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I'd only get into this if it was a half-the-money-down w/a balloon-to-forever waiting period deal.

That's tradition around here; where do I sign?

The only thing that would shy me away from the agreement I describe above would be the gunmaker actually having a working telephone.

Posts: 3314 | Location: NYC | Registered: 18 April 2005Reply With Quote
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To put things into some perspective:

I ordered and payed for a new custom M98 action that was advertised as, "in stock and ready for quick delivery"
even then, delivery was estimated at about 6 months, that time frame was indicated by the smith not requested or demanded by me.

Now over 2-1/2 yrs later, I still have no indication of where the project is at.

Now this was by a person who claims to have a culmination of well over two decades of gunsmithing, custom action/rifle building experience. [I am inclined to believe there is truth to that claim.]

Is this the first incidence where payed-up customers have encountered this type of problem with this particular industry experienced operator? - definitely not.

Then we have another person who only takes payment upfront, but apparently has no experience building such a product from scratch, but tells us he can produce not one, but 100 such HQ units[ all made in-house]
and claims to be able to knock such actions out -all day long, on his CNC - for a substantially lower price.
But does not actually believe there is market demand for that many actions, yet is unwilling to produce a more realistic-much lower number,[pre-paid]production run.

I don't know about anyone else, but if anyone said to me they require $200k venture capital to make 100 custom actions that they don't believe will sell [like someone who says they would need $200 million to build a group of luxury apartments that they believe will not sell]....I would not be inclined to take them seriously.

Humorously entertaining if nothing else.
Posts: 9434 | Location: Here & There- | Registered: 14 May 2008Reply With Quote
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Ladies, Gentlemen and other forum participants,

I usually just lurk these wonderful forums, picking up information and learning from the more experienced. Now and then I participate in the discussion if I feel I have some thing worth contributing, some times I send out a question and always get very good answers. Much too often I feel a thread promising interesting reading turns in to a mud (or should I say shit) slinging contest completely loosing it's point and turning just sad. This thread is a shining(?) example!

Please forgive me for wrighting a long and oftopic post but I fell I need to.

I have kids, 4 and 6 years old, I try to teach them about life and how to interact with other people. One thing I keep telling them is "screaming out your message does not make it more right than saying it at a normal tone if you were not right to start with". In other words, brute force does not compensate for lack of knowledge. At least not in a free society and I can not think of a more free society than the  Accurate Reloading forum (thank you Saeed!). Just remember, freedom comes with a responsibility!

Before I start I just want to make a few things absolutely clear. I do not claim to know anything, I do not claim to be better than anyone, I do not question anyones knowledge or experience, I do not intend to start a fight or to take sides with any one but my self and the Accurate Reloading forums as a whole. I fear I might end up on a few ignore lists but to me that is a sacrifice worth paying if I can make even a hint of a change here.

So, to have a discussion you probably have a point you want to make. To support your point you give arguments/statements. To be able to analyze arguments you need to look at them from to sides. Firstly, is this argument/statement VALID? In other words, is it true? (i.e. " a double rifle has two barrels" is a valid argument, "Chicago is the Capitol of France" is obviously not a valid statement). Screaming out "Chicago is the capitol of France" at the top of your lungs while making an angry face and waving your fists does not make it more valid, just more unpleasant for some one to tell you you are wrong. Validity alone is however not sufficient, you also have to determine wether the argument/statement is RELEVANT in regards to proving your point.

My feeling is there is a reversed proportional relation, probably exponential, between the quality of a post on AR and the number of irrelevant statements in it. Usually, when someone runs out of valid and relevant arguments for his/her standpoint, next step is to try to run your opponent down using seemingly super valid arguments ignoring the fact that they are completely irrelevant to the matter. I guess the logic is something like " look at me, I am super competent and super confident when it comes to all these other things, surely I must be right about this as well!?" An other common strategy is to move the focus of the debate to where I know I can beat my opponent, preferably showing his/her incompetence regarding other things, thus proving his/her inability to be correct or trustworthy in any other area (i.e. what ever our original discussion was all about). For example pointing out spelling- and grammatic errors, using fancy words implyin your opponent does not know what they mean and so on.

Even worse are threads where points are based solely on opinion and to some degree those based on experience. PLEASE JUST FACE IT, THERE IS NO RIGHT OR WRONG WHEN IT COMES TO OPINIONS!!! You can not make a valid argument/statement about a feeling other than that you agree or do not agree with it! If you want to change some ones feelings about some thing there is no better way to fail than to tell him/her that he/she is wrong and only an idiot can agree with him/her. In psychiatry when a patient is clearly having delusions you give him a proper diagnosis, be it schizophrenia or what not. If two people share the same delusions then it is also labeled as a form of psychiatric disorder, the term being "Folie à deux". If three or more people share the same delusion it is no longer a sign of psychiatric disorder, it is instead labeled as religious belief. What I am trying to say is you just have to accept that we think differently about things. If we did not the world would be a sad place indeed.

I'll refrain from giving further examples of invalid and irrelevant statements from this thread. I just hope those who need it are open minded enough to see what I am trying to say and perhaps give it some thought befor they wright their next post filld with angry face and waiving fists.

To you all, have a good day, keep posting and make this forum a good place!
Posts: 101 | Location: Sweden | Registered: 03 March 2008Reply With Quote
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Honestly even if I had $20,000-50,000 that wasn't tied to anything and I wanted an new custom rifle I would buy one based on a new production Mauser 98 with integral mounts

Yes another Ruger fan. The Ruger has every thing you want. stir
Posts: 20025 | Location: wis | Registered: 21 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Thanks very much for weighing in!
Posts: 224 | Registered: 30 March 2011Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by p dog shooter:
Honestly even if I had $20,000-50,000 that wasn't tied to anything and I wanted an new custom rifle I would buy one based on a new production Mauser 98 with integral mounts

Yes another Ruger fan. The Ruger has every thing you want. stir

Yes it is!
Posts: 955 | Location: Until I am back North of 60. | Registered: 07 October 2011Reply With Quote
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Trax/Yale- Here are some facts for the two of you. Go research them and maybe you will learn something although I don't think your capable. 1st I've been here on AR for over 10 Years. I invented the .600 Overkill. You wanna argue that ASSHOLES! I figured out how to make the case, the gun, got it approved as a sporting cartridge with BATFE, when no one else here even knew how!. Think that was easy? Think again and again! WHERE WERE YOU two? NOWHERE!
I built and own .600 OKS number 1 and 2 myself on CZ 550 and GMA actions). I proved those actions could take 65KPSI with a 900 gr bullet at 2400fps. The GMA was a waste of time and money!! Go research the facts if your even capable of it.
I have helped many folks here on AR to get those guns running as well as those in many differenet calibers. I've always tried to be helpful to decent Big Bore folks who need help. I've spent a lot of my time teaching fellow AR members how to shoot ultra big bores. DO either of you EVEN KNOW HOW? Be honest! Doubt It!

I also make Bullets for the .600 OK. Thats right, Brass, Copper, boreriders, etc. .620, 750-900grs on my CNC equipment. Been doing it for years, although your too stupid to have learned that. What have you done? NOTHING! NADA!
I invented the 12 GaFH. BUILT THE FIRST ONE ON A CUSTOM BORCHARD SINGLE SHOT ACTION. 1000 grs at 3100fps. SEE THAT THREAD HERE ON AR below this one? THAT THREAD IS STILL RUNNING AND OVER 100K VIEWS! Converted many guns for folks here on AR for nearly nothing! WHAT Have you INVENTED? NOTHING! NADA! YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS here on AR? Zero!
I have helped innumerable people on this forum by making parts for there guns and HELPING THEM fix the problems caused by YOUR GREAT GUNSMITHS. Most of the time,I've done this for free! THATs A FACT ASSHOLES ! I helped AHR Thats (AMERICAN HUNTING RIFLES) make the .600 Overkill a commercial success. I NEVER TOOK A DIME FOR IT EITHER! Talk to Wayne Jacobson and Ed PLUMER if you even know who they are. There are over 175 .600 OVERKILLS out there right now. More than the all the 505 Gibbs ever built! ITS a WAY BETTER GUN AND CARTRIDGE TOO! Ever even shot one? Or don't you have the balls? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? NOTHING NADA!

YOU dare to question my capabilities and insult me without even having the decency to have talked to me first? That proves to me ,what a REAL pair of losers you really are! Dont Believe me, think I'm a BS artist? why not have called me and figured out the truth for yourselves? NOT ENOUGH BALLS TO HAVE EVER CALLED ME AND DISCUSSED YOUR ISSUES? WHY NOT LOSERS? YOU MIGHT HAVE HAD A FRIEND, NOW YOU AND YALE HAVE AN ENEMY! AND I NEVER EVER FORGET OR FORGIVE! COUNT ON THAT!
Here is another Fact! IN TRUTH, you both don't know SHIT about how modern actions are made or what can be done with modern CNC equipment. Face the facts, you are ignorant! HAVE YOU EVER BUILT A GUN WITH YOUR OWN TWO HANDS? NO, THEN HOW DO YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO QUESTION THOSE WHO HAVE? Your both just armchair commandos ( more money than brains! maybe?) and have Zero/ no credability HERE ON AR! Hint! YOU HAVE TO BE ABLE TO DO SOMETHING TO HAVE CREDABILITY AND YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING! ZERO NOTHING except run your mouths and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt your idiots.
You can't even imagine or acknowledge that someone else can have a higher level of knowledge and your just plain JEALOUS. HAD YOU BOTHERED TO TALK WITH ME LIKE A MAN, YOU MIGHT HAVE FIGURED OUT THAT I INDEED COULD DO WHAT I SAID I COULD DO. Did you even try? No you Didn't! No Balls? Says volumes about your character. You know I've got you dead to rights!
I'm frankly tired of Losers like you two with the presumption that you have any idea of what my abilities are. YOU DONT AND YOU NEVER WILL! YOU should have done your homework first! YOU AND YALE ARE real losers in my book and I pity you!

Had you treated me with respect, I just might have helped you or even Possibly have agreed to make an action for you. Had you bothered to talk to me like a man, you'd probably have a different opinion. Yes ASSHOLES, I really know how to build actions! BUT its the very idea of dealing with assholes like you, that makes me refuse to do it! I can and have made actions that are as good as the best H&W's ever built. But you won't ever acknowledge that, Cause you can't imagine that a guy (even with a PhD) in a garage with over a million dollars in equipment even exists. TOO BAD for YOU! Since I despise you ,you ain't ever going to be allowed to visit the shop, but others here on this site have been in my MODEST SHOP and can vouch for me. Some are moderators on this forum! Boo HOO you been screwed!
NOW I have nothing but CONTEMPT for you. You deserve to keep sending your money to the great gunsmiths who treat you like shit. Yup pay 4K for a Corbon action. You've been had and you know it! I wouldn't give either of you the right time of day now! You and Yale can just KISS my ASS! I'm done with both of you and maybe done with this tread! although i'm not finished with either of you by a long. shot.
You two Deserve a Real dose of the hard truth and its just been served up STONE COLD!_Rob

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers to do incredibly stupid things- AH (1941)- Harry Reid (aka Smeagle) 2012
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Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
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This is all very strange.
Posts: 2659 | Location: Southwestern Alberta | Registered: 08 March 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of ForrestB
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Originally posted by Robgunbuilder:
Trax/Yale- Here are some facts for the two of you. Go research them and maybe you will learn something although I don't think your capable. 1st I've been here on AR for over 10 Years. I invented the .600 Overkill. You wanna argue that ASSHOLES! I figured out how to make the case, the gun, got it approved as a sporting cartridge with BATFE, when no one else here even knew how!. Think that was easy? Think again and again! WHERE WERE YOU two? NOWHERE!
I built and own .600 OKS number 1 and 2 myself on CZ 550 and GMA actions). I proved those actions could take 65KPSI with a 900 gr bullet at 2400fps. The GMA was a waste of time and money!! Go research the facts if your even capable of it.
I have helped many folks here on AR to get those guns running as well as those in many differenet calibers. I've always tried to be helpful to decent Big Bore folks who need help. I've spent a lot of my time teaching fellow AR members how to shoot ultra big bores. DO either of you EVEN KNOW HOW? Be honest! Doubt It!

I also make Bullets for the .600 OK. Thats right, Brass, Copper, boreriders, etc. .620, 750-900grs on my CNC equipment. Been doing it for years, although your too stupid to have learned that. What have you done? NOTHING! NADA!
I invented the 12 GaFH. BUILT THE FIRST ONE ON A CUSTOM BORCHARD SINGLE SHOT ACTION. 1000 grs at 3100fps. SEE THAT THREAD HERE ON AR below this one? THAT THREAD IS STILL RUNNING AND OVER 100K VIEWS! Converted many guns for folks here on AR for nearly nothing! WHAT Have you INVENTED? NOTHING! NADA! YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS here on AR? Zero!
I have helped innumerable people on this forum by making parts for there guns and HELPING THEM fix the problems caused by YOUR GREAT GUNSMITHS. Most of the time,I've done this for free! THATs A FACT ASSHOLES ! I helped AHR Thats (AMERICAN HUNTING RIFLES) make the .600 Overkill a commercial success. I NEVER TOOK A DIME FOR IT EITHER! Talk to Wayne Jacobson and Ed PLUMER if you even know who they are. There are over 175 .600 OVERKILLS out there right now. More than the all the 505 Gibbs ever built! ITS a WAY BETTER GUN AND CARTRIDGE TOO! Ever even shot one? Or don't you have the balls? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? NOTHING NADA!

YOU dare to question my capabilities and insult me without even having the decency to have talked to me first? That proves to me ,what a REAL pair of losers you really are! Dont Believe me, think I'm a BS artist? why not have called me and figured out the truth for yourselves? NOT ENOUGH BALLS TO HAVE EVER CALLED ME AND DISCUSSED YOUR ISSUES? WHY NOT LOSERS? YOU MIGHT HAVE HAD A FRIEND, NOW YOU AND YALE HAVE AN ENEMY! AND I NEVER EVER FORGET OR FORGIVE! COUNT ON THAT!
Here is another Fact! IN TRUTH, you both don't know SHIT about how modern actions are made or what can be done with modern CNC equipment. Face the facts, you are ignorant! HAVE YOU EVER BUILT A GUN WITH YOUR OWN TWO HANDS? NO, THEN HOW DO YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO QUESTION THOSE WHO HAVE? Your both just armchair commandos ( more money than brains! maybe?) and have Zero/ no credability HERE ON AR! Hint! YOU HAVE TO BE ABLE TO DO SOMETHING TO HAVE CREDABILITY AND YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING! ZERO NOTHING except run your mouths and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt your idiots.
You can't even imagine or acknowledge that someone else can have a higher level of knowledge and your just plain JEALOUS. HAD YOU BOTHERED TO TALK WITH ME LIKE A MAN, YOU MIGHT HAVE FIGURED OUT THAT I INDEED COULD DO WHAT I SAID I COULD DO. Did you even try? No you Didn't! No Balls?
I'm frankly tired of Losers like you two with the presumption that you have any idea of what my abilities are. YOU DONT AND YOU NEVER WILL! YOU should have done your homework first! YOU AND YALE ARE real losers in my book and I pity you!

Had you treated me with respect, I just might have helped you or even Possibly have agreed to make an action for you. Had you bothered to talk to me like a man, you'd probably have a different opinion. Yes ASSHOLES, I really know how to build actions! BUT its the very idea of dealing with assholes like you, that makes me refuse to do it! I can and have made actions that are as good as the best H&W's ever built. But you won't ever acknowledge that, Cause you can't imagine that a guy in a garage with over a million dollars in equipment even exists. TOO BAD for YOU! Since I despise you ,that ain't gonna happen, but others here on this site have been in my MODEST SHOP and can vouch for me. Some are moderators on this forum! Boo HOO you been screwed!
NOW I have nothing but CONTEMPT for you. You deserve to keep sending your money to the great gunsmiths who treat you like shit. Yup pay 4K for a Corbon action. You've been had and you know it! I wouldn't give either of you the right time of day now! You and Yale can just KISS my ASS! I'm done with both of you and done with this tread!
You two Deserve a Real dose of the hard truth and its just been served up STONE COLD!_Rob

Definitely one of the better flame-out rants of all time.

"Truth is the daughter of time."
Francis Bacon
Posts: 5053 | Location: Muletown | Registered: 07 September 2001Reply With Quote
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Forest- I AM TRYING!. Flame-out? Oh NO! I'll be monitoring these two fuck- nuts for ALL time! - Glad you appreciate it!. Lets kill some hogs later this year. I always like seeing you!-Rob

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers to do incredibly stupid things- AH (1941)- Harry Reid (aka Smeagle) 2012
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Originally posted by tin can:
I'd only get into this if it was a half-the-money-down w/a balloon-to-forever waiting period deal.

That's tradition around here; where do I sign?

The only thing that would shy me away from the agreement I describe above would be the gunmaker actually having a working telephone.



You da Ironman. tu2
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RIP- Bozos 12 O' clock high! They bounce off the suit cause their Ju JU is weak!- Lets get em!- NO mercy!-Rob

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers to do incredibly stupid things- AH (1941)- Harry Reid (aka Smeagle) 2012
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Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
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Why such the raving uncivil rant?

1. nobody has discredited RGBs efforts to make the .600 OK or 12gFH.

2. No one has said RGB didn't help anybody in the industry.

3. No one has said RGB does not have $1 million worth of equipment in his garden shed.[ not as uncommon as some might think]

4. Questioned his[claimed]capabilities? I suppose yes...why? reasonably simple,I have never seen a HQ M98 made from scratch by RGB.
By all means show us the action you made that you purport to be the equal of H&W. I believe Chuck Nelson asked you in a very civil manner if you could show us your work. you chose to ignore such request.
I also suggested in a non-aggressive civil manner if you would quote a price on a much smaller number of M98 actions, [with no obligation to actually make them]. Just to see how close they would be in price to the other premium manufacturers production runs- that you seem to imply are overpriced.

5. Treat you with respect?,..who is it that began the aggresive-abusive language simply because you don't like the line of enquiry? A person like that deserves respect? maybe in your mind, not in mine. Had you maintained a civil manner you may not have lost the respect of others, and maybe would have also maintained some self respect.
Posts: 9434 | Location: Here & There- | Registered: 14 May 2008Reply With Quote
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If anyone wants to genuinely help the custom gun industry, a good way to begin would be not to imply what they can do in regards to making HQ custom M98 actions[whilst disparaging reputable folk who do manage to make & sell them] when they really have no intentions of making such themselves.

Now, If someone has real capability and intentions of making such actions, just get to work to having it finished and actually available on the shelf for sale & actual delivery, when the money arrives!

Why one might ask?

well we have heard enough imperical evidence based real life stories of:

-legend in their lunchtime-8th wonder of the world wizz-bang gunmakers with small private million dollar machineshops-

..that after receiving the customers monies, manage to create mostly nothing but a bad/poor reputation for themselves and the industry as a whole.
Posts: 9434 | Location: Here & There- | Registered: 14 May 2008Reply With Quote
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I would personally very much appreciate the chance to visit your shop when I'm in the area.
Posts: 224 | Registered: 30 March 2011Reply With Quote
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To whom do I apply for the "paid by the word" plan?
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Stockbroker- you are welcome anytime. Let me know when your in the area.-Rob

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers to do incredibly stupid things- AH (1941)- Harry Reid (aka Smeagle) 2012
Nothing Up my sleeves but never without a plan and never ever without a surprise!
Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
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Trax- Get this through your head! I have never taken people's money and not delivered exactly what I said I would and when I said I would. Thats been my basic buisness mantra for over 40 years and it's why I've been successful. Many AR members here can vouch for that! That's another Fact! Do you have proof that I have defrauded anyone? Because if you start making up stories, and/or lying, this is gonna get Real Ugly Real fast!
Because you were stupid and got screwed by someone else doesnt mean that you get to accuse me of fraud and think you can get away with it. Your snide implications won't be misconstrued either. Dont bother editing your post either. I made copies!
Accusing people of real or Probable fraudulent behaviour on a public forum could get you into serious legal issues.
You better start thinking more clearly and be very very careful making baseless statements like that. You also had better start reading carefully between the lines too!-Rob

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers to do incredibly stupid things- AH (1941)- Harry Reid (aka Smeagle) 2012
Nothing Up my sleeves but never without a plan and never ever without a surprise!
Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
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So, not to digress, but does anyone have money down on a CORBON?
Posts: 224 | Registered: 30 March 2011Reply With Quote
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Picture of capoward
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Originally posted by Stockbroker:
So, not to digress, but does anyone have money down on a CORBON?
Not looking like it. Though Mr. Echols may be planning to use them in lieu of the current M70 action so that he can eliminate the need to blueprint the action… At least that’s my thought on the situation.

Jim coffee
"Life's hard; it's harder if you're stupid"
John Wayne
Posts: 4954 | Location: Central Texas | Registered: 15 September 2007Reply With Quote
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It always amuses me to see someone come out of the woodwork with this fantastic action based on, your pick:

a. A true Magnum length 98 action

b. A Farky action

They all claim to be well funded, and successful in this business or another one. They all want customers to pay an outrageous sum up front to guarantee an early delivery from the first (emminent) run.

I have trouble understanding the problems they all run into, with the proliferation of CNC machinery that can work to a tolerance of +/- .00001". If Mauser employees could do it 100+ years ago with a toolbox full of files and a hammer and screwdrivers, what is the issue today? Ego, perhaps...?

I am right with RGB here, and I truly wish he would take the plunge. At least he walks the walk.

Posts: 23062 | Location: SW Idaho | Registered: 19 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Robgunbuilder:
Trax- Get this through your head! I have never taken people's money and not delivered exactly what I said I would and when I said I would. Thats been my basic buisness mantra for over 40 years and it's why I've been successful. Many AR members here can vouch for that! That's another Fact! Do you have proof that I have defrauded anyone? Because if you start making up stories, and/or lying, this is gonna get Real Ugly Real fast!
Because you were stupid and got screwed by someone else doesnt mean that you get to accuse me of fraud and think you can get away with it. Your snide implications won't be misconstrued either. Dont bother editing your post either. I made copies!
Accusing people of real or Probable fraudulent behaviour on a public forum could get you into serious legal issues.
You better start thinking more clearly and be very very careful making baseless statements like that. You also had better start reading carefully between the lines too!-Rob

your irrational raving paranoia based rant continues we see.... take all the copies of posts you want.

now its rather simple, from those copies you've made, - quote where you have been accused of defrauding anyone in the past.

Better still, don't delay go rush to see your lawyer immediately ,show him your dossier on AR members and let him point out where any such thing has been said.
I'll surely get more satisfaction from you making not only a fool of yourself on AR but in front of your lawyer as well.

When it comes to any future work [concerning making HQ custom mauser actions], you are in a situation where you are still yet to prove that you can deliver 100 such actions in any reasonable amount of time or particular price.
[If I am correct,you have never been successful at even making one such complete action?]
You stated that you are very hesitant to attempt making that number, because you fear that there is no market for such quantities[yet strangely you quote on that quantity]....Like you, other people [pre-paying-customers], can have fears of their own, fear that it could quite easily turn into another "custom action fiasco", like several others in the past have, involving other -big talking, little or no delivery- garden shed action makers.

So anyone putting forward $200k for you to make 100 custom 98 actions,in business terms,would not be considered a sound investment from the outset, but rather a speculative move.

People/customers who get stuffed around or screwed by incompetent or unscrupulous operators in the custom gun industry, are not necessarily stupid people.
Somewhere along the line you have to attempt to put[risk] your money somewhere in order to get a product you have decided you want.Unfortunately, at times its a bit of a minefield in knowing if one has selected a technically capable and ethical-upright operator.
Several technically skilled and knowledgable operators who actually have made such HQ custom actions from scratch, have still failed or continue to severely struggle.[some so much so, that I believe they should stop causing grief to customers and themselves and give the game way-find another vocation]

I don't really care how good you've been in the past with customers concerning other jobs, I still would not give you $200k upfront to make a run of 100 HQ custom M98 actions. And since your also clearly not interested in doing a much lower #[more realistic to market demand] production run, I guess we will never really find out[never have any sound imperical evidence to suggest] your truly capable of achieving such.
Posts: 9434 | Location: Here & There- | Registered: 14 May 2008Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Idaho Sharpshooter:
It always amuses me to see someone come out of the woodwork with this fantastic action based on, your pick:

a. A true Magnum length 98 action

b. A Farky action

They all claim to be well funded, and successful in this business or another one. They all want customers to pay an outrageous sum up front to guarantee an early delivery from the first (emminent) run.

I have trouble understanding the problems they all run into, with the proliferation of CNC machinery that can work to a tolerance of +/- .00001". If Mauser employees could do it 100+ years ago with a toolbox full of files and a hammer and screwdrivers, what is the issue today? Ego, perhaps...?

I am right with RGB here, and I truly wish he would take the plunge. At least he walks the walk.


Im not sure your clear on what "walk the walk" actually means.

If one has noT or will not take the plunge, then they are merely "talking the talk"

Prechtl,Ritterbusch,FZH,GMA,Hagn/H&W,Soroka,Corbon,Searcy,B. Bradshaw - are examples of actually "Walking the Walk"
They actually have made and do make actions, You give your money - you get a product.

They certainly don't have the approach of, sitting on the sidelines telling the world what a potential wonder they are -based on what they can hypothetically do, whilst disparaging what other successful people charge for work actually completed and delivered....Instead, they seem to prefer to remain diligent in fulfilliing their business commitment & obligation to current customers and future potential customers.

When it come to persons like RGB, it would be wise not to take them seriously.
First they quote a price/number of custom M98 actions they really have no intentions of producing[by his own admission he feels they would not sell] which means his figures are meaningless in the real world. and as we discovered, he also has no interest to quote or manufactrue a much lower number of actions more realistic to actual market demand, infact, not even a single sample,...but RGB was self motivated enough to call a person an -asshole-[among other derogatory terms] for politely enquiring about the per unit cost-idea of a lower production run...and bizzarely threaten them with legal action.

as I said before, humorously entertaining if nothing else.
Posts: 9434 | Location: Here & There- | Registered: 14 May 2008Reply With Quote
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Trax- you so remind me of a rectal itch.The problem with a rectal itch is the need to scratch it. Unfortunately while scratching it is deeply satisfying, you find your hands stink afterwards. Kinda like any discussion with you! Annoying, embarrassing and of course caused usually by residual fecal matter ( that would be you) of course the solution is to wipe away the offending material followed by improved personal vigilance to avoid a reoccurrence. We all should refer to you here with a new name. ITCHY in the future as as sign
Of our deep respect for your knowledge and hygienic issues. Bye for mow ITCHY! I'm sorry but I just can't resist your such an assclown!-Rob

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers to do incredibly stupid things- AH (1941)- Harry Reid (aka Smeagle) 2012
Nothing Up my sleeves but never without a plan and never ever without a surprise!
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Originally posted by Robgunbuilder:
Trax- you so remind me of a rectal itch.The problem with a rectal itch is the need to scratch it. Unfortunately while scratching it is deeply satisfying, you find your hands stink afterwards. Kinda like any discussion with you! Annoying, embarrassing and of course caused usually by residual fecal matter ( that would be you) of course the solution is to wipe away the offending material followed by improved personal vigilance to avoid a reoccurrence. We all should refer to you here with a new name. ITCHY in the future as as sign
Of our deep respect for your knowledge and hygienic issues. Bye for mow ITCHY! I'm sorry but I just can't resist your such an assclown!-Rob

Posting this kinda stuff is just plain foolish.....

The Moderators here should really do something about this....reflects badly on the Poster and the site to allow this kinda stuff...
Posts: 1999 | Location: Memphis, TN | Registered: 23 April 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by jjs:
Posting this kinda stuff is just plain foolish.....

The Moderators here should really do something about this....reflects badly on the Poster and the site to allow this kinda stuff...

Trax brings this upon himself.

You have a lance a boil before it will go away. knife


Posts: 14623 | Location: San Antonio, TX | Registered: 22 May 2001Reply With Quote
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Trax brings this upon himself.

tu2 He surely does and has yet to show any HQ actioned rifle he owns.All he is doing is spewing bsflag and trying to discredit Rob .
Posts: 568 | Registered: 14 May 2009Reply With Quote
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If your convinced RGB is so good, Why don't you give him the $200K to build the 100 custom M98 actions he says he can just whizz -up on his CNC.
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If I had a need for 100 left handed actions Id be more then willing to
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Originally posted by Express_Rifles:
If I had a need for 100 left handed actions Id be more then willing to

according to RBG himself, nobody has a need for 100 custom actions.
Posts: 9434 | Location: Here & There- | Registered: 14 May 2008Reply With Quote
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Do your stats here how many rifles per year do you think H&W H&H Jeffrey and the likes put out each year not even they need 100 actions per year
Posts: 568 | Registered: 14 May 2009Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Express_Rifles:
Do your stats here how many rifles per year do you think H&W H&H Jeffrey and the likes put out each year not even they need 100 actions per year

So maybe RGB [who's not even a bespoke riflemaker], should be sensible and not quote a price based on a nonsensical 100 unit production number.
Hell, He himself stated[feared] it wasn't viable. I gather he only quoted so to support his argument that the other manufacturers actions are overpriced.
...considering they do much lower # productions runs, its understandable that they will be more costly.
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Lets see the man Runs and Operates his OWN not works for his own Bio-Tech company rifles are not his bread and butter for him to undertake a project it would have to be worth his wild so id agree on his quote for 100 actions
Posts: 568 | Registered: 14 May 2009Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Express_Rifles:
Lets see the man Runs and Operates his OWN not works for his own Bio-Tech company rifles are not his bread and butter for him to undertake a project it would have to be worth his wild so id agree on his quote for 100 actions

100 actions that the [potential] maker himself does not believe will sell, is not in anyones sensible mind, a viable venture.

The established reputable HQ M98 action makers- do smaller more sensible # production runs, and don't expect the customers money until they have an action finished and ready for delivery.

However, If anyone wants to give RGB $200k upfront to build 100 actions that he has never built before, for a market that does not exist, my guest.
Posts: 9434 | Location: Here & There- | Registered: 14 May 2008Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Express_Rifles:
Trax brings this upon himself.

tu2 He surely does and has yet to show any HQ actioned rifle he owns.All he is doing is spewing bsflag and trying to discredit Rob .

Its not possible to discredit someone for something they are yet to perform-achieve.

So far, any claims RGB has made in regards to him venturing into making 100 custom M98 actions,remain highly speculative- yet to come to fruition...Infact,[based on his pessimistic view of the market], it unlikely that they will ever come into existence.

and for your information, its a well documented history of big talking pre-paid non delivering action makers that promote themselves on the AR forums, that prevent you seeing photos of completed rifles.
Posts: 9434 | Location: Here & There- | Registered: 14 May 2008Reply With Quote
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keep digging your hole my friend just keep digging
Posts: 568 | Registered: 14 May 2009Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by jjs:
Posting this kinda stuff is just plain foolish.....

The Moderators here should really do something about this....reflects badly on the Poster and the site to allow this kinda stuff...

A person like RGB who irrationally at the drop of a hat resorts to repeatedly hurling abuse and derogatory,distasteful statements against people who have maintained civil sensible discourse and line of enquiry, is very much the sign of a weak,desperate,somewhat immature man...who cannot substantiate his case based on sound sensible reason and logic.

RGB questions/disparages the price premium action manufacturers charge for something they actual make and deliver.
But for some reason he cannot tolerate someone enquiring/questioning his self aggrandising hypothetical [unlikely to eventuate] manufacture of 100 custom M98 actions....further to abusing civil demeanor posters, his irrational mindstate is clearly elevated when he then resorts to threatening with legal action based on delusional-imaginary evidence!
...All so humorously entertaining.

I also get a chuckle when someone who does noT and most likely will noT produce any custom m98 actions,..has the hide to disparage those proven reputable makers who do make them and also disparage the customers who buy them.
Posts: 9434 | Location: Here & There- | Registered: 14 May 2008Reply With Quote
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So Trax,
Is your order in for the CORBON?
I believe they would take your money when they have actions built ready to ship?
Posts: 224 | Registered: 30 March 2011Reply With Quote
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Laugh or cry?
A sense of humor is a wonderful thing.
This is getting funnier. animal
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You can buy one fromWild West Guns in Las Vegas. Sitting in the case with all the other guns.

Posts: 45 | Location: Las Vegas, Nevada | Registered: 23 February 2011Reply With Quote
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