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How about a 7mm-284?
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Almost no forming an loads of info already?
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Picture of boom stick
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The 284 Win is getting a resurgence as a target round even though dying as a hunting round.

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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A regular 284 Winchester is a "7mm-284", isn't it?
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Picture of tiggertate
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Absolutely not! The 284 Winchester is a factory 7MM round. The 7MM-284 is a 6.5 x 284 necked up to 7MM to fit a 284 Win Chamber. Sheesh; I'm a dumbass and even I knew that!

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So you take a 284 Winchester that handles a 7mm bullet, then neck it down to 6.5, then neck it up to 7mm? Someone has too much time on their hands. :-)
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That would be silly, Biebs. You'd start and stop with a 284 Win. To be a 7MM-284 you have to buy factory Lapua 6.5 x 284 brass and neck it up, hence the wildcat 7MM-284. killpc

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Originally posted by tiggertate:
That would be silly, Biebs. You'd start and stop with a 284 Win. To be a 7MM-284 you have to buy factory Lapua 6.5 x 284 brass and neck it up, hence the wildcat 7MM-284. killpc

Right, that's the only way to get good brass.
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Picture of ShortandFat
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Is that a bit like saying I want to make a 30 cal out of 25-06 brass

and calling it the 308 - 06
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Yall come on down to Texas --Hunting season is open already.

cabin fever this early??? shocker

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I want a 30-270 win Smiler

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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Picture of tiggertate
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Originally posted by boom stick:
I want a 30-270 win Smiler

My personal favorite is the 300-458 Winchester. dancing

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Picture of boom stick
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Originally posted by tiggertate:
Originally posted by boom stick:
I want a 30-270 win Smiler

My personal favorite is the 300-458 Winchester. dancing

necking down a 458 Win mag to 308 makes it more powerful I hear Wink

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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jumping jumping jumping jumping jumping

Von Gruff.

Von Gruff.

Gen 12: 1-3

Exodus 20:1-17

Acts 4:10-12

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Whut has ya'll bin drinkin? I wants ta by som o' dat fer da DSC bash!

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Thats enough to make a preacher cuss
Thats just stupid!

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I hate to get serious, but you do know a .300-458 is not the same as a 300 WinMag? There is no commercial equivalent.
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I can't believe I waisted my time reading this thread.

velocity is like a new car, always losing value.
BC is like diamonds, holding value forever.
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I vote this most useless thread ever. But still amusing Smiler

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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Picture of tiggertate
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Originally posted by Art S.:
I hate to get serious, but you do know a .300-458 is not the same as a 300 WinMag? There is no commercial equivalent.

I would have thought so. There's no limit to what a curious mind can concoct. More power to those that have the time and drive to go there.

"Experience" is the only class you take where the exam comes before the lesson.
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Picture of jeffeosso
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Originally posted by Art S.:
I hate to get serious, but you do know a .300-458 is not the same as a 300 WinMag? There is no commercial equivalent.

308 norma .. or 30-338
harry, you HAVE one

pesonally i like the 458/375hh improved 2.5"

or, the 458/404 improved 2.55 rebated .. as well as its .416 and .475 siblings

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
What is an AR round? Case Drawings 416-458-470AR and 500AR.
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i always thought a 30-30-30-30 would make a great wildcat for a short handy lever action saddle rifle.

blaming guns for crime is like blaming silverware for rosie o'donnell being fat
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Jeffeosso is right, of course. I was referring to the Winchester set of cartridges. I was always amazed that in the one instance they went with a different case. I suspect they were trying to look a little better against the Weatherby.

I remembered this because the 338-300 was a really popular wildcat for a while, giving a performance increase over a 338. I was always surprised the 458-300 was never used much as an improvement over the 458. It may be that the longer case plus the larger bullets would exceed a short action. The Lott later covered this need.
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I want you all to put down the crack pipes, and step away from the keyboard. NOW!!!

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Guy here in England that I used to shoot with some thirty years ago invented a 38-45 wildcat.

Nothing was the heyday of the 45 ACP necked down to take a 356" bullet.

Except that he (FAR too much time on his hands) necked up a 38 Special case to take a standard 45 ACP 230 grain FMJ "hardball"!

The thing looked like a wine glass or a tulip!

He always used to claim that it was the solution, for practical revolver, to make major calibre in a minor calibre revolver...

...but that he couldn't find anyone to make the chamber reamer for the cylinder!
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We should not forget the 284 Shehane

Doug Humbarger
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A 338 Federal with a .251 neck, with a triple radius "restricted body" of 2.32". Looks like an hourglass. Shoots 25 ACP bullets. I can visualize a line of "restricted body" wildcats taking the shooting world by storm.
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Another genius of a cartridge. Let's call it the "Crime-Stopper Poop Shooter". The key to it's success is to market it on the black market in a semi-auto pistol with a 45 round magazine, have one shot capability before self-destructing, and have a dummy bullet seated in front while the real projectile exits the back toward the shooter. Available for $20 from any crack addict.
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That's all real great,but my favorite wildcat round is 7.62 X 63mm. I have 2 sporterized rifles for it. diggin

This was a complete waste for my first post.
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I'm thinking of the 30/270. Its the 270 necked up to shoot 308 calibre. I reckon the best way would be take 30/06 cases, neck them down to .270 then neck up to .308

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Well best of luck to old dim but there are much better things out there to spend ones money on besides redundency.I speak from experience. Every time I'd come up with the best wildcat design,I would look it up + find that Parker had done it at least 10 years before me.Don't give up hope son,Cast your ideas in the 6.5 arena.The.264 has never really received the credit it deserved. Check your manuals;highest ballistic coeffient that you will find.
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I can't speak about the wildcat proposed by this thread (gag reflex prevents it) but I did once own an English rook rifle which had the barrel set-back and re-chambered for .25ACP.

IIRC it was originally a .297/.250 chambering. Anyway, it DID have a .251" groove diameter.

Not exactly a power-house, but did the same work as the .22 LR, maybe a hair better, and was reloadable. Unfortunately, then as now, primers alone cost about as much as the cheapest loaded.22 LR ammo, so no savings there.
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While we're at it how 'bout a 30cal 7mm-08?

We Band of Bubbas
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Personally, I like my 6mm/243.
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The 6mm-244 has it all over your 6mm-243.
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