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Bubba shoot in Huntsville, TX last weekend Login/Join
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Picture of 470CapstickA2
Just had to say what a great time I had at Hogkiller's place, and thanks to all the great AR members that were there. We had quite an array of arms up there, and many a water jug surrendered to the onslaught of 400-500+ grain bullets we unleashed. Here's a couple of well timed pics I took of our host and one guest who's name slips me...

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Picture of woodsracer
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Looks like a great, fun-filled day!!! Two things that I would have changed, though. One is that it should have been in TN. Wink .....and TWO, FREEZE the water jugs. Then you KNOW that if you have made a center hit, there are NO big hunks left. Big Grin

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Posts: 693 | Location: Middle Tennessee | Registered: 16 October 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Hog Killer
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470CapstickA2, first off, glad you made it to the shoot. Enjoyed both your company and your 475NE 3 1/4" wave

Thanks for posting those two pictures, you did a good job catching the jugs dieing in "full charge". I am shooting Forrest A's 458 Whitworth, and Tom G is shooting my Lott.

Woodsracer, find you a group of big bore shooters in your area, and get to it. thumb

Hog Killer

We Band of Bubbas & STC Hunting Club, The Whomper Club
Posts: 4553 | Location: Walker Co.,Texas | Registered: 05 September 2003Reply With Quote
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Had a Great time with you guys!!

Spectacular pictures and timing

Woods, just fil them with water and koolaid!!

Keith, yet another herd of dangerous jugs were laid to waste!!


opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
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Picture of woodsracer
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Originally posted by jeffeosso:

Woods, just fil them with water and koolaid!!


Naw, that tends to draw the Bees and Hornets before you even get finished shooting. Big Grin Food coloring works for me! Wink

BTW, one of the best ways that I have found to make some GOOD targets for my Rigby is to use a cardboard box of "the appropriate size (your preference)" and line the box with two garbage bags. Then fill HALF full with food colored water. Let it freeze for two days, and add the last HALF of food colored water and let it freeze for another three days to get any water bubbles out of the block. I've done several, but the first one I did was the best 'cause I didn't know what to expect. I used red for one half, and blue for the other. When shooting time arrived, I tore off the cardboard, peeled off the plastic bags, and set it on a stump lengthwise. The ice block measured 10"x10"x16". When the Rigby hit it, the block turned into a MUSHROOM cloud about 12' high (I am 6'2") and maybe 18' wide. It was VERY IMPRESSIVE!!! clap

......and YES, it sounds like I may need to setup a more Eastern Gathering. I bet that RIP would be there. Big Grin

"They who would give up an essential Liberty for Temporary Security, deserves neither Liberty or Security." ---Benjamin Franklin

Posts: 693 | Location: Middle Tennessee | Registered: 16 October 2005Reply With Quote
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I am so glad you got to meet me Smiler


High in the shoulder

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Posts: 1868 | Location: League City, Texas | Registered: 11 April 2003Reply With Quote
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I'd love to bring my big bores out sometime. I'm just down the road in Tomball. I have a great place to hunt hogs in deep south Tx. Maybe a group of us could go down there and have a big bore hog bashing session. Dave
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Picture of 470CapstickA2
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22 WRF ask and ye shall receive, knock and it shall be opened unto you.....

Only gun I lay claim to is my double in the first pic.... I'm suprised there was ammo left over for it when I had to leave and go to work..

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Picture of Hog Killer
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Originally posted by 470CapstickA2:
Only gun I lay claim to is my double in the first pic.... I'm suprised there was ammo left over for it when I had to leave and go to work..

That's because the "Band of Bubba's" have good manners. We want you to come back with your "toys" and will not shoot up all of your SxS ammo. At least not until you get your reloading dies and press going. jumping

Hog Killer

Hog Killer

We Band of Bubbas & STC Hunting Club, The Whomper Club
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Southern gentlemen don't let a man go home defenseless! You need that thing loaded to keep the F-350s off the ass of your Mini-Cooper! Nice car, BTW. Maybe next time I can beg a ride. I always wanted to take a ride in one.

Mitchell, we're a serious hog huntin' bunch and love deep south Texas too (hat off, wipe the tear from corner of eye). Sounds like a fun thing to try to set up!

BTW, that's Hog Killer's 1.5 " big bore bullet next to my little 505 Gibbs rounds in the bottom of the next to the last picture; next to a bottle of ear plugs, LOL.

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Picture of fla3006
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Al, glad you enjoyed our ragged company, you're always welcome. Lovely Cogswell & Harrison, Mini Cooper too.

Mitchell, you're also welcome any time.

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Picture of ForrestB
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I guess my 416 doesn't make the big bore minimum. Just tell me how big a gun I need to make the cut next time. Can I sneak in with a 45-70? What's it gonna take? I'm feeling inadequate.

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Francis Bacon
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I imagine those petite full stock G33/40's will get you into any gun gathering.

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Picture of Hog Killer
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Forrest B, 375 H&H will get you in. wave

Drop me an e-mail.(it's in my profile)

Hog Killer

We Band of Bubbas & STC Hunting Club, The Whomper Club
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22WRF, my 505 was leaned up against the tree behind Tom. It is a converted CZ Safari.

"Experience" is the only class you take where the exam comes before the lesson.
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we do have a good time when we get together, no doubt a colorful group from various technical and professional backgrouds. Very experienced and safe in handleing guns, best bunch of guys I've ever been around.

I didnt have to worry about my guns going off, forgot my bullets Smiler, left them on my desk in my office at home. So I just set in my chair and made smart ass comments.......quite fun. Smiler


High in the shoulder

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on the tree, behind Tom
7.62x39 handirifle.. not the greatest gun in the world, but it's cute in a homely sort of way.

470 AR ruger 77mkii

505 gibbs on a cz 550 (can't see through Tom!!)

Calibers on had, i might miss some, and there are duplicates, in decreasing caliber/power
505 gibbs, 475 NE, 470 AR, 458 AR, 458 Lott, 458 win, 45/70, (might have been a) 404, 375HH, 300WSM, 7.62x39, 6.5x55

I didn't get to shoot 470's 475, due to a wrist injury.. Doubles rotate DOWN too much for me to be able to shoot them that day. Wrist injury... ever try driving PLASTIC tent stakes into hard baked Texas soil? We left the steel one in the other tent bag a week before.

Normally there's a 550 on these outings!! Al, you are next for that!!

We didn't shoot skeet with big bores this time... Nah, not flying, but on a nice target stand Hog killer built. Nice trial to hit a claybird with irons, off hand, with a big bore.


opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
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It's a shortened RUM case
Here's a pic

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
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Picture of fla3006
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Jeffe, didn't we all sorta decide the 458AR was the most practical?

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So, is this a guys only thing or what? I don't qualify yet as my .375 isn't due in for another two weeks, but I was just wondering.
Posts: 660 | Location: Texas | Registered: 28 June 2003Reply With Quote
Picture of jeffeosso
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Originally posted by gotogirl3:
So, is this a guys only thing or what? I don't qualify yet as my .375 isn't due in for another two weeks, but I was just wondering.

Guys Only? Heck no.. just, by default, it appears that the majority of big bore shooters are guys!!

Originally posted by fla3006:
Jeffe, didn't we all sorta decide the 458AR was the most practical?

Yep.. it certainly is the most practical, and might be the best of them all,,, but the 470 is the only .475 bullet in a standard length action

The 458 is the easist to feed, probably best performance (Harry and I will be working that out) and cheapest/best-choice-of bullets.


opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
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I wouldn't be offended if it were, I was just inquiring. I think it is okay if guys want to do stuff with the guys sometimes. My problem is most of the time I would rather do that stuff than I had sit around and talk about fashion and gossip. Oh well!
Posts: 660 | Location: Texas | Registered: 28 June 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of tiggertate
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The 458 may be the more practical but the 470 was a hoot!

"Experience" is the only class you take where the exam comes before the lesson.
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Picture of 470CapstickA2
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hmmmmmmm.... women with big bores... I'll stop there...........

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jeffe, why would the 458 be a better performer over the 470???

are there any bullets it wont feed???

i reeeeeely wana shoot north fork flat nose solids, barnes tsx's and maybe bridger flat nose solids in my 470 is there a problem that i should know about?


if yer gunna be different with a wildcat might as well go all the way and do the 470. give all the 458's a complex and make'em feel insignificant by .017 animal

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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Darn it, now I think I am getting hooked on the idea of a big bore.

what is the difference in performance between the .458 Lott and the .458 AR.
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Picture of fla3006
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22WRF: I think I am getting hooked on the idea of a big bore

Caution! May be habit forming.

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Picture of tiggertate
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All the AR rounds can fit in a standard length action (not 375 H&H; 30-06 type standard) and the 458 AR has 3-5% more case capacity than a Lott. The best way to get horsepower cheap if you handload. Best of all, you can buy a used Ruger 7 Mag or 300 Winnie cheap and rebarrel. Good to go! Mausers take a bit of rail work to feed right. Not a huge amount but the Ruger is a slam dunk. I'll probably do a 470 on a Ruger one day.

"Experience" is the only class you take where the exam comes before the lesson.
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Picture of invader66
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These shoots are fun and something I look enjoy
beyond words. Big Bores are Habit forming I
I have it BAD. Big Grin
Great way to spend the afternoon.

Semper Fi
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Picture of jeffeosso
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Originally posted by fla3006:
Caution! May be habit forming.

too late!!

22 - Like Harry Said, the 458 AR has a tad more case capacity than the lott. It fits in standard length actions, and fires cheap (for big bores) bullets. Also, the ruger mkII IS a slamdunk... while standing on a 4' ladder!!

have you priced barnes TSXs? more than a buck each.. Speer Gold Dot 400gr are THE jub blasting bullet for the 470!!! The woodleigh 500 is next.. I like turning 100gr off the base of the TSXs and getting High veloccity out of them.


let me start with I haven't seen the inside of my shop, to do any work, in about a 6 weeks. been too eat up with work/school/famly/etc...

after I finish the two rifles on my bench, we'll do more AR work

These were designed to go 2400, 2200, and 2200, 416, 458, 470.. they beat that. and out of a standard action, with cheap brass. The only downside is you do, today, have to fireform and trim the brass. Fireforming consists of some pistol powder, cornmeal, and a packing peanut.. boom/bump.. trim to 2.55"

the 416 AR takes the 400gr hornady for an approaching 2500FPS ride, and 2400 is trivial to get. 26" .. we'll see what a 25" does in a couple weeks

the 458 takes the 500gr hornady way past 2300, with a 21" barrel.. Harry's is 26", and my next one will be right at either 23 or 24..

the 470 takes 500gr woodleighs to 2350 easy.. and appraching 2500 with the 400 gr speers. 26" .. this one is going to get firelapped, and then real load work done.. I am out of college for the summer, which just means work, family, camping, shooting, friends and the shop to distract me... school eats up more than 14hours a week, class, study, reading, etc. after it get firelapped and we see what the loads do. I would love to get 2300 with a 500gr from a 23" barrel.

Keith and I fired all three of these beasts with 80 days from concept to boom!!


opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
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My barrel is probably a little long for practical hunting but since it matches a lot of the older express rifles (usually 25") I thought I'd see what it would do. I think it will realistically do close to 2500 with loads for North Amerca. Maybe 2400 if loading for hot climes.

My "working" load for South Texas is going to be some sort of 400 gr bullet at 2400.

"Experience" is the only class you take where the exam comes before the lesson.
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Picture of jeffeosso
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Originally posted by tiggertate:

My "working" load for South Texas is going to be some sort of 400 gr bullet at 2400.

Sounds like a good method for remote pork recovery operations!!!

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
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Posts: 41037 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of tiggertate
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Originally posted by jeffeosso:
Originally posted by tiggertate:

My "working" load for South Texas is going to be some sort of 400 gr bullet at 2400.

Sounds like a good method for remote pork recovery operations!!!

Roger that! It'll also take all the chase out of shooting nilgai too. Every once in a while I get to back up clients in the exotic enclosure and after seeing how a wounded Gemsbock can shrug off 200 gr 30-06s in the boiler room I will enjoy the 458. The 505 is fun and challenging but too damn heavy to run through the brush with. The 416 would have worked too but it will be fun to use an Accurate Reloading creation.

"Experience" is the only class you take where the exam comes before the lesson.
Posts: 11143 | Location: Texas, USA | Registered: 22 September 2003Reply With Quote
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a buck a bullet is not the regular diet but i would like to use them for hunting someday but not for would there be a feeding problem with the flat nose or the tsx's???

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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A real fun day. Wish I were close enough to enjoy with you.
Jeffe I am sending my Mark X .458 along to wait for AR treatment when you do your next round of work. I will call you and send some funds along with the ffl.

I have another Whitworth that may become the .470 later.

I am helping a friend sell some .475 number 2 ammo and like the looks of that super fat bullet.
After playing with the 11.2 Schuler I really need a fat one in a fine rifle.
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Picture of ramrod340
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Hey guys if a 375H&H can get me in the dance I would love to attend next time.

As usual just my $.02
Paul K
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Hey Frank,
sure enough, you'll love it!!
Shoot keith a PM

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
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