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what big bore would you use if it were not a wildcat or proprietary cartridge? Login/Join
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if it were avaliable behind every bush and all the majors made factory rifles chambered in it and if it had nostalgia up the ying yang all of your favorite gun writers thought it needed to be elevated to deity status brass and bullets were cheap and awesome with a huge selection ( i think i covered every caveat) what would you shoot?

i think for me it would be the lazzeroni meteor thumb

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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Since being a wildcat or not has no bearing on my using it or not I'm not sure I can answer this one. If I could have any one become a standard the Lott makes the most sense. It's almost there at this time though. That said I would love to be able to buy 470Mbogo ammo at the local stop and shoot store.

My all time favorate Big bore, for now anyway, is the 600 Ok. It has taken deer and will be called to take elephant buff and hippo soon enough. Also if it was available in Africa then the 11 pound weight limit is not such a problem each loaded round is 1500grs (4.66 rounds per lb).

All of this is JMHO of course

Posts: 855 | Location: Belgrade, Montana | Registered: 06 October 2000Reply With Quote
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i think the mbogo would be #2 for me (love the name)

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

*we band of 45-70ers* (Founder)
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416 Hoffman. I honestly don't shoot enough to master anything more powerful. I also like the std sized and weighted actions and guns built to house it.

Yes, I could go to a bigger heavier gun, and certainly more powerful chamberings, but I'd give up magazine capacity, weight on the shoulder and hands, and recoil. I also have no doubt with proper shot placement, a 400 gr 40 will alsways work.

Now what do I have in the safe, a 458 Lott and a 500 Jeffrey. But they are for fun gun's more than serious DGR's. For NA use I'll load the 458 Lott with 400's @ 2400, thus getting the milder recoil of the 416.

The AR series of rounds, ridding the world of 7mm rem mags, one gun at a time.
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.425 Express or .416 Hoffman would fill my requirements qiite nicely.
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hard question...
470mbogo is probably the "best" all around heavy hunting rifle

550 something (one of them)

376 steyr

the steyr is my "lets go huntin' for anything in north america" goto gun...

that is, today


opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
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I would like to see .550 Express ammo (700 grains at 2150 fps) behind the counter at every Wal Mart. And Remington should discontinue the M700 and replace it with a 375 H&H length M98, with .550 Express being one of the available chamberings, also offered at Wal Mart.

Wouldn't life be grand?
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I think that a Remington Model 30S, in 458 Lott, would be perfect. I guess thats why one is standing by the door as I type this. One never knows when there will be a elephant stamped. jump

Hog Killer

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Wouldn't life be grand? because then we'd just want something else that's not available.......we are, after all, never satisfied with what we have.

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Mine would be a .416 Rigby in a Rigby rifle purchased on sale / clearance at Wal Mart. Standard ammo is $8.99 a box.That is since we are smoking stuff nut
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500grains, totally agree but it's not going to happen. Rem will continue to make that crap they call a rifle and that will be that.

It would be great if some major manufacturer would pick up the 98 design and run with it. I've got the equipment to do it and liscense as well. Anyone have some spare change to invest? beer

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In a perfect world I'd be able to pick up a 50 pack of .470 NE's right next to the 100 pack of .404 Jefferys. For $6.00 each. And go plinks jack rabbits all night with them.

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450 Rigby, 505 Gibbs, 500 Jefferey, .500 JRH, and .500 Linebaugh, ,50 BMG.

Maybe 416 Remmington, and, 458 Lott.

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.575 Miller & Greiss -just for fun

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Neal's .550 Magnum. Still might do it, notwithstanding. Smiler


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ya'll NEED a 550, either magnum express or the coming flanged (for doubles)

700gr at 2350, 2150, or 2050, respectivitly


Dan you going to do a 550?


opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
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Hell, I'd just be happy if someone would start makeing some good NE brass that is available any time, for less than $200 dollars each! MAN! I miss BELL! I sure could use some 500/450#1 express brass that I didn't have to make myself! bawling

....Mac >>>===(x)===> MacD37, ...and DUGABOY1
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Since I don't see Wal Mart opening up a custom gun department in the near future (well, maybe in Texas) I think we should be realistic and let them sell what I of course already bought, a plastic stocked .416 Rigby with a low powered scope and rings already attached. Kind of like some of the Savage rifles where it is sold with the scope. Here's mine.


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I'ld stay w/ my .404. It would be great if Hornady or Speer would put up some nice bullets for $30/100. clap

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.470 Mbogo and .500 A-Square.


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A solidly built, sold for cheap, with a left-handed stock, side by side in 404. Don't care if it's sold at Wal-fart or H&H. Wink
First 500 rounds would come with the package. Big Grin

Roger QSL
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The Dakota line of cartridges seem sensible to me and I'd try them out if they were more commonly available.

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Originally posted by Roger:
A solidly built, sold for cheap, with a left-handed stock, side by side in 404. Don't care if it's sold at Wal-fart or H&H. Wink
First 500 rounds would come with the package. Big Grin

Roger QSL

The German gun maker Barella used to make SbS doubles in .404...

Ask Wal Mart if they can make a good price on a Barella .404 jump


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None of the wildcats interest me, they have nothing productive to offer that isn't already available...I am satisfied with the 416 Rem and the 458 Lott if its not enough...I would like to see someone besides CZ make a .404...

Speaking for myself, I see no need for any caliber over 40....

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
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Originally posted by vapodog:
Wouldn't life be grand? because then we'd just want something else that's not available.......we are, after all, never satisfied with what we have.

you are soooo right we'd all be clamoring for belted short mags, cant get enough of those belts and fat high preasure carts. pretty soon cartridges will start looking like funnels with a bit of lead in the end roflmao

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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Originally posted by Atkinson:
None of the wildcats interest me, they have nothing productive to offer that isn't already available...I am satisfied with the 416 Rem and the 458 Lott if its not enough...I would like to see someone besides CZ make a .404...

Speaking for myself, I see no need for any caliber over 40....

o.k. that 416 rem is fine but do you like that belt? how bout making your own since this is a fantasy thread call it the 416 atkinson...

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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470 Mbogo and .500 A-Square.


Same for me, although I could probably be armtwisted into subbing the 550 for the 500 A2.


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.500/416 if I could afford a double.

.404 or .458 Win in a bolt rifle
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I would like to see a factory chambering for 416 remington made by winchester in 1954. Of course it would have to be a supergrade and available at wallymart.
Posts: 914 | Registered: 06 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Roger:
A solidly built, sold for cheap, with a left-handed stock, side by side in 404. Don't care if it's sold at Wal-fart or H&H. Wink
First 500 rounds would come with the package. Big Grin

Roger QSL

That is the first time I ever saw H&H and cheap
in the same sentence. Oh yea this is a fantasy
queston. Big Grin

Semper Fi
STC Hunting Club
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585 gma or 585 nyatie or 500asquare
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470 Capstick. 500 gr .475 at 2400 fps and a SD of .316. Neck up 416 Rem brass and go hunting. Plink with 480 Ruger pistol bullets...plated 325s do 2400 fps with only 55 grs XMP5744. The thinking man's Lott!
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Originally posted by Sabot:
470 Capstick. 500 gr .475 at 2400 fps and a SD of .316. Neck up 416 Rem brass and go hunting. Plink with 480 Ruger pistol bullets...plated 325s do 2400 fps with only 55 grs XMP5744. The thinking man's Lott!

sabot...with the one or 2 thousandths difference can i use cast bullets in the capstick? i can order 475 and 476 dia bullets cast from beartooth bullets. but from my understanding the 475 capstick is 474 will there be any problems if so what? sorry for the slight hijack beer

from my understanding the 476 w.r. and 475 nitro is .476 dia

from midway usa

Cast Performance Bullets 475 Caliber (475 Diameter) 425 Grain Lead Wide Flat Nose Gas Check Box of 100
Product #: 274598
Status: Available Only 3 Available!
Our Price: $35.69

talk about good cheap bullets Wink

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

*we band of 45-70ers* (Founder)
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Boom Stick,

Cast bullets are usually shot .001"-.002" over size, as the will easily swage down for a good fit. They are much softer than jacketed bullets. They also produce lower pressures than the same weight jacketed bullet with all other things being the same.

Hog Killer

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The world famous 585BMF!

Cheers, Dave
Non Illegitium Carborundum

Cheers, Dave.

Aut Inveniam Viam aut Faciam.
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Or, if I HAVE to serious, and the ammo cost problem could be overcome, one of CZs 416 Rigbys.

Cheers, Dave.
Non Illegitium Carborundum

Cheers, Dave.

Aut Inveniam Viam aut Faciam.
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Boom Stick -

They should be good, as you want lead bullets to be .001 to .002 bigger than bore size anyway. If they even went .003 bigger, that is not a lot for a big bore like a 475 with a lead bullet.
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Originally posted by Atkinson:
None of the wildcats interest me, they have nothing productive to offer that isn't already available...I am satisfied with the 416 Rem and the 458 Lott if its not enough.

sorry if it seems that I am on your case.. I aint..

Just want to remind you that BOTH of these rounds were wildcats less than 20 years ago.

the 416 remington was saami'ed (we both george did it earliser) in 1988

and the 458 lott in the 90s....

Or, in other words, these, in terms of the 404 and 505, are snot nosed kids...


opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
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Jeffe, never entered my mind, so rest easy thumb

My contention is the days of the wildcatters have come and gone, been there, used them, lived through it, the factories have answered all the cries and today all they do is reinvent the wheel..

some of the good ones caught on, others died on the vine...

The English and Germans did all that before either of us were born, now the factories are copying them and again the calibers are dieing on the vine...

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
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