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Wyoming teen convicted on poaching charge
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Me and some of the guys I work with had seen this buck a dozen times while at work.

WORLAND – Colton Lapp, 18, of
Worland was charged and convicted of illegally
killing a trophy mule deer buck south
of Worland, a violation which cost him over
$9,000, according to a Wyoming Game and
Fish Department press release.
Lapp pleaded guilty to the intentional
and illegal taking of a trophy class mule
deer before Judge Thomas Harrington in
Washakie County Circuit Court on April
14, 2011.
Based on a plea agreement, Lapp was
sentenced to pay $5,040 in fines and
$4,000 in restitution to the state for the
deer, the release said.
Lapp also had his hunting, fishing and
trapping privileges suspended for five
years and is under six months probation.
According to Worland Game Warden
Matt Lentsch of the Wyoming Game and
Fish Department, Lapp shot the large nontypical
mule deer buck south of Worland on
Nov. 6, 2010 in an area that was closed to
hunting. Information provided by a concerned
sportsman initiated the investigation “A sportsman viewing a cell
phone picture of Lapp posing with
the large mule deer recognized the
buck as one he had seen near the
Wyoming Boys School several
times earlier that summer,”
Lentsch said.
The sportsman reported that
Lapp claimed to have shot the deer
near Burlington, Wyo. during an
open season. However, because he
felt it was extremely unlikely the
deer would have traveled nearly 70
miles, he contacted Game and Fish
law enforcement officers.
The subsequent investigation
involving many Cody Region game
wardens revealed the large buck
was taken in deer hunt area 164,
approximately two miles south of
Worland. The area had closed to
the hunting of antlered mule deer
on Oct. 10, 2010, Lentsch said.
The deer carried an impressive
8 x 9 point rack which officially
scored 102 6/8 Boone and Crocket
“This mule deer buck was one of
those once-in-a-lifetime animals
that most hunters only dream of
harvesting,” Lentsch said.
According to Lentsch, Judge Harrington
told Lapp that he stole this animal from not
only legal hunters but all of the citizens of
The situation came to light after Lapp posted
photos of himself and the buck with a bag
over its head on his Facebook page, Lentsch
said. The photos were available in about 10 different
places, he said.
“That’s the one that got (the investigation)
started,” he said.
The photo of the animal in the field was
taken by Beau Byrd of Worland, Lentsch said.
Other people had also taken pictures of the
buck, he said.
The mule deer was taken to Cody after it
was seized in November, he said.
While out behind Wyoming
Sugar with his cousin who had a
license for a white tail deer, Lapp
saw the trophy buck and shot it,
Lentsch said.
Lapp was charged under
Wyoming State Statue 23-3-102(d)
which is commonly referred to as
the winter range law.
“The Wyoming legislature
passed this law to strengthen the
penalties and increase the deterrence
for cases just like this one,”
Lentsch said.
The law provides penalties for
fines of not less than $5,000 and
up to $10,000, the loss of hunting
and fishing privileges of not less
than five years and jail time up to
one year.
According to Lentsch, the law is
only applied to the most serious
wildlife violations involving the
intentional and illegal taking of
antlered or horned big game animals.
Anyone witnessing a wildlife
violation can call the Stop
Poaching hotline at 1-877-WGFDTIP
(in state). Tips are most helpful
with specific information such
as the date, time, location and specific details
about the suspected violation. top Poaching
tips can also be reported on the game and fish
Posts: 10478 | Location: N.W. Wyoming | Registered: 22 February 2003Reply With Quote
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So I guess face book is good for something after all!!!
Posts: 2173 | Location: NORTHWEST NEW MEXICO, USA | Registered: 05 March 2008Reply With Quote
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Loss of hunting privileges for 5 years is too light a sentance. He should lose them for life. The courts in this country need to start taking poaching serious and pass sentances accordingly!
Posts: 2940 | Location: Colorado by birth, Navy by choice. | Registered: 26 September 2010Reply With Quote
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You are correct Flags, and we should all do the right thing and turn ourselves in for all the stupid and often illegal things we did as teens also. There would be a lot of us in jail or worse.

Teen age boys doing stupid things should not get penalized for life. Teen age boys doing stupid things is a fact of life. For societies and the teens sake they should all be put in jail and released on their 20th b-day.
Posts: 457 | Location: NW Nebraska | Registered: 07 January 2007Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by slim buttes:
You are correct Flags, and we should all do the right thing and turn ourselves in for all the stupid and often illegal things we did as teens also. There would be a lot of us in jail or worse.

Teen age boys doing stupid things should not get penalized for life. Teen age boys doing stupid things is a fact of life. For societies and the teens sake they should all be put in jail and released on their 20th b-day.

He's 18. That makes him an adult. Hard to hide behind the excuse of "teenager" when the courts and society consider someone that old an adult. With the title of adult comes responsibility.

And if you read the article, he knew exactly what he was doing. They had a whitetail only tag, yet shot a mulie. He shot the deer in an area he knew to be closed to hunting. He tried to deceive people by claiming he shot it over 70 miles away. He posted online basically bragging about the deer.

The combination tells me that he should have hunting privileges. Period! This goes beyond a simple mistake. This was wanton.

Feel free to disagree, but I believe in holding adults responsible for their actions. Maybe you dont.
Posts: 2940 | Location: Colorado by birth, Navy by choice. | Registered: 26 September 2010Reply With Quote
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Picture of 505 gibbs
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Colton isn't even out of highschool yet (he graduates in May). Over $9000 in fines and has lost his hunting priveleges for 5 years. And why? Because he got ate up with the dumbass and shot a deer that made his and everyone that saw it dick hard. He will not be able to hunt legally until he is 24 years old, some of my greatest hunting memories are hunting with my buddies between 18 and 25. I would say justice has been served (or will be over the next 5 years). But not Fags, that POS wants blood!! You're a jackass Fags.
Posts: 5193 | Registered: 30 July 2007Reply With Quote
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Hey 505 Gibbs---Is the 18 year old your kid or a relative? You appear about as dumb as he is by making that derogatory post calling Flags a nasty name like that just because you disagree with him! What are you going to call me as I basically agree with Flags! Maybe not for life, but 5 years goes too quickly for an egregious violation like that! Unit 164 only has a ten day season because it doesn't have that many deer to begin with, other than a few pieces of private property over near where he shot that buck. To knowingly take a nice one away from legal hunters is more than just a minor violation and he should pay the price. Sentences that you feel are excessive are the only way that a lot of others will get the message that to do this type of thing and commit this type of violation will eliminate your "right" to hunt for more than a few years. The same things goes for DUI and the easy sentences these repeat violators are getting! If the kid did that at 19 IMHO he has a major flaw and would do the same thing when he's 24! Good that he got caught now and mayhe he and others that read about him will follow the law from now on!!!
Posts: 1576 | Registered: 16 March 2011Reply With Quote
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Ignored post by 505 gibbs posted 20 April 2011 04:33

Did you say something Fool?

Hey Top, don't worry yourself about Gibby, he's not only a fool but also a blowhard that actually only think his opinion is the one that matters. Anytime someone disagrees with him, he goes all pouty. And this isn't the first time he has gone out of his way to defend poachers.

Birds of a feather maybe? Wonder if he feels like he needs to protect his own?
Posts: 2940 | Location: Colorado by birth, Navy by choice. | Registered: 26 September 2010Reply With Quote
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Picture of J.R.Jackson
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I found a site that says the deer was 210 6/8, not 102 6/8
Posts: 570 | Location: Oklahoma | Registered: 12 November 2006Reply With Quote
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Its a deer guys. That's it. If he went and shot your dog he would get a lighter slap on the rist than what he got. He's a man now and he'll pay for what he did. Think about this anti-hunters, take away his hunting privileges for life and whatever children he has will more than likely never be hunters. Everybody wants more kids in the sport, but a life sentence for this dude will take a whole blood line out of the sport. More than likely this boy will learn from this and later when he has children and takes them into the woods he will teach them what poaching will get them. I knew a man that was involved in a hunting accident at about this same age. No one was killed but one person still has trouble walking 40 years later. The man raised four boys who are the safest men I have ever met with firearms. Lessons learned and passed on.

By the way Topgun, the banter between 505 and Fags goes beyond just this thread.
Posts: 2826 | Location: Houston | Registered: 01 May 2007Reply With Quote
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The combination tells me that he should have hunting privileges. Period!

he's not only a fool but also a blowhard that actually only think his opinion is the one that matters.

Fags, do you remember saying this? I always find it interesting how you bash someone for your own sins.
Posts: 2826 | Location: Houston | Registered: 01 May 2007Reply With Quote
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Just because they take away his privleges for five years does not mean he won't hunt. It happens again and again out here, you buy a tag for your girl friend, your mom, your grandpa, and shoot their deer/elk/antelope. One game warden for 100 square miles, his chances of getting caught shooting anything are nil! Fines, jail, and confiscation of personal property is all that really gets their attention.
Posts: 10478 | Location: N.W. Wyoming | Registered: 22 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Crazyhorseconsulting
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Folks, b efore this decays any farther than it has, if that is possible, what is legal voting age........18.

What is the legal age to be a member of any branch of the U.S. Military and get sent to war, 18.

That qualifies as an adult, the guy knew what he was doing was wrong.

Why do people, in this day and time with as educated and informed as the young folks in this country are, feel that an 18 year old should be let get away with killing an animal with out paying some form of penalty?

Why do some folks feel that anyone because of their age, shopuld be able to get away with a crime?

What if the poacher had been 65 or 70 years old,. would you folks feel the same way???

If not why, prejudice against old folks.

Too many of todays youth do not understand the concept that if they screw up, they are not always going to get a slap on the wrist and allowed to go on their merry way.

Losing his hunting priveldges for life might seem harsh, but what if the guy had been 28 or 38?

Would everyone be so forgiving? I doubt it.

18 year olds in this day and time are a lot more mature and knowledgeable than when I was 18 or when some off you other folks were 18.

This guy did not shoot just a deer, he shot a trophy buck and he knew it was a trophy buck.

This was not a case of a kid making a mistake, this was a case of a hunter, knowing just exactly what he was doing, killing an animal he kn ew that he should not be shooting.

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Posts: 31014 | Location: Olney, Texas | Registered: 27 March 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of SGraves155
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Seems like a bit over-punishment to me, too. I know I've been given lots of second chances in this life by people wiser than me, but I still ain't perfect.
Most kids do occasional stupid things that don't seem criminal to them at the time--not much worse than playing hooky... and some of us continue right on thru adulthood. The worse thing, IMO, would be to turn the kid into a criminal hater of the justice system because of excessive punishment.

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Posts: 8100 | Location: NW Arkansas | Registered: 09 July 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of 505 gibbs
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Sentences that you feel are excessive are the only way that a lot of others will get the message that to do this type of thing and commit this type of violation will eliminate your "right" to hunt for more than a few years.

I never said I thought the sentence was excessive. In fact, I have no problem with the sentence and am sure it is something he will remember the rest of his life. My issue is with Fags going off the deep end anytime someone "poaches"
The same things goes for DUI and the easy sentences these repeat violators are getting!

Really? Are we going to compare shooting an animal illegally with a DUI? Do you know how many innocent people are killed every year by drunk drivers? Don't be rediculous
Good that he got caught now and mayhe he and others that read about him will follow the law from now on!!!

I agree
Just because they take away his privleges for five years does not mean he won't hunt. It happens again and again out here, you buy a tag for your girl friend, your mom, your grandpa, and shoot their deer/elk/antelope. One game warden for 100 square miles, his chances of getting caught shooting anything are nil! Fines, jail, and confiscation of personal property is all that really get their attention.

Kudu, If he gets caught hunting again in that 5 years it will be poaching and will be handled accordingly, why are we debating a crime that has not been committed yet?
Why do people, in this day and time with as educated and informed as the young folks in this country are, feel that an 18 year old should be let get away with killing an animal with out paying some form of penalty?

Why do some folks feel that anyone because of their age, shopuld be able to get away with a crime?

Who is getting away with anything, he was found guilty, fined over $9000.00 and lost his hunting priveleges for 5 years? What article are you referring to?
This guy did not shoot just a deer, he shot a trophy buck and he knew it was a trophy buck.

This was not a case of a kid making a mistake, this was a case of a hunter, knowing just exactly what he was doing, killing an animal he kn ew that he should not be shooting.

Who cares what sex or what species? He was poaching. Should a male deer carry a harsher sentence than a female? Should one species poached be of greater value than another? The Lacey Act doesn't think so. Is this about someone poaching a game animal or someone shooting a big deer that you or someone else should have been able to shoot? Your argument seems ver inconsistant.
Posts: 5193 | Registered: 30 July 2007Reply With Quote
Picture of Canuck
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Originally posted by 505 gibbs:
Colton isn't even out of highschool yet (he graduates in May). Over $9000 in fines and has lost his hunting priveleges for 5 years. And why? Because he got ate up with the dumbass and shot a deer that made his and everyone that saw it dick hard. He will not be able to hunt legally until he is 24 years old, some of my greatest hunting memories are hunting with my buddies between 18 and 25. I would say justice has been served (or will be over the next 5 years). But not Fags, that POS wants blood!! You're a jackass Fags.

505 Gibbs, enough of the personal insults already. Knock it off, please.

Posts: 7122 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Crazyhorseconsulting
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This whole discussion is hopeless.

Why should any state have game laws, if they are not going to apply to everyone equally.

Eighteen year olds are not considered "Kids" by any of the various state Game and Fish Agencies.

Unless I am mistaken, in most if not all states, once you turn 17 you have to buy an adult hunting license.

This is not a child, or a 16 year old, this is an adult that grew up in the area most likely and he knew what he was doing, if he did not know what he was doing when he shot that buck, Why The Hell Did He Plead Guilty and accept a plea agreement?

It would be one thing if he had shot a fork horn buck or a doe, but he purposely shot a Trophy Buck then started bragging about it.

At what age should a hunter be considered responsible for their action? 20, 25, 30 or never?

I don't buy into the idea of hanging the guy, but what he did was not a mistake, it was a willful act, and at 18 years old, he knew it was an illegal action and that if caught he would be subject to the penalties established for such actions.

Losing his hunting priveledges for 5 years is not to harsh a penalty.

Losing them for life does seem a little excessive, but had an older hunter did the same thing, they would stand the possibility of losing their huntging priveledges for life and I don't think a single person on here would be complaining if the guy was 38.

Even the rocks don't last forever.

Posts: 31014 | Location: Olney, Texas | Registered: 27 March 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of dempsey
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Originally posted by slim buttes:
You are correct Flags, and we should all do the right thing and turn ourselves in for all the stupid and often illegal things we did as teens also. There would be a lot of us in jail or worse.

Teen age boys doing stupid things should not get penalized for life. Teen age boys doing stupid things is a fact of life. For societies and the teens sake they should all be put in jail and released on their 20th b-day.

Low expectations yield kids like this and hardly "penalized for life". The punishment seems to match the crime IMO.

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Posts: 6205 | Location: Cascade, MT | Registered: 12 February 2002Reply With Quote
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Kudu, If he gets caught hunting again in that 5 years it will be poaching and will be handled accordingly, why are we debating a crime that has not been committed yet?

I am not debating anything, it is just a statement,. The punishment is not harsh enough is what I am debating. There is no deterrent!!! $10k is nothing in this day and age, especially in our economy here in Wy. That's just a little over a months wages for many people working in the oil, coal, gas, industry. And the big word is "IF" he gets caught.

Who cares what sex or what species? He was poaching. Should a male deer carry a harsher sentence than a female? Should one species poached be of greater value than another? The Lacey Act doesn't think so. Is this about someone poaching a game animal or someone shooting a big deer that you or someone else should have been able to shoot? Your argument seems ver inconsistant.

Read the statutes, "trophy animal" has for many years in Wyoming carried a harsher punishment than a non-trophy or female/immature animal. The state has put a higher value on the "trophy" classification.

Now read this one, and it isn't the only time this has happend.

NINE YEAR INVESTIGATION RESULTS IN CONVICTION OF REPEAT POACHER CODY- An investigation spanning nine years, involving several cooperating agencies and two States is came to a close with the sentencing of Gary C. Vorhies (formally of Greybull, WY) for the illegal killing of four whitetail buck deer. Vorhies was sentenced by Circuit Court Judge Thomas Harrington, September 12, 2009. Vorhies initially pleaded not guilty to the violations—later he changed his mind. In a letter to Judge Harrington, Vorhies requested that his court appointed counsel be released and that he be allowed to change his plea. Harrington approved his request and Vorhies pleaded no contest to three of the four charges against him and guilty to the fourth charge. After Harrington established a factual basis for the charges he accepted Vorhies plea and pronounced sentence.
Vorhies will remain in the Big Horn County jail for an additional 311 days, pay $17,000 in fines and $10,000 in restitution. Restitution is compensation for the loss of the resource to the State. Vorhies was credited for 54 days already served in jail. Three additional one year jail sentences were suspended provided he does not violate the law during that period. For a period of four years after his release he will be on supervised probation during which time he will not be allowed to possess any type of equipment designed to take wildlife or be in the presence of anyone involved with the take of any wildlife or be found on public lands where wildlife is present. These lands also include private lands enrolled in the Wyoming Game and Fish Department’s Walk-In and Hunter Management Areas. Judge Harrington stated that Vorhies is also prohibited from antler hunting on public lands while on probation. Vorhies’ hunting, fishing and trapping license privileges were previously revoked by the Park County Court until 2051.
Posts: 10478 | Location: N.W. Wyoming | Registered: 22 February 2003Reply With Quote
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First off Canuck, appreciate the admonition. Profanity, as Ginger Rogers said (in another time), is profanity of the mind. All would do well to keep that in mind. We don't have to attack each other just because we disagree.

As for the issue at hand, this "kid" was/is an adult, legally, and he should receive adult sentencing. One of the problems which has developed over the years is that we have become an overly permissive & lenient society. I firmly believe that is one of the major reasons why I our prisons & reformatories are so full.

Do I feel the punishment here should be more severe? Absolutely! Lifetime, no way. And, though I think the sentence should have been more severe, 10-15 years, five years AND $9,000
in fines is not inconsiderable.

But, this case also demonstrates that not all the wrongdoer hunters come from out of state; this one was home bred.

This is just my slant on the issue; you do not have to agree.
Posts: 205 | Registered: 31 July 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of Crazyhorseconsulting
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Good response olguy.

What I am trying to understand, is why some folks feel that an 18 year old Adult, should not be treated the same way a 28-38-48 or older adult would be treated in a poaching case?

This is NOT a 12 year old shooting a dove with a bb gun.

This is an adult making the choice of shooting an animal that he knew, before the shot was taken, was illegal.

What has happened to folks that has made some of them believe that just because a person is 18 years old and considered legally to be an adult, they should be allowed to do things that a 20 or 21 year old person would be prosecuted for?

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Posts: 31014 | Location: Olney, Texas | Registered: 27 March 2006Reply With Quote
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Too many 18y/o men have answered their country's call and paid the ultimate price to let this/any 18y/o "kid" get some sort of "boys will be boys" pass.
Time for the "boy" to cowboy up and start learning how to be a man.

Aim for the exit hole
Posts: 4348 | Location: middle tenn | Registered: 09 December 2009Reply With Quote
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Picture of dempsey
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I was also thinking if this kid should be ut some slack due to age the question has to come up as to whether he should own a firearm after all. The arguement presented is "he's just a kid". Nope, he's an adult, no sympathy here.

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unique, just like everyone else.

Posts: 6205 | Location: Cascade, MT | Registered: 12 February 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of 505 gibbs
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who is cutting anyone any slack? Has anything said anywhere that Colton was tried as anything other than an adult? Where does it say that 5 years suspended hunting liscence and $9k in fines is a juvenile sentence. My entire point is that this world has gone crazy, no matter what anyone sentences short of hard prison time and lifetime revocation of priveleges is considered inadequate in many of your minds. That is rediculous.
Posts: 5193 | Registered: 30 July 2007Reply With Quote
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NINE YEAR INVESTIGATION RESULTS IN CONVICTION OF REPEAT POACHER CODY- An investigation spanning nine years, involving several cooperating agencies and two States is came to a close with the sentencing of Gary C. Vorhies (formally of Greybull, WY) for the illegal killing of four whitetail buck deer. Vorhies was sentenced by Circuit Court Judge Thomas Harrington, September 12, 2009. Vorhies initially pleaded not guilty to the violations—later he changed his mind. In a letter to Judge Harrington, Vorhies requested that his court appointed counsel be released and that he be allowed to change his plea. Harrington approved his request and Vorhies pleaded no contest to three of the four charges against him and guilty to the fourth charge. After Harrington established a factual basis for the charges he accepted Vorhies plea and pronounced sentence.
Vorhies will remain in the Big Horn County jail for an additional 311 days, pay $17,000 in fines and $10,000 in restitution. Restitution is compensation for the loss of the resource to the State. Vorhies was credited for 54 days already served in jail. Three additional one year jail sentences were suspended provided he does not violate the law during that period. For a period of four years after his release he will be on supervised probation during which time he will not be allowed to possess any type of equipment designed to take wildlife or be in the presence of anyone involved with the take of any wildlife or be found on public lands where wildlife is present. These lands also include private lands enrolled in the Wyoming Game and Fish Department’s Walk-In and Hunter Management Areas. Judge Harrington stated that Vorhies is also prohibited from antler hunting on public lands while on probation. Vorhies’ hunting, fishing and trapping license privileges were previously revoked by the Park County Court until 2051.

This is what's wrong with government agencies. How many tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars did the state spend investigating one man over a nine year span for poaching Four Deer? That same money could have been spent changing the carrying capacity of thousands of acres, to produce hundreds of more deer that you could be hunting. They could have positively effected the range habitat for nine years therefore allowing for more licenses to be sold, allowing for more revenue for the state, therefore allowing for more hunters dollars to be used for conservation. Instead they pissed it away for nine years going after some dumbass that killed four deer. They don't investigate kiddy rapers for nine years!
Posts: 2826 | Location: Houston | Registered: 01 May 2007Reply With Quote
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Ah yes, you can always depend on Dumberthanthou. I don't know the detes of what all was involved in the investigation but whether it was one deer or four or a once in a lifetime trophy is of little importance.
What you're basically saying is "it was only a little bit of rape so it's not important enough to bother with."

Aim for the exit hole
Posts: 4348 | Location: middle tenn | Registered: 09 December 2009Reply With Quote
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What you're basically saying is "it was only a little bit of rape so it's not important enough to bother with."

Realy, you are so stupid you think shooting a deer is in the same class of crime as rape. Congratulations wasbeeman you have just made the dumbest statement on this thread.

Actually my point was this is like having a team of cops working in shifts, doing surveilence, interogating witnesses, gathering inteligence, for nine years, to get a DWI conviction!
Posts: 2826 | Location: Houston | Registered: 01 May 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of Crazyhorseconsulting
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They don't investigate kiddy rapers for nine years!

STU, I believe that if you will notice, YOU were the one that made the equation between rapers of any kind and poaching a deer.

Even the rocks don't last forever.

Posts: 31014 | Location: Olney, Texas | Registered: 27 March 2006Reply With Quote
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STU, I believe that if you will notice, YOU were the one that made the equation between rapers of any kind and poaching a deer.

I was stating the disgusting fact that the state will spend nine years trying to catch a poacher but won't put that much effort into catching a child molestor. Wasbeeman some how drew that to mean I believe that a little bit of rape is OK. No hopefully, YOU will notice , You have a problem with reading comprehension. This might also be what caused so many here to think someone on this thread wanted to let the boy off because he was a "kid", when no one here made any such claim.
Posts: 2826 | Location: Houston | Registered: 01 May 2007Reply With Quote
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I think the young man should be retrained as part of his punishment. Otherwise we just make him bitter and make him think his fault was getting caught. He got caught for being cocky. He has friends that are doing the same thing. They won't make the same mistake. That is why he/they have to be changed.

This isn't rape or murder; its poaching. I got caught poaching on "the rich guys private hunting lease" when I was 15 years old. I knew it was wrong; I just didn't know why other than it was stealing. I had been raised that poaching was an accepted norm and "southern tradition". Luckily for me, one of these "rich guys" stepped forward and asked that I pay all of my fines through sweat, and he had a plan. He found game preserves, leases, game wardens and biologists all over the state willing to work the heck out of me and show me why I was wrong. It was the best thing that ever happened to me. Some of the game wardens and biologists that I worked for went to the judge and got my 5 year license suspension lifted prior to me entering the Army. I learned numerous valuable lessons and it was one of my life changing experiences.

We should all be careful what standard we set. Someone may hold us to it.
Posts: 887 | Location: Wichita Falls Texas or Colombia | Registered: 25 February 2011Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by SFRanger7GP:
I think the young man should be retrained as part of his punishment. Otherwise we just make him bitter and make him think his fault was getting caught. He got caught for being cocky. He has friends that are doing the same thing. They won't make the same mistake. That is why he/they have to be changed.

This isn't rape or murder; its poaching. I got caught poaching on "the rich guys private hunting lease" when I was 15 years old. I knew it was wrong; I just didn't know why other than it was stealing. I had been raised that poaching was an accepted norm and "southern tradition". Luckily for me, one of these "rich guys" stepped forward and asked that I pay all of my fines through sweat, and he had a plan. He found game preserves, leases, game wardens and biologists all over the state willing to work the heck out of me and show me why I was wrong. It was the best thing that ever happened to me. Some of the game wardens and biologists that I worked for went to the judge and got my 5 year license suspension lifted prior to me entering the Army. I learned numerous valuable lessons and it was one of my life changing experiences.

We should all be careful what standard we set. Someone may hold us to it.

That is a good idea. Restitution is a good way to teach right from wrong. Would be good for one of the posters on this thread as well who hails from Houston.
Posts: 10376 | Location: Texas... time to secede!! | Registered: 12 February 2004Reply With Quote
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This must be the forum people come to when they flame out in the political forum.

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unique, just like everyone else.

Posts: 6205 | Location: Cascade, MT | Registered: 12 February 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by smarterthanu:
What you're basically saying is "it was only a little bit of rape so it's not important enough to bother with."

Realy, you are so stupid you think shooting a deer is in the same class of crime as rape. Congratulations wasbeeman you have just made the dumbest statement on this thread.

Actually my point was this is like having a team of cops working in shifts, doing surveilence, interogating witnesses, gathering inteligence, for nine years, to get a DWI conviction!

As I said, I don't know the detes but obviously you do. Or maybe it's you that lacks comprehension skills. But then, you post your silly shit and if anyone disagrees with you, you start the "you lack comprehension, etc,etc BS.

I was pointing out it was a crime. A felony. And should be treated like one. The fact that poaching is of no moment to you, doesn't mean that law abiding citizens feel that way. Also, perhaps you can tell us how much time is spent trying to catch a child molester or rapist? You seem to have a deal of information at hand that the rest of us don't have.

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Posts: 4348 | Location: middle tenn | Registered: 09 December 2009Reply With Quote
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I was pointing out it was a crime. A felony. And should be treated like one. The fact that poaching is of no moment to you, doesn't mean that law abiding citizens feel that way. Also, perhaps you can tell us how much time is spent trying to catch a child molester or rapist? You seem to have a deal of information at hand that the rest of us don't have.

No you tried putting words in my mouth which I never said nor do I believe. That is how women argue. Are you a woman Wasbeeman?
Posts: 2826 | Location: Houston | Registered: 01 May 2007Reply With Quote
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That is a good idea. Restitution is a good way to teach right from wrong. Would be good for one of the posters on this thread as well who hails from Houston.

Little boy it could do you some good to read my posts on this thread before you say stupid things like this. Who am I kidding? That never stopped you before.
Posts: 2826 | Location: Houston | Registered: 01 May 2007Reply With Quote
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Excellent reply. I believe you are right on all points.

Posts: 418 | Location: Ridgecrest,Ca | Registered: 02 March 2007Reply With Quote
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Excellent reply. I believe you are right on all points.

While the poster made some good points, the thing to be kept in mind, the person involved thius time was 18, and Adult, and not 15, still considered a Juvenile.

SFRanger does not state his age, but I would bet it has been quite a while since his experience occured, possibly 10 years or even longer.

Also he does not specify what he was caught poaching. If it actually was a case of "Southern Tradition" poaching then it was possibly/probably the first animal that he got in his sites, probably not a "Trophy" animal.

Combine SFRanger's age at the time of the incident, and add the length of time since it occured, and look at the difference in how poaching cases were handled back then and how they are handled now.

This is an adult consiously killing a "Trophy" animal maliciously and with forethought. He could have shot a doe or a smaller buck if he just wanted to shoot A deer, and he knew that.

He made a choice, to shoot an animal that he knew the penalyies were going to be harsher. Nearly all of the Western states have established laws similar to Colorado's Sampson Laws, to protect Trophy Game animals that live in areas that make them more vunerable to poaching, such as this case, the animal was killed in an area that is NOT open to hunting.

I agree that some individuals can be reeabilitated/retrained, but there is a world of difference between a 15 year old from a decade or possibly longer back poaching something on Private Land and an Adult killing a Trophy sized animal in an area of Public Land that is closed to huntiong.

If you still can't see it, lets try this.

SFRanger, as a 15 year old, basically stole one animal from a Private Individual in no way is that even remotely related to an Adult killing a free range trophy animal on Public Land. This was a Public Resource, not Privately owned, and the shooter knew that what he was doing had the potential to get himself into a world of hurt, and it did.

If he learns anything from this experience it will be to not brag about such an act in the future.

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Posts: 31014 | Location: Olney, Texas | Registered: 27 March 2006Reply With Quote
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Good reply Crazy Horse.

One thing I find funny is that several of the posters here seem to belittle the fact that this was an animal on public land that belonged to all the public. They seem to think that this means the animal is less important than others and that the states shouldn't waste time or resources on aggressively pursuing poachers because the money could be spent elsewhere.

I wonder if they would say the same thing if this animal was poached off one of the private lands these posters love so much? Would they be willing to turn a blind eye to it and belittle it as much as they have here? If the animal existed behind a game proof fence and this kid snuck in and shot it, they would scream bloody murder because the lawful owner was deprived of his/her property.

Well, in this case, the lawful owner, which happens to be the public at large, was deprived of their property. Besides, think of the bad light it shows all hunters in.

Making an example of this punk will, admittedly, not change his actions in this case. It's too late for that. But, it very well may convince others not to do this type of thing in the future. Isn't that why we have such laws in the first place? It isn't possible to prevent every violation of every law. But the intent should always be to encourage the majority of the general population to follow the law by making examples of those that do not.
Posts: 2940 | Location: Colorado by birth, Navy by choice. | Registered: 26 September 2010Reply With Quote
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One thing I find funny is that several of the posters here seem to belittle the fact that this was an animal on public land that belonged to all the public. Can you quote several of these posters belittling public property? Quit making up BS.They seem to think that this means the animal is less important than others and that the states shouldn't waste time or resources on aggressively pursuing poachers because the money could be spent elsewhere. No, states should agreesivley prsue poachers to an extent, that does not out compete funds which could increase hunting oportunities for everyone. Like I said before, they spet so much money trying to nail someone for four poached deer, when they could have spent all that same money on habitat management and increased the deer population by 4000 deer. Wouldn't you like more hunting tags and opportunities for you Flags? Well too bad. They had to spend that money on a nine year investigation that they wouldn't do if someone murdered shot your dogs in your yard.

I wonder if they would say the same thing if this animal was poached off one of the private lands these posters love so much?Hey moron, wildlife living on private property stil belongs to the state. Eeker Would they be willing to turn a blind eye to it and belittle it as much as they have here? If the animal existed behind a game proof fence and this kid snuck in and shot it, they would scream bloody murder because the lawful owner was deprived of his/her property.
Posts: 2826 | Location: Houston | Registered: 01 May 2007Reply With Quote
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I was caught over 30 years ago. It was the first time I had ever been caught and I hunted year around, day and night, big game, small game, upland birds and waterfowl. I was caught with several other boys. I was the only one who chose to be "trained" and pay my debt with sweat. I learned that what I did was wrong and I learned why it was wrong.

I do not know this young man, but I would bet this was not his first offense. He had been on the same path I was on years ago. This young man should definitely be held responsible. I believe a monetary fine is just paying to make your problem go away. Who thinks this young man will actually pay this fine? A few years of "indentured servitude" to the Fish and Game Department would be a much more appropriate punishment.

We have to take these young guys under our wings and train them to do the right thing. I am ever grateful that someone did that for me, and I try to repay it every chance I get. If we do not become more involved constructively, hunting and firearms will no longer exist. They are already becoming the hobbies of "old rich guys". I am 48 years old and I am one of the youngest members of our gun club. Who will carry on our wonderful heritage (and right)?
Posts: 887 | Location: Wichita Falls Texas or Colombia | Registered: 25 February 2011Reply With Quote
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