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New Mexico Archery Elk Hunt
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Dates: 17-22 September 2014

Area: Sky Mountain, Unit 10 New Mexico USA

Booking Agent: Aaron Neilson / Global Hunting Resources

Guide: Ty McFarland

Species Hunted: Elk

Bow : Bowtech Destroyer 350

Arrows: 75/95 GoldTip Pro Hunter’s, Blazer vanes, 125Grain G5 Strykers

The hunt got off to a bad start when my bow didn’t show up on arrival at Dallas Fort Worth. Not trusting what the airlines were telling me and not wanting to waste hunting time I picked up a new rig from a very good pro shop in Albuquerque before heading out to the town of Grants on the old route 66.

Accommodation was in very comfortable cabins at the Z Lazy B Ranch nearby.

My guide for this hunt was Ty, an avid bow hunter and elk expert. Ty explained that we would be listening for bulls calling in the mornings and late afternoons. Once located we would set up nearby I would be some 40-50yds in front and he would try to call the bull over with a variety of cow calls and decoys.

The weather was unseasonably hot and with the full moon the previous week the rut had yet to materialize.

Ty had spent a good portion of August scouting the ranch before the season opened. He had a number of strategically positioned trail cams at watering holes and wallows that provided a pretty good indication of elk movement and numbers.

We were successful in calling in a number all within bow range. However they were all spikes and rag horns. The big boys remained in the timber with their cows unwilling to come in to the calls.
Not wanting to risk moving the bulls off the ranch by pursuing them too hard we decided to change tact. The continuing heat was bringing them to water during the day so we concentrated hunting around the water on the ranch.

On the second evening a good bull came into water as the light was fading. He announced his presence by bugling as he approached. Several other bulls replied to his bugle. It was quite an experience as they called back and forth for around half an hour. At last light he presented a broadside shot at 75yds it was a hard decision to make but I lacked confidence in the new bow so didn’t shoot.

We spotted mule deer on a number of occasions.

My bow eventually turned up, which boosted my confidence immensely.

After calling in a couple of satellite bulls I spotted a group of three coyotes. Ty and I called two of them in to around ten yards where upon I proceeded to miss on two occasions!!!

Late in the afternoon of day four the same bull I had been hesitant to shoot at returned to water. Ranging him at 66 Yds I released my arrow. I watched as he made it some eighty yards to the edge of the timber before piling up.

The trail cam snapped him seconds before I released my arrow.

The arrow had taken out both lungs and imbedded itself in his opposite shoulder breaking off one of the blades.

Speaking to other hunters in the area I felt incredibly lucky to have got my bull as so many of them had not had any luck as the rut was almost non-existant in Unit 10. I am pleased to have been able to experience calling in a number of bulls even though the one i took wasn't taken coming to the call.

Ty's experience and relentlessness payed off in getting me on to a great elk.
Posts: 167 | Location: Kuwait | Registered: 14 April 2009Reply With Quote
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Picture of sforbsy
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Really really cool, well done and good for you. Thx for sharing. l use & hunt with the same bow.
Btw, what is there to hunt in Kuwait?
Posts: 193 | Location: The Northern Territory, Australia | Registered: 14 September 2014Reply With Quote
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Great Job Faisal, very happy for ya!!

No doubt, the hunting has been much tougher this year, versus last - on the same ranch. Hot, dry, full moon, etc. But I'm glad it worked out for ya, congrats!!!

Aaron Neilson
Global Hunting Resources
303-619-2872: Cell

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Awesome bull - congratulations!
Posts: 1490 | Location: New York | Registered: 01 January 2010Reply With Quote
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Very cool! Congratulations!


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Picture of ghostbird
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Congratulations.... very nice bull!!!

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Excellent all around. Beautiful bull. Didn't know you were a bow hunter.


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Great job, man. That is a dandy bull.

I hunted there with Ty last year second week of archery. Sounds like a very different year weather and activity wise. Last year I got rained and/or hailed on every day of the hunt, but we still got into them though I came up empty handed. Calling did nothing, and there was water everywhere. I am booked to go back next year.

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Very nice bull. And to hunt with a new bow? Glad it worked out for you. Congratulations
Posts: 4214 | Location: Southern Colorado | Registered: 09 October 2011Reply With Quote
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sforbsy thanks for the comments, the 350 destroyer is the best bow I have had since my 2006 Allegiance. The thing is confidence inspiring i have been getting 6" groups at 80yds with broadheads when 1 do my part. when it didn't show at DFW I was beside myself. however I now also have an RPM360 which looks promising.
Unfortunately other than some migratory bird hunting there aint much to hunt here in Kuwait.
Posts: 167 | Location: Kuwait | Registered: 14 April 2009Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Aaron Neilson:
Great Job Faisal, very happy for ya!!

No doubt, the hunting has been much tougher this year, versus last - on the same ranch. Hot, dry, full moon, etc. But I'm glad it worked out for ya, congrats!!!

Thanks Aaron I really enjoyed this hunt, good call


Posts: 167 | Location: Kuwait | Registered: 14 April 2009Reply With Quote
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Ty told me last year was totally different than this, although we had no rut so to speak of the heat ended up working in our favour.
best of luck for next year
Posts: 167 | Location: Kuwait | Registered: 14 April 2009Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by pagosawingnut:
Very nice bull. And to hunt with a new bow? Glad it worked out for you. Congratulations

pagosawingnut, luckily my bow turned up when the moment of truth arose so I was able to make the shot with the same set up I had been using for the past 2 years much to my relief. Familiarity really dose breed confidence in these situations!!!
Posts: 167 | Location: Kuwait | Registered: 14 April 2009Reply With Quote
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Picture of hunt99
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Congratulations on a great bull. Archery hunting rutting elk is one of the best hunts out there. This damn western heat wave just managed to degrade it a little bit but the big bulls were actually still pretty active here in MT!

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Awesome bull Faisal...Way to go!!! tu2
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Picture of Greg Brownlee
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Great bull, Faisal! Congrats on getting it done with the bow!

Greg Brownlee
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Well done mate.

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Picture of Nakihunter
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Congratulations on a great bull.

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Ty was telling guys in camp about your hunt just this week. I can tell from the way he told the story that he truly enjoyed hunting with you. Congratulations on a great bull
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