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Why is it . . .
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Picture of MJines
Why is it that it seems that some people just naturally gravitate to hunts that never, at least as they report it, turn out right? I have noticed a number of hunting reports where the end result was problematic for one reason or another. Generally not a complete disaster, just an unsatisfactory hunt with one or more significant problems or issues. What is fascinating to me is that those hunt reports seem to come from folks that historically have had a history of one or more other troubled or problem plagued hunts. Why is that? Is the hunter too picky or overly demanding in his expectations? Is it a lack of due diligence on the part of the hunter? Is it because some folks are just "glass half empty" people? All or some combination of the above? Perhaps the problem on some of these hunts is the person staring back at the hunter in the mirror. On the other hand, some hunters report a variety of unforeseen issues that popped up and still seem to have had a marvelous experience. I guess in many cases it just comes down to attitude like so much in life.

Posts: 21719 | Registered: 03 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Well, I am definitely a pessimist and a glass "oh-hell-I-just-spilled-the-last-of-the-bourbon-and-now-it's-completely-empty" type person. But my only two African hunts so far were just great in every way (especially my first hunt) as was my bear hunt in BC. Although I do always seem to have delayed guns/baggage.

I think Ruark once wrote something to the effect of leaving the bad things behind when he left NYC and went to Kenya, so I get what he meant by that.

Paul Smith
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I had the privilege to fire E. Hemingway's WR .577NE, E. Keith's WR .470NE, & F. Jamieson's WJJ .500 Jeffery
I strongly recommend avoidance of "The Zambezi Safari & Travel Co., Ltd." and "Pisces Sportfishing-Cabo San Lucas"

"A failed policy of national defense is its own punishment" Otto von Bismarck
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All my hunts have been great. It is the stuff before or after that sometimes put a lump in the gravy.Like Delta not sending the guns for two days and then to the wrong end of the Vic Falls bridge. Mad

You can borrow money but you can not borrow time. Go hunting with your family.
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After meeting so many hunters and guides in or out of the field, my experience base, tells me that when a hunter I do not know personally complains about a hunt, there is a 70-90% chance that I would have found the hunt to be somewhere between satisfactory to very good.

I've been in many a highly enjoyable camp with 1-2 of the group who were having an miserable time and seemed to be carrying an extensive list of complaints.

I prefer to hunt alone or only with people I know have the same religious view of hunting when I can.
Posts: 1982 | Registered: 16 January 2007Reply With Quote
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same reasons that the press focuses on negative news
Posts: 13462 | Location: faribault mn | Registered: 16 November 2004Reply With Quote
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I have never written a hunt report but have said negative things about some of the hunts I have been on. In one case in particular my big beef was getting a guide that was 70 years old and completely out of shape, but in retrospect the area had game and was not a bad deal.

I just got done with a packstring elk hunt in the Selway. Shot another huge elk, even though conventional wisdom says the wolves have eaten all the elk. I am three for three with this outfit that charges prices so low I wonder how they do it (maybe the fact they don't spend money at DSC/SCI helps keep the price below 5K). But I know if I post glowing reports my days of cheap wilderness elk hunting could soon come to a close.

I have referred some members to this outfit via PM but to be honest, none have booked.

Don't Ever Book a Hunt with Jeff Blair

Posts: 7578 | Location: Arizona and off grid in CO | Registered: 28 July 2004Reply With Quote
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Mike, people are people, and some are never satisfied. A guy wins the million $$$ lottery, but complains about the taxes due on it. Complaining is also a way to exert superiority...of being so experienced and worldly to notice things that are trivial to the other "newby" hunters of lesser safari knowledge.

I think another part of it is that people are not used to being away from home and out of their comfort zone. Being in a different time zone, sleeping in a strange bed, and eating different foods can create an anxiety that manifests itself in a negative attitude, and naturally the outfitter/camp becomes the target.

Speaking of negative attitudes, where's Todd Williams? :-)
Posts: 20165 | Location: Very NW NJ up in the Mountains | Registered: 14 June 2009Reply With Quote
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My one and only African hunt was fabulous with no problems and I loved it

That being said.....a short story from 2010

I hunted pronghorn in the panhandle of Texas in 2010....booked from our very own Mark Young

A fellow AR member and freqhuent Africa hunting poster hunted from the same camp as I and also booked through Mark

He was incapable of being happy with, lodging, guides, you name it

He bitched about everything!


We all killed great goats and had great food but some guys hate life

His brother Randy was an ok guy and never bitched about anything

Our good friend Mark Young could probably vouch for me here ^^^

Shout out to Oday450

Hey Edwin, are you still pissed at the world?

G-D you were F-N miserable to be around! You turned my first guided hunting trip into one to remember for sure. I will never forget you.

That's probably didn't like this ol Missouri hillbilly.....god knows you hated everything else

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Certainly I understand that people will be people and they come in all shapes, sizes and flavors. I guess maybe the takeaway is that with some folks I think you have to take their feedback, observations and reports with a grain of salt. They just have a predisposition, for whatever reason, to focus on the negative and complain. On the other hand, there are others that if they complain, stand up and take notice because that is just not in their nature.

Posts: 21719 | Registered: 03 January 2006Reply With Quote
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You got the attitude issue right and it's probably #1. Unreasonable expectations could be another. Lack of research a third. And the other, quite frankly, could be the individual themself. There are people who you can't please no matter what. No hunt will go exactly as planned, fill everything on your wishlist, and not have a set-back or two.
Posts: 10381 | Location: Houston, Texas | Registered: 26 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Maybe some folks feel unless they make some nitpicking negative comments the report won't be seen as honest and forthright... Who knows?

I have been practicing medicine for almost 20 years, working in a psych facility for the last 10, and all that experience has taught me is you just can't explain people...
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It could be to to many reasons, which we can only guess it.

1. Not doing enough research on both the outfit hunted with, the area or animals sought.

2. Just bad luck, when the chips do not seem to fall into the right place.

3. Setting unreasonable expectations. Due to being fed wrong information by either the outfit hunted with, or reading all sorts of silly adverts written as fact.

4. Some people just cannot be satisfied with whatever they get.

On all our hunts, we have had some problems or another. But, they were problems we would normally encounter anyway in the bush and while hunting.
The secret is how to deal with them.

Some people go with a shopping list and time table, which they expect top be full filled as they wish.

On a hunt, this never happens.

Except of course on certain made to measure trophy collecting episodes where the required animal has already been captured before hand and kept for the collector to fly out and kill it.
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I have been practicing medicine for almost 20 years, working in a psych facility for the last 10, and all that experience has taught me is you just can't explain people...


I've been a civil defense lawyer for nearly 30 years and I can explain most people. They are motivated by fear and greed. I won't put words in your mouth and you may disagree, but my take is that most of your patients, and most plaintiffs, frankly, are nuts.

The plaintiffs who are not nuts are playing the system. Trying to get something for nothing.

There are exceptions and I deal with those cases differently. Mostly catestrophic injuries. Then it's just a blame game.

Yes, I'm pretty cynical after all these years.
Posts: 10381 | Location: Houston, Texas | Registered: 26 December 2005Reply With Quote
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To the points raised by Ted and Jon about different people reacting differently to the same hunt, there have been situations involving folks on AR where two people are on a trip and one will have issues with the trip, lamenting and complaining, and the other will shrug off any issues and make the hunt an enjoyable experience. That just highlights the importance of attitude. I think it was Churchill that said, attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.

Posts: 21719 | Registered: 03 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Biebs:

Speaking of negative attitudes, where's Todd Williams? :-)

Self imposed hermit status!!

Hunt Reports

2015 His & Her Leopards with Derek Littleton of Luwire Safaris - http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/2971090112
2015 Trophy Bull Elephant with CMS http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/1651069012
DIY Brooks Range Sheep Hunt 2013 - http://forums.accuratereloadin...901038191#9901038191
Zambia June/July 2012 with Andrew Baldry - Royal Kafue http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/7971064771
Zambia Sept 2010- Muchinga Safaris http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/4211096141
Namibia Sept 2010 - ARUB Safaris http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/6781076141
Posts: 7624 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 05 February 2008Reply With Quote
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It never ceases to amaze me that, once on a hunt, the less I seem to care about the camp, the appearance of game, the food, the vehicles, the heat, or the bugs, the more success I find. I have been on some real "long shot" hunts which saw the PH expressing doubts on day 1. My response to that (and indeed what I tell all my PHs on day 1) is "We'll be fine, whatever happens happens. I am just here to have fun and...besides, I am lucky". It always seems to work out and I am sure it has something to do with the lack of pressure being imposed. No surprise that the guy who bitches and worries about every little thing generally doesn't get the results that he hopes for. What kind of staff or PH wants to work around a guy like that? The pretty natural outcome is going to be negative.

I am also a firm believer in the mantra that "Heaven must have a complaint box otherwise some people just would not consider it paradise!"

Big Grin
Posts: 2472 | Registered: 06 July 2008Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by tendrams:
It never ceases to amaze me that, once on a hunt, the less I seem to care about the camp, the appearance of game, the food, the vehicles, the heat, or the bugs, the more success I find. I have been on some real "long shot" hunts which saw the PH expressing doubts on day 1. My response to that (and indeed what I tell all my PHs on day 1) is "We'll be fine, whatever happens happens. I am just here to have fun and...besides, I am lucky". It always seems to work out and I am sure it has something to do with the lack of pressure being imposed. No surprise that the guy who bitches and worries about every little thing generally doesn't get the results that he hopes for. What kind of staff or PH wants to work around a guy like that? The pretty natural outcome is going to be negative.

I am also a firm believer in the mantra that "Heaven must have a complaint box otherwise some people just would not consider it paradise!"

Big Grin

In 2009 my PH said "I have never seen conditions in the Selous this bad."

I went on to shoot a lion, leopard, elephant, 2 buff, a great eland, hippo, etc.

On my Selway elk hunt last week my guide said "I have never seen conditions this bad in the Selway."

Shot a huge bull on the sixth day of the hunt.

Next time I hear "I have never seen conditions this bad" I will start to salivate.

Don't Ever Book a Hunt with Jeff Blair

Posts: 7578 | Location: Arizona and off grid in CO | Registered: 28 July 2004Reply With Quote
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Funny thing this hunting business. I've done multiple hunts in Africa. And up until my last one they were all great, little/big problems and all. But my last one was a disaster. So bad in fact it's jilted my desire to ever go back. Does that make me a glass half empty guy or just someone who no longer feels that he's justified to spend big big bucks on another possible nightmare hunt?

I honestly never thought in a million years that my passion for hunting Africa would ever diminish. But at this point it's almost fully extinguished. The problem comes in when I am expected to act like a wide eyed bushy tailed beginner when someone is trying to pull the wool over my eyes. People who ought to know better. Do not piss on my head and tell me it's raining!

Posts: 5210 | Registered: 23 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Gremlins. (If you look for them, there they are! If you don't, most of the time they aren't.) Maybe it's all about expectations?


Posts: 4884 | Location: Bryan, Texas | Registered: 12 January 2005Reply With Quote
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I was just so happy to be there. It was RSA (haters quit...oh, I bought it at a local SCI banquet), but I loved it.

I bought another in the following year, maybe the next year, I couldn't find friends to join. It was four hunters with daily rates covered, just pay the trophy fees (travel, etc.). I ate that hunt, but believe my money went to a good cause. The chapter president did extend it, I still never made it. I'll be back.

I want to take my father for the buff he has always wanted. I wouldn't mind one myself and the grey ghost that has eluded me on two hunts.

Anyone that wants to predict Africa needs to sell stock tips. It's like nothing else.

I meant to be DSC Member...bad typing skills.

Marcus Cady

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Originally posted by ted thorn:
My one and only African hunt was fabulous with no problems and I loved it

That being said.....a short story from 2010

I hunted pronghorn in the panhandle of Texas in 2010....booked from our very own Mark Young

A fellow AR member and freqhuent Africa hunting poster hunted from the same camp as I and also booked through Mark

He was incapable of being happy with, lodging, guides, you name it

He bitched about everything!


We all killed great goats and had great food but some guys hate life

His brother Randy was an ok guy and never bitched about anything

Our good friend Mark Young could probably vouch for me here ^^^

Shout out to Oday450

Hey Edwin, are you still pissed at the world?

G-D you were F-N miserable to be around! You turned my first guided hunting trip into one to remember for sure. I will never forget you.

That's probably didn't like this ol Missouri hillbilly.....god knows you hated everything else

Well Ted, now for the rest of the story. This was the worst paid guided hunt I have ever been on and you will admit that when compared to your African hunt it was not all that good. I have hunted around the world with multiple trips in the US, Europe, Canada, and Africa and I never had a hunt where the outfitter would not let you sight in your rifle after travel. I never had a hunt where you we expected to shoot from the truck. I never had a hunt where meals were skipped or you were left to drive to town for meals. I never had a hunt where the guides disappears for 36 hours and went off on their own adventure. And all this and much more on top of an injured back. It was far below the norm experienced from several dozen outfitters. I probably was miserable for multiple reasons. And, BTW, Randy was,upset as well, he's just shy and quiet and the old Colonel speaks his mind.

So yes, I complained and I would again. This is the only bad hunt I ever experienced and the only one I have ever complained about. And, IMHO my complaints were valid and I have spoken with Mark. I also shared, at a later date, the issues and suggested ways to avoid them in the future with the young man who,lead the group. Hopefully, things will have improved since he and his folks seemed to be nice people.

"Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult."
Posts: 1313 | Location: The People's Republic of Maryland, USA | Registered: 05 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by AnotherAZWriter:
Next time I hear "I have never seen conditions this bad" I will start to salivate.

LOL! Well, the "worst" hunt I ever went on was an elephant hunt right before which the pachyderms migrated out of the area. I landed and the PH was a bit sheepish saying. "I don't know how to tell you this but...". Well, I had a five figure credit with the guy so said, "Let's get moving 'cuz we got some money to spend!" Among several other species, I shot a nice Sable, knocked down a running Bushpig with a double rifle, and whacked what was at the time a top 5 Chobe Bushbuck. The latter is probably the best trophy I will ever take on any continent. Generally. this might in fact be the best hunt I have ever been on... but if I had been of a different character, it could have been my worst.
Posts: 2472 | Registered: 06 July 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of ted thorn
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Originally posted by Oday450:
Originally posted by ted thorn:
My one and only African hunt was fabulous with no problems and I loved it

That being said.....a short story from 2010

I hunted pronghorn in the panhandle of Texas in 2010....booked from our very own Mark Young

A fellow AR member and freqhuent Africa hunting poster hunted from the same camp as I and also booked through Mark

He was incapable of being happy with, lodging, guides, you name it

He bitched about everything!


We all killed great goats and had great food but some guys hate life

His brother Randy was an ok guy and never bitched about anything

Our good friend Mark Young could probably vouch for me here ^^^

Shout out to Oday450

Hey Edwin, are you still pissed at the world?

G-D you were F-N miserable to be around! You turned my first guided hunting trip into one to remember for sure. I will never forget you.

That's probably didn't like this ol Missouri hillbilly.....god knows you hated everything else

Well Ted, now for the rest of the story. This was the worst paid guided hunt I have ever been on and you will admit that when compared to your African hunt it was not all that good. I have hunted around the world with multiple trips in the US, Europe, Canada, and Africa and I never had a hunt where the outfitter would not let you sight in your rifle after travel. I never had a hunt where you we expected to shoot from the truck. I never had a hunt where meals were skipped or you were left to drive to town for meals. I never had a hunt where the guides disappears for 36 hours and went off on their own adventure. And all this and much more on top of an injured back. It was far below the norm experienced from several dozen outfitters. I probably was miserable for multiple reasons. And, BTW, Randy was,upset as well, he's just shy and quiet and the old Colonel speaks his mind.

So yes, I complained and I would again. This is the only bad hunt I ever experienced and the only one I have ever complained about. And, IMHO my complaints were valid and I have spoken with Mark. I also shared, at a later date, the issues and suggested ways to avoid them in the future with the young man who,lead the group. Hopefully, things will have improved since he and his folks seemed to be nice people.

Well said and thanks for the clarification

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Posts: 7361 | Location: South East Missouri | Registered: 23 November 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by surestrike:
Funny thing this hunting business. I've done multiple hunts in Africa. And up until my last one they were all great, little/big problems and all. But my last one was a disaster. So bad in fact it's jilted my desire to ever go back. Does that make me a glass half empty guy or just someone who no longer feels that he's justified to spend big big bucks on another possible nightmare hunt?

I honestly never thought in a million years that my passion for hunting Africa would ever diminish. But at this point it's almost fully extinguished. The problem comes in when I am expected to act like a wide eyed bushy tailed beginner when someone is trying to pull the wool over my eyes. People who ought to know better. Do not piss on my head and tell me it's raining!

S/Strike, did you write about this bad experience here or can you share? thanks!

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My wife and I have been self employed in small customer service businesses for 20+ years. My take about some people is; you can't please them if you gave them what they wanted. I believe they just don't know what they want, or can't articulate what they want, or are never satisfied with anything in their lives. Get them out of their comfort zone and they can't function properly.
Posts: 2173 | Location: NORTHWEST NEW MEXICO, USA | Registered: 05 March 2008Reply With Quote
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It's all in how you approach life. Sure, there are hunts and trips that go horribly wrong but you have to approach life as an adventure.
The worst trip Mrs Blacktailer and I have ever been on was our honeymoon! 18 years later we still laugh about all of the things that happened. C'est la vie.

Have gun- Will travel
The value of a trophy is computed directly in terms of personal investment in its acquisition. Robert Ruark
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I don't know why but I love different places, different people, different hunting conditions, different experiences, so I rarely complain. I will eat anything, sleep almost anywhere, endure whatever and chalk it up to adventure and stories to tell. I hate drama too. I have had some trips that didn't live up to their billing but was able to find the good there. I feel I have only been misled once but the trip was put together by a friend of mine, so...never again.
Once I was pinned down in a pup tent with 70 mph winds for 3 days down at Cold Bay Alaska and was down to a box of raisins for food since our outfitter was unable to fly in provisions to our spike camp for Brown bear. Fortunately, I already had my brown bear, but I will remember that hunt fondly because I survived, myself and the guide told jokes for three days, exchanged paperback books, pissed in a can and threw it out the tent, etc. Actually was fun.


C'est Tout Bon
(It is all good)
Posts: 1929 | Location: Lafayette, LA | Registered: 05 October 2007Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by MJines:
Why is it that it seems that some people just naturally gravitate to hunts that never, at least as they report it, turn out right? I have noticed a number of hunting reports where the end result was problematic for one reason or another. Generally not a complete disaster, just an unsatisfactory hunt with one or more significant problems or issues. What is fascinating to me is that those hunt reports seem to come from folks that historically have had a history of one or more other troubled or problem plagued hunts. Why is that? Is the hunter too picky or overly demanding in his expectations? Is it a lack of due diligence on the part of the hunter? Is it because some folks are just "glass half empty" people? All or some combination of the above? Perhaps the problem on some of these hunts is the person staring back at the hunter in the mirror. On the other hand, some hunters report a variety of unforeseen issues that popped up and still seem to have had a marvelous experience. I guess in many cases it just comes down to attitude like so much in life.

I don't know the answer to your question, Mike, but, like others, I suspect it is often a combination of all of the above.

What I do know for sure is that when the people with whom I have been hunting, shooting or fishing are my closest friends I have never had a single bad day. Of course we have problems and the quarry fail to cooperate more often than not but that's inherent in the activity. It's all about the people.
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I have been on a lot of trips in my life. Some are better than others. Things can and do go wrong from time to time.

I think experience, attitude and expectations have a lot to do with ones reaction. A guy who has saved for years to go on a once in a lifetime hunt may react differently than someone who does the same hunt twice per year for the last 20 years. Y'all remember the guy who wrote a scathing report about a hunt in Namibia? He felt misled and deprived of a true African experience. It was a high fence hunt he paid $275 per day INCLUDING observers.

On these trips, especially outside of the US, things do not always go like they go here. Why expect that they will?

I have had 2 horrible safaris, out of 20. In retrospect, I think both were caused by drought.

Probably the worst thing that ever happened was HORRIBLE weather in AK. I was a couple of days late getting to spike camp due to weather. We got to spike camp, hunted 1 day then got snowed in for 11 days! Trust me that sucks. It was no ones fault, shit happens.

I don't see it as a problem that someone files a truthful report that reflect some problems. If that same person always has problems, THEY may well be the problem.

I don't understand those on AR that are ready to pounce on everything.
Posts: 12105 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: 26 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by larryshores

I don't see it as a problem that someone files a truthful report that reflect some problems. If that same person always has problems, THEY may well be the problem.

I don't understand those on AR that are ready to pounce on everything.


As a consumer of hunts (a highly discretionary activity) I want to see as many hunt reports as possible. The good and especially the bad.

To label negative hunt report writers as whinners or having "the wrong attitude" is no different than complaining about canned lion hunts on some hunter's wild cattle killing south african lion hunt.

Should hunt reports only be positive reports?

Posts: 13145 | Location: Cocoa Beach, Florida | Registered: 22 July 2010Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by surestrike:
Funny thing this hunting business. I've done multiple hunts in Africa. And up until my last one they were all great, little/big problems and all. But my last one was a disaster. So bad in fact it's jilted my desire to ever go back. Does that make me a glass half empty guy or just someone who no longer feels that he's justified to spend big big bucks on another possible nightmare hunt?

I honestly never thought in a million years that my passion for hunting Africa would ever diminish. But at this point it's almost fully extinguished. The problem comes in when I am expected to act like a wide eyed bushy tailed beginner when someone is trying to pull the wool over my eyes. People who ought to know better. Do not piss on my head and tell me it's raining!

Reminds me a bit of Steve's "The Client".

Hunt Reports

2015 His & Her Leopards with Derek Littleton of Luwire Safaris - http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/2971090112
2015 Trophy Bull Elephant with CMS http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/1651069012
DIY Brooks Range Sheep Hunt 2013 - http://forums.accuratereloadin...901038191#9901038191
Zambia June/July 2012 with Andrew Baldry - Royal Kafue http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/7971064771
Zambia Sept 2010- Muchinga Safaris http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/4211096141
Namibia Sept 2010 - ARUB Safaris http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/6781076141
Posts: 7624 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 05 February 2008Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by surestrike:
Funny thing this hunting business. I've done multiple hunts in Africa. And up until my last one they were all great, little/big problems and all. But my last one was a disaster. So bad in fact it's jilted my desire to ever go back. Does that make me a glass half empty guy or just someone who no longer feels that he's justified to spend big big bucks on another possible nightmare hunt?

I honestly never thought in a million years that my passion for hunting Africa would ever diminish. But at this point it's almost fully extinguished. The problem comes in when I am expected to act like a wide eyed bushy tailed beginner when someone is trying to pull the wool over my eyes. People who ought to know better. Do not piss on my head and tell me it's raining!

I know the feeling. I had a very high dollar 21 day safari in what was supposed to be a prime area in TZ. It was a disaster. There was a drought and the animals were largely gone. I remember being out from before daylight one day to at least a couple of hours after dark and saw 3-4 zebra all day long. I was so worn out from the incessant driving and the PH's negative outlook on life that I almost quit ALL hunting. I came back and gave away a fully paid for elk/mule deer hunt. I had zero desire to go hunting. Fortunately, I got over it.
Posts: 12105 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: 26 January 2006Reply With Quote
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We all know that there are outfitters that misrepresent what's going to happen when the client reaches camp and starts hunting. These same people are also likely to misrepresent associated costs and they do this because its very difficult for clients to verify the "professional's" claims before putting money on the line.

How many people (with the money to pay for a "once in a lifetime hunt") have the ability to research the internet and find out negatives about who they are doing business with? How many folks come to this site and understand what PMs can offer vs some of the exchanges seen on various threads? People that are old enough to buy one or two exotic hunts are often too old to have routinely used internet sources in their business or personal lives on a regular basis. Virtually the only "research" they are capable of conducting is to contact whichever previous clients the outfitter allows them to contact as references!

Organizations such as DSC and SCI thrive on donations from these same outfitters and provide little actual support to hunters that are just ordinary members. Complaints against unscrupulous outfitters are generally ignored until the situation becomes so extreme that have to act and punishment is usually minimal.

Websites such as this provide needed resources and if/when forum members experience something bad before, during, or after the hunt, they can express themselves in a manner that educates future clients. Yea, there's people that complain about everything, but there's also those with valid complaints just as there's good outfitters that should be complimented about their operations and ethics.

If we (like the Safari Clubs) only allowed good reports and discouraged members from reporting bad experiences, we'd be doing hunters a disservice. I'll be doing my homework for a hunt next year and I guarantee that I will use every resource available to help me to decide where and with whom I will do business. There's a big difference between problems which arise in the normal course of a hunt and bullshit surprises which could be part of the way an operator routinely treats clients.

"I'm not fluent in the language of violence, but I know enough to get around in places where it's spoken."

Tanzania 2012: http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/8331015971
Saskatoon, Canada 2013: http://forums.accuratereloadin...4121043/m/7171030391
Las Pampas, Argentina 2014: http://forums.accuratereloadin...4107165/m/1991059791
Posts: 260 | Location: Scottsdale, AZ | Registered: 19 April 2012Reply With Quote
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If the outfitter (owner and PH`s) know the meaning of the word CLASS then you are going to have a good hunt.That said, things are not always that simple because CLASS is hard to come by(look at the lack of class on AR for example-lol).Class towards people from all walks of life.
Posts: 11651 | Location: Montreal | Registered: 07 November 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Pulicords
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Originally posted by shootaway:
If the outfitter (owner and PH`s) know the meaning of the word CLASS then you are going to have a good hunt.That said, things are not always that simple because CLASS is hard to come by(look at the lack of class on AR for example-lol).Class towards people from all walks of life.

+1000!!! Hunting with an operation with CLASS is an experience that will never be forgotten. Unfortunately, hunting with an outfitter that hasn't any class will also be remembered as well. When I look at a trophy on my wall, I want to recall the entire experience that brought it there and be able to relate it to my friends and family. That's what a good hunting trip is all about-the EXPERIENCE.

"I'm not fluent in the language of violence, but I know enough to get around in places where it's spoken."

Tanzania 2012: http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/8331015971
Saskatoon, Canada 2013: http://forums.accuratereloadin...4121043/m/7171030391
Las Pampas, Argentina 2014: http://forums.accuratereloadin...4107165/m/1991059791
Posts: 260 | Location: Scottsdale, AZ | Registered: 19 April 2012Reply With Quote
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From what I have witnessed, there are those clients who will never be satisfied no matter what and will complain no matter what.

AND, there is also a proliferation of mom and pop budget operations that don't know the first thing about the hunting business or what is expected.

At the end of the day, a lot of the responsibility rests on the client's shoulders regarding the type of experience they are about to receive. Certainly there are things way beyond anyone's control like animals suddenly moving off or full moons followed by a mass warthog birth event that keeps leopards full for two weeks during the hottest days in the Zambezi Valley - long story...

Sometimes $hit Happens.


Just Remember, We ALL Told You So.
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Picture of Steve Ahrenberg
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Originally posted by Beretta682E:
Originally posted by larryshores

I don't see it as a problem that someone files a truthful report that reflect some problems. If that same person always has problems, THEY may well be the problem.

I don't understand those on AR that are ready to pounce on everything.


As a consumer of hunts (a highly discretionary activity) I want to see as many hunt reports as possible. The good and especially the bad.

To label negative hunt report writers as whinners or having "the wrong attitude" is no different than complaining about canned lion hunts on some hunter's wild cattle killing south african lion hunt.

Should hunt reports only be positive reports?


Hi Mike,
I think they should be read only, locked from the word go. Since it is intended for information, if you want info, PM the author. No reason for comments.

If your posting your report for kudos, don't do it here.


Formerly "Nganga"
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Originally posted by Frostbit:
Originally posted by surestrike:
Funny thing this hunting business. I've done multiple hunts in Africa. And up until my last one they were all great, little/big problems and all. But my last one was a disaster. So bad in fact it's jilted my desire to ever go back. Does that make me a glass half empty guy or just someone who no longer feels that he's justified to spend big big bucks on another possible nightmare hunt?

I honestly never thought in a million years that my passion for hunting Africa would ever diminish. But at this point it's almost fully extinguished. The problem comes in when I am expected to act like a wide eyed bushy tailed beginner when someone is trying to pull the wool over my eyes. People who ought to know better. Do not piss on my head and tell me it's raining!

Reminds me a bit of Steve's "The Client".

Yes and it might be why I whole heatedly agreed with Steve's article. There comes a time when the "Golly gee Mr. PH" shit needs to wear off and the lets get real about a few things needs to start up. I'm at that point in my life.

Posts: 5210 | Registered: 23 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by jorge:
Originally posted by surestrike:
Funny thing this hunting business. I've done multiple hunts in Africa. And up until my last one they were all great, little/big problems and all. But my last one was a disaster. So bad in fact it's jilted my desire to ever go back. Does that make me a glass half empty guy or just someone who no longer feels that he's justified to spend big big bucks on another possible nightmare hunt?

I honestly never thought in a million years that my passion for hunting Africa would ever diminish. But at this point it's almost fully extinguished. The problem comes in when I am expected to act like a wide eyed bushy tailed beginner when someone is trying to pull the wool over my eyes. People who ought to know better. Do not piss on my head and tell me it's raining!

S/Strike, did you write about this bad experience here or can you share? thanks!

jorge as mentioned multiple times I do not publish hunting reports on AR.

With that in mind I was accused of publishing a negative hunt report about the hunt in question here. Which I never did. The few times I have mentioned some of the negative aspects of the hunt I was falsely charged with inexperience and ignorance by several of our "cool kid" members. I simply won't put up with that crap so the details of the hunt are not to be made public on AR. If you wish I'll be more than glad to share the gist of it with you via PM.

Posts: 5210 | Registered: 23 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of zimbabwe
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I have probably stated on here numerous times that I am undoubtly the luckiest person on this forum. I have never bought a Winchester that would not function as designed and was very accurate. I have also never had a car that was a 'Lemon'. In the same vein I was fortunate enough to make 8 safari's to Zimbabwe before the money and health ran out (luckily simultaneously) and not a single one of them did I have a single problem. This does not mean I got all the animals I went for (I never got a Lion though I tried hard). I missed a few shots but overall was happy at the end of each hunt. My guns over the years have all been extremely accurate (and I have most targets to prove it). God has truly been good to me over the years. This does not mean everything has always been perfect. I have suffered from Arthitis since I was 18Years old (I am presently 80+) I am a type II Diabetic and as a result have Kidney Disease. I have no cartiledge in either knee but so far the steroid injections have coped with the pain. My wife died some years ago after suffering from breast cancer so my life has been not without ANY adverse occurrances. But I was able to attend Gunsmith school and build rifles which was a childhood dream. And all my adult life I was never without gainful employement. My retirement is reasonably secure. I spent several months at a time in Zimbabwe and in that period saw many hunters. The large part of them seemed to be having pleasurable hunts with few problems. I helped an Outfitter friend and his wife scrounge supplies at that period when there was little available in Zimbabwe and I have sat in a vehicle for many hours in line to get petrol and even these things did not diminish my enjoyment of the hunt I was on at the time. I have never been treated so regally in my life as I was on my 8 safari's. As I said I must be the luckiest person on this forum.

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