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Joe; just give it a few minutes for Cliff to consult his cheerleaders. I've got faith, we'll get the new spin soon enough. ![]() | |||
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Ok, Lamar is Pdawg? Starmetal I think you need to reread his post (both of them). Actually for a cast bullet the 311284 has a rather decent BC. You “assumed" the velocity was 3069 fps when he actually said he worked up to 93 gr of RL25 for 3069 fps. Now he does claim the MOA at 3000 fps goal was reached. I do think that was quite good as I’ve said for PP’d bullets. Now, I have no idea where you get the idea there is a “range” limitation to the RPM threshold. I’ve not said there is and I don’t know anyone else who has. I see you are frustrated as you’re calling in others. Banded bullets are not regular cast bullets. PP’d bullets are not regular cast bullets. Jacketed bullets are not regular cast bullets. This thread is about regular cast bullets; the ones with lube grooves full of lube, GCs on the bottoms and shot that way. That is what we’re discussing here. Maybe instead of trying to “prove Larry wrong” if you’d look at this whole subject objectively you might learn something. Larry Gibson | |||
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Lamar Let me ask; did you get the basically moa groups at 100 yards? Then are you saying when you went over the RPM threshold the groups opened non-linear, even with the PP'd bullets? Larry Gibson | |||
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I don't know if Lamar is pdawg or not, but seems he's talking about the same post. Maybe you should learn how to read instead of berating others to make yourself look good or smarter (neither of which you are) because he never stated clearly what distance those small groups shot at 3069 fps were at. Just seen an interesting statement on another Sharp Shooter series on the History Channel. Although the sharp shooters today have better equipment and probably even are doing more incredible feats, the sharp shooter of yesteryear still live in fame. The statement was : It's hard to beat a Myth". I say that to you Mr Gibson, because your fictional threshold is just that...a myth. | |||
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I wasn't "berating" Lamar, I was asking questions because I'm interested in what he is saying. He makes sense to me, unlike a couple others here as of late. Before you go off on me being a smart ass maybe you should look at the continual personal attacks. You rank right down there with swheeler and 45 2.1 for that. I thought of anyone you could come up with some facts and at least understand. Not aking for agreement just understanding. You can not give a definition of theRPM threshold and you've no idea about ballistics. This leads me to believe you haven' read or studied any of the books you claim to. You try to talk the talk but you've not even walked the walk. Too bad, I am really disappointed in you Joe. Obviously they were right to throw you of the Cast Boolit Forum. This thread is closed. Larry Gibson | |||
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Wow! Could that be the end of Bat Gibson? Larry first off I didn't say that you were berating Lamar. I meant me with all the: better go back and read that, you better buy this book and read it, you don't understand, you don't get it, you, you, you, you. That's what I was saying. As of the last good many posts I haven't attacked you only to call your theory the "fiction threshold" and a "myth". Now how's that so bad? Getting banned from forum...hmmmm...does that mean if I where a young Senator that I could never hold the office of President? This is all virtual reality my friend, but I see you're wrapped up in as it's real life. Fine, want to close this thread, great. I'm tired of hearing your fictional threshold and how you unrelentlessly will not bulge an inch. | |||
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swheeler: is it possible that your Cliff Clavin visions are related to that"very limited education,and cannot articulate my thoughts very well"condition you wrote about earlier?????????? Starmetal(aka MaxPayne,Joe, et al, ad naus)..how many of those internet names you cite frequently will come on here and tell us they believe you ever had a laughing friend at Sierra Ballistics. eh..? / ....?? Idabull | |||
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That is very, very possible since I only graduated High school in the top third of a 159 graduating class, and did 4 semesters of college with a 4.0 gpa all 4, not nearly as smart as you I'm quite sure. ![]() ![]() | |||
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first off i am R5R everywhere else i wasn't smart enough to make me so here... getting 1" or smaller groups at 100 is easy with ordinary cast boolits and ordinary hunting rifles,with average 3x9 scopes. you just gotta mess with alloys,lubes etc... however to mess with velocity other factors come into play. your average boolit like the 311's and the rcbs silh boolit fail at some point. the rpm's are part of it,the launch is too.. paper patching is just another form of copper coating.[and this aint the answer either i have some copper plated stuff that won't do near as well as my cast] now for the tests i could hold under one inch in the threshold over the threshold the groups opened up considerably over 50% this was at 100 and 200 yds when i went to 300 yds they fell apart totally however by backing them down [back into the limit] groups at 300 were in the 5x6" range. i measure the outsides of my groups with the scientific wooden ruler,and will post them as 1-1/4x1-1/2 which means widexhigh now the eye opener for me in this realm was when i was able to shoot my 30-30 with a 12 twist and open sights and was able to up my velocities into the 22+ range and shoot groups in the 1-1/2" range at 100 yds same boolit right outta the same box.[visually inspected] only. i don't have a rifle that will do 3069 fps with jacketed let alone cast unless i load some super light bullets. all my rifles shoot lead except one,the 25-06 i use for long range club shoots,it incidentally is a ruger off the shelf and i use my hunting load for it to shoot to 500 yds. | |||
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Lamar are you saying that you do NOT post as Pdawg on cast boolits and you did NOT run this test with a 300RUM with velocities over 3050fps. And are you saying that the above quote by Larry Gibson is an out and out lie? | |||
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Huh? Your 25-06 won't do 3069 fps with jacketed? | |||
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swheeler: So now you are saying your post of 1/3/07(post#6 after signing on here) was on the order of pool room hustling,or trolling for mullet????????? Idabull | |||
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More like suckers, you know bottom feeders, looks like I got a BIG one! ![]() Weren't you Senator Larry Craigs assistant? How come we don't hear anymore bragging about that. ![]() | |||
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swheeler: all that education,or lack thereof,is certainly showing up in your posts.!! ![]() ![]() | |||
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the 25-06 might but it don't with the balanced load i am using and 120 gr bullets. the es and sd are very low the case is full of powder and the groups are repeatable morning noon and night -20 to 90*. clean or dirty bbl with cast boo;its the same criteria applies consistency,over time, under all conditions. 4 shots at h.v with cast just don't cut it. if i have to wait for the temp to be at 45 with a wind outts the south and a cloud to blow over to shoot 1 shot, then wait for the next cloud to shoot again. it isn't going to happen. i shoot when i get the chance rain,snow or hot. and expect my boolits to work the same everytime if they don't, i fix them. if you guys would listen to what is being said you could add something to the discusssion,and just possibly some new guy might be interested enough to ask a question and learn something,there isn't anything better then having a youngster have their eyes opened to your "wisdom" when you outshoot them with a cast boolit and it ain't no poof round.... yes there is an accuracy threshold at [rpm/ velocity],yes it can be broken,and yes it ain't easy to keep your accuracy over it time after time. but i haven't seen how y'all are doing it..... except forr the lines larry threw out a bit ago. jell,i could learn more from joe brenners "book" then i would here.. | |||
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Hodgdon's online data has four loads for the 25-06 exceeding 3000 fps. Now if you have a really good load that is close or just under, then I don't blame you go and push it. I never ran my jacketed loads to max for various reason. None of which had to do with accuracy. 45 2.1 just told some of what has to be done to shoot cast at HV and rpm in a thread on Castboolits today.....bullet fit and composition. I will tell you something that I think ruins it. I mentioned this to Larry and it's one of the few things we agreed on and that distortion of the bullet base. Face it that gas check isn't that strong of a component. I think that if that gas check cup had a much thicker bottom that we'd see improvemet, or let me state that another way... .easier improvement. Larry and I agreed that the base distortion is one of the reason plain base cast rifle bullets can't be pushed as hard as their gas checked twins. Back to jacketed. How many people, including the benchrest boys, have 100 percent consistent result each and EVERY time? None. The percentage can be very close, but no 100 percent cigar. You might want to expand on your consistency statement. I agree, if a shooter shoots a very good HV 4 shot group (don't know why you picked 4) once in a blue moon, then no, that's not consistent. Every time I come up with a rifle that shoots good HV and high rpm groups Larry comes up with excused about it and if he doesn't have a good excuse he usually says that it's an odd ball rifle that just happens to do it. Now let's look at an example of mine. My Sako 7mm-08. Hardly a target rig or not equal to a full size sporter with bigger optics. I say that because it's an 18.5 inch barreled Mannlicher Carbine that wears a mini (as in 32mm) 3x9 Burris scope, and the whole rig weighs around 7 pounds loaded and with a sling. I was shooting the Lee 135 gr cast bullet. That, for me, is a difficult little rifle to shoot very small groups with consistently. Dan had his 200,000 rpm contest and you had to shoot five 5 shot groups in a setting without cleaning the barrel. With that Sako I would start off getting the first 4 into 3/4 inch group and open it up a hair over Dan's 1 inch requirement. I just couldn't shoot it well enough. Oldfeller urged me to put my 6x24 target scope on it and I said no I'm not one inclined to taking a rifle set up well for it's intended task and change it just to fool around. I believe if it had been a heavier rifle with better optics I would have done better, maybe even beat the contest. By the way the bore was as clean as if I shot jacketed. It's the cleanest I've ever experienced using cast bullets. Only thing I done different in loading those round up for that test is I weighed the bullets. Didn't do a thing to the brass or anything else. Didn't weigh the powder charges. Just threw them with my B&M powder measure. There were fellows on the forum then that could beat that, is today too. Not many posted that they tried the contest so I can't tell you any results. I noticed you called the rpm threshold the rpm/HV threshold now. | |||
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swheeler: Got to be close to the ultimate irony--a guy who's been carrying water for starmetal(aka MaxPayne,Joe,et al, ad naus.)worrying about lies... ![]() | |||
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Starmetal One last swing, eh! You continue to lie and make half assed excuses when caught. This is what you said; "Maybe you should learn how to read instead of berating others to make yourself look good or smarter (neither of which you are)" Now tell us again how that is not you telling me I was "berating" Lamar. You keep lying and changing statements like that you just could be President, based on the current example. Larry Gibson | |||
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Lamar Thanks for the answers and your input here. Your posts on the Cast Boolit Forum always add a lot of good solid, well tested information to every discussion. Don't make the mistake of getting wrapped up in these guys BS, they are not worth the time. Thanks again, being talking fore with you on Cast Boolits. Larry Gibson | |||
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Let's get the whole statement I said which is: "Wow! Could that be the end of Bat Gibson? Larry first off I didn't say that you were berating Lamar. I meant me with all the: better go back and read that, you better buy this book and read it, you don't understand, you don't get it, you, you, you, you. That's what I was saying. As of the last good many posts I haven't attacked you only to call your theory the "fiction threshold" and a "myth". Now how's that so bad?" I don't know how you get so disillusioned. I never berated Lamar, I didn't question him why his 25-06 wouldn't get over 3000 fps. Your BS isn't flying here as well on Castboolits. I thought you were finished, that this thread was closed? | |||
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Yo Dude! You need to get a better brand of street drugs. YOU ARE THE ONE WHO ACCUSED ME OF BERATING LAMAR. I never accused you of berating anyone (except maybe me now and then). You are very confused here and/or you are lying on purpose. To what reason escapes us. BTW; 45 2.1 is the one having a hard time on Cast Boolits. Ask him how he can claim 1800 fps as "high velocity" in the 6.5 Swede, his only claim to fame of "helping others". Everyone see's through his BS over there. They see through your's here just as they saw through it on Cast Boolits when they threw you off. Before you post here denying 45 2.1, remember I have your PM of you stating just that. Is this thread closed? Apparently I don't have that power. Besides, I couldn't just let you get away with those blatant lies. Larry Gibson | |||
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Larry we can bat this back and forth like a tennis ball. Let me see that post you're talking about 45 2.1 so I can see what it said. If you don't want to post it here email me. Yeah you and I do berate each other, nothing serious on either's part By the way the target below is for you and Lamar. It's the 300 yard group from my 6.5 Grendel in my AR15. I'll have to look in my log book, but the rpm is out of your threshold. Couple interesting things. One I believe you said you don't believe in lubing the noses of bore riders, but anyways these Saeco 140 gr bullet had their noses lubed. The thing is I just wanted to get an idea of what the rifle was capable of at 300 yards and these were shot off the seat of my ATV and I sat on the ground. The seat is damn near the right height to shoot from. Not exactly a benchrest, but I didn't want to move my benchrest back to that 300 yard mark that day. The load is sighted in for 100 yards and the group fell into the cardboard backing. You can see the white target paper to the left and the bull was in the center of that. So you can guess as to how much it dropped and drifted right. ![]() | |||
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Starmetal Can't you read the Cast Boolit site, I thought you could? I didn't say I didn't "believe" in lubing bore rider bullet noses. I don't find it benificial at the velocties I shoot most bore riders. I have lube some for higher velocity hunting noses but find they collect dirt if you don't just pull them out of the box and shoot them. However I do use them occasinally. Nice group, get back to us on the velocity. Larry Gibson | |||
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Larry, I didn't get that nose lube off Castboolits....I pulled it from here and here is the post: "303Guy See, what I tell ya? Starmetal does know some things! I concur with his last post. Now don't have the big "H" reading that but he and I agreeing does happen dancing Many times a 'healthy' coat of suitable lube on the nose and shank of the bullet to 'float' the bullet into the bore" is detrimental to accuracy as the bullet is swaged down and rides the lube instead of taking to the rifling. I have lubed cast bullet noses during several tests but found no advantage to it. One major disadvantage, particularly with a hunting bullet, is the amount of dirt and crud a lubed nose picks up, even in a magazine." Larry Gibson Notice the sentence "I have lubed cast bullet noses during several tests but found no advantage to it." Well we know how precise and accurate your tests are so that's conclusive then that you find no "advantage" to it. Well I have my friend, that's what helped my 6.5 Grendel and 7.62x39 AR get good groups. How's it feel to have egg on your face? Read it and weep, you said it...no advantage, you tested it, gets dirt on it. The dirt part I agree with, but face it, I'd say the higher percentage of cast bullet shooters shoot targets with them. So the dirt is a non issue as you pointed out keeping them in the box. I guess you could say Loverins pose this same problem. One final note, LLA doesn't seem as sticky as 50/50 Alox/Beeswax lube. | |||
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Starmetal, Are your conclusions based on statistically valid sample sizes? | |||
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Yes,why yes they are. In fact the DuPont ballistics lab in Richmond, Va ran them. | |||
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Your a funny guy Spin. You go over to Cast Boolits and ask the people there just what velocity they stop getting accuracy at. They'll tell you 1600 fps. Unlike you, they can keep their story straight. So 1800 fps to them is like 1 MOA accuracy at 2400 fps is to you. You or they can't get it. High velocity is realitive to the cartridge used and the skill level of the operator. Maybe you can understand that. | |||
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Starmetal For crying out loud, can't you read english and understand what is said. How do you confuse "not believing" with "find no advantage". If you further read and work real hard at comprehending (perhaps using a dictionary for the emaning of words might help) then will note I said "with the bore riders at the velocities I use them at. I have and do lube bullet noses sometimes just as I said but the negatives to their use (I mentioned a couple) far out weight their "advantages" so I don't use them except in some tests. Yes, Loverns do pose the same problems but there is no need to lube their noses as their noses do not ride the bore and they have sufficient lube in their grooves. Since I get much better accuracy with bore riders at velocities (in or below the RPM threshold) where leading is not the issue I've no need to lube the noses. I only use what I consider "high velocity" loads for hunting and I do not use Loverns for that. Although the Lovern 311466 at 2500-2600+ fps out of my 14" twist .308W would be very good for hunting deer, etc. I still would not use it for the reasons mentioned with exposed lube. If I was going to hunt with a cast bullet at "high velocity" velocity I would get the LBT mould (Bass's favorite) as it does not have any exposed lube grooves when loaded in the .308W or the '06. That LBT bullet is pretty much the equal of 311466 for "high velocity" loads. Do you perhaps undertand the difference between "not believe" and "no advantage" now? Go wipe the egg off your own face, you look rediculous here. Larry Gibson | |||
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Starmetal Why don't you do us all a favor then; scan the DuPont ballistics lab report and post it here. If you can post it here you can email it to me. If you can't email it a copy in snail mail will do (I'll pay for the copying and the postage). Larry Gibson | |||
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Enough with the reading already Larry. You should practice what your preach. Okay, you said the negatives (that's read as plural) outweigh the advantages. I only saw you post a negative (read as singular). Where's the rest? What you listed as picking up dirt and what ever that may contaminate, is only one negative. I love how you twist things. I only mentioned Loverins because their many exposed grooves pick up dirt also. Nowhere did I mention lubing the noses of Loverins. Perhaps someone not as well versed to shooting cast bullets, such as you, would lube Loverin noses. | |||
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45 2.1 Congradulations! You've just replaced "Mr Spin"! Assuming you, the new "Mr Spin" are referring to the 6.5 Swede(?) as I mentioned then you are right. All the posters on the Cast Boolit Forum did report accuracy loss above 1600 fps. They "stick to their story" because it factual. Now if we go back through that thread we find the question asked was basically; "why can't we get accuracy at the same velocity with 140+ gr cast bullets as we get with jacketed 140 gr bullets. We get "high velocities of 25-2700 fps with the j bullets so why can't we get accuracy at even a "high velocity" of 23-2400 fps with cast bullets?" You, Mr Spin, and a couple others tell them they can get accuracy at "high velocity". Thus everyone was looking for said accuracy at the "high velocity of 23-2400 fps. This was assumed to be at least close to what j bullets were capable of. You, Mr Spin, and the couple of others proceeded to tell and refer to every one who couldn't get accuracy at 23-2400 fps out of there swedes with cast bullets as "ignorant" of ways to load cast bullets. If only they would follow the "wisdon" of the few annointed ones they to coulbe masters of the craft. But then the truth slipped out. You, Mr Spin, only get "good accuracy" in the 1800 fps range. Not hardly the "high velocity" everyone, including you, were referring to. So now you want to say "high velocity" is "relative". Okay, I'll agree with that. When using cast bullets "high velocity" is ,in fact, "relative". I agree with you because i too get "good accuracy" into the 1800 fps range with a 266455 Lovern in my 6.5 Swedes. However, I still get "best accuracy" down in the RPM threshold at around 1450 fps. Really 'good accuracy is up through 1650 fps and good accuracy holds up into the 1800 fps range. Above that we go to improved cylinder. Soa are you now telling us you can get 1 moa accuracy at 100 yards at 2400 fps with your 6.5 Swede using cast bullets? Larry Gibson | |||
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Enough with the reading already Larry. You should practice what your preach. Okay, you said the negatives (that's read as plural) outweigh the advantages. I only saw you post a negative (read as singular). Where's the rest? What you listed as picking up dirt and what ever that may contaminate, is only one negative. I love how you twist things. I only mentioned Loverins because their many exposed grooves pick up dirt also. Nowhere did I mention lubing the noses of Loverins. Perhaps someone not as well versed to shooting cast bullets, such as you, would lube Loverin noses.[/QUOTE] Starmetal I did not 'twist" anything. You are so hyped to prove me wrong at anything that you see negatives in everything I write. I mentioned the Loverns not as critical to you but to simply expand the conversation and add to it. You did mention the Lovern, didn't you. So I was just conversing. Take it or leave it but that is all it was, conversation about what I do and my experiences. Here's some of the other "negatives" to why I don't like to use lube on bullet noses. Now, please get this straight; I am only saying why I don't use lube on bullet noses. I am not playing the Master of the Craft like numerous others (you know them as you quote them all the time) and telling you or anyone else to use, or not use, cast bullets with lubed noses. If you or anyone else wants to use them, be my guest. Got that? Why I don't use them other than in high velocity (Real high velocity) tests; *The lubes collect dirt and grit. This dirt and grit imbedded in the lube can be harmfull to the bore when the bullet is fired. *Handling the ammo gets lube on your fingers which get onto the gun, etc in place you don't want it. *You can't carry lose rounds in a pocket, pouch or round in a stock cartridge carrier (as in when hunting) without them colleting all sorts of said dirt and grit. *If said nose lubed rounds are used in a tube magazine lever gun the lube collects inside the tube fouling it. The lube also scrapes off on the loading gate and the feed mechanism fouling the action. *If said nose lubed rounds are fed from a magazine rifle the lube gets scraped off in the magazine, on the feed ramp and the shell feeding scrapes lube off of the lubed bullet nose beneath it. *With many high velocity cast bullet loads I use (soft alloys for expansion with hunting bullets) I've found lubing the bullet noses does not decrease leading nor improve accuracy. Those are a few (plural) of the negatives. There are probably a few more but that's all I remember right now. Again, before you go off half cocked as usual, I am not advising, recomending or telling anyone one way or the other to use or not use lubed bullets. I've only said what I do and why. BTW; when I do use lube on bullet noses at real (not 45 2.1s idea of high velocity) high velocity I most often use LLA for the reason you mentioned. Someone has mentioned coating it after it dries with JPW but I've not tried that yet. Now when we were discussing .303s bullets with lubed noses I mentioned using Rpaines Mould Prep and Midways Mould Prep on bullet noses with good success and few negatives. You didn't really respond so I thought you weren't interested. Now you are "berating" me about lubing bullet noses???? What gives? Larry Gibson | |||
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Starmetal I did not 'twist" anything. You are so hyped to prove me wrong at anything that you see negatives in everything I write. I mentioned the Loverns not as critical to you but to simply expand the conversation and add to it. You did mention the Lovern, didn't you. So I was just conversing. Take it or leave it but that is all it was, conversation about what I do and my experiences. Here's some of the other "negatives" to why I don't like to use lube on bullet noses. Now, please get this straight; I am only saying why I don't use lube on bullet noses. I am not playing the Master of the Craft like numerous others (you know them as you quote them all the time) and telling you or anyone else to use, or not use, cast bullets with lubed noses. If you or anyone else wants to use them, be my guest. Got that? Why I don't use them other than in high velocity (Real high velocity) tests; *The lubes collect dirt and grit. This dirt and grit imbedded in the lube can be harmfull to the bore when the bullet is fired. *Handling the ammo gets lube on your fingers which get onto the gun, etc in place you don't want it. *You can't carry lose rounds in a pocket, pouch or round in a stock cartridge carrier (as in when hunting) without them colleting all sorts of said dirt and grit. *If said nose lubed rounds are used in a tube magazine lever gun the lube collects inside the tube fouling it. The lube also scrapes off on the loading gate and the feed mechanism fouling the action. *If said nose lubed rounds are fed from a magazine rifle the lube gets scraped off in the magazine, on the feed ramp and the shell feeding scrapes lube off of the lubed bullet nose beneath it. *With many high velocity cast bullet loads I use (soft alloys for expansion with hunting bullets) I've found lubing the bullet noses does not decrease leading nor improve accuracy. Those are a few (plural) of the negatives. There are probably a few more but that's all I remember right now. Again, before you go off half cocked as usual, I am not advising, recomending or telling anyone one way or the other to use or not use lubed bullets. I've only said what I do and why. BTW; when I do use lube on bullet noses at real (not 45 2.1s idea of high velocity) high velocity I most often use LLA for the reason you mentioned. Someone has mentioned coating it after it dries with JPW but I've not tried that yet. Now when we were discussing .303s bullets with lubed noses I mentioned using Rpaines Mould Prep and Midways Mould Prep on bullet noses with good success and few negatives. You didn't really respond so I thought you weren't interested. Now you are "berating" me about lubing bullet noses???? What gives? Larry Gibson[/QUOTE] Larry you are amazing. First let's tackle that I'm so hell bent on proving you wrong statement. I'm not. I "am" hell bent on you putting out not so true information so that novices might pick up on it and get frustrated and give it up altogether. I'm also disappointed with you in that I really really thought you and I could argue (with a few name calling once in awhile, which we do, and it's never any of the really bad stuff, you know what I mean) but apparently you can't. I'm a pretty forgiving guy. Yes, I get hot, very hot, but only lasting a short period of time. Way off subject take Tpr Bret...we got into it pretty heavy. Know what? I'm not angry with him any at all now. But you, you had to go and say some really low stuff like "I'm see why they booted you off Castboolits" etc., you know what I mean. So I'll let you chew on that for awhile. I'm still, with all that has transpired here, willing to post and argue with you Larry. Now to your numerous negatives about lubing bullet noses. I tried to be more clear in the previous post, but maybe I wasn't, maybe you didn't get it. All the ones you states with the "*" on them Larry can all be lumped into ONE and that is lube/dirt. Lube collects dirt and then it gets on everything it comes in contact with. You really only listed maybe two at the most. Now I'll explain to you why I use lube on the noses of the two bullets I mention and incase you have forgotten they are the 6.5 Saecon 140 and the Lee 312-155 both fired out of my AR15's...and that reason is, especially the Saeco, doesn't carry enough lube in it's single groove to lube my barrel sufficiently. I could fire a string out of the rifle and the muzzle was dry very dry and the muzzle end of the barrel would eventually start to foul and my accuracy declined at that time. With the lubed noses I found that to disappear. That Lee 312-155 really doesn't carry a lot of lube either, at least for my AR15's barrel. Don't forget Larry on both of those some the lube gets carried away with the gas down the gas system of the AR's since they are direct impingment. Now is this a post you can handle without resorting to what has been going on? Friendly arguing Larry????? Ok???? | |||
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All the posters on the Cast Boolit Forum did report accuracy loss above 1600 fps. They "stick to their story" because it factual. Now if we go back through that thread we find the question asked was basically; "why can't we get accuracy at the same velocity with 140+ gr cast bullets as we get with jacketed 140 gr bullets. We get "high velocities of 25-2700 fps with the j bullets so why can't we get accuracy at even a "high velocity" of 23-2400 fps with cast bullets?" You and the couple of others proceeded to tell and refer to every one who couldn't get accuracy at 23-2400 fps out of there swedes with cast bullets as "ignorant" of ways to load cast bullets. You only get "good accuracy" in the 1800 fps range. Not hardly the "high velocity" everyone, including you, were referring to. So now you want to say "high velocity" is "relative". Okay, I'll agree with that. When using cast bullets "high velocity" is ,in fact, "relative". I agree with you because i too get "good accuracy" into the 1800 fps range with a 266455 Lovern in my 6.5 Swedes. However, I still get "best accuracy" down in the RPM threshold at around 1450 fps. Really 'good accuracy is up through 1650 fps and good accuracy holds up into the 1800 fps range. Above that Larry goes to improved cylinder. Your still a funny guy, not hee haw either. Several people have posted about getting excellent groups in the 2200 to 2400 fps range. Nothing to it if you do it right, but your stuck useing conventional methods, as always, and you can't do it yourself. So you , and others, say it can't be done. To bad for you Spin (and you've really earned that title the honest way, so you've got it permanently). The 7.5 " twist in the 6.5mm bores isn't a limit, you just have absolutely no idea what to do with it. It can be done, but you aren't going to find out (so you can harp and take credit where it isn't due as you normally do). And Yes Larry, those of us who have posted about it have done it. Really nice groups at your vaunted 2400 fps. | |||
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Larry you are amazing. First let's tackle that I'm so hell bent on proving you wrong statement. I'm not. I "am" hell bent on you putting out not so true information so that novices might pick up on it and get frustrated and give it up altogether. I'm also disappointed with you in that I really really thought you and I could argue (with a few name calling once in awhile, which we do, and it's never any of the really bad stuff, you know what I mean) but apparently you can't. I'm a pretty forgiving guy. Yes, I get hot, very hot, but only lasting a short period of time. Way off subject take Tpr Bret...we got into it pretty heavy. Know what? I'm not angry with him any at all now. But you, you had to go and say some really low stuff like "I'm see why they booted you off Castboolits" etc., you know what I mean. So I'll let you chew on that for awhile. I'm still, with all that has transpired here, willing to post and argue with you Larry. Now to your numerous negatives about lubing bullet noses. I tried to be more clear in the previous post, but maybe I wasn't, maybe you didn't get it. All the ones you states with the "*" on them Larry can all be lumped into ONE and that is lube/dirt. Lube collects dirt and then it gets on everything it comes in contact with. You really only listed maybe two at the most. Now I'll explain to you why I use lube on the noses of the two bullets I mention and incase you have forgotten they are the 6.5 Saecon 140 and the Lee 312-155 both fired out of my AR15's...and that reason is, especially the Saeco, doesn't carry enough lube in it's single groove to lube my barrel sufficiently. I could fire a string out of the rifle and the muzzle was dry very dry and the muzzle end of the barrel would eventually start to foul and my accuracy declined at that time. With the lubed noses I found that to disappear. That Lee 312-155 really doesn't carry a lot of lube either, at least for my AR15's barrel. Don't forget Larry on both of those some the lube gets carried away with the gas down the gas system of the AR's since they are direct impingment. Now is this a post you can handle without resorting to what has been going on? Friendly arguing Larry????? Ok????[/QUOTE] Dog gone it, I thought we were having a friendly arguement, just like alsways ![]() I got pretty hot which is why I walked away from this thread for a while. No sense breaking up a friendship just because we yell at each other so I cooled off and came back. So now we're still arguing, what of it? Joe, you'll never get me to back off because I am right about the RPM threshold (if that's what you're talking about). Still no comment on the Rapine and Midway mould preps on bullet noses? What is this, a one sided questioning conversation/arguement? So okay, lump my reasons together any way you want. Point is, they are my reason(s) (plural reasons the way I look at them and since they are my reasons that is my perogative ![]() I shoot the Lee C312-155 in several rifles including my Russian SKS and Mini MKX in 7.62x39. I don't have any lube issues at all. I can shoot it all day long in either without leading. Cleaning will be just as easy after 200 rounds as after 5. Not saying you are wrong or your loads are bad (lube might be though). Just saying I don't have the problem you describe. What are the velocities out of your ARs with the 140 gr 6.5 bullet and the 312-155? I push the 312-155 to 1875 fps over H4895 in both my rifles (both have 20" barrels). Accuracy is excellent. Is that over, in or under the RPM threshold Joe? Larry Gibson | |||
One of Us |
45 2.1 You do the same bull shit here as you do over on the Cast Boolit Forum. You always post "what others have done". You sit at your key board and plaguerize. Do it your self and come back with what you have done. You only get "good" accuracy at 1800 fps. I have your PM where you admit that. So don't sit there and tell what "others have done". When you can't walk the walk, don't talk the talk. You still ignorantly think of the RPM threshold as a "limit" even after I and others have told you repeatidly it is not. Why don't you give us the definition of the RPM threshold so we can see just how ignorant and ununderstanding you are. The RPM threshold is about where best accuracy comes, not "good accuracy". You're so ignorant you can't even understand the difference ![]() Just as Pat I stated; when 45 2.1 is pinned down to prove what he has done the "I" turns into "we" or "others". You are so full of bullshit it is pathetic. If not then show us YOUR vaunted "really nice groups" at 2400 fps out of a 6.5 Swede and tell us the distance, the measured velocity (use a chronograph not you usuall guestimate) and the load. Until you do that you are just pissin into the wind. You won't because you haven't and you can't ![]() Larry Gibson | |||
One of Us |
Dog gone it, I thought we were having a friendly arguement, just like alsways ![]() I got pretty hot which is why I walked away from this thread for a while. No sense breaking up a friendship just because we yell at each other so I cooled off and came back. So now we're still arguing, what of it? Joe, you'll never get me to back off because I am right about the RPM threshold (if that's what you're talking about). Still no comment on the Rapine and Midway mould preps on bullet noses? What is this, a one sided questioning conversation/arguement? So okay, lump my reasons together any way you want. Point is, they are my reason(s) (plural reasons the way I look at them and since they are my reasons that is my perogative ![]() I shoot the Lee C312-155 in several rifles including my Russian SKS and Mini MKX in 7.62x39. I don't have any lube issues at all. I can shoot it all day long in either without leading. Cleaning will be just as easy after 200 rounds as after 5. Not saying you are wrong or your loads are bad (lube might be though). Just saying I don't have the problem you describe. What are the velocities out of your ARs with the 140 gr 6.5 bullet and the 312-155? I push the 312-155 to 1875 fps over H4895 in both my rifles (both have 20" barrels). Accuracy is excellent. Is that over, in or under the RPM threshold Joe? Larry Gibson[/QUOTE] We all get hot at times. Backing away for awhile is a good thing. I haven't gotten to my records yet. I have alot of things going on at home. Most are of the repair type..had some disappointing problems with the heating system (and this is a pretty new house, to boot the heating system has been replaced once already!!!!!!) then a flashing leak at the chimney, failure of the hot water tanks, etc...you put a curse on me Larry? Okay, off the top of my head the 7.62x39 out of the 20 inch AR15 barrel was over 2000 fps. To answer your question about your 1875 fps load it's in "your" rpm threshold. Say if mine was 2100 fps that would still be in too. I don't have a lube problem with the 312-155 in my Yugo SKS and actually really don't in the AR15. Again off the top of my head the 6.5 velocity is somewhere around 2100 to 2400 fps out a 20 inch barrel and that has a 1 in 8 twist, so you can figure the R's for it. | |||
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