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AR reamer central: an idea whose time has come? Login/Join
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I have recently rechambered a 9.3x57 to 9.3x62, and a 458 win mag to the Lott. In each case, renting the reamers and guages has been about 100 bucks. AE has a lot of folks actively engaged in rifle modification and wildcatting.
What if we formed a "reamer central"? All AR members could have access to reamers in the reamer central for the cost of postage. All an AR member would have to do is contribute ONE reamer to the reamer library. eg i could contribute a Lott reamer, idaho shapshooter a 550 reamer and so on. Then if I wanted to have another chamber chamber cut, I could just ask the "library" for the reamer for a couple of weeks. We could ask for someone to volunteer to keep all the reamers; they could be sent out COD as needed by AR members who have conributed a reamer.
What does everyone think? If some people are intersted, lets go for it!
Posts: 523 | Location: wisconsin | Registered: 18 June 2007Reply With Quote
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I like this idea a lot. I would even volunteer to catalog and keep the reamers and gauges although, most likely, I'll be re-locating by the beginning of next year. However, once I'm settled, I'd be more than willing to do this.

FWIW, I have a new, never-been-used PTG 8x68S finish reamer (CIP minimum) and the GO and NO-GO gauges that I would contribute. I plan on using this myself someday but would happily allow any AR member access to it.
Posts: 355 | Location: CO | Registered: 19 March 2007Reply With Quote
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Good idea. It would be even easier just to make a 'AR reamer registry' where folks who choose to participate would state the availability of certain reamers and other registry members could email them directly to borrow them. Would save a bunch of postage, etc., etc. over a central repository.
Posts: 470 | Location: Mountains of Southern New Mexico | Registered: 24 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Postdriver, thats an excellent idea; i will be happy to keep a list; anyone interested can indicate so on this thread. Perhaps this could eventually be a separate AR topic, if enough people register; So far, theres two of us, pinotguy with an 8x68; and I am getting a 500A2 in the near future.
Posts: 523 | Location: wisconsin | Registered: 18 June 2007Reply With Quote
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........An execellent Idea ., I would be in for a 475 A&M around the end of Febuary

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The 577 Belted Magnum Express reamer will be avaliable soon too. but I get dibbs on second Big Grin

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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I CANT BELEIVE NO ONE ELSE IS INTERESTED! Come on guys, lets hear who wants to be part of the AR reamer library?
Posts: 523 | Location: wisconsin | Registered: 18 June 2007Reply With Quote
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i dont like registries related to guns ...
the AR reamers are available, and should someone post that they need a reamer, and i have it, i am likely to loan it, for shipping and/or resharpening fee.

but i won't list out my reamers, thanks

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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Good IDEA, but 7 of the 10 reamers I:ve loaned out either never returned, or were used improperly and needed to be resharpened ) at my expense of course. Some guys are super and some are not. There is usually a gunsmith involved as a third party and they add a third dimension to the problem. Thats why reamer rental groups want the cost of replacement up front. My rule is If I KNOW YOU and have had good dealings with you in the past I will loan you a tool, but that list is very small.-Rob

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Yup...reamers, like all precision tools, are like toothbrushes. I don't lend and won't borrow.

I can see too many things going wrong and the owner getting the short end of the deal.

Good luck with it though.

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........I will loan out mine ,., but I can understand if people don,t want to ..I think the best way is to have the guy who will be using the the gunsmith or machine operator contact the repositor ,And be responsible for it ...It,s a good quick way to find out if the perspective smith is an arrogant ass or a good guy ...If the gunsmith is too cool to be responsible he needs to not get an AR members business .,,. stir

.If it can,t be grown , its gotta be mined ....
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I bought a used reamer from our own "ARBAY" classifieds. When I am finished with it, I will most likely post it there to resell. As I do not intend to build two rifles for the same cartridge. This should be cheaper in the long run for me than doing a rental. If the reamer is still in very good shape after cutting my chamber. It should not cost me much more than the shipping to get it here. The next guy will pay less than I did for it.

I agree with Rob, few people will take care of your stuff as well as you would, and adding an unknown GS into the mix will lower the odds of a good outcome for the lender.


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......What Caliber /???

.If it can,t be grown , its gotta be mined ....
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We Band of Bubbas & STC Hunting Club, The Whomper Club
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i hear you, Jeffeoso, Robgunbuilder; you guys have been round the block.
I dont like registeries re guns either, but we will only be keeping a list of reamers available,listed by everybodys AR handle. For sure, if the feds want a list of people with guns, all they haver to do is look at the AR memjbership! i bet everyone on AR has at least one!
Regarding non-return and damage to the reamers, the only way to police that is by keeping track of that and giving people good or bad reports; thats what keeps people responsible on the "ARBAY".
So far, we have: AR Reamer List

1. Indlovu 500 A2
2. Pinotguy 8x68
3. Gumboot 458 475 A&M
4. Boomstick 577 Belted mag
5. Hogkiller 375 H&H
Posts: 523 | Location: wisconsin | Registered: 18 June 2007Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Indlovu:
Regarding non-return and damage to the reamers, the only way to police that is by keeping track of that and giving people good or bad reports; thats what keeps people responsible on the "ARBAY".

I suggest that anyone thinking of borrowing a reamer be required to put up a deposit equal to the cost of the reamer, said deposit to be held by a third party.
When the renter has returned the reamer (via insured, trackable shipping) in the same condition it was when it was borrowed), the deposit is returned.

It is the only way to avoid loss of the reamer either due to gunsmiths' carelessness or incompetence, or outright fraud.


Posts: 14623 | Location: San Antonio, TX | Registered: 22 May 2001Reply With Quote
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Like I posted above. My reamer will be SOLD, when I am through with it. For way less than a new one. It will not loaned out.


We Band of Bubbas & STC Hunting Club, The Whomper Club
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A sign of the times I guess. I was always brought up you take care of your own stuff, and take care of something borrowed even better then your own.
If someone wants to join me in my sillyness. I have a 375/400 belted nitro reamer. It would be fun to have somebody else with one to compare loads ect.
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Reamers in general are actually pretty complicated tools to work with if your into precision chambering. If not I suggest a boring bar instead.. Believe me the last thing you want is a dull chattering reamer in a $500 blank. I have seen them used and abused by the best in the buisness. Chambers can be reamed in any number of ways and depending on the skill of the person doing the work its easy to dull them or even break them. Been there and done that! In General gunsmiths are not trained machinists and how well they take care of their tools is anybodies guess. I have a boatload invested in custom reamers and constantly get calls about loaning them. Basically, I rarely do it anymore. Good luck though.-Rob

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George S, good point; i would be happy to put down a deposit if i borrowed a reamer; if enough people sign up, we can vote on it.

Robgunbuilder, you definitely know more than I do about reamers. My understanding was that an average reamer, if handled properly, will cut about a hundred chambers; and then it can be re-sharpened. Am I right?If the cost of the reamer were deposited, would you think that might be way for the rest of us to get reamers without paying an arm and a leg?
I also have a friend who has a factory that does EVP on tools to harden them. I believe he uses titanium nitride. Would it be worthwhile getting that done on the reamers? I am almost sure he will do it free.
TSJ, thank you for your interest. You're on the list!

Hogkiller, your preferences noted, I will revise the list.

Any ideas on who can be the third party to hold the deposit?

The list as it stands
1. Indlovu 500 A2
2. Pinotguy 8x68
3. Gumboot 458 475 A&M
4. Boomstick 577 Belted mag
5. TSJ 400/375 nitro

Thanks everyone!
Posts: 523 | Location: wisconsin | Registered: 18 June 2007Reply With Quote
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A reamer can be dulled in a nanosecond so that it won't cut a single chamber. With a cutting fluid pressurized system( fluid pumped from the muzzel through the chamber, thus pushing chips back and out the reamer flutes and with a professional reamer holder and starting with a hole just a little smaller than the chamber, I could imagine cutting 25-50 chambers without re sharpening. In a real pro shop with excellent tooling, yes 100 chambers might be possible, but I have personally not seen it done with a single reamer. You can't predict, you just have to look at the cutting edges under a microscope. Your average gunsmith DOES NOT HAVE THAT KIND OF EQUIPMENT. Many don't cut 10 chambers a year in all calibers. Most don't even know how to store a reamer much less use one properly. More likely a Jet lathe and a wrench to hold the reamer. I've had two dulled beyond all utility just cutting 3 chambers. I'd say 4-5 chambers would be max in the real world. You know its not working when it squeals real loud and you see rings in the chamber with a flashlight. Now what do you do? You wind up shortening the barrel 1.5 inches and starting all over, thats what you do.! Hardening and coating piloted reamers isn't the issue, its chip loading. If you overload the reamer it pushes chips into the cutting edges and poof your dulled out. Since you can't see whats going on, you just have to be extremely conservative and take your time. The real trick is in the cutting fluid, the speed used, pumping system and stopping every .05-.100 to keep the reamer clean. I check the chamber every 3 passes for signs the reamer isn't cutting optimally. It sometimes takes me 4 hrs to cut a chamber for a match .50 BMG for example and that is an easy one in comparison to a .17 Rem. In the end my chambers look like mirrors and I cry when I have to polish them. Remember bubba is alive and well! Just read some of the posts here on AR and these guys are way above average. My bottom line is , If I know you and you are a trained machinist, I may loan you a reamer ( most of these guys offer to have the reamer resharpened at their expense after it was lent out ( Thats what I'd do also), otherwise the answer is a big no way.- -Rob

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Robgunbuilder, thanks very much for your input. looks like this idea may be stiil born! do you think the reamer library would work if the borrowing person had to agree to sharpen the reamer if it was dulled? and how much is re-sharpening, any way? thanks
Posts: 523 | Location: wisconsin | Registered: 18 June 2007Reply With Quote
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The trouble is you change the dimensions of the reamer each time its sharpened. You also only know its dull if you know what to look for under a microscope or when you try to use it. Frankly its a kind hearted idea that in practice will prove out to be a disaster. Keep your reamers close to you and give out only dimensions and permissions for use. Thats what works for me. Lets face it the reamer is far and away the cheapest part of a wildcat big bore. Spending $125 or so isn't a issue if your serious. You had a good, decent idea just not a practical one. maybe someday!-Rob

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers to do incredibly stupid things- AH (1941)- Harry Reid (aka Smeagle) 2012
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Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
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RGB and others have brought up good points, but I would like to see how many would consider chancing their reamer. After all, there are reamer renals, and they take the sam chances!

The list as it stands
1. Indlovu 500 A2
2. Pinotguy 8x68
3. Gumboot 458 475 A&M
4. Boomstick 577 Belted mag
5 TSJ 400/375 nitro
6 Terry Blauwkump


6mm Rem

243 win


257 Robts

270 win


7 x 57

300 Win Mag

300 Wby Mag with altered ( shortened throat)


338 Win Mag

35 Whelan

375 H&H
Posts: 523 | Location: wisconsin | Registered: 18 June 2007Reply With Quote
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The list as it stands

1. [LIST] 500 A2]
2. Pinotguy 8x68
3. Gumboot 458 475 A&M
4. Boomstick 577 Belted mag
5 TSJ 400/375 nitro
6 Terry Blauwkump


6mm Rem

243 win


257 Robts

270 win


7 x 57

300 Win Mag

300 Wby Mag with altered ( shortened throat)


338 Win Mag

35 Whelan

375 H&H

7. bartsche

7mm X 41

7.62 X 41

.358X 41

.375 X 41

8mm X .425WR X 2.5" IMP

.358 X .404 IMP
8. tnekkcc
.45acp throater
7.62x54 [shared]
257 Roberts Ackley [shared]
9x23mm Win
300 Win Mag
.223 .250" neck, short throat .050"
6mmBR .272" neck, short throat for 87 gr Vmax
30 Mauser
12 ga Rem Choke reamer
.469" straight fluted reamer[45acp benchrest]
.380" straight fluted reamer[357 mag benchrest]
Posts: 523 | Location: wisconsin | Registered: 18 June 2007Reply With Quote
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