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Moderators: Paul H
Who uses a M700 in .375 H&H?
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Please take this elsewhere besides this forum. Can the moderator please do something about this and get this thread back on track.
Posts: 246 | Location: Argyle, TX | Registered: 16 August 2004Reply With Quote
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ceg: In case you didn't notice, this is a FORUM, a FORUM where folks ask for opinions based on experiences and facts. Frankly I don't care what rifle or bow folks use, but if they ask for an opinion, I'll do my level best to offer it. Intrusive? why, so you "own" this forum?

You asked what I've benefitted ,well for one thing, I've learned that you're obviosuly an inmature little man whose yet to contribute one iota of facts to this discussion and just has to resort to personal insults, since you're knowledge of the subject obviously underscores the fact that if you were indeed in the armed forces you were probably the guy your DI kept having to show you which end the bullet came out at the rifle range.

Incidentally, the trophy fee for a buffalo in most places is 2K, but I suppose math is not your strong suit and after reading your posts, syntax and spelling aren't in your resume either. And in Africa, just like Alaska, non-residents have to engage the services of a guide/PH. Oh, don't tell me, you're one of "those" blessed individuals who does everything on his own, so wrapped up in your own insecurities that you view the use of a PH or a guide as a sign of weakness? I guess you're Rambo and Ewell Gibbons combined. You've been to africa? where, when and with whom did you hunt?

I just love it when military wannabes like you who have NOTHING to contribute except gratuitous insults behind the safety of the internet resort to this level when they obviously can't come up with a single response. "warrior's realm"? Yeah, in your own mind, ace. don't make me laugh.

Ceg, you're nothing but a coward and if indeed you had ANY affiliation with any of the branches of the armed forces, I'm glad you're out now, we don't need spineless little whiners like you. jorge

PS; Oh man, you mean to tell me the SV-2 I'm wearing makes me look fat?

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Originally posted by rwj:
I am considering buying my brother a Model 700 in .375 H&H and want to know what other folks who use this combination think of this outfit. I am looking at your basic new stainless steele synthetic stocked rifle...they come with iron sights...anyone who has experience with the Alaskan Wilderness Rifles, which costs basically twice as much, let me know what you think of that rifle.

Thank you.

I bought the Remington 700 BDL / .375 Ultra Mag because I wanted the look of the AWR and a .375 cartridge, but I didn't want the price or blind magazine of the AWR.
What I did was pull the sights and install the action into a synthetic stock I had for my 1989 700 BDL. I had the 'R3' pad installed to help take the sting out of the recoil.
I got the look I wanted; more power than the H&H; and the ability to quickly unload the rifle.

I will be having the 'J-Lock' feature switched over to the standard type of firing pin assembly and MAYbe having the scopemount holes drilled out to 8-40.

As it stands, the rifle is unfired. I've had too many things going on to actually get out and fire this gun.
Anyway, I do use the Remington 700 without any problems or hesitations and what I did to my .375 Ultra got me the .375 I always wanted --- or at least I think it did ( we'll know for sure after it's first trip to The Pit ). Wink

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Originally posted by Lightning:
Originally posted by ceg1963:

Buy and use whatever "technology" "read name brand" that makes you feel comfortable.

I'll take a Remington.

After hunting in Africa, I don't give a damn what any African guide thinks about anything! Besides, I'm sure, he'll get his money from the guys "like you" who truely really need his help and opinion.

Hell, the next time I'm in Africa, I'd be glad to jump a Cape Buff with only a bow. That is, if I could afford the extra $5,000.00 trophy fee! That's the only thing that held me back before.

No, I believe the "extreme" reliance on technology and guides, can and does allow the weaker of our species to live and play in the warrior's realm.

If that's your trip... take it.



Would you really read your above post, and then read the post of others before yours. What in the hell was said that could have provoked a response like this? You got pissed that someone gave you the facts that are well documented problems with a Remington factory rifle?

Hell, there is problems with alot of factory rifles. All brands and styles.

Take this type of shitty responses elsewhere. BTW you haven't given one fact to dispute the known facts. This is a discussion of peoples' experiences and knowledge. It 's very clear you like the M700. Now, go take you M700, and go away until you can learn to have a normal and civil conversation.

If you think you didn't start this shit, go back and read the thread starting about 10 post to yours as stated above. You might need to get these issus seen about, life doesn't have to be this hard for you.
Posts: 246 | Location: Argyle, TX | Registered: 16 August 2004Reply With Quote
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Good on you for the .375 R.U.M.! I just got back from Birchwood today. My 260 grain Accubonds, out of my "worthless" M700, impacted into 2" at 300 yards, with 3264 foot pounds of remaining energy to spend!

Yes, it is not a stock rifle. I have modified it: it now has a Hogue stock... full bedding block, I glass bedded it as well. I worked the trigger down to a reliable 1.5 pounds, and it breaks like a glass rod. It is muzzle-breaked and sports a Zeiss.

Now back to you Mr. Jorge, again, the post was asking for any "real" experience with a M700. By your own admission you have none.

"The 700 may be a very fine hunting rifle. I don’t know because I’ve never used one, but I do know that it is a piss poor dangerous game rifle especially in .416 Rem calibre."

Outside of your "buddy sources" (I also know a few hooah guys) how do you know that it is a "piss poor dangerous game rifle"? Especially in light of the fact that you've never used it in that capacity, or in any capacity for that matter? Why don't you fill us in?

Contrary to your steadfast conviction jorge, many have posted here stating that the M700 is indeed a fine weapon. Are they the less informed/experienced? Or are they Liars? Or are they simply beneath you and your elite bullshit?

Jorge, I feel an azimuth check is in order here... we are in Alaska asking about a weapon for use here... not in Africa.

Jorge, the truth is you don't really care what anyone else posts here, because you have your head so far up your ass, that you can't see that all rwj wanted was an experience, experience not opinion, "good or bad" regarding the M700 in the 375 H&H!

Lightning... your next! You need to re-read all of the post yourself. Then you will see that it is jorge who will not let anyone with real experience with the M700 speak up. He used his "aviation experiences" between two different A/C as an example. Jorge wrote, "A man has to know the limitations and advantages of his weaponry, for example, I wouldn't dream of going "beek to beak" into a dogfight with an F-14 and my driving my lowly Viking." Poor use of the english language, IMHO. Besides, he already has a pic displayed here so why clutter up the forums with more personal... non-relevant... useless junk detail!

No Lightning unlike Mr. Jorge, I do have many years experience with the original weapon under discussion. I do have relevant information to share. I weighed in because I know that the M700 has and will get it done, on the range, in the game fields, and also on the battlefields!

All over the world, and in all of the above stated scenarios, I have personally not witnessed the "Pro CRF" failures so aggressively shared here. That's not to say that it can't or won't happen... I just have not seen them first hand.

And that is the experience rwj was asking about.

Jorge, again you are way out there, but I will gladly take your "juice money" if that somehow makes you feel better! Mad While we're at it, maybe you need to re-read your own posts to see the obvious grammar/spelling issues.

Posts: 197 | Location: alaska | Registered: 06 March 2005Reply With Quote
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"The most Dangerous Game OR The most Dangerous Game...?"

The FIRST SHOT, the one in the chamber, is the most important one, whatever gun you shoot it from.

If it happens to come from an inherently accurate factory rifle such as the Remington 700, your % of a kill shot is way up there in the first place. This gun works just fine as it comes from the box.

If it happens to come from a rifle that 'needs' $10,000.00 worth of work and a hoity-toity name scribbled on it - fine. That rifle must have left some 'doubts' in the mind of the hunter who bought it as it came from the factory. Perhaps all that money and 'snob appeal' will make the gun better and the hunter an elite 'game killer'. The gun MAY actually work in real life as well as it does in theory. It even takes a lot of wind just to talk about it!

Still, the thread has deteriorated into the classic, tired 'bashing' of the Remington 700 and only too few real answers to the original question.
SO, I posed the question of which is the most dangerous game?...being a CRF proponent in a Remington 700 thread, or having to spend tons of money on a theoretically 'perfect' firearm to make it 'perfect'?
I propose that the Most Dangerous Game is the Man himself who weilds a big wallet, a big mouth, and an arrogantly megalomaniacal mind.

With that, I'll jingle my change, shut up, and enjoy my Remington 700's ( they work - perfectly ). Razzer clap

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Ceg: You've turned this thread into a personal issue since your first response. This website is replete with disagreements on myriad topics and it's perfectly fine to do that, but like one poster pointed out, *you* made it into a personal vendetta.You didn't answer a single question posed to you, refused/or failed to comprehend anything that didn't agree with your point of and just resorted to insults and half truths from the start.

So go ahead and continue to fling insults from behind your computer screen. Apparently it makes you feel better but it sickens me to descend to this level. I should have known better. jorge

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I own a M700, it shoots good and is a good gun. All I am trying to get across is be aware of the potential problems with all factory guns. Do the research. I put a Sako extractor and a new trigger in my M700 (I also re-bed the action, blueprint the action, and remachine the bolt face on all M700's. But that is a personal preference and is not required as far the functioning of the gun). Be aware of these issues. Correct them and you have elminated DOCUMENTED POTENTIAL problems. Those are the facts. M700 can be good guns in the right situations. Dangerous game I don't think is the right situation for them. Push feeds can present problems that can be elimanted with CRF. For serious DG hunters you would eliminate this potential and not get stuck on some "brand" of rifle. Do the research, pick the rifle and options that best suit what type of hunting you will be doing. Be aware of factory problems that come with production line guns and get them fixed. You owe that to yourself. Hunting takes alot of time and money. Be prepared and it becomes even more rewarding.
Posts: 246 | Location: Argyle, TX | Registered: 16 August 2004Reply With Quote
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Lightning, you are close to the mark above. I disagree with the Dangerous Game point, but that's what this is all about. I agree to disagree. I will use my M700 for everything... it has never failed me to date.

I agree with Busmaster007's last point about the higher percentage of killing ability being derived from that first accurately, confidently placed lethal shot.

"The FIRST SHOT, the one in the chamber, is the most important one, whatever gun you shoot it from"

He's right on, IMHO!

I've met Robert Jobson (rwj) in person, there is no finer man than Robert. He is very intelligent and extremely dedicated to our shooting sports. An Engineer by profession, I know he will do absolutely the right things with "any weapon" he endeavors to use.

Jorge, I'm sure that many here are glad your finally finished here.

The M700 will get it done anywhere, against anything.

Posts: 197 | Location: alaska | Registered: 06 March 2005Reply With Quote
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I think this thread is just about done. It was quite interesting to say the least. It is almost like the Ford vs. Chevy debate (of course the Ford always wins Wink I think that in most things, there are weaknesses. I for one haven't had a problem with the 700 and will continue to use it. I will now spend some money to make it a better rifle. I do appreciate everyones opinion and realize that we all stand behind the products we choose to use, but we also must have an open mind and listen to what problems could arise.

I have used the internet to learn, but have unfortunately used it to attack people and after I did it, I realized it is wrong. That is why I told jorge that I was asking politely. Sometimes people write something and when we read it, it sounds like an attack when it really isn't. It is just how we personally interpret the writing. It is easy for anyone to attack someone not being face to face with them. I hope that this has ended and we are all better off and a "little" more educated on the subject.

Time to be off and find a big bull moose, grizz and sheep!

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