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Moderators: T.Carr
Patagonia hunt
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Picture of Lorenzo
Hi my friends, I'm back !!
English is not my language so more than a report I will just share pictures with you.

The Patagonia is without doubt one of the most beatiful places on earth. The rivers loaded with trouts and the mountains full of free range red stags everywhere !!

I went with my hunting buddy Federico and with my good argentinian friend Guillermo.

I wounded and lost a nice red stag due to a bad scope regulation killpc

And also I missed completely a pig at 5 metres... sofa

Some of the red stags hunted and the magnificent patagonian wild boar that we took the last day !!!

Well those are some of the pictures I took, I am really tired now, I arrived a couple of hours ago after driving two days back home from the patagonia !!!

Posts: 3085 | Location: Uruguay - South America | Registered: 10 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Sevenxbjt
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Now THATS a hog! Congrats on a good hunt.
Posts: 1851 | Registered: 12 May 2009Reply With Quote
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Congrats to a awsome pig, and red deers. What a hunt. Cant wait to hear more from this hunting trip!!!

Posts: 147 | Location: Sweden | Registered: 23 March 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of daniel77
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Originally posted by Sevenxbjt:
Now THATS a hog! Congrats on a good hunt.

Nice Red Deer too, but damn at those hogs. Eeker Good job guys.
Posts: 3628 | Location: cajun country | Registered: 04 March 2009Reply With Quote
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Picture of Mike_Dettorre
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Nice pig...what a brute


Legistine actu quod scripsi?

Never under estimate the internet community's ability to reply to your post with their personal rant about their tangentially related, single occurrence issue.

What I have learned on AR, since 2001:
1. The proper answer to: Where is the best place in town to get a steak dinner? is…You should go to Mel's Diner and get the fried chicken.
2. Big game animals can tell the difference between .015 of an inch in diameter, 15 grains of bullet weight, and 150 fps.
3. There is a difference in the performance of two identical projectiles launched at the same velocity if they came from different cartridges.
4. While a double rifle is the perfect DGR, every 375HH bolt gun needs to be modified to carry at least 5 down.
5. While a floor plate and detachable box magazine both use a mechanical latch, only the floor plate latch is reliable. Disregard the fact that every modern military rifle uses a detachable box magazine.
6. The Remington 700 is unreliable regardless of the fact it is the basis of the USMC M40 sniper rifle for 40+ years with no changes to the receiver or extractor and is the choice of more military and law enforcement sniper units than any other rifle.
7. PF actions are not suitable for a DGR and it is irrelevant that the M1, M14, M16, & AK47 which were designed for hunting men that can shoot back are all PF actions.
8. 95 deg F in Africa is different than 95 deg F in TX or CA and that is why you must worry about ammunition temperature in Africa (even though most safaris take place in winter) but not in TX or in CA.
9. The size of a ding in a gun's finish doesn't matter, what matters is whether it’s a safe ding or not.
10. 1 in a row is a trend, 2 in a row is statistically significant, and 3 in a row is an irrefutable fact.
11. Never buy a WSM or RCM cartridge for a safari rifle or your go to rifle in the USA because if they lose your ammo you can't find replacement ammo but don't worry 280 Rem, 338-06, 35 Whelen, and all Weatherby cartridges abound in Africa and back country stores.
12. A well hit animal can run 75 yds. in the open and suddenly drop with no initial blood trail, but the one I shot from 200 yds. away that ran 10 yds. and disappeared into a thicket and was not found was lost because the bullet penciled thru. I am 100% certain of this even though I have no physical evidence.
13. A 300 Win Mag is a 500 yard elk cartridge but a 308 Win is not a 300 yard elk cartridge even though the same bullet is travelling at the same velocity at those respective distances.
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Picture of SGraves155
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Lorenzo, wonderful hunt. Did the hunters get three stags each? Was this a private ranch, or do they sell stag and Boar hunts to others?
That really is a monster of a Boar.

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Tanzania 06
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Picture of Lorenzo
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Thanks guys, I am still on the road, now I must drive one hour more to pick up my family at Punta del Este.

Steve, it's a combination of both, it's a private ranch that sells some hunts to friends or friends of friends. If someone wants to go there without a friend in common they will not allow to hunt there, and even like that there is a waiting list of "friends" and one can be there for years before even having a chance. They even don't allow me to say their name on the internet !! Eeker

The place is really big, taking away a mountain with snow that sometimes appears in some of the pictures the background is always inside the property.

When they open their list to a new "friend", something that happens from time to time, they study the hunter during the hunt, if you like them maybe you will be able to hunt again there, if not, forget returning there despite how much money you offer them, they don't need it.

Once a new timer took a tape to measure the antlers of a deer just shot...they never allowed him to hunt again on their property despite all the phone calls he made.

So the thing is that they have very few clients, mostly from Austria, than can take several stags at one time, there is not a given limit once they open the doors of their farm. I took 4 and I invite my buddy with 1 management stag and also allowed him to make the shot at the pig while I was filming it. The pigs are free the stags not.

Never EVER in my life I have heard so much roaring day after day all day long...I was really blessed for having the oportunity of hunting there.

Posts: 3085 | Location: Uruguay - South America | Registered: 10 December 2001Reply With Quote
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That is some Awesome country. Looks like a good time was had by all. What a hog!!!

Doug McMann
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At the risk of repeating what's been said, that's a darn nice pig! tu2
Posts: 1357 | Location: Texas | Registered: 17 August 2002Reply With Quote
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What a hunt congrats. Sure you had a good time.
This hog is a once in a lifetime Monster.


Nec Timor Nec Temeritas
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''When they open their list to a new "friend", something that happens from time to time, they study the hunter during the hunt, if you like them maybe you will be able to hunt again there, if not, forget returning there despite how much money you offer them, they don't need it.

Once a new timer took a tape to measure the antlers of a deer just shot...they never allowed him to hunt again on their property despite all the phone calls he made. ''

I like this attitude.


Nec Timor Nec Temeritas
Posts: 2301 | Registered: 29 May 2005Reply With Quote
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Yo, my good friend !!! clap clap tu2
Posts: 1553 | Location: Alberta/Namibia | Registered: 29 November 2004Reply With Quote
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a very interesting hunt. Congratulations!

Posts: 1421 | Location: northern italy | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Michael Robinson
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Great photos and trophies, Lorenzo. Your boar is an especially good one. tu2


I, too, am just back from a successful red stag hunt in Patagonia.

Their roaring was loud and constant in Neuquén Province where we were hunting.

I will be posting a report of my own ASAP.


Wilderness is my cathedral, and hunting is my prayer.
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Picture of CaneCorso
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Wow, looks like the hogs breed with the Grizzly bears over there!

Great photos, the terrain looks like central California...


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1 Corinthians 16:13

Posts: 622 | Location: CA, USA | Registered: 01 July 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of SBT
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Great hunt. I second what CaneCorso said, the hogs look like they bred with bears and the county looks wonderful. You are fortunate to have had such a wonderful opportunity.

"There are worse memorials to a life well-lived than a pair of elephant tusks." Robert Ruark
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Picture of Aziz
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Congratulations Lorenzo seems like you had a great time and got some good animals. I enjoyed your photos very much.

Best regards

 photo 5a71b091-8ccb-440e-8358-1ba8fe6939cb_zpsga1mmy00.jpg
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Picture of juanpozzi
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Congrats Lorenzo ,thanks for sharing ,im a lot of time in your country now thats marvelous too .Juan FULL PROFESSIONAL MEMBER OF IPHA INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL HUNTERS ASOCIATION .
IPSC-FAT -argentine shooting federation cred number2-
Posts: 6382 | Location: Cordoba argentina | Registered: 26 July 2004Reply With Quote
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Beautiful piece of real estate you were fortunate enough to be invited to hunt on.
Congrats on the deer and one helluva hog!
Posts: 2164 | Registered: 13 February 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of Use Enough Gun
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Absolutely outstanding. God's country, for sure! Beautiful trophies as well! tu2
Posts: 18609 | Registered: 04 April 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Guillermo Amestoy
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Congratulation for Boths, Lorenzo and Federico, I hope Bill did not see this report otherwise instead be driving to my farm in Colorado River to looking for some boards, I will be driving again to Junin de los Andes, ja,ja,ja,Kind Regards. Guillermo.

"Every ignored reallity prepares its revenge!"
Posts: 883 | Location: Provincia de Cordoba - Republica Argentina -Southamerica | Registered: 09 May 2007Reply With Quote
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Lorenzo sounds like a great hunt and you had an awesome time!! That pig is HUGE!! Email me sometime on that scope and I can try and get it handled ASAP because I have that group coming down in May and will get them to bring it to you.

Cameron Kulbeth
Adam Clements Safari Trackers
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Picture of matt u
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WOW! What a hog! Way to go!
Posts: 1662 | Location: Winston,Georgia | Registered: 07 July 2007Reply With Quote
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Congrats Lorenzo!!!!!!

Nice stag and monster boar!!!!

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Picture of Anders
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Wow! Thanks for sharing. Do you know the weight of that hog? It's massive!!


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Picture of bwanamrm
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Congrats on a great hunt in beautiful country! Patagonia is truly a magical landscape... the soft colors of the sky and mountains remind me of New Mexico here in the States even if the vegetation does not.

Sorry about the stag... as hunters we dread a bad hit but the boar was a true trophy! Looks like a great adventure! Well done.

On the plains of hesitation lie the bleached bones of ten thousand, who on the dawn of victory lay down their weary heads resting, and there resting, died.

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch...
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
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Picture of Afrikaander
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Bravo Lorenzo !!

Un abrazo


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Posts: 1325 | Registered: 08 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of john e
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Bravo !!!
Very nice harvest of stags and a brute of a piggy.
Well done...

"How do we inspire ourselves to greatness when nothing less will do" -- Invictus
Posts: 446 | Location: south texas | Registered: 10 March 2006Reply With Quote
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Nice pictures and well done but sorry you will have to make time in your day and add lots of details!!

What a porker....
Posts: 2360 | Location: London | Registered: 31 May 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of HUNTS
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Wow! It takes a lot to make me jealous, living here in Montana, but that is some incredible hunting. Loved my time in Patagonia 15 years ago.
Posts: 161 | Location: Bozeman, Montana | Registered: 04 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Holy Cow Batman Eeker well done I am very jealous especially of that wild boar!!!!! I wish I was lucky emough to have friends in that part of the world as you say just to go pig know must be something about us aussies and pig hunting that goes hand in hand Big Grin Well done on a fantastic looking trip
Posts: 896 | Location: Langwarrin,Australia | Registered: 06 September 2007Reply With Quote
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Wow, great pics.

That country looks lot like Southern Alberta...the other end of the Andes/Rockies.
Posts: 475 | Location: Moncton, New Brunswick | Registered: 30 August 2003Reply With Quote
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IPSC-FAT -argentine shooting federation cred number2-
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Picture of billinthewild
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Originally posted by Guillermo Amestoy:
Congratulation for Boths, Lorenzo and Federico, I hope Bill did not see this report otherwise instead be driving to my farm in Colorado River to looking for some boards, I will be driving again to Junin de los Andes, ja,ja,ja,Kind Regards. Guillermo.

I just saw this....OK, Guille, fill with gas, and we will be off.....some day I would like very much to be able to live in Junin for a few weeks....a beautiful place....with an excellent you remember Ruca Fueney? say English is not your language, I wish I could speak Spanish half as well as you do English......I would like to rent that little house....can you help me to get cable TV, internet, and a jacuzzi?

Volcan Lanin

My trophy!!!!

The parilla at Ruca Fueney

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Picture of Wendell Reich
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I want that pig. What a toad!

Patagonia is beautiful. I love that type of country.
Posts: 6295 | Location: Dallas, TX | Registered: 13 July 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of RobinOLocksley
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Beautiful country with some very nice animals.That pig was huge.Congrats.


"Early in the morning, at break of day, in all the freshness and dawn of one's strength, to read a book - I call that vicious!"- Friedrich Nietzsche
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Picture of Mr. G
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Congrats and thanks for sharing pictures.Thats one BIG hog for sure Smiler
Posts: 142 | Location: Norway, Telemark | Registered: 16 January 2010Reply With Quote
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What beautiful country!
And I love the attitude about the tape. Seems too many are too worried about a few inches here or there and not the experience and the people. Shame. Again, what a pretty place!
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Ithought for a minute maybe Lorenzo was back.
Posts: 475 | Location: Moncton, New Brunswick | Registered: 30 August 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Lorenzo
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Originally posted by martinbns:
Ithought for a minute maybe Lorenzo was back.

This simple sentence, written by someone that I don't know personally and maybe never will, makes me think that maybe is moment to turn over the page.

I am still confused by the attitude of the moderators that deleted my post. I know I was wrong posting for prays on the African Forum, but it is the most visited here.

A friend of mine. a HUNTER, was lost during HUNTING, it was one of US. I posted there asking for prays because I was desesperated, only 5 minutes before I have received a phone from the police chief telling me to get prepared for the worst, that from the next morning they were start to use dogs to find the dead body before the pigs.....

Imagine that moment. I was doing everything !! I even rented a chopper because the airforce has stopped the search. Maybe I was wrong, but I think that given the magnitude of the disgrace a family was going through asking for prays for a HUNTER lost, on a HUNTING forum was more important than if the hunter was lost in Africa or somewhere else..

Maybe the moderator should have sent me a PM telling me that unfortunately he has no option than deleting the post, it was has been ok, but deleting it in minutes without even sending me a PM it was wrong.

I have seen MANY post on the African Forums that had NOTHING to do with Africa and no one deleted them.

I have always tried to help fellow hunters from AR in anything I can, I have never been rude with no one, even when once I was insulted by someone called DaMan on the polithical forum just by thinking different, I never insult him back, I just stopped posting there.

And the only time I asked for help (for a fellow hunter on a hunting forum) I was deleted in minutes.

Well, I will not continue with this, but I just wanted to make clear why I leaved the forum for some months.

I have MANY friends here, real gentlemen like Scruffy, Allfoden, Cropduster, Bill, SBT and John (that is right now hunting with my friends at Quini Malal), and many more fellow hunters from Argentina and all over the world.

So ok, I turn the page over and I will continue roaming around AR.

Thanks to all of you that where really concerned about my lost friend. During the hunt he went at night after pigs, he fell down due to a hole where he got one of his feet into it and hit against a tree with his neck. Two vertebreas where moved and his head was also seriously injured. He walk unconcious during days without knowing where he was or what he was doing. he never realized he was 4 days lost.

Finally one of the police rescue teams find it.

Well, that's all.

lets continue talking about guns and hunting and forgiving those things that hurt us, no hard feelings from my side. I honestly hope the moderator never go through something similar, he will personally know how desesparate one feels when you ask for help, any help.

Well lets wait for SBT hunting report !!!! Wink

Posts: 3085 | Location: Uruguay - South America | Registered: 10 December 2001Reply With Quote
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