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Would YOU hunt in IRAN???
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For some it is obviously for some not a question of principles, right or wrong, but perspective. Some see no problem hunting in Zim with a wacko leader that is undemocratic and dictatorial and basically goes against everything America stands for, BUT they only fuck over their own people so that's OK.

Now Iran which is lead by a wacko leader that is undemocratic and basically against everything America stands for, hunting there would be "complicit to murder." It all comes back to the death of Americans. I understand that.

I get it. It has nothing to do with supporting a shitty government. If a gov kills and steals from their own citizens that's ok, and can be supported, Oh I mean supporting the people who currently are allowed to host hunters, we make ourselves feel better by thinking that we are supporting the hunting industry and not the horrible government. But supporting some Iranian who is in the hunting business supports the gov and in turn terrorism.

So I guess at the end of the day we make our own decisions and we have to justify it to only ourselves. You support the unamerican government of your choice. Thankfully living in the USA we have that choice.

Smarterthanu, if your point was that you are afraid for your life (self preservation) to go to Iran hunting that's all you had to type. That is an excellent reason not to hunt Iran. But those that aren't worried about there health should be allowed to make their own decisions.

Gato, you think too much. Isn't the cuba situation a joke. Oh, but maybe it will work in Iran.

Thanks to who ever got this thread rolling again. Good stuff.
Posts: 457 | Location: NW Nebraska | Registered: 07 January 2007Reply With Quote
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I find it amazing how the waters get muddied the further we get into these conversations. I am not arguing the quality of the Iranian population in part or whole, I am not arguing against giving money directly or in passing to people who do not share my morals, I am not arguing for using my hunting dollars to shape politics or foreign policies, I am not arguing against those citizens of other countries taking up my cause, i am not stating that I currently feel danger for my person from the Iranian government. I am not claiming that you or someone else cannot find some piece of something I have bought that has been outsourced to some manufacturing facility in some country who does business with some country that acts in some way contrary to my morals or my country. I AM SAYING THAT THE IRANIAN GOVERNMENT IS CURRENTLY MURDERING AMERICAN TROOPS AND I WILL NOT SPEND A DIME IF THERE IS ANY CHANCE THAT ONE PENNY WILL GO TOWARDS THE MURDER OF AMERICAN TROOPS. IF YOU HUNT IN IRAN RIGHT NOW SOME PORTION OF YOUR MONEY WILL GO TO THE IRANIAN GOVERNMENT AND THEY ARE USING THEIR FUNDS TO MURDER AMERICAN SOLDIERS.
Posts: 5221 | Registered: 30 July 2007Reply With Quote
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Why, is this simple point so difficult to comprehend for some here who seem determined to equivocate and temporize about such a clear and obvious issue?

I am not an American, have serious issues with some US foreign policy and trade with my country, yet, I would NEVER knowingly spend money that could in any way contribute to the wounding and/or death of a US citizen, soldier or civilian.

Choice?????? Yeah and that is mine!
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Smarterthanu, if your point was that you are afraid for your life (self preservation) to go to Iran hunting that's all you had to type. That is an excellent reason not to hunt Iran. But those that aren't worried about there health should be allowed to make their own decisions.

When I spoke of self preservation I was talking about the USA as a whole. Iran has openly spoke of the destruction of the USA as one of its targets. It has spent money to directly target American Citizens. Giving them money would be like buying matches for your neighbor after he has allready stated he wants to burn your house down and has allready poisoned your dog. They are the enemy, period.
Posts: 2826 | Location: Houston | Registered: 01 May 2007Reply With Quote
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At the risk of sending this thread spinning into a nose dive strainght in to the PF, perhaps the best way to stop US servicemen getting killed in Iraq, for all reasons, would be to get them home again.

You may feel strongly that despite the questionable nature of the our presence in that country after all these years, we should remain there on such a timescale that suggests no man now living should even contemplate a hunt there. I don't know if I accept that point of view but regardless have better taste than to endlessly browbeat fellow hunters.

I don't see why you lot would get so upset that people don't agree with your indubitable well-examined conclusions.
Posts: 11731 | Location: London, UK | Registered: 02 September 2007Reply With Quote
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At the risk of sending this thread spinning into a nose dive strainght in to the PF, perhaps the best way to stop US servicemen getting killed in Iraq, for all reasons, would be to get them home again.

You may feel strongly that despite the questionable nature of the our presence in that country after all these years, we should remain there on such a timescale that suggests no man now living should even contemplate a hunt there. I don't know if I accept that point of view but regardless have better taste than to endlessly browbeat fellow hunters.

Yes. Lets base international policy and defense on whether we want to go hunting or not. Roll Eyes
Posts: 2826 | Location: Houston | Registered: 01 May 2007Reply With Quote
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Yes, but only with an A-10, or a B-52.
ret'd Air Force

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I would love to hunt in Iran one day, I have just finished my first Jack O'Connor book and would love to do some of the sheep hunts that he participated in.
Posts: 174 | Location: Cumbria | Registered: 30 July 2008Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by smarterthanu:
At the risk of sending this thread spinning into a nose dive strainght in to the PF, perhaps the best way to stop US servicemen getting killed in Iraq, for all reasons, would be to get them home again.

You may feel strongly that despite the questionable nature of the our presence in that country after all these years, we should remain there on such a timescale that suggests no man now living should even contemplate a hunt there. I don't know if I accept that point of view but regardless have better taste than to endlessly browbeat fellow hunters.

Yes. Lets base international policy and defense on whether we want to go hunting or not. Roll Eyes

perhaps the best way to stop US servicemen getting killed in Iraq, for all reasons, would be to get them home again.

Reading has to be augumented with thinking you know. Roll Eyes
Posts: 11731 | Location: London, UK | Registered: 02 September 2007Reply With Quote
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More joking, I know, but I can't help it. I think the irony is hilarious!

So the Iranians actually *want* Americans with guns to come to Iran!




Posts: 942 | Location: Alabama | Registered: 16 July 2007Reply With Quote
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Reading has to be augumented with thinking you know.

augumented? Roll Eyes
Posts: 5221 | Registered: 30 July 2007Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by 505 gibbs:
Reading has to be augumented with thinking you know.

augumented? Roll Eyes
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Simply tragic.

Surely you of all people would have sympathy for fat fingers and small keyboards?

Or was the video your rebuttal? Big Grin
Posts: 11731 | Location: London, UK | Registered: 02 September 2007Reply With Quote
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If trading with Iran was good enough for Bush and the State Department (and Obama as well, I might add) then it should certainly be good enough for you sanctimonious flag wavers..........

U.S.-Iran Trade Stronger Than Most Suspect
Tuesday, July 08, 2008

WASHINGTON — U.S. exports to Iran — including brassieres, bull semen, cosmetics and possibly even weapons — grew more than tenfold during President George W. Bush's years in office even as he accused Iran of nuclear ambitions and helping terrorists. America sent more cigarettes to Iran, at least $158 million worth under Bush, than any other products.

Other surprising shipments to Iran during the Bush administration: fur clothing, sculptures, perfume and musical instruments. Top states shipping goods to Iran include California, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio and Wisconsin, according to an analysis by The Associated Press of seven years of U.S. government trade data.

Despite increasingly tough rhetoric toward Iran, which Bush has called part of an "axis of evil," U.S. trade in a range of goods survives on-again, off-again sanctions originally imposed nearly three decades ago. The rules allow sales of agricultural commodities, medicine and a few other categories of goods. The exemptions are designed to help Iranian families even as the United States pressures Iran's leaders.

"Our sanctions are targeted against the regime, not the people," said Adam Szubin, director of the Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control, which enforces the sanctions. The government tracks exports to Iran using details from shipping records, but in some cases it is unclear whether anyone pays attention.

Sanctions are intended in part to frustrate Iran's efforts to build its military, but the U.S. government's own figures show at least $148,000 worth of unspecified weapons and other military gear were exported from the United States to Iran during Bush's time in office. That includes $106,635 in military rifles and $8,760 in rifle parts and accessories shipped in 2004, the data shows.

Also shipped to Iran were at least $13,000 in "aircraft launching gear and/or deck arrestors," equipment needed to launch jets from aircraft carriers, according to U.S. records. Iran's navy is not believed to own or operate any carriers.

Those numbers may seem small, but military items can sell for pennies on the dollar compared with what the Pentagon paid. Last year, federal agents seized four F-14 fighter jets sold to domestic buyers by an officer at Point Mugu Naval Air Station, California for $2,000 to $4,000 each, with proceeds benefiting a squadron recreation fund. When F-14s were new, they cost roughly $38 million each.

Szubin said it was unlikely exports of military gear occurred, but added that the government was looking into it after the AP raised questions. He said shipping records are subject to human error, such as citing wrong commodity codes or recording "Iran" as the destination rather than "Iraq." The Treasury Department said Monday it was still checking to see whether it could offer an explanation.

"That's something that would obviously concern us greatly and concern the whole administration," Szubin said in an interview with the AP. "And so when you presented us with the question in the last day we have called over to our colleagues in other government agencies and you can be assured they're looking very carefully into it."

Bush this year signed legislation prohibiting the Pentagon from selling leftover F-14 parts. The law was prompted by AP reporting that buyers for Iran, China and other countries exploited Pentagon surplus sales to obtain sensitive military equipment that included parts for F-14 "Tomcats" and other aircraft and missile components. Two men were indicted in Florida last week on charges they shipped U.S. military aircraft parts to Iran, including Tomcat and attack-helicopter parts.

Iran received at least $620,000 in aircraft parts and $19,600 worth of aircraft during Bush's terms. Iran relies on spare parts from other countries to keep its commercial and military aircraft flying. In some cases, U.S. sanctions allow shipments of aircraft parts for safety upgrades for Iran's commercial passenger jets.

Iran is a hot issue in Washington. The House plans a hearing Wednesday on U.S. policy toward Iran, and the Bush administration announced Tuesday it was freezing the U.S. assets of several people and entities accused of helping Iran develop nuclear weapons.

But the U.S. government seems uncoordinated on efforts to limit trade with Iran.

The Securities and Exchange Commission sought to shine a light on companies active in Iran but stopped after business groups complained. The Treasury Department allowed some companies and individuals suspected of illegal trading with Iran to escape punishment. Yet the Bush administration also has collected millions of dollars in fines from trade-rule violators and pressed Congress without success to pass laws to strengthen enforcement.

The fact that the United States sells anything to Iran is news to some.

"Until you just told me that about Iran I'm not sure I knew we did any business with Iran," said Fred Wetherington, a tobacco grower in Hahira, Georgia, and chairman of Georgia's tobacco commission. "I thought because of the situation between our two governments, I didn't think we traded with them at all, so I certainly didn't know they were getting any cigarettes."

The United States sent Iran $546 million in goods from 2001 through last year, government figures show. It exported roughly $146 million worth last year, compared with $8.3 million in 2001, Bush's first year in office. Even adjusted for inflation, that is more than a tenfold increase.

Exports to Iran are a politically loaded but tiny part of U.S. trade. The United States counted more than $1 trillion in world exports last year. The value of U.S. shipments last year to Canada — America's top trading partner — was more than 1,000 times the value of shipments to Iran.

Top U.S. exports to Iran over Bush's years in office include corn, $68 million; chemical wood pulp, soda or sulfate, $64 million; soybeans, $43 million; medical equipment, $27 million; vitamins, $18 million; bull semen, $12.6 million; and vegetable seeds, $12 million, according to the AP's analysis of government trade data compiled by the World Institute for Strategic Economic Research. The value of cigarettes sold to Iran was more than twice that of the No. 2 category on the export list, vaccines, serums and blood products, $73 million.

Somehow I doubt that a few thousands from hunters is going to make any difference. BTW Oil is nearly 100% fungible, outside of sulphur content. So when we buy Saudi oil for X dollars, we are supporting Iran's oil sales.

When considering US based operations of guides/outfitters, check and see if they are NRA members. If not, why support someone who doesn't support us? Consider spending your money elsewhere.


I have come to understand that in hunting, the goal is not the goal but the process.
Posts: 17099 | Location: Texas USA | Registered: 07 May 2001Reply With Quote
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My take is that it's just another exotic hunting destination worth the risks, just as any other country.

I would hunt in Iran in a heartbeat, no question about it.

"A Lone Hunter is the Best Hunter..."
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Only if I was allowed to fill my terrorist hunting permit tags.

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If trading with Iran was good enough for Bush and the State Department (and Obama as well, I might add) then it should certainly be good enough for you sanctimonious flag wavers..........

Sure. There are an unlimited number of reasons to justify trading in your soul for a sheep hunt. Nice to know you stand beside the soldiers even when the state department is not. Wink
Posts: 2826 | Location: Houston | Registered: 01 May 2007Reply With Quote
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Somehow I doubt that a few thousands from hunters is going to make any difference.

so, to what extent or point would you rely on this theory?
Posts: 5221 | Registered: 30 July 2007Reply With Quote
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Why don't you argue with the State Dept and now, Obama, because if you want to blame anyone for large numbers of deaths of US troop in Iraq, blame Bush. He chose to invade on inadequate information, didn't read the CIA report which had more caveats in it than a used car sale and sold the American people on how dangerous Saddam was to our security when he knew or should have known that it was all propaganda for an elective war.

When considering US based operations of guides/outfitters, check and see if they are NRA members. If not, why support someone who doesn't support us? Consider spending your money elsewhere.


I have come to understand that in hunting, the goal is not the goal but the process.
Posts: 17099 | Location: Texas USA | Registered: 07 May 2001Reply With Quote
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Why don't you argue with the State Dept and now, Obama, because if you want to blame anyone for large numbers of deaths of US troop in Iraq, blame Bush. He chose to invade on inadequate information, didn't read the CIA report which had more caveats in it than a used car sale and sold the American people on how dangerous Saddam was to our security when he knew or should have known that it was all propaganda for an elective war.

I don't like what they do either, but I don't use other peoples bad behavior as reason for me to sell out my principles. Keep fishing. Like Mr Robinson you might come up with a soul also.
Posts: 2826 | Location: Houston | Registered: 01 May 2007Reply With Quote
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Be sure not to fly on most Boeings, they're using GE engines. GE trades with Iran. And, obviously, so do many of the Euro nations, so no Airbus' either.......keep those principles, you know.

When considering US based operations of guides/outfitters, check and see if they are NRA members. If not, why support someone who doesn't support us? Consider spending your money elsewhere.


I have come to understand that in hunting, the goal is not the goal but the process.
Posts: 17099 | Location: Texas USA | Registered: 07 May 2001Reply With Quote
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Be sure not to fly on most Boeings, they're using GE engines. GE trades with Iran. And, obviously, so do many of the Euro nations, so no Airbus' either.......keep those principles, you know.

I actually do try and stay away from GE when I can, but not because of anykind of Iran connection. Keep stabbing away with your self hate. Look Gato, I am not going to do anything about you hunting in Iran. This is about my principles and where I will spend my money. So get on the plane have fun and when you are old sitting around the campfire you can pull out some pics of you and your sheep and smile and remember the good old days before Sharia Law.
Posts: 2826 | Location: Houston | Registered: 01 May 2007Reply With Quote
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Self-hate? Hardly, I'm just pointing out how ridiculous your position is in an interconnected world. However, I don't give a damn if you never even say the word "Iran", much less hunt there. Telling other people how a legitimate hunting destination is anti-American when Americans trade with that destination everyday with US approval is just kind of dumb, but that's your choice. AFA I know it isn't catching.

BTW just to be "crystal", I am old and I am certainly not going to hunt in Iran, I just don't like people trying to dictate their visions of morality to others, they are usually pompous asses.

When considering US based operations of guides/outfitters, check and see if they are NRA members. If not, why support someone who doesn't support us? Consider spending your money elsewhere.


I have come to understand that in hunting, the goal is not the goal but the process.
Posts: 17099 | Location: Texas USA | Registered: 07 May 2001Reply With Quote
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Telling other people how a legitimate hunting destination is anti-American when Americans trade with that destination everyday with US approval is just kind of dumb, but that's your choice.

So you base what you do on what everyone else does? Gato, you just defined yourself as sheeple.
Posts: 5221 | Registered: 30 July 2007Reply With Quote
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BTW just to be "crystal", I am old and I am certainly not going to hunt in Iran, I just don't like people trying to dictate their visions of morality to others, they are usually pompous asses.

Gato, the thread asked me if I would! What the fuck am I supposed to say? You must be some ignorant woman that asks questions but doesn't want people to answer them. Everytime I am asked a question I am supposed to agree and say yes just because you shouldn't be offended??????? Years of never having principles must have corroded your mind to the point, where you can't even remember the purpose of the question.
Posts: 2826 | Location: Houston | Registered: 01 May 2007Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Gatogordo:
. . . I'm just pointing out how ridiculous your position is in an interconnected world. . . . Telling other people how a legitimate hunting destination is anti-American when Americans trade with that destination everyday with US approval is just kind of dumb, but that's your choice.

Well said, Gatogordo.


Wilderness is my cathedral, and hunting is my prayer.
Posts: 13979 | Location: New England | Registered: 06 June 2003Reply With Quote
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Well said, Gatogordo.

couple more of you and we'll have a whole herd of sheeple. Roll Eyes
Posts: 5221 | Registered: 30 July 2007Reply With Quote
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All jokes aside, I think it would be perfectly understandable for Americans to have at least some trepidations about hunting in Iran. I know that I wouldn't consider it. After all, it's not like the leaders of that country have exactly expressed a pro-Western sentiment. In addition, there's also that "little matter" of Americans being held hostage there for over a year. (444 days?)



Posts: 942 | Location: Alabama | Registered: 16 July 2007Reply With Quote
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Smarter, the thread asked me it I would! What the fuck am I supposed to say? You must be some ignorant woman (does it matter if the ignorant party is a man or woman?) that asks questions but doesn't want people to answer them. Everytime I am asked a question I am supposed to disagree and say no just because you shouldn't be offended???????

If the purpose of the question was a simple "yes" or "no" this thread wouldn't be on page 4. Also if the question is that simple, those who said yes would not be accused of helping murder US citizens. But since the "no" crowd couldn't just say "no" they had to say "no" and tell the yes' that they were were wrong and have no principles and being complicit to murder and having know soul.

I think resorting to name calling is a sign of not having a strong argument. No one has disagreed with the "no" crowd, that the government of Iran is bad and anti american. If the question was "Is the Iranian government bad and Anti american?" you would get more similar answers from the people who have responded.

The problem started when the no's said the yes' were giving their money to the enemy by going hunting. The yes' pointed out that we all give money to the enemy just by living in this interconnected world.
Posts: 457 | Location: NW Nebraska | Registered: 07 January 2007Reply With Quote
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The only trade that is legal for a USA business to engage in with Iran is for humanitarian/medical/food type items or things that further democracy there. Iran and the muslim radicals are very dangerous, not just to America but to the whole world and to further their agenda in ANY way is reckless...period. I guess thinking is just too hard on most they choose not to.
Posts: 4115 | Location: Pa. | Registered: 21 April 2006Reply With Quote
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Woodrow, many of us are making the point that it's impossible to live in the USA, buy foreign made products of most kinds, and not send our dollars indirectly to Iran.

That's one result of globalization.

Again, Japan, China, South Korea and South Africa together are the largest exporters of Iranian crude oil and spend billions of euros on it every year.

They then use that oil to fuel their industries and make and export or otherwise sell their own products and services to us. For which we pay them billions of dollars.

Which they then convert to euros and spend on Iranian oil.

Since many of us are hunters, let's take the RSA as an example. The odds are overwhelming that, any time anyone flies SAA or rides in a cab or truck or bus or bakkie in the RSA, he has been carried on his way in international commerce by gasoline or other fuel refined from Iranian oil.

And besides indirect commerce, the U.S. government absolutely permits direct commerce with Iran. Nearly any kind of food or medicine imaginable, including chewing gum and Pop Tarts (not to mention the military and quasi-military items noted in the article that Gatogordo posted above), can be sold directly to Iranians in international commerce. Humanitarian?

And last, but certainly not least, according to the latest from John Jackson, of Conservation Force, the Office of Foreign Asset Control of the U.S. Treasury Department, and therefore the U.S. government itself, has indicated that U.S. citizens are free to travel to Iran and hunt there.

Who is to say that hunters, traveling to Iran, spending their money with local outfitters, and meeting and becoming friends with Iranian people, do not "further democracy" and friendship with America? I, for one, believe they do just that.

One needs only remember the riots in the streets after the last so-called Iranian "election," which was stolen by the mullahs, to see how disaffected the Iranian people are with their psuedo-theocratic government.

And where does this nonsense end?

Are we supposed to avoid commerce with any nation on earth that ever produced or dealt in international commerce with AK-47s because they are routinely used against US troops?

Might as well stay home.

Oh, wait, that won't work, since the U.S. sent AKs to Iraq in the 80s for use in fighting the Iranians.

Before we later invaded Iraq, of course.

If you don't want to hunt in Iran, fine. If anyone else doesn't want to do it, fine. But to say that anyone who disagrees is anti-American or in any other way morally deficient is wrong and offensive.

IMHO, it's a damned shame that internet anonymity permits some particpants in these discussions to degenerate into insults and personal attacks.

Finally, I don't like to say never, but I have to admit that I will probably never hunt in Iran. But neither will I condemn anyone who chooses to hunt there - it's a perfectly defensible and justifiable personal choice, nothing more or less.

Hunting is not, nor should it be, nor can it be, foreign policy.


Wilderness is my cathedral, and hunting is my prayer.
Posts: 13979 | Location: New England | Registered: 06 June 2003Reply With Quote
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Mike, you would make one hell of a liberal politician. Only politicians can make a single statement with enough words in it that mean yes, no, maybe, always, I agree, I disagree, and I never had sex with that woman! I never said any American that wanted to hunt in Iran was a bad person...just a stupid one. These people, for the most part...hate Americans and no amount of ass-kissing is going to change that. They hold their Quran as close to their heart as a devout Christian does their Bible and both try very hard to live by it...except the Bible is not teaching the followers to murder people as the Quran most certainly does teach killing non-muslim followers. It's just fortunate that many muslims are not radical to the point of outright murder, but they all have the potential for it as we see it in those that are radical murderers. Just try to get a "peaceful" muslim to PUBLICLY state that what their radical brethren are doing is wrong. It won't happen! Muslims have been killing christian "non-believers" for well over a thousand years so it is nothing new and certainly not "American" driven. Its been driven by the Quran and other religious muslim writings that spew the death of non-muslim infidels. It has not changed in over a thousand years and won't be changing anytime soon. If they could eradicate every American from the earth, they would not stop there as there are plenty of "infidels" throughout the world. They were doing this killing well before America was ever discovered...we are just what happens to be bothering them the most right now. How do you feel about the fact that the muslim religion is the fastest expanding religion on the planet and most of Europe is already feeling the pressures of it and they ain't liking it one bit...that is very scary.
Posts: 4115 | Location: Pa. | Registered: 21 April 2006Reply With Quote
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In some ways, Woodrow, it might be better if it were as simple as you say.

We could simply mount another Crusade, and kill all the infidels.

Unless they killed all of us infidels first, right?

Richard vs. Saladin, revisited.

But it's simply not that black and white.

People are people, wherever you go.


Wilderness is my cathedral, and hunting is my prayer.
Posts: 13979 | Location: New England | Registered: 06 June 2003Reply With Quote
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Woodrow which part of the quran that you read said to kill non-muslims?

You haven't read it and there is a huge group of muslims that are illiterate and some power hungry mulahs have told these illiterate people that the quran says things that are not true.

you type with such certainty. but these are simply your opinions, which you are entitled to.
Posts: 457 | Location: NW Nebraska | Registered: 07 January 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of 505 gibbs
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Woodrow which part of the quran that you read said to kill non-muslims?

You haven't read it and there is a huge group of muslims that are illiterate and some power hungry mulahs have told these illiterate people that the quran says things that are not true.

you type with such certainty. but these are simply your opinions, which you are entitled to.

SkinnyButt, try Surah 9 of the Quran, you are mistaken.
Posts: 5221 | Registered: 30 July 2007Reply With Quote
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But to say that anyone who disagrees is anti-American or in any other way morally deficient is wrong and offensive.

particularly to those unwilling to curb their own desires even when it funds the murder of their own.
IMHO, it's a damned shame that internet anonymity permits some particpants in these discussions to degenerate into insults and personal attacks.

where would you like to meet to have this discussion?
Hunting is not, nor should it be, nor can it be, foreign policy.

this is an ignorant statement with absolutely no basis.
Posts: 5221 | Registered: 30 July 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of peterdk
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Originally posted by 505 gibbs:
Woodrow which part of the quran that you read said to kill non-muslims?

You haven't read it and there is a huge group of muslims that are illiterate and some power hungry mulahs have told these illiterate people that the quran says things that are not true.

you type with such certainty. but these are simply your opinions, which you are entitled to.

SkinnyButt, try Surah 9 of the Quran, you are mistaken.

[9:4] If the idol worshipers sign a peace treaty with you, and do not violate it, nor band together with others against you, you shall fulfill your treaty with them until the expiration date. GOD loves the righteous.
Posts: 1336 | Location: denmark | Registered: 01 September 2007Reply With Quote
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so all I have to do is sign a treaty to keep from getting my head chopped off? What happens if they don't offer a treaty? Oh, and what would they consider "violating" the treaty? not converting to Islam maybe? Roll Eyes
Posts: 5221 | Registered: 30 July 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of RaySendero
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Would YOU hunt in IRAN??? NO

But with the intentional spin in the answers, I did not vote!

Don't give a shit about either the Ayatollah or the Shah.

Posts: 1786 | Registered: 10 November 2004Reply With Quote
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Does anyone find it amazing that every time there is a riot in a muslim oriented country the state department urges US citizens to leave that country immediately or risk harm/death? I wonder why that is??? I thought Egyptians love americans??? NOT! When we have rioting here nobody is urging muslims to leave quickly or risk death/harm to them or their family. Is it perhaps because americans are targets to even the otherwise sane muslims that temporarily go on an american man hunt binge? Listen people, the muslim world, in general could give a rats ass about americans....most hate us even if they won't admit it. Any one of you muslim terrorist lovers care to answer my 1st question? C'mon, there has to be at least one.
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Originally posted by 505 gibbs:
so all I have to do is sign a treaty to keep from getting my head chopped off? What happens if they don't offer a treaty? Oh, and what would they consider "violating" the treaty? not converting to Islam maybe? Roll Eyes


it was you who mentioned the 9'th shura, i am just quoting some of it.


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