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Dems at the poles and seeing eye cat
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Picture of gsp
Dems taking me to the polls. SEC to visited polls. Hi, Honey, I'm home!!!

They'll pick me up at 9, again at about noon and again at about 3 and again at about 6.

Yup, got ready for it last night. Galley sink pizza.

Chili and a beer for breakfast.

Can of Bush's Beans and another warm beer for lunch.

A day of flat rock flappers and rip shit stinkers in the van.

Whew! That last one was really foul! Wish I coulda saved it!That way it'll tie up a space in their van!!!

They're here. See you in a bit.

Back. L ive pretty close to the polls and the line had thinned out a bit. I went in, went to the can to hide and returned to the van. In and out.

I will say this: It's honest. At least this deal is. Although this is run by the dems, it is supposed to be open to ANYONE. An old guy with a W'04 pin came along.

The people were at least civil so I put a cork up my ass and waited until I got to the can to let fly. Rancid.

As to the SEC idea, Kitty seems a little frisky today, had his fluids and meds and seems OK.

Let me run this by a friend of mine and we'll see what gives. He's been with me a couple times with the SEC, is one of us. Either I'll hand him the shades and cane and be his assistant or he'll hand me his voter registration(no picture on it) and I'll be him. He'll be my blind voter assistant. If it's the latter, it may not be 100% legal, but it WILL be ethical. Or at least as ethical as any SEC stuff. All I really am doing is escorting a neighbor to the polls so he can vote.

Incidentally, I hope that there's an evening shift of poll workers because I don't want to be recognized from having voted in the AM. I'll change clothes for this. One thing going for me, I kept my yap shut at the polls this am, so I can probably get away with this.

Will keep you posted.
Took neighbor Connie to vote as soon as the polls opened this AM. We both voted and I dropped her off at work. She's feeding me a steak dinner tonight. That's almost a party in itself, so I know I'm getting fed tonight.

Called Neighbor Bob at work. He hasn't voted yet. He's up for it. Plan is this: I'm gonna be him and he's gonna be my asst. He says he can't keep a straight face wearing the shades, cane, etc.

Blind people can bring a friend to the polls to assist them. That's kosher anywhere. I actually assisted a blind neighbor back in '68.

The thing here is to be ethical. If we get caught the DA isn't apt to prosecute harmless mischief.

He WILL prosecute for fraud if we do anything unethical.

We'll see what happens.

Update:got a call. My afternoon run to the polls snagged me early and I went again. Same deal, except that this was from the office of another dem candidate.

Again, it was honest. I'll say that.

Some lib started a spiel against W and to shut him up I let fly with a rip shit stinker.

Spent the remainder of the ride to the polls sitting in the aroma of my own rancidity. Mmmmm.

Scarcely breathes there a man that doesn't love the aroma of his own farts and loathe the stench of another mans.

Ripped loose another one en route home. This one a tear asses gasser. The driver wept openly.

Got home OK.

Called and cancelled my late afternoon ride to the polls. I feel the need to lay low. Besides, the vans were NOT plugged and I wasn't really doing any good. Oh, well. I tried.

Shaved and I'll dress well for tonight. I was REALLY scruffy this morning.

SEC seems to be interested and did well in his leash. It's been a long time since we went out as the SEC, but he seems to want to go. Remember, this is still up to him. He's napping now, which is good.

Again, I think it's a go, but it's up to Kitty.

Neighbor Bob just pulled in a bit ago.

He's had a REAL BAD day.

Kitty is hooked up, I'm ready. Bob's ready.

Cover us, guys, WE'RE GOIN' IN!

After about a gallon of anti flatulence medication, I bout like to shit myself. Finally my innards settled down.

OK, guys. You know the basics.

We arrived at the polls in Bob’s full size pickup and Kitty and I got out and I grabbed my cane and sunglasses. I short leashed Kitty; he heeled pretty well and actually looked like a Seeing Eye cat is supposed to look. I took Bob’s arm and we entered the building and got in line.

We’d been in line just about a minute when a poll worker came up and asked me if I had any special needs. That was nice of him. Bob answered him.

“I’ve got 20/20 vision and need to be escorted to the booth by a blind man,†he said.

“Err, Son, didn’t you mean that the other way around?†he responded. He was a pretty old guy, in his 70s. He could call us ‘Son’ if he wanted to.

“Whatever,†I interrupted.

Our asses were now covered. We had told the truth.

We waited in line, and as to be expected, some big oaf passes by and damned near stepped on Kitty. Kitty responded with a vicious clawing of the asshole’s leg. Haven’t seen him do something like that in years. The asshole got pissed and mouthed off about animals in the polling place.

“It’s a guide animal,†said a Soccer Mom.

“I don’t care what it is, if he claws me again…â€

A lot of people started looking at the asshole, and he realized he wasn’t too popular. He made one more face saving threat.

“Touch that animal and you’ll be shot dead!†said a voice behind me. I knew her. I ‘bout like to shit. It was the woman from down the street. She’s really nice, and is one of my admirers. She’s a real Amazon. “Blind people with Seeing Eye cats are permitted to carry licensed handguns to protect their cats from Seeing Eye dogs.†She said. “Federal Law. John Kerry fought for that bill, along with Ted Kennedy and Charles Schumer.â€

The poll worker came charging over and in a loud voice said something about no firearms in the polling pace. He nodded in my direction. “Except for him,†he said.

“Sounds like something those idiots would do,†said an unknown voice.
The whole line chuckled.

The asshole didn’t know whether to shit or go blind, so he closed one eye and farted. He moved away.

My neighbor lady chuckled. “Hey, Pic, wait’ll I tell my husband about this,†she said.

We laughed. I patted my underarm. The Soccer Mom directly behind me looked concerned. Could it be true? Was the blind man packing?


A little kid with his mother started trying to play with Kitty in a way I knew he didn’t like. I signaled Bob, who started coughing heavily. The instant everyone started looking worriedly at Bob, I cracked the little bastard with my cane.


The little yard ape ran back to the safety of his mother. Smart little crumb snatcher, it ever I ever saw one.

As we got to the front of the line, I reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out an Irish Whisky bottle full of tea and took a healthy swig and passed it to Bob. He took a swig and offered it to the Soccer Mom behind us. She looked pretty upset and refused.

Now the pistol packing blind guy is half in the bag? Legally? John Kerry sponsored the bill? WTF?

When we were at the front of the line, the woman asked me my name, and I gave her Neighbor Bob’s. She dug out a card and asked me to sign it.

No way in hell was I going to forge his signature, so I said to him, “Take the pen and keep my writing on the line. I’ll sign. We’ve done this before.â€

Bob took the pen, put it on the line and I placed my hand atop his and we buffaloed them. Our integrity was still intact. We had done nothing really wrong. It was really Bob’s signature.

To ham it up a bit, Kitty led me right into a pole and I hit harder than I thought I was going to. I bounced off and plowed into a voting machine. It almost got knocked over!

Close call.

“You ought to take that damned cat to a Chinese restaurant†growled Bob.

Everyone looked aghast. Except for the big guy that had felt the wrath of the SECs claws.

“Yeah,†said the big oaf.

“You keep out of this while you have a head on your shoulders,†said the Amazon from down the road. You even look at that kitty again and I’ll slap you silly!â€

Everyone looked at her and busted up. The big guy turned red. Again.

Bob and I entered the booth and he voted.

We started off. The Soccer Mom who was behind me mumbled something about this being the first time she’s voted for a Republican POTUS in her whole life.

I guess she figured that she sure in hell wasn’t going to vote for anyone that would allow a blind drunk to carry a pistol. I say take the votes any legal way we can!

I let Kitty lead me into another post on the way out. BAM! I hit again.

“I need a fuckin’ drink,†I said, shaking my bruised head and pulling the Jameson’s jug out and taking a snort.

This drew pretty good looks. Horrified looks.

Then I short-leashed Kitty and the three of us stumbled across the lot, got in the pickup and started it up. A cruiser instantly blocked us. I rolled down the window.

“You were drinking? Asked the LEO.

I offered him the bottle of iced tea. He didn’t even sniff. He’s the same LEO that came to the house after we raised hell at Builder’s Square years ago.

“Didn’t you learn when your wife made you sleep in the basement for six weeks?†he asked.

He laughed and shook his head, got back into the car and drove off.

Kitty gets steak tonight.

Posts: 880 | Registered: 18 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Gary Surko
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What the hell was that?????? bewildered bewildered bewildered

Political correctness offends me.
Posts: 668 | Location: Hastings, Michigan | Registered: 23 April 2007Reply With Quote
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bewildered bewildered bewildered What the F...
Posts: 4821 | Location: Idaho/North Mex. | Registered: 12 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of gsp
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Sorry about that, I must have lost some of the story. I'll see If I can get the rest.
Posts: 880 | Registered: 18 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of SGraves155
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Now that's FUNNY. Thanks!

"He wins the most, who honour saves. Success is not the test." Ryan
"Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything." Stalin
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but hangin' on
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Picture of Alberta Canuck
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GSP - Three great posts in a row. Heck, man, you should write a book. I'd sure buy got some friends I know would like to have their own c opies too. Your squirrel tale (pardon pun) has to be onm of my all-time

My country gal's just a moonshiner's daughter, but I love her still.

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I wish I could write that good. I copied them from over at

Thought they were funny and posted them here for others to read.
Posts: 880 | Registered: 18 May 2002Reply With Quote
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