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Troll backlash? Login/Join
Picture of Paul H
I've noticed lately that some members are really jumping on others lately. I can understand the animosity towards THE troll Roll Eyes as he earned it, but don't understand why folks are getting jumped on so much lately.

I'd always thought this was just a group that enjoyed building, shooting and hunting with big bore rifles. All for fun, and more than willing to help out somebody interested in the same.

I don't know if some folks shoot big bores to compliment big egos, or other personality deficiencies, but the comraderie and helpfullness hasn't been here lately. More like a group of big bores, that look down on anyone not in their special club.

If you don't like the way someone words a post, you always have the option of not responding, or asking them to clarify it. If you can't directly answer a post, then don't feel abliged to say something for the sake of saying something, especially if it's negative.

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good ponts paul thumb

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Paul: That's a tough one to answer, but I think you partially answered your own question. There are many here, either because of their own personal isecurities, are sociopaths or just plain inmature dolts, take umbrage if you present them with facts that somehow let their air out of their respective balloons of personal preference.

Your observation of "the" troll was quite obvious, but there are many other examples that I'm sure you are aware. Just take a gander over on the Alaska forum at some of the vile offered up over there when I and others dared to even suggest there were better mousetraps for bear and other dangerous game than one particular brand of weapon. The king of them all however, was the incredible waste of time proferred by the infamous 45/70 disaster. I think many here, indeed the vast majority abhor these pissing contests, but we do have limits and feel compelled to respond in kind when these same idiots revert to personal attacks since they are incapable of providing cogent arguments to the contrary. Like Saeed says, at least these types of trolls help us all identify who they are, and if we all make a collective effort to ignore them, they will all eventually go away. Take care, jorge

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Shitheads aren't welcome here. The forum Members are merely relaying that information.

Really, who has been 'jumped on' that didn't deserve it?


Posts: 14623 | Location: San Antonio, TX | Registered: 22 May 2001
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i agree wholeheartedly, even though I don't have much tolerence for them.

fact is, what one condones, one endorses.

Wish we had the ignore button back...


opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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So who defines who the s***head is???

I guess you haven't read the 577 T-rex thread. I didn't seen the original poster deserving the treatment he recieved.

The AR series of rounds, ridding the world of 7mm rem mags, one gun at a time.
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I think the poster got wrong figures or
figures mixed up and took them for gospel, and pushed them on here, and got jumped on for it.
If I had both cases in question to stand side by side, I'd of posted pic so he could see that one doesn't hold 29% more than the other.
Easier that way for me and maybe poster gets smarter instead of mad...Ed

Posts: 27742 | Registered: 03 February 2003
Picture of Paul H
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I can see why the 600 OK guys got upset at the incorrect case capacity posts. I also think the original poster got caught in the crossfire.

The AR series of rounds, ridding the world of 7mm rem mags, one gun at a time.
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Paul, re the 600 post and H2o capacities. The poster was politely corrected in the beginning. He then began to tell the owners and shooters of the rifles in question they were wrong.

He took a hostle tone and got what he deserved. If someone comes here and is wrong, hell I have been on many occasions, gets corrected but still refuses the information from the actual users and then continues to post "Facts" that are incorrect they are going to get nailed.

I know tone is hard to decern from a post but when someone behaves as this poster did he is looking for a fight and we are not a bunch that sulk away. We don't shoot big bores to make up for any lackings in any area. We do it because we enjoy it. The combined knowledge on this board is staggering and is at most peoples disposal. Ask don't tell and you shall get the respect and information you desire. Act like a jirk and there is no lack of fight in the regulars around here.

All JMO but that guy deserved what he got. Had he approached it differently, as someone wanting to learn, the response would have been totally different.
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Paul- The basic problem is too many Trolls and dipshits and no real way to sort them out. They spew BS that they've googled with nearly no understanding of firearms let alone Big Bores and what it takes to make them work. Sometimes the stupidity is simply amazing.I'm almost certain "BUFFALO" is our old Troll Buddy Scott Sweet aka ASS-CLOWN. Ever notice how he reappears along with some of the other goof-balls after a long absense? Duh -Rob

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Yep the ignore button was wonderful. Whenever someone posted jumping on some one else with a bad attitude he got an automatic IGNORE. Never again did I have to get upset listening to that bull$&Q%Q*. Can we not get it back? Donkey donkey buya donkey. D

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Paul H,

Thanks for saying something. It has been pretty ugly around this site of late. Lots of egos getting in the way. Not just the big bore forum, throughout the AR forums at large.

Absolutely right, If you do not have something good or positive to say about your fellow forum members. Let it go. WAY too much negativity towards each other around here of late.

If it keeps up, I will find more positive ways to spend my time.

Posts: 435 | Location: GA, USA | Registered: 14 January 2005
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I spoke with mississipian in email, inviting him to my home to shoot. I believe we'll have a big bore shoot, and he'll have a chance to try several of these monsters, something that very few have a chance to do

do remember, though, that some trolls live to stir the pot and relish the backlash

.. The thread itself got out of hand as a continuation of buffalo's continued spew, after all, he's ulrik, who's no newbie to AR and should both know BETTER than to quote one of scott's alias' and that Rob and John know more about the 600 than anyone on the planet.

Yep, the fella didn't deserve his thread poluted, and he did deserve the knowledge that the 577 aint the end of the world


opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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Want an example of a non troll who was rudely jumped on? Look no further than New Guy on his Searcy Owners thread.


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Interesting point, tthough I think he was given the best possible advice in the matter. Pick up the phone and talk with butch. I still don't see a negative in that reply to his question.

one could recall that all communication is based on history of interaction.


opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
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I'm almost certain "BUFFALO" is our old Troll Buddy Scott Sweet aka ASS-CLOWN. -Rob


As someone who enjoys your posts and has learned a lot from them, I wonder if Ulrik/Buffalo is Dr Ulrik Hentzer from Norway? If it is, he is an accomplished big bore shooter and elephant hunter.

Where there are two geniuses conflicts may occur. Hopefully, inexperienced learners like me could enjoy learning from the experience of accomplished people like the many wonderful people on these forums.

As far as the trolls are concerned, I found Saeed's shit analogy perfect - it has worked with one troll with whom I have clashed in the past. I can understand when good members feel agitated when a decent fellow member gets attacked by the trolls. But it would be best to ignore the POSeurs as Pecos 45 would call them.
JMHO and cheers, everyone!

Mehul Kamdar

"I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them."-- Patrick Henry

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Maybe I am just out of it, or too picky about what I read, but I haven't seen anybody around recently that I would call a troll. there are a few that I think are morons, a few that act like they know a lot and in fact post erroneous stuff, but none that I think are as out to ruin the forum as those we have had in the past. I do miss the ignore feature though, can't remember who it was but there was a reply to a thread I read the other day and I went searching like a mad dog for the ignore after reading one dolts post. how many though have wanted to do the same to me though?

Hell, as of right now I am just glad that damned post about a bullet debate is off the first page. Big Grin

I too think that when one of us comes here with wrong knowledge we should be open to being corrected, otherwise why come here? let's not forget there are very established forum members who are very well respected and still have their own way of being a PITA, like jumping on threads and instead of giving the information they expound on why their opinions on something are the only ones valid and the person is better off just changing their mind to fit their educated viewpoint. even with data to the contrary and sometimes their own contrary actions they don't change their viewpoints and we don't tar and feather them for it.

My two complaints about AR, other than just too many damn catagories, are:

1. lack of pictures of projects, work, guns etc, anything to do with guns, I get a lot of ideas and inspiration from that.
2. lack of new or different or enticing for the gurus posts in the gunsmithing forum (and big bores too, for good reason we get lots of questions on here sometimes about building this or that).

a lot of stuff has been covered and a person is told "just do a search". Well sometimes I do a search and know there is more to be found out, only option is try to get the topic to catch on again. As long as a person is asking an honest question that sparks good conversation and gets some knowledge in here I don't care if their intention was good and innocent or if they were trying to start crap.

If you want to see really pointless beating a dead horse s*#t then go to medium bores. My wife had to stop me from posting one I had after a guy just about beat whatever pet cartridge he had into apple sauce by the multiple threads trying to convince everybody else that his fave flave was best and this and that were inferior.

I really love fantasy gun stuff too, those threads are always great, like "if your wife wouldn't find out, what custom rifle would you build and where would you hide it?"
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Originally posted by JPK:
Want an example of a non troll who was rudely jumped on? Look no further than New Guy on his Searcy Owners thread.


I absolutely agree with that comment.

I thought moderators were supposed to encourage discussions not try to stifle them.

The fact was, the guy didn't want to talk to the maker. He wanted to talk to other customers and owners, which is bloody fair enough in my book on any discussion forum.


On the subject of actual trolls I was once told by someone who should know that there were about 17 on AR at the time. Probably fluctuates a bit up and down, as their personalities change Wink.
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Picture of Bent Fossdal
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Originally posted by mehulkamdar:

I wonder if Ulrik/Buffalo is Dr Ulrik Hentzer from Norway? If it is, he is an accomplished big bore shooter and elephant hunter.

I know Ulrik from our Norwegian forum, and he is clearly the same man. He most certanly have experience with both big bores and elephants.

He also most certanly behaved like an ass - ignorant ass, that is. He was the first one to tell people to f**k off long before others told him stright out what he was.

That said, I really don't think he is a troll, just very ignorant and more interested in the last word and his own attitude than in listening to reason and facts.

He has never done stunts like that in the Norwegian forum, so maybe the attitude is picked up here?

Still, no excuse for bad manners.

Bent Fossdal
5685 Uggdal

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Originally posted by Bent Fossdal:

Still, no excuse for bad manners.

Very true. I hope it was something temporary and that all will be well soon.

Cheers! beer

Mehul Kamdar

"I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them."-- Patrick Henry

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It seems alot of it begins when someone isn't as tactful as they could be in making statements that are contradictory or that argue with someone else's position or experience. I don't think this is necessarily meant as a flame most of the time, but it evokes a hostile reaction from certain types of personalities and the thread goes downhill from there. Some personalities have trouble realizing that some people know a helluva lot more about some subjects than they do. This forum is excellent in so many ways, one of which is there's some VERY experienced folks in here who are a tremendous asset if we just listen with an open mind. The Bullshitters are easily spotted usually, so I don't pay much attention to them and don't respond to them generally. If we all ignored them they'd go away (hard to do sometimes I know).

It would be nice if we all looked at this as an opportunity for teaching/instructing those who are mistaken, or simply don't know, or don't comprehend something, rather than mocking or using tones that will evoke hostility and a resulting flame-war. Sometimes this is hard to do I'm well aware, because there is the occassional Ass in every group who simply likes to argue.

There are many ways to say something to someone, one way will evoke an immediate fight, whereas other ways will convey the same information and will not provoke anything at all. If done tactfully you can call someone an Idiot right to his face and he won't even realize it, but will none-the-less have been put in his place.

And I must extend yet another Thank You to our moderators and Saeed for this fantastic forum! It is by far the best on the net...

I see us all as brothers/sisters here and some of you almost feel like invisible family members in a way (am I sick or what? LOL). Too bad we can't figure out a way to have some sort of informal convention, it would be fun to meet you all.

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Good post.

FWIW I once saw a wooden plaque that read,"Diplomacy is the ability to tell somone to go to hell so that they look forward to the trip".


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458 Ruger No 1,

Excellent post. I have met some of the members, moderators and DRG in the USA and Canada and it has always been a very pleasant experience. I hope to meet some members at the BGRC shoot at Lodi Wisconsin on Oct 9th and have preliminary plans to meet some members from Michigan and Illinois in Chicago on November the 6th.

If any of the members visiting Chicago would like to accept my invitation for beers or would like to try some cocktails (my hobby) I would be more than happy to welcome you.

Best wishes and good hunting!

Mehul Kamdar

"I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them."-- Patrick Henry

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Thanks fellas,

When will there be such an event out in the western states here? I'd like to try and make that some day, it would be alot of fun.

PS to JPK: I love that quote, lol

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JPK, not sure who said it, but always liked:

"Diplomacy is the art of saying "Nice doggie" while you look for a rock."



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The one I always liked was:

"Diplomats are castrated corporals."


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Originally posted by mehulkamdar:

As far as the trolls are concerned, I found Saeed's shit analogy perfect ... But it would be best to ignore the POSeurs as Pecos 45 would call them.
JMHO and cheers, everyone!

It is I who invented the term "POSeur" years ago to describe Scottie/AC/Judy/and gang of the multiple personalities, when Scott took offense at my hillbilly heritage, my Dad having been born in a log cabin on Hunt's Hill in Possum Hollow.

Now that Saeed has provided the shit analogy, this term is better than ever, and this hillbilly is proud to have had Pecos45 borrow the word, and for you to recognize how good a term it is. thumb
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My apologies and congratulations, sir! thumb

Thank you for a perfect description, and, as you rightly point out, to Saeed as well for the supprting analogy. beer

Good hunting, gentlemen!

Mehul Kamdar

"I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them."-- Patrick Henry

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Speaking of grade A certified Trolls what ever happened to Scott AKA: ASSCLOWN ?

Did the mod's finally can his ass?
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Hey, Paul ... I've noticed it too. However, it's not the first time. I've seen this phenomenon before and it almost always is in conjuction with the onset of hunting season. It's like the guys' necks start to swell up and and they start to stink nut ... they've gone into rut, but can't help them selves.

I guess it would be kinder to just shoot them and put them out of our missery. roflmao
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Originally posted by Vinny:
Keep "New Guy" and Carmello off of AR and the world would be a better place. Those guys are real doozies.

Welcome Vinny with 10-posts.
That's an ill-founded comment that you can't back up. You don't know me and certainly haven't read all of posts.

1. I can't imagine anything I've ever written here that would put me in the same category as Carmello. Please provide evidence of such, and I'll retract that statement. (click on my name to the left and select "view recent posts." there are over 950 of them there - that will give you all the refrence material you need.)

2. I challenge you look at my posts and see how many exactly have been troll-like or confrontational.

Without that, I say you're getting off on the wrong foot here by pointing fingers at someone you don't know, and making comments about things you can't back up.

But then again, if that's just how you make your introduction, then I'm sure we'll get over this too.

HSC Booth # 306
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I think we should display poster IP Addresses.
that will cut down on a bunch folks using two or more nicks.

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Originally posted by new_guy:

1. I can't imagine anything I've ever written here that would put me in the same category as Carmello. Please provide evidence of such, and I'll retract that statement. (click on my name to the left and select "view recent posts." there are over 950 of them there - that will give you all the refrence material you need.)

i fully agree with point 1


opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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I think we should display poster IP Addresses.
that will cut down on a bunch folks using two or more nicks.

Rusty, I'm onboard with that. Would stop a lot of the BS that goes on. I alos wish the ignor feature was still available.
Posts: 855 | Location: Belgrade, Montana | Registered: 06 October 2000
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Originally posted by jeffeosso:
Originally posted by new_guy:

1. I can't imagine anything I've ever written here that would put me in the same category as Carmello. Please provide evidence of such, and I'll retract that statement. (click on my name to the left and select "view recent posts." there are over 950 of them there - that will give you all the refrence material you need.)

i fully agree with point 1


Thanks, Jeffe. I didn't think I was that bad either Wink

HSC Booth # 306
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I've been here a long time and it has happened to me a couple times.
I've made a few post and was "beat about the head and shoulders" pretty severely by 2 or 3 loud mouth well respected regulars. Well, they are not respected by me anymore. I've got 3 names on my list so far.
If you disagree with me, fine, no problem, but when you make snide remarks in return, you are an asshole.
A lot of bull shitting ( I call them LIES,)goes on here by some of the loud mouth, know it all old timers. They seem to be the first ones to pick a fight with a new guy or anyone they disagree with who makes a post.
That's one reason I don't post much. I expect to get beat up by some Smart Ass.
I don't come here for a confrontation, I come here for knowledge. If I want a confrontation, I'll go have a talk with the wife!
We may not have an IGNORE button anymore, but we have one in out head!
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I have been on AR since its concept and I have been pretty beat up on more than a few ocassions, probably deserved it a few times, funny thing is after a poster has been on AR a year or so they settle down and become good guys I have noticed, they just start out as trolls....then other just disapear.

Mostly I get hammered for selling a fenced hunt, regardless of the size of the ranch or whatever or because I voice an opinnion on a caliber!! or because I jump back and toss gas on the fire, but such is the life of an AR poster and if you allow it to bother you then best to take a sabatical..

If you ask a question on AR don't expect everyone to agree with you...

Everytime all hell breaks loose with me, it seems I sell a hunt or two and that ain't all bad! jump

Ray Atkinson
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Ray, don't forget that it is the annonymous nature of the internet that allows for bad manners -- unfortunately.

"Ignorance you can correct, you can't fix stupid." JWP

If stupidity hurt, a lot of people would be walking around screaming.

Semper Fidelis

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I figure it takes TWO TO FIGHT. If I decide to participate in a flame war, I am just as guilty as the other participants; and, I must be getting a peculiar "negaholic" hit from it. If you don't like flame wars - don't contribute. It's very easy to move on to a different thread.
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I think we should display poster IP Addresses.
that will cut down on a bunch folks using two or more nicks.

Rusty, I'm onboard with that. Would stop a lot of the BS that goes on. I alos wish the ignor feature was still available.

Not trying to be the IT master here but a lot of users use multiple IP addresses. Home / Work and some traveling on laptops. Hell I've logged into AR from airports while I waitinng a few hours for a flight. Enabling that that feature would be the old Army way of dealing with a problem punish everyboday for the sins of a few.

I don't know the magic answer to the problem, other boards heavily mod, and that ends up being awful, go look at the 1911 site, I don't think any of us want that.

Me I stay out of forums where I can't contribute anything ( African Hunting ) or just don't want any part of ( Political ). Some self policing and generally trying to be polite, goes a long way. Trolls: ignore them, if we don't respond and ignore them they go away, don't rise to the bait.
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