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mrc ph actions scheduled to be delivered feb 08. are you still in? Login/Join
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i talked to the mrc rep and with the new ownership they are going into production for the p.h. actions to be delivered feb 08. there is still a window to get the actions at an intro rate but it has been increased from $525 to $625

so...those of you who ordered one like myself, are you going to still get one or three and what are you going to build?

here is the thread on it in the gunsmithing board

here is his quote...

There have been so many rumors and comments about Montana Rifle Company (MRC) lately and while most have been good there have been some negative as well. We believe most negative comments to either be from a misunderstanding or misinformation about our products.

First of all let me start by saying we are no longer the same company. The overall product line has not changed but just about everything else has. We have new owners; who have a completely new philosophy about the product we are producing along with how we will deal with our customers. The previous thought process was “ We are not building a $2000 action, if you want anything different do it yourselfâ€. While we still believe we are building the starting point for a custom rifle, we also understand the changing dynamics of the custom rifle industry. While there are still a handful of gunsmiths who prefer to build a custom rifle from scratch, there is a large majority who want the action in more of a finished state before they get it. Because each person has a comfort level that they are willing to start with, we have decided to do two things;
1. All actions will have the raceways smoothed and the receiver/bolt squared and lapped. The trigger pull will be set to between 3-4 lbs. The actions will be semi-blueprinted.
2 We are going to offer the actions in different levels of finish (obviously with different pricing structures). The more you want your action “finishedâ€, the higher the price will be. However we will still keep the overall costs below all others actions that are in the same category, as far as features. These pricing increases will begin 6/1/07

One of the biggest complaints we have had is the lengthy time frames to get any of our long and short actions. Let me give you all the assurance that within the next 30-60 days we will have inventory of every variation of action we currently make. Right and left handed, stainless and CM, long and short, standard and magnum. We have made it our mission to provide you with inventory, but also to make that inventory the highest quality we can provide.

Another thing we want to do is help those who feel they had a bad experience with us. For those of you that fall into this category, please give us a call and we will try to work that out on a one on one basis.

The PH and the Mini,……where do I begin? Well first let me start by saying we are going to complete these projects sooner than later. We will be starting with the PH and hope to have it going by SHOT Show 2008. I know….you’ve heard that before, right? Well you’ll either have to just trust me or wait and see. The mini is one we hope to start by mid 2008. We will not be doing these the same way we did the short and long actions, by using customers money to produce them. This time we will be doing it with our own money and will charge the customers on shipment. While we pursued every option available to keep the price of the PH at the introductory offering of $525.00, with the rising costs of steel and machining costs of parts there is no chance that we will be able to fulfill that. The pricing of the introductory offer will be around $625.00-$650.00 This pricing will only be for the customers that have pre-ordered the PH’s and have an order in before 6/1/07. All orders after 6/1/07 will be at regular pricing, around $750-850.

There will be other updates as we grow and we want to thank you for your patronage and especially your continued patience.

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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Nope, $100.00 increase from the promised price for locking in early and a piss poor track record are the reasons. I would rather have a reworked CZ.



Well, other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
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nope.. best of luck to them,

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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will just be ordering 5 instead of 6, caliber not decided yet but really looking into 505 gibbs for most of them

Yes it's cocked, and it has bullets too!!!
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Had 2 on order but not interested now.
Posts: 3071 | Registered: 29 October 2005Reply With Quote
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I Canceled mine about a year ago. The actions are rougher than a cob coming out of the factory and they don't deliver as promised.

I wish them luck but I don't hold out any hopes that they will succeed.

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they will tune them at the factory for a charge but their philosophy is let the customer have the ability to get in with a minimum investment if they want. if they wanted perfection they would just drop the 10K and not think about it. smoothing out an action is one of the cheaper things you could do. it is burgerking...have it your way. it will just be more.

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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I posted this to Jeff on other thread--
"Jeff- I am still wanting some if you can
make the barrel thread a little larger,
as I asked them before. Increasing the
tentative action diameter larger than the
Mauser/Enfield action diameter, while making
the barrel thread smaller than Mau/En isn't
right. We need actions than can handle real
large cases..Nyati/Trex/6ooOK aren't real
large cases, as they go into CZ and Ruger
real easy. I hope you can do this." Ed

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I would be interested but I need to see one first because I have been burned before (not by MRC). Smiler
Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Did not cancel my initial order from about 3 or 4 years ago. Think it would be professional of MRC to honor the original introductory price to those that have been waiting all this time and haven't declined there order. Especially since there are so few of us left- has MRC even met the 4oo orders they originally required for production? None the less I am still interested but I would like to see one first since the mark up in price. R.

Posts: 1049 | Location: Cut-n-Shoot, Texas USA | Registered: 15 January 2006Reply With Quote
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no fool like an old fool...and the price bump of roughly 20% makes me a bit queasy. But, if they look good I guess I am still in. I think a days drive will be needed to pick mine up in person and check the fit, finish, and functionality before the card comes out of my right hip pocket.

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Don't hold your breath!-Rob

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I had two on order.....not that I actually wanted them but to move the process along.....
the fun is diminished and the interest has waned and while I wish the new owners the best, they will have to woo me back after the product is ready for look and see!

I'm not in any more!

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I had cancelled my order, but I am thinking about putting my name back on the list for two actions.


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Posts: 3547 | Location: Wyoming | Registered: 25 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Interesting, I have had a left handed SS long action on order since 26 March.
My dealer called MRC today and they said it would be a "few more weeks".
So much for having everything in stock and ready to ship.

My biggest fear is when I die my wife will sell my guns for what I told her they cost.
Posts: 6664 | Location: Wasilla, Alaska | Registered: 22 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Snowwolfe...I don't have a dog in this fight, but to be fair, Montana Jeff said in his post, dated 5-22, that everything would be in stock within the next 30-60 if what they told you was true you should have it within that time.
Again, I am one to give the new guys a chance to prove themselves...
Posts: 1680 | Location: Colorado, USA | Registered: 11 November 2002Reply With Quote
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To be fair and clear when I placed the order MRC told my dealer the action was in stock and would be shipped within a few days.
I just didnt know a "few" days meant 75-90.

My biggest fear is when I die my wife will sell my guns for what I told her they cost.
Posts: 6664 | Location: Wasilla, Alaska | Registered: 22 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Ok I have emailed and talked to Jeff and
Devin about making barrel thread bigger on
PH Action to match the larger diameter action
and bolt. This is so that the action will
handle my 700H 3.25 case.And other real
large cases. There tentative bolt size
will handle my 700H just fine from my work
on the Enfield. They indicated that they
might do it if they hear from enough folks wanting the larger barrel thread.They have
threading done CNC, as well as other
finish machining, so this change wouldn't
affect them having to have the foundry make
a new action mold. Right now they are
promoting a big PH Action, which they made bigger than Enfield, longer also, but made
barrel thread smaller. In the spirit of
doing big bores,doing smaller thread size
for barrel sizes that is used in traditional
458Win/375HH, etc doesn't promote the
big bore persona.Anyone wanting an action
that will handle a big barrel and cartridge
can't beat the price they are promoting so
if interested please let them know that you
want a larger barrel thread to match the
increase in action size.Ed

Posts: 27742 | Registered: 03 February 2003Reply With Quote
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posted Hide Post offense meant...ddin't understand that MRC had told your dealer that the action was in that case, I agree with you.....MRC set the time for delivery, not you, and they should honor it. Smiler
Posts: 1680 | Location: Colorado, USA | Registered: 11 November 2002Reply With Quote
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Back to the barrel thread size. How many times
we've beat on guys wanting to put Nyati,
Trex, 600 OK, etc in action with Model 70
size threads, Well their tentative thread size
does just that, as they said action was for Nyati, etc. Action is longer, bigger,
a larger bolt, very strong; a great bargain
for price..Please call and ask them to have
barrel thread bigger to match the large
action. Let's make a balanced package.
remember all the threads that condemned
putting the biggies into Model 70
size threaded barrels.Ed

Posts: 27742 | Registered: 03 February 2003Reply With Quote
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I am still keen, I want to do another .585 Nyati and want more meat on the bolt face.
Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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I never canceled my order... delivery is 2/08 but when are they supposed to let us know the actions are in the works and they need money? I guess that is when I will believe this is for real.

On the plains of hesitation lie the bleached bones of ten thousand, who on the dawn of victory lay down their weary heads resting, and there resting, died.

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