoria, Australia | Registered: 01 March 2007Reply With Quote
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All the Woodleigh softs I've shot into a sand pile did not seperate the way a Nosler partion does or has done.I don't know if the Nosler partitions are fused nowadays but in the past they were not.I am starting to believe that a soft does not have a devastating effect on very large game the way it does on deer size game.Looking at the Woodleigh gelatin tests on their web site,there doesn't seem to be a large difference in trauma between solids,monometals,and softs when big calibers and large test mediums are used.Next time I hunt buffalo,I think I'll use a solid alone.
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Picture of Dead Eye
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Here are a bunch of 338 WL weldcores taken from a bunch of different game at a MV of 2750 fps and under 100 yrds. Overall, everything died but a bit too soft for my liking.

Here is a 410 WL RN from a 416 Rigby at 2400 fps into a lion at 14 yrds. Again a bit too soft but still dead is dead.

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they are great when run at specific speeds, have used them in my 460wby and they pancake at 2400 plus, load them back to 458win and they are fine, even at lott speeds they seem soft. but the 550gr work in the 460, if used within speed parameters once again. suited to the 458win with its slow speeds. in 9.3 mainly use 250gr rnsp, a great pill that opens nicely at moderate speeds. big game, fast rounds, then no i wouldn't use woodies.
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Picture of Fjold
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Originally posted by drewhenrytnt:
An interesting note: They recommend impact velocities of 1900-2500 for the 350gr PP .375. Then they say that the muzzle velocity should not exceed 2380 in a 375 H&H.

Did I miss something???? Does this seem odd to you?? DoubleTap loads them to 2450. In the H&H.

Do not rocket propel them out of your H&H

Muzzle velocity not to exceed 2380 FPS but impact velocity recommended from 1900 - 2500 fps. That makes perfect sense to me. Confused


"I don't know what there is about buffalo that frightens me so.....He looks like he hates you personally. He looks like you owe him money."
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They offer a Heavy Duty version in .375 now.

Don't know anything about them except what the catalog

Cheers, Allen

Ok, my OCD kicked in...

Copy & paste from their web catalog.

375 MAG .375" 300gr RN SN and 350gr RN SN - HEAVY DUTY
Due to popular demand we have introduced a heavier jacket for tougher animals like buffalo. The bullet will be distringuished form the standard 300gr yand 350gr by a stained jacket. Our regular 375 MAG 300gr RN SN and 350gr RN SN remain popular and will continue to be available.

It's a Mauser thing, you wouldn't understand.
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Picture of jeffeosso
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Woodies are great inside their performance window. Are way too soft past that. Example .510 bullets designed for 2000 max impact actually explode when hit at 2400.

Keep them within specs and they are the benchmark for performance.

Most super premium bullets are "better" as they exceed the woodie benchmarks in some areas

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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Woodleighs are velocity sensitive by design so one needs to use the bullet that matches his velocity..I use the RN softs on buffalo in herds as its softer than the PP and doesn't pass through..When hunting Dagga boys and I want two holes I use the tougher PP...If you want to know the proper bullet for your caliber just give Geoff an email and he will advise you.

I don't know of a better bullet, a few are as good but none better than a Woodleigh IMO. I have a shelf full of perfectly expanded Woodleighs and never have had a failure in many years of shooting them.

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
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Picture of Dave Bush
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Welcome back Ray....

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Krieghoff 500 NE

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Yes, welcome to Ray!

I like his posts... tu2


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Picture of Todd Williams
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Originally posted by Dave Bush:
Welcome back Ray....


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Picture of Todd Williams
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Yep, lots of loose ends on Ray's statements that haven't been answered. I sure am glad he's back as I've been wondering about these claims.




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Hi Todd,

Ray may be alluding to an explanation for those three links you copied, in his words on the North Fork thread: Periodic Insanity?

Originally posted by Atkinson:
... ..If I had to choose between the three I'd go insane again! shocker so I use all three and Nosler partitions, just depends on whats handy when I reload them.

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Very pleased with the performance of the Weldcore 410 gr. in my 416 Rigby in Africa. 220 gr. PP in my 300 H&H, not so much! Through and through both shoulders on a Gemsbok @ 200 yds. with virtually no expansion based on exit wound size. Felt it should have opened up a bit.
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Nope I didn't reply to that BS and don't intend to as the so called vet referred to would have had to be about 110 years old and thats damn unlikly..Thats why I havn't been posting just got tired of all that stuff when my only interest is talking guns and hunting..but I can do that at the local coffee shop..I just got on here today because I was on the classified, but should have know better.

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
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Picture of drummondlindsey
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Originally posted by Atkinson:
Nope I didn't reply to that BS and don't intend to as the so called vet referred to would have had to be about 110 years old and thats damn unlikly..Thats why I havn't been posting just got tired of all that stuff when my only interest is talking guns and hunting..but I can do that at the local coffee shop..I just got on here today because I was on the classified, but should have know better.

So you're saying what Ganyana posted was BS?
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Picture of Todd Williams
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Originally posted by drummondlindsey:
Originally posted by Atkinson:
Nope I didn't reply to that BS and don't intend to as the so called vet referred to would have had to be about 110 years old and thats damn unlikly..Thats why I havn't been posting just got tired of all that stuff when my only interest is talking guns and hunting..but I can do that at the local coffee shop..I just got on here today because I was on the classified, but should have know better.

So you're saying what Ganyana posted was BS?

Maybe it's just that the guys at the coffee shop don't mind if the stories don't add up!
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OK slightly smaller than a big bore but the 358cal Woodleighs I used in my 35Sambar have all stayed together and performed well. Only one would of hit when withing the recommended velocity window.

The fastes would of been a Sambar hind at 30 yards and the 225grain RN would of been about 150ft a sec faster than recomended. Broke 2 ribs going in and the offside shoulder. finnished up under the skin and about 80%-from memory-wight retention.

Now just because the 358's are tougher then the recomendations on the box does not mean all calibres are.
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Thats what I'm saying..If you put the math to it, I was just out of high school about 17 or 18, I'm now crowding 78. I was working for an old vet as a step and fetch it, and the African fellow was at least 65 IMO, I think he was a vet also, but perhaps a govt. employ. I got to shoot a few Impala and met some people..I mean who would even question something like that but someone with an axe to grind, its ridiculas, but on the internet it starts a feeding frenzy from the wanna be's and those that are jealous of ones accomplishments.Thats the bottom line.

I was asked basically how I got into the booking business and I answered the question as best I could remember..Why would anyone with a modicum of intelligence even question that.

I didn't reply to the BS because for one thing the next day I broke my hand up pretty bad in a steer roping incicdent ( my hobby ) and had major surgery on it, and it was casted for 8 weeks, then 4 weeks of therapy, and I could not type, shoot, rope or work on my rifle stocks ex until recently. I still cannot checker or shoot a big bore very well. Then I had a stint put in my heart and two baloon procedures, so I been off the internet for quite sometime, and don't intend to do much blogging in the future because its become too political with guys the just want to defame, much like the election..I have my health back so will spend my time roping and hunting.

Too many bloggers are like a coyote, what they can't eat they have to shit on.

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
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Ray, glad to see you are feeling better. Its too bad that you are staying away on account of a few buttheads, your experience and knowledge have assisted many of us and give food for thought.
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Sorry to hear about all of your health problems. Hope you get back to somewhat normal soon.

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Picture of Blacktailer
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Originally posted by clayman216:
Ray, glad to see you are feeling better. Its too bad that you are staying away on account of a few buttheads, your experience and knowledge have assisted many of us and give food for thought.

Don't let the bastards get you down.
Some folks just have a little too much "Keyboard courage" and like to elevate themselves by knocking the rest of us down a peg. Oh well, flame on. flame

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