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Picture of thecanadian
Lets see some pics of your McSwirlys!!!

"though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression."

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I think those are on the 24HR Campfire forum.
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Seriously, no one has any McMillian stocks to share?

"though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression."

---Thomas Jefferson
Posts: 1098 | Location: Eau Claire, WI | Registered: 20 January 2011Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by butchlambert:
I think those are on the 24HR Campfire forum.

And Viv le difference!!!!!!
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Originally posted by thecanadian:
Lets see some pics of your McSwirlys!!!

I feel sick.
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I think those look "Berry" nice..
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Picture of thecanadian
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thats what you get living with 3 girls and a wife that likes to hunt.

"though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression."

---Thomas Jefferson
Posts: 1098 | Location: Eau Claire, WI | Registered: 20 January 2011Reply With Quote
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My .308 Norma

I have a McWoody that is at the smiths, going to be a .300H&H on a commercial FN action. Not the best photo, but will give you the idea...

My brothers .308 Norma....bottom one.

Jason Z Alberts

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you." – Samuel Adams

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Picture of cmfic1
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Not a huge fan of most Mcswirly's, but I took this one on trade, and it has grown on me...couldnt really get rid of it if I wanted, its my little boys fave rifle in the locker.

Pretty close to the one posted above!


"A hunter should not choose the cal, cartridge, and bullet that will kill an animal when everything is right; rather, he should choose ones that will kill the most efficiently when everything goes wrong"
Bob Hagel
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Looks good! Looks like a med. blue, white, black.

Mine is Turqouise/white

Jason Z Alberts

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you." – Samuel Adams

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Here is one that came with a .375 I purchased.

And after repainting.
Posts: 6935 | Location: hydesville, ca. , USA | Registered: 17 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Here's one I recently got.

I didn't care for it at first but my youngest boy (7) loved it and it grew on me.
Ended up selling it, the rifle, and scope when offered crazy money.

Got a McWoody coming and it'll be here within a month!!
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Some of those stocks look like what I used to find on the lawn after the dog had eaten half a box of the kid's crayons.

I called 'em "4th of july turds" for the festive colors but "McSwirlies" would have had a better ring to it.
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Originally posted by Nomo4me:
Some of those stocks look like what I used to find on the lawn after the dog had eaten half a box of the kid's crayons.

I called 'em "4th of july turds" for the festive colors but "McSwirlies" would have had a better ring to it.


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I have ordered a few trying to get a camo combination I liked. In the end though, I sent them all back to McMillan to be painted.
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Would those of you who have fallen by the wayside and walked away from tradition and turned your nose up to wood please post pictures of your lace panties! rotflmo

Just kidding guys don't get your shorts in a wad!~ beer

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
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Originally posted by Atkinson:
Would those of you who have fallen by the wayside and walked away from tradition and turned your nose up to wood please post pictures of your lace panties! rotflmo

Just kidding guys don't get your shorts in a wad!~ beer

Careful Ray, or these McTurdly, oops meant to say McSwirly, guys will get their panties in a knot.
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My eyes are bleeding Big Grin

Always remember you're
unique, just like everyone else.

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Posted in the wrong forum?

To me, painted plastic is like a squirt gun. Then when you grow up, you can maybe afford a nice piece of wood on a Custom Rifle.

There are those whose tastes never mature.

I think it's a step backwards to call a rifle with a Tupperware stock a "Custom Rifle." Knock-out wood, to me, is maybe the first thing one would see from across the room that might suggest something not bought at Toys R Us.

Thank you very much! Smiler
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Stability and strength. Wood can't compete.


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Originally posted by Kabluewy:
Stability and strength. Wood can't compete.

So? Your tupperware can also have a fill spout, reservoir, and plunge trigger built in. I concede.

It ain't about all that! Smiler
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Originally posted by 1 Shot Hunter:
It ain't about all that! Smiler

Sometimes it is about that. Depends on whether you want to fondel it or just look at the pretty walnut, or use it.

I have both, and like both. I'm growing more fond of walnut all the time, but I still consider them fair weather tools. Perhaps my shift in attitude is because as I get older, I too am becoming more of a fair weather hunter. If the conditions are nice, and the terrain agreeable, I like to sit in a deer stand or on a log, and fondel my walnuts too. Wink



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Even you are classifying them in two categories! I bet most fans of each would do same.

See what I'm sayin'? Smiler
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Originally posted by 1 Shot Hunter:
Even you are classifying them in two categories! I bet most fans of each would do same.

See what I'm sayin'? Smiler

I'm not sure - maybe I see what you are saying. To me, it's a natural to classify them differently. IMO, walnut is definately more pleasant to look at, and feel. On the other hand, when it's raining or sleeting, etc. I don't like to baby my rifle. If I'm toting a McMillan stocked SS or coated metal rifle, I simply don't worry about the rifle.

Another thing I like about walnut is that it's quiter. The fiberglass clanks when the bolt is worked, which I don't like at all.

BTW, tupperware and plastic is like injection molded stocks, and quite different compared to fiberglass stocks, especially the McMillan. surely you know that, and are just being noxious.

Yes, I classify them differently. Also, within the two main classifications - synthetics vs walnut, I have sub-catagories. Plastic and fiberglass, for examples. Working walnut, and looking at walnut, for other examples. The factory walnut stocks on most rifles is in the class of working walnut, IMO, and an example of looking at walnut is shown in the thread of that little 250 savage built on that rare short Mauser action, which costs over $10,000. IMO, that's not a using rifle - it's made just to look at. It can't even be used with a scope. Can you imaging sticking that rifle in a leather scabbord on your riding mule, and taking it on a backcountry hunt? I can't. Yes, I have a problem with the thought of hunting with a rifle that costs more than my pickup. Big Grin



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As you get older and read a little history you might also realize that properly sealed wood can stand up to BATTLE conditions.

How many men died in WWIL due to "failed" wood stocks on M98 Mausers,SMLE Enflields, 03 Springfields, Moisin- Nagants, MI Garands. Arisakas etc all of which were stocked with SOLID WOOD??? I bet not near as many as were killed stone dead with them. No Mickeys in that conflict.

And on ANY sporting rifle, most McSwirlys look like cheap bowling balls or the toilet seat from a Louisiana Double wide..

They are the "leisure suits" of custom gunstocks and 20 years from now rifleman young AND old will be looking at them saying "WTF were they thinking??"

But it is good that as you get a little older and your visual tastes and sense improves you appreciate wood a little more.
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I think it is straightforward...

There are sometimes "discussions" about what a custom rifle is. Sporterized Military Rifles, for example, were placed in their own forum. We don't see any (I believe) custom "tactical" rifles here. There are places for them.

We seem to agree that wood and plastic (yes, I'm tongue-in-cheek lumping them all together. It's poor practice and I hope everyone will forgive that vice) are different in very significant ways. When I peruse this forum, I only want to see beautiful hardwood. Seeing plastic here affects me the same as when I see guy-on-guy porn ads in a magazine of lovely young ladies. And I am NOT implying anything about plastic stock fans being gay! Just describing how it makes me feel. Maybe I'm the only one?

So... perhaps a separate forum for each? "Custom Woodys" and "Custom Synthetic," or whatever...
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Originally posted by jim62:

As you get older and read a little history you might also realize that properly sealed wood can stand up to BATTLE conditions.

But it is good that as you get a little older and your visual tastes and sense improves you appreciate wood a little more.

I "hear" you. Big Grin

I'm sorta in the quandry now, about walnut vs fiberglass on a project. The more I "listen" to you, the more I'm thinking walnut to complete out this project that's been in progress a long time.

But, I should admit that going with the walnut stock is the cheap way out, since I already have one that fits, and also I have plenty of rainy day rifles. Big Grin



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Originally posted by 1 Shot Hunter:
I think it is straightforward...

When I peruse this forum, I only want to see beautiful hardwood. Seeing plastic here affects me the same as when I see guy-on-guy porn ads in a magazine of lovely young ladies. And I am NOT implying anything about plastic stock fans being gay! Just describing how it makes me feel. Maybe I'm the only one?

Ok, so now we know how you feel about plastic stocks. What do you think about painted fiberglass stocks?



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Originally posted by Kabluewy:
Ok, so now we know how you feel about [seeing] plastic stocks [in this forum]. What do you think about [seeing] painted fiberglass stocks [in this forum]?


Please note my adjustments. Same-same, to answer yer question. Smiler
Posts: 270 | Registered: 20 June 2005Reply With Quote
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What about laminate wood stocks?



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Originally posted by Kabluewy:
What about laminate wood stocks?



I have built guns with all three types of materials.

IMHO Laminates are In the same category as 'glass stocked guns- strictly UTILITY customs..

And yes- even a glass stocked Echol's Legend at $14,500 is STILL a utility custom rifle.

And there is nothing wrong with that.

And even an Echol's Legend rifle would look cheap with a McSwirly color scheme on the stock. Which is why you most likely will never see one. Wink
Posts: 528 | Registered: 25 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Kabluewy:
What about laminate wood stocks?


Guess that's like seein' an unshaven lass in with the rest... Smiler
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Here's a simply stocked '09 Argentine (no lug setback, BTW)
that has seen a quite a bit of use in all kinds of crappy weather.

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Originally posted by 1 Shot Hunter:
Originally posted by Kabluewy:
What about laminate wood stocks?


Guess that's like seein' an unshaven lass in with the rest... Smiler

So, you like your snatch shaved, and your riflestocks walnut? Wink

There are those who wouldn't be seen in public with walmart camo. It has to be Cabela's or LL Bean's or A & F's best. Some wouldn't think of a safari without the best and latest safari styles and kaki, and custom rifle - walnut of course. And they turn up their noses, at those who don't share their self-regarded class.

It's quite strange - such behavior.

BTW, that's a nice looking Argentine sporter. I like the shape of the stock. It's sleek, with an open grip. Must be fast handeling. But I wouldn't be seen in public with a walnut stock without checkering. Wink It's like going to church with your fly open - that's the way I "feel" about it. Big Grin



Posts: 12818 | Registered: 16 February 2006Reply With Quote
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Why do you keep puttin' words in my mouth?

Plastic stocks very much have their place (I own a couple and appreciate what they are). I'm simply suggesting it's not in the same forum as such classically beautiful art that I love to come here and enjoy while sipping coffee or an adult beverage.

Like I said, it's just an opinion.

Laminated stocks and other things have their attractions.

So please get off your railroading track! Smiler
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I thought we were having a great discussion. Confused

I just assumed that your mouse worked similar to the one on my computer, which let's me do the selecting on which threads I want to view or participate in.

I can appreciate that you landed here somehow, and find these gwad-awful toiletries instead of fine walnut. Must be like planning on a porn site, and instead your computer takes you to a PTA forum, or a dog show.

I'd get another mouse. Wink

Now don't get your shorts in a wad, I'm only teasing with you.

Best regards,



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You know how intentions can be misconstrued in these posts... No problems here!

I'll look into the mouse situation... beer
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White/grey/black doesn't draw too big a ding on your man-card.
I've this one, and another on order for an XP-100 which will be black/grey white, mostly black.

I think McMillan likes the McSwirley for 2 reasons:
It hides a plethora of imperfections in the surface (a painted stock costs extra)
It gives folks a chance to personalize their toy

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I like to tease the walnut lovin guys, but really - one way of looking at the McMillan stock, whether swirley or painted, is it's just one less thing to worry about, when it's installed.

Could be more than one less thing to worry about. It's already shaped, and already has checkering for a good grip. It's requires no additional stiffening, and is relatively easy to glass bed. It generally comes closely inletted. And all that, and more, besides being stable and strong.

Really, I find a lot to like about a McMillan stock. I have only one complaint, and that's the clank when working the bolt.

If I really wanted to aggrivate the walnut guys, I would post more pictures of my "custom" rifles wearing Hogue stocks. It all got started because I wanted to hurry up and shoot a particular project, and didn't want to wait on a stock to be made and bedded. So I dropped the barreled action into a ready-made Hogue. Bingo, and instant shooter. Although black is really boreing in a stock color, and the Hogues are basically ugly, they really perform well, and I really don't worry about them.

Two nice things about the Hogue stocks. They don't need bedding, and they don't clank when working the bolt. They are quiet, and grippy too.

I find variety by buying green Hogue stocks. Big Grin



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