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Which AR round first? Login/Join
Picture of jeffeosso
posted 13 October 2005 22:55

Want your feedback on this. I am torn between the 470 AR and the 458 AR as the first ones. I already have some .458 barrels ready, so I am thinking the 458 first.. which means one on a mauser (mule) and one on a Ruger (might become the switchbarrel)..


I don't have a .475 barrel....

458 AR
470 AR
go fishing


opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
What is an AR round? Case Drawings 416-458-470AR and 500AR.
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Picture of Paul H
posted 13 October 2005 23:43Hide Post
We have plenty of 45's, go with the .470. You can put me in for a couple boxes of cast bullets in 400 and 460 gr for band o bubba fun shoots.

PS, to save a couple bucks I'd say have the 458 reamer ground as a floating pilot, and use it to cut the 470 body, then go in with a necker/throater. I figure the 45 and 47 should be close enough in shoulder position to get 1 caliber necks with such an arrangement.

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Picture of Rick R
posted 13 October 2005 23:45Hide Post
Go for the biggest first and then work your way down.

And just when I had convinced myself to build a .416 Aagaard...
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Picture of boom stick
posted 13 October 2005 23:57Hide Post
Go for the biggest first and then work your way down.

agreed...make a big splash! come out swinging! 458 sleep

biggest first thumb

downloaded pistol bullet use will perk up some ears

we'll send you donations for the cost thumb

p.s. fishing sounds good roflmao

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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Picture of DesertRam
posted 14 October 2005 02:15Hide Post
I'd say .470 to start with, though I have no personal interest in it. Make the second round in .416 though, and I'm getting warmed up thumb

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Picture of Hog Killer
posted 14 October 2005 02:30Hide Post
Hey Boomstick,

You got your donner BLR for the 470AR ready?

Hog Killer

We Band of Bubbas & STC Hunting Club, The Whomper Club
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Picture of boom stick
posted 14 October 2005 02:37Hide Post
no not yet. for my next project i was thinking the 375 taylor in blr in the spring after the expense of christmas and traveling was over. i have big bore taste on a 22lr budget for now. but maybe i should skip the 375 and go straight to the "africa lever-gun" project and name the gun "stampy"..."snuffy" is the name i was going to give the 375 b.l.r. thumb sorry for the hijack

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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Picture of boom stick
posted 14 October 2005 02:58Hide Post
will the 470ar lever action ever be acceptable to the large game africa hunting crowd?

it will need double mercury compensators, bull barrel and maybe some lead in the stock and kick-ease recoil pad. or just go stock and show your cahones Eeker[IMG] roflmao

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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Picture of CaneCorso
posted 14 October 2005 06:30Hide Post
Go big! 458 is for plinking....


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1 Corinthians 16:13

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