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Half of this board seems to be from the Great state (And some say Heaven) of Texas. Just wanted to be off topic a bit and say I hope you and yours are all safe. How are things there in your area with the flooding? Now to be on topic... How do you keep your big bores safe in a flood? Do you have waterproof safes?

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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I have never seen this much water. Our house is on top of a hill about 1/4 mile off of the road with a small creek midway between the road and our house. Only a couple of time in the past 12 years has the water crested the 5' pipe in our drive way, it has done so 4 times in the past week. Day before yesterday the water was at the third wire of the fence along the drive. About 2' deep over the drive, we own land in another county just south of where we live, one place has a real creek on it and last week the flood waters were above the top step of a deer stand, or about 7' deep. Fences washed away and trees washed over and buckled a wooden bridge on the county road over the creek.Flooded feeders and cameras, ruined of course. It rained a bunch more down there last night, so I wouldn't be surprised if my deer stands and feeders are gone.
On another of our places in the same county, this morning, water was 2" to 3" deep across the pasture. My partner on this place, Dr Scott on AR, is/was down there checking cows and surveying for flood damage. He reports the road leading to this place was under water in 3 different places.
Hay fields flooded and hay crop ruined.
Other than that, not much happening with the rains.
We've had enough water for a while.
All my guns are way above flood level and are dry!

Karl Evans

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Originally posted by boom stick:
How do you keep your big bores safe in a flood? Do you have waterproof safes?

I would think a bead of silicone around the door (and any openings for wiring) should keep flood water out.

Our thoughts are with Karl, Jeffeosso, and all our Texas members!


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Originally posted by GeorgeS:
Originally posted by boom stick:
How do you keep your big bores safe in a flood? Do you have waterproof safes?

I would think a bead of silicone around the door (and any openings for wiring) should keep flood water out.

Silicone would work if applied well, but if the door is flush with the outside of the cabinet, waterproof tape might be a better choice.
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Some safes have holes in the bottom and back to bolt to the floor or wall.
I had a water leak and the weight of the safe it sealed it on the carpet. But in a real flood I would not depend on it.

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Send them to me for storage, won't charge a thing--as long as ammo is sent also-


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the new place is high and dry -- thanks for thinking of us.

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It seems Texas can't catch a break.

First, they endure drought for years, and then when relief is on the horizon, it's just too much of a good thing!

In 2013, in Colorado we had the three huge forest fires that destoyed (completely burned to the ground) over 700 homes. In that same year, we had the 1,000 year flood that wiped out a couple of towns and a lot more houses, business, farms, etc. downriver. My wife and I went hunting deer and antelope in Wyoming that same year and at lunch in a small cafe on the side of a highway, the waitress asked us,"What did you Coloradoans do to piss off God this year?"

So fess up all of our Texan friends. We apparently offended God in Colorado a few years ago. What's your story?
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What did Texas do to piss off the Big Guy?
According to ISIS it was the draw Muhammad contest that has brought down the wrath.
Posts: 1253 | Location: Arizona | Registered: 09 January 2005Reply With Quote
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I saw the worst flash flood in my life in Texas.

We were driving home to Clear Lake, when all the roads were getting flooded.

By the time we got to our house, the water was almost over the bonnet of the car.

Luckily we managed to get up the driveway.

That was over 30 years ago.
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Originally posted by Mark Clark:
What did Texas do to piss off the Big Guy?
According to ISIS it was the draw Muhammad contest that has brought down the wrath.

Maybe the rain will end up a blessing. The ISIS people probably need to go look for the pre-islamic "prophecy about Ahmad" mentioned in sura61:6. Oops, God didn't preserve it. Oh well, maybe they can fake it. coffee


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We had 11 inch's in 5 days last year water table rose very fast I had water coming up threw the cracks in the basement floor.

About two months before that I installed two new safes when I did I put them on a raised cement plat form of 4 inch's.

I am sure glad I did with a lot of work staying up all night running the generator and mopping I was able to keep the damage to a minimal amount.

The safes never saw water. With all the holes in a safe for mounting and electric and the door I think it would be hard to make them water proof.
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Picture of Charles_Helm
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Originally posted by Mark Clark:
What did Texas do to piss off the Big Guy?

Rumor has it that the shut down of Blue Bell ice cream production was the problem.
Posts: 8773 | Location: Republic of Texas | Registered: 24 April 2004Reply With Quote
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I think someone needs to make a "Noah's Ark" safe. Good reason to buy two of everything Big Grin. A safe that can double as a boat is a kewel idea Eeker shocker hilbily space

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

*we band of 45-70ers* (Founder)
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Our two lakes where we get our drinking water were 20% low two weeks ago. Now one is running over the spillway and the other lacks less than 4". We set a record for May for rainfall of 14.78" in May alone. Our yearly average is just 28".
Al Sharpton said God was paying us Texans back!!!
You figure the source.
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I hope everyone there is OK.

We got 5.6" since last July here so I can't even relate.


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Originally posted by Saeed:
I saw the worst flash flood in my life in Texas.

We were driving home to Clear Lake, when all the roads were getting flooded.

By the time we got to our house, the water was almost over the bonnet of the car.

Luckily we managed to get up the driveway.

That was over 30 years ago.

If that was in '79 I lived in the Clear Lake area then and remember it well. We got 43" of rain in 24 hours. We also had a tropical storm roll in with a 5 foot storm surge so there was no where for the water to go. I saw huge balls of fire ants and big cotton mouths float by as I waited upstairs for the floods to subside.

Galveston Bay was full of humongus gators flushed out of the creeks, almost lost my dog to one. The only good part was pot shooting rats the size of possums with shotshell rounds in my 357. They were everywhere after the flood.

As for firearms, I moved them upstairs to keep them dry, so no problems there.

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As a native son of Texas, with family all of which are in the ranching business, I gotta say they have seen enough drought in the last 20 years, to live with all the water they can get. Eeker

I do feel for those who live in areas where the water has taken their homes and lives, where tornados have destroyed all they have lived and worked for.

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