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Moderators: Paul H
Interesting E-Mail recieved
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This is from our canadian " brothers and sisters ". They were actualy dumb enough to use their actual e-mail address to respond back to. Please have a read and look at our response.


I accidentally came across your website viewing nature scene photos. I was sickened by these images. Knowing that in Alberta there are less than 400 grizzly bears left, made me even sicker. How could anyone put a price on this kind of cruelty. Hunting is not a sport, it's a one sided slaughter. Why not hunt down these magnificent creatures and take their picture rather than shooting them in the head to show off to your disgusting hunting friends. How can you even sleep at night?

Our Response:

Dear Madam, Sir

In Alaska which by the way is in The United States ( a free country ) there happens to be a growing Brown Bear population. This has lead to a huge predation problem with the other non carnivorous animals present including people. Hunting is a sport. A great one. It also serves many purposes like feeding the hungry through food banks, and creating billions of dollars to state, federal, and also local communities that without hunting income from hunters all over the world would not exist and either would the communities that rely on them. A lot of communities single largest source of income is from the hunting industry.

You now I have personally hunted in the country you live in. If it was not for the hunters not just from the U.S but all over the world coming into Canada with their dollars to hunt your Black Bear, Moose, Caribou, Deer and others the communities there would also suffer immensely and become ghost towns,

If you personally do not like hunting then that is your opinion.

My opinion is that Canada is a socialist country, Relying on the U.S. for much if not all of its economic growth. If it was not for the American dollar there would be no Canada. My opinion is you need to research all the facts about hunting, fishing and trapping before you go spewing your rhetoric. It is through your ignorance and misunderstanding of the true facts about the hunting, fishing, and trapping sports that causes you to have the opinions you have. Hopefully you do not instill those values in your children as we see that in Canada the values are distorted by allowing Gay marriage to be legal., and having your gun rights regulated and your terrible universal government regulated failing health care system.

Big game hunting all over the world is funded solely by the income of hunters, fisherman, and trappers. Billions of dollars spent solely by hunters to ensure game population thrive and remain a valuable resource for even non hunting picture takers like yourself. So a simple thank you to all the hunters, fishers, and trappers out there would have been sufficient. As when was the last time the picture takers and animal lovers spent one dime ensuring our valuable natural resources. It is because of us you have the opportunities for picture taking as without us managing our resources and Big game populations there would not be all the ( little fuzzy creatures ) you so like to photograph and surf the web looking at.

Get the facts, and realize you should send us all a big Thank you instead of spewing you uninformed and misguided rhetoric.

And in answer to your question. How can you even sleep at night? With a full belly and very, very well !!!!! Thanks for your concern.

Thank you
NWA Outfitters

Doug Klunder
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thumb salute

.If it can,t be grown , its gotta be mined ....
Posts: 3445 | Location: Copper River Valley , Prudhoe Bay , and other interesting locales | Registered: 19 November 2006Reply With Quote
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Wow.. Not sure what Canada has to do with the rantings of a misinformed Tree hugger type.

You could have taken this oportunity to exchange thoughts on why you hunt.. But instead you just gave a malicious uninformed slap at your neighboor. It doesnt make me as a CANADIAN want to deal with your company.

Calgary Guy
Posts: 108 | Location: Calgary | Registered: 26 June 2007Reply With Quote
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I have to agree with CG on this one, though well intended, your e-mail could have been written with a little more thought. Your comments about Canada won't help your business either. Canada is our closest neighbor and friend they serve proudly right alongside our troops. Lighten up a little bit on Canada eh...... beer

"We band of 45-70'ers"
Posts: 845 | Location: S.C. Alaska | Registered: 27 October 2006Reply With Quote
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( Wow.. Not sure what Canada has to do with the rantings of a misinformed Tree hugger type.

You could have taken this oportunity to exchange thoughts on why you hunt.. But instead you just gave a malicious uninformed slap at your neighboor. It doesnt make me as a CANADIAN want to deal with your company. )

Did'nt I. I thought I pretty much did, Not just why I but we hunt.
Malicious and uninformed slap???? I thought my response was Truthful, Honest, well informed and to the point. People like this need to not be sugarcoated with 1/2 trues and misinformation. Please if there are any untrues in my response to them correct them.
I have many friends whom live in Canada and also are outfitters. I am speaking the true's they have told me for years. If that was not the case than why since forever are all hunts offered in Canada quoted in U.S. Dollars.

Please do not sugar coat trues. If enough sugar coating goes on it just turns back into sap.

Our reputation in the outfitting business is outstanding. We have the years of Service and success rates to prove it. Over the last 20 + years we have been i business I can only recall 1 canadian hunter coming to our outfit. But yet I persoanlly have made 10 hunitng trips and more fishing trips than that AS well as sent numerous other friends to your country to hunt and fish.
See the pattern here.

Doug Klunder
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Canada is a great country. With alot of great people. Maybe a little overboard and did not intend to offend. Just P***** OFF that these people wherever they may be are so uninformed about why we hunt. They sent a few other e-mails to our website today and after reading all thought this response was warranted.

Again did not mean to offend All Canadians.

Doug Klunder
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You should have kept to the subject matter about the views of this person rather than ranting about the country they live in. Way over the top and completely unecessary buddy.


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Agreed Sorry just really got under my skin. Should have not listened to Ted the other day on Fox News. Just got my blood pumping. They sent some really nasty and personal stuff.

Doug Klunder
Posts: 163 | Location: United States | Registered: 27 May 2007Reply With Quote
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Marabou.. Tis ok.. We all have brain cramps every now and then.

Personaly I really enjoyed Alaska on the 2 hunting trips I made there this past year.
Loved the people, loved the adventure!
Posts: 108 | Location: Calgary | Registered: 26 June 2007Reply With Quote
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can you find their post-adress from the e-mail adress?
if so, i would have mailed them the intestines from your next kill.

i admire your ability to answer them in a polite manner, i usually don't
Posts: 930 | Location: Norway | Registered: 31 March 2007Reply With Quote
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Something else your little stalker has wrong.
Alberta has way more than 400 Grizz.
#1 they dont count national parks (of wich we have 2 extremly large ones based in the mountains and one smaller one we share with Montaina..(Glacier))
#2 They havent counted the Grizz in northern alberta, only in the southern parts have the so called count been done
#3 they dont count cubs...
#4 I happen to think the count itself is flawed and it is being pushed by "tree Hugger" organisations.

We havent had hunting for the past few years on these bears. And due to special intrest groups I doubt we will see it again anytime soon.
That would be the main reason I chose to head to Alaska to chase these bears. Succesfully I might add.. I just had to take 2 cravks at it.

Take care
Calgary Guy
Posts: 108 | Location: Calgary | Registered: 26 June 2007Reply With Quote
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My opinion is that Canada is a socialist country, Relying on the U.S. for much if not all of its economic growth. If it was not for the American dollar there would be no Canada. My opinion is you need to research all the facts about hunting, fishing and trapping before you go spewing your rhetoric. It is through your ignorance and misunderstanding of the true facts about the hunting, fishing, and trapping sports that causes you to have the opinions you have. Hopefully you do not instill those values in your children as we see that in Canada the values are distorted by allowing Gay marriage to be legal., and having your gun rights regulated and your terrible universal government regulated failing health care system.

That's not a malicous slap???

As far as our gun laws-it's alot easier for you to bring a gun into my country then it is for me to bring one into yours.

Hunting isn't a mater of life and's more important than that
Posts: 76 | Location: Northwest Alberta, Canada | Registered: 05 October 2004Reply With Quote
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Marabou Slasher,

You have the right to respond to the email any way you like. Neither you nor your business represent America nor the hunting community at matter what the politically correct masses tell you. You're a private individual and as such may reply as you like.

I'm not a big fan of Canada or their policies either but that's just my opinion as I too represent no one but myself. I've paid their fees to transport my firearms through Canada one two occasions and got a quick roadside interogation from an RCMP who mistakenly assumed a box of 12 gauge shotgun slugs in my glove compartment was a box of 32 special ammo.

From a business perspective, you may have just lost a potential Canadian customer but based on his/her attitude I doubt they would have purchased your services anyway.

I'm not advocating we deliberately be rude to anti-hunters no matter what country they're from ...that won't get us anywhere but you are entitled to your opinion...
Posts: 453 | Location: North Pole, Alaska | Registered: 28 April 2001Reply With Quote
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dont worry about pissing off the bear huggers.nothing you say will make them happy, anyway.
If you Canadians have thin skin,damn well better stay off the political forum.There are a few Canadians there who have little or no trouble running their yap about the US.get over it,we're big boys here mostly.


Posts: 2937 | Location: minnesota | Registered: 26 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by jb:
dont worry about pissing off the bear huggers.nothing you say will make them happy, anyway.
If you Canadians have thin skin,damn well better stay off the political forum.There are a few Canadians there who have little or no trouble running their yap about the US.get over it,we're big boys here mostly.

Got nothing to do with thin skin-just don't like people putting down my country-I'm sure if the shoe was on the other foot you would be singing a differant tune.

Hunting isn't a mater of life and's more important than that
Posts: 76 | Location: Northwest Alberta, Canada | Registered: 05 October 2004Reply With Quote
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That was one of the worst responses to an anti hunter I've seen! I'm not saying that just because I'm Canadian. Your first paragraph was bang on but after that, wow, way off topic (gay marriage???) and poorly written (including grammer and spelling!)

You had a great opportunity to educate someone who is clearly way off base and instead your ignorance was the only message this person heard.

To say " This is from our canadian " brothers and sisters ". " and paint us all with the same brush shows exactly who is "dumb enough"!
Posts: 256 | Location: Fort Nelson, BC, Canada | Registered: 04 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by SHOOTIST:
Originally posted by jb:
dont worry about pissing off the bear huggers. nothing you say will make them happy, anyway.

If you Canadians have thin skin, damn well better stay off the political forum.
There are a few Canadians there who have little or no trouble running their yap about the US.
get over it,we're big boys here mostly.

Got nothing to do with thin skin-just don't like people putting down my country-I'm sure if the shoe was on the other foot you would be singing a differant tune.
Maybe, but it wasn't.

Sorry if he ruffled your feathers, but he is entitled to his opinion same as you.

Sometimes the truth hurts!


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"I'm the guy that originally wrote the 'assault weapons' ban." --- Former Vice President Joe Biden

Posts: 1700 | Location: Lurking somewhere around SpringTucky Oregon | Registered: 18 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by trapntrav:
That was one of the worst responses to an anti hunter I've seen! I'm not saying that just because I'm Canadian. Your first paragraph was bang on but after that, wow, way off topic (gay marriage???) and poorly written (including grammer and spelling!)

You had a great opportunity to educate someone who is clearly way off base and instead your ignorance was the only message this person heard.

To say " This is from our canadian " brothers and sisters ". " and paint us all with the same brush shows exactly who is "dumb enough"!

I have lived in and around the Peoples Republic of Eugene (Oregon) for 45+ years.
I know from personal experience these people don't want to be educated about hunting.
They want everyone else to do EXACTLY what they say, period.

You may get one out of a hundred to listen, but I doubt you will change any minds.
Just my personal experience, your results may vary...but probably not


Definition of HOPLOPHOBIA

"I'm the guy that originally wrote the 'assault weapons' ban." --- Former Vice President Joe Biden

Posts: 1700 | Location: Lurking somewhere around SpringTucky Oregon | Registered: 18 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Flippy:
Originally posted by SHOOTIST:
Originally posted by jb:
dont worry about pissing off the bear huggers. nothing you say will make them happy, anyway.

If you Canadians have thin skin, damn well better stay off the political forum.
There are a few Canadians there who have little or no trouble running their yap about the US.
get over it,we're big boys here mostly.

Got nothing to do with thin skin-just don't like people putting down my country-I'm sure if the shoe was on the other foot you would be singing a differant tune.
Maybe, but it wasn't.

Sorry if he ruffled your feathers, but he is entitled to his opinion same as you.

Sometimes the truth hurts!

That's just it-the lack of truth-(about Canada)

Hunting isn't a mater of life and's more important than that
Posts: 76 | Location: Northwest Alberta, Canada | Registered: 05 October 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by SHOOTIST:
That's just it-the lack of truth-(about Canada)
Originally posted by Marabou Slasher: we see that in Canada the values are distorted by allowing Gay marriage to be legal., and having your gun rights regulated and your terrible universal government regulated failing health care system.
What about his letter wasn't truth?


Definition of HOPLOPHOBIA

"I'm the guy that originally wrote the 'assault weapons' ban." --- Former Vice President Joe Biden

Posts: 1700 | Location: Lurking somewhere around SpringTucky Oregon | Registered: 18 January 2005Reply With Quote
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You may get one out of a hundred to listen, but I doubt you will change any minds.
Just my personal experience, your results may vary...but probably not

Your probably right Flippy, but if youre going to take the time to write a response you may as well take the "high road"
Posts: 256 | Location: Fort Nelson, BC, Canada | Registered: 04 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by trapntrav:
You may get one out of a hundred to listen, but I doubt you will change any minds.
Just my personal experience, your results may vary...but probably not

Your probably right Flippy, but if youre going to take the time to write a response you may as well take the "high road"
Not probably right, am right.
45 years and counting.

As for the high road, personal choice, however he was alot nicer than many would have been.
Especially when someone attacks not only your livelyhood and chosen profession, but also your PASSION.

For all of those who condemn him, put yourself EXACTLY in his shoes.

There will always be those who are above the rest of us, at least in their own minds... Wink

If you doubt me, READ BELOW:


Definition of HOPLOPHOBIA

"I'm the guy that originally wrote the 'assault weapons' ban." --- Former Vice President Joe Biden

Posts: 1700 | Location: Lurking somewhere around SpringTucky Oregon | Registered: 18 January 2005Reply With Quote
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I don't think the response was that cruel or insensitive, discerning from the email that was sent I don't believe this anti was material to convert to non-hunter status no matter how many facts you send their way.
These are the kind you just put in their place and show no mercy towards their deliberate ignorance.

"An individual with experience is never at the mercies of an individual with an argument"
Posts: 1827 | Location: Palmer AK & Prescott Valley AZ | Registered: 01 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Marabou Slasher:
Again did not mean to offend All Canadians.

Well I am pretty sure that you have offended every single Canadian on this website that has read your post. Good job.

The location of those Albertan whackos had f-all to do with their rediculous e-mail. The US has more than their fair share of "bunny/tree hugging whackos" that stick their nose in Canadian business. I deal with them all the time, but I don't give a rats butt where they come from...I respond to the issue.

Suggest you try sticking to the issue at hand next time.

In the meantime I'll be sure to let my friend's that are considering brown bear hunts know how you feel about all us "socialists".

Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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For Marabou Slasher and those who agree with him and his attitude/remarks; this is why an increasing number of BC citizens are becoming totally opposed to ANY American hunting and even fishing here.

So, when this is legislated and it WILL be, you can take comfort in knowing that your loudmouth ignorance has helped we Canucks preserve our rare wildlife resources for ill wind and no good and all that, eh?
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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you guys better stay away from the political forum or youll really be upset.


Posts: 2937 | Location: minnesota | Registered: 26 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Maribou, good job man, you are way nicer than I would have been.

I really find it amazing how our canadian brothers say you were to mean and should be nicer, but obviously its OK for some canucks to damn you. what a joke.

We got out own anti-hunting agendas in this country, I know I'm not gonna worry about another country also.

A lesson in irony

The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is proud to be distributing this year the greatest amount of free Meals and Food Stamps ever, to 46 million people.

Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us... "Please Do Not Feed the Animals." Their stated reason for the policy is because "The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves."

Thus ends today's lesson in irony.
Posts: 1626 | Location: Michigan but dreaming of my home in AK | Registered: 01 March 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Flippy:
Originally posted by SHOOTIST:
That's just it-the lack of truth-(about Canada)
Originally posted by Marabou Slasher: we see that in Canada the values are distorted by allowing Gay marriage to be legal., and having your gun rights regulated and your terrible universal government regulated failing health care system.
What about his letter wasn't truth?

In case you have trouble reading prety much all he said about Canada.

Hunting isn't a mater of life and's more important than that
Posts: 76 | Location: Northwest Alberta, Canada | Registered: 05 October 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Joel/AK:

We got out own anti-hunting agendas in this country, I know I'm not gonna worry about another country also.


Hunting isn't a mater of life and's more important than that
Posts: 76 | Location: Northwest Alberta, Canada | Registered: 05 October 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Joel/AK:
I really find it amazing how our canadian brothers say you were to mean and should be nicer, but obviously its OK for some canucks to damn you. what a joke.

You are missing the point. Who's saying he was too mean? He could have been a lot tougher on the anti-hunters...he just didn't have to insult his brothers in this country to do it.

Who's damning him?

Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Wheres the insult?

Your country is socialist, albeit not as bad as some, shitty gun laws, not sure about the gay marriage stuff, since that is the furthest from my mind right now.

Truth hurts?

I have nothing against canada besides the politics. You folks have a ton of good people in your borders.

A lesson in irony

The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is proud to be distributing this year the greatest amount of free Meals and Food Stamps ever, to 46 million people.

Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us... "Please Do Not Feed the Animals." Their stated reason for the policy is because "The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves."

Thus ends today's lesson in irony.
Posts: 1626 | Location: Michigan but dreaming of my home in AK | Registered: 01 March 2006Reply With Quote
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It isn't socialist, although there are socialist parties that occassionial get into power in some regions. Our current leadership is further right by FAR than your next president is!!

Our gun laws may suck, but at least you can easily bring a firearm here....for me to bring a firearm into your country isn't nearly as easy.

Gay marriage....I don't know about that either...I believe I've heard you guys have some states that allow it.

What if I wrote a letter to some US whack-jobs and put as much effort into slagging their country as I did addressing the issue of hunting? Would it even make any sense?

I have MANY good friends that are Americans. I don't have an issue with the US and never have....and I don't slag the country as a result.

Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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I have been out a couple days and have returned and are reading all of the replies and responses.
My reply to the original e-mail from the anti-whackjob from alberta was in response to not just the original one posted but a few others i had recieved while composing my response. The original was followed by a number of e-mails about flag sucking skumbag americans from the same and other e-mail address's. I am under the impression that they were not alone.
I realize that it was a harsh response BUT as i posted earlier if there was an untrue statement in my response about Canada please inform me where that was made.
I have traveled to Canada many times and had great experiences while hunting and fishing but the fact remains and this is in response to this (
Posted 26 October 2008 01:36 Hide Post

For Marabou Slasher and those who agree with him and his attitude/remarks; this is why an increasing number of BC citizens are becoming totally opposed to ANY American hunting and even fishing here. )

As originally posted where and what will happen to the communities and business's who rely on American dollars and American hunters and fisherman ?????

This was a reply to an attack on Our place of business, something we take great pride in providing and doing. It was a personal attack on all hunters and fisherman and that is why I chose to post my reply to them here along with their e-mail address for you all to respond to them in any fashion you may choose. Be Nice, Be mean, sugar coat, or agree with them. What i posted was my opinion. Harsh as it may have been.

Doug Klunder
Posts: 163 | Location: United States | Registered: 27 May 2007Reply With Quote
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Canuck, If Obama gets aelected we will become another "its not socialist" country. Hes already preaching socialism, unfortuantely, we have as many idiots over here as you do.

Just a honest question, what problems is ther for you to bring a gun into the US? I only asked cuz my wife is a taxidermist so I get to talk to alot of foriegn hunters and no one has mentioned a problem. I dont mean anything by it.

yeah we got a few states that allow gay marriages, like I said I dont worry about that crap, none of my business someones preferance.

politics has just about everything to do with everything. matter of life. I wish it wasnt that way but it is.

A lesson in irony

The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is proud to be distributing this year the greatest amount of free Meals and Food Stamps ever, to 46 million people.

Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us... "Please Do Not Feed the Animals." Their stated reason for the policy is because "The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves."

Thus ends today's lesson in irony.
Posts: 1626 | Location: Michigan but dreaming of my home in AK | Registered: 01 March 2006Reply With Quote
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i'm with Canuck on this one.

it hasn't anything to do with thin skin, entitled to one's meaning, politics, laws, response, treehuggers and whatever.

if his business is going so well that they really dont need canadian hunters, his reply is in its place.
i sure wouldn't booked a hunt from a company that made such a statement about my country.
Posts: 930 | Location: Norway | Registered: 31 March 2007Reply With Quote
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As to the Yankee dollar's benefit to BC's economy from hunting and fishing, it is miniscule and most of us don't want it.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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it hasn't anything to do with thin skin, entitled to one's meaning, politics, laws, response, treehuggers and whatever.

I beg to differ since an anti wrote the original e-mail slamming his business.

As for slamming somebodies country, its OK to for everybody to slam the US (for whatever reason, pick one) but we cant slam back? Watch you local news, you know what I'm talking about.

I'm glad double standards is world wide.

A lesson in irony

The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is proud to be distributing this year the greatest amount of free Meals and Food Stamps ever, to 46 million people.

Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us... "Please Do Not Feed the Animals." Their stated reason for the policy is because "The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves."

Thus ends today's lesson in irony.
Posts: 1626 | Location: Michigan but dreaming of my home in AK | Registered: 01 March 2006Reply With Quote
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Well,maybe marabou shouldnt have included canada in his remarks,however if someone emailed my place of business and started in on me,I would probably throw some insults around too,without thinking about it much before hand.Im pretty sure he didnt intend to insult our fine canadian friends,maybe he should be given a break.We all make mistakes
If I was prompted enough and looked long enough,Im sure I could dig up hundreds of insults thrown at american from canada right here on AR,and probably a few from this thread alone.
Dewey seems like he's just a couple molsons away from going off already,eh? nilly


Posts: 2937 | Location: minnesota | Registered: 26 December 2002Reply With Quote
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I NEVER drink swill like Molson's and very seldom drink any alcohol. I need to keep in shape for kicking azz when hordes of ranting Yankee "hunters" swarm into Canada and we "stand to" to "repel boarders"....lotsa fun!
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Joel/AK:
As for slamming somebodies country, its OK to for everybody to slam the US (for whatever reason, pick one) but we cant slam back?

of course you can, but i couldn't find any USA hostile comments in their e-mail.
Posts: 930 | Location: Norway | Registered: 31 March 2007Reply With Quote
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