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Moderators: Saeed
Why The Hypocrisy on Here?
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Picture of Jack D Bold
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Originally posted by Saeed:
It seems that old saying is still true today.

"Give him enough rope, and he will hang himself"

adrook, you claim to have such a vast hunting experience, I have no way t tell whether that is true or not.

But, from your behaviour on these forums, you sure need a lot of attention in your social and decency behaviour.

Having different opinions to others is one thing, trying so hard to prove that you are different, as a human being and as a hunter, is quite another.

I am very sorry to say that you have succeeded.

Banned? dancing

"You only gotta do one thing well to make it in this world" - J Joplin
Posts: 1129 | Registered: 10 September 2008Reply With Quote
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OK Crazyhorse.

I hadn't checked in on the leopard thread since soon after it was posted. I only saw adrook's first post. I agree, there are some serious issues here.

Adrook, I don't know what part of the country you are from (I'm from Houston, Tx.), but as a lawyer, I have numerous contacts in the health care field. There are some excellent long term care facilities here that deal with a variety of recogized diagnoses under the DSM IV, as well as some that aren't. Anger management comes to mind. If you PM me I'd be more than happy to try to put you in contact with someone who can provide you with the help you need.

Now that was civil, agreed?
Posts: 10328 | Location: Houston, Texas | Registered: 26 December 2005Reply With Quote
MS is a threat to the sport of hunting his videos are hard proof that the antis can spread and alter into ammunition against the sport but CB is a spokes person and a gentlemen in all sences of the word but thats my opinion
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Originally posted by Saeed:
adrook, you claim to have such a vast hunting experience, I have no way t tell whether that is true or not.

I started hunting about 40 years ago out of necessity, so that we could we could eat.

Your interest in hunting, I take it, was a pursuit of the idle rich as I'm not familiar with the Arab hunting tradition.

I'm not in awe of you or interested in spending my time kissing your ass in the hopes of a free safari like many on this forum.
Posts: 3071 | Registered: 29 October 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of JBrown
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Originally posted by adrook:

Why has only Jason addressed the original question? Leave your feelings about me aside and give feedback as to why MS is fair game and others are not. Mark Sullivan's reputation is that of a very good PH. Why is he trashed on here?

I believe MS has a good reputation with his clients. To most knowledgeable DG hunters his video persona is very repulsive. His tactics are a huge part of the problem.

Part of the hunters code is to make the cleanest kill possible. MS himself has admitted that this was not his main goal. Ex: Walking up to "let them decide how they are going to die" instead of putting in a finisher at the first opportunity.


"You're not hard-core, unless you live hard-core."

Hunting in Africa is an adventure. The number of variables involved preclude the possibility of a perfect hunt. Some problems will arise. How you decide to handle them will determine how much you enjoy your hunt.

Just tell yourself, "it's all part of the adventure." Remember, if Robert Ruark had gotten upset every time problems with Harry
Selby's flat bed truck delayed the safari, Horn of the Hunter would have read like an indictment of Selby. But Ruark rolled with the punches, poured some gin, and enjoyed the adventure.

-Jason Brown
Posts: 6838 | Location: Nome, Alaska(formerly SW Wyoming) | Registered: 22 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by JBrown:
Originally posted by adrook:

Why has only Jason addressed the original question? Leave your feelings about me aside and give feedback as to why MS is fair game and others are not. Mark Sullivan's reputation is that of a very good PH. Why is he trashed on here?

I believe MS has a good reputation with his clients. To most knowledgeable DG hunters his video persona is very repulsive. His tactics are a huge part of the problem.

Part of the hunters code is to make the cleanest kill possible. MS himself has admitted that this was not his main goal. Ex: Walking up to "let them decide how they are going to die" instead of putting in a finisher at the first opportunity.

Thank you. thumb This thread was supposed to be about MS and others not me.
Posts: 3071 | Registered: 29 October 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of JBrown
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I saw this post on the leopard thread:

Originally posted by David Hulme:

Originally posted by adrook:

Why do I get the feeling that the answer you have given above is because the lady in question is Craig's daughter?

And why do I get the feeling had it been someone different most of these responses would not be the shameless ass kissing that most of them are?


Don't get desperate, you get enough attention without clutching at straws.

Shameless ass kissing? With an accident of this nature? Come on... Nobody would wish this on anybody, whoever they may be. Of course we are all sorry about what happened, only a tosser wouldn't be.


Not desperate for attention David, I couldn't give a shit less what a bunch of wankers on the internet think of me. I only stated that she should damn well know what she is shooting at before pulling the trigger. She didn't and someone almost was killed as a result.

I wonder if the responses would be different if it were say, Mark Sullivan's kid, instead?

I think that you would find that most of us here on AR respect MS's son. It has been hashed over in other threads, but form his appearance on the videos it is clear that his son is a gentleman.

I have to admit that I tend to give MS the benefit of the doubt(to a point) for simple reason that his son seems so down to earth.


"You're not hard-core, unless you live hard-core."

Hunting in Africa is an adventure. The number of variables involved preclude the possibility of a perfect hunt. Some problems will arise. How you decide to handle them will determine how much you enjoy your hunt.

Just tell yourself, "it's all part of the adventure." Remember, if Robert Ruark had gotten upset every time problems with Harry
Selby's flat bed truck delayed the safari, Horn of the Hunter would have read like an indictment of Selby. But Ruark rolled with the punches, poured some gin, and enjoyed the adventure.

-Jason Brown
Posts: 6838 | Location: Nome, Alaska(formerly SW Wyoming) | Registered: 22 December 2003Reply With Quote
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I started hunting about 40 years ago out of necessity, so that we could we could eat.

I just wonder how your family members survived before you came along to feed them!
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At least .500 grains had something constructive to add. Just my .02 cents.
Posts: 10328 | Location: Houston, Texas | Registered: 26 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Saeed:
I started hunting about 40 years ago out of necessity, so that we could we could eat.

I just wonder how your family members survived before you came along to feed them!

Why don't you tell us about the Arab hunting tradition and the Arab firearms industry and while you are at it enlighten us about Arab life before Western oil money?
Posts: 3071 | Registered: 29 October 2005Reply With Quote
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I'm afraid this just resulted in my first "ignore" designation.
Posts: 10328 | Location: Houston, Texas | Registered: 26 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Duckear
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Assuming your assumption is true, that MS and TB are persona non grata here, Ill take a stab at it.....

There is a very popular mindset among many, but not all, folks that have hunted Africa or desire to hunt Africa. I am not sure who really started it in America, but Hemmingway would be a good guess. And Ruark took off from there. And add to that a romantic view of the colonial British empire. What you are left with is the dream of a two month tented safari, complete with bespoke double rifles, custom bolt action rifles with the blueing worn from countless hours of African carry, a laundry list of trophies 'on license', and a PH that could pass as a twin of Harry Selby. I think you get the picture. If not, pick up a copy of the SCI magazine and look at the typical story submitted by the readers. Wink

Is such a dream wrong? No. Heck, I even admit to subscribing to it to a degree. Big Grin

A safari is just supposed to be 'a certain way'. PHC and later CB have carried that image forward. MS and TB, not so much.

As a result, an attack on CB or PHC is taken personally. Since TB and MS dont fit the mold as well, if at all, they are fair game so to speak.

I will say, adrook, you do have an unusual, confrontational way to ask a question.

Hunting: Exercising dominion over creation at 2800 fps.
Posts: 3108 | Location: Southern US | Registered: 21 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Wow, I'm gone for several years (maybe more) and this stuff is here. Its worse then the old 45-70 debates!
Posts: 854 | Location: Kotzebue, Ak. | Registered: 25 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Adrook, I am here to say I don't think of you, not worth the time or effort.
Posts: 5338 | Location: Bedford, Pa. USA | Registered: 23 February 2002Reply With Quote
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I assume you live somewhere in USA. It was and still is far more expenseive to go hunting then go down to your local store and buy the meat. Second what did you do during the closed season for your meat. I can see only one option and that was poach during off season. Or you had huge freezers in which to store the over limits of game. What does that say for yourself.

You say there is no hunting accident, what experience do you have to be able to say that. Yes, most hunting accidents are preventable, but for some reason beyond explanation accidents do happen.

I would like to know what you have contributed to wildlife and our ablilty to hunt today and into the future. All I can see is you stirring the pot.

Posts: 179 | Location: Virginia, NE. USA | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Moderators.... I dont understand why you couldnt have left my important New Zealand thread in here for a couple of days so everyone can see it.... and yet you leave these stupid, nonsensicle, off-topic, inflammatory threads from this jerk Adrook in here.... where is the justice in that??

You guys do some pretty wierd things sometimes.... Confused

Here is the thread I am speaking of ..... Petition Thread

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Posts: 4456 | Location: Australia | Registered: 23 January 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Matt Graham:
Moderators.... I dont understand why you couldnt have left my important New Zealand thread in here for a couple of days so everyone can see it.... and yet you leave these stupid, nonsensicle, off-topic, inflammatory threads from this jerk Adrook in here.... where is the justice in that??

You guys do some pretty wierd things sometimes.... Confused

Here is the thread I am speaking of ..... Petition Thread


The reason we have an Australian and New Zealand Forum is to cater for topics concerning those countries.

So your post belongs in that forum, that is why I moved it.
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Posts: 68699 | Location: Dubai, UAE | Registered: 08 January 1998Reply With Quote
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You guys know what now Adrook is getting personal with Saeed going into race and way of life...
you have been hunting for 40 years WOW??? how many dangerous game have you hunted ADROOK DOOS??
CB has done more for your right to hunt and to bear arms than any body else alive... what has MS done he has destroyed the reputation of big game hunting!! then you ask why we bash this guy and not CB.
What a fuck have you ever done for our great sport of hunting??
Saeed please ban this idiot he is making all of us hunters look like idiots!!!
Posts: 63 | Registered: 13 February 2009Reply With Quote
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I know Saeed...

Are you going to make a special forum for Adrook's innapropriate threads and posts too?? stir

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Posts: 4456 | Location: Australia | Registered: 23 January 2003Reply With Quote
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You guys are biting this hook, line and sinker. All he wants to do is stir you up and get a reaction. He is winning.
Posts: 12095 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: 26 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Don't feed the troll people.

Nothing to see here, just keep moving along. Let him find a different board to use his stinky bait on.
Posts: 952 | Location: Mass | Registered: 14 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of Fallow Buck
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Unless I'm very much mistaken hunting in Arabia/Persia pioneered the art of Falconry, and also the hunting of game with dogs loooooooong before the advent of any type of firearm.

The region was also famed for the hunting of dangerous game with a spear or lance from a moving chariot. Elephants were hunted on horseback by swordsmen that would gallop in to cut the Achilles tendon of the beast and finished with lances. Other dangerous game was driven to hunters who ambushed with hand held lances on foot, not unlike the Masai tradition of killing a charging lion.

As far as sport hunting a couple of millenia ago is concerned, I'd say the middle eastern region was way ahead than the rest of the world who were still living in mud huts and subsistence hunting.

I know it's off your topic but you asked the question.

Posts: 4096 | Location: London | Registered: 03 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Adrook...I wasn't going to take the bait and comment but I just can't stop myself.
You are very transparent, I don't think that is one of the names you have been called here. You ask questions to try and provoke peoples anger. So far it works pretty good.

For the record,,, I have never said a negative word on the forum about Barta, Sullivan or other hunters in the business. I try to use this forum for what it was intended for. Information and advice and to share great hunting experiences.
Don't act surprised when you go after someones kid here online where you have shown considerable disdain for the father. I would hope if someone jumped on my kid in a tough situation like Brit. is in, others would stand behind my kid and me.

Picking a fight with Saeed will win you no friends here either. He hosts this forum so we may share our knowledge with each other, thanks Saeed. Being curteous and saying thanks isn't ass kissing to me and Saeed has my respect, I gain nothing from kissing his butt.

Speaking of knowledge, you make your first safari in 2006 and you have shot how many dangerous game? I guess there is a little credibility issue involved when you spout off your mouth and are critical of others. I have never shot any of the cats, scared silly of them. I do not know what I would of done in the situation and probably will never find out if I am lucky.
I could care less if you decided to never post again or were kicked off. I will continue to use the site to obtain info on areas to hunt and Ph's to use, etc. BUT, what does bother me is when I see your post and under your name it says "one of us"....Take it to the bank,,, you ain't one of us....

you can make more money, you can not make more time
Posts: 786 | Location: Mexia Texas | Registered: 07 July 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of Charles_Helm
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Saeed please ban this idiot he is making all of us hunters look like idiots!!!

Certainly in the old days of AR differing opinions were tolerated, even though some were extreme.
Posts: 8773 | Location: Republic of Texas | Registered: 24 April 2004Reply With Quote
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I started hunting about 40 years ago out of necessity, so that we could we could eat.

I just wonder how your family members survived before you came along to feed them!

Why don't you tell us about the Arab hunting tradition and the Arab firearms industry and while you are at it enlighten us about Arab life before Western oil money?

The unseemly spectacle of Adrook's now frequent acts of public masturbation has taken an uglier turn - if that can be believed. Up until recently, he has been content with repeated and unseemly attacks on popular writers and, when AR members rise to their defense, members themselves. I can't claim to have read all of his posts (the requirement being unquenchable masochism), but I have noted in the past several days a willingness on his part to infuse race into his diatribes, when his usual schoolyard insults proved inadequate.

On another post this week, Adrook lashed out at member Scott King, referring to him as "Coretta Scott King", after the slain civil rights leader's wife. One imagines that Adrook felt that such allusion to a well-known black women was intended as an insult, what with his other efforts having proven impotent.

Today, when he found himself in disagreement with Saeed, Adrook attacked, not Saeed himself, but Saeed's ethnicity. By bringing in Saeed's race as a new target for his unique brand of vitriol, he has crossed the line: He has gone from being an egotistic jerk desperate for attention to an angry, sputtering racist.

It's easy to ignore the loud, the arrogant, the rabble rousers among us: We can just not read their posts. Indeed, we may find their posts repugnant, but the concept of free speech has to mean something. But if we wish to preserve the fundamental dignity of this forum, I appeal to the Moderator to squelch bigotry and racism from any quarter and with urgent dispatch.


Merkel Double .470 NE
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"Cogito ergo venor" René Descartes on African Safari
Posts: 526 | Registered: 05 August 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of Blacktailer
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Originally posted by KPete:
I started hunting about 40 years ago out of necessity, so that we could we could eat.

I just wonder how your family members survived before you came along to feed them!

Why don't you tell us about the Arab hunting tradition and the Arab firearms industry and while you are at it enlighten us about Arab life before Western oil money?

The unseemly spectacle of Adrook's now frequent acts of public masturbation has taken an uglier turn - if that can be believed. Up until recently, he has been content with repeated and unseemly attacks on popular writers and, when AR members rise to their defense, members themselves. I can't claim to have read all of his posts (the requirement being unquenchable masochism), but I have noted in the past several days a willingness on his part to infuse race into his diatribes, when his usual schoolyard insults proved inadequate.

On another post this week, Adrook lashed out at member Scott King, referring to him as "Coretta Scott King", after the slain civil rights leader's wife. One imagines that Adrook felt that such allusion to a well-known black women was intended as an insult, what with his other efforts having proven impotent.

Today, when he found himself in disagreement with Saeed, Adrook attacked, not Saeed himself, but Saeed's ethnicity. By bringing in Saeed's race as a new target for his unique brand of vitriol, he has crossed the line: He has gone from being an egotistic jerk desperate for attention to an angry, sputtering racist.

It's easy to ignore the loud, the arrogant, the rabble rousers among us: We can just not read their posts. Indeed, we may find their posts repugnant, but the concept of free speech has to mean something. But if we wish to preserve the fundamental dignity of this forum, I appeal to the Moderator to squelch bigotry and racism from any quarter and with urgent dispatch.

clap clap clap clapBRAVO! clap clap clap clap

Have gun- Will travel
The value of a trophy is computed directly in terms of personal investment in its acquisition. Robert Ruark
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Originally posted by Rusty Gunn:
Wow, I'm gone for several years (maybe more) and this stuff is here. Its worse then the old 45-70 debates!

How you doing Rusty old chap.

I remember the good old days!

Did you get any polar bears this year.


Midway USA sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Picture of Charles_Helm
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Originally posted by timot:
CB has hardly ever paid for a safari and has always gone on the freebie.

No doubt you can substantiate this? It has been quite a point of contention here.
Posts: 8773 | Location: Republic of Texas | Registered: 24 April 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Charles_Helm
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But if we wish to preserve the fundamental dignity of this forum, I appeal to the Moderator to squelch bigotry and racism from any quarter and with urgent dispatch.

There has been penty of bigotry tolerated here before, and much violent disagreement.

I do not support Adrook's views on PHC, Boddington, or indeed a number of other issues, but why the lynch mob mentality?
Posts: 8773 | Location: Republic of Texas | Registered: 24 April 2004Reply With Quote
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I have never heard of Mark Sullivan, but I have watched Tred Barta's show.

I would venture to guess that since very few people hunt like Tred with traditional equipment. I do hunt with a '66 Kodiak and make my own cedar arrows, but that is beside the point. I've seen Tred take long shots, running shots, and some other questionable shots with his stick bow. IMHO this is more reality than most of us want to admit. On the forum, we all seem to be much better shots, much better sportsmen, much more polite, and have a much better image than we do in real life. T.V seems to have these guys or the guys hunting the home grown animals. It all depends on how it is perceived.

I have other opinions and points, but it's not worth debating.

The bottom line is that we all hunt a little bit different than the next guy in camp. As long as we can still hunt, it's all good!

I did that without any name calling!
Posts: 94 | Location: Southern Oregon | Registered: 30 October 2006Reply With Quote
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[/QUOTE]OK Crazyhorse.

I hadn't checked in on the leopard thread since soon after it was posted. I only saw adrook's first post. I agree, there are some serious issues here.[/quote]

Lavaca,Sorry if I came across so confrontational and offended you, that was not my intention.

This thread and the one on the Leopard Attack are just the latest in a fairly long line of odd ball-off the wall threads where Adrook has made an effort to stir up as much shit as possible.

As was quentioned of him, had the report have been about probably any other person, his response would most likely been quite different or he might nor have even made a response.

However, because her last name is Boddington, it gave him, what he seems to feel is Carte Blanche, open season for an attack.

As you can see from the responses on that thread and on this, few people agree with him on either issue.

My apologies for being so brusque.

Even the rocks don't last forever.

Posts: 31014 | Location: Olney, Texas | Registered: 27 March 2006Reply With Quote
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But if we wish to preserve the fundamental dignity of this forum, I appeal to the Moderator to squelch bigotry and racism from any quarter and with urgent dispatch.

There has been penty of bigotry tolerated here before, and much violent disagreement.

I do not support Adrook's views on PHC, Boddington, or indeed a number of other issues, but why the lynch mob mentality?

Charles, from what I am seeing around the internet, that is the 21st. Century Mentality and solution for things folks find disagreeable on forums, Ban The Person In Question, get such ideas and attitudes out of the sysytem.

What some of the Modern Thinkers don't realize that banning folks just for having a differing on an internet forum, amounts to a form of censorship. JMO.

Even the rocks don't last forever.

Posts: 31014 | Location: Olney, Texas | Registered: 27 March 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Charles_Helm:
But if we wish to preserve the fundamental dignity of this forum, I appeal to the Moderator to squelch bigotry and racism from any quarter and with urgent dispatch.

There has been penty of bigotry tolerated here before, and much violent disagreement.

I do not support Adrook's views on PHC, Boddington, or indeed a number of other issues, but why the lynch mob mentality?

I'm not sure which is more disturbing: Your apparent tolerance for bigotry or the oddly twisted notion that those offended by bigots have a "lynch mob mentality". I always thought lynch mobs were the end-state of racism unchecked. And while this tempest is a far cry from that, we are at a point where we can - and need - to define ourselves, and this forum, going forward irrespective of what was acceptable in the past.

After all, we are all enthusiasts of African hunting, and as a happy consequence we are afforded the opportunity to meet, work with, and develop friendships with people from a wide range of races and ethnicity different from our own. Of all sportsman, the African hunter has historically been the most enlightened and beneficial to the indigenous people of that continent. We do ourselves and our sport - let alone this forum - a disservice if we ignore racist diatribes with a wink and a nod. As a group, hunters have taken great strides to distance themselves from the image of uneducated xenophobic rednecks. Let's not allow a few miscreants the opportunity to blemish the rest of us, and in the process provide succor to the anti-hunting lobby.

In its simplest terms, my point is that if a member can't express his- or herself, no matter how agitated they may be, without resorting to racial or ethnic aspersions, then they shouldn't be tolerated on this board - and by their acts, should be excluded from enjoying its benefits.


Merkel Double .470 NE
Whitworth Express .375 H&H
Griffin & Howe .275 Rigby
Winchester M70 (pre-64) .30-06 & .270

"Cogito ergo venor" René Descartes on African Safari
Posts: 526 | Registered: 05 August 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of Charles_Helm
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Originally posted by Charles, from what I am seeing around the internet, that is the 21st. Century Mentality and solution for things folks find disagreeable on forums, Ban The Person In Question, get such ideas and attitudes out of the sysytem.

What some of the Modern Thinkers don't realize that banning folks just for having a differing on an internet forum, amounts to a form of censorship. JMO.

Seems that way, doesn't it? Once upon a time it was not so.
Posts: 8773 | Location: Republic of Texas | Registered: 24 April 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Charles_Helm
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Originally posted by KPete:

I'm not sure which is more disturbing: Your apparent tolerance for bigotry or the oddly twisted notion that those offended by bigots have a "lynch mob mentality". I always thought lynch mobs were the end-state of racism unchecked. And while this tempest is a far cry from that, we are at a point where we can - and need - to define ourselves, and this forum, going forward irrespective of what was acceptable in the past.

After all, we are all enthusiasts of African hunting, and as a happy consequence we are afforded the opportunity to meet, work with, and develop friendships with people from a wide range of races and ethnicity different from our own. Of all sportsman, the African hunter has historically been the most enlightened and beneficial to the indigenous people of that continent. We do ourselves and our sport - let alone this forum - a disservice if we ignore racist diatribes with a wink and a nod. As a group, hunters have taken great strides to distance themselves from the image of uneducated xenophobic rednecks. Let's not allow a few miscreants the opportunity to blemish the rest of us, and in the process provide succor to the anti-hunting lobby.

In its simplest terms, my point is that if a member can't express his- or herself, no matter how agitated they may be, without resorting to racial or ethnic aspersions, then they shouldn't be tolerated on this board - and by their acts, should be excluded from enjoying its benefits.

You find tolerance disturbing? I find free exchange of ideas, even when they conflict with mine, to be a good thing. Silencing those we find disturbing means passing up an opportunity to challenge them on the merits.

The refusal to tolerate those who express an unpleasant view is a hallmark of political correctness that I find very disturbing. Someday we may all be in the unpopular minority. Shall we be sent off as well?

I wish everyone could be polite and avoid childish behavior, but selecting out one of the very many who do not follow those precepts does not seem to be the right answer to me.

A lynch mob is one where vigilantes take the law into their own hands, regardless of the "provocation."

Saeed bans whom he pleases. I do not always agree with his decisions, but they are his and not just a matter for popular vote.

When AR started there was no censorhsip and no banning. Quite a bt has changed.
Posts: 8773 | Location: Republic of Texas | Registered: 24 April 2004Reply With Quote
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I sure as shit don't agree with MS' methods, and don't plan on paying him to have him shoot my Buff for his next video, but I also don't agree with the philosophy that most PHs have that of waiting a few hrs for the wounded animal to die somewhere. I was raised with the philosophy of killing cleanly and quickly (humane), even if that means risking my life in the process- for that is what Dangeorus Game hunting IS: a dangerous adventure.

Originally posted by JBrown:
Originally posted by adrook:

Why has only Jason addressed the original question? Leave your feelings about me aside and give feedback as to why MS is fair game and others are not. Mark Sullivan's reputation is that of a very good PH. Why is he trashed on here?

I believe MS has a good reputation with his clients. To most knowledgeable DG hunters his video persona is very repulsive. His tactics are a huge part of the problem.

Part of the hunters code is to make the cleanest kill possible. MS himself has admitted that this was not his main goal. Ex: Walking up to "let them decide how they are going to die" instead of putting in a finisher at the first opportunity.
Posts: 2268 | Location: Westchester, NY, USA | Registered: 02 July 2007Reply With Quote
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Whose daughter is everyone talking about and what happened?
Posts: 1138 | Location: St. Thomas, VI | Registered: 04 July 2006Reply With Quote
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Boddington's girl shot a tracker while he was being mauled by a Cat. There's another thread on it.

Originally posted by Bryan Chick:
Whose daughter is everyone talking about and what happened?
Posts: 2268 | Location: Westchester, NY, USA | Registered: 02 July 2007Reply With Quote
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Bryan, see the thread on Leopard Hunting Accident.

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Originally posted by Bryan Chick:
Whose daughter is everyone talking about and what happened?


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