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Successful Black Bear Hunt from B.C. Canada!!
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Picture of zambeziman
Hi Guys just wanted to give a quick update/report from a very successful black bear hunt with hounds that I was on last week in British Columbia, Canada. I actually found this outfitter on this accurate reloading site a couple of years ago. This now completes my 3rd successful hunt with “chilcotin hillbilly” Doug McMann.

The spring has been delayed this year some with all the late snow they received so the bears were just fresh out of their dens; I have hunted all over the world and I have to say this was a very action packed and pleasurable hunt I was amazed at all of the bears in this region, just to put things in perspective for everybody we took a short 45 minute drive just after I got into camp we maybe drove 10 miles roundtrip total, we saw 12 black bears and 5 Grizzly bears it was really an unbelievable sight to see all of these bears they were all out eating the fresh grass that was popping up in the farm fields, seemed like every field we looked at you would see a bear, anyone looking for muti-colored black bears like the browns, reds and cinnamon they are all there.

This hunt with Doug gives you flexibility you can take 2 bears from this area so you could take one with dogs and the other one spot and stalk you pick. I ended up taking both of my bears with the help of the dogs, both bears had perfect hair were boars and where big bears with white Vs on their necks, you just can’t ask for anything better on their quality..

In the 4 days of hunting we treed a bunch of bears some within 5 minutes of releasing the dogs and maybe 300 yards off of the road,, again this is unbelievable area with zero hunting pressure.

His dogs are fast and they get onto the bears quickly which makes the chase short.

His Wife Julie is an ace cook and you will eat like a king, accommodations are also great you will have your own cabin to yourself. I can’t say anything more other than AAA+++++++ and I can’t wait to go back again….His info for anyone interested.

Doug McMann
PO box 27
Tatlayoko Lake, BC, Canada
V0L 1W0
telephone: 250-476-1288
fax: 250-476-1287

Bear #1

Tatlayoko Lake!

Dogs Treed!

A Blackie in the tree!

Bear #2

Some of the dogs ready to go!

Tatlayoko Lake!

Posts: 77 | Location: Michigan | Registered: 26 May 2009Reply With Quote
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Picture of Brian Clark
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Wow what a great looking area and some fantastic looking bears. Love reading your report thanks for sharing!


Brian Clark

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Posts: 1013 | Location: Nebraska | Registered: 30 August 2010Reply With Quote
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As an aside to this, but, relevant to BC's hunting, I was told some 40+ years ago by one of the most experienced genuine old timers I knew here that there were more Grizzlies "now". that is to say late '60s in BC, than when he started hunting at the outbreak of "The Great War".

I started working for the BCFS just over 46 years ago, spent a little time with the Fish and Wildlife in that same time period and spent a major portion of my working life in various aspects of forestry as well as wilderness recreation.

I can flatly state that there are more bears, by far, especially Grizzlies, in BC NOW, than back then and they are SO numerous, that they are becoming a danger to humans in settled areas.

One of my nephews, walking his dog around the cemetery in my home town, was harassed by a Grizzly sow and twin cubs about two weeks ago and other Grizzlies have been coming into town and being a real pita. This, is not "hicksville", it is a small mountain city and these areas have been built up for well over a century.

Part of this is due to the very large and late snow pack, but, it is really a reflection of the "success" of our conservative management policies and the lack of interest by most people in hunting bears....who knows, maybe some of the numerous "anti-hunters" in that area, mostly American "draft dodgers" may get "et" and save we BCers a lot of trouble!

One can hope! Wink
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of SGraves155
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Congratulations on two nice bears. Beautiful country and nice photos, too!

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Picture of bwanamrm
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Well done! Two big bears and a beautiful part of the world to hunt and explore. Don't often see hound hunts in B.C. for bears.

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Awesome! I love that pic of the dogs.....looks like each one has a distinct personality.....or at least was in a different mood for the photo op!
Posts: 2717 | Location: NH | Registered: 03 February 2009Reply With Quote
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Great bears! Looks like you had a great time
Posts: 1490 | Location: New York | Registered: 01 January 2010Reply With Quote
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Congrats! Nice Bear's!

Thank's for shareing!

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