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Moderators: Paul H
Pants for Early Sept Sheep
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After doing a few searches, I find that most of the pants suggested are no longer made (Mammut Champ for example), or they have been surpassed by newer tech. The three below have been suggested and I would like some thoughts from this group.

Marmot Scree, Kuiu Attack, and OR Cirque.

Anyone have some insight on the differences between Marmot Scree and Kuiu Attack pants? On paper, on at least in the ads, they look pretty comparable, but I don't have easy access to compare them.

I was really liking the OR Cirque pants as well, but think that they may be a little warm for early Sept. dall sheep.

The only thing that I see that is different is the thigh zip vents on the Attacks. Not critical since I can sew a zipper into any pants.

I have a hunt booked with Jake Jefferson this fall for sheep/griz and need to be appropriately stylish for the photos.

Posts: 1489 | Location: Indiana | Registered: 28 January 2011Reply With Quote
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I would go with the Outdoor Research or the Marmot pants. Skip the Kuiu.
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Originally posted by Adventure907:
I would go with the Outdoor Research or the Marmot pants. Skip the Kuiu.

I can tell you what I love for sheep: two pairs of hiking shorts and two pairs of heavy long underwear, with one pair of GoreTex pants. If you are hiking and it is warm, you wear the shorts. Gets cold/want to glass: put on the long underwear and pull the hiking shorts over the long underwear. Gets really cold? Put on the second pair. Rains? Put on the GoreTex. Rain/snow/wind: GoreTex and long underwear.

Works fantastic. My standard for hiking the Grand Canyon as well, only I bring one pr long underwear and dispense with the rain paints.

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I might be divulging my age but wool whipcords have workd for me from the Brooks range to the Pamirs.

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Phil Shoemaker
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Adventure, Why not Kuiu? Customer service? I've talked with a couple guys that had issues getting their stuff.

Arizona, While I understand the concept, I am somewhat sure that I'll fall at some point. Pants will help me bleed less. They will also prevent any newspaper headlines associating poor Jake and a pants free hunter. The media is quite sensationalistic.

458, Did Moses wear them as well? Sorry, I couldn't help it. If you forgive my for the jab, I would think that they would be a bit wet weather intolerant. I have used a lot of wool in Montana winters, and it was great, but could hold a lot of water. Occasionally freezing into something resembling a board.

Posts: 1489 | Location: Indiana | Registered: 28 January 2011Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by farbedo:
Adventure, Why not Kuiu? Customer service? I've talked with a couple guys that had issues getting their stuff.

Arizona, While I understand the concept, I am somewhat sure that I'll fall at some point. Pants will help me bleed less. They will also prevent any newspaper headlines associating poor Jake and a pants free hunter. The media is quite sensationalistic.

458, Did Moses wear them as well? Sorry, I couldn't help it. If you forgive my for the jab, I would think that they would be a bit wet weather intolerant. I have used a lot of wool in Montana winters, and it was great, but could hold a lot of water. Occasionally freezing into something resembling a board.


Hey, it makes a great cold running outfit was well; wore it in Chicago over Christmas and got no funny looks as far as I could tell. Forgot to mention, you use high performance long underwear; it wicks moisture and when it rains, you can tolerate no rain pants unless it is a deluge.

But the question of pants is secondary to boots...

Don't Ever Book a Hunt with Jeff Blair

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AZ, That is what I wear running in the winter here, but I get odd looks. Come to think of it, I get odd looks in the summer as well with just shorts. No one here runs, or is fit in general. A few are, most are weighty.

Boots are a worthy concern. I have two pair of heavy mountain boots already broken in. I am comfortable with either of those.

I have most everything else worked out, at least the big stuff. Pants for some reason are a sticking point. Odd the things that vex one when planning a trip.

Posts: 1489 | Location: Indiana | Registered: 28 January 2011Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by farbedo:

458, Did Moses wear them as well?


Well, now that you mention it I think a few of the military surplus ones I picked up did have his name stenceled in them. You gave me a chuckle. And I still prefer them over any of the new stuff I have tried.

Anyone who claims the 30-06 is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own marksmanship
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Phil, without regard to utility, you do have a reputation for attire that sometimes embarrasses the family.

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Francis Bacon
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I wear ascent pant and carry light and mid weight merino liner pants. First lights kabab pants are pretty decent too.

Perhaps Moses wore Phil's hand me downs....?

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Originally posted by 458Win:
I might be divulging my age but wool whipcords have workd for me from the Brooks range to the Pamirs.

Amen brother. Fuckers last too unlike this rip prone synthetic shit. You know when I fly into camp I also wear my Carhart vest and hoodie.

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I've used both the scree and attack pants. Both work but neither smell very good after 10-12 days. Part of sheep hunting though. If I ever find a pair of quality merino wool pants I'm going with those on my next hunt.


Trust only those who stand to lose as much as you do when things go wrong.
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I had the first version First Lite Kanab pants. Odd fit, and they didn't last one season. I tore out the crotch elk hunting, and the briars/brush did the rest. Two pair of them. I repaired them and relegated them to my turkey gear pile. The new version looks to have corrected those issues.

Icebreaker makes a merino blend pant called the Ika that looks promising, but it is spendy.

As some have noted, wool is pretty good stuff, but I have synthetic gear that has been tough as nails too. It has it's advantages as well.

When I was in high school and had no money, I would hunt in wool dress pants from Salvation Army. $5 got you a pretty good pair of pants.

No opinions on the Outdoor Research pants?

Posts: 1489 | Location: Indiana | Registered: 28 January 2011Reply With Quote
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Jeremy you know if you go with a internet recommended pant and they fall apart on our hunt your never gonna hear the end of it right?! Lol

Master guide #212
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Originally posted by ForrestB:
Phil, without regard to utility, you do have a reputation for attire that sometimes embarrasses the family.

Forrest, a man has to do what he is good at

Anyone who claims the 30-06 is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own marksmanship
Phil Shoemaker
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Jake, that is a good point. But, I get to write the hunt report and can blame some hapless wolverine or marmot for shredding my gear. Pika's can be hell on pants.

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I had a ground squirrel eat my baseball cap once. Left me the bill and the buckle, I suppose he was after all the salt from the sweat in it.

Master guide #212
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Polar Maxx Base, Polar Fleece Pants, Frogg Togg Suit and Sitka Rain Gear..
Frogg Togg Suit will get you thru most Weather and Wet..Knocks the wind down.. No weight and packs down to nothing..
I've hiked with just the Polar Maxx bottoms when warm..
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Past few years I've been wearing Duluth Trading Co, Dry on the Fly Flex. Love them, but not sure they are any better or worse than any of the hunting geared cloths, bit are much cheaper... they hold up really well in alders, dwarf birch (terribly abrasive shit, it eats OR Crocodile gaiters for lunch) and what ever else the bush throws at me.

Good luck on your sheep hunt.
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Ivan, I didn't realize that they had synthetic pants like those. they look really promising. If not for hunting AK, at least for outdoor activities around here. They would be perfect for wade fishing streams around here for smallies. The briars will tear up most pants.

Pulled the trigger on some Kuiu Attacks, OR Cirques and Mammut Courmeayr's (not on my list, but a good sale). I'll see which I like the best and return the rest.

thanks everyone.

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I bet your guide will be wearing spandex....

Master guide #212
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Gee my guide on the sheep hunt wore cut off jeans, leather moccasins , Hard Rock T shirt and a American flag bandanna to keep his pony tail in place.
Got my sheep that's what matters.
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Originally posted by Fourtyonesix:
I bet your guide will be wearing spandex....

Of all the questions that I could have asked before I sent the deposit, your affinity for spandex never occurred to me.

The check cleared, so too late to worry about it now.

Posts: 1489 | Location: Indiana | Registered: 28 January 2011Reply With Quote
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Do you have a favorite color? I'll toss in a extra set for you when your other pants fall apart....

Master guide #212
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If you looking for a good Cloaking Color try Fuchsia Spandex.. Big Grin
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And now I am sorry for opening this can of worms.....Nah, not really.

Fuchsia gives me hives, I am a leopard print kind of guy. Get a one piece if you can swing it.

This trip may be quite a bit different than others that I have experienced.

Posts: 1489 | Location: Indiana | Registered: 28 January 2011Reply With Quote
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Maybe I can find a leopard
Or zebra print leatard from my moms old work out days, if not my old high school wrestling singlet has some stains that look like an animal print...

Master guide #212
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Originally posted by Fourtyonesix:
Maybe I can find a leopard
Or zebra print leatard from my moms old work out days, if not my old high school wrestling singlet has some stains that look like an animal print...

Here you go Jake. Just knock the heels off those Koflachs. Big Grin

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2015 His & Her Leopards with Derek Littleton of Luwire Safaris - http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/2971090112
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Pants for hunting? People wear pants?



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Way back when we wore Woolrich and Panty hose.Anybody remember wearing silk long johns?
That's all we had in the 60's.
Old Joe
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Pants for Early Sept Sheep - Pants are highly recommended for hunting sheep in Alaska. Also recommended for any other hunting in Alaska. Big Grin

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Originally posted by mart:
Pants for Early Sept Sheep - Pants are highly recommended for hunting sheep in Alaska. Also recommended for any other hunting in Alaska. Big Grin

Maybe that is what Forrest was talking about !

I did know a woman who guided sheep hunters in the Wrangels in the 1980's who was certainly not afraid to strip down to bra and panties when climbing on warm days during the early August hunts.

Anyone who claims the 30-06 is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own marksmanship
Phil Shoemaker
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You first.. I'll be right behind Ya.. Big Grin
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Picture of Big Wonderful Wyoming
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I had an ex-girlfriend had a female friend that guided in BC, besides that fact that lead clients to shoot a gob of nanny goats, she had implants and used to run around in a half shirt.

I have been married for long enough to my wife, that I can't remember much about her. She lived on the coast in a small town, and hunted for an outfitter up north on the Yukon border.

Every time she'd have a client shoot a nanny she said she had to "make it up to them".

Anyway she was a buckle bunny in the rodeo chasing cans in the off season. In typical barrel racer fashion she went through boyfriends pretty fast. Maybe one a night?
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Duluth pants got mentioned, so I'll mention the Duluth Foreman Fire Hose pants have a zipper pocket on the right front and that's the most comfortable place to carry a small auto pistol that I have found.
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Carpetman, in a pocket holster or just as is?

Very interesting the direction this thread took. Must be post hunting season boredom.

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Farbedo--I wrap it in a handkerchief. Not going to win a fast draw contest, but you don't expect concealed to be a fast draw situation. The pants I mentioned are the only Duluth pants with that pocket, wish they had them in denim as well.
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Try a holster called a Sticky Holster. They are a simple holster with a grippy rubber outside that keeps it in your pocket.

I use one with a SP101 in a heavy denim jacket that has a vertical zip breast pocket.

And now I have hijacked my own thread, after it was hijacked by some spandex wearing bear and sheep guide.

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Your guide sounds awesome...

Master guide #212
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Originally posted by Big Wonderful Wyoming:
I had an ex-girlfriend had a female friend that guided in BC, besides that fact that lead clients to shoot a gob of nanny goats, she had implants and used to run around in a half shirt.

I have been married for long enough to my wife, that I can't remember much about her. She lived on the coast in a small town, and hunted for an outfitter up north on the Yukon border.

Every time she'd have a client shoot a nanny she said she had to "make it up to them".

Anyway she was a buckle bunny in the rodeo chasing cans in the off season. In typical barrel racer fashion she went through boyfriends pretty fast. Maybe one a night?

Pictures or it didn't happen!! Smiler
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