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Rigby says they build their rifles on a Merkel shotgun action, the same action as used on the Merkel doubles. So it is true that Merkel shotguns use the same action as their double rifles, because both Merkel shotguns and rifles are built on shotgun actions. You should be ashamed for trying to lead readers of AR to think otherwise. | |||
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500pieces of crap, You need a blanket party. That is the only reason I return to this dead horse. You, a proven shameless liar, make an ass of yourself by questioning anyone's honesty. Go back and read Alf's eloquent post regarding the double rifle action. Follow along with your finger and read slowly, concentrate. You might eventually get it. It is a lie to say that Rigby of Kalifornia builds their rifle on the same actions as Merkel uses in their double rifles. Rigby of Kalifornia uses a Merkel shotgun monobloc and sleeves in the barrels. The Merkel double rifle is a different beast than the Kalifornia Rigby. An action is not complete without the lumps. How many times must this be pointed out to 500farts? Take your finger out of your nose 500booboos and read along with it on the screen, slowly and concentrate: Merkel double rifle: chopper lump barrels (demibloc) complete the action. Action equals receiver plus barrels with integral lumps. Merkel double rifle is an entirely different thing than Merkel shotgun in this regard. Both rifle and shotgun are built like a bank vault. But a rifle cannot be made from a Merkel shotgun action by Merkel. Merkel uses the same receivers quite possibly but shotgun actions are not turned into rifle actions by Merkel. They share similar receivers in various sizes. This topic has been beaten to death. Blanket party for the Nattering Naybob of Negativism anyone? | |||
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RIP, Every time you post in this thread you change your facts and change your reasoning. Earlier you were saying that Merkel shotguns were built on their rifle action. Now you say they are different actions. Not a very credible approach. In any event, with regard to your HOSPITALity, it has been a PRIVILEGE. | |||
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Now Dan McCarty, Tell me and the world what you are insinuating by the bold lettering. You are an incredible liar. Don't want to accuse me of being a drunk anymore? Trying to make up another lie to get my goat? I warn you not to persist in this repeat performance in lying about my character or any stupidity such as your current tease. Last time you tried the "loss of hospital privileges" lie, you erased it before I quoted it. Now you insinuate with a stupid pun? Now this is so stupid it is funny, and hurts me not one bit except to amaze me that you are so weak as to merely try to besmirch my character. But from a spineless excuse for a little boy such as you, it is totally meaningless, and is now preserved for the world to see as your lying insinuation. Your lies have no impact on my life except in the game we play here. And it is getting more fun. Tell me more 500groans, and tell the world. | |||
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Absolutely. 500farts doesn't get it. | |||
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Hospital privileges??? 500groans proves himself a liar by his failure to provide further statements in this regard. Yes, I mean you, Dan McCarty, AKA 500grains. I am waiting. ![]() ![]() It would seem to me that this should be grounds for banishing 500grains from these forums. Libel. Lying character attacks. Malicious misrepresentations. He is now picking up the thread of another lie. So stupid! So weak! Such careless idiocy! Moderators, pay attention. | |||
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Alf, We have been over all that ground before. I am just a simple uncertified mechanic who drinks (in many posters opinions too much) Jack Daniels. I am an imbecile, as I truly know so very very little. Further proof of this statement resides in my continuing posting at AR. However, there is hope with that regard, as I intend to enlighten myself enough to end my pointless posting, forever. Just to share some of the highlights of what I have learned from AR: 1.) It seems I am frequently "spoiling for a fight". 2.) I am "STENCH of troll excement". 3.) I suffer from an "inferiority complex". 4.) My "whole persona of I'm an imbecile and self pity is a crock of BS". Point of clarification - This whole persona, as you call it, was the creation of several posters here at AR (Robgunbuilder, 500grains, jeffeosso, Pecos45, George S, to name but a few). If you do not like the ASS_CLOWN persona please discuss it with them, not me. 5.) "Mr AC, superengineer and sole keeper of all the knowledge on gun steel". Not sure what this is yet, again further proof of my intelletual status of "imbecile". I am trying real hard thought to progress to "moron". I could continue the list, but I am sure you get the point by now. So perhaps I am merely an actor playing a role, to entertain the masses. By the way, and directly applicable to this thread, about four 1/2 years ago or so I did post the results of some stress analysis for an unnamed side by side double rifle (sidelock, double Purdey underbite). Have done the Mauser bolt action too. Stress is completely independent of material, so the arguments about what the gun is made of have no bearing upon the stress calculations (but I think you know that). NO one seemed to like the data revealed by those posts as I recall. Ron, having been ridiculed and libeled here TOO many times to count, I recommend just sitting back and enjoying what they come up with next. It is frequently beyond belief (with the highlight being when they tell you that you have slandered them because you said they libelled you)! ASS_CLOWN | |||
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Ok, I just put my money where my mouth is and handled a Merkel 140 again to see if I was wrong. I had to go to Texas for business so I stopped in Bass Pro. They had a 500 NE. NOT IMPRESSED! The stock has too much drop, there is not pad, the wood looks like ply wood and the action was tighter than ones of those shitty Turkish Huglus. The engraving was super cartoon network looking shit. Either take it off or increase the price $1500 and make it look nice. Good luck with your Merkels. I will never own one that's not pre-war. I have heard it before and I will say it again " The enjoyment of a low price fades quickly, poor quality will last a lifetime. You know the worst part about a Blaser S-2's frame? It's made from Aluminum. You know the best part? It's not a Merkel! | |||
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Ok, that was probably a little harsh. If you like it you like it. Don't mean to insult your pride and joy, I don't think the Blaser is the cream of the crop for under $10K. I think the Chapuis holds that distinction. Then the Krieghoff, then Blaser, then the American guns then of course Merkel. | |||
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Ron Berry, it is truly a pleasure to push your buttons. But I do not understand why you keep having an heart attack about hospital privileges. What's up with that? If you like your Merkel, fine, enjoy it. But please discontinue your misrepresentations concerning its design. | |||
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DC99: Yes you were a little harsh and obviously have a biased opinion! We are all, at times, a little guilty of thinking what we own and use is the best...and that may well be for our individual use...probably more so with a Double Rifle as it needs to "fit" to work well. I have limited experience with Double Rifles and recently purchased my first one a couple of months ago. I handled and shot a Chapius as well as a couple other brands. I ended up choosing a Merkel because it felt better and handled better for me...not because of price...It would not have concerned me to fork over another $1,500 to $2,500 or so if I felt the need to do so... Yes... it did cost about $1,500 less than the others. That may be due, in large part, to the fact that I found a dealer with three in stock which had been purchased a year ago. Merkel has recently raised prices and the difference in pricing between Merkels and others has closed up somewhat. I guess every gun is different....My Merkel, fired at the factory, produced a two shot grouping of .39" at 50 meters. It shoots much tighter grouping and to point of aim than the Chapius I had a chance to fire and has proven (so far) to have better than expected accuracy. I purchased the Model without the excess engraving...and yes that extra engraving did look cheap to me as well. Before I purchased my DR I spoke with alot of folks ...different dealers, etc. they all have their opinion...and I think want to sell something...if they carry a brand or two different types ...they sell those. No Seller is truely independent!!!!!!!!! Good luck with your gun...I am sure it works for you...but we all have our opinions... | |||
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AC, Weren't you the fellow who claimed to own rifles which he did not actually own, such as a .500 AHR, and which you later posted was a fiction? But you were not alone. There was another gentleman who posted pics of a .600 NE that he said he owned, but which turned out to be someone else's rifle for sale on gunsamerica. | |||
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D99, Pretty harsh on the Merkels (though I'm impressed that your Bass Pro carries them). I don't have one, but I like their stock config the best of the inexpensive doubles (but I like a lot of drop on my stocks). I also like how the sights come up and the sights themselves. Plus, the gun looks the most traditional to me. I also like the Searcy and the Rigby. But the combi-cocker and the space gun finish/look turn me off to the Blaser and Krieghoffs. I haven't handled the Chapuis, though the fact that William Larkin Moore and Champlins both like them speaks well of them. I agree that the animal engraving on the Merkels can be cartoonish. Funny that your rankings are so different. Steve | |||
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500groans, Just want to flag your lies whenever you pass another great "button pusher" along the sewer pipe. Sometimes you are just too quick with the edit button and I am unable to preserve your dung for posterity. Real trophy lies sometimes, before you rethink and erase. You are a sick puppy. Probably a pathological liar who doesn't know when he is lying, who comes to believe his own lies, who likes the smell of his own flatus, etc. Yep that is you to a tee. I would like to meet with you in person some day. I will be sure to wear gloves that I shall dispose of afterwards. As for Merkel Envy, it is just too funny. ![]() | |||
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SKL1, I like what I like. Blaser has a different finish on there stocks. They use good wood, the oil or whatever it is finish on the wood is different looking. Even the standard Blaser rifles have nice walnut. I was looking at a D99 standard that had superb walnut. I like the push-to-cock system. It's the safest and everyone needs safety. If you like a scope on your double rifle, then the Blaser is the best system. I need one I am right handed and left eye dominant. I have a hard time with open sights on right handed guns. Scope is totally doable. Mine has a Aimpoint on it. I have another S-2 it's at Westley Richards in Bozeman and I am selling it, but it's a 9.3. I agree that the Blaser and Krieghoff are not very Classic East Africa English double rifle looking. They are Germanic and look Germanic. Merkel is no different. It' doesn't look any more like a Classic English gun than the other two do. If you want a Classic East africa looking rifle for that kind of money there are three places to go: Searcy, Chapuis, or used. The Bass pro in Dallas isn't my Bass Pro. I don't live in Texas. They only had one Merkel rifle and nothing else. Too bad Francotte or Marcel Thys doesn't make a $10K double. Man those things are georgeous! | |||
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Ron (RIP), First let me thank you for the privilege of your hospitality (in your posts). You have filled these pages with name calling and accusations, yet none have substance. Nothing I have posted is anything short of fact (except opinions which are of course opinion). As for your posts, unfortunately you have done a bit of home cooking with the facts, for no discernible purpose (but I have learned to expect that in your posts). Perhaps you just want others to form the same opinions that you have already formed. By the way, empty threats don't tend to get you very far. | |||
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500grains, Very queer. Weird. Odd you are. Please call me a name or something rather than pull a lie or fantasy insinuation out of your ass. I may be obnoxious, crude, rude, whatever, but it is better than you deserve. So how about some more name calling? You are a nasty, prissy, devious dweeb. Liar. Shall we make it pistols at dawn then? Your turn. | |||
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Merkel confirmed that although they only tested the .470 NE for 500 rounds, they have much more extensive test results with their 9.3x74 DR's and have tested them for 5000 rounds fired with no damage to the guns. ![]() | |||
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Really cute 500groans. ![]() What kind of conniving do you have going now? Because I said that Merkel shotguns look like they are built on double rifles, or because I said I thought the Merkel shotguns were built on double rifle actions: This is a lying personal attack on your character that makes me your equal in the dishonesty department??? ![]() In other words I accept the fact that the Merkel shotgun and rifle SXS's are very similar, except that the shotguns are most likely monoblocs with shotgun barrels sleeved in and the double rifles are chopper lump, i.e., forged barrel and lump together. What part of that do you not understand? Sneaky kid you are. Does Mommy know you are playing with the 'puter again? | |||
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500groans, You are not really thinking of suicide are you? Now that your true character has been revealed to the world, I know it is going to be tough to look at yourself in the mirror, but ... hang ... in there. Hint: hang, less messy. | |||
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500 grains: You may have issues with others posting here but it was absolutely a bad decision to post that picture. It is not only "bad taste" but offensive! You should be more considerate of other posters here...show a little respect! | |||
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May I remind you that some 14 year old kid can read every ill word, and every disgusting photo. Please clean this up. I know there are kids that are the lifeblood of our sport logged into this site right now. They don't need to see some asshole with a canoe for a head laying in the dirt. thanks, D99 | |||
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That photo is uncalled for. Doesn't anyone else here just own a double to actually use it. Most of these arguments are nit picking over small details and matter little to 99.9% of owners. | |||
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Alf, JJS, D99 and Nitrox, The photo is in response to RIP's request for a duel, to impress upon him that words have meaning, and the photo symbolizes the end result of the action RIP is fantasizing about. The photo is factual and the physical condition of the person the photo serves to remind RIP what happens when a firearm is discharged into a human being, and that it is inappropriate for him to suggest creating any siutation where a person could be subject to such a fate. Eliminate the reason for the photo and the photo is gone. | |||
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That photo in your post is way out of line. Delete it, please, for the sake of human decency. Mike Wilderness is my cathedral, and hunting is my prayer. | |||
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500 Grains, What were you thinking? Nevermind, it's obvious. There is no way to defend this, just remove it! Jerry | |||
Moderator |
Please remove the photo 1: great for the "Antis" 2: offensive to women and children, unless you want to drive them away from here 3: if someone gets BUSTED at work for images of graphic violence, guess who will be named a defendate 4: it truely is in bad taste to use a pictures of someone's violent death to "make" your point. It's out of line jeffe opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club Information on Ammoguide about the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR What is an AR round? Case Drawings 416-458-470AR and 500AR. 476AR, http://www.weaponsmith.com | |||
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I would suggest taking the highroad on this one, and remove the picture even if RIP doesn't edit his post as you request. As is stated elsewhere, kids and wives also drop by this forum. | |||
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That kid is an odd duck. First he makes up lies. Then a humorous cartoon of a duel is posted in defense of my honor. Now he is shifting attention from the fact that this is all about his lying ways. Rather, the suicide photo is a matter of principle for Odd Duck now. He wants to teach me what guns can do to a cranium? I have seen that kind of stuff first hand. What is he going to teach me? That he can get away with lies. That kid is an odd duck. | |||
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500, the photo is totally uncalled for. A pathectic display. The photo needs to be removed. This thread needs to be moved. | |||
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To get back to the topic. What is the main reason California Rigby's aren't more popular? Is it simple that they are pricer a little higher than some of the competition? If so, are they comparable with the base grade Merkel or Searcy, Chapuis etc or with a higher grade with more options? | |||
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D99, I agree with you on the beautiful wood used in the Blaser S-2's. And I like their dark oil finish. No offense, the Blasers and Krieghoffs are great guns; I just like the looks and configuration of the Merkels better. Also, I agree that the Merkel has a Teutonic look, but the Blaser and Krieghoff receivers look more modern to me (smaller fences/receiver, combi-cocker safety, hood over chambers on the opened Blaser, modern metal finishes). Nevertheless, the Kreighoffs and Blasers are great guns and I'd love to have one. Just that the old-fashioned look of the Merkels, Rigbys and Searcys (though the Searcy has a pretty modern-looking finish, too) are more to my taste. Yes, I know; I'm probably guilty of choosing form over function, but I also do prefer the drop on the stock and the square sights. Steve | |||
Administrator![]() |
Gentlemen: I logged in today to a host of PMs concerning this photo. May I remind all our members that many of us read these forums in a house with children, at work, etc. There is no way this picture relates to the topic at hand. Several moderators asked 500G to remove, many other members did. He didn't , I had no problems doing it. Flak jacket on......... Don | |||
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You know...I thought the picture was in bad taste too but when members of this forum start threatening one another and that is accepted without question .... all bets are off ! JMHO, JohnTheGreek | |||
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DRG: I for one appreciate you taking the photo off! I would have thought 500 grains would of done so on his own...since others had asked. JohnTheGreek: I am with you except for the all "bets are off"... there was just no need to post that picture. I enjoy a good aurgument ...but most of the stuff between RIP and 500 grains is just plain junk. I would think two Professionals could make there points and discuss the merits...without resorting to accusations and threats, etc...we can only be hopeful | |||
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YES, the photo of a taken life was in bad taste but certainly no more so than threatening to actaully take one. People are justifiably critical of 500grains while ignoring the fact that RIP just technically committed assault while cowering behind the comforting veil of internet anonymity. Shame on them both. JMHO, JohnTheGreek | |||
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John, How else do you reason with an unrepentant liar? Maybe the gloves I would take to meet 500groans whilst wearing would not be boxing gloves, but rather kid gloves or white gloves to shake his hand with after he changed his ways. | |||
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