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Moderators: Saeed
Come on Over and Share Your Experiences at a New Forum
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Picture of MacD37
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Originally posted by DUKE NUKEM:
You might want to make it an announcement that anyone that wants to join another forum will need to check with you first. I'm going to go join a Bee Keeping Forum sometime next weeks so I guess I will need to ask permission here first. I do see that you have a club here and don't want to loose your members and posted disinformation to maintain control.

DUKE I do not have a club the DRSS is here and it's home is ACCURATE RELOADING.

I just became aware that you own the new website that is the issue here. If you do not know ZK then let me say he did you no favor posting here to gain new members for your website, as has surely become very apparent to you from the responses here! I am surprised that you seem to think I'm the only one here who is Leary of the motives of ZK.

....................................................................... killpc

....Mac >>>===(x)===> MacD37, ...and DUGABOY1
DRSS Charter member
"If I die today, I've had a life well spent, for I've been to see the Elephant, and smelled the smoke of Africa!"~ME 1982

Hands of Old Elmer Keith

Posts: 14634 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: 08 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Picture of DUKE NUKEM
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Originally posted by MacD37:
If you are the owner and don't know ZK then I apologize, but it seems most here find this a little strange and nobody seems to know this ZK so again STRANGE!

I will accept your apology as it takes a big man to apologize.
Here is who I am. I am a technophobe.... Most know this. Feel free to ask around. I know nothing about high tech computer functions nor am I any good with electrical products. I would prefer to live 140 years ago but being electrically challenged I'm not able to build a time machine. Again most know this.
Also as I have many times told fellow employees that were starting to take things a bit to seriously.
Were not saving lives here.

It's just a couple of forums.
Posts: 1073 | Registered: 10 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of DUKE NUKEM
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Why am I responsible for the action of another man?
Posts: 1073 | Registered: 10 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of MacD37
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Hey DUKE lets start over here! I have no problem with all the websites on hunting and shooting the world wide web can hold. Like most here I simply found this ZK a little strange. I post on about five or six hunting websites but mostly on double rifle and African forums. Very few of the hunting website have much traffic in either of those two categories I Find. maybe yours will be different!

........................................................................ sofa

....Mac >>>===(x)===> MacD37, ...and DUGABOY1
DRSS Charter member
"If I die today, I've had a life well spent, for I've been to see the Elephant, and smelled the smoke of Africa!"~ME 1982

Hands of Old Elmer Keith

Posts: 14634 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: 08 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Picture of DUKE NUKEM
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Originally posted by MacD37:
Hey DUKE lets start over here! I have no problem with all the websites on hunting and shooting the world wide web can hold. Like most here I simply found this ZK a little strange. I post on about five or six hunting websites but mostly on double rifle and African forums. Very few of the hunting website have much traffic in either of those two categories I Find. maybe yours will be different!

........................................................................ sofa

I'm good with that. SCI will be here in Vegas in a few months. Let's meet up, I'll buy the drinks and well laugh about all this 8 months from now. beer
Posts: 1073 | Registered: 10 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of MacD37
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................................................................. beer

....Mac >>>===(x)===> MacD37, ...and DUGABOY1
DRSS Charter member
"If I die today, I've had a life well spent, for I've been to see the Elephant, and smelled the smoke of Africa!"~ME 1982

Hands of Old Elmer Keith

Posts: 14634 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: 08 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Could Zombiekiller be a joke pulled by a prankster ?
Posts: 12095 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: 26 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of MJines
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Originally posted by larryshores:
Could Zombiekiller be a joke pulled by a prankster ?

Larry, the initial post seemed pretty straightforward, although ill conceived. Seems like if it was truly some one out to cause mischief the initial post would have been more like the deleted post that was quoted. No, I think it was done by some one that thought they were doing the other site a favor. I think we need to coin a new phrase for well intended blunders that cause more harm than good . . . Duke and Craig were both Conradized.

Posts: 21692 | Registered: 03 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Posts: 12095 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: 26 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of jdollar
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hell, this is better than Days of our Lives, As the World Turns and all the other stupid soap opera shit my wife watches on TV. now let's build a campfire and we can all sit around singing Kumbaya while we drink organic tea...

Vote Trump- Putin’s best friend…
Posts: 13400 | Location: Georgia | Registered: 28 October 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Hunting the Box H:
Were you a member on AR before?
Do you mind letting us know who we are supporting and what your site is all about.

I would like to suggest that you upgrade to a higher spec Forum and host it yourself. The free forums dont function well and you are going to loose all your posts at some point and wont be able to retrieve them.

php BB is a good starting point. Or you can pay for it like Saeed does and use Eve or similar forums.

What is your main purpose for the forum, is it an advertorial based funding machine or do you have a plan etc. Are you going to make a business out of it like Pat at Bowsite, or maybe build it into an online resource. If that is the plan, speak to Shakari for an idea of what it takes to do that.

I also suggest you speak to Jerome at takes a lot of work to build something that is worth using. Most people who are going to spend more than 30 seconds writing something of value dont want to do it on a site that will become redundant the minute you loose interest etc.

Good luck in your venture, I think more hunting based media is great, however support will only be forthcoming once we know what your objectives with the site are.

Good luck

Great advice.
Posts: 177 | Location: Eastern Slopes of the Northern Rockies | Registered: 15 April 2011Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by DUKE NUKEM:
I guess I would be the owner of the forum. I'm not Zombiekiller though. My computer skills leave a lot to be desired so I'm not the proxy server guy. As we speak I assume my url is being run right now to verify my statement. As most know I don't even own a cell phone and no clue what texting is nor do I want to learn.
I was petitioned by, well, I lost count at 18 fellas from several forums to set up this forum. I really didn't want to do it myself but thought it would be selfish just to think my time would outweigh the requests of the many. They wanted to call it Safari Rifles dot com but the url was $1600.00 was considerably less. Most know here that at one time I had 10 or so tactical weapons forums about the net and knew I could set up a forum and still maintain civil content. Which is about the extent of my computer skills. That and posting pictures. Glance down just below this script and you can see several forums in the links in the signature. The new forum is disimilar in content and title to this forum. SAFARI RIFLES - ACCURATE RELOADING

So even after request I was still on the edge of setting up the forum. Yes I know that was selfish.
The tie breaker was I posted some pics of the .458 Winchester (we tried to sell here but never sold) of when we were coming home from our other place pulled over and shot it the desert. Pics of myself and the wife shooting the rifle were posted and some nasty remarks were made so I pulled the pics, sent GeorgeS a PM and requested if he could just delete the thread. I just thought I'd share a shooting adventure and the first time I posted pics here outside of the buy/sell section. The wife and I both thought this was conduct unbecoming. As a youth I clearly remember being in the crypto room at NORAD at 6 years old and over hearing the JAG saying "If you don't have anything good to say to someone, don't say it!" to a whole bunch of people. I seriously try hard to follow this. Thankfully I have had good roll models.
So the forum was started.......

I posted this awhile back. Pretty much fell on deaf ears. http://forums.accuratereloadin...043/m/6201070881/p/4
In response to this thread http://forums.accuratereloadin...043/m/6201070881/p/1
"I believe this to be one of the better forums around. I really haven't posted much here other than classifieds i.e. selling components buying a gun or buying a gun or buying components. I have over the years watch quite a few threads that start out civil and then turn into a quite heated conversation. I just assumed this was standard modus operandi for the forum and I choose to stand on the sidelines and watch/learn. I never questioned it. I just assumed it was acceptable. Yesterday was the first time I post a pics of of myself and the wife where we pulled off the highway and were shooting the .458 we decided not to sell.
For some reason they were disapproved of and condescending remarks were made. And from all places TX! (I find the Texans to be the most polite,FRIENDLY! well mannered folks on the planet. Let me just say this I love TX.) So I pulled them.
I also been accused of being thin skinned and sensitive but some of the comments would never be said to me face to face especially considering my stature. Wink
On a good note I find a majority of the text here quite edifying and with actual real time pics of Safari's. Much better than any book one could find.
As far as the Alpha male thing goes I own or have owned up to 14 different tactical weapons forums on the net so I guess that would probably have placed me in in the "Alpha Male" category, but I still comport myself in a civil manner here on AR.

The thing that I really find disturbing is the lack of female participation....
I posted this on another forum the other day.
"If we only had the females on our side also, we would be a voting force to be reckoned with. But like this and other forums they get rudely ran off and pretty much told. "LOL Run along honey and go bake some muffins". Girls don't belong here!" (Google it as they say and you'll find much more. Wink)

What's with this? I am not involved in most anything that doesn't have ones of the female gender involved.
OK, I have to edit this again. Wifey and her two GF's just said that "most men hate women". They were serious. They said "women keep them from doing them things they want to do". They said, "They see us as a road block"
Huh! I have never experienced this.

Several called my attention to this thread.
This was posted on the same thread. http://forums.accuratereloadin...043/m/6201070881/p/4
Originally posted by sheephunterab:
Why should people need thick skin...if this place isn't fun, enjoyable and informative...what's the point. There's nothing really to prove by seeing how much abuse you can withstand. Informed debates are good but it seems those with the least ammunition quickly resort to personal attacks......some feel that shouting the loudest makes them doesn't.

Ouch! http://forums.accuratereloadin...043/m/4781046481/p/1

On a side note my wife asked me the other day who Saeed was here on the forum. I told her from what some others have mention he is a prince in Dubai. I think. Also the owner of the Accurate Reloading Forum. She said we met a prince from Dubai at some opulent venue my wife was invite to here in Vegas. (I'm just the driver.) The fella had three body guards in tow. She said he was really nice and the body guards were very pleasant. While we were sitting in front of the TV she did an Internet search and found a prince that was a minister of air defense? Or something like that. She said he looked familiar.

As far as people loosing their posts on Proboards that's not correct. My tech guy still has two of my forums we started and backed up on both PHP and V Bulletin. The reason I have script stored on Proboards is several forums over the years that I have seen have been hacked and cleaned out or almost cleaned out. 8 years ago M-14 Forum was continually being hacked. I called my tech guy and asked if he could help out and why the forum was being hacked. He told me there were several gates or windows any 13 year old hacker could get into. I asked him how long might it take you to get into that forum. He said IF I was a hacker an hour.......
So Proboards it was. I have never lost a post to this day.

I will have to agree with the other 18 or so fellas that prompted me to set this up. If fellow hunters do not post pics or don't tell about Safari's in fear of being insulted then part of history will be lost. We are all pretty long in the tooth so all will just die with them. One fella stated that one day there will no longer be any hunting in Africa.
I would like to see this info stored for future generations to see.
For the record I would like to state that I'm not trying to change existing policy here.

Any advertising revenue would barely pay for a a decent deer rifle and a decent scope.

The wife and I will be at SCI this years with her GF's in tow. Say hi if we cross paths. Smiler


Good luck on your 15th website.

I just wanted to make something clear, as we seem to have a lot of misconceptions about myself and Dubai.

We do not have any "prince" in Dubai.
Princes are found in kingdoms, like Saudi Arabia.

We do not have body guards. Never had them, and never will.

Many members of AR have been to Dubai, and I am sure they will attest to that.

Our Ruler drives his own car, without any escort.

The only time he does have an escort is when we have a visiting head of state.

AR is the only website I have ever started.

Anyway, just wanted to set the record straight.

Again, good luck on your new website, I mean that.
Instagram : ganyana2000
Posts: 68683 | Location: Dubai, UAE | Registered: 08 January 1998Reply With Quote
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Picture of Michael Robinson
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Originally posted by jdollar:
hell, this is better than Days of our Lives, As the World Turns and all the other stupid soap opera shit my wife watches on TV. now let's build a campfire and we can all sit around singing Kumbaya while we drink organic tea...

Damn straight.

Which semi-Texan is "lonestar2075," for example?

It was grossly bad judgment on the moderator's part to allow his anonymous, alter ego, and ultimately scurrilous, anti-Boddington thread, IMHO.

Best stand up and own that kind of thing, or not post it at all - again, IMHO.

There's a kind of weird envy, and stir-craziness, involved in some of this crap - once again, IMHO.

But then again, and once again, and still, I could be wrong. I was wrong, once, a long time ago. Big Grin

Best of luck, Duke. tu2


Wilderness is my cathedral, and hunting is my prayer.
Posts: 13625 | Location: New England | Registered: 06 June 2003Reply With Quote
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But then again, and once again, and still, I could be wrong. I was wrong, once, a long time ago.

It must have been the time you joined AR beer
Instagram : ganyana2000
Posts: 68683 | Location: Dubai, UAE | Registered: 08 January 1998Reply With Quote
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Picture of Michael Robinson
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Oh, hell, Saeed, now you are just trying to make me feel bad.

Duke will never poach me from AR. Big Grin

I am only awake and posting now on my IPad because the Bruins are in double overtime vs. the Penguins.

AR rules! Big Grin


Wilderness is my cathedral, and hunting is my prayer.
Posts: 13625 | Location: New England | Registered: 06 June 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Michael Robinson
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Bergeron scores!

Bruins up, 3-0.

TUUKKAAAAAAA!!!!! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin


Wilderness is my cathedral, and hunting is my prayer.
Posts: 13625 | Location: New England | Registered: 06 June 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by cal pappas:
Originally posted by ZombieKiller:
Originally posted by 505G:
It's still poor form to come and advertise on AR
like you have.

Why? This place has run its course, it's on life support thanks to the heavy handed moderation and hero worship of the benevolent host.

We offer a dynamic alternative. The market will decide.

That is a low blow to a gent that just wished you good luck. My section of the market has decided.

ZK- I can't believe a person could ever think that....INCRDEIBLE barf
Posts: 3430 | Registered: 24 February 2007Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Michael Robinson:
Oh, hell, Saeed, now you are just trying to make me feel bad.

Duke will never poach me from AR. Big Grin

I am only awake and posting now on my IPad because the Bruins are in double overtime vs. the Penguins.

AR rules! Big Grin

Must be very strong Penguins fighting Bruins!

I would have thought it was a no contest!

Oh well, our American friends do play some funny game us foreigners have a hard time understanding rotflmo
Instagram : ganyana2000
Posts: 68683 | Location: Dubai, UAE | Registered: 08 January 1998Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Saeed:
Originally posted by Michael Robinson:
Oh, hell, Saeed, now you are just trying to make me feel bad.

Duke will never poach me from AR. Big Grin

I am only awake and posting now on my IPad because the Bruins are in double overtime vs. the Penguins.

AR rules! Big Grin

Must be very strong Penguins fighting Bruins!

I would have thought it was a no contest!

Oh well, our American friends do play some funny game us foreigners have a hard time understanding rotflmo

One guys can't say a word.

Posts: 2857 | Location: FL | Registered: 18 September 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of MJines
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Improper comparison, hockey is a sport, cricket is not a sport. Roll Eyes

Posts: 21692 | Registered: 03 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of shakari
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Originally posted by MJines:
Improper comparison, hockey is a sport, cricket is not a sport. Roll Eyes

How can anyone from a country where rounders oooops. sorry. Baseball is considered a sport criticise cricket!

animal jumping animal

Actually. Truth be told. The only truly great sport is rugby which incidentally is a real man's version of that girly sport the Americans call football.


Posts: 12415 | Registered: 01 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of drummondlindsey
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Originally posted by shakari:
Originally posted by MJines:
Improper comparison, hockey is a sport, cricket is not a sport. Roll Eyes

How can anyone from a country where rounders oooops. sorry. Baseball is considered a sport criticise cricket!

animal jumping animal

Actually. Truth be told. The only truly great sport is rugby which incidentally is a real man's version of that girly sport the Americans call football.


Not to trump everybody here but some of the baddest men on the entire planet flock to Abu Dhabi in the UAE for the ADCC Submission Wrestling World Championship every year. Nothing is more pure of a sport then man vs man and there are no greater athletes in the world than some of these guys

I will make it out to that tournament one day
Posts: 2093 | Location: Windsor, CO | Registered: 06 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by shakari:
Originally posted by MJines:
Improper comparison, hockey is a sport, cricket is not a sport. Roll Eyes

How can anyone from a country where rounders oooops. sorry. Baseball is considered a sport criticise cricket!

animal jumping animal

Actually. Truth be told. The only truly great sport is rugby which incidentally is a real man's version of that girly sport the Americans call football.


I could never consider cricket as a sport!

How can one have s sport where a match lasts bloody days!

As for rugby, it is turning into a girl's sport, as it seems many are biting each other! clap
Instagram : ganyana2000
Posts: 68683 | Location: Dubai, UAE | Registered: 08 January 1998Reply With Quote
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Picture of DUKE NUKEM
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Originally posted by Saeed:
Originally posted by DUKE NUKEM:
I guess I would be the owner of the forum. I'm not Zombiekiller though. My computer skills leave a lot to be desired so I'm not the proxy server guy. As we speak I assume my url is being run right now to verify my statement. As most know I don't even own a cell phone and no clue what texting is nor do I want to learn.
I was petitioned by, well, I lost count at 18 fellas from several forums to set up this forum. I really didn't want to do it myself but thought it would be selfish just to think my time would outweigh the requests of the many. They wanted to call it Safari Rifles dot com but the url was $1600.00 was considerably less. Most know here that at one time I had 10 or so tactical weapons forums about the net and knew I could set up a forum and still maintain civil content. Which is about the extent of my computer skills. That and posting pictures. Glance down just below this script and you can see several forums in the links in the signature. The new forum is disimilar in content and title to this forum. SAFARI RIFLES - ACCURATE RELOADING

So even after request I was still on the edge of setting up the forum. Yes I know that was selfish.
The tie breaker was I posted some pics of the .458 Winchester (we tried to sell here but never sold) of when we were coming home from our other place pulled over and shot it the desert. Pics of myself and the wife shooting the rifle were posted and some nasty remarks were made so I pulled the pics, sent GeorgeS a PM and requested if he could just delete the thread. I just thought I'd share a shooting adventure and the first time I posted pics here outside of the buy/sell section. The wife and I both thought this was conduct unbecoming. As a youth I clearly remember being in the crypto room at NORAD at 6 years old and over hearing the JAG saying "If you don't have anything good to say to someone, don't say it!" to a whole bunch of people. I seriously try hard to follow this. Thankfully I have had good roll models.
So the forum was started.......

I posted this awhile back. Pretty much fell on deaf ears. http://forums.accuratereloadin...043/m/6201070881/p/4
In response to this thread http://forums.accuratereloadin...043/m/6201070881/p/1
"I believe this to be one of the better forums around. I really haven't posted much here other than classifieds i.e. selling components buying a gun or buying a gun or buying components. I have over the years watch quite a few threads that start out civil and then turn into a quite heated conversation. I just assumed this was standard modus operandi for the forum and I choose to stand on the sidelines and watch/learn. I never questioned it. I just assumed it was acceptable. Yesterday was the first time I post a pics of of myself and the wife where we pulled off the highway and were shooting the .458 we decided not to sell.
For some reason they were disapproved of and condescending remarks were made. And from all places TX! (I find the Texans to be the most polite,FRIENDLY! well mannered folks on the planet. Let me just say this I love TX.) So I pulled them.
I also been accused of being thin skinned and sensitive but some of the comments would never be said to me face to face especially considering my stature. Wink
On a good note I find a majority of the text here quite edifying and with actual real time pics of Safari's. Much better than any book one could find.
As far as the Alpha male thing goes I own or have owned up to 14 different tactical weapons forums on the net so I guess that would probably have placed me in in the "Alpha Male" category, but I still comport myself in a civil manner here on AR.

The thing that I really find disturbing is the lack of female participation....
I posted this on another forum the other day.
"If we only had the females on our side also, we would be a voting force to be reckoned with. But like this and other forums they get rudely ran off and pretty much told. "LOL Run along honey and go bake some muffins". Girls don't belong here!" (Google it as they say and you'll find much more. Wink)

What's with this? I am not involved in most anything that doesn't have ones of the female gender involved.
OK, I have to edit this again. Wifey and her two GF's just said that "most men hate women". They were serious. They said "women keep them from doing them things they want to do". They said, "They see us as a road block"
Huh! I have never experienced this.

Several called my attention to this thread.
This was posted on the same thread. http://forums.accuratereloadin...043/m/6201070881/p/4
Originally posted by sheephunterab:
Why should people need thick skin...if this place isn't fun, enjoyable and informative...what's the point. There's nothing really to prove by seeing how much abuse you can withstand. Informed debates are good but it seems those with the least ammunition quickly resort to personal attacks......some feel that shouting the loudest makes them doesn't.

Ouch! http://forums.accuratereloadin...043/m/4781046481/p/1

On a side note my wife asked me the other day who Saeed was here on the forum. I told her from what some others have mention he is a prince in Dubai. I think. Also the owner of the Accurate Reloading Forum. She said we met a prince from Dubai at some opulent venue my wife was invite to here in Vegas. (I'm just the driver.) The fella had three body guards in tow. She said he was really nice and the body guards were very pleasant. While we were sitting in front of the TV she did an Internet search and found a prince that was a minister of air defense? Or something like that. She said he looked familiar.

As far as people loosing their posts on Proboards that's not correct. My tech guy still has two of my forums we started and backed up on both PHP and V Bulletin. The reason I have script stored on Proboards is several forums over the years that I have seen have been hacked and cleaned out or almost cleaned out. 8 years ago M-14 Forum was continually being hacked. I called my tech guy and asked if he could help out and why the forum was being hacked. He told me there were several gates or windows any 13 year old hacker could get into. I asked him how long might it take you to get into that forum. He said IF I was a hacker an hour.......
So Proboards it was. I have never lost a post to this day.

I will have to agree with the other 18 or so fellas that prompted me to set this up. If fellow hunters do not post pics or don't tell about Safari's in fear of being insulted then part of history will be lost. We are all pretty long in the tooth so all will just die with them. One fella stated that one day there will no longer be any hunting in Africa.
I would like to see this info stored for future generations to see.
For the record I would like to state that I'm not trying to change existing policy here.

Any advertising revenue would barely pay for a a decent deer rifle and a decent scope.

The wife and I will be at SCI this years with her GF's in tow. Say hi if we cross paths. Smiler


Good luck on your 15th website.

I just wanted to make something clear, as we seem to have a lot of misconceptions about myself and Dubai.

We do not have any "prince" in Dubai.
Princes are found in kingdoms, like Saudi Arabia.

We do not have body guards. Never had them, and never will.

Many members of AR have been to Dubai, and I am sure they will attest to that.

Our Ruler drives his own car, without any escort.

The only time he does have an escort is when we have a visiting head of state.

AR is the only website I have ever started.

Anyway, just wanted to set the record straight.

Again, good luck on your new website, I mean that.

So if I became a prince could I have my own herem girls? I can provide tents and horses.
Posts: 1073 | Registered: 10 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of shakari
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Originally posted by Saeed:

I could never consider cricket as a sport!

How can one have s sport where a match lasts bloody days!

As for rugby, it is turning into a girl's sport, as it seems many are biting each other! clap

I agree with both of those statements.

Cricket to me is about as exciting as watching paint dry and rugby would be a FAR better game if they stuck to the rules........ and possibly wound the rules back by about 20 years.

Posts: 12415 | Registered: 01 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of DUKE NUKEM
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Zombie Killer just contacted me and said others were having problems logging in. This was part of my response.

"The reason he couldn't log in was he was putting a space in between his name like this "Joe Blow" hence the software would not process it. It should be done like this "joeblow" which the software will then process. Post joining one can modify their name to whatever they want but will still have to log in like this joeblow."

From the conversation I have summed up he is a long time member here and from just my personal opinion he seems to be from SA or OZ as he states "Americans" which would only apply if you were foreign to the US. I would swing more toward SA as he did not start out the message with G'day as some of my friends from OZ do or other indigenous dialects.
I do say he is a quite pleasant fella.
Posts: 1073 | Registered: 10 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by shakari:
Originally posted by Saeed:

I could never consider cricket as a sport!

How can one have s sport where a match lasts bloody days!

As for rugby, it is turning into a girl's sport, as it seems many are biting each other! clap

I agree with both of those statements.

Cricket to me is about as exciting as watching paint dry and rugby would be a FAR better game if they stuck to the rules........ and possibly wound the rules back by about 20 years.

Rugby has rules? I have been to a couple of matches while in SA and I never figured them out.

Good Hunting,

Posts: 3143 | Location: Duluth, GA | Registered: 30 September 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of PD999
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Originally posted by Saeed:
As for rugby, it is turning into a girl's sport, as it seems many are biting each other! clap


“A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition” ― Rudyard Kipling
Posts: 1231 | Location: London, UK | Registered: 02 April 2010Reply With Quote
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What Rugby rules would you like
to see changed back ?

I am talking Rugby Union here.

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[QUOTE]Originally posted by shakari:

How can anyone from a country where rounders oooops. sorry. Baseball.

rotflmo rotflmo rotflmo

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Picture of Anjin
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This is getting to be an extremely funny thread.

In addition to the generally high level of civility, there are some pretty clever people here.

Norman Solberg
International lawyer back in the US after 25 years and, having met a few of the bad guys and governments here and around the world, now focusing on private trusts that protect wealth from them. NRA Life Member for 50 years, NRA Endowment Member from 2014, NRA Patron from 2016.
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Civil? Those Africans do not know what a real sport is.

NASCAR, now that is a real sport.
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Picture of MJines
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Originally posted by Mike70560:
NASCAR, now that is a real sport.

That is why we have the Sabine River separating Texas and Louisiana to protect us from folks like Burke.

Reminds me, what do you say to the girl you meet at the NASCAR race? Nice tooth.

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Definition of NASCAR

Non Athletic Sport Created Around Rednecks
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I tell people I know who will win NASCAR every year and always get it right.
The rednecks going to win.
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Picture of jdollar
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Originally posted by DUKE NUKEM:
Zombie Killer just contacted me and said others were having problems logging in. This was part of my response.

"The reason he couldn't log in was he was putting a space in between his name like this "Joe Blow" hence the software would not process it. It should be done like this "joeblow" which the software will then process. Post joining one can modify their name to whatever they want but will still have to log in like this joeblow."

From the conversation I have summed up he is a long time member here and from just my personal opinion he seems to be from SA or OZ as he states "Americans" which would only apply if you were foreign to the US. I would swing more toward SA as he did not start out the message with G'day as some of my friends from OZ do or other indigenous dialects.
I do say he is a quite pleasant fella.

maybe you should just ask him who he is and where he is from? oh, and thank him for the huge negative response here to your endeavor... rotflmo

Vote Trump- Putin’s best friend…
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BTW Duke,
I am the creator of the DRSS. It is an association of people who own, like and shoot Double rifles. You can come and go as you please.

We Band of Brothers!
DRSS, NRA & SCI Life Member

"I am rejoiced at my fate. Do not be uneasy about me, for I am with my friends."
----- David Crockett in his last letter (to his children), January 9th, 1836
"I will never forsake Texas and her cause. I am her son." ----- Jose Antonio Navarro, from Mexican Prison in 1841
"for I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." Thomas Jefferson
Declaration of Arbroath April 6, 1320-“. . .It is not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself.”
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Picture of DUKE NUKEM
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Originally posted by jdollar:
Originally posted by DUKE NUKEM:
Zombie Killer just contacted me and said others were having problems logging in. This was part of my response.

"The reason he couldn't log in was he was putting a space in between his name like this "Joe Blow" hence the software would not process it. It should be done like this "joeblow" which the software will then process. Post joining one can modify their name to whatever they want but will still have to log in like this joeblow."

From the conversation I have summed up he is a long time member here and from just my personal opinion he seems to be from SA or OZ as he states "Americans" which would only apply if you were foreign to the US. I would swing more toward SA as he did not start out the message with G'day as some of my friends from OZ do or other indigenous dialects.
I do say he is a quite pleasant fella.

maybe you should just ask him who he is and where he is from? oh, and thank him for the huge negative response here to your endeavor... rotflmo

Apparently you didn't take the inconvenience of reading my post. Well here I'll just post it again.

I was petitioned by, well, I lost count at 18 fellas from several forums to set up this forum. I really didn't want to do it myself but thought it would be selfish just to think my time would outweigh the requests of the many. They wanted to call it Safari Rifles dot com but the url was $1600.00 was considerably less. Most know here that at one time I had 10 or so tactical weapons forums about the net and knew I could set up a forum and still maintain civil content. Which is about the extent of my computer skills. That and posting pictures. Glance down just below this script and you can see several forums in the links in the signature. The new forum is disimilar in content and title to this forum. SAFARI RIFLES - ACCURATE RELOADING

It doesn't matter who would have posted it you and others will have still found fault with it. Again I ask how am I responsible for another mans actions?

Posts: 1073 | Registered: 10 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by jdollar:
maybe you should just ask him who he is and where he is from? oh, and thank him for the huge negative response here to your endeavor... rotflmo


You should find out who it is for your own sake.

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Picture of Clan_Colla
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So if I became a prince could I have my own herem girls?

And could afford an editor/spelling instructor-

hired especially for rednecks- sofa
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