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"larger" MRC PH actions Login/Join
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From Ed Hubel.. it wouldn't hurt to call and require MRC to make your PH action actually big enough to handle the 700 DA (jeffe and fritz' name for er, 700 3.25"

Originally posted by hubel458:
I want to put an order together of a
bunch MRC PH Actions with larger barrel
thread to use for my 700H 3.25" case.
Action will work with larger thread.
They said they'd do the larger thread on
a bunch as long as there are 15-20wanted
that way. If I can't get enough in
the way commitments in a few weeks
I'm gonna try ordering with a down payment
enough to get it done. I think for big bore nuts
this is chance to get a real hairy case in a bolt gun without 3-5 grand being spent.There
are 700 bullets out there. I have cases.
Just need an action that is right size
without being huge and costing arm/leg.Ed

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You know it is very seldom we bigbore nuts
can actually have a project turn out
near perfect for our benefit. Here is an
action that is right in all ways but one for
a 700case in a bolt action that won't cost
three grand for the action. We need to get together, ask the company to make the one
thing right. A bigger barrel thread.
We all want things near perfect, and maybe
here is achance for those of us who it
might benefit to have it done.ED

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Asked in other thread how big barrel
threads should be. Don't need to be huge.
Mauser is 1.1", MRC wants to do PH
at 1.060. But they made action
bigger than Mauser up to 1.505" action
diameter.So if thread was a 1.1875"-1.2"
and you use 1.45-1.5 inch barrels,
be perfect. We got to get everyone away from the idea of these size cases in 1.25" barrel
stock, with 1-1.060 threads, just because
that's the barrel diameter most companies
want to make.It is crazy.No way to build
big caliber guns.To light of barrels and then
have to use stupid brakes......Ed

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how is 1.2x16 ?

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Jeff- That would be perfect.Ed

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what is their aversion to doing it right???

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They made action originally for Nyati,
Gibbs size cases, which barrel thread
they plan on would work.Not everyone agrees
on that though. And another major reason
they make and use barrels that are from
1.25" diameter stock which will work with
Nyati. Although I did my 585 from
1 3/8" stock. So they said they set thread
to leave right shoulder on 1.25" barrel stock
which on the gun is usually down to about
1.2". But yet action has large, long bolt and
big outside diameter, just right for my
shortened, slimmed down 700H, with larger
barrel to handle the bore, need barrel thread
made bigger. Ed

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This should be an important requirement of the PH action, I still have one on order and will call to discuss this matter. I've already used a CZ action to fullfill the requirements of my original order from 3 or 4 years ago so at this point there is nothing to lose with me concerning MRC, but I'm still waiting and would like to build one, I'm looking forward to an interesting conversation with a rep from MRC. R.

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Remember, 1.2 x16... that does a couple things

you CAN use "any" barrel
16 is ALOT of surface area
1.375 barrel is not "weird" or "freakish
it will work with the 700 DA
this actually puts me back on track with this project/product


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I've contacted MRC and told them I want a larger thread. Actually I told them I wanted mine the same size as Ed Hubel's. Ed says in the other thread that they would make a run of 15 or 20 if there is interest. There has to be more than 3 of us that want a larger diameter.

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(406) 755-4867
call this # and ask to be placed on the "ed list" talk with Dan

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I called and reinstated my order with Dan..

the AR standard!


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For the proposed thread they plan on,
1 and 1/16 inch, the 1.2" diameter barrel
will work and will do cartridges like
505 Gibbs, Weatherby( including 550 Mag
from Wea case), Nyati, etc. But
many prefer little bigger barrels even for those cases, like 1.3 to 1.375". But action
is over 1.5" diameter so it could handle
a 1.5" barrel. Which means it could handle bigger cases, but it should have a larger barrel
thread like 1.2" for the bigger barrel.
Pacnor, others make 1 3/8", 1.5", 1.75", 2"
barrels. Long or short. Miniumum cartridge
whatever you want I guess. I would say
Gibbs and Nyati. It has larger bolt so it will handle Trex, 600 OK, 577NE, 600NE w/rim that is .780, 577/600 SSK, other big NE cases,
and for My 700 belted case, that we want to do. Last most important to me.Ed

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"everyone" will make a 1.375 or 1.5" barrel,... which will bump the shoulder up well.. a 1.2" barrel, on a 1.5" receiver would look a little "odd"..

if one has a .700 bullet, and a .800 base head, then a 1.1" barrel, less thread, means about a 1.017ish minimum thickness shank... means you have basically .1 barrel thickness on each side in that configuration...

or in the 1.2x16, that leaves 1.1375 minim thickness, -.800 means .169ish, nearly TWICE as much metal left protecting your face qand hands from a 50kpsi dentonation....

In other words, big rounds will fit better and more safely

just remember that Ed's 3.25" 700H belted case is also called the "700 DA", by john and I.

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Pacnor makes big barrels now. When we say
a few companies make them we are refering to
smaller companies that aren't making big
runs for manufactuers. Bigger barrels are
jusr special order items. Pacnor made Rob,
John and I, 2" + 12ga barrels. I just got a
1.35" Pacnor.Pacnor made me a 2" 700.
Bauska has made me three(458,458,585)
from 1 3/8" blanks.
Pederson made me a 1 3/8" 550.
If a bunch of us can get these actions
say for 700H, Pacnor would probably like
to make them as a group order in one run.
But they do them one at a time also.Ed.

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Dirk-- PH action, 1.5" barrel tapered to
1.3", good heavy stock, weight in the butt,
about 17-18 lbs.Big pad. Just right for 1000gr
at 23-2500. And that isn't top loads
in 3.25" case. Ed

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I called them today, and they said they
have had 5 requests for bigger threads
recently. I think they will set up CNC
to do a dozen and a half if they get that
many requests. Folks now is the time to
make history and help yourselves get
properly done history making action.ED

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Ed, I'll get with John, and see what he thinks of it...

Dan was very open to hearing about my request, btw..

Pac-nor charges something nominal, like 25 bucks more, to have a 1.375 barrel


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Yes most charge just a little for extra
diameter on the barrel blanks. The
best money spent.Little extra length,Takes up
recoil for less cost than than a brake.
Like my 2" 700 barrel; 34" long;
about 300 bucks.Ed

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I will call Dan and ask to have 2 or 3 of the actions I have in the pipeline made to the 1.2 -16 threads.

Is this simply a matter of boreing out the standard threads and re-threading? If it is that's an easy thing to do. There needs to be enough metal left after inlarging the thread to be mechanically sound but if the outside of the action is of suficent size that would be an easy job. Any proficent machinist or gunsmith can do that in a couple hours or less.

If MRC gets these to us before I'm retired I'll be happy to rethread mine and whoever wants their action rethreaded. I do have an FFL so we can legally handle the actions being sent to me and returned.

Any guess when MRC will be sending these out. John
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fritz454-- They get actions back from
the foundry ready to put threads in. They
program machine to put threads in. So they
explained they would do that for 15-20.
Or more if requested. They want to have
enough to make the changes.Then they treat
actions.The actions are plenty big to add to barrel thread size. At 1.505" it's over .150"
bigger than my Enfields, which has 1 1/8"
thread, and .140" bigger than My Savage,
with 1 1/8" thread. Look what we have
accomplished with the SAvage. So even with increase compared to Enfield. we still have
extra metal on the sides, more than

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In that case Ed - It will be an easy change even after the actions are done. They fully heat treat (no case hardening) the action so the temper will remain after the re-thread. Just carbide or CBN tooling and 5 minutes to re-thread each one. Done. You are corect with a .150" wall around the barrel thread there is plenty of metal to support even the heaviest barrels.

Of course since MRC has the action set-up to add threads anyway, to bore it out and thread to a different size and pitch is a few lines of code. Not really sure why they need 15 - 20 actions before doing it.

As I said above, if the actions arrive in time I'll do them here for anyone that wants.
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Originally posted by jeffeosso:
From Ed Hubel.. it wouldn't hurt to call and require MRC to make your PH action actually big enough to handle the 700 DA (jeffe and fritz' name for er, 700 3.25"

Originally posted by hubel458:
I want to put an order together of a
bunch MRC PH Actions with larger barrel
thread to use for my 700H 3.25" case.
Action will work with larger thread.
They said they'd do the larger thread on
a bunch as long as there are 15-20wanted
that way. If I can't get enough in
the way commitments in a few weeks
I'm gonna try ordering with a down payment
enough to get it done. I think for big bore nuts
this is chance to get a real hairy case in a bolt gun without 3-5 grand being spent.There
are 700 bullets out there. I have cases.
Just need an action that is right size
without being huge and costing arm/leg.Ed


I am unsure what all this means but I know my friend and I want a .700 cal bolt gun at some stage, we have an order with Dan for three actions of the gibbs sized case head thats on the original order and I assume at the original charter price. I would like to change to 2 for the .700 cal sized round and keep one for the Nyati sized round, or is the Nyati also better on the bigger thread action, which would mean an extra 3 actions of the bigger size ??

What I want is to do another .585 Nyati but with more metal around the bolt or rim of the cartridge and in African style not stainless synthetic like my current one and then have an action for this new .700 cal round you guys are talking about and thats what my mate wants as well...................he really wants a .700 cal.

can you guide me through me if required.

cheers pc.
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Mate, make it simple? the 585 won't be hurt by a .1" larger than mauser diameter shank.. in the grand scheme of things, this might mean 4-6 oz on the 585.. and, you know what, a 6oz heavier nyati aint bad.. but you could make it a pound heavier, in the metal workings, without looking odd...

order all three in 1.2x16, and that means your 585 barrel will cost you all of 25 bucks usd more than the otherway

LOL, will be funny to have MRC have to offer a smaller thread as a "feature' with the correct thread [1.2X16] as the standard...


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I need the dims for the 700 DA... we'll need a reamer, as I bet there's a couple of them built right after the actions come out

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Jeff-- Ok the dimensions that
are set on 3.25" case now are--
Case 3.25" long , Rim .770".
Belt headspace .370" long,
Belt dia .790", base .775".
Mouth .740", Bore .700.
I will have the 3.25" case tested
in the Enfield this summer as I
have finally got a barrel coming..
Should be long before anyone gets a
PH, so By then I will know exact
size for chamber that works best,
with cases.The earliest deliveries
on PH actions will be middle of winter
I understand.Ed

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the "normal" today is a 1.2 barrel on a 1.4(ish) mauser, or .1 radius difference.. that has a .1 difference from thread to shank...

take a 1.2 thread, add .1 for shank, and put that on a 1.5" receiver, you have the same difference...

but, on a 1.4 receiver, that's as large as you can go, period and that will look weird...

you could put a 1.375 "a" shank barrel on a 1.5 receiver, and it would look just fine...

and with a 1.5 or 2" barrel, you could have a "Washer" left on the barrel to have an intregal recoil lug/rear sight base machined into the barrel.. which it's hard work at all

Thanks.. we'll need to flush out the rest of the dim's, and I'll put it on ammoguide, might go ahead and call it the 700 HMS .. but DA is much more fitting, as mine is going to be about 14#... doalable, but GEES it will be interesting to touch off a full house load.. make the trex look like a 338


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Originally posted by jeffeosso:

but, on a 1.4 receiver, that's as large as you can go, period and that will look weird...


I've seen two 50 caliber rifles built (505 Gibbs and a 500 Jeff) with the shank turned to match the front receiver ring. It looked pretty cool at the time but it made for a heavy gun. I assume that was the goal.

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Tiggertate, My wildcat cartridge Enfields
have barrel breech same as reciever.Does
get weight to take recoil. I personally
will put on a full breech size barrel on ph,
very little taper, and recoil barrel band
in the front of heavy stock like all my other guns. And the band I use on this size barrel
now on might cost me 4 bucks, and a little
grinding and polishing.It has two fasteners
to hold into the stock.

Dirk as far as a rib fitting a barrel it
has to do with the step or amount of
difference between action; two, barrel taper;
and 3 barrel diameter. And the guys with
the machines can build to fit different
ones. Bigger barrel, bottom of 1/4 rib
will have less curve, and bigger barrel
with less taper, they will machine to fit.Ed

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Hibel whom is making brass and dies for this .700 Cal round ??
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PC- I am making gcases for now. Have enough
for a bunch of guys to get started.
Dies can be made by C&H. I just have to
send specs after the 3.25" are tested
in Enfield after barrel gets here.
Here is pic of long 700HE 3rd, and two
3.25" 700H on left. With a 1000gr
Woodleigh 1st case, and a bunch of Martin's
bullets 2nd, 3rd. Ed

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Here is prototype picture of the
PH. It is bigger than Magnum Mauser....
And with proper barrel thread, IE bigger
1.2 x 16 thread will handle my 3.25"
case pictured above. I think we now have
9 requests for bigger thread.Ed

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If I read this from the other thread correctly, if I were to call to get on this list I would be signing up for an $850 action since I am not on the list now, is that correct?

Originally posted by MontanaJeff:
While we pursued every option available to keep the price of the PH at the introductory offering of $525.00, with the rising costs of steel and machining costs of parts there is no chance that we will be able to fulfill that. The pricing of the introductory offer will be around $625.00-$650.00 This pricing will only be for the customers that have pre-ordered the PH’s and have an order in before 6/1/07. All orders after 6/1/07 will be at regular pricing, around $750-850.
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Charles- I think that is the way it
is. Be nice if we had little more
time...I'll call and find out.Ed

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I called and they plan on staying with the deadline they mentioned. Ed

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call them and ask if they have 400 yet, and if not, you want in the lower priced deal..

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Originally posted by jeffeosso:
call them and ask if they have 400 yet, and if not, you want in the lower priced deal..

I think that is what Ed just did today and they said no.
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sorry man

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