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Sprayand pray, rather an apt term given your comments, I did NOT state that American hunters had ANYTHING to do with the lumber tariffs; you misunderstood my post, hardly surprising. The TOTAL contribution to the BC economy from US hunters and even anglers is a TINY part of the whole and is not going to increase, given current economic trends down there. See "Jetboater's" post subsequent to your rant to see what I refer to. In any case, the majority of VOTERS here in BC, ESPECIALLY the younger ones are VERY opposed to American trophy collectors coming here and THAT is what will result in such activities being banned. I have traveled all through BC, again, during the past three years and even a couple of very well-known GOs I spoke with up north quite openly told me that they are changing their operations to a more non-consumptive tourist operation as they know that "non.-res. alien" hunting is on the way out. Couple of questions, do you LIVE in BC, were/are you employed in resource management of any sort and are you a professional such as a bio or forester? I am just curious as to where you get your opinions from as they certainly do not jibe with what I hear and I discuss this with different people at least weekly. As to what Alberta farmers chose to do with THEIR land, I guess it is UP TO THEM who they allow to hunt on THEIR property; seems kinda SOCIALIST to try to force private holders to allow anyone on their land, eh? | |||
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another of those god-damned trophy hunting foreigners taking YOUR game. https://forums.accuratereloading.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/...=521100659#521100659 ****************************************************************** SI VIS PACEM PARA BELLUM *********** | |||
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Dewey,with your intimate knowledge and understanding of the BC scene,can you tell us how many Americans get a hunting license each year there? Would it be more than 1,000 a year? How many foreigners a year,NOT including hunters from other Canadian provinces,who you classify as foreigners? ****************************************************************** SI VIS PACEM PARA BELLUM *********** | |||
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Not sure what I misunderstood here. Your opinion seems clear to me. As far as Alberta landowners, are you aware of the fact that it's illegal for them to charge a trespass fee for hunters?? Seems kinda socialist, doesn't it? As far as voters go, you must be a busy man talking to those millions. Non-consumptive tourism is a drop in the bucket in income compared to hunting/fishing. $35,000 for a Stone's Sheep viewing trip? I doubt it, and the overhead is similar. I know several GO's from BC, strangely enough I get the feeling they don't share your sentiments. | |||
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The numbers I have recently seen are in excess of 5000 "non-resident" licences per annum issued to hunters here in BC, this in contrast to about 90,000 resident licences. Sorry,, but, while most of these are issued to Americans, I do not have exact numbers for each group of foreign hunters. There ARE some hunters from other nations whom I WANT to see here and hope to get further data from the MOE when possible, to assist with the changes in who does/does not get to hunt in BC. My fellow Canadians account for relatively few of these and are, of course, WELCOME here in BC, at any time. In fact, I strongly favour giving other Canucks a specific share of BC's game, by annual draw and dropping the current requirement for guided hunting for them. This would quite easily be accomodated and with a lower annual harvest rate, for rare species such as Stone's Sheep, when American trophy collecting here is banned as they now kill the largest share of these animals. It would be good for Canadian unity to allow our brothers from Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and other jurisdictions who are not endowed with BC's abundance of game to have a realistic chance at these trophies now grabbed by foreigners not welcome here. My comments vis a vis the feelings of BC citizens concerning American trophy collectors and the impact of the "softwood" situation where the USA REPEATEDLY broke it's word on a negotiated, signed treaty, are what I have heard throughout this province. The level of harsh anti-Americanism here now, is higher than I have ever seen it, even during the latter part of the "Vietnam Era" and THIS is NOT likely to diminish, given the vast demographic changes in BC-Canadian society during the interim period....my neighbours are largely Vietnamese refugees and they HATE Americans and they ALSO VOTE..... The ENTIRE "hunting industry" here in BC, is a TINY conponent of the BC economy as compared with non-consumptive tourism. Such tourism includes SKIING, probably the largest generator of $$$$$ and also other forms of "adventure tourism" which is growing here exponentially, while HUNTING quotas for Stone's rams, etc., have recently been reduced and the word is that further cuts of this type are coming. If, you want verification of this, simply call the BC Wildlife Branch and ASK them about the levels of "harvest" and "quotas" planned for future years. Also, check the websites of the various GOs in the regions where the high dollar hunts take place and SEE the recent attempts to broaden their operations to attract tourists at all seasons of the year. While the GOs may not WANT an end to American trophy collectors being allowed here, it really doesn't matter as they simply do NOT have the political clout to offset the growing opposition to this necessary and culturally beneficial change in BC. I would expect that American hunting here will be a memory in less than a decade and the next administration is being lobbied as we speak to do precisely this; I am merely reporting what I see happening. Yes, I know that Albertan landholders cannot charge a "trespass fee", so what, that was not my point, just as you ARE NOT a BC resident and totally ignored my questions pertaining to YOUR "qualifications"..... Anyway, I think that it is wise to simply drop this thread as it will never end in anything other than further acrimony, which is pointless on AR. But, suit yourselves, carry on if it makes you feel good. | |||
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Geeezus christ, you haven't changed a bit kutenay, still spouting the same old anti-American bullshit everywhere you go. Please, keep telling us how YOU don't want American sportsman hunting and fishing in BC, like YOU can do anything about it. What a joke. "We band of 45-70'ers" | |||
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dewey 5000 tags out of 90,000 are for-ein-ers and you blame us for your dwindling game? And you talk of how welcome your fellow canadians are today,yet I read one of your posts where you lumped canadians from other provinces in as "for-ein-ers. Now you decide you dont want to talk about it anymore,when we start to see you in the light of day.Well in my humble opinion sir,your not stupid,just an asshole.Crawl back into your hole and stay there. ![]() And a quick perusual of the BC regulations finds no mention of restricting access to anyone. ****************************************************************** SI VIS PACEM PARA BELLUM *********** | |||
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dewey- I'm not going to dignify your rhetoric with a response. Thanks for your time. | |||
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Dewey, I've never hunted or fished in Canada. Lots of people I've met who have fished Canada really had a great time but if we Americans are truly more trouble than we're worth, by all means shut it off. That's the right of your citizens and government. On a different note, hunting and fishing may not bring in much revenue for B.C. but perhaps it's time our government took a good hard look at our current trade situation with Canada. According to the U.S. Census Bureau dated August 2008, the U.S. had a $7.4 billion dollar trade deficit with Canada. You obviously don't need our money and I can think of much better things for our country to do with $7.4 billion dollars than to give it to Canadians. How are we evil Americans going to execute our plan for world domination and the total eradication of Canada's Stone Sheep population if we keep giving away money to Socialist countries? Canada is only the tip of the trade deficit iceberg, the picture only gets more grim as we look out over other socialist countries and our fiscally one-sided business relationships with them...but I digress and am way off topic. | |||
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Wrong answer. UN TOP 50 2007 Look at the top 50 countries. USA is number twelve behind Iceland (#1), Norway (#2), Japan (#8) and France (#10)? Oh, that explains it. The UN picked them! | |||
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Oh flippy you really are too stupid to realize when someone is playing you don't you. Maybe get your girlfriends kids to explain it to you-seems to me they wrote your replies anyhow. Anyhow I am done with this thread. By the way now that I think about the poll I saw was countries picked by americans. ![]() ![]() ![]() Hunting isn't a mater of life and death......it's more important than that | |||
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As far as I'm concerned, Marabou went too far in his comments regarding Candians. His argument is with the tree hugger preservationists. He reacted to the situation rather than acting on it. IMHO, I've never met a Canadian I haven't liked or respected. Too bad this thread turned into a childish "my dad can beat up your dad" scenario. Some of we Americans should keep in mind the help/assistance the Canadians have provided us in the most "recent conflict in the sandbox" as an example. I for one, thoroughly enjoy the times I spend/have spent in Canada (esp. Dawson) and have always felt welcomed. I hope you Canadian members on the board don't hold your posted attutudes about all Americans. As in every society, there are jerks. Just my comments. Bear in Fairbanks Unless you're the lead dog, the scenery never changes. I never thought that I'd live to see a President worse than Jimmy Carter. Well, I have. Gun control means using two hands. | |||
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I judge the person not the country. I don't think hunters and responsible gunowners should allow or cause a division amongst ourselves. In all countries our freedoms are being attacked by ignorant liberals. If a foriegner owns the rights to guide in a given country for fees obviously it's legal. Taking away the foreign rights to hunt in any country is a step back. Why? IE: In BC the resident has a better chance in the LEH draw, if they apply for an area furthest from their home address. The reasonning is to spread money around. We need global economy for every aspect of this thing we do. Jobs are created and not just in the field, it is a win for everyone involved. I hope this makes sense, as I consider boom stick, Idaho SharpShooter, hogkiller, jeffeosso, RIP, Robgunbuilder (there are others sorry if I didn't mention at this time) as my friends and would very much like to welcome them to Canada for a hunting trip, hopefully sooner than later. | |||
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Now that this thread has become a bit more civil, I shall continue and I very much appreciate Bear's comments. I am not now and have never been "anti-American" AND I have NOT, as yet, made ANY submissions to the BC MOE in respect of banning American hunting here. Why? Very simply, I have too many American friends whom I have and do assist to hunt here. HOWEVER, and REGARDLESS of the peurile attempts to denigrate and mock me and my country, the FACT is that Americans hunting here and even fishing here is DEFINITELY becoming quite unpopular and this sentiment IS growing. Thus,I thought it quite relevant to point out that inchoate comments here CAN and DO tend to aggravate this situation..." a word to the wise"...eh? I strongly disagree concerning foreign "ownership" and operation of ANY BC/Canadian hunting/fishing operation, at any level. The legality of the current system is irrelevant, it used to be illegal for native-born BC citizens who were not "white" to vote, so, I am not concerned with laws, but, with the birthrights of people like me....and BC BELONGS to US! I know that LEH diminishes MY opportunities and it is strongly supported by the Guide-Outfitters; I want this system eliminated and open general seasons for residents implemented and THEN, we can consider "quotas" for foreign users. BCers FIRST, other CANADIANS next and then, we can see what may be available. Generally, I do think that all sports hunters should stick together, but, I also see far too many slurs at Canada on these hunting forums and I have no intention of allowing that to happen, without speaking out. Anyway, it would seem that "wiser heads have prevailed" and that is to ALL of our benefit. | |||
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You weren't "playing," you were wrong and I called you on it. ![]() Her kids should have written your posts, at least they wouldn't have been wrong! ![]() JUST A TYPICAL WHITE GUY BITTERLY CLINGING TO GUNS AND RELIGION Definition of HOPLOPHOBIA "I'm the guy that originally wrote the 'assault weapons' ban." --- Former Vice President Joe Biden | |||
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Really??? And where was I wrong??? I said that worldwide Canada was considered a much more desirable place to live then the US. And i was right.Gee sorry if I couldn't remember the exact placements-don't have a photographic memory. What I was doing was stretching the truth to make a point. You should really get the kids to explain stuff to you before you come on here. ![]() Hunting isn't a mater of life and death......it's more important than that | |||
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Wow, I'm glad this thread isn't in the Canadian hunting board. That would just be embarrassing. ![]() | |||
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See, that's where your mistaken, we're not mocking your country, we're just tired of the bullshit you spew. I've seen it on various other forums and it's always the same thing. You talk like you own that country and are always saying how YOU are going to get things changed but it's going to take more than just YOU to make that happen. Good luck with that. "We band of 45-70'ers" | |||
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The list I gave you was compiled by the 192 member states of the UN, not CITIZENS worldwide, DA. The leadership of at least 50% of the countries in the UN hold vehement disdain for the United States. I know four families that have moved FROM Canada to the US, but only one that moved TO Canada. And they did it because the wife was originally from BC and her Mom was very ill. Besides it is fun (and easy) to push your buttons. ![]() JUST A TYPICAL WHITE GUY BITTERLY CLINGING TO GUNS AND RELIGION Definition of HOPLOPHOBIA "I'm the guy that originally wrote the 'assault weapons' ban." --- Former Vice President Joe Biden | |||
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See, that's where your mistaken, we're not mocking your country, we're just tired of the bullshit you spew. I've seen it on various other forums and it's always the same thing. You talk like you own that country and are always saying how YOU are going to get things changed but it's going to take more than just YOU to make that happen. Good luck with that.[/QUOTE] Whatever. | |||
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Ain't my buttons being pushed. ![]() Hunting isn't a mater of life and death......it's more important than that | |||
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M70nut How true | |||
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This whole Canada is a more favorable or desirable place to live than the U.S. is interesting. Here's a few fun facts with weblinks included. In 2007, Canada received 236,758 new permanent residents. Over 250,000 permanent resident visas were issued, which is within the target range of 240,000 to 265,000. That's a lot of immigration to Canada. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/statistics/facts2007/foreword.asp Here's one for the U.S. As of 2006, the United States accepts more legal immigrants as permanent residents than any other country in the world. In 2006, the number of immigrants totaled 37.5 million. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_to_the_United_States Here's another: In 2007, a total of 1,052,415 persons became Legal Permanent Residents of the United States (see Table 1 and Figure 1). Interestingly, In 2007, 15,495 Canadians became U,.S. citizens. http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/statistics/publications/LPR_FR_2007.pdf Unfortunately, I couldn't easily find how many Americans immigrated to Canada. Although, I did find in 2005, just over 9,000 Americans became Canadian citizens. So, if Canada is a more desirable place to live. Why is it more people come to live in the U.S. than Canada? More importantly, how can we encourage more immigration to Canada? Seems we have somewhere around 11 million illegal immigrants who haven't been told how much more desirable Canada is to live in than the U.S. I for one would be happy to send em to Canada. If there are any illegal immigrants in the U.S. reading this post, please P.M. me and I'll give you the web link for the Canadian Immigration web site. On second thought, don't bother with the P.M. Here's the link: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/index.asp Seriously though,that is a lot of immigration to Canada. Must be the beer... ![]() | |||
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Yep. Send 'em north! ![]() ![]() JUST A TYPICAL WHITE GUY BITTERLY CLINGING TO GUNS AND RELIGION Definition of HOPLOPHOBIA "I'm the guy that originally wrote the 'assault weapons' ban." --- Former Vice President Joe Biden | |||
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Strange. I just returned from another DIY waterfowl hunting trip in Canada and found the residents or citizens of Canada to be as hospitable, friendly, and pleasant to be around as ever. None of the acrimony advertized here in this thread was noticable. As far as a nice place to live, from what little I've seen of Canada I certainly agree. The outdoor opportunities are abundant and the environment/ social setting seem attractive. I seem to prefer The United States due to what I percieve a more appealing form of government and at least equal outdoor opportunities, environmental/ social settings. The anti hunters featured in the begining of this thread in my opinion deserve little respect. However, I see no reason to denigrate the citizens or nation of Canada. In all, a pleasant place to visit full of pleasant people. Good neighbors as I see it. | |||
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Do you think that your pleasant, courteous and respectful attitude and behaviour "might" have anything to do with the good experiences you have in my country? The fact is that most Canadians now are far less accepting of foreign "ownership" and/or use of our raw resources than was the case a generation ago. We are experiencing a huge change in demographics, culture, economic base and our traditions, even military alliances. With the increasing tightening of the Canada-US border, by the US government, there will continue to be a growing distance and separation between our two nations and I doubt that anything can really be done about that. The former US Ambassador to Canada, has spoken out about this and in very realistic terms, however, Mr. Celluci is not listened to by the policymakers in "DC" and so various problems continue to degrade the relationship that has existed since WWII. The type of slurs posted here are often found on some hunting-related websites; is it any wonder that many Canucks respond by saying that we really don't want Americans hunting/fishing here......like it or not, times ARE changing and the old ways are disappearing fast. | |||
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What Scott King said is true. 99% of Canadians do eaxactly like Scott said. There are however that 1% like one other poster on this thread who talks alot and leaves a bad taste in everyones mouth. Take it with a grain of salt and come up here and enjoy. | |||
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One might also consider that an illiterate who does not even bother to post WHERE in Canada he lives/hunts might well be a less than reliable source of information. Such types often are employed in the GO "industry", yet, seldom will openly admit this on forums, prefering to indulge in misspelled and ignorant rhetoric. | |||
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Not something I have experienced. I suppose my courteous attitude does facilitate a reaction in kind. On the other hand I would think most would expect nothing else as in person encounters don't encourage the courageous sneers allowed on the internet. Canada, it's fine lands and finer people are certainly something I look forward to visiting again and again, my actual on the ground experiences outweighing internet hostility in that decision. | |||
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I noticed that you don't post where you are from in Canada......... It cuts both ways. I agree that the initial post launched into an attack on Canada and that triggered the back and forth, but it truly is counter productive considering that we as hunters have many enemies irrespective of which side of the border you call home. JMHO. "Ignorance you can correct, you can't fix stupid." JWP If stupidity hurt, a lot of people would be walking around screaming. Semper Fidelis "Building Carpal Tunnel one round at a time" | |||
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Who are you refering to? | |||
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I would have thought that my posts were very clear as to my being a native British Columbian, from a family that has lived here for almost 140 yrs. We also came to Canada in the early 17thC. and my nationalism and nativism are a consequence of this, as one would expect. However, that is hardly the issue here and I think that those Americans here who DO act in a respectful manner toward we Canadians and our "home and native land" ARE usually welcomed; as I do every time I assist a poster here with specific info. as to hunting in B.C., something I have repeatedly done. Certainly, the most desireable situation is for all of us, as hunters/anglers and just as North Americans to stick together and act to promote conservation, hunting and gun ownership. But, things ARE changing here and not for the better, from a hunting point of view. A lot of we BC guys are pretty confused as to exactly what to do; I have found that many do not seem to see who/what is really destroying our hunting heritage and THAT is largely what motivates me to make the posts I do. Like it or not, anti and non-hunters DO read these forums and many of them are not very impressed by the slurs on Canada that do happen here....so, IMO, such comments DO tend to damage the "non-res. alien" hunting opportunities here and that has been my major point. Capiche? | |||
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Again, I agree with you that we must stick together as I have pointed out a couple of times. Yes, some anti-hunters do read these posts and are not impressed with the US bashing that goes on here as well. Again, Dewey, it cuts both ways. Show us some respect as well. "Ignorance you can correct, you can't fix stupid." JWP If stupidity hurt, a lot of people would be walking around screaming. Semper Fidelis "Building Carpal Tunnel one round at a time" | |||
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Can you show me a post, where I or any other Canadian slagged the USA or Americans as the original poster did here and which happens here and on other forums fairly regularly? I do not and my fellow Canucks do not, ever make the kind of slurs that we are frequently subjected to UNLESS an American does it first. But, I do not care what any Yank thinks of Canada or we Canadians; I simply WILL NOT tolerate them hunting/fishing here when they make these kinds of comments. As to being able to prevent such activities, this IS happening now. Last year, a chap who lives here and was born in BC, but, raised in the US had two of his friends go fishing on the Q.C.I. These chaps were older and, one of them did not procure the correct licence. He still went fishing, in violation of BC law and was checked by one of our Conservation Officers and found in violation. The Conservation Officer issued the appropriate ticket and THEN, very bluntly told the American that, "we Canadians are tired of you Americans coming up here and taking our resources" and that was that. I used to work for the BCF&W, briefly and the Forest Service for almost a decade, from '65 to '74; that comment would NEVER have been made in those days, but, I have heard FAR worse in some of the major GO camps here within the past five years and from the GO's employees. Now, do not misunderstand me here, I DO NOT approve of the CO's behaviour in this instance; it was VERY un-professional and uncalled for. I have checked lots of people in various bush pursuits and would, in his place, very likely have warned the old gentleman and let it go. BUT, this attitude IS so prevalent now that I comment on it because it is partially driven by attitudes such as those shown here. If, you do not have a high opinion of Canada and Canadians, fine, who cares, but, you are not welcome here as a guest in our country and certainly not to use our resources. WE did not slag the US here and we have every right to ban any foreigner from Canada that we wish to, for any reason we consider appropriate. To verify the foregoing anecdote, check with "Mickey" who posts here and on 24Hr. sometimes; the guy in question is a friend of his. BTW, I tried to ASSIST this guy as I do not want anyone coming here treated this way, but, it IS indicative of the changing attitudes concerning resources Canadians now have. | |||
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Marabou comments "My opinion is that Canada is a socialist country, Relying on the U.S. for much if not all of its economic growth. If it was not for the American dollar there would be no Canada. My opinion is you need to research all the facts about hunting, fishing and trapping before you go spewing your rhetoric. It is through your ignorance and misunderstanding of the true facts about the hunting, fishing, and trapping sports that causes you to have the opinions you have. Hopefully you do not instill those values in your children as we see that in Canada the values are distorted by allowing Gay marriage to be legal., and having your gun rights regulated and your terrible universal government regulated failing health care system." If people look he notes "in my opinion" he is allowed to have that. You may disagree, but you are also allowed to do that. Unfortunatley some of his opinion is very close to the truth. NDP, Liberal and green parties are socialist goverments and if you take the popular vote from the last election Marabou is correct. As far as gay marriges are I don't like them but they are allowed in some parts of the states as well. Our health care system definatley needs some upgrading so again he is unfortunatley telling the truth.Gun rights he definatly hits the nail on the head.Also the US is our largest trading partner. Dewey you maybe a proud Canadian but you are rude to other people who do not agree to your posts... to an extreme. seriously take a look at some of the other threads you have posted in, once you start, people just get pissed off at you. Not because you disagree with them but you threaten them with so called hunting and fishing changes and you insult them personaly. I am a proud Canadian who lives in Millarville, Alberta. | |||
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You've been bashing the US throughout this thread, so don't get self-righteous. Your fellow Canucks don't bash the US unless and American does it first? How adult of you. I just find it curious that you spend so much time in the Alaska forum if you dislike America so much. Seems a bit incongruous to me. Again, this is all counter productive. I have nothing against Canada or Canadians in general, and try to judge individuals rather than whole populations. "Ignorance you can correct, you can't fix stupid." JWP If stupidity hurt, a lot of people would be walking around screaming. Semper Fidelis "Building Carpal Tunnel one round at a time" | |||
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I really do not consider this to BE ...self-righteous..., but, I am not surprised that you do. I also do not care and almost never come to this section of AR, I simply saw the original slag and responded. IF, defending MY country IS ...bashing..., well, too bad, I will do so whenever I consider it necessary. I am perfectly willing to debate/discuss this with a literate person, such as you are, but, since we disagree, let's drop it and move on. Best to you, I have no animosity toward you or other Yanks and simply post what I experience. Cheers. | |||
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Hmmm, looks to me like the original E-mail sender was successful. He got all you hunters feuding. Besides that, I have to admit i agree with the E-mailer, in that I don't think we should shoot the poor Bears in the head either. Screws up a good mount! ![]() | |||
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