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Baboon comedy mounts
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Picture of D99
I have seen a few comical baboon mounts on here. Please post your photos.

I'd love a series of baboons in African safari clothes in hunting mode around the trophy room.
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Originally posted by stevet50:

I'm glad somebody else said it first. Animals; even baboons deserve to be displayed in a respectful manner. If not don't shoot it.

That is THE difference between a killer and a hunter.


Formerly "Nganga"
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Roll Eyes
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Originally posted by Nganga:
Originally posted by stevet50:

I'm glad somebody else said it first. Animals; even baboons deserve to be displayed in a respectful manner. If not don't shoot it.

That is THE difference between a killer and a hunter.

You mean, like this? Big Grin


Indeed, no human being has yet lived under conditions which, considering the prevailing climates of the past, can be regarded as normal. John E Pfeiffer, The Emergence of Man

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Originally posted by Nganga:
Originally posted by stevet50:

I'm glad somebody else said it first. Animals; even baboons deserve to be displayed in a respectful manner. If not don't shoot it.

That is THE difference between a killer and a hunter.


LOL!! Roll Eyes Have either of you ever hunted or even been around Baboons?


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Originally posted by BOWHUNR:
Originally posted by Nganga:
Originally posted by stevet50:

I'm glad somebody else said it first. Animals; even baboons deserve to be displayed in a respectful manner. If not don't shoot it.

That is THE difference between a killer and a hunter.


LOL!! Roll Eyes Have either of you ever hunted or even been around Baboons?


LOL, Nope never been to Africa


Formerly "Nganga"
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I know that it gets tiresome to hear about the image we portray to the non-hunting world, and how important it is to maintain a good one, blah, blah, blah...but, seriously, look at these pictures. If I find them distasteful, I can imagine the reaction of a non-hunter. This is just the sort of thing that could turn a non-hunter into a full-fledged anti-hunter...and we already have more than enough of those.

Posts: 1028 | Location: Manitoba, Canada | Registered: 01 December 2007Reply With Quote
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Baboons are nasty animals, everything deserves respect.

I have only shot one, and I wanted to turn him into a little safari suited hunter.
Posts: 4729 | Location: Australia | Registered: 06 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by D99:
Baboons are nasty animals, everything deserves respect.

I have only shot one, and I wanted to turn him into a little safari suited hunter.

Very strange. Is it like a fetish thing?

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Originally posted by jwm:
I know that it gets tiresome to hear about the image we portray to the non-hunting world, and how important it is to maintain a good one, blah, blah, blah...but, seriously, look at these pictures. If I find them distasteful, I can imagine the reaction of a non-hunter. This is just the sort of thing that could turn a non-hunter into a full-fledged anti-hunter...and we already have more than enough of those.


If someone doesn't want to do this because it is disrespectful to them, okay. Doesn't fit the rooms theme, okay. But I'm not in the business of not doing what I want due to what someone else will think.

I'm not saying your wrong. I just don't care to be bogged down by opinions of people like the type you mention.
Posts: 1851 | Registered: 12 May 2009Reply With Quote
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Fair enough. I certainly respect your position, and even admire your answer. Frankly, I wish that I didn't worry as much about that "type" of person as I do, and when I composed my post I hesitated to hit the "post now" button because I sounded too much like them. I guess that constant and relentless pressure from them has worn me down. More power to you!

Posts: 1028 | Location: Manitoba, Canada | Registered: 01 December 2007Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Sevenxbjt:
Originally posted by jwm:
I know that it gets tiresome to hear about the image we portray to the non-hunting world, and how important it is to maintain a good one, blah, blah, blah...but, seriously, look at these pictures. If I find them distasteful, I can imagine the reaction of a non-hunter. This is just the sort of thing that could turn a non-hunter into a full-fledged anti-hunter...and we already have more than enough of those.


If someone doesn't want to do this because it is disrespectful to them, okay. Doesn't fit the rooms theme, okay. But I'm not in the business of not doing what I want due to what someone else will think.

I'm not saying your wrong. I just don't care to be bogged down by opinions of people like the type you mention.

My issue has exactly zero to do with the anti's, no matter what we as hunters do or how we conduct ourselves it won't matter to them.

My issue is; demeaning the taking of a life, I take it seriously, I shot a jumbo in Bots in 2006, the trakers all jumped up on it and I told them to get the hell off and show this magnificent beast the respect it deserves.

I realize that is a huge contadiction to kill something then demand respect for the fallen beast but that I believe is what makes a true sportsman and defines the "soul" of a pure sport hunter.

You will never see sunglasses, santa hats or any other such nonsense on a mount in my room.


Formerly "Nganga"
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I did not mount my baboon in a comical pose but I do not have any problem with those that do. As far as what "makes a true sportsman" or a "pure sport hunter" is probably not how he chooses to mount his game. This gets into ethics and everyone has their own opinion. Baboons are nasty bastards anyway.

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Baboons are nasty bastards anyway.

So are Lions, so are Haeyna's, are hats and sunglasses ok on them?

The mount choice may not define the quality of sportsman but in MY opinion it tells me volumes about the individual.


Formerly "Nganga"
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Originally posted by jwm:
Fair enough. I certainly respect your position, and even admire your answer. Frankly, I wish that I didn't worry as much about that "type" of person as I do, and when I composed my post I hesitated to hit the "post now" button because I sounded too much like them. I guess that constant and relentless pressure from them has worn me down. More power to you!

Posts: 1851 | Registered: 12 May 2009Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Nganga:
Originally posted by Sevenxbjt:
Originally posted by jwm:
I know that it gets tiresome to hear about the image we portray to the non-hunting world, and how important it is to maintain a good one, blah, blah, blah...but, seriously, look at these pictures. If I find them distasteful, I can imagine the reaction of a non-hunter. This is just the sort of thing that could turn a non-hunter into a full-fledged anti-hunter...and we already have more than enough of those.


If someone doesn't want to do this because it is disrespectful to them, okay. Doesn't fit the rooms theme, okay. But I'm not in the business of not doing what I want due to what someone else will think.

I'm not saying your wrong. I just don't care to be bogged down by opinions of people like the type you mention.

My issue has exactly zero to do with the anti's, no matter what we as hunters do or how we conduct ourselves it won't matter to them.

My issue is; demeaning the taking of a life, I take it seriously, I shot a jumbo in Bots in 2006, the trakers all jumped up on it and I told them to get the hell off and show this magnificent beast the respect it deserves.

I realize that is a huge contadiction to kill something then demand respect for the fallen beast but that I believe is what makes a true sportsman and defines the "soul" of a pure sport hunter.

You will never see sunglasses, santa hats or any other such nonsense on a mount in my room.


No issue with that logic. I just don't really care for them as they kind of look cheesy. But if you don't like 'em for deeper reason such as yourself or think they are great like others, whatever suits you IMHO. I misunderstood to a degree and thought we were all more worried about how it is percieved by "others".
Posts: 1851 | Registered: 12 May 2009Reply With Quote
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looks like some people here need to grow a since of humor and stop taking there self so serious. dancing jumping
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looks like some people here need to grow a since of humor and stop taking there self so serious.

good luck with that.
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Interesting mount-TERRIBLE choice in beer. sofa

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I don't think I'd have a comical mount of a baboon and I've stopped my wife from hanging Christmas decorations on the mounts in the house because it "disrespected the animal", but hey, baboons ARE nasty bastards, but they are also funnier-than-shite comedians, so, even if you're of the extreme liberal bent and believe they're sentient creatures (which I don't), whose to say they wouldn't be happy making someone smirk? (I've shot a couple; one right after he'd procreated, so I wasn't too worried about his level of happiness when he died.)

As far as a western hunter yelling at a bunch of poor trackers to "get the hell off and show...respect", trackers that live in Africa their whole life, around elephants, and struggle to survive, well, I've never heard of a better description of arrogance.

So, where's the "on the pot" pose? That always brings a tear to my eye.
Posts: 1278 | Location: Texas Hill Country | Registered: 31 May 2007Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Cazador humilde:
I don't think I'd have a comical mount of a baboon and I've stopped my wife from hanging Christmas decorations on the mounts in the house because it "disrespected the animal", but hey, baboons ARE nasty bastards, but they are also funnier-than-shite comedians, so, even if you're of the extreme liberal bent and believe they're sentient creatures (which I don't), whose to say they wouldn't be happy making someone smirk? (I've shot a couple; one right after he'd procreated, so I wasn't too worried about his level of happiness when he died.)

As far as a western hunter yelling at a bunch of poor trackers to "get the hell off and show...respect", trackers that live in Africa their whole life, around elephants, and struggle to survive, well, I've never heard of a better description of arrogance.

So, where's the "on the pot" pose? That always brings a tear to my eye.

Bud, 50K made that jumbo mine I'll do as I please. Arrogance? from a Texan? I think the word respect is more fitting.

You can sit on your mounts or do whatever, they are yours. I'll do as I please with mine.

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Originally posted by Nganga:
I'll do as I please with mine.

I believe that was D99's point exactly.
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Can't argue with that.


Formerly "Nganga"
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I am a middle class military man with a new wife, and hopefully 4 new babies on the way in the next few years.

I don't see a trophy room full of baboons in khakis and military uniforms, but I do think it would be funny. Or at least at first.

I don't believe that we owe the anti's anything. We need to bring the fight to them not, act a certain way to fend them off.

I say we sue the Humane Society, Peta, and Geenpeace for inter fearing with our rights to hunt and fish.
Posts: 4729 | Location: Australia | Registered: 06 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by D99:
I am a middle class military man with a new wife, and hopefully 4 new babies on the way in the next few years.

I don't see a trophy room full of baboons in khakis and military uniforms, but I do think it would be funny. Or at least at first.

I don't believe that we owe the anti's anything. We need to bring the fight to them not, act a certain way to fend them off.

I say we sue the Humane Society, Peta, and Geenpeace for inter fearing with our rights to hunt and fish.

D99, Piss on em. We have all the guns.

Formerly "Nganga"
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I guess the crowd here would be split then over this one trophy room I saw. The hunter had the bathroom done like a watering hole and, just so you don't get lonely while sitting on the throne, there is some baboons there to join you. One's even standing next to you on a rock relieving himself.


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Originally posted by stevet50:

No kidding. What self repsecting baboon would serve cheap beer. sofa
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Here in England - until it was closeed and all the items sold off at auction - there was a collection of this sort of stuff. It was a very famous collection in its day.

It was dispersed at Bonhams sale in 2003:

The Kitten's Wedding; Weasels playing Cards; Who Killed Cock Robin; The Rabbit School; Etc., etc..

It was here in England a very Victorian sort of thing from the 1880s onwads. So not much really new in that line.

It was one of those places I always wanted to visit that is now gone forever. In a way I regret NOT going but in another way I'm glad that I didn't.

And all done in the best of good taste! Ha, ha!
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FOR SHAME!!!!!! Mad
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I've had the idea to dress a baboon up like a butler, holding out a tray to make it a functional piece of furniture; not unlike elephant feet becoming wastebaskets or umbrella stands.

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Yes, I have hunted them,and respect them for the place they occupy in their eco-system, but I'm not sure what difference having hunted them makes. I agree that they can be some nasty critters at times, but so can Bushpigs,hyenas, wolves,coyotes,fox,etc, but I don't degrade them either with cigarettes, cigars,Hats, glasses, lights,etc. Just my opinion, and you know what they say about opinions!!!!
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I'm not sure why the anti's were even brought into to this discussion, but I personally couldn't be more against their practices, but that is exactly my point, why fuel their purpose with this kind of 1st grade nonsense??
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How we behave as Hunters is important, and how we react to the success (death of the animal) is somewhat important( I personally don't like a lot of whoopin' and hollerin'). But remember what happens to the majority of the "trophy" after it is killed---it becomes Shit, either human or animal. And that is really the best use for it. If the "best use" is to become Shit, then what we do with-- or how we feel about-- the hide and horns is really of little importance. Just IMO.
__Showing respect for--or having fun with--the taxidermy-ied remains of some long-dead critter should be of essentially zero importance to an adult, unless one is primitive enough to be an animist.
BTW, similar thing with people--How we treat them in life is way far more important than what kind of funeral we give 'em.

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Originally posted by Nganga:
Originally posted by stevet50:

I'm glad somebody else said it first. Animals; even baboons deserve to be displayed in a respectful manner. If not don't shoot it.

That is THE difference between a killer and a hunter.


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Originally posted by SGraves155:
How we behave as Hunters is important, and how we react to the success (death of the animal) is somewhat important( I personally don't like a lot of whoopin' and hollerin'). But remember what happens to the majority of the "trophy" after it is killed---it becomes Shit, either human or animal. And that is really the best use for it. If the "best use" is to become Shit, then what we do with-- or how we feel about-- the hide and horns is really of little importance. Just IMO.
__Showing respect for--or having fun with--the taxidermy-ied remains of some long-dead critter should be of essentially zero importance to an adult, unless one is primitive enough to be an animist.
BTW, similar thing with people--How we treat them in life is way far more important than what kind of funeral we give 'em.

So doing honor to ones past Mother or Father is silly since they are "dirt" ?


Formerly "Nganga"
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Honoring parents while they are living is very important. Putting flowers on their graves probably doesn't mean much to them, nor does burying them in solid gold caskets. Although perhaps these things have some value to the living. What happens to our bodies after death shouldn't bother us much, IMO. If it matters to you, don't ever go into a mortician's place of business, or volunteer as an organ donor on your Driver's lic. Wink

Certainly no one wants to have the memory of a parent abused. But let's not even remotely pretend to compare the plastic forms covered with the outer-remains of some animal that we have killed for our own pleasure with deserving of similiar respect as the memory/photos/graves of our parents.

"He wins the most, who honour saves. Success is not the test." Ryan
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And since most male baboons are mainly vile troublemaking jokesters and thieves (except when protecting the troop from a leopard) they might just get a good laugh from "baboon heaven" if they were able to see a funny mount of themselves.

"He wins the most, who honour saves. Success is not the test." Ryan
"Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything." Stalin
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As much as I appreciate Jerry Huffaker's fine work on these baboons I find the idea of having one done for myself to be repulsive. I kind of think that the baboon deserves the same respect as any other game animal. Baboons are about the sharpest pencil in the box in Africa and it seems disrespectful to me to dress them up in silly garb. I suppose it is the same as the often argued "Ethics" question. Each to his own.


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