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3 terrorist attacks on US in the last hour
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Picture of Will
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The idiots in Washington have come up with another regulation: no more curbside check-in at airports. What that has to do with what happened today they probably don't even know.

More useless regulations to make our lives more difficult under the guise that we will be safer. Trading freedoms for safety. The same old crap.

But it makes the bureaucrats look really concerned. We're all safe now.


Posts: 19369 | Location: Ocala Flats | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
<500 AHR>
I agree 1000% with Ku-dude. Johnthegreek if you have such a problem being an American get the hell out of here! Personally, I wouldn't mind putting you down sh!thead.


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Picture of Longbob
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I am only beginning to understand how the generation that lived through the attack on Pearl Harbor feels about the Japanese. I didn't before today, but I think I do now.
Posts: 3512 | Location: Denton, TX | Registered: 01 June 2001Reply With Quote
I will stand with guy's like Atkinson and Berry and day over any backstabbing bastard like John the Greek. At least they have ball's, are true Americans, and see the light.

Any former tiff's are off, with apologies. Together we will stand.........10

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I hear the bleeding heart liberals comming alive on this thread and it really pisses me off..
1. Are they so misinformed that they do not KNOW who did this.
2. You waste my time buy accusing our Gov. of past crimes as opposed to considering that 20,000 to 30,000 of my countrymen are dead on our shores...
3. Dancing in the streets is reason enough for me to nuke the dirt bags for that...
4. Kiss ole spot you pathetic SOB's and I'm really being nice about it. If I said what I feel for you they would take my post out....
5. Remember the Alamo.

Ray Atkinson

Posts: 42176 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
It was because of people, who in the past, fought for our RIGHT to speak freely that has caused me to witness the kind of bullshit that comes from your keyboard. But no matter!! I would gladly die for this country and the Bill Of Rights. If your so ashamed of this country, don't let the back door hit you on the ass.
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Picture of mbogo375
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People like these, and I use the word people loosely, only understand one thing. The one thing is force, and now is the time for the US to apply a liberal dose of force to those responsible for this heinous act. Anything less is only asking for a repeat of this sort of terrible act in the future.


Posts: 1206 | Location: Georgia | Registered: 21 July 2000Reply With Quote
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by JohnTheGreek:
[B]Looks like some people are too absorbed in the nationalism of the day to really understand what I am talking about and decided to simply resort to some petty personal attacks. Seems I rarely see Todd or 10point on this board making any sort of useful contribution. They do, however, do a great job of critiquing others!
I had little doubt that my post would repulse some and infuriate others. That is fine with me and it should be fine with any other constitution loving folks out there. Funny sometimes how an ardent champion of the second ammendment can sometimes ignore another's right to the first eh?
I agree with most of you. We are at war! I am simply pointing out that we have been for the last 50 years or so! It has just taken until now for the enemy to get in a strong punch. Apparently, unlike many here, I think we might reconsider the course of action that started the brawl in the first place.


Ray, I am certainly not a liberal, I really hated both candidates in the last election so . . . I voted Socialist Workers Party across the board

Posts: 4697 | Location: North Africa and North America | Registered: 05 July 2001Reply With Quote
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What a tragic crime!

This is a crime against all humanity, and the perpetrators MUST be made to pay for it.

I hate to say this, but I would have imagined it would never have come to this if the US has taken action for earlier atrocities committed against them.

When Reagan was president, and Qadafi hit that nightclub in Germany, the US Airforce bombed his house.

Did anyone notice how quite Qadafi became after that?

Another question we keep asking ourselves here what happened to the American intelligence services?

They had a program on our TV last night about this tragedy. One of our religious men was saying about these perpetrators, who call themselves "martyrs".

His answer was basically like this :" Martyrs! What Martyrs! They imagine they will become martyrs for killing innocent people who have done them no harm? They WILL BURN IN HELL! Islam is a religion of PEACE! These people are the ENEMIES of Islam! The VICTIMS are the true martyrs! They are all assured a place in heaven, regardless of their beliefs"

Most "experts" they have here are pointing the fingers at Bin Laden. If it is him behind this, I hope your military sends in a few additional missiles, just to make sure all those Taliban are assured a quick one way to meet the God they believe in. It certainly NOT the one us Muslims believe in


Posts: 68796 | Location: Dubai, UAE | Registered: 08 January 1998Reply With Quote
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Tough Sh t. You come up with some weak hearted justification for what happened today. You want a response? Arcalite. As a Southeast Asian war criminal, I can tell you that six months afterwards the dirt still smells like rotting corpses.

No cool smiley faces today, this duck is pissed. Come see me bozo!

"If you can keep your head about you when all others are loosing theirs and blaiming it on you..."

Posts: 614 | Location: Miami, Florida USA | Registered: 02 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Saeed, good to hear that at least some in the other parts of the world are behind us in this. I hope the good will I have witnessed on the news reports tonight extends to assistance in catching and "punishing" those who have committed this atrocious act. I would gladly take another year in the Service of my country to assure that it did happen, as would most of the men I know who were vets.

As for JohntheGreek, having the right to say as you please usually means taking the heat when you talk with your head up your ass. Obviously, your particular view on the points you made has bypassed and ignored any sense of reality or sensibility- either that or you are on some kind of drugs. Your lame post shows an amazing ignorance of the history behind almost every one of your "examples". Your moronic take on this matter shows a side of you most people wouldn't want aired in public. Either way, I agree with the sentiment that if you don't like it here, don't let the door hit your fat ass on the way out! Any attempt to relay how I REALLY feel would rightfully get me a demerit(and probably expulsion) from Saeed, and rightfully so.- Have a nice day- you can bet many thousands of families in this great country won't be doing the same tomorrow.- Shame you weren't on one of those planes. I'm sure your show of solidarity with the hijackers would have been heartwarming!-Sheister

Posts: 385 | Location: Hillsboro, Oregon | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Fritz Kraut
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John the Greek writes a lot of crap about the US and war crimes. He dishonour your country for its deeds for the sake of freedom.

As a european I am owing a deep gratitude to your fathers who took part in the WWII, faced the death at the european shores and in the battle fields, to free all of us from that horrid wealth of evil the Nazis reigned. And after that, the Americans protected us from the evils of Sowiet communism. And after that Ronald Reagan forced the Sowiet to collapse through "The Star War Project".

In this way the US have gathered a lot of friends around the world. It still remains a sign of freedom and hope.

Fritz Kraut

Posts: 846 | Location: Sweden | Registered: 19 April 2001Reply With Quote
This is to John the Communist piece of shit! Start apologizing right now! You can redeem your sorry ass by digging bodies out of the rubble! You and your kind have a collective IQ of 49. If I were ever meet you face to face I will donate 36 pints of blood to the Red Cross!

Thank you for your kindness and wisdom! This was not an attack on the US alone, it was an attack on Freedom itself. It was an attack on our precious way of life and that includes you and all people that are free. Those true believers world wide sorrow over this tragedy. Those that take delight in this deserve extinction! I hope we all take note that Ben-Laden is not only not welcome in most Arab countries but has arrest warrants and even death warrants in most of these countries.

I don't want to rule out the use of nuclear weapons, but personally I hope that we send teams of assassins to hunt down whomever has done this horrible thing. I want them to see the face of that ugly American and feel for himself the terror of being hunted to extinction. If the host country were to interfere let them face the wrath of the Rangers and the Marines! Let them feel the helplessness of watching American aircraft bombing their cities to rubble. Let them face the humiliation of American tanks in their homes, Rock and Roll blaring over their airwaves. Soldiers turning their children away from their culture of hate.
Also, there are those people in this country that supported and helped these people. Those were sophisticated aircraft and they knew exactly how to override any safety measures on board and that information and training came from somewhere. These collaborators should be hunted down and publicly humiliated and executed! X-president Klinton should be tried for treason for allowing our security procedures to lapse, and for removing armed Skymarshals from domestic flights.

My prayers go out for those heroes and victims alike and their families, and I pray for wisdom for our leaders and the leaders of all the countries this will effect that they will do what is right! Let there be no sanctuary for evil!

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<Paul Dustin>
Well I would have to agree with Saeed and Ray Atkinson on what should be done and my god bless all are people in are time of need
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Anyone who has any claim to being a human being cannot feel but being repugnant to this act.

Sadly, many people are not thinking straight right now, and all they want to see is some revenge, without paying any attention to who might be behind this atrocity.

Reports here are pointing the fingers at Bin Laden again.

Personally, I think ALL terrorists in the world are helping each other. And I really do not care what cause they are claiming to be fighting for. As far as I am concerned, get rid of the whole bloody lot!

While youre at it, you might as well get rid of all the dictators who are harboring them too.


Posts: 68796 | Location: Dubai, UAE | Registered: 08 January 1998Reply With Quote
<Paul Dustin>
(I think the hijackings point out the need for all the passengers to be armed, instead of the opposite.)

WILL. I would have to agree with this my be this will show the people who would like to take are firearm freedom away from us what will go on when they are taken.

I will agree with Saeed and Ray on what we should do with these terrorist and the countries they are form should be responsible for this..They have been protecting and harboring these thugs too long.

we are glad to hear you are still with us.


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Picture of DRB
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I am speechless and totally dumbfounded by the situation of events that unfolded yesterday in the USA.

Colleen and I wish to express our condolences to you all during this sad time.

My heart bleeds for America!


Posts: 179 | Location: Durbanville, RSA | Registered: 15 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Being a muslim, I must say that this shameful, cowardly and barbaric act cannot be justified by any means. Islam does not permit any attack on innocent citizens. This cannot be justified either in the name of revenge.

I am grieved & sorrowful and condole for all who lost their lives. May God help their families and friend bear this great loss.

No doubt, those who are responsible should be brought to an end. Here sitting in my home and watching on TV the scenes of terrorism, I can feel the pain and anguish felt by those who are victims. I tried to imagine that, what will happen to me if my family or friends are victims of such attacks. As result I realized that in no way I could justify this act or favour the terrorists.

Any sensible person, around the world, who feels the pain of others and could realize the consequences of "What if it happen to me?", will not wish or favour such attacks on anyone else and feel/express happiness on other's injuries.


Posts: 271 | Location: Pakistan | Registered: 28 July 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Deerdogs
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We have all been glued to our TV sets watching the appalling events of the previous 18 hours unfold. My thoughts are with the countless victims and next of kin.

I hope my many US friends and acquaintances on this site will rest assured that, as usual, this country will stand Four Square with the US in the events that will surely and rightfully follow this cowardly attack on the free world.

Posts: 1978 | Location: UK and UAE | Registered: 19 March 2001Reply With Quote

Australia sends condolences.
We feel for you.
You are not alone.

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Picture of Deerdogs
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Originally posted by Saeed:
Personally, I think ALL terrorists in the world are helping each other. And I really do not care what cause they are claiming to be fighting for. As far as I am concerned, get rid of the whole bloody lot!

Saeed - I am sure you are correct. Look at how the 3 IRA terrorists were recently arrested at a training camp in Columbia.

The sad thing is my own liberal government has just spent the last 4 years letting convicted IRA terrorists out of jail early in order that they hand in arms. Total arms surrendered so far? Zero.

Posts: 1978 | Location: UK and UAE | Registered: 19 March 2001Reply With Quote
America has always been concerned over world opinion. In my time it was the trip-A and AA missiles placed on the dykes by the NVA. Close to the villages and farmers so we couldn't respond unless fired on and not without the OK from some yahoo back in the States. I think world opinion is now with us, but time will tell. Honestly, I don't think world opinion means squat now. Time for action. Cobalt
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Consider this as a reply to John the Geek, whomever you might be. You make some completely asinine statements about how the US is the "BullyBoy" of the world and in essence, we are deserving of just what we got, right? And to you, sir, I would say this - you are a bleeding insult to ever man that ever fought for the right for idiots like you to make such statements. Now if you would like to cover your innocence or your ignorance, I do not know or care which you are really guilty of, you must needs go back and carefully read our past history as you obviously know very little of which you speak. If you can recall, a certain gentleman form Georgia named James Earl Carter was the one that also espoused arguments similar to yours and decided we must treat all folks with respect and dignity. He eliminated Seal Team 6 - ever heard of them? - and certain elements of the Delta Force amongst other things he did, and we are still paying for it today.
You see, Geek, a long time ago in COIN warfare class, we were taught that you can never use your own sense of morals and values to judge those who do not have your sense of morals and values. If this is too complicated for you to understand, consider a folk that will pull the pin from a grenade, hand it to an 8 yr old and tell him to mind the spoon but throw it at the first GI's that he can find. Or folks that believe that if they go jihad and are killed in the process, they go straight to Paradise? Do you get an idea now? For further study, you might wish to find a book called "Hell in a Very Small Place" by Bernard Fall. Lovely little volume of detail about the end of the Foreign Legion that was used also to teach COIN warfare.
So you didn't like either of the candidates and voted for some off the wall party, eh? I am really impressed by your having done this. One thing you really need to know, though: when you stick your head in the sand you leave your other end totally and completely exposed.
Now if you wish to respond - again - that I am one that will criticize but offer little otherwise, by all means do so. I read this column daily but only post when I have something I believe to be positive. Maybe some others (?) here do likewise and read a lot but say little. I have tremendous respect for the majority of the frequent posters here and the collective knowledge they share with others is staggering. Some others probably would be better off if they said even less.
Enough, I doubt I can change your mind and you certainly will never change mine. But it is truly a shame for the good troops that have given their all while ones like you are still here preaching doom and gloom and stating we are deserving of what we got.


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For the last 8 or 9 years American Political figures have been wearing women's underware while tieing the hands of the military until the politicians took polls and worldwide views into consideration. It is time for the new administration to show an overwhelming use of force against ALL terrorist organizations in the world, forget choosing which organization did this. I agree with Saeed somewhere sometime somehow they all work together so make a list starting with the worst and methodically take them and whomever supports them out.
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Saeed and Shikari, thanks. This is NOT a battle between religions. It is a battle between Good and Evil, which I think ALL religions recognize. It is amazing that through much of history, some of the most deadly deeds have been done in the name of "religion."

I've been told by some "Christian" idiots that I was going to Hell for not believing as they do, and raving wildly as they do. Amazing! At least here, the religious idiots don't usually participate in terrorism. They just foist their idiocy upon others in merely aggrevations, not deadly acts of Evil.

I think most people would agree that all religions are, at heart, a sort of blueprint for living together despite our differences.

Why folks can't live together and let the Deity settle the matters of the Afterlife when we all get there is a sad commentary on the nature individuals in particular, and of mankind in general.

FWIW, all the Moslems I've ever known personally, sparse though that experience may be, have been very high quality people who I believe I could live with, and who could live with me, in excellent peace.

Get any large group together, and it seems the lowest "common denominator" all too often controls the "problems" that arise, and the idiots in the group get to "define" the problem. Crazy, isn't it?

May the Grand Architect of the Universe be with all who have suffered, and may His mighty Hand aid us all in smiting those responsible for the attrocity of yesterday, and all those who aided them. This is now WAR, and though War is a dispicable act to have to resort to, it is upon us, and I MUST believe that we can and will execute it as well and intelligently as possible. It's something we seem to be very good at when the cause is just and we have decent leadership, which I believe we now have.

God bless America, and may He lead President Bush and our troops, our allies and the rest of the world in what lies ahead.

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John the Greek,
Have you noticed that no-one has denied you the right to free speach, but they have held you responsible of your anti-American remarks.

I have not been this proud of Americans since Pearl Harbor....This is no Viet Nam, no Korea, this is a UNITED States....The sleeping giant has been awakened, God help all who oppose her.......this is my America, my people...the word "patrotism" is back where it should have been all these years....

No, I'm no war monger, quite the opposite,I've seen all the death and destruction one man can handle, but I will not ride the fence and see my countrys people slaughtered and our sturctures collapsed by any force, and the mistakes we made in the past are of no concern to me at this time.......

Ray Atkinson

Posts: 42176 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Gentlemen - We are at war. What I find most disturbing is that we are attempting to pin these actions on one group. Bin Laden is only one soldier of a massive army dedicated to our destruction. In time of war, your enemies are many. Gone are the days of battle lines and fronts. There is no clear delineation of our enemy. As with Vietnam, they all look the same no matter if they are holding an AK-47 or ploughing their fields to grow rice to support the NVA.

To focus on one group is senseless. We have enemies in virtually every country on the Planet. However, we have the means, resources, and finally the motivation to seek out the root of our enemies and destroy them. We must fight in order to survive this war. Unlike Desert Storm, this will not be a surgical action. We will be fighting a dirty war where many innocent lives will be lost. This is the price that our enemies will pay.

Many are asking how do we protect ourselves from terrorists. The answer is simply - make the repercussion asymmetrical. For every life lost, for every injury, for every sorrow that the U.S. has endured for the past 20 years due to terrorism, we will punish all responsible 100 fold. For every innocent life lost, we punish those responsible with 100 deaths. If you strap a bomb on your back and kill 1 person, the message must be sent that 100 innocent men, women, and children will die for your actions. This is the only way to deter terrorism. The price for a terrorist act must be so astoundingly and shockingly high that no one will undertake any action in the future.

This country is forevermore changed. We cannot and will not go back to our old ways of complacency. We must secure our boarders, We must root out the subversive elements within. We must be willing to sacrifice a few of our civil liberties. We must be willing to endure pain. We must be vigilant. We must be united. We must be dedicated ourselves to this cause, for we are fighting for our very survival.

Posts: 10780 | Location: Test Tube | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Saeed and Ray have got it right. The terrorist organizations are all working together. Kill all the bastards!


Posts: 1450 | Location: Dakota Territory | Registered: 13 June 2000Reply With Quote
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I think it is quite clear that a relentless and sustained campaign of death and destruction against ALL terrorists and those who support or finance them is necessary. There will be collateral casualties, but so what. The way to win a war is to make it too expensive (cost of lives and property) for the other side to continue the fight.
Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002Reply With Quote
Y'know Greek, unlike you I was on the frontlines of this war for "4" years of my life, theres obviously no way that you are a U.S. Veteran. I was at an airbase 200 milkes from Tehran when they took those hastages in '79 and even then I knew we should have taken those bastards out right then. I lost friends to terrorist attack's, tho they never made the paper's back home in those day's "our Govt. didnt want to upset the delicate power structure of the mideast".

So I dont need any History lesson's from the likes of a draft-dodgeing , backstabbing, character like you. I know exactly what you are saying pal, and dont consider this even close to a "critique" ; Its much closer to a personal attack.

With thousands of your fellow Americans buried under BLDNG's its almost unbelievable to me how you could have posted what you did, and which you are now trying to "back your ass" up on now.

Hmmmm, I was in Turkey dureing the Cypris incident. Did you guy's know that the Greek's gave up like a bunch of little girls when the Turk's attacked ? Kinda tell'sya where feller's like John come from....................10

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I admit shamefully that I am not as knowledgeable about world religions as I should be in these troubles times. We have posters here from many religions around the world. There can be many interesting and enlightening comments made here to explain one thing to me.

It doesn't matter if it's muslims, catholics or protestants fighting......

I just don't understand the concept of "Killing in the name of God". Am I the only one that believes these are like mutally exclusive terms? As in, NOT TO BE USED IN THE SAME SENTENCE you morons.

The is no such thing as "killing in the name of god", God does not want you to kill anyone.

Sorry for the rant fellas. Apologies in advance.


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[QUOTE]Originally posted by texas_hunter:
[B]I admit shamefully that I am not as knowledgeable about world religions as I should be in these troubled times. We have posters here from many religions around the world. There can be many interesting and enlightening comments made here to explain one thing to me.

It doesn't matter if it's muslims, jews, catholics or protestants fighting......

I just don't understand the concept of "Killing in the name of God". Am I the only one that believes these are like mutally exclusive terms? As in, NOT TO BE USED IN THE SAME SENTENCE you morons.

There is no such thing as "killing in the name of god", God does not want you to kill anyone.

Sorry for the rant fellas. Apologies in advance.


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Been away for a 36 hours so I've only just
go a chance to post.

I was driving along the motorway listening to the live news coverage as this unfolded.
Even though I'm not American, I was shocked and numbed to the core...we actually drove 50 miles past our turn off we were so absorbed by the news....

What should America do next??? What its people demands....America should now take the lead in dealing with these animals in anyway it sees fit and I will be pround for my country to offer any assistance it can...
Hopefully we will "know" shortly who is responsible and who is sheilding them.....
Then I hope the retribution will swift, that it will be long and that it will painful.
The might of the American military has always been held in check by basically the peaceful, decent people of it is the time for the world to see the other side of America....

Posts: 5684 | Location: North Wales UK | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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We have been glued to the TV watching CNN. This is such an unbelievable carnage!

More and more evidence is pointing towards Bin Laden, I hope the American Government does not wait too long before they make those cowardly bastards pay for their crimes.

Forget about world opinion and diplomatic niceties. I suggest carpet bombing all the areas where he is believed to be hiding in, then send in ground troops to do the final clean up.

Oh, there will be the usual cries of indignation from certain countries, and I suggest a few cruise missiles there way might shut them up - hopefully for good


Posts: 68796 | Location: Dubai, UAE | Registered: 08 January 1998Reply With Quote
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Speaking as an American, I would like to thank Saeed and the other non-American posters for their kind words and support. I hope that it is indicative of the support that we will receive from the rest of the world when we begin the messy business of smearing the bastards who attacked us.
Posts: 322 | Location: Virginia | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
I agree we are now "officially" at war. No rest for the wicked! No quarter for the terrorists, or those who help them. Lets NOT send more F'N missles this time. Missles are for pussies, it sends the wrong message. Its time to let loose the dogs of war, I for one readily cry havoc! Lets send marines, rangers, and seals. They are the best trained killers in the world. Give them full authority to get the job done, no restrictions on their actions, or their destinations. Anything they need, they get. Planes, guns, bombs, helicopters, tanks, name it boys, and you'll get it. There is a trail that can be followed right to the doorstep of those responsible. Its one thing for these terrorist pussies to hide behind a line on a map and act bad assed, lets see how they like twisting in agonizing death on the end of some U.S. GI's bayonet. Time to mop up boys, any country that makes noise about troops marching through their country should get 5 fold more, have some tanks too. The world has no lines on the map now. It's time to put a face on our "diplomacy", not missles, soldiers! Clean cut, grim and determined boys in uniform are the diplomats we need to send out now. That is the most powerful message we can send to terrorists. Screw world opinion. We're going in anyway, so you may as well like it.

I have absolutely NO grudge against Muslims. A true Muslim that follows the REAL word, does not seek violence, but lives for peace. I hope all poeple realize this and will not start hating all muslims for what some VERMIN have done. That would be tragic. It would be like someone in a foreign land who never saw an american, thinking we were all like McVeigh, of course not. In case you wonder, no I am not Muslim, I am Protestant. I just have met (luckily for me), several REAL muslims, and have read a little about their faith.

Even in the Muslim faith, these terrorists are sinners, and will go to hell. I say our mission now is to speed them on their journey.

My sympathy is with the families, and the victims. I served 8 yrs in AF, and 2 tours in Saudi. I would go back in tomorrow, if it means we get these F'RS! My prayers are also with the soldiers all over the world who will now be asked to do heroic deeds.

To all, their will always be guys like John the Greek in our country. I don't like them either, if we followed their lead, the third reich would still be here. Thankfully their numbers are small. Don't let their kind rattle you, they're not worth the energy waisted on calling them dirtbags.

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<Indiana Tone>
Yesterday I was just to damn pissed off to say anything. We will get through this ok and make those responsible pay dearly. The kind words are appreciated Saeed...Thanks your American friend ..... Indiana Tone
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You would think that there are good Muslims, but after watching them laugh, applaud,dance and sing over the death of 10,000 plus Americans, I,m gonna feel a lot better about nukeing them...I hope the good people have the good since to pack up and get outta Dodge.

More Americans died yesterday than at the invasion of Normandy, and a lot of other battles and wars....

Ray Atkinson

Posts: 42176 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
<R. A. Berry>
Now your talking! Excellent plan.
The U.S. should officially declare war on the country harboring Bin Laden. We should first carpet bomb, and blanket them with cruise missles. Then send in the ground forces to clean out the nests of vermin that might survive. Nukes will be reserved for doomsday.

Rev.Jerry Falwell, the Christian religious icon himself is also advocating extermination of the cock roaches that perpetrated this catastrophe.

The Muslim (?) zealots must be a warped sect akin to the holy rollers that worship by handling venomous snakes. I hear their "holy book" (or whatever corruption of it they use) promises them sex with 40 or some such number of virgins when they go to their heaven(hell) by martyrdom. This explains something. They are all a bunch of deluded sex perverts!

Good huntin', shootin', and spear chuckin',

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