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Reindeerhunting in Norway
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Picture of Norwegianhunter
posted 15 February 2008 23:30
Hello fellows hunters
I put some photos to show the reindeerhunt in the montains of Norway

Reindeerbull wight 190 lbs and the trophy scored 880,0 sci points Gold medal Shot with a Sauer 202 caliber 6,5x55 Mauser bullet 140 grs Rhino at 120 yards

I shot this bull 2 days later in a another area, to get high in the mountain at was a really struggel. I shot it at 190 yards with the same rifle and bullet. In this area it`s 5700 feet above sea level.

The same bull as above.

Taking care of the trophy and the meat

Realy tired after climbing down a very steepy hillside from 5700 feet to 1200 feet.
We got down at late night and we used 4 hours walking and climbing

My Jeep is loaded and home we go

This hunt is a walk and stalk hunt in a very high, and steepy hills the higest mountaintops is abobe 6300 feet.

I use a Sauer 202 in caliber 6,5x55 mauser, it`s very accurat and with a good trajectory.

I also have a extra barrel in calliber 3006 this one I use for red deer hunting.


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Posts: 131 | Location: Loeten the home of the aquavit, Norway | Registered: 12 February 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of Jon2
posted 15 February 2008 23:43Hide Post
Norwegian Hunter

Thankyou for posting it looks very interesting.

Is there anyway you can make the pictures bigger?

Also what was the rifle and calibre used and are you able to give us some more details of the actual hunt itself etc?

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Picture of Norwegianhunter
posted 16 February 2008 00:07Hide Post
I find the right size of the photos. dancing


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Posts: 131 | Location: Loeten the home of the aquavit, Norway | Registered: 12 February 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of SGraves155
posted 16 February 2008 02:48Hide Post
Very nice! Slightly smaller than North American Caribou, but identical otherwise. Wonderful sets of antlers. Congratulations on very good trophies!

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posted 16 February 2008 03:12Hide Post
Thankyou for posting - nice to see such a successful and well earned result.

Where were you hunting - on the Hardangervidda?

Keep well.

Ian Smiler

Just taking my rifle for a walk!........
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posted 16 February 2008 03:16Hide Post
Excellent ! Enjoy the meat....I'm surprized to see a Norwegian call it the 6.5x55 MAUSER !How about the 6.5x55 Krag-Jorgensen ?? Roll Eyes
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Picture of Norwegianhunter
posted 16 February 2008 04:11Hide Post
Originally posted by IanF:
Thankyou for posting - nice to see such a successful and well earned result.

Where were you hunting - on the Hardangervidda?

Keep well.

Ian Smiler

They were shot in a place called Skjaak in the Ottadal of Gudbrandvalley, about 200 km north of Lillehammer


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Posts: 131 | Location: Loeten the home of the aquavit, Norway | Registered: 12 February 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of Norwegianhunter
posted 16 February 2008 04:13Hide Post
Originally posted by mete:
Excellent ! Enjoy the meat....I'm surprized to see a Norwegian call it the 6.5x55 MAUSER !How about the 6.5x55 Krag-Jorgensen ?? Roll Eyes

Thank you, the meat is very good, we use it all, also the hide, we tan them and use dem on the floor of the tent.


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Posts: 131 | Location: Loeten the home of the aquavit, Norway | Registered: 12 February 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of Norwegianhunter
posted 16 February 2008 21:13Hide Post
Originally posted by mete:
Excellent ! Enjoy the meat....I'm surprized to see a Norwegian call it the 6.5x55 MAUSER !How about the 6.5x55 Krag-Jorgensen ?? Roll Eyes

Thank you for making me notice. The load that I use is to heavy for the 6,5x55 "Krag Jorgensen"
The Correct name of the caliber that I use is 6,5x55 Swedish Mauser, witch is built on the Mauser M96 in sweden.

For some years ago the load that worked fine in the Krag Jorgensen rifle was not allowed for big game hunting i Norway, When the goernment change the power of impact I think it was about 1990, the Krag Jorgensen load was allowed to use again. But not in the Krag Jorgensen rifle because of the construktion of the bolt.


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Posts: 131 | Location: Loeten the home of the aquavit, Norway | Registered: 12 February 2008Reply With Quote
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posted 16 February 2008 23:34Hide Post
Norwegianhunter, Mine is a 1943 M98, reheat treated but I would never call it a Swedish mauser ! Big Grin I made it up years back in gunsmith school and it has supplied me with many deer over the years .A very fine cartridge . wave
Posts: 7636 | Registered: 10 October 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Norwegianhunter
posted 17 February 2008 01:14Hide Post
Originally posted by mete:
Norwegianhunter, Mine is a 1943 M98, reheat treated but I would never call it a Swedish mauser ! Big Grin I made it up years back in gunsmith school and it has supplied me with many deer over the years .A very fine cartridge . wave

Yes it is avery fine caliber, and I suggest that we call it 6,5x55 and that`s it. wave


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Posts: 131 | Location: Loeten the home of the aquavit, Norway | Registered: 12 February 2008Reply With Quote
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posted 17 February 2008 01:23Hide Post
great pictures norwegian.
One time I will find the time for come to Norge and kill a nice bull.

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Picture of Norwegianhunter
posted 17 February 2008 01:45Hide Post
Originally posted by Mario:
great pictures norwegian.
One time I will find the time for come to Norge and kill a nice bull.

Yes you are welcome to Norge to hunt Norsk villrein
I have some contacts


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Posts: 131 | Location: Loeten the home of the aquavit, Norway | Registered: 12 February 2008Reply With Quote
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posted 17 February 2008 11:01Hide Post
My understanding is that the 6.5x55 Swedish Mauser was designed by and for the Swedish military.

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Picture of Norwegianhunter
posted 17 February 2008 11:11Hide Post
Originally posted by cewe:
My understanding is that the 6.5x55 Swedish Mauser was designed by and for the Swedish military.

Thats Correct, it was made for the Swedish military.
In Norway we had the 6,5x55 Krag Jorgensen Rifle, these rifles is still in use in several shooting organization, they perform very good accuracy, you can shoot very fast and accurat.


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Posts: 131 | Location: Loeten the home of the aquavit, Norway | Registered: 12 February 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of GBF
posted 17 February 2008 11:32Hide Post
Originally posted by cewe:
My understanding is that the 6.5x55 Swedish Mauser was designed by and for the Swedish military.

If you are referring to the gun only then true.

If you are referring to the cartridge, then the correct answer is that it was designed by a joint Norwegian/Swedish commission during the period of the Swedish/Norwegian union (in 1891).

The Norwegians chose the Krag-Jörgensen as their service weapon while the Swedes chose the Mauser .

Nice trophy Norwegian !

Posts: 392 | Location: Insula Thule | Registered: 03 January 2003Reply With Quote
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posted 17 February 2008 17:42Hide Post
Beautiful! Especially with the stricking crimson antlers...

Which month of the year was this?
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posted 17 February 2008 17:57Hide Post
Welcome onboard Hallgeir, good to see you around thumb

Arild Iversen.

Posts: 1881 | Location: Southern Coast of Norway. | Registered: 02 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Picture of Norwegianhunter
posted 17 February 2008 18:14Hide Post
Originally posted by Boghossian:
Beautiful! Especially with the stricking crimson antlers...

Which month of the year was this?

These were shot late august


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Posts: 131 | Location: Loeten the home of the aquavit, Norway | Registered: 12 February 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of Norwegianhunter
posted 17 February 2008 18:49Hide Post
Originally posted by Arild Iversen:
Welcome onboard Hallgeir, good to see you around thumb

Thank you Arild, I`v been reading the forum and all the other nice thing at Accuratreloading.
Now I enjoy the forum,


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Posts: 131 | Location: Loeten the home of the aquavit, Norway | Registered: 12 February 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of Fallow Buck
posted 18 February 2008 21:08Hide Post
Oh My god more Aquavit!!!!


Welcome and congrats.


BTW, Why are the antlers Red?
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posted 18 February 2008 23:52Hide Post
Originally posted by GBF:
Originally posted by cewe:
My understanding is that the 6.5x55 Swedish Mauser was designed by and for the Swedish military.

If you are referring to the gun only then true.

If you are referring to the cartridge, then the correct answer is that it was designed by a joint Norwegian/Swedish commission during the period of the Swedish/Norwegian union (in 1891).

The Norwegians chose the Krag-Jörgensen as their service weapon while the Swedes chose the Mauser .

Nice trophy Norwegian !

GBF is right. At the time Sweden and Norway were in union. The union between Sweden and Norway lasted from 1814 to 1905. As the union was a personal union with a shared King but separate states, the military was not totally integrated. During the union however, a lot of the military ammunition were made to a "Union standard", this was also the case with the 6,5x55. The "Rifle commission" first designed the cartrigde - the 6,5x55 - then went ahead to find an agreement on rifles, but they did not manage to do this.

Internationally the cartrigde has wrongly been regarded by many ignorant shooters as a german mauser creation or a strictly swedish cartrigde. The latter mostly because of the large number of surplus swedish mausers being sold in the US, thus giving rise to the nickname "6,5x55 swede" (it is customary for US cartrigdes to have a name behind the caliber designation). Because of the strong influence from the US in Norway and Sweden, even some scandinavians have come to believe that the cartrigde actually is german or swedish.

The confusion regarding the 6,5x55 is further complicated by the fact that althoug there is only one blueprint for the cartrigde (made by the unions rifle commission), the factories in Norway and Sweden produced the cartrigde and rifles according to the opposite ends of the blueprint tolerances - Norway to the max and Sweden to the minimum. This made norwegian ammonition a little difficult to use in rapid fire from swedish mausers. During the end of the union, when Norway left, norwegian newspapers made up a story how clever the norwegians had been to make their ammo difficult to use in swedish rifles in case of a civil-war, but this was found out to be just a myth. I have personally used ammo made to (norwegian) max tolerances in a rifle with minimum (swedish) chamber, and it works plenty good enough, though in a fouled chamber it might cause a problem. Anyway, as long as chamber and ammo are made to the norwegian/swedish union specs there will be no problem.

Today, for match shooting, they are using the "Scan" chamber - in the middle of the blueprint.
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posted 22 February 2008 23:35Hide Post
Er du her og nå Hallgeir,blitt lei kranglinga på sluttstykke?
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Picture of Norwegianhunter
posted 23 February 2008 01:53Hide Post
Originally posted by Fallow Buck:
Oh My god more Aquavit!!!!


Welcome and congrats.


BTW, Why are the antlers Red?

In this time of year the skin that covers the antler while it`s gove, is loosen and get ready for mating season, the red is blood that is under the skin on the antlers


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Posts: 131 | Location: Loeten the home of the aquavit, Norway | Registered: 12 February 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of Norwegianhunter
posted 23 February 2008 01:54Hide Post
Originally posted by odd:
Er du her og nå Hallgeir,blitt lei kranglinga på sluttstykke?

Neida, men må utvide horisonten litt mere en bare sluttsykket.


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Posts: 131 | Location: Loeten the home of the aquavit, Norway | Registered: 12 February 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of Norwegianhunter
posted 23 February 2008 01:57Hide Post
Originally posted by Boghossian:
Beautiful! Especially with the stricking crimson antlers...

Which month of the year was this?

This was the 22nd august the mating season starts mid september, then the bull smell terrible,and the meat cant be eaten by humans, in one month


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Posts: 131 | Location: Loeten the home of the aquavit, Norway | Registered: 12 February 2008Reply With Quote
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posted 23 February 2008 03:52Hide Post
Great pictures, thanks for sharing them with us.
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Picture of Afrikaander
posted 23 February 2008 08:30Hide Post
nice hunt and nice antlers.... congratulations thumb


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posted 26 February 2008 15:36Hide Post
Nice to see you here, Hallgeir!! beer

*Treat problems like a dog; Take a sniff ..... If it can't be killed, eaten, or fucked? Just pie on it, and walk on!:-)

Posts: 736 | Location: In the deep Norwegian woods. | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Norwegianhunter
posted 27 February 2008 14:40Hide Post
Thank you 460wby.
Accuratereloading is a very interessting place to be. Lots of good advices, and it`s seems to be a big good family.

I put some more reindeerhuntingpic:

Another big bull

The big good guys

Overwiew over some of the huntingarea were I hunt reindeer


Africa hunting
Posts: 131 | Location: Loeten the home of the aquavit, Norway | Registered: 12 February 2008Reply With Quote
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posted 11 March 2008 02:29Hide Post
Congrat''s on your fine hunt! thats a BEAUTIFULL bull and very well earned trophy!
welcome to our forum and thanks for posting your great pictures and story thumb
regards from one hunter 2 another!!! Smiler
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Picture of Norwegianhunter
posted 11 March 2008 02:32Hide Post
Originally posted by jjmp:
Congrat''s on your fine hunt! thats a BEAUTIFULL bull and very well earned trophy!
welcome to our forum and thanks for posting your great pictures and story thumb
regards from one hunter 2 another!!! Smiler

Thank you very much, there is more.....


Africa hunting
Posts: 131 | Location: Loeten the home of the aquavit, Norway | Registered: 12 February 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of GBF
posted 12 March 2008 12:59Hide Post
Originally posted by Norwegianhunter:

Overwiew over some of the huntingarea were I hunt reindeer

This landscape could be almost anywhere in my Reindeer hunting area as well Smiler striking similarities!

Your name wouldnt stand out either for that matter Smiler


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