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As an aside from another thread posted below. I'm on the list for 4 MRC PH actions. My original plans are moot as I got tired of waiting and built all of the calibers on other actions. So I need 4 new caliber choices.

I think I will let the AR folks help chose and get serial numbers with ARXXXXXX for the caliber.

Criteria: All must be 474 or larger bore, all must be suited for the PH action. Wildcats are fine. Especially on the 600 OK case. I currently have 470 Mbogo, 475 A&M, 470 Capstick, 500A2, 505 Gibbs, 500-600OK, 550 Express, 550 Mag, 600 OK.

I'm thinking on a 585 Nyati, 585-600OK, 500 Jeff and a Trex. I will let the majority decide at least 2 of them.

Maybe give me a list and then I'll run a poll with the top winners getting the nod.

Might be a fun project especially with a serial number like AR585Nyati, ARTREX engraved on the barrel.

Let it all hang out. I've got no hang-ups with wildcats at all


PS: NO 45-70s Big Grin
Posts: 855 | Location: Belgrade, Montana | Registered: 06 October 2000Reply With Quote
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I would give a definite nod to the Nyati and the T-rex. Those are the only two I see that you don't have that I would want to build. Big Grin

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Considering your current shoulder-battering battery, my picks for filling the gaps would be:

.500 Jeffery
.585 Nyati
.577 Tyrannosaur

All of these are wonderfully nightmarish cartridges in certain situations, so all would be a great accomplishment to get functioning and allow you to brag about sub-MOA grouping in 11 pound non-braked sporting pieces. thumb

At that point in life, having accomplished the above, you might then consider the more subtle appeal of:

.510/.505 Gibbs .... Just to be different and shoot baby BMG loads in a sporting rifle.

And hey, live a little, consider a waiver of the ".474 Rule" for another special .505 Gibbs based cartridge: .408 Cheyenne Tactical

Not too many kids on the block have one of those. thumb
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Picture of Charles Mc Williams
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Why piss around with these puney cals. Call Bofos up and have them send you some 20 m.m. rounds in asorted flavors. Charlie
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I was thinking of a something like the 505/510 but a shoter case to seat the 50 BMG bullets right. Is there an existing wildcat along that line or should I make a new one necking the 550 Express? Hey Jeffe! First wildcat on your baby!

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Frowner the 495 asquare is REALLY close to that..

BUT, if you took the 500 asquare, and allowed for a 1.1" bullet OUTSIDE the case, you could have a boltfeed "even better" 50 peacekeeper, as you could load it in the mag...

of course, doing that with a 500 jeffe (mine is throated for milsurp bullets, btw) would let you feed from the mag with a monster...

and I think John has already done a 50/600 OK.


opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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OK, how about a 700 Nitro?

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577 T-Rex

Double Rifle Shooters Society
Francotte .470 Nitro Express

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How about a 45-600 ok, you need a big bore varmint rifle Big Grin

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Paul, I've already have a 458-600Ok in the works. Along with a 474-600,500-600,550-600 and of course the 600Ok. Only gap there is the 585.

577 NE Not to sure about getting a rimmed case to feed well. I know it's been done but not by me, yet anyway.

A700Ne well that would get your attention but the feeding issue remains.

RIP what is the ballistics of the 408 Ch Tec?

Looks to me like the 500 Jeff, 585 Nyati and 577 T Rex have the nod so far. One of my 500 A2 is long throated for shooting BMG bullets out of so a 510/505 Gibbs would be a duplication. Which is not a bad thing at all. I am just looking to complete the line of Big Bores I have or will have shortly.

What is the largest you can neck up a 416 Rigby? I don’t have a Rigby case here but that might be a possibility.

Keep the suggestions coming

Posts: 855 | Location: Belgrade, Montana | Registered: 06 October 2000Reply With Quote
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Largest you can go on the Rigby is 475, unless belted then 550 mag, but you knew that.

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Would the .700 nitro fit on the ph action Confused
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take a 600 nitro case, and a trex case.... make the same rim/extractor groove cuts on a 700??


opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
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With a .850 diameter bolt it should be possible. The tricky part will be in the magazine. You will need to keep the rims from jumping over on another. If the top rim is all the way back against the magazine wall and the case under it is if front of the rim you will get a hard feeding round or worse a jam. I've seen it happen on a win 52 in 22lr. I'm sure I could figure something out to eliminate that possibility and maybe a 700 NE would be a nice addition.
500 Jeff
585 Nyati
577 T Rex
700 NE

Any other suggestions? 500AHR? 495 A2?

Paul, I know there is very little shoulder left on my 470 Mbogo but wasn't sure if you could go to 510. Guess not.

Posts: 855 | Location: Belgrade, Montana | Registered: 06 October 2000Reply With Quote
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Since you have 4 MRC PH actions coming I would have a pair done as 500/600 OK and the other pair done as 416/600 OK.

One rifle from each pair set up with your preferred load and the other rifle from each pair for general mucking about with loads.

If the brass for 600 OK is OK (hardness) then a 500/600 OK should be faster than a 460 Wby with bullet if equal sectional density and a 416/600 OK should be faster than a 378 Wby with bullets of equal sectional density.

Posts: 517 | Location: Sydney Australia | Registered: 09 June 2005Reply With Quote
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Mike, I've already have a 500-600Ok and I really think a 416-600OK would burn out barrels so fast you wouldn't have time to get a load worked up anf the throat would be gone. Thanks for the sugestion and I do see your point about one for messing with and another for hunting.

My goal is to fill in the gaps in my arsional with these 4 actions. Kind of want something I don't already have.

Posts: 855 | Location: Belgrade, Montana | Registered: 06 October 2000Reply With Quote
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I think the trick to a 700 would be to turn the rims off and cut an extractor groove. I mean common, with everything else it would take that's almost effortless. A single stack feed like the 460 Wby or Jeffe's 550 would also be in order. A lot of work but damn, how many 700s are there out there?

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As cheap as the action is you could afford a whole passle of those cases at $10 a pop!

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PS: NO 45-70s


(see my post on page 2 of 338-06 bashing)

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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Then I would do a pair of 550/600 OKs and 45/600 OKs. I know you said nothing less than 475

By the way this is my "sets" and "pairs" mentality coming out. Big Grin

Given the list of what you currently own I don't imagine a 6mm/06 would have much appeal Big Grin

Posts: 517 | Location: Sydney Australia | Registered: 09 June 2005Reply With Quote
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Jeffe and Triggertate that will work fine. I like that a lot. Not too many of those out there.

I think I'll give MRC a call on Monday and ask for serial Numbers:

If nothing changes or comes up on this post to change my thinking that is the way I'll go.

I'll need 4 good stock blanks that are very similar to go with them and I'll set up the quarter ribs, sights etc the same on all.
Posts: 855 | Location: Belgrade, Montana | Registered: 06 October 2000Reply With Quote
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looks like the only thing you dont have is a you?

seriously you have noooooooo gaps in your gun safe. this is debauchery here and you might as well go with tiggertates 700 ( could this be the wildcat name, we'll call it the tt700)

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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seriously you have noooooooo gaps in your gun safe. this is debauchery here and you might as well go with tiggertates 700 ( could this be the wildcat name, we'll call it the tt700)

Don't even wisper that. thumbdown I keep saying every animal you hunt needs a special hunting rig or it's unfair to the animal. homer I've got a good think going here don't mess it up. Roll Eyes

Posts: 855 | Location: Belgrade, Montana | Registered: 06 October 2000Reply With Quote
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Aren't you ambitious. By all means do a 700NE JJM if you can ... but for informational purposes:

Supposed to do 2900 fps with a 419 grain .408 bullet with BC of .930.

It is a "3000 yard" tactical round that is supposed to stay supersonic out to 3300 yards IIRC.

Jamison International makes the brass for it, a necked down .505 Gibbs with heavier head/redesigned web.

Might be good on p-dogs. gunsmile
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I don't how true it is but the 408 does not seem to get a run on

Whether it is brass bullets or barrels I don't know. The 50 pound guns seem to be dominated by 338 Lapua Improved, 338/416 and Improved versions of the 338/378.

Posts: 517 | Location: Sydney Australia | Registered: 09 June 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of tiggertate
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So if we take high pressure 505/408 Gibbs brass that is the base for the 408 sniper round and neck it up to 470/505/510/550 and load to the same pressure we might end up with something useful?

Now you're cookin....

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I think you are in the high cotton with that idea, except with .550, would require a belt or a rim on the diminutive (around here Wink ) .505 Gibbs sized case, eh?

And please, let us Americans designate our cartridges the more sensible way than the bassackward Brits.

That would be .408/.505 Gibbs for the .408 Chey-Tac. Wink
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I think it is the extra expense for .408 barrels, etc., and limited bullet selection. Very specialized. Not all us bubbas want to go to that much trouble for p-dog shooting. Wink

Also, no rifle over 11 pounds or wearing a muzzle break is a sporting piece by my definition. Wink
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I think a couple of blokes have the necked to 338.

But perhaps it would be worthwhile checking on as to the brass in terms of quality etc if the idea is to neck up and be able to use full pressure loads.

Posts: 517 | Location: Sydney Australia | Registered: 09 June 2005Reply With Quote
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OOps, thats right RIP. Would need a form set and about 30 grains of Bullseye to end up with a bottle-necked 550 rebated rimmed 408/550 Super-Swelled.

Maybe we just ought to neck a 700 to 550?

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take ed hubble's 700, shorten to 3.25", and call that your 700.. and neck it to 55!!!!


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I think their site shows the bolt is .800
diameter, so you'd have to rebate rim,
on a 700 NE which is .890 inch, which is
quite a bit on a 700NE,and wouldn't have
no place to headspace, so you might as well use my 700 HE that already has a belt, and I can rebate the rim down to about .740.
I don't think it would have to be rebated that far, probably .960--.970
If we could get then to make the bolt .850,
then you could use it as is with .790 rim.
I could shorten it back to NE length,3.5 in.
That action would hold moderate pressures
in short 700HE, to get 1000 gr bullet up to
2400 plus fps. We could call it the 700 BNE,
IE Belted Nitro Express.And you'd never wear
out that brass, good to reload a hundred
times......And if you did an ED on it to
make the bolt handle into third contact lug,
you could get 2600 plus fps.You wouldn't want to leave this a 10 lb cannon.It should be weighted up to 16 plus lbs.But we would leave 11 lbs for RIP.

I will make up one and post picture in a couple days............Ed

Posts: 27742 | Registered: 03 February 2003Reply With Quote
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See how easy it can be?

Maybe not. After checking the specs it seems we'll need to recut the receiver threads to a larger ID. 1.063 seems a wee bit small for a .790 case. With a 1.5 receiver ring we ought to have some room to grow.

The design is supposed to be complete but the tech specs don't look like they've been updated in a long time. Montana Jeff, can you give us the final specs?

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tiger-I have been talking to them to get some more diameter on the barrel threads to match
larger bolt and larger reciever ring.
I told them I'd get one if threads were made bigger, like 1.2 in. I might get more if
they did that.And get a barrel built heavy with 1.5 in breech diameter tapered to 1.2 in.

But still it won't be a fullblown 22,000 ft lbs 700HE Belchfire BMG action, like a Mc Bros, or State Arms,but you'd have good rockin loads with
1000 gr bullets at speeds I mentioned above,
and will get wax out of your ears..Ed.

Posts: 27742 | Registered: 03 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Sounds like a sinus-clearing virtual enema.

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Have started a thread for a .700 round that may be best suited for the PH action
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Have moved pic to own thread.
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I am beginning to feel that the 378 is only good for indoor use Big Grin

Posts: 517 | Location: Sydney Australia | Registered: 09 June 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Mike378:

I am beginning to feel that the 378 is only good for indoor use Big Grin


Mike very good for carnivals hooked to a chain.....and probably just enough grunt to knock over yellow tin ducks.........just hope you don't jam your push feed or your weatherby factory ammo does not produce stick cases as those ducks move pretty quickly across Big Grin
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It is a pity Wby does not make the 378 based calibres in CRF staggered feed so I could get to go to the gunsmith to get them tuned up so they would feed. Smiler

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